European Union

European economic and political Community
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The European Union (German: Europaische Union, French: Union europeenne), also known as the European Union (EU), Advocate multilateralism [130] . Be headquartered in Belgium capital Brussels (Brussels) by European Community Developed. There are six founding members, namely Germany , France , Italy , Netherlands , Belgium and Luxembourg . It has 27 member States and 24 official languages. [1]
In December 1991, European Community The Maastricht Summit adopted the" Treaties of the European Union ", commonly known as" The Maastricht Treaty ". 1 November 1993," The Maastricht Treaty The European Union was born. In 2012, the European Union obtained Nobel Peace Prize .
The treaties of the European Union have been amended many times and operate in accordance with the provisions of the Lisbon Treaty ". Politically all member States are parliamentary democracies (2008). The Economist "State of Democracy Survey), economically the world's third largest economy, behind America , China [85] . Military division Ireland , Austria , Malta with Cyprus Except for the four countries, the remaining 23 EU member states are all North Atlantic Treaty Organization Member. [70-71]
In January 2021, Foreign Minister Silva of Portugal, which holds the rotating presidency of the European Union, said that Portugal will fully promote the "European Union Presidency" during the first half of 2021. Digital market method "And" Digital service method The legislative process will increase efforts to regulate cyberspace. [3]
On January 1, 2024 local time, the new rotating presidency of the European Union, Belgium, began its term. The current term ends on June 30, 2024. [119]
Chinese name
European Union
Foreign name
European Union
Abbreviated form
European Union
International organization
National Day
November 1st
Official language
German , French , Italian , Spanish Etc. 24 kinds
Euro (EUR, €)
Population number
450 million [69] [103]
Population density
120.9 people/km2 (2017)
Land area
4379963 km²
Water area ratio
Total GDP
18.75 trillion dollars (2018, International exchange rates)
Per capita GDP
$36,532 (2018, International exchange rates)
International domain name abbreviation
Case language
Unity in diversity
Member state
Germany , France , Italy , Spain Equal twenty-seven [1]
Gini coefficient
On May 9th
Head office
Capital of Belgium Brussels
A surname
Beethoven's Ninth Symphony Chinese ballad Ode to Joy "The theme

Development history


Conception of union

Historically, several empires united large areas of Europe by force, such as Roman Empire , Frankish Empire , Holy Roman Empire , First French Empire and Nazi Germany . Dynastic unions were peaceful means of unifying European territories, and there were also a few national unions, such as those in Central and Eastern Europe Polish-lithuanian Commonwealth Located in Central Europe Austro-hungarian Empire And great feudal theocratic empires in western Asia, southeastern Europe, and northern Africa Ottoman Empire . [4]
The idea of European unity has been around since before the 20th century. In 1453, The Byzantine Empire capital Constantinople be Ottoman Empire In 1646, King George of Bohemia suggested that the Christian states of Europe should form an alliance against the expansion of the Ottoman Empire. The year 1775 [75] , American Revolution At that time, there were Europeans who envisioned Europe to follow suit United States To create a United States of Europe, supported by the proposal include Lafayette The Marquis, Thaddiss Gaussgaard. In the early 19th century, Napoleon A customs union was implemented in continental Europe during the Continental Blockade. It was originally created in 1948 Netherlands , Belgium , Luxembourg The customs union of the three countries is mainly about eliminating tariffs and opening up free trade in raw materials and commodities. The customs union has played an indelible role in the establishment and development of today's EU. [4]
The devastation of the war on European soil led many to support some form of European unity, notably William Penn, Abbot Charles de Saint-Pierre, Victor Hugo And Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi Giuseppe Mazzini . After the First World War, massive casualties allowed these ideas to grow in Western Europe, but it wasn't until World War II Later, Western European countries began to take practical measures. But in Russia, located in Eastern Europe and North Asia, perhaps clinging to its Communist ideology, the devastation of the war did not evoke the same perception as in Western Europe.
International Pan-European Union It was the representative organization between the time of the World War and the beginning of promoting the idea of the European Union.

European Coal and Steel Community

The establishment of the Coal and Steel Community
From 1939 to 1945 World War II Caused by the human and economy The loss was a huge blow to Europe. Auschwitz concentration camp Events such as the Holocaust prove the difference between war and extremism It's terrible. especially Nuclear weapon The advent of the world to avoid the mistakes of the past, to avoid war. In addition, Western European countries could no longer consolidate their original status as great powers, resulting in the emergence of two opposing superpowers in the world: the United States and the Soviet Union might . To ensure that Germany would not threaten the peace again, parts of German heavy industry were dismantled and coal mining areas quarantined. Saar , Silesia ) or by international control ( Ruhr ). [4]
Jose Manuel Barroso, former president of the European Commission
After the Second World War, the idea of European unification came to a climax. Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, September 1946 Winston Churchill A "United States of Europe" was proposed. Similar statements by others continue to be made, established in 1949 European Commission It became the first pan-European organization. Minister for Foreign Affairs of France, 9 May 1950 Robert Schumann Proposed plans for the European Coal and Steel Community (i.e Schumann plan A community integrating the European coal and steel industry, these two products were necessary originals for military weapons designed to keep Germany in check. On April 18, 1951, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and West Germany signed the 50-year Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (also known as the Treaty). Treaty of Paris It was founded in 1952 European Coal and Steel Community It took over the administration of the Ruhr region and lifted some restrictions on German industrial production, while cooperating to promote the production and sale of coal and steel. [4]
On June 1, 1955, the foreign ministers of the six countries participating in the European Coal and Steel Community met Italy A meeting was held in Messina to recommend extending the principles of the Coal and Steel Community to other areas of the economy and establishing a common market.
In defence (European Defence Community) and politics (European Defence Community) European political community After the failure of the establishment of the Community, the leaders convened The Council of Messina , be established Sparky committee And published Spark report . Held from 29 to 30 May 1956 Venice Conference Acknowledged the report and resolved to organize an "intergovernmental conference". The Intergovernmental Conference on the Common Market and the Atomic Energy Community focused on economic integration and led to the adoption of the 1957 Convention Treaty of Rome The signature of... [4]
On 25 March 1957, in Rome, the six foreign ministers signed a treaty establishing the European Economic Community (EEC) Euratom The two treaties, the Treaty of Rome, entered into force on 1 January 1958. In 1958, it was officially established European Economic community The European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) aims to create a common market, eliminate tariffs among member States, and promote the free movement of labor, goods, capital, and services among member States. Although the two new communities had the same courts and common parliament as the European Coal and Steel Community, they were independent of each other. The administrative body of the new Community is called the Commission, separated from the ECSC's Supreme Directorate General. The European Economic Community was chaired by Walter Hallstein and the European Atomic Energy Community was headed by Louis Armand. The former will develop inter-Member States Customs union The latter would integrate the nuclear energy sector. [4]
It was established on 1 January 1958 European Investment Bank The European Investment Bank was officially opened in 1959. Head office in Luxembourg .
On April 8, 1965, Germany , France , Italy , Netherlands , Belgium , Luxembourg Six states signed the" Treaty of Brussels Decided to unify the European Coal and Steel Community, the European Atomic Energy Community and the European Economic Community, collectively European Community . Jean Rey chaired the first committee after the merger. The treaty entered into force on July 1, 1967. The European Community is headquartered in Brussels, Belgium.
In 1973, Denmark , Britain , Ireland Join the European Community. Tensions arose when France tried to limit supranational powers and refused membership to Britain.
In 1981, Greece Join the European Community.
In 1985, Greenland Withdraw from the European Community. [5]
In 1986, Spain , Portugal Join the European Community.
On 1 July 1987, the Single European Act came into force.
Since June 1990, many European countries have signed the" Schengen Convention Eliminating border crossing restrictions and making borders borderless among Member States, 26 March 1995," Schengen Agreement "Officially took effect.

Political union

President of France, April 1990 Mitterrand And the Federal Chancellor of Germany Kohl The joint initiative was to convene an intergovernmental conference on political union at the end of that year. In October of the same year, the Extraordinary Summit of the European Community in Rome further clarified the basic direction of political union. In December of the same year, the European Community Intergovernmental Conference on the establishment of political union began. After a year of negotiations, the 12 countries adopted the Treaty of Political Union at the Maastricht Summit in December 1991. The main element is that the 12 countries will have a common foreign and security policy and will eventually have a common foreign and security policy defense Policy. In addition, a common fisheries policy was established European monetary system Building an economic and monetary union. [4]

Birth of the European Union

European Union (2019)
European Community, 11 December 1991 Maastricht The Summit adopted the "European Economic and Monetary Union" and "European Political Union". Treaties of the European Union "(commonly known as" The Maastricht Treaty ", referred to as "Mayo"). On February 7, 1992, the Maastricht Treaty was signed, establishing the Council, the Commission and the Parliament, and gradually transforming the regional economic joint development into the development of regional political and economic integration. On November 1, 1993, the Maastricht Treaty officially entered into force, the European Union was formally established, and the three European Communities were integrated into the European Union, which marked the beginning of the European Community Economic entity Transition to an economic and political entity, while developing a common foreign and security policy and strengthening cooperation in justice and home affairs. 1994 European Parliament elections, proposed by the Executive Commission Jacques Sant Chairman of the executive committee, but in fact he was seen as a second choice. Parliament narrowly approved Sant's appointment, but his executive committee received strong support (416 votes in favour and 103 against). [4]
On March 30, 1994, Austria , Sweden , Finland and Norse The accession negotiations were completed. Referendums were held, and all countries, except Norway, approved the proposal to join the European Union. However, Norway is not Iceland , Liechtenstein Etc. European Free Trade Association Member States acceded on 1 January 1994 European Economic Area . Switzerland A plan to join the European Economic Area was rejected in a referendum. The following year, the Schengen Convention entered into force, and by the end of 1996 it had been extended to almost all EU Member States. On January 1, 1994, the Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union entered its second phase European Monetary Agency January 1998 European Central Bank Established, 1999 Euro Commenced operation, January 1, 2002, coin And paper money began to circulate, completely replacing the old currency.
On 9 and 10 December 1994, the leaders of the 12 countries of the European Union and the soon-to-join Austria, Sweden and Finland met in Germany Essen Agreed to improve EU institutions to promote economic growth and EU enlargement to Eastern Europe.
On January 1, 1995, Sweden , Finland , Austria Officially joined the European Union, the EU member states expanded to 15.
European Union, 14 December 1996 Dublin The Summit adopted the Stability and Growth Pact, the Legal Status of the Euro and the Euro operating mechanism document of the New Monetary Exchange Rate Mechanism.
On 17 June 1997, the European Union Summit adopted a resolution on the draft resolution Maio Revised and supplemented Treaty of Amsterdam On October 2 of the same year, the EU Foreign ministers signed the treaty.
On March 12, 1998, the leaders of the 15 EU countries and the 11 Central and Eastern European countries that applied to join the EU officially launched a regular summit consultation mechanism called the "European Conference" in London. [4]
On January 1, 1999, the European Union officially launched the euro. On May 1, the Treaty of Amsterdam entered into force. On 11 December, the Omheloci Summit adopted the Millennium Declaration and decided to formally accept it Türkiye He was a candidate for membership and decided to form the European Union by 2003 Rapid reaction force .
Encyclopedia x Mixed Knowledge: Illustrating the birth of the European Union
The conflicts in the Balkans have given the EU a strong impetus to develop a common foreign and security policy. The EU was slow to respond at the start of the conflict, and UN peacekeepers were unable to prevent Europe's biggest casualties since the second world war, in Bosnia and Herzegovina The Srebrenica massacre . finally North Atlantic Treaty Organization Intervene in the war to force both sides to the negotiating table. On March 24, 1999, Kosovo The situation prompted the European Union to issue a common Foreign and Security Policy statement and forced NATO to intervene in Kosovo and Kosovo Serbia The conflict between. The EU has been more active this time than it was in Bosnia. Previous failures have led it to want to be more effective in foreign affairs. The EU's early diplomatic experience includes the following: Treaty of Amsterdam And in 1997 Western European Union The leaders issued a declaration on the role of the European Union and NATO. After that," Treaty of Nice Increased cooperation between the High Representative and foreign policy. [4]
In March 1999, a budget crisis broke out. The Council refused to approve the budget proposed by the Executive Committee on the grounds of financial mismanagement, deception and nepotism. A parliamentary commission of inquiry was set up and its findings, published on 15 March 1999, were highly critical of the Executive Committee. It turned out to be the only mainstream party to endorse it Party of European Socialists Decided no longer to support, and with the council prepared to remove the executive committee. In the evening of the report, the European Commission announced its general resignation. The crisis has seriously damaged the European Commission's position in the face of the global crisis Council of Europe And growing distrust of the commission. Euroscepticism More entrenched in the post-Delors era, the Council and Parliament continued to question the Commission's position in the years that followed. Soon after, the successor Commission set up an anti-fraud unit, OLAF. [4]
Prodi and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao
The 1999 parliamentary elections, European People's Party Dislodging the Socialists as the largest party, Romano Prodi Led by a new executive commission, the anti-fraud unit OLAF was established. Under the new powers conferred by the Amsterdam Treaty, Prodi was dubbed by some as "Europe's first prime minister". On June 4, 1999, Javier Solana Be appointed to Council of the EU Secretary-general and High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, he is also considered by some to be Europe's first Minister of Foreign affairs . " Treaty of Nice It was signed on February 26, 2001 and entered into force on February 1 of the following year Eu constitutional treaty . The Treaty of Nice completed its final preparatory phase before its expansion in 2004. [4]
On February 15, 2000, the European Union began to negotiate with Romania , Slovakia , Latvia , Republic of Lithuania , Bulgaria and Malta The second group of six candidate countries officially held accession negotiations.
On January 1, 2001, Greece Officially became the 12th member of the eurozone.
The euro came into circulation on January 1, 2002. On March 1st the euro became the only country in the eurozone Legal tender .
On November 18, 2002, the 15 Foreign Ministers of the EU decided to invite Cyprus , Hungary , Czech Republic , Estonia , Latvia , Republic of Lithuania , Malta , Poland , Slovakia and Slovenia Ten Central and Eastern European countries joined the Union.
On 16 April 2003, in Athens, Greece, the European Union signed the accession Agreement with 10 candidate countries, namely the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia, which had completed the accession negotiations.
On 17 April 2003, at an informal meeting of the European Union in Athens, Annam And the heads of state of the European Union.
On 12 December 2003, the European Union Summit was held Brussels Open. In July 2003, the plenary session of the Preparatory Committee for the Constitution of the European Union reached agreement on the issues of the Union flag, the Union song, the inscription and the celebration day. According to the draft constitution, the Union flag will remain the current blue background with 12 yellow stars (the 12 stars do not represent the 12 countries, but the guardian of the Virgin Mary), and the Union song will be Beethoven From Symphony No. 9 Ode to Joy (In order to ensure that there are no language problems, there are only music but no lyrics), the motto is "unity in diversity", and May 9 is "Europe Day". [4]
In March 2004, the EU Summit was held in the EU Council Building, and the meeting issued a declaration on counter-terrorism.
Eu leaders Jose Manuel Barroso and Herman Van Rompuy
On 1 May 2004, the leaders of the 25 member States and the European Union attended the enlargement ceremony Ireland The capital Dublin shoots the first "after EU enlargement." Family portrait ".
On May 1, 2004, Malta , Cyprus , Poland , Hungary , Czech Republic , Slovakia , Slovenia , Estonia , Latvia , Republic of Lithuania Ten countries officially joined the European Union.
On 17 June 2004, the European Union Summit was held Belgium Opening of the European Union Council Building in Brussels.
From 10 to 13 June 2004, 25 Member States participated in the largest transnational election in history (the second largest democratic election in the world). The parliamentary election was the second victory for the EPP-European Democrats. The election also saw the lowest voter turnout (45.5%), the second time it was below 50%.
In July 2004, the EU Foreign Ministers decided to formally start the establishment of the EU Military Equipment Agency.
On 22 July 2004, Jose Manuel Barroso was appointed by the new Parliament as the next President of the Commission. But his 25 new commissioners immediately faced a difficult dilemma. Parliament opposed some of his proposed commissioners, forcing Mr Barroso to withdraw the list and repropose it. Mr Prodi's team must therefore extend its mandate until November 22nd, when the new commissioners are formally approved.
In September 2004, at an informal meeting of EU defence ministers, the defence ministers of France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands signed a declaration of intent to form an EU Gendarmerie in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. [4]
On October 29, 2004, in Rome, the leaders of the 25 member states of the European Union signed the first constitutional treaty in the European Union's history.
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and leaders of the European Union
In October 2004, the leaders of the 25 member states of the European Union signed the first constitutional treaty in the history of the European Union in Rome, marking another important step in promoting political integration of the European Union.
In November 2004, at a meeting of EU defence ministers in Brussels, it was formally decided that by 2007 the EU would have 13 rapid-reaction combat units that could be deployed to any hot spot in the world.
In December 2004, the EU Summit in Brussels decided that Romania and Bulgaria would sign the accession Treaty in April 2005 and become full members of the EU in 2007.
In January 2005, the plenary of the European Parliament voted to ratify the Constitutional Treaty of the European Union, but the treaty still needs to be ratified by the member states of the European Union to enter into force.
On April 25, 2005, Bulgaria and Romania In Luxembourg, the two leaders signed a treaty on their countries' accession to the European Union, setting the stage for the two countries to formally join the union on January 1, 2007, as planned. [4]
On 11 May 2005, the parliaments of Bulgaria, Austria and Slovakia ratified the EU Constitutional Treaty.
On 29 May 2005, the French referendum rejected the bill. Eu constitutional treaty On 1 June, the Dutch voted against the EU Constitutional Treaty in a referendum.
From December 15 to 17, 2005, the leaders of the 25 EU countries reached an agreement on the financial budget of the EU for 2007-2013 at the EU Summit, which solved the long-standing problem of the EU countries, and created good conditions for the further expansion of the EU and the promotion of the European integration process. The summit also agreed to grant Macedonia "EU candidate status". [4]
On January 1, 2006, the European Union implemented the new GSP.
It was issued on 27 March 2006 at the meeting of the Ministers of Transport of the Member States of the European Union in Brussels Driving license Sample.
On January 1, 2007, Romania and Bulgaria became members of the European Union. This is the sixth enlargement in the history of the European Union.
On March 25, 2007, the European Union celebrated its 50th birthday.
On June 23, 2007, the 27 heads of state attending the European Union summit met Brussels Agreement on a new draft treaty to replace the EU Constitutional Treaty.
On 19 October 2007, the informal Summit of the European Union adopted the new Treaty of the European Union, thus ending the EU's six-year constitutional process. The new treaty is called the" Lisbon Treaty ".
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso visited the Central European Law School
On December 12, 2007, Rotating presidency of the EU Prime Ministers of Portugal Socrates , European Parliament Speaker of the Parliament, Petellin, and President of the European Commission Barroso In Strasbourg, France, where the headquarters of the European Parliament is located, the joint promulgate of the European Union citizens' Rights law. Eu Charter of Fundamental Rights ".
On July 17, 2009, Iceland The government made formal applications for EU membership to Sweden, which holds the rotating EU presidency, and the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium.
On October 15, 2009, in the Belgian capital Brussels Eu Trade Commissioner Catherine Ashton (right) and South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Jong-hoon sign a preliminary agreement on free trade between the EU and South Korea at the EU headquarters.
Early June 2011 Croatia The judicial negotiations to join the EU have been successful, and the accession negotiations can be concluded.
In 2012, the European Union obtained Nobel Peace Prize .
On 1 July 2013, Croatia became the 28th member of the European Union.
European People's Party Candidate, Luxembourg Former Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker won 422 votes in favor of a new term at the plenary session of the European Parliament on the 15th European Commission chairman [6] .
On 25 June 2018, EU9 defence ministers signed a letter of intent on the European Intervention Initiative in Luxembourg, committing to the formation of a joint European military intervention force. [7]
On January 1, 2024 local time, the new rotating presidency of the European Union, Belgium, began its term. The current term ends on June 30, 2024. [119]

Eu expansion

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker
After many consultations, President of France The reelection of, Denmark , Ireland and Britain (include Gibraltar It officially joined the European Communities on January 1, 1973. This was the first enlargement of the European Community.
In 1979, European Parliament The first direct universal suffrage was held to elect 410 members. They then elected the first female president of the European Parliament Simone Weil (Simone Veil).
On 1 January 1981, Greece, which had applied in 1975, became a member. It was granted home rule from Denmark in 1985 Greenland Vote to leave the community. Spain and Portugal (Applied in 1977) became a member in its third expansion on 1 January 1986.
1986 - President of the European Commission Jacques Delors (Jacques Delors) officially approved Flag of European Union The adoption of... In February 1986, the leaders signed the" Single European act "(Single European Act). It deals with institutional reform, including the extension of Community powers (especially foreign policy). The Act was an important part of the completion of the Single Market and came into force on 1 July 1987.
Turkey applied to join the European Community in 1987, making it the country with the longest application period. In 1989, Upheaval in Eastern Europe , Berlin Wall Collapse, Iron Curtain Curtain down. Reunification of Germany and Germany It also opened the door of the Eastern Bloc to the European Community (EC). Copenhagen criteria ).
With a new wave of expansion," The Maastricht Treaty The European Union was signed on 7 February 1992 and entered into force the following year.
On February 28, 2022, the press secretary of the Ukrainian President Nikiforov said that Ukrainian President Zelensky signed the document of Ukraine's application to join the European Union in the capital Kiev on the same day. [31] On March 1, Ukraine's representative to the EU, Vsevolod Chentsov, said that the EU has officially started the process of considering Ukraine's application for membership [32] .
On March 3, 2022, Georgian Prime Minister Igor Garibashvili officially signed Georgia's application to join the European Union. [38]
On March 3, 2022, Moldovan President Alexandr Sandu signed the document to apply for EU membership in order to "ensure a decent life for future generations of the country's residents". [39]
According to the German television website on May 4, 2022, German Chancellor Scholz said on the same day that Germany supports the countries of the Western Balkans to join the EU as soon as possible. At present, Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia have been listed as candidates for membership by the EU. [57]
On June 23, 2022 local time, the European Council decided to agree with the recommendation of the European Commission to give Ukraine and Moldova Eu candidate status. [67]
On 15 December 2022, the Council agreed to the proposal made by the European Commission on 12 October, giving Bosnia and Herzegovina Eu candidate status. [83]
On March 12, 2024 local time, Ukrainian Prime Minister Shmegar said that the European Commission had approved the negotiating framework for Ukraine's accession to the EU. [126]


According to the latest news on the BBC website, on June 23, 2016 local time, the United Kingdom held a referendum on whether to remain in the European Union. The UK will leave the European Union after a narrow victory for the "Leave" campaign over the "Remain" campaign. [8]
Pedestrians pass the Houses of Parliament in London, Britain March 28, 2017. After more than nine months of debate and brewing, the British government is scheduled to announce the start of the process of leaving the European Union on the 29th of this month, and Britain's "Brexit" will take a landmark step. [9]
On March 29, 2017, British Prime Minister Theresa May is scheduled to launch Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty and officially start the "Brexit" process, and the British economy will accept the comprehensive challenges brought by "Brexit". [10]
On December 8, 2017, the United Kingdom and the European Union reached a historic Brexit agreement, paving the way for trade talks. [11]
On June 26, 2018, Queen of England Queen Elizabeth II Approve the Withdrawal Bill into law, allowing the UK to leave the EU. [12]
In June 2019, the European Commission communique said that the Common European High Performance Computing Initiative had selected eight sites from EU member states for the construction of "world-class" supercomputing centers. [13]
On January 23, 2020, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom signed and ratified the Bill related to the "Brexit" agreement previously passed by the British Parliament. [14]
On the morning of January 24, 2020, the Presidents of the European Council and the European Commission signed the Brexit agreement of the United Kingdom. [15 to 16]
On January 30, 2020, the European Union officially approved the United Kingdom's departure from the European Union. [17]
At 23:00 London time on January 31, 2020, the United Kingdom officially "leaves the European Union", ending its 47 years of membership in the European Union. [1] [18]
On December 24, 2020, the European Commission announced that after several rounds of intense negotiations, the EU and the UK finally reached an agreement on a series of cooperation relations, including trade, on the same day, clearing the way for the UK to end the "Brexit" transition period in 2020 according to the original plan.

Anti-monopoly investigation

On March 11, 2022, Margrethe Vestager, the head of digital policy and antitrust of the European Union, said that the EU and the United Kingdom have simultaneously opened antitrust investigations into the advertising business of Google and Meta Inc. (Facebook's parent company). [44]
On March 31, 2022 local time, the European Commission issued a statement saying that the EU antitrust investigation agency decided to terminate the antitrust investigation of Qatar Energy, saying that there was no evidence of anti-competitive behavior of the company. [48]

Stop domestic sales of internal combustion engine cars

On June 29, 2022, local time reported that EU member states agreed to stop the sale of internal combustion engine cars in their territory by 2035. [68]

Freezing assets and imposing travel bans

On October 20, 2022, the Council of the European Union issued a notice saying that the European Union had added three Iranian individuals and one entity to the sanctions list on the same day for providing drones to Russia and "playing a role in the Russia-Ukraine conflict." The sanctions include asset freezes and travel bans. [76]


On 20 December 2023, the Council of the European Union announced the launch of the Mission to Armenia. It aims to promote stability on the Armenian border and help maintain the normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
The Mission is made up of an entirely civilian staff of about 100 personnel, of whom about 50 are unarmed observers. The Mission's operational headquarters is located in Yegegenazor, Vayotzor Province, Armenia. [91]

Bosnia and Herzegovina accession negotiations

European Council President Charles Michel attends a news conference on the sidelines of an EU summit in Brussels, Belgium, March 21, 2024. President of the European Council Charles Michel announced that the European Council decided on the same day to start negotiations on Bosnia and Herzegovina's accession to the EU [129] .

Organizational structure


Council of Europe

Donald Tusk
Council of Europe The European Council is also known as the European Union Summit or European Union Summit. The European Union's highest decision-making body. The European Council consists of the Heads of State or Government of the Member States and the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission. There is a President of the European Council for a term of two and a half years, renewable for one term. The current president is former Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel, who took office on December 1, 2019 and was reappointed on March 24, 2022, serving until November 30, 2024. [90]

Council of the EU

Council of the EU the Council of the European Union, also known as the Council of Ministers, is the body that makes EU legislation and policy, Coordinating body . The Council is composed of one ministerial-level representative from each member State, with the corresponding ministers in different areas of discussion. The Council of Foreign Ministers is chaired by the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the European Union, and the Presidency of the Council is held for a term of six months. [103]

European Commission

European Commission The European Commission (EC) is the European Union's legislative advisory and enforcement agency. The Commission consists of 27 members, one representative from each member state, including a chairman and eight vice-chairmen, who serve for a term of five years. The current president is former German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen, who took office on 1 December 2019. [90]

European Parliament

European Parliament (European Parliament). Eu supervisory, advisory and legislative bodies. Parliamentarians are directly elected by member states for five-year terms. The current (ninth) Parliament was formally established in July 2019 and now has 705 members, with 7 groups. The current Speaker, Roberta Metsola (Maltese), was elected in January 2022 for a two-and-a-half year term. [90]

Eu External Action Service

Eu External Action Service (European External Action Service). It is headed by the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (also Vice-President of the European Commission), who coordinates the foreign policy of member states. The current EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy is Josep Borrell, former Foreign Minister of Spain, who took office on 1 December 2019 for a five-year term. [90] [103]

European Court of Justice

European Court of Justice [The Court of Justice] is for the European Union Arbitration institution . To hear and adjudicate disputes arising from the implementation of EC treaties and related provisions.


Eurostat locate Luxembourg It is the highest administrative body for statistical work in the European Union. Eurostat does not carry out EU statistics alone, but relies on a network of jobs called the EUROPEAN STATISTICAL SYSTEM. The statistical system is composed of Eurostat, EU member States and Iceland , Norse and Liechtenstein The statistical agency and the central bank are jointly formed. The Member States' institutions are responsible for the collection and compilation of national statistics, while Eurostat's role is to coordinate and integrate statistical resources in close cooperation with the statistical agencies of the Member States, and to summarize and analyze the statistical data provided by the Member States according to the needs of the EU.

European Court of Auditors

The Court of Auditors was established in October 1977 and consists of 12 members appointed by the Council with the consent of the European Parliament. The Court of Auditors is responsible for auditing the accounts of the Community and its institutions, reviewing the state of the Community's revenues and expenditures, and ensuring the proper management of the finances of the Community. Its seat is Luxembourg.
In addition, The European Union also has The European Economic and Social Committee, The Committee of the Regions, European Coal and Steel Community Advisory Committee, European Investment Bank And other agencies.

European Central Bank

It is based in the financial center of Germany Frankfurt It was established by the Maastricht Treaty in 1992 euroland Central bank They are the makers, implementers and supervisors of the common monetary policy. The ECB is a product of European economic integration, the world's first central bank to manage a supranational currency, and a financial institution set up to adapt to the issuance and flow of the euro. The role and structure of the ECB is modeled on that of the German Bundesbank and is independent of EU institutions and national governments. The main task of the ECB is to maintain the purchasing power of the euro and maintain price stability in the euro area. The ECB manages the main interest rate, reserves and issuance of currency, and sets European monetary policy. Power over monetary policy in the euro area has been centralised, but implementation remains in the hands of national central banks. National central banks in the euro area retain their own foreign exchange reserves, which are provided by the national central banks according to their proportion of population and gross domestic product in the euro area.
The Governing Council is the highest decision-making body, responsible for setting interest rates and implementing monetary policy. It is made up of six executive Board members and the heads of the central banks of the euro area member states and meets regularly every month.
European Central Bank
With the establishment of the European Banking Union, the ECB has been given the role of supervising major banks in the EU, which it will perform jointly with the competent authorities of the Member States from November 2014.

European Investment Bank

European Investment Bank Be headquartered in Luxembourg It is a policy bank of the European Union, funded jointly by EU member states, and enjoys independent legal status. Its purpose is to promote the achievement of EU policy objectives. The bank can lend to the public and private sectors for regional development, small and medium-sized enterprises, environmental engineering, transport, energy, research and development and innovation, as well as cooperation agreements with more than 140 countries. For the sake of credit security, the EIB never lends the full amount for a project, typically providing only 30-40% of the investment.
The EIB's main external objective is to invest in projects outside the EU under development assistance or cooperation programmes concluded between the EU and third countries. Since 1993, it has surpassed the World Bank as the world's largest provider of multilateral concessional credit.

Peripheral tissue

Organizational language

There are 24 species in the EU Official language , except English In alphabetical order, they are:
  1. 1.
  2. 2.
  3. 3.
  4. 4.
  5. 5.
  6. 6.
  7. 7.
  8. 8.
  9. 9.
  10. 10.
  11. 11.
  12. 12.
  13. 13.
  14. 14.
  15. 15.
  16. 16.
  17. 17.
  18. 18.
  19. 19.
  20. 20.
  21. 21.
  22. 22.
  23. 23.
Of the 27 member states of the European Union, Luxembourg (German, French, etc.) Belgium (Dutch, French, etc.), Austria (German) and Cyprus ( Greek language 4 countries do not have their own independent languages. Britain Despite Brexit, English is still one of the official languages of the European Union. All 24 languages have the same rights, and all official documents, publications, important meetings and official websites of the European Union must be used in these languages simultaneously. Among them, English As the most commonly learned first foreign language, German The most widely spoken language in the European Union (number of native and foreign speakers), French and Spanish All are United Nations working languages There are more users outside the EU than inside the EU.

Alliance mark

Alliance mark
Flag of the games
Officially hoisted on May 29, 1986, the flag is sky blue with 12 golden stars on it Virgin Mary The symbol of... The purpose of the flag is to represent the creation of a united Europe and to enhance the impression of the European Union and European unity.
Flag of the games
Emblem of the European Union: In use since January 1988, the emblem has a blue bottom and 12 stars in a circle, representing the 12 countries of the European Union.
New logo
The European Commission recently spent 315,000 pounds, equivalent to 3.2 million yuan, to design a new logo of the European Union, which caused a huge controversy. Some British lawmakers criticized that if you do not pay attention to the new design of the EU logo looks no different from the original, not to mention the EU faces many economic problems, its move can be said to be very wasteful. The official explanation of the European Commission is really not too expensive.
According to the Daily Mail, the new EU logo, which only has simple lines inserted around the flag, will cost £110,000. In addition, the logo replaced the original logo used by the European Commission, which cost a further £215,000.
New logo
A surname
"Ode to Joy" from Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. [103]

Organizational status

The European Union is the largest international organization for regional economic cooperation in Europe. Member states have ceded some national sovereignty to the organization (mainly in economic matters, such as monetary and financial policy, internal markets, and foreign trade), making the European Union more and more like a federal state. Although the European Union is not yet a true State and the European Union itself is not entitled to exercise the sovereignty of its member States, Article 1 (8) of the Treaty of Lisbon allows the European Union to become a member of the Council of Europe by signing the European Convention on Human Rights.

Organizational purpose

Promote peace, pursue a prosperous life for citizens, achieve sustainable socio-economic development, ensure fundamental values and strengthen international cooperation.

Organization member


Expansion history

The EU has 27 member states, with France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg as founding members, and was formed in 1951.
In 1973, Denmark , Ireland , Britain (include Gibraltar Join the European Union.
After the democratization of domestic politics, Greece (1981), Spain and Portugal (1986) Joined the European Union.
After the Cold War, due to the easing of the geopolitical situation, in 1995, Austria, Finland and Sweden joined the EU at the same time.
On 1 May 2004, the European Union achieved its largest ever enlargement, with 10 countries - Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Cyprus, Malta, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia - joining the EU at the same time.
On January 1, 2007, Bulgaria and Romania Join the European Union.
On July 1, 2013, Croatia Join the EU.
In addition, the EU has started accession negotiations with Iceland; will Türkiye , Macedonia , Montenegro , Albania [19] , Serbia Listed as a candidate country for EU membership; with Bosnia and Herzegovina The Stabilization and Association Agreement was signed.
On January 31, 2020, the United Kingdom officially "leaves the European Union." [1]
On April 18, 2022 local time, the President of Ukraine Zelensky The completed questionnaire on the application for EU membership was submitted to the head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine. [53]
French President Emmanuel Macron said on June 16, 2022 in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, that France, Germany, Italy and Romania had reached an agreement and agreed to give immediately Ukraine Eu candidate status. [66]

Existing member states

In alphabetical order:
  1. 1.
    Austria (Austria)
  2. 2.
    Belgium (Belgium)
  3. 3.
    Bulgaria (Bulgaria)
  4. 4.
    Cyprus (Cyprus)
  5. 5.
    Croatia (Croatia)
  6. 6.
    Czech Republic (Czechia)
  7. 7.
    Denmark (Denmark)
  8. 8.
    Estonia (Estonia)
  9. 9.
    Finland (Finland)
  10. 10.
    France (France)
  11. 11.
    Germany (Germany)
  12. 12.
    Greece (Greece)
  13. 13.
    Hungary (Hungary)
  14. 14.
    Ireland (Ireland)
  15. 15.
    Italy (Italy)
  16. 16.
    Latvia (Latvia)
  17. 17.
  18. 18.
    Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
  19. 19.
    Malta (Malta)
  20. 20.
    Netherlands (Netherlands)
  21. 21.
    Poland (Poland)
  22. 22.
    Portugal (Portugal)
  23. 23.
    Romania (Romania)
  24. 24.
    Slovakia Slovakia, Slovakia
  25. 25.
    Slovenia (Slovenia)
  26. 26.
    Spain (Spain)
  27. 27.
    Sweden (Sweden)

Potential member

  1. 1.
    Albania Albania (Albania) [19]
  2. 2.
    Montenegro (Montenegro)
  3. 3.
    Serbia Serbia
  4. 4.
    North Macedonia (North Macedonia)
  5. 5.
    Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  6. 6.
    Ukraine [124]

Rotating presidency

" Treaty of Rome The central position of the Council of Europe in the European Union is clearly defined. The presidency of the Council is held by the member states in rotation, known as the "rotating Presidency of the European Union", for a period of six months. The order is basically arranged according to the letter of the country name written in the national script.
Belgium (H1 2024), Hungary (H2 2024) [95] [99] [120]

Candidate country

At the moment, Albania , Montenegro , North Macedonia , Türkiye , Serbia , Ukraine , Moldova , Bosnia and Herzegovina Is a candidate for membership. [96]

Organizational system

The signing of the Lisbon Treaty
" Eu constitution Signed on 28 October 2004. Although parliaments ratified the treaty first, a number of countries held referendums on the issue in 2005. Spain was the first country to go to the polls, with 77% support. But the French vote was a setback, with 58% rejecting the EU Constitution. The Dutch voted in the same way as France, with 61 percent against. Both results all but halted the treaty's implementation. though Luxembourg The vote was approved by 57 percent of the vote, but did not change the situation. The leaders announced a "reflection period" to reflect on the outcome of the vote.
In 2007, the leaders officially ended the "thinking period" and signed the "Agreement" on March 25. Berlin Declaration (50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome). The declaration is intended to give fresh impetus to the search for a new system. That same year, Council of Europe Agreed to revoke the Constitution, but most of the changes in the constitution will remain in the revised treaty. 13 December 2007," Lisbon Treaty It is intended to be ratified before the end of 2008 and to enter into force on 1 January 2009. Unlike the Constitution, the Lisbon Treaty will only Ireland Hold a referendum. On 12 June 2008, 53% of Irish voters voted against ratifying the Lisbon Treaty. On October 2, 2009, Ireland With more than 60% of the votes in favour, the Lisbon Treaty was adopted. So far, the Lisbon Treaty has been adopted by all 27 EU member states.

Source of funds

75% of the EU's funding comes from "contributions" paid by member states in proportion to their national income. The second source of revenue is value-added tax, which accounts for about 14 percent of total revenue. VAT is collected by member states and then 1% is paid to the EU. Other sources include tariffs and differential taxes on agricultural imports. [20]



General situation

The EU is one of the most economically developed regions in the world, and the gradual deepening of economic integration has promoted the further prosperity of the region's economy. In 2013, the gross domestic product of the 28 member states of the EU reached 12 trillion euros, and the per capita gross domestic product was 23,100 euros. The EU is the world's largest importer and exporter of goods and services. In EU foreign trade, America , China , Russia , Switzerland As a major trading partner. The EU is also the largest export market and aid provider for the world's least developed countries, and an advocate and major leader of the multilateral trading system.
The birth of the European Union enables the free circulation of goods, services, personnel and capital in Europe, and the rapid growth of the European economy. The economy grew by 3% between 1995 and 2000, Gross domestic product per capita It rose from $19,000 in 1997 to $20,600 in 1999. The European Union's economy grew from about $6.7 trillion in 1993 to nearly $10 trillion in 2002.
The European Union is an important player in the world Economic power . The 28 countries cover an area of 2.42 million square kilometers and have a population of 350 million. In 1992, the gross domestic product of the 12 EC countries was $6,841.2 billion (according to the year Exchange rate And the price). The European Community is the largest trading bloc in the world, with a total foreign trade volume of about US $2,972.2 billion in 1992, of which US $1,451.86 billion in exports and US $1,520.27 billion in imports.
After the establishment of the European Union, the economy developed rapidly, and statistics show that the economic growth rate reached 3% between 1995 and 2000, and the GDP increased from 19,000 US dollars in 1997 to 20,600 US dollars in 1999. The EU economy grew from about $6.7 trillion in 1993 to nearly $10 trillion in 2002.
The European Union has surpassed the United States as the world's largest economy. And with the enlargement of the EU, the economic power of the EU will be further strengthened, especially because the new accession countries are not only in Economic take-off It has a larger market size and market capacity, and the EU as the world's largest group of countries exporting capital and the group of countries exporting goods and services, coupled with the EU's relatively tolerant foreign technology exchange and development Cooperative policy It is vital to the economic development of the rest of the world, especially developing countries including China. The European Union is an economic giant.
Both the EU and eurozone economies will grow by 0.5% in 2023. The European Commission forecasts economic growth of 0.9% in the EU and 0.8% in the euro area in 2024. [131]
Basic statistics of 27 member states of the European Union
(Population, real GDP and GDP per capita are 2013 figures published by Eurostat.)
Join the EU
(sq. km)
(Million people)
(billion euros)
European Union


Member States of the European Union (2007)
Sweden and Denmark Eleven other countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Finland, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain) were the first to join the euro Zone in 1998, and officially began to use it in 11 countries on 1 January 1999. These countries' Monetary policy From then on reunification was handed over to Germany Frankfurt the European Central Bank [The European Central Bank is in charge.
In June 2000, the European Union was in Portugal Approved at a summit in the northern city of Fira Greece join euroland .
The euro entered into circulation at midnight on January 1, 2002.
On 11 July 2006, the Council of Finance Ministers of the European Union formally approved Slovenia's accession to the euro area on 1 January 2007, which will be the first enlargement of the euro area. It will also become the first of the 10 new Central and Eastern European countries to join the European Union.
On January 1, 2007, the European Union expanded for the fifth time, Romania with Bulgaria Officially joined. As a result, there will be 53 new members of Parliament and two new positions on the Executive Committee. The title of the Romanian member is the European Commission multilingual The European Commissioner for Multilingualism has been criticized by some for being too narrow. On the same day, Slovenia Started using the euro, but Republic of Lithuania Wait for other countries inflation And refuse.
On January 1, 2008, Cyprus , Malta Joined the euro.
On January 1, 2009, Slovakia Became the 16th member of the eurozone.
On January 1, 2011, Estonia Join the euro.
In late February 2012, France Officially declared the local currency out of circulation franc To unify the circulation of the euro throughout France.
On January 1, 2015, Republic of Lithuania Join the euro
On July 12, 2022, CCTV financial News, the EU officially approved Croatia The euro will be adopted from next year. [72]
As of 31 July 2018, there are 19 member countries in the euro area.

Fiscal policy

The law which came into force in 1993 The Maastricht Treaty "(Maario) and the" Maario ", which came into force in 1997. Stability and growth Pact "(also known as" Treaty of Amsterdam "(hereinafter referred to as the Convention), provides that Eu fiscal policy The basic rules. The Maura Treaty provides for the fiscal policies of the member States in principle, that is, since 1994, the member States of the European Union Fiscal deficit As a share of GDP (i.e Deficit ratio Not more than 3%, Government debt As a share of GDP (i.e Debt ratio Not more than 60%. On the basis of further clarifying the principles of fiscal policy stipulated in the Maastrica Convention, the Convention defines the rules for the coordination of EU fiscal policies, punishment procedures for excessive fiscal deficits, and the establishment of an early warning mechanism to supervise the fiscal operation of various countries, so as to ensure that all member States achieve a basic fiscal balance or a slight surplus in the medium term (from 1997 to 2004). The Convention is considered by the European Union Economic stability The fundamental guarantee is also the cornerstone of the stability of the euro. According to the Convention, member States must set a timetable for achieving medium-term budget targets and strive to achieve a basic budget balance or a slight surplus by 2004. The EU coordinates and supervises the formulation and implementation of member states' fiscal policies, and if it judges that a member State's deficit ratio may or has already exceeded 3%, it will issue a warning to that country and require it to make corrections; If member states still do not comply, the EU will initiate a penalty procedure for excessive deficits. Member states with deficits exceeding 3% for three consecutive years can be fined up to 0.5% of gross domestic product.

Debt crisis

The escalating debt crisis has become the number one threat to the European Union's economic recovery. According to the forecasts released by the European Commission in early May 2010, the economic growth rate of the EU and the euro area will be only 1% and 0.9%, the pace of recovery is significantly lagging behind other advanced economies such as the United States, let alone compared with emerging economies. [4]
Debt crisis
Specific situation
A large number of government bonds issued by Greece and other countries have been "digested" within European financial institutions, so the growing sovereign debt crisis has made Europe's financial situation tight again. Affected by the debt crisis, European financial markets once again plunged into violent turmoil, and confidence in the euro suffered a heavy blow. In the more than six months since the Greek debt crisis broke out, the euro has fallen about 20% against the dollar, and once hit a new low in more than four years, which shows the damage of the debt crisis to the European economy.
Loss of confidence
The debt crisis has dealt a further blow to economic confidence, leading to a contraction in private consumption and investment, depriving the EU's fragile economic recovery of two important growth engines. At present, the grim employment situation in the EU is still not improving, the unemployment rate is still rising, and the rebound in consumption growth is weak. By April 2010, the eurozone unemployment rate had risen to 10.1%, the highest since August 1998, and the EU unemployment rate rose to 9.7%.
Other countries
The situation in Portugal, Italy and other countries is not optimistic. Even countries outside the euro zone, such as Hungary and Bulgaria, are not immune, and the slightest disturbance can stir up market sensitivities and cause uproar.
Be in a dilemma
The debt crisis also poses a dilemma for the EU. In order to contain the spread of the crisis, EU countries have introduced fiscal austerity plans, cut public spending, and strive to consolidate finances to restore market confidence, but in the case of economic recovery has not yet stabilized, the rush to "exit" may cause the recovery to die. [4]

Rescue fund

The European Union will set up a permanent rescue fund
On 31 January 2012, EU leaders confirmed the introduction of the permanent European Stability Mechanism (ESM) from July 2012. The European Stability Mechanism, which will have a lending capacity of 500 billion euros, will replace Ireland and Portugal The temporary rescue fund, the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), provided the rescue.
According to media reports, the president of the European Union Herman van Rompuy Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Union, said on Monday that 25 of the EU's 27 member states would sign up to a permanent bailout fund, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM).
President of the European Council, Xinhua reported Herman van Rompuy It was announced on the evening of the 30th that EU member states except the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic adopted the draft of the "fiscal compact" at the informal meeting of EU leaders held in Brussels, Belgium.
Van Rompuy held it at the end of an EU summit Press conference Eu member states that have agreed to join the "fiscal compact" will start signing the draft in March, and then start the ratification process, which can be implemented once the 12 members of the euro zone ratify it. The compact would impose stricter fiscal discipline on eurozone countries and other EU members willing to join, with automatic penalties for those who violate fiscal discipline.
The European Union originally planned to introduce the ESM in July 2013, but Germany urged its early introduction in order to create a more stable and permanent fund that would be more resilient to the eurozone's sovereign debt crisis.

Monetary policy

General situation
The European Central Bank (ECB) was established on 1 June 1998. On January 1, 1999, the European Central Bank assumed the responsibility for formulating monetary policy in the euro area, achieving the goal of implementing the single currency Euro and implementing a unified monetary policy in the euro area countries.
European System of Central Banks
The European System of Central Banks consists of two levels, one is the European Central Bank with legal personality, and the other is the central bank of the EU member states. Member States of the European Union that have not adopted the euro, although members of the European System of Central Banks, cannot participate in the formulation of monetary policy in the euro area, nor can they participate in the operation and implementation of monetary policy. The Governing Council and the Executive Board are the two main decision-making bodies of the European Central Bank (ECB). [4]
The monetary policy mechanism of the European Central Bank
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso speaks with U.S. President Barack Obama
The monetary policy of the European System of Central Banks can be divided into three categories: open market operations, permanent instruments, and minimum reserves.
Open market business. Open market operations play a major role in guiding interest rates, managing money markets, and sending policy signals to the market in four ways: First, refinancing, which is conducted weekly by the central banks of member countries according to the bidding process and expires in two weeks, sending policy signals to the market. The refinancing rate is also the main lever used by the European Central Bank to control the economy. The second is long-term financing, which is conducted monthly by the central banks of the member states in accordance with the bidding procedure and expires in three months. The fine-tuning operation is carried out by the central banks of the member States in specific cases through tender procedures and bilateral procedures. As long as the European Central Bank wants to adjust the capital structure, it can be carried out by the central banks of the member states through bidding procedures and bilateral procedures. [4]
The exchange rate mechanism of the European Central Bank
Exchange rate policy is an important part of the eurozone policy, and the eurozone will formulate exchange rate policy under the premise of maintaining price stability.
Exchange rate policy formulation mechanism. The decision-making power of the eurozone exchange rate policy belongs to the Council of the European Union, and the European Central Bank and the European Commission also play an important role. In terms of the coordination of exchange rate policies, the Council of the European Union supervises the trend of the euro exchange rate according to the economic development situation, and puts forward relevant views to the Council of Presidents of the European Central Bank, which is responsible for organizing the implementation of the exchange rate policy formulated by the Council of the European Union, and the Council of the European Union has the right to decide to sign agreements on the exchange rate system and determine the position of the exchange rate with third countries and international organizations.
Foreign exchange management and intervention. The Treaty provides for the full authority of the European Central Bank to conduct foreign exchange operations. The European Central Bank has foreign exchange reserves of 50 billion euros, which are paid by the national central banks in proportion to the population and economic size of the countries in which they are located. According to the rules of the European System of Central Banks, the European Central Bank has the free use of these 50 billion euros of foreign exchange reserves, and can also draw on the foreign exchange reserves of the national central banks if necessary. The central banks of the member states of the euro area must obtain the approval of the European Central Bank when using their foreign exchange reserves, in order to prevent the foreign exchange operations of the member States' central banks from being inconsistent with the exchange rate policy of the euro area. If necessary, the European Central Bank may, under the direction of the European Council, intervene in the euro Area and in the United States dollar, the Japanese yen and other currencies. The Council of Presidents of the European Central Bank determines how to allocate the terms of reference for foreign exchange intervention, and selects the banks and credit institutions for foreign exchange intervention based on criteria such as credit worthiness, competitive prices, and asset size. [4]
European banking union
The June 2012 summit of EU leaders outlined the idea of a banking union, underpinned by three pillars. In addition to the "single resolution mechanism", the other two pillars are the "single supervisory mechanism" and the "common deposit insurance mechanism", which is a comprehensive mechanism to protect the deposits of eurozone bank depositors. The EU hopes the banking union will act as a firewall against the spread of the banking crisis into the sovereign debt crisis, and lay the foundation for a broader and deeper European economic and monetary union.
In December 2012, EU finance ministers reached an agreement to give the European Central Bank new powers to uniformly supervise the eurozone banking sector from 2014. This means that Europe has taken the first substantive step towards a banking union. The finance minister also decided to allow the European Commission to directly supervise at least 150 of Europe's largest banks immediately and to intervene in smaller ones at the first sign of trouble.
In March 2014, the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of the European Union, after lengthy negotiations, agreed on the rules of the single resolution mechanism for the banking industry, paving the way for the mechanism to enter into force as scheduled. The "single resolution mechanism" is designed to allow shareholders and creditors to "bail themselves out" if a bank fails, rather than being bailed out by governments as was the case during the last European debt crisis. Moreover, a single resolution mechanism would help an orderly insolvency of insolvent banks and keep healthy parts of the banking sector alive. [4]
Eurozone monetary policy since the debt crisis
After the outbreak of the European debt crisis in the fourth quarter of 2009, the financial situation in the eurozone was once again strained. Many peripheral countries' funding costs rose to new highs since the launch of the euro, and Greek 10-year bond yields briefly exceeded 35 per cent. The banks do not trust each other, and the interbank lending scale has dropped sharply, resulting in a soaring interest rate; In order to avoid risks, banks have raised loan standards and reduced the supply of credit funds, resulting in the real economy, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, unable to obtain financing. The withdrawal of funds by external investors such as US money market funds has further exacerbated the liquidity squeeze in European financial markets. In response to these problems, the European Central Bank, together with the central banks of the member states, creatively launched a number of monetary policy operations and injected a large amount of liquidity into the market to stabilize the financial market and avoid financial turbulence affecting the real economy. After the new President Draghi took office in November 2011, the ECB's monetary policy has become more flexible and pragmatic.
Buy bonds. On May 10, 2010, the European Central Bank launched a bond-buying measure called the Securities Market Program, which injected liquidity into the market and stabilized the eurozone sovereign bond market by purchasing the national bonds of Greece, Italy, Spain and other peripheral countries.
Cut interest rates . After several interest rate cuts, effective June 11, 2014, the ECB reduced the main refinancing rate from 0.25% to 0.15%, the marginal lending rate from 0.75% to 0.4%, and the deposit rate from 0% to minus 0.1%.
Liquidity operations. After the debt crisis, the European Central Bank restarted the long-term refinancing operation tool used during the financial crisis, and resumed the six-month and one-year refinancing operation successively to provide longer-term loan funds to the banking industry.
Direct monetary transaction mechanism. In early September 2012, the European Central Bank intervened in the secondary market of eurozone sovereign bonds through the "Outright Monetary Transactions Mechanism" (OMTS) to ensure the effectiveness of monetary policy transmission mechanism and the unity of monetary policy. [4]


In February 2024, the European Commission announced that it was shelving plans to reduce pesticide use in order to reduce pressure on agriculture. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said the original proposal to halve pesticide use by 2030 "has become a symbol of polarization" and she asked the commission to withdraw it. The move marks a new concession by the EU to farmers on environmental issues. [122]

Wind power generation

In February 2024, Wind power in the European Union has surpassed gas for the first time and is capable of meeting all of France's electricity needs, according to a study. Eu energy emissions to fall 19% by 2023. [121]

External relations



The EU External Action Service is the EU's external relations authority and consists of nine directors-General: Directorate-general for Human Rights, Global and Multilateral Affairs, Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Western Europe, Western Balkans, Turkey and the United Kingdom, Russia, Eastern Partnership, Central Asia, Regional Cooperation and the Organization for Security and Security (OSCE), the Middle East and North Africa, Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) and Crisis Response, Budget and Administration, And the EU military staff. Areas of competence include traditional foreign policy as well as development policy, human rights, military security, and civilian crisis management. Eu member states make decisions by means of intergovernmental cooperation.
The EU has established diplomatic relations with more than 160 countries, strategic partnerships and regular leaders' meetings with many of them. The EU pursues effective multilateralism, advocates free trade, actively leads international cooperation on energy and climate change, and stresses the importance of upholding the status and role of the United Nations. In June 2016, the EU issued a global strategy on foreign and security policy entitled "Common Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe", which aims at four common interests: promoting peace and security, achieving prosperity, advancing democracy, and building a rules-based international order, and takes "principled pragmatism" as its basic platform for external action. In December 2019, after the establishment of the new EU institutions, the EU decided to take "pragmatism, solidarity and partnership" as the three major diplomatic principles, stressing that the EU should strengthen its geopolitical attributes, based on the three pillars of realism, internal solidarity and partnership, make good use of trade, investment, finance and rules and other tools to carry out external actions, and become a "comprehensive geopolitical player". In December 2021, the "Global Gateway" strategy was officially launched to advance the EU's global connectivity plan. In March 2022, the Strategic Compass Action Plan was approved, setting out the EU's security and defence policy for the next 10 years. Since the crisis in Ukraine, the EU has provided a lot of support to Ukraine and imposed several rounds of sanctions on Russia. [90]
The EU plays an active role on the international stage. The EU has established diplomatic relations with most countries and regions in the world and has concluded various economic and trade cooperation agreements. More than 160 countries have diplomatic missions to the EU, and the EU has missions in more than 120 countries and international organizations. In some international bodies, such as the World Trade Organization, the EU represents member states as a voice and a power. The EU also participates in the work of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and has observers at the United Nations and a number of professional bodies.

Relations with China

中国国务院总理李克强会晤欧盟首脑 [21]
People's Republic of China Relations with the European Union (formerly the European Community) were established in May 1975. Over the past 40 years, thanks to the joint efforts of both sides, Sino-european relations Has made great progress. In the political field, the EU has formulated three policy documents on China, namely, the Long-term Policy on EU-China Relations, the New EU Strategy on China and the Comprehensive Partnership with China. These documents believe that "the relationship between Europe and China must become a cornerstone of Europe's foreign relations, including Asian and global relations," and advocate the establishment of a comprehensive partnership with China. At the same time, China has repeatedly reaffirmed that both China and the EU are important forces for safeguarding peace and promoting development on today's world stage, and the all-round development of long-term, stable and mutually beneficial cooperative relations with the EU and its member states is also an important part of China's foreign policy.
In April 1998, State Council, People's Republic of China premier Zhu Rongji With the rotating presidency of the EU, British prime minister Blair , European Commission President Santer held the first official meeting between Chinese and European leaders in London. On December 21, 1999, the second China-Eu Summit was held in Beijing.
On May 19, 2000, China and the European Union agreed on China's accession World Trade Organization Reach bilateral agreements. The EU-China Relations Report, published by the European Commission on 8 September, points out that EU-China relations have strengthened and developed rapidly over the past two years. The EU believes that increasing bilateral exchanges enhance mutual understanding and are conducive to mutual assistance and mutual benefit. According to the report, the establishment of the annual leaders' meeting system between the EU and China and the signing of the agreement between the EU and China on China's accession to the WTO are clear evidences of the rapid development of EU-China relations. On October 23, 2000, the third China-Eu Summit was held in Beijing. The meeting will include negotiations and discussions on strengthening bilateral relations, China's accession to the World Trade Organization and controlling illegal immigration.
In September 2005, China and the EU signed a document to resolve textile trade issues, the Chinese Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai Eu Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson signed the Consultation Minutes on behalf of the two sides in Beijing.
On March 22, 2021, the EU based its decision on lies and disinformation Xinjiang Human rights issues are used as an excuse to impose unilateral sanctions on relevant Chinese individuals and entities. The EU's move disregards facts, distorts right and wrong, grossly interferes in China's internal affairs, flagrantly violates international law and basic norms governing international relations, and seriously damages China-Eu relations. China expresses firm opposition and strong condemnation. The Chinese government is firmly determined to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests. The Chinese side has decided to impose sanctions on 10 people and 4 entities from the European side for seriously harming China's sovereignty and interests and maliciously spreading lies and false information , including: Mep Pettikofel, Geller, Glucksmann, Kuchuk, Lexman, MEP Schertsma of the Netherlands, MEP Kograti of Belgium, MEP Sakalienne of Lithuania, German scholar Zheng Guo-en, Swedish scholar Ye Biyan, Political and Security Committee of the Council of the European Union, Sub-Committee on Human Rights of the European Parliament, Mercator Center for China Studies in Germany, Danish Democratic Union Foundation. Those involved and their families were barred from entering the country Chinese mainland and Hong Kong , Macao Special Administrative Region They and their affiliated companies and institutions have also been restricted from doing business with China. [24]
On January 10, 2023, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, President of the European Council Charles Michel and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen jointly signed the Treaty Joint NATO-EU Declaration on Cooperation China's increasingly assertive stance and policies pose challenges to the European Union and NATO that need to be addressed. [87] The Chinese side stated:" Joint NATO-EU Declaration on Cooperation First to authority document The form expresses the common position of the two sides on China, exposing the bias and prejudice of the cognition of China arrogance . China's response to the" Joint NATO-EU Declaration on Cooperation "Unreasonable accusations and accusations against China Cold war mentality We strongly oppose it." [87]
In 2023, China and the EU will be each other's second largest trading partner, China will be the EU's third largest export market and largest source of imports, and the EU will be China's second largest export market and second largest source of imports. In January-February 2024, China-Eu trade totaled US $117.24 billion, down 4.1% year on year. In 2023, the EU's new investment in China will reach US $10.58 billion, up 5.5 percent year-on-year, while China's new investment in the EU will reach US $8.21 billion, up 17.4 percent year-on-year. In 2014, China and the EU launched negotiations on an investment agreement and concluded negotiations on an Investment agreement in December 2020. In May 2021, the European Parliament adopted a resolution to "freeze" discussions on the ratification agreement under the pretext of human rights issues in Xinjiang. [132]
The China-Eu High Level Economic and Trade Dialogue, established in 2008, is the highest-level China-Eu economic and trade dialogue mechanism. In September 2023, Vice Premier He Lifeng of The State Council and Executive Vice President of the European Commission Dombrovskis co-chaired the 10th China-Eu High-Level Economic and Trade Dialogue in Beijing. The two sides have also established dialogue mechanisms such as the Mixed Committee on economy and trade, trade policy, intellectual property rights and competition policy. [97]

Relations with the United States

America It is the EU's largest trading partner. Europe and the United States cooperate on international affairs at multiple levels and through multiple channels: strengthening economic relations through the Transatlantic Economic Council; Strengthen cooperation in global hotspots and global areas through the Framework Agreement on Closer Partnership for international crisis management; It is trying to establish a framework for closer cooperation with the United States in areas such as global climate change and improvement of the banking system.

Relations with Russia

Eu-russia cooperation is deepening in an all-round way. Cooperation will continue to expand in the following areas: energy supply, investment and innovation, conflict prevention, counter-terrorism and the fight against organized crime, and environmental issues, including climate change. As the situation in Ukraine escalated further, the European Union began to impose sanctions on Russia, including visa restrictions and asset freezes, and announced at the EU Spring summit that the EU summit scheduled for June was canceled.
On February 25, 2022, the President of the European Commission said that the EU would ban the sale of any aircraft and equipment to Russian airlines. [28]
The French presidency of the European Union announced on April 7, 2022 that the 27 EU countries decided on the same day to impose an embargo on Russian coal, close European ports to Russian ships, ban the export of up to 10 billion euros of high-tech products to Russia, freeze the assets of several Russian banks, and ban Russian and Belarusian transport companies from operating in the EU. [50]
On April 11, 2022, European Commissioner for Transport Adina Valean announced that 21 Russian airlines would be banned from operating in the European Union because their aircraft did not meet EU safety standards. Varian added that the ban is not part of the EU sanctions against Russia, but purely for security reasons. [51]
On April 8, 2022 local time, the European Union approved the fifth round of sanctions against Russia, including the coal ban. It is the first time the EU has imposed sanctions on Russian energy since Russia launched its military campaign against Ukraine.
On April 11, 2022, the foreign ministers of the EU member states held a meeting in Luxembourg to carry out further consultations on the energy embargo against Russia, but did not reach an agreement on the oil embargo against Russia. [52]
Eu High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Borrelli After the meeting, oil will likely be one of the next areas of EU sanctions against Russia, but there are still differences between EU member states on the issue of oil embargo against Russia, and the EU foreign ministers' meeting on the same day did not reach an agreement on the oil embargo against Russia.
On July 12, 2022, EU Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders said the EU expects to adopt a directive in October allowing the seizure of Russian assets in the EU if attempts to circumvent or bypass sanctions are detected. [73]
On July 21, 2022, according to the Official Journal of the European Union, the European Union introduced the seventh set of restrictive measures against Russia. According to previously agreed measures, the new sanctions package includes a ban on "the direct and indirect import, purchase or transfer of Russian gold, which is Russia's most important export after energy resources".
On December 15, 2022 local time, EU leaders approved the ninth round of sanctions against Russia. [84]

Relations with the Middle East

Putin meets with European Union leaders
The European Union and the Mediterranean Middle East, through the "Mediterranean Forum", have established a cooperative union covering 43 countries and 800 million people, including all EU member states, as of 2014. Cooperation between the EU and these countries will continue to deepen through economic and trade agreements and cooperation projects in the fields of new energy, the environment and shipping. [4]
On February 14, 2016, Israel premier Netanyahu Announced that in cooperation with the European Union on Jew Israel has decided to resume normal relations with the European Union after an understanding was reached on the issue of origin marking of settlement goods. [22]
On December 11, 2023 local time, the Council of the European Union declared that it was "right" Iran Six individuals and five entities were subject to sanctions, including an asset freeze, travel ban to the EU and a ban on providing funds to them. [117]

Relations with Japan

On July 17, 2018, Japan Signed an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union. After the agreement comes into force, the two sides will remove most tariffs either immediately or in phases. [23]

Relations with Denmark

On January 12, 2023 local time, the European Commission issued a notice that it approved the 1.1 billion euros Danish state aid program. [88]

Relations with Egypt

On March 17, 2024, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said that the European Union agreed on the same day to provide Egypt with a financial support package of about 7.4 billion euros to boost the Egyptian economy. [127]

Main activity


Internal construction

The European Community implements a series of common policies and measures
Implementation of customs union and common foreign trade policy
Map of Member States of the European Community
The European Community has been unified since 1967 tariff On July 1, 1968, tariffs and quotas on goods between member states were abolished, and a customs union was established (after Spain and Portugal joined in 1986, tariffs with other member states were completely eliminated after a 10-year transition period). In 1973, the European Community adopted a unified foreign trade policy. Mayo took effect, in order to further establish the system of the European Union's single market mutual trade, the European Union foreign ministers on February 8, 1994 by countries agreed to cancel the previous practice of more than 6400 kinds of import quotas, and replace it with some measures to protect low technology industry.
A common agricultural policy
On July 1, 1962, European Economic Community Commencing the Common Agricultural Policy. In August 1968, unified prices for agricultural products were introduced. Elimination of internal tariffs on agricultural products in 1969; Since 1971, a monetary subsidy system has been implemented for agricultural trade.
Establish a system of political cooperation
It was established in October 1970. The Single European Act, signed in 1986 and entered into force in 1987, officially included political cooperation in the field of foreign affairs in the EC treaties. To this end, the Council of Ministers has established a Secretariat for Political Cooperation, which regularly convenes political cooperation meetings with the participation of the Foreign Ministers of the Member States to discuss and decide on the position of the European Community on various international affairs. Following the entry into force of Mayo on 1 November 1993, the system of political cooperation was incorporated into the activities of the European Political Union.
A large unified internal market has been basically established
In June 1985, the Summit of the European Community approved the White paper on the construction of a single large internal market, and in February 1986, member states officially signed the agreement on the construction of a large market. Treaty of Rome European Single Act as amended. The objective of the unified market is to gradually remove non-tariff barriers, including physical barriers (customs checkpoints, transit procedures, health and quarantine standards, etc.), technical barriers (regulations, regulations, health and quarantine standards, etc.), Technical standard (1 January 1993) and financial obstacles (differences in tax and tax rates) to achieve the free movement of goods, persons, capital and services. To this end, by April 1990, the European Commission had proposed 282 directives to achieve these objectives. As at 10 December 1993, 264 items had been approved by the Governing Council, with 18 pending approval. In must be converted to 12 countries Domestic law Of the 219 laws that can enter into force throughout the Union, 115 have been incorporated into national law in 12 countries. On average, 87 per cent of the laws that need to be transposed into national law in member States have been completed. On January 1, 1993, the European Community announced that its single market was basically completed and officially put into operation.
The European Union plans 100 billion euros in business loans to boost growth in southern Europe
The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Commission officially launched a partnership on 25 June 2013 to create €55 billion to €100 billion in new loans for businesses to boost economic growth in southern Europe.
Eu leaders are keen to get it started Greece , Cyprus , Italy , Portugal , Spain and Slovenia Economic growth has enabled these countries to pay their debts. It was these countries' high debt levels that triggered the eurozone crisis more than three years ago.
The EU hopes to get the wheels of economic growth turning again by providing more low-cost credit to businesses to give them the confidence to hire and produce more, especially in southern European countries that have been Mired in low growth or recession.
The European Commission and the EIB want to use €10bn of structured funds through a combination of loan guarantees and securitisation. The funding comes from the EU's long-term budget for 2014-2020.
A joint report by the EIB and the European Commission lays out three options for leveraging the 10 billion euros so that more money is available to companies. Eu leaders will choose an option on Thursday to study further.
Three choices
One EU official said that, in the first option, three-quarters of the structured funds would be used to provide loan guarantees of between 50 and 80 per cent.
The remaining quarter of the funds will be used for guarantees Asset-backed bond (ABS) sale of corporate loans. The underlying loans of the ABS will only be those new loans that meet the criteria of the EIB and the European Commission to guarantee their quality.
The report said that in this way, the leverage of 10 billion euros of structured funds is about five times, which will bring in 55-58 billion euros of corporate loans.
The second option would be to guarantee new and existing portfolios of securitised loans, but only on a national scale. The guarantee of Spain's loan portfolio, for example, would come from the €10bn fund, in proportion to the proportion allocated to Spain in the EU's long-term budget.
Banks must then extend new loans to companies for the amount of new or existing loan ABS they sell. The report said this would bring about 65 billion euros in loans, with a leverage multiple of six times.
The second option could be trickier, the EU official said, because banks would try to package non-performing loans with good ones and sell them. It takes time and effort, and costs more, for the EIB to review the two types of loans separately.
Under the third option, guarantees would not be limited to the proportion of structural funds that each country receives, but would be calculated across the EU. For example, ABS guarantees on Spanish loans can use structured funds up to the €10bn limit.
The last option could bring about €100bn in corporate loans, with leverage of 10 times, the report said. The loan will benefit around 1 million small and medium-sized enterprises, which account for the majority of growth and employment in the EU. [4]

Protect rights and interests

The EU also attaches great importance to the protection of gay rights and interests, in the 28 member states of the EU, there are Netherlands , Belgium , Spain , Sweden , Portugal , Denmark Recognized by 6 countries Same-sex marriage , besides France , Germany , Finland , Luxembourg , Czech Republic , Slovenia , Hungary , Austria , Ireland Ten countries recognize civil unions for same-sex couples. The EU requires member states to enact domestic laws prohibiting discrimination against homosexuals, and new member states must enact domestic laws prohibiting discrimination on sexual orientation before they can consider joining the EU.
At the end of 2020, the European Union published the draft Digital Market Law and the Digital Services Law. The EU believes that a small number of digital platforms effectively become the "gatekeepers" of the digital market, with rule-making powers and special responsibilities: on the one hand, digital platforms drive innovation, create value for consumers, customers and industries, help the market improve operational efficiency and provide development opportunities; On the other hand, the digital platform needs to be regulated urgently, and the safe operation of the platform faces great challenges. Therefore, the EU will build a modern legal system to guarantee users' safety and fundamental rights, and maintain a fair and open environment for online platforms.
January 2021 - Foreign Minister of Portugal, which holds the rotating presidency of the European Union Silva During the Portuguese presidency of the EU in the first half of 2021, Portugal will fully promote the legislative process of the Digital Market Law and the Digital Services Law, and increase efforts to regulate cyberspace.
According to the latest announcement of the European Union, the EU's package of regulatory guidelines on the digital Market Act roughly divides digital companies into four categories: intermediary services, custodial services, online platforms, and super online platforms, and clearly defines the responsibilities and obligations of digital companies. Simply put, the bigger a digital company is, the more users it has and the more diverse the services it offers, the more responsibilities and obligations it assumes. [3]

Related report

On November 16, 2021, after a meeting of EU foreign ministers, a new round of sanctions against Belarus was announced sanction [25] .
The 27 EU member states have analyzed the serious situation of the current Russia-Ukraine crisis and its possible consequences, and unanimously adopted the EU resolution Russian State Duma The first round of sanctions was imposed by 351 lawmakers. The sanctions also target 27 entities and individuals, including political decision-makers and the banks that finance them. [26]
Russian satellite news agency on February 24, 2022, the Russian Defense minister Shoigu With the Foreign Ministry spokesman Zakharova Placed on the EU sanctions list. [27]
On February 26, 2022 local time, the European Union will appoint the President of Russia Putin And the Foreign Minister. Lavrov On the sanctions list, the relevant documents have been published. [29]
On the evening of February 26, 2022 local time, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Borrelli The EU will hold a foreign ministers' meeting in the form of video on the 27th to once again focus on the Ukraine issue. [30]
On March 1, 2022, Vsevolod Chentsov, Ukraine's representative to the EU, tweeted that the application document for Ukraine's accession to the EU, signed by Ukrainian President Zelensky, has been submitted to the EU side, and the EU has officially started the process of reviewing Ukraine's application for accession. [33]
On March 1, 2022, Commissioner Breton said that the EU recommended that member states completely ban Russia Russia Today Channel (RT) and Satellite News Agency (Sputnik) programs and content are broadcast in their respective countries. [34]
On March 1, 2022, the Office of the President of Ukraine announced, Ukraine The application for accession to the European Union under the accelerated procedure has been accepted and registered and is under discussion and study. [35]
In March 2022, Georgia Submit an application to join the European Union. [36]
On March 3, 2022 local time, the President of Moldova Sandu It said the country was applying to join the EU in order to "ensure a decent life for future generations of its residents". [37]
On March 3, 2022, the European Union announced that it would grant Ukrainian refugees three years of residency, which can be extended for a further two years if the refugees cannot safely return. [40]
On March 8, 2022 local time, President of the European Council Michel said that the leaders of EU member states will meet in Versailles, France, from 10 to 11 this month to discuss the situation in Ukraine. [41]
On March 9, 2022, the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that the 27 member states of the European Union had reached a consensus on further sanctions against Russia and Belarus. [42]
On March 10-11, 2022, the informal Summit of European Union leaders took place on the outskirts of Paris, France The Palace of Versailles Hold. [43]
Reported on March 13, 2022, local time on March 12 Venezuela The foreign minister reiterated to the European Union its demand for the lifting of sanctions against Venezuela. [45]
On March 14, 2022 local time, the French presidency of the European Union announced on social media that the EU has decided to adopt a new round of sanctions against Russia. The main measures include removing Russia's most-favored-nation status for trade, banning EU companies from investing in Russia's oil and gas sector, banning exports of luxury goods and luxury cars to Russia, and banning Russian steel exports To the European Union, etc. [46]
Under the "Strategic Compass" action plan, the EU will establish a rapid reaction force of up to 5,000 troops by 2025, which can be quickly deployed in a crisis. The force will include land, sea and air forces, and the EU plans to conduct its first combat exercises with the Fast Counter-Force in 2023. Defence Ministers of Germany Christina Lambrecht On the 21st, Germany said it hoped to provide core strength for the fast counter-force in its first year of establishment. Funding for the formation of the Fast Counter-force will come from the EU's extra-budgetary European Peace Fund instrument, which is paid for by EU member states and can provide up to €5 billion between 2021 and 2027. [47]
On April 1, 2022, according to the Russian "Izorea" news, Kolbrinets, director of the European Cooperation Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said that Moscow will not forget the EU's extremely hostile attitude toward Russia, and to normalize relations with each other, Brussels must abandon the policy of pressure and forced orders and begin to consider Russia's "legitimate interests." [49]
On April 13, 2022 local time, the European Commission published a proposal on the expansion of the EU Geographical indication Scheme, including some handicrafts and industrial products into geographical indications, protecting their intellectual property rights and reputation of origin. [61]
According to Reuters on May 2, 2022, European Union energy ministers held an emergency meeting on Monday to try to agree on Russia's demand that its gas exports be paid in rubles. [54]
On May 2, 2022 local time, Prime Ministers of Georgia Garibashvili said on social media that the country had submitted its membership questionnaire to the European Union. [55]
In May 2022, nearly half of Russia's exports of crude oil and petroleum products went to Europe. Europe, on the other hand, is dependent on Russia for energy, with 26 percent of its imported oil coming from Russia. According to the Center for Energy and Clean Air Research, a research group, European Union countries have paid Russia nearly 20 billion euros since Mr. Putin launched the military campaign. [56]
May 9, 2022, President of Ukraine Zelensky On the same day, Ukraine submitted the second part of the questionnaire to join the EU, "taking another very important step on the road to the EU." [58]
On May 9, 2022 local time, Portuguese Prime Minister Costa announced that the European Commission has approved the proposal for electricity price limits formulated by the country and Spain. [59]
On May 10, 2022, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Borrell, said that the European Union has pledged to increase its humanitarian aid to Syria to 1.5 billion euros in 2022 Yuan. [60]
In May 2022, according to CCTV News, the Environment Committee of the European Parliament voted to support the proposal of the European Commission to ban the sale of fuel vehicles in the 27 countries of the European Union by 2035. [62]
After strongly condemning the shooting death of a Palestinian journalist for Al Jazeera. On May 16, 2022, the European Union announced 25 million euros in humanitarian aid to support Palestine West Bank , East Jerusalem and Gaza Strip the Palestine The people. [63]
On June 2, 2022, the European Commission announced the approval of Poland's economic recovery plan, which will provide it with more than 23 billion euros in subsidies and 11.5 billion euros in long-term loans. [64]
On June 2, 2022, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that the results of the extraordinary EU summit further show that the EU supports Ukraine through vague EU integration commitments, the provision of lethal weapons and financial assistance. Eu leaders said nothing about a peaceful, negotiated solution to the situation in Ukraine Ukraine To the edge of the cliff. [65]
On July 20, 2022, Republic of Lithuania Arnoldas Pranckevicius, special envoy to the EU, said EU countries had agreed on a new round of sanctions against Russia, but would also ease some restrictions to boost trade such as food. In response, the President of Ukraine Zelensky Said the strength of this round of sanctions It's not enough. [74] In October, the Council of the European Union issued a notice on the 20th that the EU had added three Iranian individuals and one entity to the sanctions list on the same day for providing drones to Russia and "playing a role in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict." The sanctions include asset freezes and travel bans. [77]
On September 29, 2022 local time, the European Commission sent reasoned opinions or formal notification letters to 11 EU member States, because they failed to complete the legislation of the EU Single-Use Plastic Products Regulation in their own countries within the specified time. [111]
3 November 2022 - The European Union's ETIAS visa will be implemented from May 2023, which applies to non-EU third country visitors who are currently eligible for visa-free entry into the EU. [78]
In November 2022, the Council of the European Union issued a statement saying that the Council included 19 natural persons and 1 organization in the target Burma The sanctions list. [79]
November 16, 2022 News, Britain Will join the European Union's "Military Mobility Operation" program. [80]
On December 4, 2022, the European Union published in its official journal a decision regarding the imposition of a price cap on oil from Russia, with the price of a barrel of oil set at $60. [81]
Eu affairs ministers from the EU's 27 member states agreed on Monday to approve a proposal by the EU's executive arm to grant Bosnia EU candidate status. [82]
On December 22, 2022 local time, the European Commission approved Poland A €3 billion economic support package to help the country cope with the energy crisis. [86]
On January 25, 2023, Iran's Foreign Ministry announced sanctions against 30 individuals and 4 entities from the European Union and the United Kingdom. [89]
On March 20, 2023, according to the Russian satellite news agency Brussels, the vice president of the European Commission and the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Borrell, said that EU member states reached a unanimous decision to provide 1 million artillery shells to Ukraine within 12 months, with a total value of 2 billion euros. [92]
On March 20, 2023, the Council of the European Union announced additional sanctions Iran Eight individuals and one entity. The EU has imposed sanctions on 204 individuals and 34 entities in Iran. The sanctions include asset freezes, suspension of EU visas and a ban on providing funds to those listed. [93]
March 28, 2023, according to Reuters and Agence France-Presse news, the European Union member states on Tuesday (March 28) local time finally reached a landmark agreement to ratify from 2035 Ban the sale of new cars powered by fossil fuels. [94]
On June 1, 2023, the European Union officially launched the European Single Patent system. [98]
On the evening of June 8, 2023 local time, the European Union announced that the interior ministers from the 27 EU countries had reached an agreement in Luxembourg on the revision of the Convention on Migration and Refugee Asylum. The deal deals with the reception, distribution and repatriation of migrants arriving in Europe. [116]
On June 30, 2023, according to CCTV news, the new rotating presidency of the European Union, Spain, will start its term on July 1. This will be the fifth time that Spain has held the rotating presidency of the EU, which ends on December 31, 2023. [99]
On July 16, 2023 local time, Tunisian President Mohamed Saeed and the President of the European Commission Von der Leyen Italian Prime Minister Meloni and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte attended the meeting Tunisia Signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with the EU. [100]
On August 3, 2023, the European Union vs Belarus A new round of sanctions was launched, targeting 38 individuals and three entities in Belarus and banning the export of firearms, their parts and ammunition to Belarus. [101]
According to TASS news agency in Brussels on August 12, 2023, Spokesman for EU Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Peter Stano 11 told AFP, the half a year to Ukraine offers worth 1.1 billion euro 22.38 rounds of ammunition, including their own artillery shells, Guided shell And mortar shells) and 2,300 missiles. [102]
On August 22, 2023 local time, European Commission President von der Leyen said in a social media post that the EU paid a new round of aid to Ukraine on the same day, totaling 1.5 billion euros, and will provide help for Ukrainian food exports. [104]
On August 30, 2023 local time, an informal meeting of EU defense and Foreign Ministers was held in Toledo, Spain. Eu High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Borrelli At this meeting, the defense ministers of the EU member states discussed the establishment of a special fund. The fund plans to provide 5 billion euros a year for the long-term supply of military equipment to Ukraine. [105]
On September 6, 2023 local time, the European Union announced that Amazon , Apple , Microsoft , bytedance Six large high-tech companies were listed as the first recipients Digital Markets Act (abbreviated as DMA) list of regulated services. [106]
On September 7, 2023 local time, the British government announced an agreement with the European Union to return to the EU's flagship science program Horizon and Copernicus Earth observation program. [107]
On September 7, 2023 local time, Borrell, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, said that the European Union is committed to Georgia It is open to membership, but requires Georgia to further implement comprehensive reforms before discussing candidate status. [108]
On September 8, 2023, the Council of the European Union announced that it would impose sanctions on six Russian individuals, including prosecutors and judges working in the Crimea region, and two people working for the Russian Federal Security Service. [109]
On September 14, 2023 local time, Borrell, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, met with the President of Serbia in Brussels Vucic Hold a high-level dialogue meeting with Kosovo leaders to discuss how to implement this Serbia with Kosovo Related agreements on the road to normalizing relations. [110]
On September 15, 2023 local time, the European Commission decided not to extend the target Poland , Bulgaria , Hungary , Romania and Slovakia Restrictions on the import of Ukrainian agricultural products. However, immediately after the decision was announced, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary said they would impose their own restrictions on Ukrainian agricultural imports. [112]
September 18, 2023 local time, Turkey Anadolu News Agency The European Union approved the decision Earthquake in Turkey An additional $426 million in humanitarian aid. [113]
On October 2, 2023 local time, Borrell, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, announced that he would be in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv A meeting of EU foreign ministers will be held outside the EU for the first time. [114]
On October 2, 2023, local time, Borrell, the High representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, said in Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, that EU countries will continue to help Ukraine train soldiers, and the EU's determination to support Ukraine is "firm and will continue." [115]
On December 30, 2023, the Council of the European Union announced that it would remove air and sea internal border controls with Bulgaria and Romania, agreeing to the partial accession of both countries to the Schengen area Ward. [118]
On February 20, 2024, the European Commission announced the provision of 83 million euros for Ukraine and Moldova Humanitarian aid . Of this, 75 million euros were allocated for humanitarian projects in Ukraine. In addition, 8 million euros were allocated for humanitarian projects in Moldova. [123]
On March 8, 2024, the European Commission approved a €1.1 billion plan in Italy to support investment in the production of related equipment, key components and key raw materials to facilitate the transition to a net zero economy. Some of this funding will be provided through the Recovery and Resilience Fund, and the assistance will be in the form of direct grants. The measure will be open to companies producing related equipment, including batteries, solar panels, wind turbines, heat pumps, electrolyzers, carbon capture use and storage equipment, as well as key components used primarily to manufacture such equipment and key raw materials required for the production of the equipment. [128]
On March 12, 2024, the European Commission submitted a report to the European Council, stating that Bosnia and Herzegovina had reached and maintained full alignment with the EU on the Common Foreign and Security Policy, and therefore proposed the launch of negotiations on Bosnia and Herzegovina's accession to the EU. [125]
On 30 May 2024, the Council of the European Union approved the withdrawal of the European Union and Euratom from the Energy Charter Treaty. [133]