Cork oak

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Oak of the fagaceae family
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Cork oak Quercus variabilis Blume) Yes fagaceae Quercus Tall deciduous trees. The plant is 30 meters tall; The bark is deeply divided longitudinally; Branchlets glabrous; Leaf blade ovate-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, base broadly cuneate or subrounded, spiny serrate; Cup-shaped, flat round tip; Flowering period from March to April; Fruit period September-October of the following year [5] . "Cork oak" is named because the bark has a developed cork layer [6] .
Cork oak is found in Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi provinces and so on [7] . Light, seedlings tolerant to shade, low temperature, drought and barren. The soil requirements are not strict [8] . Cork oak is listed as not Threatened (LC) on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. [9] . The mode of reproduction is generally grafting [10] .
According to "Guizhou Herbal Medicine" records, the fruit shell of cork oak has the effect of relieving cough, treating tinea capitis, and drainage [11] . It can also be used as garden greening and is the main tree species for mountain greening [12] . The fruit of cork oak contains up to 50.4% starch, and the starch extracted can be used for sizing and brewing [13] . Its cork cover is an important industrial raw material, which can be used to make insulation, cold storage, sound insulation board, etc [15] It can also be used for the production of cork, shell, etc., and the bark can also be used to extract tannin extract [14] [16] .
Chinese name
Cork oak
Latin name
Quercus variabilis Blume
Cork oak , Fagus crassicolor , White oak
The door
The outline
Belong to
Kind of
Cork oak
Namers and years
Bl., 1850
International endangered rating
No risk (LC) [4]

History of botany

"Cork oak" is named because the bark has a developed cork layer [6] .

Morphological characteristics

Fallen leaves Tree, up to 30 m tall, diameter of 1 m or more, bark dark brown, deep longitudinally split, cork layer developed. Branchlets grey-brown, glabrous; Bud conical, bud scale brown, marginal hair.
Leaf blade ovate-lanceolate or oblong-elliptic, 8-15 (-20) cm long, 2-6 (-8) cm wide, apical acuminate, base rounded or broadly cuneate, leaf margin spiny sawtooth The back of the leaf is densely covered with grayish white stellate villi, with 13-18 lateral veins on each side, reaching the tooth end; Petiole 1-3 (-5) cm long, glabrous.
Male flower Sequence up to 14 cm long, inflorescence axis densely covered with brown hairs, perianth 4-6 cleft, stamen 10 or more; Female flowers on top of new branch axilla ; Style 30 cup-shaped, nut 2/3 enclosed, bracteolate 2.5-4 cm diam., 1.5 cm high; Bracteoles subulate, recurved, bristled.
nut Subglobose or broadly ovate, about 1.5 cm high and diameter, rounded apex, umbilical protruding. The flowering period is from March to April, and the fruit period is from September to October the following year. [1] [17]

Proximate distinction

Cork oak
Mongolian oak
Leaf ovate-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, apex acuminate, base broadly cuneate or subrounded, serratous.
Leaves obovate or obovate oblong, 7-19 cm long, apex obtuse, base cuneate or auricular, coarsely obtated 7-10 pairs, young leaves sparsely hairy along veins, older leaves subglabrous, lateral veins 7-11 pairs.
Cup-shaped, bar bracteoles 1.5 cm high, 2.5-4 cm diameter, inversely oval or subglobose bracteoles broad, 1.5 cm long, flat round tip.
Cup-shaped, 0.8-1.5 cm high, 1.5-1.8 cm diameter.
Cork oak
Mongolian oak

Growing environment

North China is usually born below 800 meters above sea level Sunny slope It can be reached in southwest China Altitude 2000-3000 meters. [1]
A light-loving tree with shade-tolerant seedlings. Deep roots, developed roots, germinate Strong. Strong adaptability, wind resistance, drought resistance, fire resistance and barren resistance, can grow in acidic, neutral and calcareous soil, especially in deep fertile soil, well-drained loam or sandy loam soil growth is best. [2]

Distribution range

It is distributed in Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other provinces. [1]

Propagation method

The mode of reproduction is generally grafting [10] .

Collect seeds

One is to collect better varieties. The seed is generally mature from late August to early October, and the seed shell is brown or yellow when it is ripe. Select more than 30 years old tree, straight and perfect trunk shape, healthy growth, no pests and diseases of the mother tree seed. Good seeds are brown or grayish brown, shiny, plump and heavy.

Lay by

Seed storage. The seed moisture content of cork oak was 40%-60%, none dormancy Period, easy to germinate mildew, and susceptible to insect pests. After harvest, it should be spread out in a ventilated place, and turned 2-3 times a day until the seed coat turns pale yellow and the water content in the seed is reduced to 15%-20%, then it can be stored. First closed fumigation with carbon disulfide or dichlorvos for 24 hours insecticidal treatment, and then storage. Adopt the indoor sand storage method, choose a ventilated and dry indoor or shed, first lay 1 layer of sand, then lay 1 layer of seeds, the thickness of 8-10 cm, so 1 layer of sand, 1 layer of seeds piled up, the height of the pile does not exceed 70 cm. Sand and seeds can also be mixed Stacking and storing Grass bars must be erected between piles to facilitate ventilation and prevent seeds from heating and rotting. Pay attention to regular inspection, found mold or rodent damage timely treatment.

Accelerate germination

Seed to proceed Accelerate germination Treat with warm water at 50℃ Soaking of seeds Natural cooling, so repeated 3-4 times, you can germinate about 10 days in advance, germination rate can reach 80%-90%; Wet sand can also be used to promote germination, when the shell is cracked and white sow . Seedbed sowing is generally carried out in winter. The plant row spacing is 10 cm ×20 cm or 15 cm ×15 cm, the trench depth is 6-7 cm, and 1 seed is placed horizontally every 10-15 cm in the trench, and the sowing amount is 2.25-3.00 tons/ha. [2]

Cultivation technique


Fertilized water

On the basis of the application of sufficient base fertilizer, due to the place due to the timely seedling Top dressing The first time in early to mid-June growth period, the second time in late July, that is, when the growth of the first new shoot basically stopped, to provide nutrients for breeding the second new shoot. Before and after the seedlings are unearthed, the seedbed must maintain a certain humidity, and pay attention to watering and weeding, after heavy rain, it is necessary to cover a layer of fine fertilizer on the seedbed to supplement the soil loss.

Thin out seedlings

In order to ensure good growth and rapid growth of seedlings, it is necessary to timely Thin out seedlings . Thinning intensity, frequency and specific time vary according to site conditions. Generally, the site conditions are good, the seedlings grow fast, and the thinning time is early. In the poor site conditions, the seedlings grow slowly and the thinning time is late. Through thinning, strong seedlings (average height 40-50 cm, average diameter 6-8 mm) can be cultivated about 225,000 plants/ha.


Oak of the genus Fagaceae
Cropping: In order to cultivate trees with straight trunk, tufted plants which have not obvious trunk or sprout into umbrella shape can be adopted in the early stage of afforestation Stubble clearing Measures; After 2 to 4 years of afforestation, use a sharp knife to cut the ground flat, and the extracted cute strips can reach or exceed the original height in 1 year.
Pruning: Cork oak with main branch expansion characteristics, need pruning, pruning It should be small, early and flat. Use sharp knives to ensure a small section, small stutter, and fast healing. The pruning season is better in late winter and early spring, and the dead and sagging branches in the lower part are pruned away. shade branch To cultivate the trunk of a well-rounded tree. [2]

Disease control

Hazard characteristics: From mid-April to late May, larvae harm the leaves, and when it occurs, the insect population density of a tree can reach thousands, and the leaves can be eaten up in a short time.
Prevention and treatment methods: Cut and destroy the overwintering egg mass on the twigs in winter; Where infestation is severe, kill with enemy spray.
Hazard characteristics: Harm the trunk and tender cortex, serious can eat the tree to death, or the tree is damaged, easy to be broken by the wind.
Prevention and treatment methods: Remove the excreta from the cavities, inject the cavities with 80% diphlorvos 200 times solution, and then seal with mud to kill the larvae; During the blooming period, the adult insects can be artificially captured and killed. [2]

Subordinate classification

Cork oak tower (variety) (Plant Taxonomic Journal)
This variety is different from the cork oak, the crown is tower-shaped, the branches and leaves are thick, and the side branches and trunk develop at an Angle of about 20-25 degrees. Distribution in China Henan (Province) A South call. The type specimens were collected from Nanzhao. [1]

Primary value



According to "Guizhou Herbal Medicine" records, the fruit shell of cork oak has the effect of relieving cough, treating tinea capitis, and drainage [11] .


Fruit contains starch About 50%, can Mead Maker Can also be used as feed; The shell contains tannin and can be refined into baking glue. Black dye can also be extracted, and activated carbon can be produced from seed shells. [2]


Cork oak is an important tree species in China. It has remarkable characteristics, developed root system, strong adaptability, and obvious seasonal changes of leaf color afforestation Ornamental tree species, but also to build windbreak forest, water conservation forest and shelter forest excellent tree species. [3]


This kind of sapwood light yellow brown, heartwood red brown, the texture is inclined, the structure is slightly thick, the material is hard, the impact resistance, the furnace dry specific gravity of 0.59, the cutting is more difficult, the cutting surface is shiny, the pattern is beautiful, can be used unit Materials for vehicles, boats, pillars, ties, furniture, etc. Tree tops and branches can cultivate shiitake mushrooms and fungus.
Cork is fine and soft, elastic and buoyancy, not breathable, impervious to water, no electricity, not easy to heat transfer, not easy to work with chemicals, for heat insulation, insulation, shock, moisture, sound insulation excellent raw materials, yes Sailing Life jackets, buoys, bottle stoppers, military powder stores, cold storage, Chemical industry Insulation equipment and other important raw materials for light industry and national defense industry. [2]

Conservation status

Cork oak is listed as not Threatened (LC) on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. [9] .