Lecture in space

Astronauts teach primary and secondary school students in space
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God 10 astronaut Wang Yaping Beijing time On June 20, 2013, at 10 am, I gave a lecture to students on the ground in space. The space lecture was mainly for primary and middle school students to make them understand microgravity The characteristics of the movement of objects under conditions, Liquid surface tension The role deepens on mass, weight as well Newton's law And other basic physical concept understanding. astronaut On-orbit explanation and experimental demonstration will be conducted, and two-way interaction with teachers and students on the ground will be conducted. [1]
At 15:40 on December 9, 2021," Tiangong classroom "The first lesson begins, Shenzhou 13 Crew member Zhai Zhigang Wang Yaping Ye Guangfu Going to be China Space Station Conduct a lecture in space. Three astronauts will introduce and demonstrate the working and living scenes of China's space station in orbit Microgravity environment Under the cytology Experiments, object movement, liquid surface tension and other phenomena, and with the ground classroom Real-time communication . [9]
The third lesson of the "Tiangong Class" is scheduled to start at 15:45 on October 12, 2022, with the astronauts of the Shenzhou 14 flight group Chen Dong , Liu Yang , CAI Xuzhe Space classes will be offered to young people. [12]
Chinese name
Lecture in space
Foreign name
The Space Lesson
Be the keynote speaker
Wang Yaping
Inner volume
The characteristics of the movement of objects under weightless conditions
Shape formula
Interaction between heaven and earth
First lecture
June 20, 2013, 10:00 a.m (Tiangong-1)

Previous activities

At 10 am Beijing time on June 20, 2013, the Shen-10 astronauts gave lectures to students on the ground in space. The space lectures were mainly for primary and secondary school students, so that they could understand the characteristics of the movement of objects under weightless conditions, the surface tension of liquids, and deepen their understanding of the basic physical concepts such as mass, weight and Newton's laws. astronaut There will be online explanation and experimental demonstration, and two-way interaction with teachers and students on the ground. [3] Wu Ping, spokesman for the China Manned Space Project, said: "Astronauts will for the first time carry out science education activities such as space teaching and earth interaction for primary and secondary school students The Shenzhou 10 A highlight of the mission." [2]
At 15:40 on December 9, 2021," Tiangong classroom "The first lesson begins, Shenzhou 13 Crew members Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu will give lectures from space on the Chinese space station. The three astronauts will introduce the working and living scenes of the Chinese Space station in orbit, demonstrate cytology experiments in microgravity environment, object movement, liquid surface tension and other phenomena, and conduct classes with the ground Real-time communication . [8-9]
In 2022, the Shenzhou 14 flight crew period will be in the" The sky lab module "Conducting space teaching activities in the Tiangong classroom. [11]
On October 12, 2022, the third lesson of the "Tiangong Class" is scheduled to start at 15:45 on the same day, and the astronauts of the Shenzhou 14 flight group Chen Dong , Liu Yang , CAI Xuzhe Space classes will be offered to young people. [12]
太空授课 太空授课 太空授课 太空授课 太空授课 太空授课 太空授课
June 20, 2013 Space class

Teaching situation


First lecture

  • Activity situation
Tiangong-1 Run on schedule Rendezvous and docking On track, stable, equipment working, propellant Such expendable resources are sufficient to meet rendezvous and docking Task requirement and astronaut Conditions of entry. Wu Ping said that the science education activities will be carried out during the operation of the complex, and the specific time will be finalized by taking into account the flight mission arrangement, the rest and rest of the astronauts, and the support conditions such as measurement and control communication. At that time, the event will be broadcast live through the media.
Wu Ping introduced that this science popularization education activity is an attempt to popularize space knowledge by China's manned space activities, and hopes to further stimulate the majority of primary and secondary school students to carry out such science popularization education activities Cosmic space The yearning, the enthusiasm for learning scientific and technological knowledge.
Female astronaut Wang Yaping will be China's first "teacher in space". For her teaching content, Wu Ping introduced, mainly to make primary and secondary school students understand microgravity The characteristics of the movement of objects in the environment, understand Liquid surface tension The role deepens on mass, weight as well Newton's law And other basic physical concept understanding. The astronauts will conduct online explanations and test demonstrations, and carry out two-way interaction with teachers and students on the ground.
"I hope that through this activity, primary and secondary school students will come closer to space, understand space and love space," Wang said.
  • lecturer
Wang Yaping: Lecturer;
Nie Haisheng : teaching assistant and instruction officer;
Zhang Xiaoguang : Camera.
  • Teaching time
Beijing time On June 20, 2013, from 10:04:00 to 10:55:00, a total of 51 minutes. [4]
  • Teaching content
June 20, 2013 space lecture
Teaching content
Teaching process
Wang Yaping space teaching content is mainly to make primary and secondary school students understand the characteristics of the movement of objects in the microgravity environment.
At the beginning of the experiment, the commander of Shenzhou 10 Nie Haisheng First, I did a space meditation.
Reason: Because of the weightless environment, the gravity between the Earth and the astronauts is all used to provide centripetal force, so it can be fixed in the air. ( Newton's first law )
Wang Yaping gives lectures from space
Experiment One: Mass measurement
In the weightlessness of space, ground measurements no longer work. "So, the astronaut wants to know if he has gained weight or lost weight? How do you weigh it?" Space teacher Wang Yaping asked.
In Shenzhou 10, there is a special "quality measuring instrument". Nie Haisheng, the teaching assistant of the "space class", fixed himself on one end of the bracket, and Wang Yaping pulled the spring connecting the motion mechanism to the designated position. When you let go, the tension returns the spring to its initial position. So, you get a test Nie Haisheng Its mass -- 74 kilograms.
Secret disclosure: Newton's second law
Wang Yaping has an explanation for this problem, "In fact, it is Newton's second law F=ma." In other words, the force on the object is equal to mass times acceleration. Mass can be calculated if force and acceleration are known, "a spring CAM mechanism that produces a constant force." That is, the force that just pulled the teaching assistant back to its original position. In addition, a grating speed measurement system has been designed to measure the acceleration of body movement."
Special teacher Luo Xinggao: Using the grating velocity measurement device to measure the speed v and time t of the support reset, calculate the acceleration (a=v/t), you can calculate the mass of the object (m=F/a). Newton's second law is a fundamental law of physics that applies universally in all inertial space, regardless of the gravitational environment of the object, the speed of motion, and therefore holds in space and on the ground.
Experiment 2: Simple pendulum motion
On a T-shaped stand, a small ball is tied to a string. This is a common experimental device in physics classes - a simple pendulum. Wang Yaping pulled the ball to a certain height and then let it go, and the ball was like a demon, swinging at a very slow speed. Wang then nudged the ball with his finger, and the ball began to move in a circular motion around the axis of the support.
Secret disclosure: Weightlessness in space
Expert, College of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Zhejiang University: On the ground, the motion period of a simple pendulum is related to the length of the pendulum, gravity and acceleration. But in weightlessness, there is no restoring force, and the ball remains in its original position. At this point, the string is not pulling on the ball.
Pushing the ball by hand is equivalent to giving the ball an initial speed, and at the same time, the string gives the ball a pull, and the string tension is balanced Centrifugal force The ball moves in a circle around the axis of the support. If there is no string pull, the ball will do Uniform linear motion .
On the ground, the drag of air slows things down, and gravity pulls things down.
Experiment three: Gyroscopic motion
Wang Yaping took out a top and nudged it with his hand. The top was rolling forward and the route was unpredictable. Then she took out another top, stirred it, and nudged it with her hand, and the top flew forward along a fixed axis.
Special teacher Luo Xinggao: rotating Spinning top It has a fixed axis. What is "fixed axis"? That is, when the gyroscope rotor rotates at a high speed, when there is no external torque acting on the gyroscope, the direction of the gyroscope's spin axis in inertial space remains stable and unchanged, also known as stability. The greater the moment of inertia of the rotor, the better the stability; The greater the rotor angular speed, the better the stability. Fixed axis compliance Law of conservation of angular momentum In the absence of external torque, the angular momentum of an object will remain constant. The interference force applied by the astronaut can not produce sustained torque, because of the conservation of angular momentum, the rotation axis of the high-speed spinning gyroscope will not change greatly. And the reason why this is difficult to achieve on the ground is not because of the Angle Momentum conservation theorem It is not true, but because the interference torque generated by the friction between the gyroscope and the ground changes the angular momentum of the gyroscope, so that its rotation speed is gradually reduced, and it can not maintain the rotation direction well.
Experiment 4: Making water film and water balloon
This is the most interesting and amazing experiment for the students.
A metal ring is inserted into the drinking water bag and withdrawn, forming a water film. That's hard to do on the ground, because gravity would tear the film apart. So, is this water film strong? Shake the metal ring gently, and the water film does not break, but throws out a small water drop. Then paste a plastic sheet painted with a Chinese knot pattern on the surface of the water film, and the water film is still intact.
More miraculous moment: On the second water film, with drinking water bags constantly injected water, the water film quickly grew into a crystal clear large water balloon. There are a series of bubbles in the water balloon, and the needle is removed, and the water balloon is not damaged.
Finally, Wang Yaping injected red liquid, the red slowly spread, the water balloon into a beautiful" ruby ".
Revealed: Liquid surface tension
Expert from College of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Zhejiang University: The mutual attraction between molecules in the liquid surface layer is the surface tension, which can make the liquid surface automatically shrink. Surface tension is caused by the great cohesion between liquid molecules, and the principle and size of surface tension are the same in space and on the ground. However, in the state of weightlessness, the surface tension is more obvious. In weightlessness, there is no gravity squeezing between the water droplets, and the droplets form the most perfect spherical shape under the action of surface tension.
Special teacher Luo Xinggao: There is a thin layer on the surface of the liquid and the gas contact, called the surface layer, the molecules in the surface layer are sparse than the inside of the liquid, the distance between the molecules is larger than the inside of the liquid, the interaction between the molecules is expressed as gravity, resulting in the surface like a tight rubber film, the tension force that causes the liquid surface to shrink is the surface tension. The microscopic manifestation is molecular gravity, and the macroscopic manifestation is the tension on the surface of the liquid. When the needle is inserted into the water balloon, the surface tension of the water still exists, so the water balloon is not destroyed.
Teachers and students "dialogue between Heaven and Earth"
In order to cooperate with the space teaching activities, the China Manned Space Engineering Network held a "I ask the astronaut" - a large-scale space teaching question collection activity from May 24 to June 10, 2013, collecting primary and secondary school students' friends Aerospace science and technology , Space flight , space science and astronaut space work, life and other fields of questions.
Thousands of questions have been solicited. These questions, in addition to some of the astronauts or space experts who participated in the flight mission in the later period of the activity to interview, text or "micro-interview" answer, will also be submitted to the three astronauts of Shenzhou 10 in space to answer in the space lecture. In addition, two or three middle school students who are eager to ask questions will be selected to go to the ground to teach in space and interact with the "space teacher" 340 kilometers away.
This space lecture will last 45 minutes and will show and explain the space weightlessness Phenomena, etc. This class will transmit two-way real-time teaching images through Tianlink data "transfer station" to realize video questions and answers between heaven and earth.
Lecture in space

Tiangong classroom

Lesson one
15:40 Beijing Time, December 9, 2021," Tiangong classroom "The first lesson officially begins, which is China Space Station The first space class. On date 60 minutes In the lecture, Shenzhou 13 flight crew astronaut Zhai Zhigang Wang Yaping Ye Guangfu The vivid introduction shows Space station Working and living scenarios are demonstrated in a microgravity environment cytology Experiments, human movement, liquid surface tension and other magical phenomena, and explain the scientific principles behind the experiments. During the lesson, the astronaut passed Video call The form was carried out with teachers and students in the ground classroom Real-time interaction Communicate. [10]
Teaching time
Teaching project
15:40 on December 9, 2021
Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping, Ye Guangfu
1. Display of the working and living scenes of astronauts in orbit
A signal of knowledge from space
2. Demonstration of space cytology research experiments
3. Space turn
4. Buoyancy loss experiment
5. Water film tension test
6. Water balloon optical experiment
7. Effervescent tablet experiment
8. Interaction between heaven and Earth [9]
Tiangong classroom

Lecture meaning

This time Space mission The "space teaching" link aims to stimulate the majority of primary and secondary school students' yearning for space and enthusiasm for learning scientific and technological knowledge, so that primary and secondary school students can approach space, understand space and love space.
As the second country to complete the space teaching after the United States, the space teaching will not only enhance the interest of the whole people in space, but also promote the development of the large-capacity information processing industry from the application Big data era The advent of the world will become a large capacity information processing Industrial development The opportunity. [5]
It also means that China has been able to reach beyond Earth spacecraft Perform for at least 40 minutes Real-time monitoring This means that China already has the right Intercontinental missile Carry out the whole adjustment and Monitoring capability .

Lecture background

Space teaching refers to popular science education activities in space, showing some strange things through the form of interaction between heaven and earth Physical phenomenon . The purpose of the course is to let the majority of young friends to perceive, explore the magic and wonderful space, to obtain knowledge and happiness. Mid-june 2013, China Female astronaut Wang Yaping (female pilot) is the first in China Target vehicle Tiangong-1 Teaching for primary and secondary school students, becoming the first in China" Teacher in space ".
In order to do a good job in this popular science education activity, China Manned Space Engineering Office Ministry of Education, China Association for Science and Technology and China Central Television Other departments carried out systematic and thorough planning of the activity, completed the courseware, teaching AIDS production and ground classroom preparation, and astronauts also carried out relevant training. This activity will be selected during the operation of the assembly, and the specific time will be determined by taking into account the flight mission arrangement, the rest and rest of the astronauts, and the support conditions such as measurement and control communication.
Lecture in space

Foreign situation

In 1986, McAuliffe, an American female teacher, was selected to participate in the Challenger Space shuttle "Teachers in Space" program, but unfortunately crashed and died. Since then, the United States has issued a ban on the participation of ordinary people in space shuttle missions.
McAuliffe, American schoolteacher [6]
In 2007, another American teacher who participated in the selection that year Barbara Morgan Finally follow Endeavour Flying into space, shouldering the triple identity of astronaut, teacher and "McAuliffe's successor", made up for the regret of 21 years ago. [7]
In space, Morgan, 55, gave a 25-minute "space lesson" to her children, with other astronauts as her "teaching assistants" and 18 students in grades 4 to 8 listening on the ground. In addition to being responsible for some professional tasks, Morgan also runs" Space class ", "heaven and earth connection" with the students on the ground, and showed the students in the video Space motion Scenes such as drinking water became the biggest highlight of the mission.