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[máo zé dōng]
毛泽东 (1893年12月26日-1976年9月9日) ,字润之 (原作咏芝,后改润芝) [33] 笔名子任。湖南湘潭人。中国人民的领袖,伟大的马克思主义者, 伟大的无产阶级革命家 [23] 、战略家、理论家,中国共产党、中国人民解放军和中华人民共和国的主要缔造者和领导人, 马克思主义中国化的伟大开拓者,近代以来中国伟大的爱国者和民族英雄,中国共产党第一代中央领导集体的核心,领导中国人民彻底改变自己命运和国家面貌的一代伟人 [16] [23]
1949至1976年,毛泽东担任中华人民共和国最高领导人。他对 马克思列宁主义 的发展、军事理论的贡献以及对共产党的理论贡献被称为 毛泽东思想 [34-35] 因毛泽东担任过的主要职务几乎全部称为主席,所以也被人们尊称为“毛主席”。
毛泽东被视为现代世界历史中最重要的人物之一,《 时代 》杂志也将他评为20世纪最具影响100人之一。
别    名
石三伢子 二十八画生 等
国    籍
民    族
湖南省长沙府湘潭县 韶山
矛盾论 实践论 论持久战 沁园春·雪
领导夺取中国 新民主主义革命 的胜利
在中国确立社会主义基本制度 [23]
信    仰


毛泽东,1893年12月26日生于 湖南韶山 [24] 一个农民家庭。 辛亥革命 爆发后在起义的新军中当了半年兵。
1914-1918年,在 湖南第一师范学校 求学。毕业前夕和 蔡和森 等组织革命团体 新民学会
1921年7月, 出席在上海召开的 中国共产党第一次全国代表大会 [25] ,后任中共湘区委员会书记,领导长沙、 安源 等地工人运动。
1923年6月, 出席中国共产党第三次全国代表大会 [26] ,被选为中央执行委员,参加中央领导工作。
1924年1月国共合作后,在国民党第一、第二次全国代表大会上都当选为候补中央执行委员,曾在广州任国民党中央宣传部代理部长,主编《 政治周报 》,主办第六届农民运动讲习所。
1925年冬至1927年春,先后发表《 中国社会各阶级的分析 》、《 湖南农民运动考察报告 》等著作,指出农民问题在中国革命中的重要地位和无产阶级领导农民斗争的极端重要性,批评了 陈独秀 右倾思想
国共合作全面破裂后,在1927年8月中共中央紧急会议上,他提出“政权是由枪杆子中取得的”,即以 革命武装夺取政权 的思想,并被选为 中央政治局 候补委员。会后,到湖南、江西边界领导 秋收起义 。接着率起义部队上井冈山,发动 土地革命 ,创立第一个农村革命根据地。
1928年4月,同 朱德 领导的起义部队会师,成立工农革命军 (不久改称红军) 第四军 ,他任党代表、 前敌委员会 书记。以他为主要代表的中国共产党人,从中国的实际出发,在国民党政权统治比较薄弱的农村发展武装斗争,开创了以农村包围城市、最后夺取城市和全国政权的道路。他在《 中国的红色政权为什么能够存在 ?》、《 星星之火,可以燎原 》等著作中对这个问题从理论上作了阐述。
1930年5月,写《 反对本本主义 》,提出“没有调查,没有发言权”的著名论断。8月, 红军第一方面军 成立,任 总政治委员 。从1930年底起,同朱德领导红一方面军战胜了国民党军队的多次“围剿”。以 王明 为代表的“左”倾路线领导集团进入 中央革命根据地 以后,毛泽东被排斥于党和红军的领导之外,导致红一方面军 第五次反“围剿” 失败。
1931年11月7日, 中华苏维埃共和国 临时中央政府在江西 瑞金 成立,11月27日被选为中央执行委员会主席。 [27]
1934年10月,参加红一方面军 长征
长征途中,1935年1月中共中央政治局在贵州召开扩大会议 (即 遵义会议 ,确立了以毛泽东为代表的新的中央领导。10月,中共中央和红一方面军到达陕北,结束长征。12月,作《 论反对日本帝国主义的策略 》的报告,阐明了 抗日民族统一战线 政策。
1936年10月,红军三大主力会师。1936年12月,同 周恩来 等促使 西安事变 和平解决,这成为由内战到 第二次国共合作 、共同抗日的时局转换的枢纽。同月,写《 中国革命战争的战略问题 》。
1937年夏,写《 实践论 》和《 矛盾论 》。 抗日战争 开始后,以他为首的中共中央坚持统一战线中的 独立自主原则 ,努力发动群众,开展敌后游击战争,建立了许多大块的抗日根据地。
1938年10月,在中共扩大的 六届六中全会 上提出“ 马克思主义中国化 ”的指导原则。在抗日战争时期,他发表《 论持久战 》、《〈共产党人〉发刊词》、《 新民主主义论 》等重要著作。
1942年2月,领导全党开展 整风运动 ,纠正 主观主义 和宗派主义,使全党进一步掌握了马克思列宁主义的普遍真理和中国革命的具体实践相结合的基本方向,为夺取抗日战争和全国革命的胜利奠定了思想基础。
1945年4-6月主持召开中国共产党第七次全国代表大会,作《 论联合政府 》的报告。大会制定了放手发动群众,壮大人民力量,在中国共产党的领导下,打败日本侵略者,解放全国人民,建立一个 新民主主义 的中国的 政治路线 [28] 毛泽东思想 在这次大会上被确定为中共的指导思想。他从七届一中全会起至1976年9月9日逝世为止,一直担任中共中央主席。
抗日战争胜利后,针对 蒋介石 企图消灭共产党及其武装力量的现实,他提出“针锋相对”的斗争方针。1945年8月赴重庆同蒋介石谈判,表明中国共产党争取国内和平的愿望。
1946年夏蒋介石发动全面内战后,毛泽东同朱德、周恩来领导中国人民解放军进行 积极防御 ,集中优势兵力,各个歼灭敌人。
1947年3月-1948年3月,同周恩来、 任弼时 转战陕北,指挥西北战场和全国的 解放战争 。1947年夏,中国人民解放军从战略防御转入战略进攻,在以他为首的党中央领导下,经过辽沈、淮海、平津 三大战役 和1949年4月的 渡江战役 ,推翻了国民党政府。
1949年3月,主持召开 中共七届二中全会 ,并作重要报告,决定把党的工作重心从农村转到城市,规定了党在全国胜利以后的各项基本政策,号召全党务必保持谦虚、谨慎、不骄、不躁的作风,务必继续保持艰苦奋斗的作风。 6月30日,发表《 论人民民主专政 [32] ,规定了人民共和国的政权的性质及其对内对外的基本政策。
In June 1950, he presided over the convening of the Communist Party of China The Third Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee The general task of fighting for the basic improvement of the state's financial and economic conditions was put forward. In October, American troops invaded Democratic People's Republic of Korea Threatening the situation in northeast China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China headed by him decided to proceed The War to resist the US and aid Korea .
From 1950 to 1952, under his leadership, land reform, suppression of counter-revolution and other democratic reforms were carried out, and the "anti-corruption, anti-waste, anti-bureaucracy" campaign was launched. "Three evils" "Campaigns against bribery, tax evasion, theft and fraud of state property, cutting corners and theft of economic information" Struggle against "five evils" "Movement.
In June 1953, following his suggestion, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China announced the Party's plan for the transitional period General line It began to systematically carry out socialist industrialization and socialist transformation of private ownership of the means of production.
In September 1954, The First National People's Congress The first meeting adopted the draft document, which he chaired. Constitution of People's Republic of China At this meeting, he was elected the first President of the People's Republic of China, serving until April 1959.
In April 1956, he wrote" On ten relationships This speech is suitable for China National conditions Some preliminary explorations were made on the road of building socialism. Then, at the expanded meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, he proposed" A hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend "The policy. In September, the socialist transformation of private ownership of the means of production was basically completed, and the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held, pointing out that the main task of the people of the whole country had been transformed into concentrating on the development of social productive forces. However, this policy was not seriously implemented later, which led to a series of mistakes and setbacks in the subsequent guidance work.
In February 1957, he wrote the book On correctly handling contradictions among the people In his speech, he put forward the theory of correctly distinguishing and dealing with two kinds of contradictions of different nature in socialist society, between the enemy and ourselves and among the people.
In July 1957, he put forward the demand to "create a political situation in which there is both centralism and democracy, discipline and freedom, unity of will, and individual comfort and liveliness".
In July 1959, he presided over the meeting Lushan Conference . He had intended to correct the perceived error, but had made the wrong move late in the meeting Peng Dehuai After the meeting, the whole Party wrongly launched an "anti-rightist" struggle.
From the winter of 1960 to the beginning of 1965, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee headed by him, the policy of "adjusting, consolidating, enriching and improving" the national economy was implemented and initially corrected The Great Leap Forward and the People's commune Movement As a result, the national economy has recovered and developed relatively rapidly. During this period, he proposed a series of measures to initially correct the "left" mistakes in rural work and other aspects. However, at the Tenth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held in September 1962, he enlarged and absolutized the class struggle existing within a certain range in socialist society and developed the view that the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, which he had put forward after the anti-Rightist struggle in July 1957, was still the principal contradiction in Chinese society.
From 1963 to 1965, he launched a socialist education campaign in rural and urban areas, and proposed that the focus of the campaign should be on the so-called "establishment within the Party taking the capitalist road". Beginning in the 1950s, he led the CPC in a resolute struggle against the great power doctrine pursued by the leaders of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and attempts to interfere and control China.
In May 1966, due to his extreme assessment of the situation of the class struggle in the country, he launched the" Cultural revolution The movement, which was inspired by Lin Biao, Jiang Qing The manipulation of the two counter-revolutionary clique greatly exceeded his expectation and control, and even lasted for ten years, causing serious damage and losses in many aspects of China. He led the crush Lin Biao counterrevolutionary Group The struggle, not to let Jiang Qing, Zhang Chunqiao When his ambition for supreme leadership succeeds.
1976年9月9日,毛泽东在北京逝世,享年83岁。 [1]
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Chronology of events



The year 1893
On December 26, she was born in a farmer's family in Shaoshanchong, Xiangtan County, Hunan Province.
He studied at six private schools in his hometown of Shaoshan and received traditional Chinese enlightenment education.
Photo with Xiangtan Alumni Association (second row, third from left)
The year 1910
In autumn, I was admitted to Hunan Xiangxiang county Dongshan Higher Primary School. In the meantime Kang Youwei , Liang Qichao reformism The influence of thought. [21]


The year 1911
In spring, I went to Changsha and was admitted to the Hunan Provincial high school. During, read Tung Meng Hui Do... Min Li Pao Influenced by it, he wrote to express his support Sun Yat-sen and Tung Meng Hui The program of...
October, response Xinhai Revolution In the new army in Hunan as a private. Quit six months later. [2]
The year 1913
Spring, in Hunan Province No. 4 Normal School Prep school.
The year 1914
Autumn, compiled in Hunan Province first Normal School The eighth undergraduate class. During the school, by Yang Changji The influence of such progressive teachers became" New youth Avid readers of the magazine, adoring Chen Duxiu , Hu Shi .
The year 1918
April 14, same Xiao Zisheng , He Shuheng , Cai Hesen Pending establishment Xinmin Society .
In June, he graduated from Hunan First Normal School.
In August, he went to Beijing for the first time to organize the Hunan work-study movement in France. While in Beijing, as Peking University Librarian, get Li Dazhao Wait for help, start accepting Russia October Revolution The influence of thought.
The year 1919
On April 6, he returned to Changsha from Shanghai.
May, response May Fourth Movement Initiated the establishment of the Hunan Student Federation and led the anti-imperialist patriotic movement of Hunan students.
On July 14, editor-in-chief of the journal of Hunan Student Federation Xiangjiang Review "Was founded in Changsha. From July to August, he wrote and published" The great unity of the people "Long article.
On October 5, Wen's mother died of illness and rushed back to Shaoshan from Changsha. On the 8th, in front of his mother's death, he wrote" motherwort ".
In December, he led the expulsion of Hunan warlords Zhang Jingyao The movement, the second time to Beijing. While in Beijing, I read the book Communist manifesto "And other Marxist books.
The year 1920
In May and June, he met with Chen Duxiu in Shanghai and discussed with him the Marxist books he had read.
Early August, same Yi Lirong In Changsha, he initiated the establishment of a cultural book club to spread Marxism and new culture.
August to September, participated in the preparation of the establishment Russia The Research Institute.
On 25 November, I sent a letter Luo Zhanglong Put forward the Xinmin Society, "It is good to become a combination of doctrine." Doctrine is like a flag; only when the flag is raised can we have hope and know where to go."
In November, He Shuheng and others organized the Changsha Communist Group.
On December 1, letters were sent to CAI Hesen, Xiao Zisheng and others A member of a work-study fellowship in France [29] . The letter stated that he accepted Marxism and followed the path of the Russian October Revolution. Set up in Changsha The Socialist Youth League . with Yang Kaihui Get married. [21]


The year 1921
1-3 January, ibid He Shuheng , Penhoang , Zhou Shizhao , Xiong Jinding More than ten people held the New Year meeting of Xinmin Society members in Changsha Chaozong Street Culture Book House. At the meeting, it was proposed that the Xinmin Society should take "transforming China and the world" as the common purpose, and support the "Russian" method to transform China.
From July 23 to early August, He attended the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai as a representative of the Changsha Communist Group.
In August, he returned to Changsha and became the director of Hunan Branch of the Secretary Department of the China Labor Union. Founded with He Shuheng Hunan self-study University .
On October 10, he established the Hunan branch of the CPC and became its secretary.
The year 1922
In May, the CPC Hunan District Executive Committee was established as secretary.
September to December, organizational leadership Guangdong-han railway A series of strikes, such as workers, miners in Anyuan Road, Changsha mud and wood workers, pushed the Hunan workers' movement quickly to a climax.
The year 1923
In April, he left Changsha for Shanghai to work in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.
In June, he attended the Third National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Guangzhou and was elected as a member of the Central Executive Committee, a member of the Central Bureau, and a secretary of the Central Bureau.
On 16 September, following the decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, he was appointed deputy Director of the General Affairs Department of the Kuomintang Headquarters Lin Boqu He returned to Changsha to prepare for the establishment of the Kuomintang organization in Hunan.
The year 1924
In January, he attended the first National Congress of the Kuomintang in Guangzhou and was elected as an alternate member of the Central Executive Committee.
In February, he went to Shanghai and served as a member of the Kuomintang Shanghai Executive Department and secretary of the Organization Department.
In December, he returned to Hunan to recuperate.
The year 1925
In February, he returned to Shaoshan, recovering from illness and carrying out the peasant movement.
In September, he went to Guangzhou to participate in the preparatory work for the Second National Congress of the Kuomintang.
In October, he became acting head of the Central Propaganda Department of the Kuomintang.
On December 1, the publication" An analysis of the different classes of Chinese society The article.
On December 5, the editor-in-chief of the Kuomintang Central Propaganda Department's publication" Political weekly "Was first published. [21]
The year 1926
In January, he attended the second National Congress of the Chinese Nationalist Party and was elected as an alternate Central executive member.
March 18, commemorated at the Kuomintang Political Workshop in Guangzhou Paris Commune A speech at the 55th anniversary gathering entitled" The significance of commemorating the Paris Commune ".
In March, Chiang Kai-shek Made in Guangzhou Zhongshan warship incident , the same Zhou Enlai Wait for a counterattack.
From May to September, he hosted the sixth KMT Peasant Movement Training Institute and served as its director.
In November, he went to Shanghai as secretary of the Central Committee of the Peasants' Movement. Soon he went to Wuhan and founded the KMT Central Peasant Movement Training Institute.
In December, he attended the first Workers' Congress and the first Farmers' Congress of Hunan Province in Changsha. [3]
The year 1927
From January 4 to February 5, the peasant movement in Xiangtan, Xiangxiang, Hengshan, Liling and Changsha counties was investigated in Hunan.
Group photo of the Third Plenary Session of the Second Central Committee (second row, third from right)
In March, published" Investigation report of peasant movement in Hunan "; Attended the Third Plenary Session of the second KMT Central Committee in Wuhan.
On April 12, Chiang Kai-shek launched a counter-revolutionary coup d 'etat in Shanghai.
From April 27 to May 10, he attended the Fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and was elected as an alternate member of the Central Executive Committee. The meeting criticized Chen Duxiu's Right deviation Mistake.
On July 15th, Wang Jingwei Staged a counter-revolutionary coup in Wuhan, Ningham confluence The Great Revolution failed.
On August 1, the Nanchang uprising broke out. with Soong Ching-ling Twenty-two members of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang jointly issued the" Declaration of the Central Committee He condemned Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei for betraying the national revolution.
On August 7, he attended the emergency meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held in Hankou, proposed the idea of political power from the barrel of a gun, and was elected as an alternate member of the Political Bureau of the Provisional Central Committee. After the meeting, he went to Hunan to lead the Hunan-Jiangxi border Autumn harvest uprising .
On September 9, the autumn Harvest uprising broke out on the Hunan-Jiangxi border. In Jiangxi Tonggu Xiao family Temple third regiment through Liuyang Zhangjiafang, by the regiment defense Bureau Qingxiang team caught, escorted on the way clever escape.
In September, after the defeat of the autumn harvest uprising, he led the uprising troops to The Luoxiao Mountains March in the middle.
In October, it arrived in Maoping, Ninggang County, Jiangxi Province, and began to build Jinggangshan revolutionary base area .
In November, he was wrongly accused by the Political Bureau of the Provisional Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and was removed as an alternate member of the Political Bureau.
The year 1928
In April, he led the troops in Lung City, Ninggang County, Jiangxi Province, with the rest of the Nanchang Rebellion Army led by Zhu De and Chen Yi Uprising in southern Hunan The farmers and the army met.
In May, he became the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army (Later renamed the Chinese Red Army) Fourth Army Party representative, secretary of the military Commission.
In July, he was elected a member of the Central Committee at the Sixth National Congress of the Communist Party of China.
In October, drafted a resolution for the Second Xiangan-Jiangxi Border Congress of the Communist Party of China, proposing" Workers and peasants armed secession "The thought.
On November 25, on behalf of the Front Committee of the Fourth Red Army of the Communist Party of China, he wrote a report to the Central Committee, summarizing the experience of workers and peasants in the armed secession of Jinggangshan.
In December, he presided over the formulation of the Jinggangshan Land Law.
The year 1929
January, same Zhu De , Chen Yi The main force of the Fourth Red Army marched to southern Jiangxi and western Fujian, and the two revolutionary base areas of southern Jiangxi and western Fujian initially took shape in the spring of 1930.
In April, presided over the formulation of the National Development Plan Land law ".
In June, he attended the seventh Congress of the Fourth Red Army of the Communist Party of China held in Longyan, and his correct opinions on the tasks, political work and military work of the Red Army were not accepted, and the post of secretary of the former Committee originally designated by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was replaced by someone else. After the meeting, he left the main leadership post of the Fourth Red Army and went to western Fujian to recuperate and guide local work.
In July, he guided the convening of the first Congress of the Communist Party of China in Western Fujian.
In December, he presided over the ninth Congress of the Fourth Red Army of the Communist Party of China in Gutian Village, Shanghang County, Fujian Province, where he made political reports and drafted resolutions of the congress (namely the Gutian Conference resolution). 大会重新选举毛泽东担任前委书记。 [30]
The year 1930
In January, wrote" A single spark can start a prairie fire The article elaborated the theory of the Chinese revolutionary road of encircling the cities by the countryside and seizing power by armed force.
In May, a survey was conducted in Xunwu, Jiangxi Province. Also wrote" Oppose the doctrine of materialism "No investigation, no say."
In August, he was appointed General Political Commissar of the First Red Front Army and secretary of the General Former Enemies Committee of the Communist Party of China.
In September, he was elected as an alternate member of the Political Bureau at the Third Plenary Session of the sixth CPC Central Committee.
From December 30 to January 3 of the following year, he commanded the First Red Front Army with Zhu De and others to crush the first "encirclement and suppression" of the Kuomintang Army.


The year 1931
On January 7, the CCP expanded The Fourth Plenary Session of the sixth Central Committee Held in Shanghai, was elected as an alternate member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee (did not attend the meeting). Wang Ming He was elected to the Politburo with the support of representatives of the Communist International.
From April to May, together with Zhu De and others, he commanded the First Red Front Army to crush the second "encirclement and suppression" of the Kuomintang Army.
From July to September, the third "encirclement and suppression" of the Kuomintang Army was crushed.
From November 1 to 5, the first Congress of the Party Organization in the Central Soviet Area was held ( Gannan Conference He was ostracized and accused of "narrow empiricism," "kulak line," and "extremely serious consistency. Right opportunism ".
November, in China Soviet To deliver a report at the first National Congress; At the first meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the Chinese Soviet Republic, he was elected Chairman and Chairman of the People's Committee. [22]
The year 1932
In January, I went to Jiangxi Ruijin City East Huashan temple on the outskirts of recuperation.
In March, after the defeat in the attack on Ganzhou, the Red Army stopped recuperating and rushed to the front line to command.
On April 15, the publication" Declaration of War against Japan ".
On May 9, with Xiang Ying issued the "Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic opposes the Kuomintang's sale of the Songhu Agreement."
In June, he and Zhu De commanded the First and Fifth Red Armies to return from western Fujian to southern Jiangxi.
In October, at the meeting of the Central Bureau of the Communist Party of the Soviet Area held in Ningdu, Jiangxi Province, he was hit by the wrong leadership of the "left". After the meeting, he was removed from the post of general political commissar of the First Red Front Army and went to Changting, Fujian to recuperate. [4]
The year 1933
In late January, the Political Bureau of the Provisional CPC Central Committee was moved to the Central revolutionary base area.
In early February, the Provisional Central Committee of the Communist Party of China fully implemented the" Line of attack ”,清除毛泽东积极防御路线在中央根据地的影响,开展了所谓反“ Roming route "The struggle.
On May 30, the same item was released Provisional Central Government of the Soviet Republic of China " Selling the Pingjin Declaration for the Kuomintang ".
On June 1, he and Xiang Ying issued the "Instructions on Chatian Movement" of the Provisional Central Government of the Soviet Republic of China.
In August, at the Economic construction conference of the seventeen counties in the southern part of the Central Soviet Area held in Ruijin, he wrote a book titled Smash the five "encirclement and suppression" and Soviet economic construction tasks "Report.
In October, wrote" How to analyze the rural class The article became the standard for dividing the rural class composition.
In November, successively Xingguo county Investigation of Changgang Township and Caixi Township of Shanghang County, writing "Changgang Township Investigation" and "Caixi Township Investigation".
The year 1934
In January, at the CCP The fifth Plenary Session of the sixth Central Committee He was elected a member of the Politburo. He delivered a work report at the Second National Congress of the Chinese Soviet. He was elected Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Chinese Soviet Republic.
On June 19, he and Xiang Ying published the Declaration of the Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic on Selling North China for the Kuomintang.
On July 15, he, together with Xiang Ying and others, issued the Declaration on Advancing North Against Japanese Aggression for the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.
On October 18, in the evening, he led the security team to leave the capital and set foot on the Long March.
At the end of November, the Red Army suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Xiangjiang River. On the 30th, the first field column of the Military Commission crossed the Xiangjiang River.
On December 12, at the emergency meeting of the heads of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held in Hunan Channel, the Red Army urged the Red Army to abandon the original plan to rendezvous with the second and sixth Red armies in western Hunan, and to move forward to Guizhou, where the enemy's strength was weak, and was adopted.
The year 1935
From January 15 to 17, he attended the expanded meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held in Zunyi, Guizhou, and was co-elected to the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.
In March, he formed a three-member military command group with Zhou Enlai and Wang Jiaxiang.
From March to May, he commanded the First Red Front Army with Zhou Enlai and others Crossing Chishui four times , Crossing the Jinsha River , Take Luding Bridge by flight To achieve a decisive victory in the strategic shift.
On June 15, he, together with Xiang Ying and others, issued the Declaration on Opposing Japan's Annexation of North China and Chiang Kai-shek's Treason.
In June, he led the First Red Front Army to join the Fourth Red Front Army in western Sichuan. Soon, the same Zhang Guotao the escapism , separatism To fight.
On October 19, he led the Shaanxi-Gansu branch of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army to Yan 'an, Shaanxi Wuqi Town . Red Army victory completed Long march .
In December, attended in northern Shaanxi Tile-dwelling fort Held a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. The meeting confirmed the establishment Anti-japanese national united front The strategy.
On December 27, at a meeting of party activists, On the strategy of opposing Japanese imperialism The report expounded the strategic principles of the anti-Japanese national united front.
The year 1936
The period of the Eastern Conquest
On January 25, with Zhou Enlai, Peng Dehuai Twenty Red Army generals jointly issued a "Letter to All Soldiers of the Northeast Army for the Willingness of the Red Army to unite with the Northeast Army to Resist Japanese Aggression," putting forward specific measures on the organization of the national defense government and the anti-Japanese United Army, and suggesting that representatives be sent to each other for joint consultation.
From February to May, he led the main force of the First Red Front Army to cross the Yellow River.
In March, he put forward five proposals to the Nanjing authorities to stop the civil war and unite against Japan.
On June 1, with Zhu De issued twenty propositions on saving the country and the people.
On June 12, with Zhu De issued a manifesto," The Guangzhou-Guangdong Incident Expressing support and proposing to resist Japan and save the country Eight-point program .
From July to October, he met with the American journalist Snow several times in Yan 'an, northern Shaanxi, answering his questions about the Chinese Revolution and the workers' and peasants' Red Army, and introducing his own experiences.
On August 10, he attended the meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and made a report on the relations between the two parties and the united front.
On August 25, he drafted a letter from the Communist Party of China to the Chinese Kuomintang, calling for concerted resistance against Japanese aggression.
On 7 December, he was appointed chairman of the Revolutionary Military Commission of the CPC Central Committee.
December 12th [31] , Zhang Xueliang , Yang Hucheng Implement in Xi 'an Military remonstration "And detained Chiang Kai-shek. Xi 'an Incident He sent Zhou Enlai and others to Xi 'an to participate in negotiations and facilitate a peaceful settlement of the incident.
The year 1937
On January 13, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Military Commission entered Yan 'an.
On February 9, attended the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, which discussed and adopted the" The CPC Central Committee sends a telegram to the Third Plenary Session of the Chinese Kuomintang Central Committee Five national policies and four guarantees were proposed. This document actually became a platform for cooperation and negotiation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.
In March, he met with American journalist Smedley to answer some questions she raised about the Sino-Japanese War and the Xi 'an Incident.
From April to July, he lectured on Dialectic Materialism at the anti-Japanese Military and Political University, two sections of which were later compiled into the book On practice "And" On contradiction ".
In May, at the National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he made a report on the Tasks of the Communist Party of China in the Period of Anti-Japanese War and a conclusion on the Struggle for the entry of millions of people into the anti-Japanese national United Front.
On July 7th, The Lugou Bridge Incident The National War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression began.
On July 23, he published the Principles, Methods and Prospects of Opposing the Japanese Attack, proposing resolute resistance to war and opposing the principles and policies of compromise and concessions.
From August 22 to 25, he attended the expanded meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held in Luochuan, northern Shaanxi, emphasized the principle of independence in the united front, and clarified the principle of independence and autonomy in the mountains Guerrilla warfare As secretary of the newly formed Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China.
On August 25, together with Zhu De and Zhou Enlai, he issued a joint statement on the reorganization of the Red Army into the National Revolutionary Army The Eighth Route Army The command. Subsequently, he guided the Eighth Route Army to the anti-Japanese front.
On November 12, at a meeting of activists of the Yan 'an Party, he wrote a book The situation and tasks of the Anti-Japanese War after the fall of Shanghai Taiyuan The report comprehensively expounded the views on the United front and the relations between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.
In December, he attended the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and made a speech, reaffirming and adhering to the policies set by the Luochuan Conference in response to Wang Ming's right-leaning capitulationism of "all through the united front". [5]
Lectured at the Military and Political University of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
In the spring, the decision was made to move the Eighth Route Army from the mountains of North China into the plains to carry out guerrilla warfare.
May 26 to June 3, Yan 'an Anti-Japanese War Research Association On protracted war "Speech. Comprehensively analyze the era of Sino-Japanese war and the basic characteristics of both China and Japan, and refute Theory of quick victory and Theory of national subjugation The general policy of the protracted war of China's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression was expounded.
From September 14 to 27, he attended the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.
From September 29 to November 6, attended the Sixth Plenary Session of the expanded Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. On the new stage Political report and conference conclusions.
The year 1939
On February 2, he made a speech at the Party, government and Army production mobilization conference in Yan 'an, calling on himself to overcome economic difficulties.
On February 5, in the Party School of the CPC Central Committee anti-capitulationism "Speech.
In late April, he wrote the article "May Fourth Movement".
On May 4, Yan 'an Youth commemorated the 20th anniversary of the May 4th Movement. Direction of the youth movement "Speech.
From July to August, he made several reports, condemning the Kuomintang die-hards for creating anti-Communist friction and calling for continued unity in the war of resistance.
On September 16, with the Central News Agency," Moppo "," Shin Min Daily The three reporters talked, reiterating to the Kuomintang die-hards to create anti-communist friction to take "people do not attack me, I do not commit crimes; If a man attacks me, I will punish him."
On October 4, he published the "Communist", stating that the united front, armed struggle, and Party building are the three magic weapons for the victory of the Chinese revolution.
On December 1, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China drafted a decision on the mass absorption of intellectuals.
On December 21, for the Eighth Route Army Political Department, the Ministry of Health to compile the "Norman Bethune Memorial book" In memory of Bethune The article.
In the same month, he co-wrote the book 中国革命和中国共产党 ".
From December to March of the following year, he led the defeat of the Kuomintang die-hards The first anti-Communist surge .
The year 1940
In January, published the" Theory of New democracy Systematically discusses the theory and program of the new democratic revolution.
On March 6, he drafted instructions for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the issue of political power in the anti-Japanese base areas, proposing the implementation of the "three-three system".
On March 11, he made a report entitled "Strategic Problems in the Present anti-Japanese United Front", summarizing the experience of repulsing the first anti-Communist upsurge, and putting forward the strategic thought of "developing progressive forces, winning over the middle forces, and opposing the stubborn forces" and the principles of reasonableness, advantage, and control.
On May 4, he drafted instructions from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to the Southeast Bureau and the New Fourth Army, emphasizing the need to expand the army freely to resist the attack of the anti-Communist die-hards and to adopt a policy of struggle to "cope with possible sudden national incidents."
In late June, he made a report at a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, analyzing the international situation and its impact on China's war of resistance, pointing out that we should not only be on guard against sudden incidents launched by the Kuomintang die-hards, but also strive to improve the situation.
In November, Zhu De, Peng Dehuai, Ye Ting , Xiang Yingfu electricity He Yingqin , Bai Chongxi "Hao electricity" telegram (" good electricity "), clearly refuted "Hao electricity" on the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army unreasonable accusations.
In December, the same returned from the front Party School of the CPC Central Committee The study comrades talked, stressing the importance of cadres proficient in Marxism-Leninism. [5]


The year 1941
In early January, The southern Anhui Incident Took place.
On 20 January, a reconstruction was drafted for the CPC Central Military Commission The New Fourth Army The order of the military headquarters, and the Xinhua News Agency reporter issued a statement on the southern Anhui incident, and put forward twelve measures to solve the southern Anhui incident.
On May 1, he reviewed a revised version of the document approved by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. Administrative program of Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia border region Issued, stipulating the implementation of the border area regime construction The principle of "three-three system" .
On May 8, he drafted the instructions of the Party on the Summary of the Second Anti-Communist Upsurge, proposing the strategic idea of "fighting against fighting, pulling against pulling" and winning over the centrists.
On May 19, he wrote a book at the Yan 'an Ministerial Meeting. Transform our learning "Report, raised objections subjectivism Clarify the ideological principle of seeking truth from facts.
On August 1, he drafted the "Decision on Investigation and Research" for the CPC Central Committee.
From September 10 to October 22, he attended the expanded meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and made a report against subjectivism and sectarianism.
In autumn and winter, he presided over and edited the Since the Sixth Congress "," Six days ago "And" Two routes And other historical documents of the Party. [6]
The year 1942
On February 1, at the opening ceremony of the Central Party School of the Communist Party of China Rectify the Party's style "Report.
On February 8, at the cadre meeting convened by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, he wrote a book titled Oppose the party's eight shares "Speech.
In May, he gave a speech and made a conclusion at the symposium of Yan 'an Literary and Art workers.
On September 7, he wrote an editorial for the Liberation Daily in Yan 'an, arguing that the streamlining of military forces was an extremely important policy.
In December, he submitted a long written report on Economic and Financial Issues to the high-level meeting of the Northwest Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, discussing the general policy of financial and economic work of "developing the economy and ensuring supply".
The year 1943
On March 20, at a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, he was presumed to be chairman of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee.
On May 26, he made a report on the Dissolution of the Communist International at a meeting of cadres held by the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee.
On June 1, a decision on leadership methods was drafted for the CPC Central Committee.
On July 1, he wrote to Kang Sheng, pointing out that the "anti-rape" work should be investigated and studied, distinguish right from wrong, educate the masses, and oppose "forcing, confessing, and believing."
On July 12, wrote "Liberation Daily" for Yan 'an. Question the Kuomintang The editorial exposed the plot of the Kuomintang die-hards to attack the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia border area.
From early September to early October, presided over the meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held during this period, criticized Wang Ming's "left" adventurism mistakes during the ten years of civil war and the right opportunism mistakes in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, and made several speeches and summaries at the meeting.
In December, he dedicated the inscription "Seeking Truth from Facts" for the auditorium of the Central Party School.
The year 1944
On April 12 and May 20, he gave lectures on learning and the current situation at the high-level meeting of the Northwest Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the first part of the Central Party School.
On May 15, Lin Boqu, who had been negotiating with the Kuomintang representatives in Xi 'an, submitted a proposal drafted by him as a specific content of the negotiations. The position paper offers twenty views on issues concerning national politics and bipartisan issues.
On May 21, he was elected chairman of the Central Committee and chairman of the presidium of the Seventh Plenary Session of the sixth expanded CPC Central Committee.
On June 5, the draft" CPC Central Committee's directive on urban work It was discussed and adopted at the Seventh Plenary Session of the sixth CPC Central Committee.
From June to August, he met many times with members of the Northwest visiting group of Chinese and foreign journalists and members of the U.S. Military observation group in Yan 'an, explaining the CPC's anti-Japanese policy and the relations between the KMT and the Communist Party.
On September 8, Zhang Side's memorial service was published. Serve the people "Speech.
On October 31, presided over the presidium meeting of the Seventh Plenary Session of the sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and decided to send Wang Zhen and Wang Shoudao to lead the department south to "establish a base area with Hengshan as the center."
In November, Zhou Enlai and Hurley, the personal representative of American President Roosevelt, talked several times about the relations between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and reached five draft agreements. The draft agreement was rejected by Chiang Kai-shek.
The year 1945
4月20日,出席中共六届七中全会最后一次会议,会议基本通过经毛泽东多次作重要修改的《 Resolutions on a number of historical issues ".
4月23日至6月11日,主持召开中国共产党第七次全国代表大会,致开幕词(《两个中国之命运》)和闭幕词(《 the Foolish Old Man, who removed the mountains To submit to the General Assembly a written political report entitled "On the Coalition Government".
On 19 June, he was elected chairman of the Central Committee at the First Plenary Session of the seventh CPC Central Committee.
In July, with the National Councilor Chu Fucheng Huang Yanpei and other six people held talks on the relations between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Talking about the "new road" of democracy, breaking out of the "periodic law" of the rise and fall of political parties and organizations.
On August 9, the statement "The Last Battle against the Japanese Aggressors" was issued.
On August 13, he delivered a speech entitled "The Situation after the Victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and Our Policy," proposing the policy of confronting the Kuomintang tit-for-tat and fighting for every inch of land in order to strive for domestic peace and democracy.
On August 28, he went to Chongqing for peace talks with Chiang Kai-shek.
On September 2, the Japanese government officially signed the instrument of surrender. China's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression ended successfully.
On October 10, "Minutes of Talks between the National Government and Representatives of the Communist Party of China" (referred to as" The Double Tenth Agreement ") signed in Chongqing. 11, back to Yan 'an.
On October 17, at the Yan 'an Ministerial Meeting, he made a report on the Chongqing negotiations, pointing out that the Chinese revolution "has a bright future, but the road is tortuous."
On December 28, a directive was drafted on the establishment of a consolidated Northeast Base Area. [6]
The year 1946
In April, he wrote "Some Estimates on the current International Situation".
On June 26, the Kuomintang army launched a major offensive Central Plains An all-out civil war broke out in the liberated areas.
On July 4, a strategic decision was made for the southern field army to "first win a few battles on the inside and then move to the outside".
On July 20, an internal party directive was drafted entitled "Crushing Chiang Kai-shek's Attack with a War of Self-Defence".
On August 6, he met with the American journalist Strong and put forward the famous judgment that "all reactionaries are paper tigers".
On September 16, he drafted instructions for the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China to "concentrate superior forces and annihilate the enemy."
On October 1, the Party drafted instructions for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, summarizing the experience of the three-month war.
Move to Northern Shaanxi (middle)
On November 18, in an intra-party directive drafted for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the first use of the term" People's liberation war "The name of. [7]
The year 1947
On March 18, he led the central organs of the Communist Party of China and the headquarters of the People's Liberation Army to evacuate Yan 'an and began a year-long campaign in northern Shaanxi.
From March to August, he led the Northwest Field Army to successively win victories in the battles of Qinghubian, Yangmahe, Panlong and Shajiadian, crushing the Kuomintang's key attacks on the liberated areas in northern Shaanxi.
From July 21 to 23, he presided over a meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Xiaohe Village, Jingbian County, northern Shaanxi, and put forward the idea that the struggle against Chiang Kai-shek could be resolved within five years (starting from July 1946). Before and after, the three armies of Liu Deng, Chen Su and Chen Xie were deployed to cross the Yellow River and turn into a strategic offensive.
In October, the draft of the" Declaration of the Chinese People's Liberation Army He put forward the slogan "Overthrow Chiang Kai-shek and liberate the whole of China".
In November, he divided "How to Divide Classes," drafted in 1933, and "How to Divide Classes," Decisions on some issues in the land struggle It was reissued to the whole Party to guide the correct development of the land reform movement in liberated areas.
From December 25 to 28, he presided over a meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (the December Meeting) in Yangjiagou, Mizhi County, northern Shaanxi, to which he submitted a written report on the Current Situation and Our Tasks and put forward ten military principles and principles New democracy Three economic programs.
The year 1948
On January 18, he drafted a draft decision for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Important Issues in the Current Party Policy.
On 23 March, after finishing the war in northern Shaanxi, they crossed the Yellow River east and headed for the liberated areas in North China.
With Liu Yazi
On April 1, he delivered an important speech at the Shanxi cadres' meeting in Caijiya, Xingxian County, Shanxi, clarifying the general line of the Party's new democratic revolution and the general line of land reform.
From April 30 to May 7, he presided over an expanded meeting of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee in Nanzhuang, Fuping County, Hebei Province, and put forward several suggestions, such as bringing the war to the areas controlled by the Kuomintang, developing production, and strengthening discipline.
On 1 May, I sent a letter Li Jishen , Shen Junru The establishment of a democratic coalition government should be preceded by the convening of a new political consultative Conference.
On May 27, it arrived at Xibaipo village, Pingshan County, Hebei province, where the Working Committee of the CPC Central Committee is located.
From September 8 to 13, he presided over a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee in Xibaipo and made important reports on issues such as war, nation-building, and finance and economics.
From September to January, he organized and commanded the three major strategic decisive battles of Liaoshen, Huaihai and Pingjin, and gathered and wiped out the main force of the Kuomintang army in the north of the Yangtze River.
On December 30, he wrote a 1949 New Year message for Xinhua News Agency. Carry the revolution to the end ".
The year 1949
In March, he presided over the Second Plenary Session of the seventh CPC Central Committee, and put forward the guidelines and basic policies for realizing the shift of the focus of the Party's work, winning national victory, and the construction of New China.
On March 25, he led the Central organs of the Communist Party of China and the headquarters of the People's Liberation Army into Beiping.
On April 21, the Nanjing government refused to accept the "Domestic. Peace agreement In the case of Zhu De, he jointly issued the Order to March to the whole country.
On April 23, the People's Liberation Army occupied Nanjing and wrote a poem Seven laws ・ The People's Liberation Army occupied Nanjing ".
From June 15 to 19, he attended the first plenary meeting of the preparatory meeting of the new CPPCC and delivered a speech at the opening ceremony.
June 30, published" On people's democratic dictatorship The article.
On July 4, he telephoned Cheng Qian again, praising Cheng's policy of opposing Chiang Kai-shek and Guangxi and peacefully resolving the Hunan question, and making arrangements for related matters.
From September 21 to 30, he attended the first Plenary session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, delivered the opening address, and was elected Chairman of the Central People's Government. The meeting adopted the draft, which was chaired by Zhou Enlai and reviewed and revised by him many times. Common programme ".
On October 1, the People's Republic of China was founded and presided over the founding ceremony.
On December 5, the Directive on the participation of the Army in Production and Construction Work in 1950 was issued.
16 December, arrived Moscow , first visit The Soviet Union . On February 14, 1950, China and the Soviet Union signed the" Sino-soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance ".
From December to early the following year, specific arrangements were made for the peaceful liberation of Tibet.
The year 1950
From June 6 to 9, presided over the Third Plenary Session of the seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, submitted a written report "Fighting for the basic improvement of the national financial and economic situation", and made a speech "Do not attack from all sides".
On June 28, presided over the eighth meeting of the Central People's Government Committee and adopted the" Land Reform Law of the People's Republic of China ".
In early October, presided over a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and made a" Resist America and aid Korea To protect our country."
On October 8, an order was issued to form the Chinese People's Volunteer Army, ordering the volunteers to immediately dispatch to North Korea to assist North Korea The people, and appointed Peng Dehuai as volunteers Commander and political commissar. He then personally directed the first to third campaigns.
After October, he launched and led the suppression of the counter-revolutionary movement. 7 [8]


The year 1951
February, in Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee The idea of "three years of preparation and ten years of planned economic construction" was put forward at the expanded meeting.
On May 20, the article "Should pay attention to the discussion of the film" Martial Arts Biography "was published as an editorial in People's Daily.
On May 24, a banquet was held to celebrate the signing of the Agreement on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet.
In September, he presided over the formulation of the Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on Mutual Assistance and Cooperation in Agricultural Production (Grass).
October 12," 毛泽东选集 The first volume was published. The second and third volumes were published in April 1952 and April 1953, respectively.
In December, the anti-corruption, anti-waste, anti-bureaucracy campaign was launched The "three evils" movement . [9]
The year 1952
In January, presided over the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee and adopted the Decision on carrying out the Study Campaign of Ideological Reform of people from all walks of Life.
On January 26, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China drafted instructions on the launch of the "Five contraventions" campaign (that is, against bribery, tax evasion, theft and fraud of state property, against cutting corners, and against theft and fraud of national economic information).
On April 6, he drafted the Instructions for the CPC Central Committee on the Guidelines for Work in Tibet.
On August 9, China issued the Implementation Program for Regional Ethnic Autonomy of the People's Republic of China.
In September, a general line for the transition period was proposed.
The year 1953
On January 13th, Constitution of People's Republic of China The drafting committee was established and appointed chairman.
March 26: Draft instructions for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on opposing Han chauvinism.
On June 15, he made a speech at the meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and made a relatively complete statement of the Party's general line in the transition period.
On July 27, the Korean Armistice ended Panmunjom Make it official.
On September 7, in a conversation with representatives of the democratic parties and the business community, he pointed out that state capitalism is a transformation capitalism The only way for industry and commerce.
On October 15 and November 4, he talked with the person in charge of the Rural Work Department of the CPC Central Committee twice. It is pointed out that the rural work departments at all levels should regard mutual assistance and cooperation as extremely important.
At the National Day ceremony with Kim Il Sung in 1954 (right)
In January, he presided over the drafting of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China in Hangzhou.
On March 23, he presided over the first meeting of the Constitution Drafting Committee and proposed the first draft of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China.
From September 15 to 28, attended the First Plenary Session of the First Session of the National People's Congress and delivered an opening speech. Strive to build a great socialist country He was elected President of the People's Republic of China.
On September 28, the CPC Central Military Commission was formed and appointed chairman.
On October 16, he wrote a letter on the Study of the Dream of Red Mansions to the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and relevant comrades.
October 19, in the same India premier Nehru In the conversation raised, The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence It should be extended to all state-to-state relations.
The year 1955
January 15th, instructions Liu Shaoqi Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping "Dealing with Hu Feng's bourgeoisie idealism Anti-party and anti-people literary and artistic thoughts, and thoroughly criticize them."
In March, he delivered an opening speech at the National Congress of the Communist Party of China and made a conclusion, calling on cadres to study the problem of socialist industrialization and become expert in this field.
On May 12, at the Supreme Cabinet meeting, he proposed a policy for the elimination of opposition.
June 9, Tiananmen Square Monument to the People's Heroes Inscription: The people's heroes are immortal.
On July 31, at the meeting of secretaries of provincial, municipal and autonomous region Party committees convened by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, he made a report on the issue of agricultural cooperation.
From September to December, he chaired and edited the The upsurge of socialism in rural China He wrote two preambles and 104 notes.
From October 4 to 11, he presided over the Sixth Plenary Session of the seventh CPC Central Committee and adopted the Resolution on Agricultural cooperation.
On October 29, the executive committee of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce was invited to discuss the socialist transformation of private industry and commerce.
On December 16, the Central Committee revised the draft directive on intellectuals, proposing to train intellectuals in large numbers and pay attention to the recruitment of senior intellectuals into the Party.
The year 1956
On January 20, at the meeting on intellectual issues held by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, he called on the whole party to work hard to learn scientific knowledge, unite with non-Party intellectuals, and strive to quickly catch up with the advanced level of world science.
On January 25, presided over the Supreme State Council to formally discuss and adopt the National Agricultural Development Program (Draft) from 1956 to 1967. (i.e. 40 articles) .
From February to March, we listened to reports from 34 central working departments and conducted systematic investigations and studies on economic construction.
In early April, the review of the" Historical experience on the dictatorship of the proletariat ".
On April 25, at the expanded meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, On ten relationships "Report.
On April 27, he was cremated after his death.
On April 28, at the expanded meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the policy of "a hundred flowers blooming and a hundred schools of thought contending" was proposed.
On August 22, he presided over the Seventh Plenary session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and put forward two priorities, one is socialist transformation and the other is economic construction, and the main one of the two priorities is construction.
Delivered the opening speech at the eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China
From September 15 to 27, he presided over the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and delivered the opening speech. During the Eighth Party Congress, the importance of strengthening economic construction was once again emphasized.
On September 28, he was elected chairman of the Central Committee at the First Plenary Session of the eighth CPC Central Committee.
On November 15, at the Second Plenary Session of the eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, he said: Our economic construction has retreated and advanced, but the main thing is still forward.
In December, revises the Historical Experience of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. [9]
The year 1957
On February 27, he wrote" On correctly handling contradictions among the people "Speech, put forward two kinds of contradictory theories.
On March 12, he delivered a speech at the National Propaganda Work Conference of the Communist Party of China and announced the start of rectification within the party.
On April 30, leaders of the democratic parties were invited to a meeting, asking them to help the Communist Party rectification.
On May 15, he wrote the article "Things are Changing," and then launched the anti-rightist struggle, which seriously expanded the mistake.
From September 20 to October 9, presided over the meeting of the Communist Party of China The Third Plenary Session of the eighth Central Committee At the meeting, he objected to the discussion of the major contradictions in Chinese society in the eight resolutions and believed that it should be returned to the Party The Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee The formulation of...
In November, he led the Chinese Party and government delegation to visit the Soviet Union and participated October Revolution 40th anniversary celebration, attended by the Communist Party and Workers' Party The conference of delegates. During the period, it was proposed that China's output of major industrial products should catch up with that of the United Kingdom within 15 years. [10]
The year 1958
In January, he presided over the Nanning Meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and drafted the "60 Working Methods (Draft)". At the meeting, he criticized "anti-rushing".
In March, he presided over the Chengdu Meeting of the CPC Central Committee. The meeting continued to criticize the "counter-aggressive", and the various economic indicators established were greatly improved.
From May 5 to 23, he presided over the second session of the National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The conference changed the relevant conclusions of the first Conference of the Eighth National Congress, and held that the struggle between the two classes and the two roads was still the main contradiction in China. The meeting adopted the general line of "full of energy, strive for the upper reaches, and build socialism as quickly as possible."
July 31 to August 3, with the visiting First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Khrushchev During the talks, the proposal of the Soviet side to establish a joint fleet and a long-wave radio station, which violated China's sovereignty, was rejected.
July-august, deployment Shelled Kinmen .
On August 6, he inspected Qiliying People's Commune in Xinxiang, Henan Province. "The people's commune is a good name."
From August 17 to 30, he presided over an expanded meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee in Beidaihe and adopted the Resolution on the Establishment of People's communes in rural areas.
From 2 to 10 November, he hosted the first meeting Zhengzhou Conference And began to correct the "left" errors in the "Great Leap Forward" and the people's commune movement. During the meeting, he wrote a letter to the Party committee at or above the county level, asking him to study "Economic Problems of Socialism in the Soviet Union" and "Manenles on Communist Society."
From November 28 to December 10, the Sixth Plenary Session of the eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held in Wuchang. Resolutions on certain questions concerning people's communes ".
The year 1959
From February 27 to March 5, he presided over the second Zhengzhou Conference, and from March 25 to April 5, he held the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the Seventh Plenary Session of the eighth Central Committee in Shanghai, continuing to correct the "left" deviation.
From June 25 to 28, he returned to his hometown of Shaoshan.
From July 2 to August 16, he presided over the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the Eighth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee in Lushan. The expanded meeting of the Political Bureau was intended to further correct the mistakes of the "left", but in the later period and the following plenary session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Eighth CPC Central Committee, it mistakenly initiated criticism of Peng Dehuai and others. [11]
On August 24, it was proposed to remove the caps of rightists in stages and pardon a number of war criminals who had indeed changed their evil deeds. On September 17, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a Directive on Removing the Hats of rightists who truly repent. The ninth session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress adopted the Decision on granting amnesty to Criminals who have truly changed their evil deeds.
From December 10 to February 9 of the following year, the organization has Chen Boda , Hu rope , Deng Liqun , Tian Jiaying The reading group I participated in studied and discussed the Soviet Union's "Political Economy (Textbook)" in Hangzhou, Shanghai and Guangzhou successively, and made many talks.
The year 1960
In March, Guangzhou approved the" 毛泽东选集 Volume Four. Published in September.
On March 30, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China drafted a draft Instructions on fighting bureaucracy ".
From June 14 to 18, he presided over an expanded meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee in Shanghai and wrote a book entitled Decade summary The article re-emphasizes the principle of seeking truth from facts and proposes to study it carefully socialism Laws of revolution and construction.
From July 5 to August 10, he presided over the Work Conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held in Beidaihe, studying international issues and domestic economic adjustment.
On November 15, he drafted the "Instructions on Thoroughly correcting the problem of the" Five Winds "for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. (" Five winds ", that is 共产风 , boastfulness Command wind, cadres special wind and blind command wind.)


The year 1961
From January 14 to 18, he presided over the Ninth Plenary session of the eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and called for a great revival of investigation and research. The meeting formally approved the eight-figure policy for adjusting the national economy. After the meeting, he organized and led three investigation teams to investigate and study the rural areas of Zhejiang, Hunan and Guangdong.
From May 21 to June 12, presided over the Working Conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to discuss the revision of the" Regulations on the work of rural people's communes (Draft) (i.e. article 60 of agriculture) . It stipulates that the supply system shall be abolished; It is entirely up to the members to decide whether to run a canteen or not.
From August 23 to September 16, he presided over the Working Conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Lushan Mountain to discuss industry, grain, finance and trade, education and other issues. The meeting emphasized the practical implementation of the eight-figure policy of economic adjustment.
On September 29, it proposed "three-level ownership, team-based", and delegated the basic accounting units of rural people's communes to the production team. [10]
The year 1962
From January 11 to February 7, he presided over the CPC's expanded Central Work Conference (also known as" Seven thousand ") Make about Democratic centralism Important speech on the issue.
From July to September, the Working Conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Tenth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee were held in Beidaihe and Beijing respectively, criticizing the so-called "dark wind", "unilateral wind" and "pattern reversal", making speeches on class, situation, contradictions and party unity, and further developing the relevant issues Class struggle It is a false argument that the principal contradiction of socialist society.
The year 1963
From February 11 to 28, the Working Conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held, and the meeting was determined to be generally carried out in rural areas "Four Qing" movement Develop with cities The "Five revolts" movement .
On March 5, in" People's Daily "Published the inscription" to Lei Feng Gay learning ".
In May, presided over the formulation of the "Draft Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Issues Concerning Current Rural Work" in Hangzhou (referred to as the "first ten") As a programmatic document to guide the rural "four Qing".
On December 16, he listened to Nie Rongzhen's report on the ten-year plan for science and technology and pointed out that without science and technology, productivity could not be improved.
In December, the first directive on literary and artistic work was issued.
The year 1964
On February 13, a symposium on education work was convened to put forward ideas for reforming the education system.
In May, after hearing about the third Five-year plan When debriefing, raise two fists ( agriculture , National defense ) An ass (Basic industry ) The thought of; It also proposed the strategic layout of dividing the country into one, two and three lines.
On June 15 and 16, watch the military training report performance of the Beijing and Jinan troops.
June 16, in Beijing Ming Tombs At the small meeting held, he made a speech on the training of successors to the cause of proletarian revolution.
In June, they again gave instructions on the work of literature and art, which then extended to other areas of ideology and mistakenly carried out excessive political criticism.
October 16, China's first Atomic bomb The explosion was successful.
From December 15 to 28, presided over the Central Working Conference to discuss and formulate "Some Issues currently raised in the Rural Socialist Education Movement" (abbreviated as" twenty-three ") It partially corrected the "left" approach of the "Four Qing" movement, but wrongly suggested that "the focus of the movement is to integrate those in power within the Party who take the capitalist road." [12]
The year 1965
From May 22 to 29, they climbed the Jinggang Mountain.
On July 27, he met with the acting president of the former Kuomintang Government who returned from overseas Li Zongren And Mrs.
In early November, approved the publication of the article "Review of the new historical drama" Hai Rui dismissed from Office ", which opened the" Cultural revolution "The prologue.
The year 1966
At the end of March, he wrongly accused the five-member group of Cultural Revolution, chaired by Peng Zhen, of "the Outline of a Report on Current Academic Discussions." [12]
On May 7, made" The fifth seventh instruction He proposed that the People's Liberation Army "should be a big school", all walks of life should focus on the industry, "learn from other things", "education should be revolutionary" and so on.
From August 1 to 12, presided over the 11th Plenary Session of the eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, adopted the" Decision on the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ". Artillery Command - one of my big character posters "And criticized him without naming him Liu Shaoqi , Deng Xiaoping . The enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee in May and the convening of this meeting are" Cultural revolution "A sign of full mobilization.
From August 18 to November 26, he met with students, teachers and students from all over the country eight times in Beijing Red Guard .
The year 1967
January, to Shanghai" January Revolution "Expressed support. Since then, power grabs have spread throughout the country.
On January 23, the directive issued the "Decision of the Chinese People's Liberation Army to firmly support the Revolutionary Left Masses."
On February 11th and 16th, Tan Zhenlin , Chen Yi , Ye Jianying , Li Fuchun , Li Xiannian , Xu Xiangqian , Nie Rongzhen Waiting for satisfaction Lin Biao , Jiang Qing A group of reactionaries strongly criticized the wrong practices of the "Cultural Revolution" in order to "make a big fuss. Hall of Cherishing benevolence ". [12]
June 17, China's first Hydrogen bomb The explosion was successful.
From July to September, he inspected North, Central and East China, called for "the realization of a revolutionary grand coalition" and pointed out that "cadres should be treated correctly".
At the end of August, members of the Central Cultural Revolution Group were approved Wang Li , Guan Feng Quarantine screening. January 1968, right again Qi Benyu Quarantine screening.
The year 1968
On January 16, Jiang Qing and others sent the so-called" Wu Hao Materials such as "secession from the Communist Party" made important instructions: "This matter has long been clear, it is the Kuomintang slander", so that they failed to falsely accuse Zhou Enlai.
October 13-31, presided over the meeting of the Communist Party of China The Twelfth Plenary Session of the eighth Central Committee In highly abnormal circumstances, by framing Liu Shaoqi And expel him from the party. [12]
On December 22, the instruction "It is necessary for young intellectuals to go to the countryside and receive the re-education of the poor and lower middle peasants" was published in the" People's Daily Published, the knowledge of young people up the mountain to the countryside fervour Here we go.
The year 1969
From April 1 to 24, he presided over the ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, approved the wrong theory and practice of the "Cultural Revolution", and wrote Lin Biao as his successor The Party Constitution . [13]
April 28, at the CCP The First Plenary Session of the ninth Central Committee He was re-elected as chairman of the Central Committee.
The year 1970
On April 24, China successfully launched its first man-made Earth satellite.
On May 20, he issued "The people of the world unite to defeat the American aggressors and everything. jackal ! " The statement.
From August 23 to September 6, presided over the Second Plenary Session of the ninth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Lushan Mountain, wrote "My Opinion", exposing the defeat of Lin Biao, Chen Boda A plot to steal the job and seize power.
On December 18, he met with his American friend Snow and welcomed US President Richard Nixon's visit to China.


The year 1971
From August to September, during the inspection tour in the south, he talked with the local Party, government and military leaders several times to expose Lin Biao's conspiracy. On the way, he changed his action plan several times and returned to Beijing on September 12 Lin Biao The group's counter-revolutionary armed coup plot.
September 13, with Zhou Enlai and other decisive handling Lin Biao defected Event.
On October 25, the twenty-sixth United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution by an overwhelming majority restoring all the legitimate rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations Chiang Kai-shek The group's representatives were expelled.
On November 14, he met comrades who participated in the Chengdu regional symposium for the so-called" February countercurrent "Vindicated.
The year 1972
January 10th, attend Chen Yi The memorial service.
On February 21, he will meet with Chinese visitors America President Richard Nixon; On the 28th, China and the United States issued a joint communique in Shanghai, and decided to normalize relations between the two countries.
September 27th, see you Japan Prime minister Kakuei Tanaka ; The Chinese and Japanese governments issued a joint statement on the 29th, announcing the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan and the formal establishment of diplomatic relations.
The year 1973
From August 24 to 28, he presided over the 10th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which allowed a group of older proletarian revolutionaries to re-enter the Central Committee, but at the same time the power of the Jiangqing Group was also strengthened.
8月30日,在中共 The First Plenary Session of the tenth Central Committee He was elected chairman of the Central Committee.
And offered to give He Long , Luo Ruiqing , Yang Chengwu , Yu Lijin , Fu Chongbi Rehabilitate.
The year 1974
On January 18, it was approved to forward the" Lin Biao The Tao of Confucius and Mencius. " Approve the forest and the holes The movement began.
February 22nd. See you Zambia Pres. Kaunda In the conversation," Three worlds "Divide the mind.
On July 17, he was criticized at a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Wang Hongwen , Zhang Chunqiao , Jiang Qing , Yao Wenyuan Gang activity, the first time" The "Gang of Four" "Question.
9月29日,经毛泽东批准,中共中央为 He Long Rehabilitate.
November 12th, yes Jiang Qing A letter of instruction criticizing her" Form a cabinet Ambition, clearly stated, "Do not form a cabinet by you. (as a backstage boss) ".
The year 1975
From January 13 to 17, the first session of the Fourth National People's Congress (NPC) was held in Beijing, which reaffirmed the goal of realizing the four modernizations in this century Zhu De Members of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, who are chairmen, appointed Zhou Enlai as Premier, Deng Xiaoping A member of The State Council who is a vice premier.
On May 3, members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee were convened in Beijing for a talk and stressed the need to engage in Marxism-Leninism To be united, to be above board, and once again criticize the "Gang of Four."
On July 14, he made a statement on literature and art, pointing out that the Party's literature and art policy should be adjusted.
In late November, he reviewed and approved the "Talking Points of Greeting" and mistakenly launched the so-called "criticizing Deng and countering the right-leaning Overturning trend" movement. [13]
The year 1976
On January 8th, Zhou Enlai Died in Beijing.
January 21, 28, first proposed Hua Guofeng Acting Premier of The State Council and presiding over the daily work of the Central Committee.
From late March to April 5, millions of people in Beijing spontaneously went to Tian 'anmen Square for several days, laying wreaths and poems to mourn Zhou Enlai and denounces him. The "Gang of Four" ". 天安门事件 "Report [13] .
4月7日,根据毛泽东提议, Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee 通过《中共中央关于华国锋同志任中共中央第一副主席、国务院总理的决议》和《关于撤销邓小平党内外一切职务的决议》。
He died on September 9 in Beijing. [13]

Major work

" 毛泽东选集 》:毛泽东的主要著作集。
" 毛泽东文集 》:中共中央文献研究室编,人民出版社1993年起陆续出版,编入了《毛泽东选集》以外的毛泽东重要文稿。
" 毛泽东诗词 》:毛泽东创作的旧体诗词作品。 [14]
(Overview content is derived from [1] [15] )

Historical contribution

I. 毛泽东带领中国人民经过了长期的革命斗争,终于赢得民族独立和人民解放,创建了新中国。
Two. 毛泽东带领中国人民走上了 The road of socialist construction [23] . [17]
Three, created The people are masters of the country The new era of the Communist Party of China has begun the arduous and tortuous exploration of realizing socialist democracy. [18]
Fourth, it established the ruling status of the Communist Party of China and made unremitting exploration to maintain the advanced nature and ruling status of Marxist political parties. [19]
V. Established the status of New China as a major country in the world and made unremitting efforts to create an independent diplomacy of peace. [20]

Character evaluation

He is a great man of the generation who led the Chinese people to completely change their destiny and the face of the country, and a great internationalist who made significant contributions to the liberation of the oppressed nations of the world and the cause of human progress.
In order to save the nation from extinction, the Chinese people rose up and shouted, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, the Hundred Days' Reform, the Boxer Movement and the Revolution of 1911 occurred one after another, and various national salvation plans were introduced one after another, but all ended in failure. After the Communist Party of China ascended the stage of history, it united and led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in a great and arduous struggle against foreign invasion and against national and class oppression.
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, we united and led the people in carrying out the socialist revolution on their own, abolishing the feudal system of exploitation and oppression that had lasted for thousands of years, establishing the basic system of socialism, and advancing socialist construction. We achieved the most extensive and profound social transformation in the history of the Chinese nation, and made great achievements in socialist construction. It has made China a big country with important influence in the world and accumulated important experience in socialist construction in China, a country with a very backward level of social productivity.
Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary practice. The basic principles of Marxism have universal applicability, and only when they are combined with the realities of various countries can they show a powerful force of truth. For the Communist Party of China, it is to learn to apply the theories of Marxism-Leninism to China's specific environment."
China's revolution and construction must be led by an advanced political party. He clearly proposed to promote party building as a "great project" and successfully led the implementation of this great project. For the first time in the history of Marxist political parties, he scientifically explained the relationship between party building and the Party's political line, revealed the basic law of Party building, and pointed out the direction for strengthening Party building. It emphasizes building the Party ideologically and creates a rectification form of ideological education through criticism and self-criticism. Creatively applying the principle of democratic centralism to correctly deal with intra-party relations and safeguard the unity of the Party; It has formed the Party's "Three major styles of work" and has become a significant symbol of the CPC's distinction from any other political party. In exploring the profound thinking beyond the historical periodic rate, the first answer is given, that is, "let the people supervise the government," and so on.
To seek happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the nation is the original mission of our Party. Since its founding, our Party has devoted itself to building a new society in which the people are masters of the country. The founding of the People's Republic of China marked China's great leap to the people's democratic system. The Chinese people, who had their own destiny in their hands, participated in the management of state affairs, economic, cultural and social affairs through various channels. Under the leadership of the Party, the new people's power has achieved and consolidated the great unity of the people of all ethnic groups in the country and the great unity of the workers, peasants, intellectuals and people of all other strata. We vigorously promoted economic development, worked hard to change the backward face of poverty and poverty, and effectively guaranteed the basic needs of the people. To continuously develop socialist culture and improve the ideological, moral, scientific and cultural quality of the people; China has established and developed a strong national defense force, including the "two bombs and one star", which completely ended the history of repeated foreign invasions in old China, and China's national defense force is in the forefront of the world. We have adhered to an independent foreign policy of peace, firmly upheld national independence and sovereignty, and put an end to the humiliating diplomacy of old China. China stands tall in the East of the world as an independent country with complete sovereignty. The ancient China was changed in the hands of the people, the Chinese people are proud, and the international status of the new China is increasing day by day.
Only socialism can save China and develop China. In 1956, China basically completed the socialist transformation of private ownership of the means of production, basically realized public ownership of the means of production and distribution according to work, and established a socialist economic system. In carrying out large-scale socialist construction, we have also explored the establishment of specific socialist systems in science and technology, education, culture, and medical and health care.
Without a people's army, there is nothing of the people. In the course of the arduous revolutionary war, he systematically solved the problem of how to build a revolutionary army with the peasants as its main component into a new type of people's army of proletarian nature, with strict discipline and in close contact with the masses of the people. He formulated the sole purpose of the people's army serving the people wholeheartedly, the principle of the Party commanding the gun, the principle of political army building, the three major disciplines and eight points of attention, the three major political, economic and military democracy, the principles of unity between officers and men, unity between the army and the people, and disintegration of the enemy forces, and formulated a set of guidelines and methods for the political work of the people's army. It systematically put forward the idea of building the people's army, formulated a series of strategies and tactics for the people's war, and provided fundamental guidance for the people's Army to defeat exceptionally vicious enemies at home and abroad and win the victory of the Chinese revolution.
Five years after his death, the Communist Party of China made a comprehensive appraisal of all his revolutionary activities and ideas in the form of a resolution of the Central Committee. Marxism Development in China remains the guiding ideology of the Communist Party of China. [1]