War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

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World War II was an all-out war in which China resisted Japanese aggression
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synonymThe Japanese invasion of China(Japan's Total War of Aggression against China in the 20th century) generally refers to the War of Resistance against Japanese aggression (World War II)
War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (The War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression [168] [167] The War of Resistance refers to the mid-20th century World War II Chinese resistance Japan An invasion of an all-out war of national character. Internationally, it is known as the Second Sino-Japanese War, or the Japanese War of Aggression against China. The war began on September 18, 1931 The September 18 Incident It began and ended on September 2, 1945 [1] The war lasted 14 years. [2]
On September 18, 1931, the Japanese Army attacked Shenyang, The September 18 Incident Outbreak, due to the lack of resistance of the authorities [3-6] As a result, the Japanese invading forces quickly occupied northeast China 7 [8] . On January 28, 1932, the Japanese Army attacked Shanghai, The January 28 Incident It was the first full-scale confrontation and contest between the Chinese and Japanese armies [9-11] . On July 7, 1937, Japanese army Pick it up near Beiping The July 7 Incident The Anti-Japanese War broke out in an all-round way. [166] It was launched by Japan on December 7, 1941 Pacific War Then, on December 9th, Chongqing National Government Officially declared war on Japan. On August 15, 1945, the Japanese invaded Anti-fascist alliance countries Unconditional surrender . [12]
The Chinese battlefield was one of the main battlefields of World War II. The Chinese people's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression was an important part of World War II. Chinese people's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, yes Chinese nation The greatest Patriotic War in history was a just war fought by the Chinese people against Japanese imperialist aggression, an important part of the World anti-Fascist War, and the first war of national liberation in which China achieved complete victory against foreign invasion in modern times.
Given name
War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression [13]
Occurrence time
September 18, 1931 - September 2, 1945 [1]
Ground point
China [14]
China, Japan [15]
Bear fruit
Japan Declare an unconditional surrender [16]
Combatant strength
China more than 7 million (army 5 million, militia more than 2 million), said 5.6 million (the above are the highest) [17] [136]
Japan 4.1 million (peak) [18]
More than 35 million Chinese military and civilian casualties (including 3.8 million military casualties) [19] [137]
More than 1.5 million Japanese troops were killed; 1.18 million puppet troops were killed [135-136]
Chief commander
Chiang Kai-shek , Li Zongren , Mao Zedong , Zhu De (Chinese Commander)
Donor country
America , The Soviet Union Etc. [21]
Foreign name
War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression [167]

War background


Japan's foreign expansion

Japan's war of aggression against China in the 1930s and 1940s was its outward expansion War of aggression The largest of its kind. The war was the result of Japan's expansionist policy, the disparity in national strength between Japan and China, and the international community Appeasement doctrine The consequences of policy and other factors. [23]
1868 in Japan Meiji Restoration After the rapid strength of the national power, Japan began to walk capitalism The road and gradually developed into militarism The country.
The year 1894 The Sino-Japanese War Later, China and Japan signed the" Treaty of Shimonoseki Japan used 80 percent of the 230 million taels of silver it won from China in the treaty to develop its military, began to embark on the road of foreign aggression, and turned the Japanese government into a military power. Mainland policy As a basic state policy. [24]
In 1900, because The Boxer Incident Problem, Japan as Eight-nation allied forces One of the main forces, occupied Tianjin, Beijing, and used the" Treaty of sin-ugly In Beijing, Tianjin area garrison heavy troops.
From 1904 to 1905, Japan was in Russo-japanese War Won the war, conquered the Russian establishment Lushunkou The fortress, and the heavy damage inflicted on the Russian Baltic fleet at the Battle of Tshima, wrested privileges from Russia in northeast China, and further strengthened Japanese ambitions. The unification of Japan and South Korea in 1910 gave Japan Korea as a springboard for its invasion of China.
In 1914, World War I Outbreak, Japan right Germany Declare war, invade. Jiaozhou Bay The German forces then occupied Shandong. In 1915, with Yuan Shikai Sign the" twenty-one It completely replaced Germany's privileges in Shandong. [25]
In 1927, with the rapid development of the Chinese national revolution, Japan, while planning the independence of "Manchu and Mongolia", sent troops to Jinan to stop the northern expedition of the National Revolutionary Army. From June 27 to July 7, the Japanese Cabinet met in Tokyo Foreign ministry Ministry of War and Navy, General Staff Headquarters, Kwantung Army With the participation of experts on China Eastern Conference ", formulated the" China policy framework ", established the first to occupy the northeast, Inside and outside Mongolia And then invaded the whole of China's expansionist policy. Then the prime minister of Japan Yoichi Tanaka And played to the emperor Tanaka Sonata "The only way to conquer war is to conquer Manchu and Mongolia; If you want to conquer the world, you must first conquer the "general strategic blueprint for expansion." The release of the "China Policy Program" and "Tanaka Sonata" marked that Japan's war of aggression against China was inevitable. [23]
On June 4, 1928, Fengshi warlord Zhang Zuolin The private car drove to Huangkutun To the east of the station, the bridge at the intersection of the Jingfeng and South Manchurian railways was shattered by the explosives buried under the bridge by the Japanese in advance, and Zhang Zuolin died of serious injuries. This is the sensation at home and abroad" The Huanggu Tun incident ".
On September 18, 1931, Japan launched the September 18 Incident and occupied northeast China, thus forming the first war source in the East of the world. [26]
918 incident The Japanese army occupied Shenyang city wall
On November 25, 1936, Japan and Germany signed a treaty in Berlin. Anti-comintern Agreement The following year, Italy also joined the agreement, forming the "Berlin - Rome - Tokyo" Axis powers Alliance, marking the formal establishment of the world Fascist aggression alliance.

Japanese economic crisis

It was started by the United States in October 1929 Economic crisis Engulfing the capitalist world. Japan suffered a heavy blow in the crisis, the national economy lost money, gold continued to outflow, industrial contraction, agricultural crisis. In order to get rid of the deep troubles caused by the world economic crisis and divert domestic attention, Japan embarked on the road of aggression militarism China stepped up its established policy of aggression against China.

International environment

After the September 18 Incident, the international situation underwent profound and complex changes, especially the actions taken by major countries in response to Japan's aggression against China Appeasement policy Objectively, it connived at the development and interconnection of the world fascist forces. [26-29]
The Chinese government had pinned its hopes on what was then the world's largest international organization League of nations . Yet Western politicians are so focused on Europe that they have not come to China's aid. The appeasement attitude of the League of Nations made Japan no longer afraid of the international community, and it sent a wrong signal to Japan, and Japan, having tasted the sweetness, went further and further on the road of aggression.
The United Nations investigation team investigates the bombing of the South Manchurian Railway

Both camps


Principal leader

  • China
Mao Zedong :1935年12月,毛泽东在中央政治局会议上作《 On the strategy of opposing Japanese imperialism The report clarified the Communist Party of China's anti-Japanese national united front policy. In May 1938, he published the book The strategic problem of anti-Japanese guerrilla war ". [48] After the Soviet government declared war against Japan on August 8, 1945, he joined forces Zhu De iso-leader The Eighth Route Army , The New Fourth Army Carry out strategic counterattacks until the final victory of the Anti-Japanese War. Go by Fourteen years of Anti-Japanese War [132] The army led by the Communist Party of China, the militia and the liberated areas (the anti-Japanese base areas were renamed the liberated areas in 1944) have been greatly developed. [30]
Chiang Kai-shek Born in Fenghua, Zhejiang Province, he went to Japan to study after graduating from Baoding Military Academy in 1907. After the establishment of Nanjing National Government, he successively served as president of Huangpu Military Academy, President of the Executive Yuan, chairman of the Military Commission, chairman of the National Government, and President. [131]
  • Japan
Showa Emperor : Real name Hirohito, title Di Gong. Japan The 124th Emperor Army and navy Grand marshal , fascism He reigned from 1926 to 1989 and was the longest-lived and longest-serving Japanese emperor, reigning for 63 years. Hirohito invaded China and launched a war against Japan Pacific War With the highest responsibility, he played a decisive role in formulating Japan's strategy for invading China. Published in August 1945 The edict to end the war On behalf of the Japanese Empire, unconditional surrender to the Allies. Due to the intervention of the United States, the trial was exempted after the war, and the imperial system was preserved. During the post-war reign, Japan's economy developed rapidly, which contributed to the prosperity of Shenmu.
Hideki Tojo , Japanese militarism He was the fortieth Prime Minister of Japan (December 30, 1884 - December 23, 1948) during World War II Class A war criminal Invade China and launch Pacific War One of the most important criminals. Emperor Showa's most loyal and foolhardy lieutenants. In the Kwantung Army is known as the razor general, Japan's first military Ishihara smiled Because of his limited intelligence, he was called Private First Class Tojo. He was relieved of all duties in 1944 for incompetence in command. On September 12, 1945, he attempted suicide and was imprisoned. November 12, 1948, by International Military Tribunal for the Far East To impose the death penalty for crimes such as waging war, invading other countries, or crimes against humanity; It was executed on 23 December Death by hanging .

Chief general

  • Chinese generals
  • The National Revolutionary Army
  • The Communist side
  • Japanese generals
  • Other war criminals

Comparison of forces

At the time of the July 7 Incident, China's army had 182 infantry divisions and 46 independent brigades, 9 cavalry divisions and 6 independent brigades, 4 artillery brigades, 20 independent regiments and a small number of other special forces, with a total strength of about 1.7 million people. [138]
On the eve of the July 7 Incident, the Japanese Army had 17 standing divisions, 4 mixed brigades, 4 cavalry brigades, 5 field heavy artillery brigades, 3 tank wings (including tanks and armored vehicles), 16 flight wings (54 squadrons), and more than 10 garrison units (equivalent to infantry brigades), totaling about 380,000 people. In addition, under the complete conscription system, Japan has a reserve of 738,000, reserve of 879,000, the first supplementary army of 1.579,000, the second supplementary army of 905,000, a total of 4.1 million people. [138]
Before the outbreak of the all-out War of Resistance, the Chinese Navy had a total of 120 ships with a total displacement of about 110,000 tons, but the actual combat ships were only more than 60 with a displacement of about 60,000 tons. [138]
Japanese navy At that time, there were 285 active ships with a total displacement of 1.153 million tons, ranking third in the world. [138] These included four aircraft carriers, nine battleships, and 12 heavy cruisers. In addition, two battleships and two aircraft carriers are under construction.
At that time, the Chinese Air Force had a total of 600 aircraft, of which only 305 were combat aircraft, and because of its dependence on imports, only 223 could be put into combat at the outbreak of the war of Resistance, a total of 31 squadrons. Due to the lack of spare parts, the combat consumption was too large, and less than a year after the war, only 126 aircraft were left to fight, and 104 more were added later. [138]
The air Force of Japan is divided into the Army and the navy, and there is no independent air force. The Army has 54 combat flight squadrons and the Army Air Corps has about 960 combat aircraft. The Japanese Navy has 640 ground-based and carrier-based combat aircraft. [37]

Course of war


Local Anti-Japanese War

  • The stage of the rise of local Anti-Japanese War (January 1932 - December 1932)
On the night of September 18, 1931, the Japanese Army attacked the Beida Camp in Shenyang, and the 918 Incident broke out Zhang Xueliang Adopt a policy of "no resistance" [3-6] The Northeast quickly fell, most of the Northeast army withdrew to Jinzhou, and Zhang Xueliang also moved the Liaoning provincial government to Jinzhou. After the Japanese army captured Qiqihar, it turned around and attacked Jinzhou. On December 25, the central government of Nanjing ordered Zhang Xueliang to defend Jinzhou and actively resist, and Zhang Xueliang also said that he would "try his best to defend Jin." On January 1, 1932, the Japanese Army attacked Jinzhou, but the Northeast Army finally withdrew from Jinzhou with a posture of "non-resistance" [8] . Due to the "non-resistance" policy of the authorities, the Japanese invading army quickly occupied northeast China and fabricated it The "Manchukuo" . On March 9, 1932, Puyi arrived in Changchun Kwantung Army Under the director, assumed the "ruling" of the puppet Manchukuo.
At midnight on January 28, 1932, Commander of the Japanese Navy's First Foreign Fleet Koichi Shiozawa Commanding the Marines to raid Shanghai Zhabei in three ways, The January 28 Incident (i.e. Anti-Japanese War in Shanghai ) Erupt. Stationed in Shanghai 19th Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army ( Yue Army In general command Jiang Guangnai , army chief CAI Tingkai Under the command of the resistance, to give the Japanese to head on. The Japanese army bombarded our army positions and homes, shops, launched four general attacks, but were defeated, Jiang Guangnai commanded the army in Zhabei, Jiangwan, Wusong, Caojia Bridge, Liuhe, Eight Bridge area launched a number of battles, the Japanese army has four times to change the general manager, nearly ten thousand casualties, a heavy blow to the Japanese imperialist aggression against China [11] 10 - . therewith Zhang Zhizhong The Fifth Army of the Central Army reinforced Shanghai, and the two sides were locked in a stalemate. On February 28, ministers from Britain, France and the United States intervened. On May 5, China and Japan signed the agreement Shanghai truce agreement ", provisions of China National Revolutionary army Japan obtained the right to garrison troops in Shanghai, and in June, all the Japanese warlords returned to the Japanese leased territory.
CAI Tingkai, commander of the 19th Route Army, inspected the front line
The Jan. 28 Songhu War of Resistance was one of the important starting points of the 14-year War of Resistance. It was the first comprehensive confrontation and contest between the Chinese army and the Japanese Army, and it was also a battle that dealt a heavy blow to the Japanese Army in the stage of local resistance. It contained the arrogance of the Japanese army, fought for valuable preparation time for the comprehensive resistance, and was the whole nation Anti-japanese national salvation Movement The first climax was unprecedented, and the heroic resistance of the Chinese soldiers and the rout and escape after the 918 incident were completely different from the weather, which swept away the depressed mood of national destruction that permeated the whole country. [9] [38]
  • Stage of development of local Anti-Japanese War (January 1933 - July 1937)
On January 1, 1933, the Japanese Army began to invade Shanhai Pass He pointed the finger of aggression at North China.
May 1933, original Northwest Army general Feng Yuxiang Established in Zhangjiakou The people of Chahar resist the Allied Forces . On May 31, China and Japan signed the" Tanggu Agreement The National Revolutionary Army withdrew Rehe and The eastern part of Hebei Province Japan opened the door to North China. In November, the Kuomintang 19th Route Army generals launched Fujian incident The incident ultimately failed, and Chiang Kai-shek revoked the designation of the 19th Route Army. [39]
The people of Chahar resist the Allied Forces
In 1935, Japan planned to manufacture North China Incident In an attempt to turn North China into the second The "Manchukuo" ; On June 11th, Mijiro Umezu Proposed a memorandum on the question of North China; On July 6th, He Yingqin The reply fully acknowledged the requirements of the Japanese side and effectively formed the" Hemet agreement ".
The Great Wall Resistance War
On August 1, 1935, the Communist Party of China issued a document entitled To all compatriots for the anti-Japanese salvation of the country "(" August 1st Declaration He called on all political parties, all social strata and all armies to unite, stop the civil war and resist Japan in unison. [40]
Foreign Minister of Japan, 5 August 1935 Hirota Hirotaki Put forward Three principles on China . In September, Japan once again created public opinion, demanding "the autonomy of the five provinces of North China (Chahar, Suiyuan, Hebei, Shanxi, and Shandong)." On November 25th, the Japanese instigated, by Song Zheyuan chairmanorial Jichai Government Affairs Committee Established.
On December 9, 1935, students in Peiping held a anti-Japanese national salvation parade to oppose Japanese imperialist aggression. The September 12 Movement Set off a new upsurge in the national anti-Japanese salvation movement, and promoted Anti-japanese national united front The establishment of. [41]
Japan took place on February 26, 1936 The February 26 incident , Japanese fascists A military dictatorship was formed.
In April 1936, Lu Xun The popular literature of the national revolutionary war.
In May 1936, Soong Ching-ling , Shen Junru , Zou Taofen , Tao Xingzhi , Zhang Naiqi And other patriotic democratic activists initiated the establishment National Salvation Union from all walks of life . Subsequently, the CPC Central Committee issued the" Armistice negotiation and unified anti-Japanese electricity "And gave up the slogan of" anti-Chiang Kai-shek and anti-Japanese ".
From June to September 1936, local forces within the Chinese National Government and the Chinese Nationalist Party broke out The Guangzhou-Guangdong Incident The incident almost triggered a civil war, but ended peacefully with a political compromise between the two sides.
On September 1, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued an intra-Party directive, clearly stating that the Party's general policy is" Force Chiang to resist Japan ". [44] 42 -
On December 12, 1936, Zhang Xueliang , Yang Hucheng launch Xi 'an Incident . Zhang and Yang jointly issued a telegram, and put forward eight anti-Japanese propositions, such as reorganizing the Nanjing government, stopping all civil wars, and opening the patriotic movement of the people. Chinese Communist parties Zhou Enlai Waiting until Xi 'an, to participate in negotiations, forced Chiang Kai-shek to make a stop to the "Communist", united The Red Army Japan and other six commitments. [45] 蒋介石接受了中国共产党关于合作共同抗日的主张, Anti-japanese national united front It was initially formed and laid the foundation for the realization of the national War of resistance. At the same time, Chiang Kai-shek began to comprehensively accelerate the political, military, and economic preparations for the war of resistance, including the construction of three defense fortifications in the area from Shanghai to Nanjing, and the importation of large quantities of German equipment to arm the Central Army. [46]
The Xi 'an Incident was resolved peacefully
On February 15, 1937, Third Plenary Session of the fifth Central Committee of the Kuomintang Hold a meeting Soong Ching-ling He and others jointly put forward the "restoration of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's three major policies to unite Russia, unite the Communist Party, and help farmers and workers"; The Congress basically determined the principle of stopping the civil war and implementing cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and the anti-Japanese national united front took initial shape. [47]
On April 16, the Meeting of Japan's foreign, land, maritime and Tibetan ministers decided on the "Strategy for China" and the "Guidelines for Guiding North China".
The situation before the outbreak of all-out War of Resistance

All-out war of resistance

  • Strategic defense stage (July 1937 - October 1938)
It was started by Japan on July 7, 1937 The Lugou Bridge Incident China launched a full-scale war of aggression against China, the Chinese army and people rose up to resist, the anti-Japanese national united front was formally formed, and China set off the climax of the whole nation's resistance. On July 16 and 17, the Supreme Commander of the Republic of China Chiang Kai-shek In Lushan has published" Chiang Kai-shek's Statement on the Lushan War of Resistance "And called on the whole nation to resist war; On July 31, Chiang Kai-shek issued a Letter to All the Soldiers of the Anti-Japanese War, declaring that the war had broken out in an all-out manner.
Distribution of War zones of the National Government (1937)
On July 28, 1937, the Japanese Army stormed Beiping Nanyuan The garrison commander, Deputy commander of the 29th Army Tong Linge And commander of the 132nd Division Zhao Dengyu Martyred in succession. The next day, Peiping fell. On the 30th, Tianjin fell.
The Nationalist government set a general policy of "space for time, small victories for big victories", and Chiang Kai-shek took the initiative to counterattack in Shanghai in order to change the direction of Japanese invasion from north to south to east to west, so as to facilitate long-term operations.
The Communist Party of China formulated in Guerrilla warfare The policy of organizing and developing guerrilla warfare into mobile warfare with the increase of its strength, and finally defeating the enemy. [48]
In the early days of the war of Resistance in 1937, CAI Yuanpei with Li Linyu And other well-known figures in Shanghai cultural circles jointly organized the establishment Shanghai Cultural Salvation Association Actively organize and mobilize cultural circles and the public to participate in the anti-Japanese national salvation movement. CAI Yuanpei, Li Linxu and other founding members of the Shanghai Cultural Salvation Association jointly issued a long statement with presidents and professors of major universities across the country to expose the criminal atrocities of the Japanese army deliberately destroying Chinese educational institutions, and organized the International Publicity Committee under the National Salvation Association to expand external publicity and win the support of people around the world. [49]
Anti-japanese Confucian general Li Lin like [50]
Li Lin seems to be the same Shanghai anti-enemy support association The main members of the The organization was legally designated by the national government authorities as the "highest organization" of the anti-Japanese salvation groups in the city, and carried out a lot of anti-Japanese support work in leading and coordinating various social organizations and salvation groups in Shanghai, especially during the "August 13" Shanghai Battle, but also played an active role in cooperating and supporting front-line operations. [51] 50 -
On August 13, 1937, the Japanese army at the Shanghai Railway Station was first bombed by the Chinese army, although the Japanese side sent the Shanghai expeditionary force (increased to 500,000 men three months later) and began to attack Shanghai. In turn, the Republic of China sent the elite Central Army and a large number of inland provincial troops (including Sichuan army , Yunnan Army , GUI Jun , Yue Army , Hunan Army A total of 700,000 people, and the Japanese bloody battle for three months to smash its "March death of China" strategy, this is Battle of Songhu (The Second Shanghai War of Resistance) [52] . The commander of the Third Theater command at the Battle of Songhu, Sir Feng Yuxiang After Chiang Kai-shek himself concurrently. August 14," Declaration of self-defense by the National Government "Was officially published, which is an important symbol of China's transformation from local resistance to comprehensive resistance.
Garrison positions in the Battle of Songhu
On August 20, 1937, the Chinese Nationalist government and The Soviet Union The Government signed the" Sino-soviet non-aggression pact Adoption of the Treaty The Soviet Union Direction of government China Provided material assistance, dispatched in November 1937 Soviet Air Volunteer Corps Fighting in China.
On August 22, 1937, the Military Committee of the National Government officially announced the reorganization of the Red Army as Eighth Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army (Renamed 18th Army on 11 September). Subsequently, the main force of the Eighth Route Army Zhu De , Peng Dehuai Led by the North China anti-Japanese front.
In mid-September 1937, Battle of Taiyuan The 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army ( teacher Lin Biao Deputy teacher Nie Rongzhen achieved Battle of Pingxingguan The victory of the Japanese army broke the myth of invincibility. [164]
On September 22, the Kuomintang Central News Agency publish The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a declaration on cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party " [130] . The next day, Chiang Kai-shek published a book 对中国共产党宣言的谈话 Recognizing the legitimate status of the Communist Party of China, The second cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party Officially formed. On October 12, the two parties reached an agreement to reorganize the Red Army and Red Army guerrillas in 14 regions in eight provinces in the south The new Fourth Army of the National Revolutionary Army (New Fourth Army for short), Ye Ting As army commander, Xiang Ying As deputy commander.
On October 13, the Japanese Army launched a full-scale attack on the defensive positions of the Xinkou defenders, and the Battle of Xinkou broke out. The Chinese defenders resisted tenaciously, regained their positions, gained and lost them, and the fighting was extremely fierce. In the days of fighting, the Chinese army inflicted heavy casualties on the Japanese army and suffered heavy casualties themselves. Hao Mengling, Jiang Yuzhen and other generals died heroically in fierce battles.
In the Battle of Xinkoukou, the 115th Division and the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army attacked frequently in the enemy's flank and rear, so that the Japanese side was seriously threatened and could not get food and ammunition supplies in time. The 129th Division successively fought the battles of Seven Eons Village, Guangyang and Huangyadi, and won the victory. These battles were in direct coordination with those of friendly Kuomintang forces. [165]
On November 20, 1937, the Chinese National Revolutionary Army was forced to retreat after suffering 250,000 casualties, and Shanghai fell. [139] On the same day, the government of the Republic of China immediately announced that the capital and all government agencies would be moved from Nanjing to the secondary capital of Chongqing, while the military operations center would be moved to Wuhan until after the war.
Battle of Songhu After the loss, Japan Central China Front Army Attacking Nanking, the capital of the Republic of China, The Battle of Nanjing Shooting.
At the end of 1937, after the fall of the capital Nanjing, the nationalist government of the Republic of China continued to resist. But because the chairman of Shandong Province Han Fuji The desertion caused the Yellow River defense line to fall and most of Shandong to fall. Chiang Kai-shek had him shot.
On December 13, 1937, after the Japanese army occupied Nanjing, a shocking incident occurred at home and abroad Nanjing Massacre As a means to destroy the morale of the Chinese people, about 300,000 innocent Chinese were brutally killed by the Japanese army. The commander who ordered the massacre was Ishien Matsui .
In February 1938, the Japanese North China Front attempted to move south to join the Central Chinese Expeditionary Army. Chinese National Revolutionary Army in Israel Xuzhou As the center of the area with the Japanese fierce battle, Shi said Battle of Xuzhou . In March, Commander of the Fifth Theater Li Zongren Lingchuan Legion Wang Mingzhang The army defended Tengxian County, because there was no reinforcements, Tengxian County was lost, Wang Mingzhang Unfortunately, the division commander was hit by several bullets and died on the spot. Li Zongren's team to the Northwest Army Sun Lianzhong The twenty-sixth Route Army fought repeatedly with the Japanese at Tai 'erzhuang, north of Xuzhou, to the northwest Army Zhang Zizhong Department fifty-ninth Army and Pang Bingxun The army covered Taierzhuang's right wing Linyi battlefield to the central Army Tony Tonber The army rolled against the Japanese side of Taierzhuang, and finally won the battle of Taierzhuang, which became the biggest victory of the Republic of China since the Anti-Japanese War, killing more than 10,000 Japanese soldiers, the Japanese elite 10th Division was destroyed, and the elite 5th Division was heavily damaged. However, the Japanese troops on the north and south lines continued to increase, and this victory did not reverse the situation on the Xuzhou battlefield.
Battle of Xuzhou Chinese garrison street fighting
On May 19, 1938, the Japanese army occupied Xuzhou and on June 6 occupied the capital of Henan Province Break a seal . On June 9, Chiang Kai-shek ordered in Huayuankou Burst the dam on the south bank of the Yellow River, known as the Yellow River Huayuankou burst the dike . Although this temporarily blocked the Japanese army from advancing south, it also caused large-scale flooding in the lower Yellow River, more than 800,000 people were drowned, millions of people were displaced, and the formation of a flood area of famine for years. [143] After the fall of Eastern Henan in 1938, the Communist Party of China led the people of Eastern Henan to establish Shuidong anti-Japanese base area , proceed National revolutionary war . [53]
June to October 1938 Battle of Wuhan It was the largest, longest and most annihilated battle in the strategic defense phase of the War of Resistance against Japan. The number of Japanese soldiers involved in the war was more than 350,000, the Chinese army was 1.1 million, and the Japanese paid 150,000 casualties in the war (say more than 200,000) [142] The cost, and thus the loss of strategic offensive capabilities. [140] Corps commander Xue Yue directorial Wanjialing victory Killed more than 3,000 enemies. [141] October 21st, in Daya Bay Landing Japanese troops occupied Canton, commander of the 7th Theater Command Yu Hanmou The department retreated to the northern Guangdong region. On October 27th, Three towns in Wuhan Completely overrun. The center of operations of the Chinese Nationalist Government moved to Chongqing to continue the resistance. Soviet Air Volunteer Corps Took part in the air battle to defend Wuhan. In the Battle of Wuhan, which lasted more than four months, the Chinese army suffered 400,000 casualties, and the Chinese army and people ushered in the war with great sacrifice Strategic stalemate Stages. [54] [142]
The situation in the early period of the outbreak of the War of Resistance
  • Phase of strategic stalemate (October 1938 - July 1943) [55]
After the fall of Guangzhou and Wuhan in late October 1938, the national War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression entered a stage of strategic stalemate. In view of the overstretched front and insufficient troops, Japan was forced to adjust its policy of invading China and gradually used its main forces to attack the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army behind enemy lines, while adopting a policy of political seduction against the Kuomintang government. Battlefield behind enemy lines It gradually became the main battlefield of the War of Resistance against Japan, and assumed the responsibility of leading the Chinese people to defeat Japan alone.
On December 29, 1938, he was lured by the Japanese government to become the head of the pro-Japanese faction in the National Government Wang Jingwei Open surrender, in Vietnam issued" Vivid electricity "Response Guards statement He proposed to "restore peace" with Japan. As the second most powerful man in China at the time, Wang Jingwei's remarks at the height of the war were seen as an open treasonous surrender, and the morale of the Chinese resistance suffered a huge blow. [56]
On January 1, 1939, the Central Committee of the Kuomintang passed a resolution to permanently expel Wang Jingwei from the Party and dismiss him from all posts. On January 24, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China telephoned the KMT, expressing support for the sanctions against Wang Jingwei, and calling for further strengthening the unity of the two parties, as well as the anti-Japanese parties and the people of the whole country, in order to crush the intensifying Japanese conspiracy to divide China. [146]
On May 31, 1939, Wang Jingwei and Japan agreed on issues related to the establishment of a pseudo-central government. [145]
From October 25 to December 8, 1939, the Japanese army concentrated more than 20,000 troops Shanxi-chahar-hebei border area Make a winter offensive. The troops and civilians in the border area fought back, fighting 108 times, killing more than 4,000 enemy troops, and killing the Japanese lieutenant General and brigade leader "General Flower". Abe Keisu And achieved a victory against "mopping-up". [144]
On December 30, 1939, Wang Jingwei secretly signed the "Guidelines for the Adjustment of Japan-China New Relations" and the "Secret Agreement of Understanding" with the Japanese side in Shanghai. [145]
With jujube battle Japanese iron armor car
In September of that year, Nazi Germany Army direction Poland Undeclared war, triggering France and Britain to declare war on Germany, marked Appeasement policy The bankruptcy of World War II It's official. Due to the rapid attack of the fascist countries, there is a widespread pessimistic tendency in China. Under such circumstances, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party launched different forms of propaganda to encourage the morale of the Anti-Japanese War. Xue Yue acting commander of the Ninth Theater Command, the Japanese immediately launched a sweep of the outer Chongqing in 1939 and 1940 respectively Fight with the date and The Battle of Zaoyi I hope the national government will surrender as soon as possible. In the campaign that threatened the wartime secondary capital of Chongqing, the commander of the 33rd Group Army of the National Revolutionary Army Zhang Zizhong The general died.
On March 30, 1940, Wang Jingwei, vice president of the Kuomintang, came to Nanjing under the protection of the Japanese. Hoan Tu "The name of the establishment Wang puppet national government .
Three times Battle of Changsha Dealt a major blow to the Japanese army, especially Xue Yue's command The Third Battle of Changsha Annihilated more than 50,000 Japanese troops. This changed the morale of the Anti-Japanese War in China. [147]
The battlefield behind enemy lines began to be occupied mostly by local Kuomintang troops. In addition, there were anti-Japanese groups such as the people and the Communist Party, and the areas behind the enemy lines also became the spheres of influence of the anti-Japanese armed forces. With Japan's massive sweep behind enemy lines and the destruction of "Jingwei" Curve to save the nation "The effect of strategy, National Revolutionary army The area of control behind enemy lines was greatly reduced, and the Japanese did not have enough troops to hold these areas for long. The Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army used their flexible guerrilla warfare skills to survive and became a sharp knife inserted behind enemy lines, making the Japanese restless. The Communist Party of China became an important force in guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines. By 1940, the Eighth Route Army had grown to 400,000 men and the New Fourth Army to 100,000 men, with anti-Japanese base areas with a population of about 100 million. [148]
On August 1, 1940, the Japanese government published the Outline of Basic State Policies. External phase Yoright-hand Matsuoka Advocate the establishment of the so-called" Greater East Asia Co-prosperity sphere ".
On 20 August 1940, the Eighth Route Army was launched Great Battle of a hundred regiments , then Japanese army Carry out Vigilante campaign The Japanese forces in North China reached 470,000 and were concentrated Puppet regime All the troops ready to fight. Baojia system "To break off Communist Party of China Contacts between the army and local militias, the establishment of no man's land, and the conduct of the most barbaric and brutal" Three-light policy "And even use violations International law the Biological and chemical weapons To fight. Communist Party of China In the face of the pressure of the Japanese mopping-up, the entire army implemented a strategic shift, divided into pieces to retain strength, and carried out various forms of combat anti-mop-up Struggle, as famous Tunnel warfare , Mine warfare , Sparrow warfare , Sabotage operations Let's wait. In three and a half months, the Eighth Route Army engaged in 1,824 battles, killing, wounding, capturing, and defecting to the Japanese puppet army 46,480 people. Great Battle of a hundred regiments Shattered the Japanese army's" Cage policy It greatly consumed the effective strength of the Japanese army and enhanced the confidence of the army and people throughout the country in the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.
The hundred regiments of the Eighth Route Army captured the Japanese stronghold
September 27, 1940," Treaty of the Triple Alliance between Germany, Italy and Japan In... Berlin Signed, fascist Axis powers Formed. Wang Jingwei took office in Nanjing on November 29 Wang puppet national government Chairman. The next day, Japan and Wang Pseudo officially signed the" Treaty on basic relations between Japan and China ". According to the terms of the treaty, China will be completely controlled by Japan and completely reduced to a Japanese colony. On the same day, the Foreign Ministry of the Kuomintang Government issued a statement declaring that the illegal treaty concluded between Japan and Wang was completely null and void.
In January 1941, The southern Anhui Incident After the incident, the CPC Central Military Commission issued an order to rebuild the military headquarters of the New Fourth Army. appoint Chen Yi As acting Army commander, Liu Shaoqi He was the political commissar and Zhang Yunyi was the deputy military commander.
On June 5, 1941, The Great Tunnel massacre It was the most tragic incident to occur on the home front during the Chinese War of Resistance, and it was associated with the Yellow River on June 9, 1938 Huayuankou burst the dike November 12, 1938 Changsha fire It is also known as the three major tragedies in China during the Anti-Japanese War.
On June 22, 1941, Soviet-german war Eruption.
December 7, 1941, Japan Pearl Harbor attack . The next day, the United States declared war on Japan, Pacific War And called on the world to impose trade sanctions on Japan. On December 9," The government of the Republic of China declared war on Japan "" The Republic of China declared war on Germany and Italy The Chinese National Government officially declared war on Germany, Italy and Japan. Soon after, in addition to the neutral Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and other Allies also declared war on Japan. Since then, China no longer fought independently against Japan, and the War of Resistance against Japan officially became part of the Second World War. The United States entered World War II after the passage Burma Road And" Hump route A large number of war materials were sent to China from Burma and India to support the Republic of China in continuing its war of resistance.
On January 1, 1942, representatives of 26 countries, including China, the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom, signed a joint declaration in Washington. United Nations Declaration China entered the list of the four major powers co-signed with the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union, which marked that China was recognized at that time as one of the world's four anti-fascist powers. On January 3, the Allies established the China Theater, under the command of Chiang Kai-shek, in order to coordinate operations more effectively China theater command Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces.
On February 25, 1942, at the request of the British government, China deployed the elite 5th Army, the 6th Army and the 66th Army The Chinese Expeditionary Force The First Route Army began to move in Burma Cooperated with the British and Burmese army to fight against Japan, so that the Japanese army suffered a heavy blow. The Chinese army has obtained The great victory of Renan and Qiang To rescue 7,000 British troops besieged by the Japanese army.
The Chinese Expeditionary Force
With the shift of Japanese strategic focus and the implementation of the policy of decoy, on the one hand, the Chinese Kuomintang insisted on continuing the war of resistance, its army carried out several large-scale battles, and set up the Chinese expeditionary force to fight with the Allied forces, but its resistance gradually turned negative in general; On the other hand, implementing the policy of "dissolving the Communist Party", "preventing the Communist Party" and "limiting the Communist Party", the Kuomintang die-hards constantly created friction incidents and set off anti-Communist upsurges three times. In order to Yan Xishan Manufactured" The Jinxi Incident "For the sign, set off The first anti-Communist surge ; In order to Gu Zhutong Manufactured" The southern Anhui Incident "For the sign, set off The second anti-Communist surge ; In order to Hu Zongnan shell Shaanxi-gansu-ningxia border area Set off The third anti-Communist upsurge . [57]
The situation of the resistance phase
  • Phase of strategic counterattack (July 1943 - September 1945) [58]
The strategic counteroffensive of China's Anti-Japanese War was carried out in the context of the fundamental turning point of the World Anti-Fascist War and the gradual loss of the strategic initiative of the Japanese army. China's strategic counterattack against Japan includes two stages: local counterattack and comprehensive counterattack.
Beginning in July 1943, the army and civilians behind enemy lines under the leadership of the Communist Party launched local counter-attacks against the Japanese puppet forces in North, central and South China, developing from guerrilla warfare to mobile warfare.
On September 8, 1943, Italy Declare surrender and join the Allies. Since then, the axis of German, Italian and Japanese fascism has actually disintegrated, and the Japanese fascists have become even more isolated.
In October 1943 and May 1944, the Chinese Army in India and the expeditionary Force also began counteroffensive operations in northern Burma and western Yunnan.
In November 1943, the heads of government of the United States, Britain and China, Roosevelt, Churchill, Chiang Kai-shek In the Egyptian capital Cairo Meeting to adopt the" Cairo Declaration ", demanded after the war Japan Return all territories occupied by China, including Taiwan and its affiliated islands. By December 1943, the Japanese army, severely short of troops, was forced to shrink the front, and the North China Front Army stopped attacking the anti-Japanese base areas. [54]
Cairo Conference
On January 1, 1944, the Uttar Pradesh Bureau of the CPC Central Committee issued the Policy on 1944. Since then, the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army have launched spring offensives and autumn offensives against the Japanese puppet forces.
In March 1944, Guo Moruo publish The triennial Festival of Jiashen And promoted the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan. [134]
In April 1944, the Japanese launched an offensive in China with 12 divisions and 410,000 troops Henan, Hunan and Guangxi Campaign , that is to say" Operation number one In an attempt to open up the Chinese mainland communication line, through the Chinese mainland to Japan and Southeast Asia, the southwest Pacific front to connect, in order to save the Pacific battlefield crisis. The Battle of Henan, Hunan and Guangxi lasted for eight months and was the largest battle in the history of the Sino-Japanese War. Although the Japanese army won the battle, it still failed to get out of China in the overall aspect Protracted war On the contrary, it affected the war against the United States in the Pacific theater and declared the bankruptcy of Japan's "long-term war" strategy. [59] [149]
Machine gun positions of the Chinese defenders in the Battle of Henan, Hunan and Guangxi
May 1944, Central Directive Hebei Luyu Military Region Send more troops and cadres to the Shuidong area, and strive to expand the anti-Japanese base areas in the Shuidong area Shuixi anti-Japanese base area And work with other forces to gain control Central Plains The goal. [133]
In May 1944, by Wei Lihuang general-command The Chinese Expeditionary Force Force a river Nu Chiang Launched the western Yunnan counterattack, has conquered the Japanese solid defense Matsuyama Tengchong, Longling, reclaiming the lost territory in the southwest. It was the turning point in Japan's defeat in China. [54]
From June 20 to 30, 1944, U.S. Vice President Wallace led officials to China and held talks with Chiang Kai-shek. [60]
On January 27, 1945, China-india highway Completely opened, the two armies met Mang you. By March, the counteroffensive was successfully completed. In the counter-offensive in northern Myanmar and western Yunnan, the Chinese Army in India and the expeditionary force recovered more than 50 towns and cities in northern Myanmar and 83,000 square kilometers of lost territory in western Yunnan, killing and wounding more than 49,000 Japanese troops and basically eliminating the 18th and 56th divisions of the Japanese Army. [150]
Situation in the later period of the Anti-Japanese War

Defeat of Japan

In February 1945, Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin, the heads of the United Kingdom, the United States and the Soviet Union, were in the Soviet Union Crimean Peninsula Sign the" The Yalta Agreement The Soviet Union declared war on Japan within three months of the end of the war in Europe. China was not invited. Because the United States and Britain are sacrificing China's sovereignty (such as recognizing Outer Mongolia Independence) in exchange for the Soviet invasion of Japan, also known as Munich Conspiracy in the Far East .
Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin at the Yalta Conference
In March 1945, the Japanese Army began to launch Battle of Western Henan and northern Hubei and Battle of Xiangxi .
On April 25, 1945, the United Nations General Assembly convened. On May 8, the German fascists surrendered unconditionally. So far, Wars in Europe At the end of the war, the focus of Allied operations quickly moved east to confront the Japanese Fascists.
On July 26, 1945, the United States, the United Kingdom, and China jointly issued the" The Potsdam Proclamation ", urged Unconditional surrender of Japan Otherwise, it will deal a "final blow" to Japan. As of this time the United States Atomic bomb After the successful test, the new US President Harry Truman was not very interested in the Soviet Union's entry into the war, so he did not invite the Soviet Union to negotiate or sign, which caused the Soviet Union to be very unhappy.
On August 6 and 9, 1945, American troops were killed in Hiroshima, Japan. Nagasaki Drop the atomic bomb. Red Army Also in accordance with the Yalta Treaty, war was declared against Japan on 8 August August Storm And sent troops to northeast China. On August 9, the chairman of the CPC Central Committee Mao Zedong publish The final battle against the Japanese The statement called on all the anti-Japanese forces of the Chinese people to immediately carry out a large-scale nationwide counterattack and join the Allies in a final decisive battle against Japan. On August 10 and 11, the Yan 'an Headquarters of the Communist Party of China sent a letter to the Communist Party of China The Eighth Route Army , The New Fourth Army The South China guerrillas issued seven counter-offensive orders in a row, and limited the enemy and the puppet to surrender to the CCP armed forces. [61]
On August 14, 1945, China and the Soviet Union signed the" Sino-soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance "; On the 15th, Japan sent a note to China, the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom, expressing its acceptance of the Potsdam Proclamation. 15 noon, Japan Emperor Hirohito broadcast The edict to end the war "And announced an unconditional surrender.
End of the war of Resistance
On 21 August 1945, he was appointed commander of the Chinese Expeditionary Force Kenji Okamura Orders, Deputy Chief of the Japanese General Staff Takeo Imai From Nanjing flew to Zhijiang, Hunan Province for begging talks, handed over the deployment of troops in China, accepted the land, sea, air force surrender order memorandum. " Zhijiang was surrendered Declared the complete defeat of the Japanese invasion of China. [62]
The Japanese hand over the layout of their forces in China
Foreign Minister of Japan, September 2, 1945 Double light mallow The formal surrender was signed aboard the USS Missouri. 9 o 'clock, September 9, 1945, Nanjing The Central Army Academy Hold in the great hall World War II Chinese Theater surrender ceremony Japan announced its unconditional surrender. In the capital Nanjing At the Chinese Theater acceptance ceremony held at the army headquarters, the commander-in-chief of the Japanese invading forces in China Kenji Okamura On behalf of the Japanese main battalion, he signed the instrument of surrender and handed over his personal sabre to signify the formal surrender of the invading Japanese Army to China, marking the final victory of the Chinese War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. September 3 is designated as the Victory Day of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. [63]
Japan's surrender to China in September 1945
On October 25, 1945, the surrender ceremony of the Japanese Army in Taiwan Province of the Chinese Theater Command was held in Taipei, and China officially recovered the Treasure Island that had been under Japanese colonial rule for 50 years Taiwan I washed the snow Chinese nation The great shame. In May 1946, the Nationalist government returned to Nanjing. [64]

Main battlefield



During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, there were always two battlefields in China, that is, the battlefield behind enemy lines led by the Communist Party and the front battlefield led by the Kuomintang. The two battlefields were gradually formed during the Chinese War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, and strategically complemented each other.
Battlefield behind enemy lines
The front battlefield led by the Kuomintang has always been an important battlefield in China's War of resistance and has an important position in the national War of resistance. After the national War of Resistance began, the Communist Party led The Eighth Route Army , The New Fourth Army Immediately dive into the anti-Japanese struggle. When the Eighth Route Army first went to the front, it mainly cooperated directly with the Kuomintang army in the campaign. After the fall of Taiyuan in November 1937, the Eighth Route Army carried out its strategy behind the enemy lines and launched an independent offensive behind the enemy lines Guerrilla warfare . [65]
Battlefield behind enemy lines
Japan surrendered in August 1945. At this time, on the battlefield in front of China and behind enemy lines, the KMT anti-Japanese Army resisted a total of 57 divisions of the Japanese army Southeast Asia plus Pacific Total number of Japanese troops on the battlefield. The Chinese battlefield was the resistance in World War II Japanese fascists The main battlefield. [66]

Front battle

After the outbreak of the National War of Resistance, the Chinese army fought several large-scale battles with the Japanese invading army Battle of Wuhan It's over. We've basically stabilized the war. After entering the stalemate stage, he fought with the Japanese army more than a dozen times, and sent the expeditionary force into Burma to fight, which dealt a heavy blow to the dream of Japan's quick death in China.
On August 20, 1937, Chiang Kai-shek issued an order to implement the national general mobilization, and the government shifted to the wartime system headquarters Replace the military Council. The supreme head of the base camp is the Grand Marshal of the army, Navy and Air Force, held by Chiang Kai-shek. At the same time, the headquarters of the National Government issued instructions on four operational guidance plans. In the first order, it was announced that the country would be divided into five theater commands, four reserve armies and several group armies would be formed, and it would command the Anti-Japanese War in North China and the Battle of Songhu. On August 30, Chiang Kai-shek decided to maintain the Military Committee as the Supreme Command of the War of Resistance. The former headquarters were transferred to the Military Committee, and the headquarters was officially abolished in January 1938.
From November 25 to 28, 1938, the National Government was convened Nanyue military Conference Re-adjust the strategic zoning and divide the country into ten war zones. In addition, Guangzhou, Xi 'an and Chongqing were abolished, two battalions were set up in Guilin Tianshui, and battlefield Party and government committees were set up in occupied areas, directly under the military commission, in order to launch resistance behind enemy lines.
In January 1945, the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War was in sight. On the battlefield in China, for rectification Henan, Hunan and Guangxi Campaign After the collapse of the army, the national government re-organized the army, adjusted the national theater, and divided the country into nine theater.
Theater of operations
Area under one's jurisdiction
(August 1937)
Commander, Sir.
(End of August 1937)
Area under one's jurisdiction
(Early 1939)
Commander, Sir.
(Early 1939)
Area under one's jurisdiction
(February 1945)
Commander, Sir.
(February 1945)
First theater
Northern Hebei, northern Shandong
Chiang Kai-shek
North of Henan and Anhui
Shanxi Province, Chahar , Suiyuan
Shanxi, northern Shaanxi
Yan Xishan
Third theater command
Jiangsu and Zhejiang
(after Chiang Kai-shek)
Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangsu and southern Anhui
Fourth theater command
Guangdong and Fujian
Guangdong and Guangxi
Southeastern Shandong, northern Jiangsu
Chiang Kai-shek
(in Li Zongren Any)
Anhui, northern Hubei and southern Henan
Sixth theater command
Western Hubei
Western Hubei
Seventh theater command
Southern Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang and eastern southern Anhui
Eighth theater command
Suiyuan, Ningxia Gansu, Qinghai
Ninth theater command
Southern Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi
(in Xue Yue Generation)
Tenth theater command
Shaanxi (Province)
Anhui (Province)
Eleventh theater command
Pingtianjin area
Tenth World War Zone
Fu Zuoyi

Battlefield behind enemy lines

During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the Communist Party of China led the people's army deep behind enemy lines, mobilized the masses freely and launched various forms of resistance against Japanese aggression Guerrilla warfare E.g. Tunnel warfare , Mine warfare , Sparrow warfare , Sabotage operations , Siege warfare Etc.), built up the size of nineteen pieces Anti-japanese base area Carried out anti-" sweeping "and anti-" clearing the township", and obtained The Great victory at Pingxingguan , Ambush at Yanmen Pass , Night attack Yangmingbao airport , Great Battle of a hundred regiments Such battles as the battle of the stages of victory, formed People's war The vast ocean created a wonder in the history of human war. [67]
Anti-japanese base areas behind enemy lines
According to... The complete history of the Chinese People's Liberation Army The armed forces led by the Communist Party of China (CPC) The Eighth Route Army , The New Fourth Army , South China people's anti-Japanese guerrilla It mainly engaged in guerrilla warfare in the rear areas of the Japanese army and in the areas occupied by the Japanese army, fighting more than 125,000 times, killing 527,000 Japanese troops and 1.187 million puppet troops, capturing more than 694,000 guns and more than 1,800 guns of various kinds, growing the army to more than 1.3 million people, and establishing an anti-Japanese base area of about 1 million square kilometers with a population of nearly 100 million. [68-69]
Anti-japanese base areas behind enemy lines
Name of anti-Japanese base area
Area under one's jurisdiction
Establishment (formation) time
Principal leader
Shaanxi-gansu-ning anti-Japanese base area
Northern Shaanxi, eastern Gansu, southeast Ningxia
In May 1937
The seat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the general rear of the anti-Japanese base areas of the whole country
Beiyue, Jizhong, Ji Reliao Three districts, 108 counties
October 1937
He fought more than 32,000 times with the Japanese Puppet forces, killing and wounding more than 350,000 Japanese puppet troops [151]
Northwest of Shanxi Province Suiyuan southeast
October 1938
He fought more than 10,000 battles with the Japanese Puppet forces and killed and wounded more than 100,000 Japanese puppet troops [152]
Shanxi, Hebei and Henan anti-Japanese base area
Border areas of Shanxi, Hebei and Henan provinces
In August 1938
The Central Bureau of the Communist Party of China Eighth Route Army headquarters Seat of an organ
Hebei, Shandong, Henan province border area [71]
The end of 1938 [72]
Bohai, central Shandong, southern Shandong, Jiaodong, coastal five areas, etc
In May 1938
He fought with the Japanese Puppet army more than 19,000 times and killed and wounded more than 150,000 Japanese puppet troops [153]
Most of Jiangsu, part of Anhui, Hubei, Henan, Zhejiang and Hunan
In April 1938
He fought more than 17,500 battles with the Japanese Puppet forces and killed more than 240,000 Japanese puppet soldiers [153]
Dongjiang River, Qiongya
February 1939
Fighting thousands of times against the Japanese puppet forces, insisting on the only force behind enemy lines in South China
Northeast region
February 1936
The number of operations against Japan was about 100,000 times, containing hundreds of thousands of Japanese pseudo regular troops [154]
Huai (Yin) Sea (prefecture), salt (city) Fu (Ning)
October 1940
Where the New Fourth Army rebuilt its headquarters, Battle of Yancheng
Central Jiangsu Province, including Yangzhou, Taizhou, Nantong, etc
In March 1941
Su Yu, Ye Fei
Guangde, Suzhou, Zhenjiang, Nanjing, Wuhu five districts border area
At the end of December 1938
Expanded the anti-Japanese positions of the New Fourth Army in the south of the river, and cooperated with the operations of the front battlefield of the National Army
The border area of Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu and Shandong provinces
In August 1941
The Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army
Eastern Anhui and western Jiangsu
May 1941
Day of annihilation, Puppet army More than 25,000 people [155]
South of the Huai River and north of the Yangtze River Yangtze and Huai rivers district
In April 1942
He Wei, Zeng Xisheng
Liberated Wuwei, Chao County, Wuhu and other Japanese puppet strongholds
Siming, Kuaiji, Sanbei (refers to Yuyao, Cixi, Zhenhai 3 counties north of Yao Jiang) and Pudong
In August 1943 [73]
Participated in 643 battles, recaptured 2 counties, captured 110 strongholds, and killed, wounded, or captured more than 9,000 Japanese puppet troops [73]
It runs to the Yellow River in the north, to the Funiu Mountains in the south, to the Xiaoshan Mountains in the west, and to the vast area of the Pinghan Railway in the east [75]
February 1945 [76]
It opened up contacts with the anti-Japanese base areas in Hubei, Henan, Hebei, Henan and Central China, Huaibei [75]
It stretches from Susong in Anhui Province in the east, Yichang in Hubei Province in the west, Wuyang in Henan Province in the north, and Dongting Lake in Hunan Province in the south
November 1939 [77]
Seven special districts and 39 county-level anti-Japanese democratic regimes were established. [78]
In order to Dabusan Center on
The year 1942
It strengthened the strength of the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army in the Central Plains and promoted the anti-Japanese struggle of the people in the regions it passed through [79]
Both sides of the Pearl River Estuary, Guangzhou-Jiulong Railway, including Dongguan, Huiyang and other counties
October 1938 [80]
The Communist Party of China led the people of South China in carrying out the important battle of resistance behind enemy lines. [80]
Qiongshan Mountain , Lingao, Chengmai Border area [81]
February 1939 [81]
Feng Baiju [81]
Tankou resistance battle

Major campaign

Throughout the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the Chinese (including the Kuomintang and the Communist Party) army engaged in large-scale and relatively large-scale battles 22 times [83-84] There were more than 200 important battles, nearly 200,000 battles, and a total of more than 1.5 million Japanese troops were wiped out. Ignoring the number of Japanese wounded who returned to battle after healing [85] The Puppet army numbered 1.18 million. At the end of the war, more than 1.28 million surrendered Japanese troops and 1.46 million surrendered Puppet troops were received. [25]
Table content Source: [86-98]

War loss



On the morning of July 14, 2015, The State Council Information Office held a briefing on "Research Results on Chinese Casualties and Property Losses during the Anti-Japanese War" and "Latest theoretical research Results on China's Contribution to World War II". Li Zhongjie, former deputy director of the Party History Research Office of the CPC Central Committee, said in response to a reporter's question that according to the most authoritative data announced by our Party and state leaders, the total number of Chinese military and civilian casualties during the war of resistance was 35 million. The army suffered at least 3.8 million casualties [157-158] In 1937 dollars, the direct economic loss was $100 billion and the indirect economic loss was $500 billion. [156] More than 1.5 million Japanese soldiers were killed or captured during the war. [158] Li Zhongjie stressed: "These are not all, we will add again next, if you look at the research in each province, it is very shocking." [156]

Military casualties

According to the statistics provided by the Survey of Chinese Army Casualties in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression:
1. During the local Anti-Japanese War, the total number of casualties of the Chinese anti-Japanese armed forces was at least 200,000 or more.
2. During the eight-year period of the National War of Resistance, the Chinese army suffered 3,227,926 casualties on the front battlefield, and 422,479 soldiers died of illness, totaling 3,650,405 people. According to the Ministry of National Defence [162] ); In the battlefield behind enemy lines, the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army and the anti-Japanese guerrillas in South China suffered 588,118 casualties, and the Northeast anti-Japanese United Army suffered more than 30,000 casualties, a total of at least 618,118 casualties (it should be noted that: The number of casualties of the anti-Japanese armed forces led by the Communist Party of China has always been incomplete statistics, even in the limited statistics, its data is quite conservative).
3, if the Kuomintang statistics of military deaths due to illness do not include the casualties of the Chinese army fighting against Japan, the eight-year national War of resistance against Japan, the Chinese anti-Japanese armed casualties of at least 3846,044 people; If the casualty data are included, the total number of casualties of the Chinese anti-Japanese armed forces in the eight-year national War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression is at least 4,468,523. [161]

Civilian casualties

During the War of Resistance against Japanese aggression, about 9 million Chinese civilians died in the war, another 8 million civilians died from other causes, and 95 million became refugees. proof Jiang Menglin According to his memoirs, 14 million able-men died of starvation diseases after being killed by Raf. It is also estimated that the cumulative total of direct population losses in China's Anti-Japanese War is 20.62 million, and the cumulative total of direct casualties in the war is 34.8 million. At the same time, it is estimated that the total number of Chinese direct casualties may be more than 41 million, and the total number of deaths, disabilities and missing people caused by the war in China is more than 45 million. From the perspective of population loss, the total loss of Chinese population during the Anti-Japanese War should be more than 50 million people. [100]
In April 1946, the Preliminary Statistical Table of Population Losses in the Eight Years of the Anti-Japanese War in China's Liberated Areas published the following statistics: In the seven liberated areas of Shanjin-Cha-Ji, Shan-Sui, Shan-Ji-Lu-yu, Ji-Reliao, Shandong, Su-wan, and Central Plains during the war of Resistance, a total of 3,176,123 people were killed or tortured and injured, 2,760,227 men were arrested, and 2,9633,582 were left alone or physically wounded." [99]
In February 1947, the Executive Yuan of the National Government released the following statistics on the casualties of the military and civilian population in the country: 9,134,569 civilian casualties (including 4,397,504 dead and 4,739,065 wounded). Military and civilian casualties totaled 12,784,974. This figure does not include military and civilian casualties in Taiwan Province, Northeast China and liberated areas. [99]
According to Japanese official statistics, the Japanese invaders forcibly captured 41,758 young and middle-aged people in China, 2,823 died before they were taken aboard the ship, and 6,830 died after the ship and in various enterprises, accounting for 17.5% of the total number of 38,935 people aboard the ship. [99]
According to statistics collected in the Archives of the Japanese Imperialist Invasion of China 8: Germ Warfare and Gas Warfare, published in 1989, the Japanese army conducted germ warfare in 20 provinces of China, and more than 270,000 soldiers and civilians died in germ warfare. [99]
The Japanese used poison gas 2,091 times in 77 counties (districts) in 14 provinces (cities) of China, including 423 times against guerrilla forces in North China, causing more than 33,000 casualties; It was used 1,668 times against the regular Chinese army, killing more than 6,000 Chinese officers and soldiers and injuring more than 41,000. [99]
After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Anti-Japanese War Compensation Commission issued the" China ordered Japan to pay damages In the occupied areas, there are more than 1,500 counties and cities in 26 provinces, covering an area of more than 6 million square kilometers, and the people affected by the war are at least 200 million people. From July 7, 1937 to the end of the war, the Chinese army suffered 3.31 million casualties, and the Chinese people suffered 8.42 million casualties, and the others were killed and injured due to fleeing the war, displaced, cold, hunger and disease. [101]
Japan used poison gas distribution to make the massacre

Property loss

China suffered huge losses in the war, with direct property losses of US $31.3 billion and indirect property losses of US $20.4 billion, which did not include the losses suffered by Northeast China, Taiwan and overseas Chinese, military losses of US $4.16 billion and casualties of more than 10 million soldiers and civilians. In addition, China's losses before the July 7 Incident have not been calculated;
After years of research and research by Chinese historians, it is calculated that in the War of Resistance against Japan, China lost more than 560 billion US dollars in property and war consumption, and another one said that 650 billion US dollars (650 billion US dollars). In 1945 currency ). [101]

Air loss

During the eight years of the Anti-Japanese War, the Chinese Air Force shot down 1,543 Japanese aircraft, wounded 330 others, carried out 18,500 sorties of bombing, expulsion, reconnaissance and transport aircraft, and fought 4,027 times. The Chinese Air Force lost 2,468 aircraft of all kinds (including training losses), and 6,164 people were killed (including 661 pilots).
Formed in August 1941, the Chinese Air Force United States Volunteer Chinese Air Force ( Flying Tigers The AVS fought over China, Burma, and Indochina for more than seven months, shooting down about 150 enemy aircraft and destroying 297 at the cost of 12 aircraft lost in the air and 61 destroyed on the ground. [102]
At the beginning of the War of Resistance, the Chinese air force was very weak and at an absolute disadvantage. However, in the middle and late period of the Anti-Japanese War, the United States provided assistance to China, and the Chinese Air Force gradually reversed the situation. At the end of the war, there were 60,369 U.S. troops in China, including 34,726 in the Air Force. [103] By August 1945, the 14th U.S. Air Force in China had 2,500 aircraft and 170,000 air force officers and men.
The Tomb of the Soviet Volunteer Air Force

Naval loss

At the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the Chinese Navy had 74 ships of various types, mainly light cruisers, gunboats and torpedo boats. The total tonnage of the ships was less than 60,000 tons, and the largest ships were only 3,000 tons, most of which were 100-ton boats. The Japanese navy has a ship tonnage of 1.16 million tons, aircraft carriers and 10,000-ton battleships. [104] The disparity in naval strength between China and Japan made it impossible to resist the enemy at sea, only to retreat to coastal defense.
On August 12, 1937, in order to establish the Jiangyin Blockade, the Chinese Navy scuttled more than 40 warships and merchant ships in Jiangyin; On 25 October, the First and Second fleets of the Chinese Navy were sunk by Japanese aircraft carriers off Jiangyin. At the end of the same year, 12 ships of the Third Fleet, including Zhenhai and Yongxiang, were also sunk in Qingdao and Qingdao respectively Liugong Island On the waterway. The Chinese fleet was almost completely destroyed.
According to Japanese data, the mines laid by the Republic of China Navy during the Anti-Japanese War severely damaged the Japanese Navy, and the Japanese lost more than 60 large, medium and small ships. [105]

War memorial


Commemorative festival

"93" Anti-Japanese War Victory Day (September 3 every year) Accepted the formal unconditional surrender of Japan on 2 September 1945. On September 3, 1945, the government of the Republic of China ordered a national celebration, a one-day holiday, and three days of flag flying. September 3 of every year after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War was designated as Victory Day of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression . Later, in order to unify the various military festivals, the Taiwan authorities began to take the Victory Day as the Army, navy and air Force's military Day in 1955. On February 27, 2014, the National People's Congress decided to designate September 3 as the Victory Day of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.
Chinese people's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression Memorial Day
"July 7" Anti-Japanese War Memorial Day (July 7 every year) : It was established to commemorate the occurrence of the 77 Incident of National humiliation. On July 7, 1937, the Sino-Japanese military clash at Lugou Bridge in Beiping, China, led to a full-scale Japanese attack on China. The July 7 Incident was deliberately created by Japanese imperialism in order to realize its ambition of swallowing China, and was the beginning of its full-scale invasion of China.
"September 18" Memorial Day (18 September each year) : Set up to remember the national humiliation of the September 18 incident. After the outbreak of this incident, the three northeast provinces were all occupied by the Japanese Kwantung Army, so it was regarded as a national humiliation by the Chinese people, and to this day, September 18 is known as "National Humiliation Day" in many informal occasions in China.
Memorial Day for Nanjing Massacre victims (13 December each year) : In mourning Nanjing Massacre It was established by the National People's Congress on February 27, 2014, to expose the war crimes of the Japanese invaders and to remember the grave disasters caused by the war of aggression to the Chinese people and the people of the world. [106]

Memorial building

Memorial Hall of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression Located in the outbreak of the Chinese nation's all-out War of resistance The Lugou Bridge Incident Place of occurrence -- Wanping City Inside. In 1985, the project was initiated by the Ministry of Culture and the Beijing Municipal Government, and the Beijing Municipal Government undertook the construction, which was completed and opened to the public on July 7, 1987. It is the only large-scale comprehensive thematic memorial hall in China that fully reflects the history of the Chinese people's Great War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. [107] It is also an important window for people around the world to understand the history of China's War of resistance. Since its opening in 1987, the museum has hosted guests including Japanese Prime ministers Tomiichi Murayama Including more than a dozen countries' dignitaries, more than 80 countries and regions of more than 350,000 viewers. [108]
Memorial Hall of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
The Memorial Hall of the Victory and Surrender of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression is located in Qiliqiao, Zhijiang County, Hunan Province. 1995 Expanded and built a new exhibition hall to commemorate the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. The Memorial Hall of the Victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression is "Key cultural relics protection unit of Hunan Province" and "patriotic education base of the province". In 1996 and 1997, it was rated as "the best tourist attraction of Hunan Province" for two consecutive years. [62] On August 21, 1945, Deputy Chief of General Staff Takeo Imai, representing millions of invading Japanese troops, flew from Nanjing to Zhijiang for begging talks, handed over the deployment plan of troops in China, and accepted the memorandum of orders for the surrender of the land, sea and air forces. "Zhi Jiang's surrender" announced the complete defeat of the Japanese invading China, and wrote down the glorious page of the first complete victory against foreign invasion in China's modern history.
Memorial Hall of the Victorious Surrender of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

Published list

With the approval of the Party Central Committee and The State Council, in order to forever remember the immortal achievements of anti-Japanese heroes, vigorously promote patriotism, and pool the spiritual strength for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, Ministry of Civil Affairs, People's Republic of China On September 1, 2014 and August 24, 2015, it was announced that those who fought tenaciously in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and gave their lives for their country List of famous anti-Japanese heroes and hero groups Two batches of 900 people. [109-110]

Commemorative activity

September 3, 2015, is China's second statutory" Victory Day of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression It was also the first time that the Anti-Japanese War Victory Day was decided to be a holiday. In honour of The 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War In March 2015 The State Council The theme of the event is "Remembering history, remembering the Martyrs, cherishing peace and creating the future", and the overall arrangements for the commemorative activities are made.
China will hold Conference commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War On the same day and organized a grand rally in Tiananmen Square The military parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War China will also invite the leaders of the second major participant in World War II, Asian countries and countries in other regions, The United Nations Leaders of other international organizations, international friends who contributed to China's victory in the War of Resistance, or their bereaved families attended. [111-113] 习近平将出席并作重要讲话并亲自为抗战老战士、老同志代表,战将领以及遗属颁发纪念章。 [114]
In August and September 2015, the Ministry of Culture will hold the "Commemoration for Peace - Commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War and the founding of the United Nations" exhibition in more than 150 countries and regions around the world and at the United Nations Headquarters. [115]
At 8 am on August 15, 2019, the Memorial Hall of the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders held a solemn flag-raising ceremony to commemorate the 74th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese people's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War, and mourn the 300,000 victims of the Nanjing Massacre. Nearly 100 people including representatives from all walks of life in Nanjing attended the ceremony. [116]
September 3, 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. That morning, Xi Jinping Party and state leaders, together with representatives from all walks of life in the capital, will present flower baskets to the martyrs of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression at the Memorial Hall of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression [117] .

War evaluation


Overall evaluation

The Chinese people's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression was the first complete victory for the Chinese nation in modern times War against aggression and War of national liberation It is a major event in the history of China and the world in the 20th century, and also a wonder in the history of war.
First, the victory of the War of Resistance against Japanese aggression completely defeated the Japanese aggressors and defended China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity. It washed the snow Opium Wars Since then the Chinese people have suffered imperialism The humiliation of slavery and oppression greatly advanced the historical course of the Chinese revolution for China The new Democratic Revolution The final victory laid a solid foundation.
Second, the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan has promoted Chinese nation The awakening and unity, carried forward to patriotism For the core of greatness National spirit . Patriotism became the strongest tone and theme of the war of resistance: national peace National interest Supreme, vow not to be subservient, the same enemy, united as one, hard-working and brave, not afraid of violence, bloody battle to the end, self-improvement, pioneering and innovative.
Third, China's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression was an important component of the World Anti-Fascist War and the main eastern theater of the world Anti-Fascist War. In the world Anti-fascist War, China's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression started the earliest, lasted the longest, fought the Japanese army the most, paid the greatest price, and played an irreplaceable role. [118] The victory of China's War of resistance created the defeat of a weak country that was semi-colonial and semi-feudal imperialism The miracle of great power, which inspired the struggle of the people of colonial and semi-colonial countries for national independence and liberation. China participated in the initiative The United Nations And become United Nations Security Council Permanent member It has significantly enhanced China's international status and influence and effectively safeguarded world peace. [119]
China's contribution to the World Anti-Fascist War

International evaluation

In his address to Congress, President Roosevelt pointed out, "We shall also forget how the Chinese people, for more than seven long years, withstood the brutal attacks of the Japanese and held down a large number of enemy forces in the vast area of the Asian continent." [120-122]
People's Friendship University of Russia Professor Tavrovsky pointed out that "among the contributors to the victory of the world anti-Fascist War, China occupies an unshakable and important position, which is worth remembering forever." If China did not contain and consume the absolute main force of the Japanese army in the Far East battlefield, the Japanese militarists would likely realize the alliance with the German fascists, and then implement their crazy attempts to control the world. China directly or indirectly participated in major battles in the Pacific, Southeast Asia and other battlefields, and made outstanding contributions to the victory of the Allied Powers. China's status as a permanent member of the UN Security Council also confirms the international community's appreciation of China's contribution." [123]
Britain University of Oxford Mitter, a history professor, believes that "China's war of resistance against Japan made a significant contribution to the victory of World War II." This is not only crucial to China's destiny, but also plays a key role in shaping the world today. The world should remember China's sacrifice and contribution to the victory of World War II." [123]
General Mahinko, president of the French Institute for Strategic Studies, commented, "China has made a great contribution to the struggle against Japanese aggression, forcing Japan to send a large number of troops to fight on a long front, greatly reducing the pressure on the American and Soviet forces." It was the vigorous resistance of the Chinese people that greatly changed the balance of power on the Asian battlefield and hastened the end of the war." [123]
The Japanese side, according to Nagoya University It has been revealed that the Japanese Army strictly censored letters during its war of aggression. The Japanese government has manipulated public opinion and conducted a long-term campaign against the people militarism Indoctrination. [124] In addition, Japanese high school students are divided into liberal arts and science majors. Liberal arts students are required to go to war, science students can continue their studies, and the brutality of war can be seen. [125]

War dispute


Name dispute

  • Chinese side
Traditionally, what the Chinese call the "War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression" generally refers to the "War of Chinese Resistance against Japanese Aggression." However, Chinese people around the world also used to refer to the war of resistance against Japanese aggression in their respective countries or regions at the same time as the "War of Resistance against Japanese aggression", and regard it as one with China's War of Resistance against Japanese aggression, or as their general term. [126]
  • Japanese side
The war is known in Japan as the "Sino-Japanese War", mainly referring to the war with China between the September 18 Incident in 1931 and Japan's defeat and surrender in 1945. Japan is also used to" Pearl Harbor incident The previous Chinese War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression is called the so-called "War Incident" or the so-called "Japan-China Incident" because Japan did not formally declare war with the Republic of China at that time, and therefore was "technically" not a war. After the outbreak of the "Pearl Harbor incident", China's War of resistance against Japanese aggression was regarded by Japan as" Greater East Asian War (including the Pacific Theater of World War II, the China Theater, and the Indo-Burma Theater). Even some post-war Japanese politicians vaguely called "the past war", "the previous war" and so on. Up to now, Japan still has not a unified and appropriate name for the war of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, which has aroused the attention of the academic circles in China and Japan. [127-129]
In addition, some people in Japan have put forward the concept of "fifteen years' War", which is a collective term for the "September 18 Incident" (known as the "Manchurian Incident" in Japan), the "Total War of Resistance Against Japanese aggression" (known as the "Japan-China War" in Japan) and the "Pacific War". [160]
  • Academic community
There is a certain dispute in Chinese academic circles about the specific start and end time of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, but the name of the "War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression", whether in mainland Chinese academic circles or HongKong and Taiwan Academic circles, even most overseas Chinese scholars basically agree with this name. For the sake of neutrality, the international community generally refers to it as the "Second Sino-Japanese War" to distinguish it from the "First Sino-Japanese War". [126]

Battle of time

The War ended on September 2, 1945 [1] . There is debate about when it began. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, the "eight-year War of Resistance" has been the mainstream understanding. After the 1950s, through the efforts of experts and scholars for more than 30 years, China's concept of "fourteen years of Anti-Japanese War" came behind and became the mainstream view of the academic world. [159]