The Alsace Region

Former administrative district of France
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synonymAlsace(formerly the first tier of the French administrative region) generally refers to the Alsace region
France The name of the northeast region and the old province, yes France The smallest administrative area of the mainland, separated Rhine with Germany Look at each other. It is Rhine The north and south are divided into two parts: the northern one Lower Rhine Province And southern Haut-Rhine . Mountains and hills dominate, and plains are distributed in Rhine The valley.
From 1 January 2016 in Alsace, Champagne - The Ardennes and Lorraine The three regions combined are collectively known as Greater Eastern Region . [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Administrative category
First-level administrative region ( region )
Subordinate region
French Republic
Geographical position
North-eastern France
Area product
8280 km²
Government premises
Climatic condition
Temperate Marine climate
Population number
1,566 thousand (1982)
German, French

General situation

The Alsace region borders Germany and Switzerland
Alsace (Region Alsace) France Name of northeast region and old province. every Rhine Looking at Germany. Divided north and south by the Rhine into two parts: the northern Lower Rhine Province And southern Haut-Rhine . Mountains and hills dominate, and plains are distributed in the Rhine Valley. It has an area of 8,280 square kilometers. Population 1,566 million (1982). Before the 17th century Holy Roman Empire Territory, to say German Residents mainly, after becoming The House of Habsburg The dominion, Thirty Years' War Later ceded to France under the Treaty of Westphalia (capital Strasbourg It was annexed by France under Louis XIV). For a long time the local people resisted the language and customs imposed by the French rulers. Like Lorraine, it was ceded to Prussia after the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71), World War I After the end of the French territory, World War II Initial resetting Nazi Germany It was recaptured by the French at the end of World War II.
Flag of Alsace [2]
The import and export trade of the region is developed, and the per capita foreign investment and the density of foreign companies rank first in the country. [3] The economy of Alsace is closely linked to Germany. Its import and export trade is very developed, the economic level ranks in the forefront of France. [1]
Alsace and Lorraine are famous producers of German baijiu, and the baijiu produced there is named after the German way.
Latitude 48 degrees 30 'north, longitude 7 degrees 30' east
Alsace belongs to half Continental climate Winter cold, summer Damp and hot . Due to the Vosges Mountain barrier, the area has less precipitation and more sunny days. With an annual rainfall of 700 ml, Colmar is one of the regions with the lowest rainfall in France. Alsace has beautiful scenery all year round and picturesque scenery in summer.
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Lac Blanc
Alsace with the other two Administrative regions of France Bordering it. Southwest of it is Francois Contey South is Lorraine . In addition, Alsace is also associated with Germany the Rhineland - The Palatinate, Baden-Wurttemberg , and Switzerland the Basel City half state, Basle village Half state and half state Solothurn Bordering each other. With an area of 8,280 square kilometers, Alsace is the smallest administrative region in mainland France. Today Alsace is about 190 km long from north to south and only 50 km long from east to west. Alsace is bounded on the east by the Rhine River and on the west by the Rhine River Vosges Not limited to. The northern border of Alsace is the Forest of Bienne and the Palatinate Forest.
The ports of Alsace transport more than 15 million metric tons, three quarters of which are concentrated in Strasbourg, the second busiest in France River and harbor . Attempt to link Mediterranean and Central Europe (The Rhine, Danube , the North Sea and Baltic Sea ) of Rhine - Lone Chaung The planned expansion of the waterway has been affected by costs and land erosion (especially Doub It was discontinued in 1998.
Air freight
There are now two in Alsace International airport : Strasbourg Entzheim International Airport; Basel-mulus - Freiburg Euroairport: It is the seventh largest airport in France by air traffic.


St Etienne church (Mulhouse)
Most Alsatians are Roman Catholic, but due to Germany There is also a considerable amount of cultural influence Protestant Group.

Development history


Roman period

Arthas is here Prehistoric times is nomad The place of residence. In 1500 BC, the Celts began to settle and cultivate here. In 58 BC, the Romans invaded Alsace and founded it viticulture Center. The Romans, in order to protect this high-value industry, built fortification And barracks, and then gradually evolved into the present settlements. Arthas is here Roman Empire During the reign, it belonged to the province of Upper Germania.

Frankish period

With the fall of the Roman Empire, Alsace became the domain of the Alamanni. The Alameins are Agricultural nationality Their language became the basis of the present-day Alsatian dialect. Clovis the First And the Franks defeated the Alamanni in the 5th century, and Alsace became Austrasia The territory of Austrasia. in The Merovingians Under the rule of Clovis I's sons, the local population embraced Christianity. After that, Alsace became Frankish Empire Part of it. In 842, The Strasbourg Oath Sign. In 843," The Treaty of Verdun The Frankish Empire was divided into three states. Alsace was made by Charlemagne Youngest grandchild - Lothair I Territories of the Middle Frankish Empire. When Lothair I died in 855, the Middle Frankish Empire was divided into three states, with Alsace being given to his second son, Lotharingia (Lorraine). After that, Lothair I's brother - West Frankish Kingdom King Charlie the Bald and East Frankish Kingdom King Louis the Germanic Partition of the Middle Frankish Empire. 870 The Treaty of Melson The Duchy of Swabia incorporated Alsace into the Holy Roman Empire.
Holy Roman Empire
During this time, as elsewhere in Europe, Alsace was divided between the ecclesiastical and secular feudal nobility. Alsace in the 12th and 13th centuries The dynasty of Hohenstaufen The rule was extremely prosperous. Frederick I In Alsace there were "procuratio" (not now commonly called "provinces"), composed of non-aristocratic classes Public official ministeriales is in charge. This was done to make the region more manageable and to prevent them from falling out of the empire's control. The "province" has a provincial court (Landgericht) and the administrative body is located in Haguenau. Frederick II The Bishop of Strasbourg was appointed to administer Alsace, but his duties were delegated to the son of Frederick II Conrad IV juris Habsburg Count Rudolph's questioning. Strasbourg grew to become the most densely populated and important commercial town in the region. In 1262, after a long struggle with the bishop, Strasbourg was granted Imperial free city The status of. Strasbourg as Paris - Vienna - East Trade route As well as connecting South Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands , England One of Scandinavia's ports on the Rhine route, gradually became the region's political partner Economic center . Colmar The economic importance of cities such as Agno and Agno also increased, forming the "Decapole" (Decapole). Alsace prospered in the 14th century with a series of harsh winters, poor harvests and The Plague The invasion ends under. These natural disasters were blamed on the Jews and led to the Pogroms of 1336 and 1339. Another natural disaster was the Great Earthquake of 1356, which was not only one of the largest earthquakes in European history, but also made Basel In ruins. Alsace until Renaissance Period, in The House of Habsburg Prosperity gradually returned under the rule of the United States. The Little French quarter of Strasbourg is Italy At a time of rapid development and prosperity, Germany The real power of the central government began to decline, ceding the supremacy of Europe to the long-centralized France. France began to develop aggressively eastward, when it expanded to the Rhone River and Meuse After that, France set its sights on the Rhine. In 1299, France proposed France Philip IV Sister and Germany Albrecht the First The sons of the marriage union, Arthas then became a gift to the wife. However, the deal did not go through. In 1307, Belfort obtained Montbeliard The Earl's charter. In the next century, France Hundred Years' War And decline, temporarily stopped eastward development. End of war Later, the French again turned to the Rhine. In 1444, French army Enter Lorraine and Alsace. The French set up a winter camp here, asking Mays And Strasbourg surrendered and attacked Basel. With the signing of the Treaty of St. Omer in 1469, Archduke of Austria Sigismund sold Upper Alsace to Charlie the Bold In exchange for money. Although Charles was the nominal owner, taxes were paid to the Holy Roman Empire Frederick III . In 1477, Frederick III retook Upper Alsace on the strength of his dynastic marriage Right of control (with the exception of the Free City, but still including Balfour), it became the domain of the Habsburg family. Mulus joined the Swiss Confederation in 1515, where he remained until 1798. During the Reformation in the 16th century, Strasbourg Strasbourg was a prosperous settlement, and its inhabitants adopted Protestantism in 1523. Martin Bucer was a prominent Protestant reformer in the area. His efforts were opposed by the Roman Catholic Habsburgs, who sought to wipe out the Protestant faith in Upper Alsace. As a result, Alsace became a mixed Catholic and Protestant region. On the other hand, Montbeliard to the southwest of Alsace became in 1397 Wurttemberg The Count's lands, until 1793, were Protestant enclaves in France.

Annexation to France

In 1639, France occupied most of Alsace to avoid falling into it The Spanish Habsburg Dynasty In hands. Spain hoped to clear the barrier with the Spanish Netherlands. This led to the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648). Surrounded by enemy countries, as well Hungary In 1646, Spain sold the territory of Sundgau (mostly in Upper Alsace) to the French, who had occupied it, for 1.2 million thalers (1 Thaler =3 marks). Thus, when The Peace of Westphalia ended the Thirty Years' War in 1648, most of Alsace became French territory, with the exception of a few towns that remained independent. The treaty considered Alsace to be "Byzantine" and troubling. This is thought to be a deliberate attempt to King of France and Kaiser Neither was able to fully control the territory, creating a confrontation between the two sides, allowing Alsace to retain some degree of control Right of autonomy . Proponents of this argument point out that Isaac Volmar, the imperial plenipotentiary responsible for writing the articles, was a former secretary general of the Diocese of Alsace. Chancellor ). Later, Alsace and Lorraine became disputed territories between Germany and France. Due to the large number of casualties caused by the war (mainly in rural areas), from 1648 to the mid-18th century, a large number of immigrants left for Switzerland, Germany, Germany, and Germany. Austria , Lorraine, Savoy And other areas. 1671-1711, Switzerland (especially Bern ) Anabaptist (Anabaptists) refugees poured into Alsace. Strasbourg became a major center of the early Anabaptist movement. It's from 1679 Treaty of Nijmegen The Treaties of Nijmegen consolidated French control. The French took it in 1681 Strasbourg Beginning in 1688, the French Army was attacked under the slogan "Brulez le Palatinat!" Policy began to invade South Germany. It ended in 1697 War of the Grand Alliance The Treaty of Ryswick solidified this territorial change. However, Alsace is a special presence in France. Local government, schools and education are still used German language The German (Lutheran) University of Strasbourg continues to accept German students. French Protestantism is forbidden Fontainebleau The edict (Fontainebleau) was not enforced in Alsace. though French government He vigorously promoted Catholicism and in 1681 claimed the Lutheran church of Strasbourg cathedral It had to be handed over to the Catholic Church, but Alsace, unlike the rest of France, was tolerant of religion. Alsace is bounded with France by the Vosges Mountains, but has no similar natural boundary with Germany. Therefore, Arthas is in French Revolution In the past, German culture has been preserved, and the economy is more dependent on Germany.

French Revolution

The year 1789 French Revolution Alsace is divided into Haut-Rhine and Lower Rhine Province . The Alsatians were very active during the French Revolution. It was captured on July 21, 1789 Bastille After the news, the local masses took Strasbourg guildhall The city officials fled, ending Alsace's Feudal system . In 1792, Delisler created the Revolution in Strasbourg march La Marseillaise, which later became the national anthem of France. Some of the most famous generals of the French Revolution were from Alsace, such as Francois Christophe Kellermann, who won the Battle of Valmy, and Francois Kellermann Vendee Wars He was led by War in the Vendee French Republic military Kleber (Jean Baptiste Kleber). At the same time, some Alsatians were against it Jacobin He supported Austria and Prussia in sending troops to France to suppress the new revolutionary Republic. Many residents of Sundgau make "pilgrimages" to places such as Switzerland for baptism or marriage Basel Nearby is the Mariastein Abbey. Tens of thousands of people fled east before the French Revolutionary victory on the Rhine. When they were later allowed to return, they often found that their land or homes had been confiscated. This caused hundreds of families to visit in 1803, 1804, and 1808 Russian Empire Undeveloped land. Goethe wrote about what he saw during this period in his long poem Hermann and Dorothea. Napoleon I With the restoration in 1814-15, foreign armies occupied Alsace, and the Lower Rhine alone had more than 280,000 troops and 90,000 troops Army horse . In the Mediterranean and Atlantic After the rise of seaports, the original trade routes were changed, which seriously affected the local trade and economy. Alsace's population grew steadily, from 800,000 in 1814 and 914,000 in 1830 to 1,067,000 in 1846. But there are food shortages, housing shortages, job opportunities for young people, and so on. Therefore, the population loss of Alsace is not surprising, and it is not only the Alsace community in Paris that has sprung up, but also famous figures Baron Osman And so on, even as far as Russia and Austrian Empire All attracted the Alsatians to settle there. Austria occupied the Ottoman Turkish Empire in Eastern Europe In order to consolidate the ownership of the new territory, they offered favorable conditions for settlers. The United States banned the importation of slaves after 1807, and the cotton fields required a lot of manpower, so many Alsatians came to settle in the United States.

Between Germany and France

France was defeated in the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71) Kingdom of Prussia And other Germanic states, and facilitated German unification . Bismarck incorporated Alsace and northern Lorraine into the German Empire, which was formed in 1871. Unlike the other states of the Germanic Confederacy, which had their own governments, the Empire was new territory." Alsace-Lorraine "Is owned by the emperor, by Berlin The Imperial government was responsible for the administration. Between 100,000 and 130,000 Alsatians (out of a total population of about 1.5 million) chose to remain French nationals and flee "Alsace-Lorraine", many of whom settled in French territory Algeria . Alsace-lorraine gained partial autonomy in 1911 and has its own flag and anthem. But in 1913, the Saverne Affair also showed that Alsatian tolerance still had its limits. Be dressed in Traditional dress The Alsatian women in World War I During this period, many Alsatians chose to join the Navy in order to avoid fraternal warfare, and participated in naval rebellions, resulting Emperor of Germany He abdicated in November 1918, leaving Alsace-Lorraine without a nominal head. When they returned home, they tried to establish a republic. At this time, Jacques Peirotes, the Alsace-Lorraine deputy who had just been elected mayor of Strasbourg, declared that the German Empire was lost dominion And the arrival of the French Republic. In addition, the self-proclaimed government of Alsace-Lorraine declared independence and established the Republic of Alsace-Lorraine. Less than two weeks later, the French army entered Alsace. After seeing the Alsace population welcome the French army and under French pressure, the United States and other Allies withdrew referendum The proposal. Although U.S. President Wilson insisted that the region should legally decide for itself, as the Emperor, not the German Empire, ruled over the region under the Constitution, France did not allow a plebiscite because the French people believed that they had liberated Alsace from the German Empire. German in The Treaty of Versailles China ceded the land to France. During World War II, Germany occupied the area in 1940 and it became part of Nazi Germany. Alsace was incorporated into Baden, while Lorraine was incorporated into the Saar. In order to stop local anti-German discrimination, the Nazis imposed a harsh dictatorship. However, the German government never formally announced the annexation or negotiated it in order to preserve the opportunity for an agreement with the West. France regained control of Alsace in 1944 and imposed a French-language policy. However, today the local laws are still markedly different from the rest of France, see Alsace - Moselle (Alsace-Moselle). In recent years, nationalism The sentiment gradually faded, and local, national, and European efforts again promoted Alsace's regional identity. French schools will The Alsatian language Regarded as a dialect (non-government compulsory). German is a foreign language in local kindergartens and schools. However, Constitution of France Still stipulate French Be national Official language .


Economic development of Alsace Region, 2008, region Gross product It accounts for 2.7% of France's GDP, or 28,470 euros per capita. region Industrial structure Balanced development, with machinery, automobiles, metallurgy , electronics, papermaking, medicine, chemical industry, biotechnology, textiles, clothing, wood, oil refining and so on. [3]
region Import and export trade Developed, per capita foreign Amount invested The density of foreign companies and foreign companies ranks first in the country. The region not only has famous universities and higher professional schools, but also various types Scientific research institution More than 250, for the region to cultivate a large number of high-level projects Technical personnel . The geographical position of the region is superior, and the land and water transportation is developed. With neighboring Germany Baden-Wurttemberg Five cantons, including Basel in northwestern Switzerland, form the Rhine Cooperation Zone, which has a strong economic drive. Small and medium-sized enterprises in the region are more developed, Strain capacity Strong, export-oriented characteristics, 38% of its products are sold abroad, Handicraft industry The proportion of employment accounts for 20% of the total employment. The region's agriculture, animal husbandry and forestry are also more developed, rich in wheat, corn, tobacco, hop Wait, beer Production accounts for 60% of national output; The annual production of Alsace white wine is 1.6 billion bottles, which is France Domestic market The most popular legal appellation. A quarter of its output is sold abroad. Forest coverage rate At 37%, it is one of the two largest hunting areas in the country. [3]


Due to its location at the junction of France, Germany and Switzerland, Alsace is truly the heart of the European metropolis. Within 600 km of Strasbourg are Paris, Lyon , Geneva , Zurich , Turin, Milan , Munich , Bragg , Stuttgart, Frankfurt , Brussels , and Amsterdam And other famous cities. Alsace has two international airports, Three aspects Rhine port, as well as multiple crossings European motorway Network backbone. By high-speed rail, you can travel from Alsace to Paris in just 2 hours and 20 minutes. [3]


Currency: Euro .
Time difference: 6 hours in summer compared with Beijing; 7 hours later than Beijing in winter; It starts every year on the last Sunday of March Daylight saving time ; Winter time begins every year on the last Sunday of October.
A region of eastern France, one of the country's 22 planned economic zones, including the provinces of the Upper and Lower Rhine, roughly equivalent to the historical district of Alsace. It has an area of 8,280 square kilometers. Population 1,558 million (1982). It is adjacent to Luolin in the west, north and east Federal Republic of Germany Border on. The capital Strasbourg . Population density 187 people per square kilometer, nearly the whole country Mean number Twice as much. Urban population Accounting for more than 7 out of 10, and concentrated in a few cities. The terrain is divided into three parts: the west is the eastern slope of the Vosges mountains, dominated by forests and alpine pastures; The central part is hilly property Grapes Be famous; To the east are the Rhine and Ill rivers and their tributaries Alluvial plain Most of them are intensive farming areas, rich in the southern plain sylvite There are small oil mines in the north. The climate is obviously influenced by continental nature, with cold winters and hot and humid summers. Due to the Vosges Barrier action Less precipitation in the area, more sunny weather. Medieval for The Merovingians A religious center and a grape and grain producing area. 17th-century Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) greatly reduced the population. In the 17th and 18th centuries, due to the development of agriculture, Highway network The construction of the city, the further prosperity of commerce, Textile industry On the rise, Alsace became one of the wealthiest regions in France. 1870-71 Franco-prussian War It was ceded to Germany, World War I It was returned to France. Industry and agriculture are relatively developed. traditional Industrial sector There are Cotton manufacturing Food, etc., the number of its employees accounts for about the whole region Employed population Two fifths of that. Using potash from the south and potash from the north Petroleum resources develop Chemical industry . World War II Post-machine manufacturing, Electric appliance industry Developed rapidly, the status has exceeded Traditional industry . Industrial concentration Haut-Rhine . Agricultural development, growing wheat and grapes, tobacco , sugar sweetgrass Hops and other varieties Cash crop ; Breeding also plays a role. Strasbourg and Mulus It's the main city in the area.

Exchanges with China

The Alsace Region [3]
Jiangsu (Province) Official relations between the province and the Alsace region began in 2002. In May 2007, the two provinces and autonomous regions officially concluded the friendship relationship. The two provinces and autonomous regions have carried out a series of fruitful cooperation in culture, education, science and technology, environmental protection and other fields. In November 2009, it was jointly established by the two provinces Confucius Institute in Alsace School officially starts.