Moonlight Ranger

2003 film directed by Keihisa Seise
Moonlight Ranger is a movie. The film was directed by Keihisa Seise. Starring HYDE, GACKT, Leehom Wang, and others, it was released in July 2003 and produced by Songchu Co. >>>
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Overview brochure
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Basic information

Moonlight Ranger is a movie. The film is composed of Keihisa Seise Direct. HYDE , GACKT , Leehom Wang It was released in July 2003, Songzhu Corporation Product.
Chinese name
Moonlight Ranger
Foreign name
Moon Child
Producing company
Songzhu Corporation
Production area
Japan, China
Issuing company
TBS, Songzhu, Mainichi News Agency, WOWOW, MBS, etc
Direct performance
Keihisa Seise
Gackt , Keihisa Seise, Jingtu Ji Zhou
Takashi Hirano, Satoshi Kamino, Junyuki Shimoda
Main performance
Hyde , Leehom Wang , Gackt
Release time
July 2003
Dialogue language
Japanese, Chinese
Production time
The year 2003


2003 film directed by Keihisa Seise
31 December 1999. In a few hours the new century will come, and people all over the world are waiting to welcome it with joy. At this time, two people hid in the alley of the downtown area, which was the middle-aged man Liu Jia who was pursued by the police. Yuji Toyokawa Play the role of) and young Ah Jing ( HYDE Play the role of) . They bear the curse of immortality. At this time Liujia is very weak, hoping to end his life, so A Jing will take want to see the sea Liujia came to the seaside. In the eyes of A Jing, singing Liujia body gradually burned up, in the sun into an orange flame. When Japan collapsed in 2014 due to economic depression, many emigrated overseas. In one corner of Asia, a small city called Malaba gathers all kinds of people who have lost their native countries, including the Japanese. Ah Xiang, who has just turned eight, is a waif named "Maleba Orphan". In order to survive, A Xiang and his brother faith and good friend A Yan can only rely on stealing to live. One day A Xiang in the ruins met fainted a Jing. The year 2025. Ah Xiang, 19, Gackt Play the role of), Ah Jing and Ah Yan ( Taro Yamamoto Act the role of) is planning to raid the local gang "righteousness heart club" ransack the property, met a young A sun who is as resentful to righteousness heart club as Ah Xiang ( Leehom Wang The role of...). They became good friends in the fierce gunfight. The original A sun is to be abused by the "righteousness heart will" sister Yi Jie ( Apricot suzuki Act the role of) revenge, so he attacked the "righteousness of the heart" alone. Yijie has suffered from aphasia since childhood, but she continues to paint murals in parks, hoping to one day become a painter. A Xiang to Yi Jie love at first sight, but Yi Jie but like O worship. Under this light triangle relationship, they lead a carefree life. For this group of young people carrying the deep pain, this is a period of happiness that has never been experienced. But it didn't last long. On the day Yijie finished the mural, the killers of the "Yixin Society" came to retaliate. In order to save a Xiang, A Yan died. And Jing used his cursed power to kill the killers. See O Jing terror side, Lao sun and Yi Jie scared speechless. In the end, Jing chose to leave this group of his most valued friends. [1]


Jing: HYDE
A Xiang: GACKT
A Sun: Leehom Wang
Believer: Susumu Terajima
Yi Jie: Apricot suzuki
Other actors:
Miyuki Tetsuro
Haruyama Kanesuke
Takanori Kubo
Xiao Wei
Luo Nianzu
Han Gu 畇 / Zhu Jinxin
Chen Yanbai / CAI Mingxiu
Zhou Huijia/Zeng Guoshu
Gary Chen/James Thomas
Laurence Bowles/Bill Thissen
Tony Hewitt/Ele Payne
Brown Sugar Band

Staff list

Director: Keihisa Seise
Producer: Takashi Hirano , Zhang Huakun
Co-producers: Satoshi Kamino, Junyuki Shimoda
Executive Producer: Kodama Morihiro, Hideji Miyajima
Music: Yaskawa Nooro
Publicity: Big Horn
Art Director: Yuji Tomomura , CAI Zhaoyi
Costume Design: Yamashita Takashi HYDE ), Monkey Gackt ), Liao Ziqing
Technicians: Kanzawa Gong, Nishimura Chiya, Fuku嶌 Toru

Behind the scenes

by Gackt Female fans packed Tokyo's Yurakucho district for the premiere of "MOON CHILD," the first topical film starring HYDE and Leehom Wang, who also stars in the film.
At the premiere, which was sold in advance for all seats, there were scenes of people asking for tickets at a high price like a concert. HYDE goes back to his usual reticence and opens up about the joys and pains of filming in Taiwan. "It was a very special experience, but it was very hot in Taiwan," he laughs. "In one scene I had to kiss an old man on the neck in that temperature, which was painful."
Gackt, who in addition to acting was responsible for the film's story concept and script outline, took a long time to say: "Really full of tension, I don't know where to start," he said that the production of this film is to hope that everyone realizes that life is not the pursuit of how long to live, but to live meaningful, he also revealed that when he just saw the finished work, he could not help but tears, is an unprecedented experience. [2]
Japanese singer Gackt has a new title, writer, in addition to singing and writing lyrics. He based his relationship with Leehom Wang Starring and participating in the screenplay of the film "Moonlight Ranger" as the backbone of the story, written into the science fiction "Moon Child- Soul Soul Song", and recently launched the Chinese version.
Gackt, who is trying to write a novel for the first time, said it took him about two months to write, and he felt happy at first, but he hit a bottleneck halfway through, feeling very hard, and even thinking that he was not talented enough. Gackt said he kept writing despite the difficulties, but the final draft was three times longer than the draft.
"Moon Child- Soulless Song" is set in the 2030s, when Asian immigrants work together to establish an experimental city, and tells the story of the struggle and survival of ethnic gangs through a reporter. The book is written in a style similar to Gackt's lyrics, which exude a wandering melancholy in an atmosphere of gorgeous cruelty. The book's website in Japan has also been strongly recommended by readers with five stars. [3]