
Cities in southeast France
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Avignon is a city in southeastern France, Vaucluse Province The capital. in Rhone (Rhone), south distance The Durance River (Durance) and the confluence of the Rhone River 4 km. Population 90,194 (2011). Fruit, vegetable and wine markets. There are food, chemistry, metallurgy, precision machinery, textile, paper and other industries. The city has palaces, churches, etc., and was built in the 12th century The Bridge of Avignon . Tourism is well developed.
December 26, 2019, ranked Top 500 global Cities in 2019 Number 314 on the list. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Subordinate region
Vaucluse Province
Geographical position
Southeastern France
Area product
64.78 km2 [0]
Population number
90,194 (2011)
Famous scenic spot
Papal palace , The Benezer Bridge
Home country


Avignon (French: Avignon) is located The south of France. It's 14th century Rome Pope The residence. The Papal Palace in Rome, designed and decorated by Simone Martini and Matteo Giovanetti, looks very primitive. It looks down on the city, ringed by walls and straddled by remnants from the 12th century Rhone The bridge. In this place Gothic architecture In the square below, the small palace and the cathedral of Notre Dame constitute a special set of monuments that highlight the prominent role Avignon played in the Christianized Europe of the 14th century.
Every Catholic knows that their religion is in the Vatican. But all believers may not know that in the south of France, on the river Royo, there is another religious capital, which is Avignon. Its origins date back to the end of the 13th century, and it directly threatened the safety of the Pope due to the bitter struggle between the various political and religious factions in Rome. So, in the Dharma king Philip IV Under the support and arrangement of the Pope in 1309 Clement V He decided to move from Rome to Avignon (until 1378). Because of the Pope's move, the church made Avignon a place of worship.

Historical record

In the period between Clement V and 1378, the Catholic Church moved here from Rome and came under the control of the king. Later, there was the establishment of two different popes (known as the "Great Schism").
It was listed in 1995 as the Historic City of Avignon World cultural heritage .

Characteristic introduction

When we get to Avignon, leave Mediterranean It's not far, another 85 kilometers to the south, the seaport city of southern France Marseille . Avignon is on the main road connecting the south and north of France. By land to and from Italy ( The Apennine Peninsula ) and Spain ( The Iberian Peninsula It also goes through Avignon, so Avignon, too Southern France A key town on the east-west traffic line. Because of its location, from Ancient Rome Avignon has been a bustling city since its time. One was discovered in the city of Avignon in 1840 Ancient coin Six letters were cast on it: AOUNIO, which was the predecessor of Avignon. According to experts, the currency was issued by Massaria (ancient Marseille) in 120 BC. In other words, during the Western Han Dynasty in China, Avignon already existed. Other historical sources say that the history of Avignon can be traced back as far as 500 BC, equivalent to the Eastern Zhou period of China, and its initial inhabitants were the Celt-Ligurian people. At that time, the town was called AOUENION or AOUENNION. According to the Celts, Avignon means the City of the Wind; According to Ligurian interpretation, Avignon means the city of the river god. Both theories are valid: because Avignon was built on Domberg On, so the wind is strong; And because it is guarding the Rhone river, so there is a river god, two statements just sum up the natural characteristics of the city.

City wall

City wall
Avignon has many striking sights, and the city walls are one of them. The wall here is a complete circle, nearly 5,000 meters in length, made of large square stones, strong and heavy. The battlements, towers and gates were intact. Built in the 14th century, the wall was overhauled in the 19th century, and the marks of rain on the wall highlight its vicissitudes. City street Not wide, with two rows of green trees between them. During the walk, from time to time, you can hear the sound of cups and plates coming out of roadside restaurants and cafes, making people feel a leisurely and peaceful life. The houses in the city were not very tall old buildings, and some of the walls were painted with false Windows. It turns out that in the past, taxes in Avignon were calculated according to whether there was a piano in the house and how many Windows were opened. In order to pay less tax, some people opened fewer Windows when they built their houses, and painted false Windows on the outside of the houses after they were built. 1995 Avignon was The United Nations UNESCO lists World cultural heritage . Today the old town of Avignon has only 15,000 inhabitants, and to protect it Ancient city style The government provides maintenance for old houses Financial subsidy .
In 1348, Provence The lady of the city let Na for 80,000 Florens That sold Avignon to the Pope Clement VI . Although the next Pope, Gregory I, returned the Papacy to Rome in 1377, Avignon remained a papal domain. It was not until 1792, after the completion of the French Revolution, that it was recaptured.

The Benezer Bridge

The SAN Benezer Bridge
Avignon also has a famous historic site, the Ponte Benezer. Legend says, 800 years ago, 15 years old shepherd The young Benezer was inspired by the gods and decided to Rhone Build a bridge over it. He alone moved a boulder that more than a dozen people could not lift to the river and determined the location of the bridge. Under his leadership, the local people finally completed the bridge after eight years. For a long time, this bridge was the only bridge on the lower Rhone River between Spain and Italy Pilgrim And business people are delighted. The bridge was originally more than 900 meters long, with 22 arch holes, is a masterpiece of European medieval architecture. There's an old song, "In The Bridge of Avignon "On the Bridge of Avignon, people dance, on the bridge of Avignon, people dance in a circle..." The song made the bridge famous. However, the bridge was repeatedly flooded and rebuilt until the 17th century, when it was decided to give up the effort. Today, the Benetze Bridge is a broken bridge with only four arch holes remaining. Standing on the broken bridge in the Rhone River to look around, you can better understand the vicissitudes of the ancient city, and the broken bridge has become a part of Avignon Wonderful scenery .

Papal palace

Papal palace
Papal palace (Palais des Papes) by Simone Martini and Matteo. Giovanetti designed and decorated the Papal Palace of Rome, which looks like a very primitive castle, overlooking the city, which is surrounded by walls and remains of the 12th century across Rhone The bridge. This prominent Gothic architecture In the square below, the small palace and the cathedral of Notre Dame constitute a special group of monuments that show the prominent role that Avignon played in Christianized Europe in the 14th century. From 1309 to 1377, a total of seven popes lived here for more than 60 years, in order to show the holiness and majesty of their papacy, on the high rock hill in the north of the city, the total area of 15,000 square meters, which is connected by the old palace and the new palace, the two styles are very different. The papal Palace is majestic in appearance, with eight towers, and the interior is like a maze, with halls and halls connected and corridors winding. The new palace was magnificent, and the largest hall was the Basilica of Clement VI on the second floor, 52 meters long, 15 meters wide and 19 meters high, symbolizing the authority of the Pope in Avignon. The old palace was plain, with cardinals on one floor Conference hall On the second floor is the banquet hall. Attached to St. John church The walls are covered with frescoes of St. John's life, all by famous Italian painters of the 14th century.
The old bishop's residence was called Komiya The museum, based on the private collection of altarpieces of successive popes, has 18 exhibition rooms, and the collection theme is very clear, and the paintings in the museum are describing the stories of the Bible, among which The Virgin and Child The collection of the most distinctive. At that time, the Pope invited many Italian painters, and because of the influence of the Italian school of painting and Flemish art, the formation of the famous The Avignon School .
The theme gallery collects the best works of the Italian school of painting, France and the Avignon region, among which the most famous is The Italian Renaissance The painter of Botticelli In the painting of the Virgin and Child, the artist painted an elegant and slender Virgin embracing a lively and healthy baby Jesus, both Postural expression And the eyes are very good. According to the medieval painters of the past, the Madonna was usually a solemn expression of a straight book, and the baby Jesus was always as solemn as a little emperor, and there was no special connection between mother and son. On the contrary, in this painting Botticelli, who is good at depicting the female heart body, wants to skillfully make the figure in the painting have emotional interaction and communication through a carefully designed composition. Although hampered by theological reasons and strict rules of the painting society, this period Religious painting The protagonists must look straight ahead at the same time, expressing great will and transcendent love. However, the clever painter boldly breaks through the strict norms of other painters in composition, arranging the picture with the movements of the mother and the child in real life, attempting to express the feeling of the baby snuggling up to the mother, and also delicately depicting the hand movements of the mother holding her beloved child.


Historic district of Avignon It is located in the Provence region of France Vaucluse Province It is about 85 km northwest of Marseille. In 1995, UNESCO designated Avignon as a historic region Cultural heritage Be included in the World Heritage List ".
The city walls of Avignon were built in the 14th century AD, with a total length of 5,000 meters intact, and the battlements, towers and gates are as old as ever. There are many historic sites in the city, and the most moving sight is undoubtedly the Papal Palace. The castle-like palace stands on a high rocky hill in the north of the city, facing a wall colonnade The oval square. With a total area of 15,000 square meters, it is connected by the old palace and the new palace. They have very different styles, but in Architectural style Kamutaku Romanesque architecture Influenced by.
Papal model
The papal Palace is majestic in appearance, with eight towers, and the interior is like a maze, with halls and halls connected and corridors winding. The largest hall of the Palazzo Nouveau is the Chapel of Clement VI on the second floor, 52 meters long, 15 meters wide and 19 meters high, symbolizing the authority of the Pope in Avignon.
On the Rhone The SAN Benezer Bridge It was built in the early 12th century. The bridge has 21 piers, 22 huge arch holes, and only 4 holes remain today, more than 900 meters long Medieval architecture in Europe A masterpiece. It is desirable because it is the inspiration for the French folk song "On the Bridge of Avignon". St. Nicholas Chapel on the north side of the bridge, the main hall is in the shape of a bow, which is unique.
Avignon's wealth is not limited to its past. Since 1947, the city has held an annual festival in July and August, one of Europe's major theatrical festivals.

Art festival

The Avignon Arts Festival was founded in 1947 History of France One of the longest and most influential art festivals. It is held every July and August in Avignon. The founder of the festival is French theatre director Jean Thielard. The purpose is to promote the recovery and development of post-war culture and art. Villard tried to rid the theatre of "high art" and regarded it as "the drama of the French citizens". The Avignon Festival is distinguished by its adherence to the path of innovation. Under their efforts, the reputation of the festival is growing day by day, and the scale of influence is expanding day by day.

Works of art

Les Demoiselles de Avignon
Le Demoiselle d 'Avignon In 1907, Picasso was engaged in the creation of a significant work, this work is his Summary of experience And marks the direction of his future activities Modernist school The beginning of direction development. The work was La Demoiselle de Avignon.
The point of view of the Spanish painter, unlike fauvism So on the color, but on the form, he uses flexible and layers of decomposition, vigorous, broad and have generality The technique of plane modeling, the structure of the body is combined as desired. These planes even develop beyond individual objects to encompass the entire surrounding space. We're not there yet Perfect rationality To control objects, however, Picasso's paintings have led us to the path we must take. It wasn't until 1909 that Picasso established what was truly new Painting language This language is to understand and analyze from the content of things, not just from things Visual imagery To paint the picture of things.
La Demoiselle d 'Avignon completely denies it Renaissance Temporal view Three dimensional space For the main purpose of traditional painting. Picasso categorically abandoned the real description of the human body and assembled the whole human body using various geometric planes, which was a blasphemy against God by human beings at that time. At the same time, it abolishes the spatial expression of the French near and far, abandons the profound sense of the picture, and turns Sense of quantity Or all the three-dimensional elements are transformed into planarity . This painting is both influenced by Cezanne and clearly reflects black people Sculpture art The achievement of... The purpose of enhanced deformation is also to increase attractiveness. Picasso said: "I draw the nose crooked, in the final analysis, I want to force people to pay attention to the nose."
The painting had quite an impact on the art world, and when it was exhibited, Montmartre The artists thought he was crazy. Mr. Mattis called it "incitement," while others called it "suicide." Some are confused, some are furious. Braque, who had been influenced by Cezanne, was also surprised, but he knew that another form of art had been born. This newly created modeling principle became Cubist and beyond Modern painting The object of pursuit. Le Demoiselle d 'Avignon was not only a turning point in Picasso's life, but also Art history A huge breakthrough on... Without this painting, cubism May not be born. So people call it Modern art Development milestone


from Paris Travel by TGV It takes 2 hours and 40 minutes to get to Avignon, France. Charles de Gaulle Airport, France Lyon , France Geneva and Brussels There is also a direct TGV. Avignon is small and the main attractions are in the city center, so the city is within walking distance.