Flag of Ukraine

Symbols used in Ukraine
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The national flag of Ukraine (Ukrainian: Siu Siu Shiu Shiu Shiu shiu shiu shiu shiu shiu shiu shiu shiu shiu shiu) is Ukraine The flag is rectangular, consisting of two parallel and equal horizontal rectangles in blue and yellow, the ratio of length to width is 3:2. [1]
The flag of Ukraine originates from the flag of the royal state of Galicia in the 13th century. During the Russian Empire, the blue color of the tricolor flag symbolized Ukraine [11] . After the February Revolution, Ukrainian People's Republic and Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic Established successively, the blue and yellow two-color flag was for the first time as the former national flag, while the latter took the red flag with the blue and yellow flag logo in the upper left corner as the national flag; After the Soviet liberation of Ukraine in 1920, the blue and yellow flags were banned [3] . In 1949, Ukraine began to adopt the Flag of the Soviet Union A red flag with the same sickle, hammer, and five-pointed star pattern, with a wide blue border under the flag [11] . On 28 January 1992, the Ukrainian government restored the blue and yellow flag as the national flag. [1]
The blue color of the Ukrainian flag represents the sky and the sea, symbolizing Ukraine's maritime permanence and calm attitude; Yellow represents the wheat field, symbolizing Ukraine's long agricultural history, national dignity and happy spirit. [4] [9] [11]
Chinese name
Flag of Ukraine
Foreign name
У seem р а ї н и П р а п о р
Area of use
Service time
28 January 1992 to date
Color composition
Blue, yellow
Length-width ratio

Establishment process

Ukraine's national symbols originated before the Christian era, when yellow and blue were recognized in local traditional ceremonies to represent sparkling fire and water. [8]
Flag of the Galician royal family
Founded by the early Ukrainians in the 13th century Kingdom of Galicia The country's flag is an irregular polygon with a climbing golden lion in the middle; The color elements of the Ukrainian flag are taken from this flag. [3]
In the mid-17th and 18th centuries, Ukraine was gradually annexed Russian Empire Territory. In 1693, Peter the Great changed the flag of the Russian Empire to a white, blue, and red flag with a two-headed eagle, with blue representing "Little Russia" or Ukraine. [11]
In 1848, the Ukrainian regional flag was replaced with a blue flag with a golden lion in the center.
In March 1917, Russia broke out in the February Revolution, overthrowing the Tsarist regime. In November, the Ukrainian People's Republic was established, and the new government adopted the blue and yellow flag as its national flag [3] ; On December 12, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic was established. [11]
In 1918, the government of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic officially adopted a new flag, which was red and blue and yellow in the upper left corner. In the following year, the blue and yellow two-color flag pattern was cancelled and replaced with the Russian abbreviation of the country's name, "the LSD". [11]
In February 1920, when the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army captured and liberated all of Ukraine, the blue and yellow flags were banned. [3]
In 1923, the Government of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic changed the font of the Russian abbreviation of the flag and added the abbreviation dot after the letter; In 1927, the "LSD" was changed to "LSD"; In 1930, the original abbreviation was restored again, adding a gold border.
In 1937, the government of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic again changed the Russian abbreviation of the flag to "Zorp" and added a sickle and hammer image above it; In 1940, the hammer and sickle design was moved below the acronym. [11]
In 1949, the government of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic changed the flag to a red flag with a sickle, hammer, and five-pointed star, the same as the flag of the Soviet Union, with a wide blue border underneath. [1] [11]
The year 1991 On September 18, the government of Ukraine, independent from the Soviet Union, announced the restoration of the blue and yellow flag as a temporary national flag. [10]
On 28 January 1992, the blue and yellow flag was officially adopted as the national flag of Ukraine. [1]

Design element

The flag of Ukraine is a horizontal rectangle, consisting of two parallel and equal horizontal rectangles in blue and yellow. When used as a temporary national flag, the ratio of length to width of the flag is 3:5; After being officially designated as the national flag, the ratio of length to width was changed to 3:2. [1]
Color parameters of the Ukrainian flag
RGB color mode
Zero, 87, 183
255, 215, 0
Print in four color mode
100, 63, 0, 2
0, 2, 100, 0
Hexadecimal code
Network color code
Reference materials: [12]
Flag of Ukraine

Symbolic meaning

The blue color of the Ukrainian flag represents the sky and the sea, symbolizing the eternal existence of Ukraine like the sea; Yellow represents the harvest of wheat, symbolizing Ukraine's long agricultural history, and the dignity and authority of the country shining as brightly as Ukraine's glorious history [4] [11] ; From a psychological point of view, the Ukrainian flag also symbolizes the spirit of calm and happiness. [9]

Principle of use

From September 1991 to January 1992, the flag of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (Sickle, hammer, and blue stripe) was allowed to fly alongside the flag of Ukraine (blue and yellow). By a Government resolution of 4 September 1991, the flag of Ukraine was allowed to be flown alone only during official ceremonies; The decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of Ukraine on the use of the Blue and Yellow Flag, adopted on September 18 of the same year, does not restrict the use of the blue and yellow flag until the formal adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine. Since 21 January 1992, the blue and yellow flag has been the sole legal flag of Ukraine. [10]

Cultural characteristics

  • Flag day
A commemorative stamp issued in 1992
The government of Ukraine has designated August 23 as the National Flag Day of Ukraine every year, and a variety of flag-related commemorative activities will be held in Ukraine, and the president will be present to personally preside over the flag-raising ceremony. [2] [5]
  • Commemorative stamp
On August 19, 1992, to commemorate the first anniversary of the independence of Ukraine, the Government of Ukraine issued a set of stamps featuring the national flag and emblem of the country. [4]

Disputed matter

  • Be burned
On November 22, 2016, several young Russian radicals were killed Moscow The National Cultural Center of Ukraine burned the Ukrainian flag. The Ukrainian government said the action was a straightforward provocation aimed at stoking ethnic hatred between Russia and Ukraine. In addition, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry also lodged a firm protest with the Russian side. [6]
  • Watering incident
On February 8, 2022, Ukraine and Slovakia clashed in a chaotic meeting over allowing the US military to use two Ukrainian military airfields, Slovakia Opposition lawmakers splashed the Ukrainian flag with water. The Slovak Foreign Ministry apologized to Ukraine for the incident. [7]

Extended flag

  • With the national emblem design
Flag of Ukraine with coat of arms
In 1997, the Supreme Council of Ukraine considered the use of the blue and yellow flag with the national emblem, the Trident, when revising the constitution, but finally abandoned the amendment on the advice of national experts. In November 2004, the flag was widely used during demonstrations against the results of the presidential election. [10]