Scientific research

Innovative activities using scientific means and equipment
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Scientific research generally refers to the discovery of a problem, through analysis to find a possible solution to the problem, and the use of scientific research experiments and analysis, the inherent nature and laws of related problems Investigation and research A series of activities, such as experiments and analysis, provide theoretical basis for the creation of new products and new technologies, or obtain new inventions, new technologies and new products. The basic task of scientific research is to explore, understand the unknown and innovate.
Scientific research seeks both knowledge and truth We must also serve the development of the cause of the Party and the country, and produce real results that serve the development of the cause of the Party and the country. [3]
Chinese name
Scientific research
Foreign name
Scientific research
Refers to the use of scientific means and equipment to carry out activities
The origin of scientific research problem
Generic type
Basic research, applied research, etc



Interpretation of "scientific research" in the academic literature
1. The Chinese Ministry of Education defines scientific research as: "Scientific research refers to the systematic creative work carried out to enhance knowledge, including knowledge about human culture and society, and to use such knowledge to invent new technologies."
2. The United States Resource committee The definition of scientific research is: "Scientific research work is the search and application in the field of science, including the organization of existing knowledge, statistics, and the collection, editing and analysis of data research work."
3, scientific research refers to some phenomena or problems through investigation, verification, discussion and thinking, and then deduction, analysis and experimental verification, to obtain Objective law The process of... its General procedure There are roughly nine stages: practice, finding problems, thinking and analyzing feasible solutions, choosing research content, and research Design phase The experimental verification stage, the collation and analysis stage, and the result stage.
4. Scientific research means discovery, exploration and interpretation Natural phenomenon Deepen the understanding of nature and seek its laws, allowing no subjectivity. This is the truth. In a small way, if I am a painter and paint a painting with heavy ink and color, others (possibly including some famous artists) will look at it and say yes, but I am not satisfied with it. Therefore, scientific research should be defined as: "a kind of research that tries to exclude subjective factors." For the average person tends to understand the subject as doing." It also supports our view of context as Pragmatic condition The view of...
5. Industrial structure It means in society Reproduction process In, National economy each Industrial sector The proportional relationship and structural status, including industrial composition and industry Development level And technical and economic links between industries. Scientific research refers to people's research on problems affecting human development, and its results are used to solve human development problems.
6. From ancient times to modern times, a large number of vocal performance activities and a large number of individual courses to teach vocal skills and performance methods orally are only vocal practice rather than scientific research. Only on the basis of practice can phenomena and experience be organized and found out regularity The content of the activity thus rising to theory can be called scientific research.
7. Scientific research refers to the discovery, exploration and interpretation of natural phenomena, deepening the understanding of nature, seeking its laws, and tolerating no subjectivity. This is the truth. How to improve people's intelligence as soon as possible to meet the needs of development in the new century. Therefore, the so-called "scientific research" actually means that people are engaged in research in the field of science or discipline, and it is a whole process of solving problems or contradictions.
8. (See page 6 of Basic Knowledge of Modern Science and Technology) Scientific research refers to the meaning of "repeated exploration". research ". The prefix re means "to repeat" and search means "to explore." The connotation of scientific research includes two parts: sorting, inheriting knowledge and innovating and developing knowledge.
9. Scientific research refers to the activities that seek to reflect the objective laws of nature, society and thinking. This is equivalent to saying that scientific research is the activity of studying academic problems. Academic learning can be interpreted as learning, subject and study, while art can be interpreted as technology, method and mode [1] .


Scientific research begins with questions, and questions fall into two categories:
One is the empirical question, which is concerned with Empirical fact theoretical compatibility That is, empirical facts support the theory or falsify And the penetration of theory into observation, Theoretical prediction Problems such as the ability of new experimental facts;
The other category is conceptual problems, which concern the theory itself self-consistency , insight, precision Unity and the degree of compatibility with other theories and theoretical competition. The real picture of a unified understanding of nature provided by scientific research, the explanatory paradigm or model, is" Natural order Ideal ", which makes scattered empirical facts relate to each other and constitute Theoretical system The basic axioms and principles are the whole Scientific theory The foundation and core.


According to the purpose, task and method of the research work, scientific research is usually divided into the following types:
1. Basic research . right New theory The purpose of the exploration of new principles is to discover new scientific fields and to be new Technical invention And creation provides theoretical premises.
2. Applied research . It is the research that applies the new theory found in basic research to a specific goal. It is the continuation of basic research, aiming to open up specific application ways for the results of basic research and transform them into Practical technology .
3. Development and research. Also known as Development research It is the research of applying basic research and applied research to production practice, and it is the central link of transforming science into productivity.
Basic research Applied research and development research are the three interrelated links of the whole scientific research system, which develop harmoniously in the scientific research system of a country and a professional field. Scientific research should have certain conditions, such as the need to have a reasonable scientific and technological team, necessary Scientific research fund Perfect scientific research Technical equipment , as well as scientific and technological test sites.
According to the purpose of research, scientific research can be divided into the following types:
1. Exploratory research . A preliminary understanding of the subject or problem in order to gain an initial impression and Perceptual knowledge And provide the basis and direction for the future thorough and in-depth research.
2. Descriptive research . Research that correctly describes the characteristics or overall picture of some population or phenomenon, the task is to collect data, discover the situation, provide information, and describe the main laws and characteristics.
3. Interpretative research . Explore the connection between certain assumptions and conditional factors causality Explore the reasons behind the phenomenon and reveal the internal laws of the occurrence or change of the phenomenon.

Status quo

With the strengthening of China's scientific research strength and the continuous improvement of its scientific research environment, the international appeal of China's scientific research is becoming stronger and stronger. Chinese, according to Japanese media reports Academic influence The increasingly powerful, relaxed and stable academic environment attracts more and more young Japanese scholars to choose to develop in China. Japan Science and technology policy According to the report "Science and Technology Indicators 2022" released by the Institute, China ranked first in the world in the number of papers published in global science and engineering journals from 2018 to 2020. China also led the world in the number of citations in such publications over the same period. Japan's ranking is on a downward trend. [2]