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Your old glorious Northland hill country

National anthem of Sweden
synonymNational anthem of Sweden(Song with lyrics by Richard Dybek, 1844) Generally refers to your old glorious Northland mountain country
"Thy Old Glorious Northland" is the Swedish national anthem, composed by Richard Dybeck.
Chinese name
Your old glorious Northland hill country
Foreign name
Du gamla, du fria
Song length
Zero hours, two minutes and 20 seconds
Richard Dybeck
Song language
Swedish Language
Song status
National anthem of Sweden

Song introduction

Your old glorious Northern mountain country (Du gamla, du fria) is the national anthem of Sweden. The lyrics were written by Richard Dybeck in 1844. in Sweden When you sing, you usually sing the first two verses International occasion Usually only the first verse.
The Swedish national anthem is also called Du Gamla, Du Fria (Old Beautiful Northern Mountain Country), written in 1844. The lyricist chose West Manland Province A traditional piece of music for the melody, composed this song. Later, Louis Allen added some more verses to it, but these verses are rarely sung now. The song was written at a time when pan-Scandinavianism was prevalent, so "Song of the North" was not written just for Sweden.
In the late 19th century, the song began to be regarded as the "Swedish national anthem", separate from the royal anthem. Before that, the royal anthem was used as both an anthem and an anthem. It has never been formally legislated as the national anthem, and one attempt failed in the 1930s when parliamentary opposition claimed that "the government wanted to control nationalism."

Original lyrics

Du gamla, Du fria, Du fjauml; llhouml; ga nord
Du tysta, Du glauml; djerika skouml; na!
Jag hauml; lsar Dig, vauml; naste land upparing; jord,
Din sol, Din himmel, Dina auml; ngder grouml; na
Du tronar paring; minnen fraring; n fornstora dar,
daring; auml; rat Ditt namn flouml; gouml; ver jorden.
Jag vet att Du auml; r och Du blir vad du var.
Ja, jag vill leva jag vill douml; i Norden
Jag stauml; ds vill dig tjauml; na mitt auml; lskade land,
din trohet till douml; den vill jag svauml; ra.
Din rauml; tt, skall jag vauml; rna, med haring; g och med hand,
din fana, houml; gt den bragderika bauml; ra.
Med Gud skall jag kauml; mpa, fouml; r hem och fouml; r hauml; rd,
fouml; r Sverige, den kauml; ra fosterjorden.
Jag byter Dig ej, mot allt i en vauml; rld
Nej, jag vill leva jag vill douml; i Norden

Lyrics translation

You are old and free, far north
Beauty and peace make us happy
Salute the most beautiful land on earth
Sunshine, heaven, your green earth!
The memory of ancient history, sleeping quietly
Take your name and fly high
Believe that you will live like this forever
I shall live forever in this Nordic country!