
A city of northeast France and the capital of the Lower Rhine province
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In Strasbourg, France Cities in the northeast, Greater Eastern Region (Region Grand Est) capital and Lower Rhine Province It is the capital of Bas-Rhin (67 provinces) and the seventh largest city in France Border city [1] . Downtown is located Rhine West Bank, east side with Germany Baden-Wurttemberg Across the river lies the Vosges Mountains to the west. Strasbourg is far from the coastline, but is still affected The North Atlantic Current The influence is atypical Temperate maritime climate .
Historically, Strasbourg was located in a zone of overlap between the activities of several peoples. From the beginning Celts , to Gaul , The Germans And later Franks , Charlemagne All of these peoples have left footprints in Strasbourg. In the mid-19th century, it gradually became the focus of Germany and France for a long time. World War II Later, with unique geographical advantages, European Commission , European Court of Human Rights , the European anti-Corruption Office and European Parliament equimultiple European Union All partner organizations have their headquarters in Strasbourg [1] .
December 26, 2019, ranked Top 500 global Cities in 2019 Number 232 on the list. [2]
Chinese name
Foreign name
And then to decide Stra burg
Second capital of Europe
Administrative category
Capital, Provincial Capital (Prefecture)
Subordinate region
Lower Rhine Province
Geographical position
France Northeast frontier
Area product
Government premises
1 Star Plaza
Telephone area code
(+33) 0388
Postal code
Climatic condition
Temperate maritime climate with obvious continental characteristics
Population number
279,284 people (2016)
Famous scenic spot
Petite France
Strasbourg Airport
Railway station
Strasbourg Station
License plate code
Alsatian - German dialect
Resident name


Location of the Strasbourg region in France
In France, it's legal Administrative division There are only two basic levels, "Departement" and "Commune." On this basis, provinces may form freely among themselves." region Regions, and municipalities can form relatively stable "arrondissements". [3] And "Canton"; At the same time, new combinations can be made across districts, counties and even provinces to form "intercommunaute", "intercommunaute", and "intercommunaute". Metropolitan area (Unite Urbaine)," City circle "(Aire Urbaine) and" Zone d'Emploi "(employment concentration zone). But apart from provinces and municipalities, everything else Administrative level in Constitution of France There are no explicit provisions and instructions, but these administrative regions can exercise certain administrative and legislative powers according to their own needs Executive power .
Strasbourg is in the eastern part of France region Capital sum Lower Rhine Province (67 provinces) capital. The province has five prefecture-level administrative units (one provincial capital, four Vice-provincial capital ). Strasbourg and its 27 neighbouring municipalities form the Strasbourg Eurometropole, equivalent to "Strasbourg Eurometropole". Urban community It aims to coordinate the development between the regions. The total area of the community is 315.93k square meters. On January 1, 2015, with the approval of the French Ministry of Civil Affairs, The original urban area of Strasbourg (Arrondissement de Strasbourg-Ville) and the rural area of Strasbourg (Arrondissement de Strasbourg-Campagne) are officially merged, The new District of Strasbourg (Arrondissement de Strasbourg) was established, with the regional office based in Strasbourg.
According to the 2015 French latest Administrative division plan The new Strasbourg region consists of 10 full counties (Canton) and part of one other county, for a total of 33 communes (communes) with a total area of 337.61k㎡. It is worth noting that in France, the division of "regions" and "counties" is mainly for voting or elections, and does not have much practical, rather everyday, role Municipal construction And management is mainly by" region The "province" or "municipality" shall be responsible for coordination.
The following are the prefectural divisions of the Strasbourg region. Chinese names are unofficial Official translation, for reference only.
  • First County, Strasbourg The Canton de Strasbourg-1 (Canton de Strasbourg-1) includes the central part of the city.
  • 2nd County, Strasbourg Canton de Strasbourg-2 (Canton de Strasbourg-2), including the western part of the city.
  • Third County, Strasbourg Canton de Strasbourg-3 (Canton de Strasbourg-3), including the northwestern part of the city of Strasbourg.
  • Fourth County, Strasbourg The Canton de Strasbourg-4 (Canton de Strasbourg-4) includes the north-eastern part of the city.
  • 5th County, Strasbourg Canton de Strasbourg-5 (Canton de Strasbourg-5), which includes the eastern part of the city.
  • Sixth County, Strasbourg Canton de Strasbourg-6 (Canton de Strasbourg), including the southern part of the city.
  • Enheim County Canton d'H de nheim (Canton d 'h de nheim) consists of 10 municipalities.
  • Illegish-grafenstaden County Canton d'Illkirch-Graffenstaden (Canton d'Illkirch-Graffenstaden) consists of four municipalities.
  • Ringelschheim County Canton de Lingolsheim (Canton de Lingolsheim), comprising 13 municipalities.
  • Schlettigheim County The Canton de Schiltigheim (Canton de Schiltigheim) includes two municipalities.
Some of the municipalities in the following districts belong to the Strasbourg region
  • Bloomart County, Texas Canton deBrumath (Canton deBrumath) consists of 22 municipalities, three of which are in the Strasbourg region.




Map of Strasbourg
Strasbourg (48.58 degrees north latitude, 7.75 degrees East longitude), located in northeastern France, The Alsace Region The northern sum of Lower Rhine Province The east side, the east side Rhine Looking at Germany [4] .
Due east of Strasbourg, clockwise adjoining Prefecture-level administrative unit (France: Arrondissement; Germany: District) in order:
Karlsruhe Administrative District (Karlsruhe), Germany Baden-Wurttemberg
Celesta-elstan region (Selestat-Erstein), 67 provinces
Molsheim Region, 67 province
Saverne Region, 67 province
Haguenau-Wissembourg, 67 province


Strasbourg is located in Rhine On the left bank (Le Rhin), the urban area is flat, with an elevation of 132-151 meters. The west of Strasbourg is Vosges (Vosges), and 25 kilometers to the east is Germany Deep Forest To the north is the Foret d'Haguenau and to the south is the Rhine Plain.
In urban areas Petite France As the center, it has developed in four directions. The eastern part of the area near the Rhine River is logistics and industrial areas; The west and north sides are dominated by ordinary residential buildings; To the south is the Science, education and Culture area.


Rhine (Le Rhin) flows through the eastern part of the city. But the city of Strasbourg is about 2 km away from the Rhine River. Its tributary, the l'Ill, flows from southwest to northeast, forming a large island in the city center, i.e Petite France Petite France, then flowing north of the city, runs parallel to the Rhine for a long time before finally joining. In addition to the River L'Ill, there are several man-made waterways in the city, many of which are still in use today.


Strasbourg is one of the most distant cities in mainland France from the sea, but it is still very popular Atlantic The effects of airflow belong to Temperate maritime climate . But the continental nature here is more obvious: the summer is hot, occasionally extreme heat; The winters are cold and long, snowfall A lot.
Strasbourg climate
Minimum mean temperature
0, 8
0, 6
2, 5
5, 2
9, 8
12, 8
14, 5
14, 1
10, 6
7, 1
2, 8
0, 3
5, 7
Average temperature (°C)
1, 9
2, 9
10, 5
15, 1
18, 1
20, 1
19, 8
15, 8
11, 2
5, 8
2, 8
Maximum mean temperature
4, 5
6, 5
11, 4
15, 8
20, 3
23, 4
25, 7
25, 4
15, 3
8, 8
5, 2
14, 4
32, 2
34, 5
42, 8
45, 9
81, 9
71, 6
72, 7
63, 5
61, 5
47, 0
50, 0
664, 6

Historical background

Strasbourg belongs to France. However, Germany and France have held alternate sovereignty over Strasbourg many times in history, so the city has both French and German characteristics in language and culture, and is a meeting place of these two different cultures. Gutenberg , Galvin , Goethe , Mozart , Pasteur German and French celebrities have resided in Strasbourg [1] .


The streets of Strasbourg
Strasbourg has a long history [1] . Roman Empire A military was founded on the site of Strasbourg watchhouse It is named Argentolaton and belongs to the province of Upper Germania. The name was first mentioned in the previous 12 years. The city has been Strasbourg since the 4th century exarch The station. In 357, Alamanese Fought against Rome at the Battle of Strasbourg, and was later Roman emperor Jullian Defeated, and their king captured. On January 2, 366, a large number of Alamanese crossed the frozen sea Rhine Invading the Roman Empire. By the beginning of the 5th century, the Alamanese had crossed the Rhine, conquered and settled in what is today Alsace and Switzerland Most of the area. In the 5th century, the city was successively conquered by the Alamanese, Huns and Franks Occupy. 842, including three texts ( Latin , German language And an old French) The Strasbourg Oath Sign here. In 923, Duke of Lorraine Give Strasbourg to the King of Germany Henry I , Holy Roman Empire Took control of this important commercial center. In the early history of Strasbourg, there were long conflicts between the archbishop and the townspeople. In 1262, the citizens won, King Swaben The Philipon grant Strasbourg was obtained Imperial free city The status of. After the revolution in 1332, livery guild With extensive participation in the administration of the city, Strasbourg was declared a republic. It's from 1348 The Plague Then, on February 14, 1349, there was a terrible massacre of nearly three thousand people Jew They were burned in public and the rest were expelled from the city. At the moment when it was necessary to leave the city, the herald blew the French horn. Until the end of the 18th century, Jews were not allowed to stay in the city after 10 p.m. Construction of the Strasbourg Cathedral began in the 12th century and was largely completed by 1439 (the south tower was not yet completed), making it the tallest building in the world at the time The Great Pyramid of Giza . The city accepted it during the Reformation in the 1520s Martin Luther The teachings of his followers were created in the next century University of Strasbourg Protestant claims to purge idols led to many Catholic church and cloister Destroyed. Strasbourg is humanism Academic center and printing center of the early Holy Roman Empire, it was intellectual and political, right Protestantism The establishment of its position in southwest Germany had a major impact. 1530, in the Empire Augsburg At the conference, Strasbourg, along with four other free cities, presented a creed declaring their Protestant faith, but with which they had submitted Charles V the The Augsburg Letter Slightly different. In the early 16th century, the Holy Roman Empire was established after constitutional reform Imperial cycle (Reichskreis), Strasbourg became part of the Upper Rhine cycle in the southwestern part of the Empire and was mainly responsible for supporting the army, supervising the coinage and securing Public safety .
Strasbourg Free city in Thirty Years' War Remain neutral during this period. In September 1681, Strasbourg was taken King of France Louis XIV The seizure, this annexation was obtained in 1697 The Peace of Riswick The recognition of... In 1685, the French declared Fontainebleau Decree annulling the 1598 Edict of Nantes Official policies of religious intolerance have led to many Protestant Expelled from Strasbourg and Alsace. The Cathedral of Strasbourg also passed from Lutheran to Roman Catholic. The German-speaking Lutheran University persisted until the French Revolution, among whose notable students were Goethe and Held .
1900 kleber Square, Strasbourg
During the French Revolution, on 25 April 1792, Claude-Joseph Rouget de L'Isle composed the Chant de guerre de l 'Armee du Rhin during a dinner at the house of Detrich, mayor of Strasbourg. immediate National anthem of France " Marseillaise "(La Marseillaise). However, the French Revolution also abolished Strasbourg's Free city Status. radical Jacobin Club Rule the city with an iron fist until Robespierre It was overthrown after it fell. During this period many churches and cloister It was either destroyed or badly damaged. The cathedral lost hundreds of statues (which were reproduced in the 19th century), and it was proposed that the spire be demolished because of its damage Principle of equality . The church spire was saved, but the citizens gave it one Phrygian skullcap (now lost). With the growth of industry and commerce, the city's population tripled to 150,000 in the 19th century. in Franco-prussian War And during the siege of Strasbourg, the city suffered Prussia Heavy shelling by the army. On August 24, 1870, the Museum of Fine Arts and the Municipal Library, which was located in the Gothic front, were destroyed by fire Dominican order Inside the church, exclusive collection Middle Ages Manuscripts (including the famous Garden of Pleasure, Hortus deliciarum), are rare Renaissance Time books and Ancient Rome Cultural relics. The year 1871 End of war Later, in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty of Frankfurt, the city was incorporated into the newly established German Empire , become Alsace-Lorraine Part of it. During the German period, Strasbourg was rebuilt and a luxurious new town (Neue Stadt) was built, including a new museum and a new library. in World War I Central Germany was defeated, according to the" The Treaty of Versailles Strasbourg was re-incorporated into France.
Having been part of Germany for 47 years, Strasbourg has a strong German accent. The Nazi Party This led to an intense push for the Germans to retake the city. World War II After the fall of France in 1940, the city was once again incorporated into Germany. The first act of the new ruler was to enlarge synagogue Burned and razed to the ground, the synagogue was completed in the late 1890s and was once one of the largest synagogues in Europe and an icon of the city. Strasbourg was not badly damaged in the First World War, but in 1944 it was bombed by British and American forces and large areas were destroyed. In 1945, the French army entered Strasbourg again, and the city became French territory again. Today, a main street is named after Liberation Day. In 1920, an early transnational body, the Central Executive Committee for Rhine Shipping, was founded Mannheim Move to Strasbourg. In 1949, the city was chosen Council of Europe In 1979, Strasbourg again became the seat of the European Parliament, although it meets only four days a month in Strasbourg, and other business is held in Strasbourg Brussels Deal. Built in 1998, it is the largest parliamentary building in the world. Previous meetings were held in the Palais du Europa, whose unusual interior is already familiar to European television viewers. In 1992, the German-French film and television agency Arte was founded in Strasbourg.
2000, extreme Moslem A terrorist plot to bomb Strasbourg cathedral was thwarted by German police. On July 6, 2001, during an open-air concert, a tree suddenly fell to the ground, killing 13 people and injuring nearly 100 others.
As of January 1, 2016, Alsace , Champagne - The Ardennes and Lorraine The three regions merged to form" Greater Eastern Region ". Strasbourg became the new regional capital.


Tram stations with German names
Strasbourg was called Argentulat in ancient times. Celtic : Argentorate, Latin : Argentoratum). The name comes from the earliest people who lived here Celts The language, however, since Roman It has also been used since the occupation of this area, meaning the hill beside the river Il, extending the meaning of "city by the river." At the end of the 5th century The Germans The city was rebuilt and named Strateburgum (a combination of Strate and Burgum), meaning "city on the road", because during the Germanic period Strasbourg was situated between east and west Rhine On the edge of the traffic artery. The present name of Strasbourg is Strasbourg Germanic Frenchification of the language. Strasbourg in German is written Straßburg, and "Straße" means street and "Burg" means castle [5] .



Town administration

Roland Ries
The current mayor of Strasbourg is Roland Ries, the largest left-wing party in France Socialist Party of France A member of (PS).
List of previous mayors of Strasbourg
Year of office
Retirement years
Political parties and groups
Roland Ries
Fabienne Keller
Catherine Trautmann
Socialist Party of France
Roland Ries
Catherine Trautmann
Marcel Rudloff
Pierre Pflimlin
Charles Émile Altorffer
Charles Frey

European Union organization

Strasbourg may only be the seventh largest city in France, but it has nothing to do with Geneva , New York and Montreal One of the few cities that is not the capital of a country but the headquarters of an international organization. Strasbourg is located on the border between Germany and France Continental Europe The hinterland is more convenient to contact with all directions.
and Belgium The capital of... Brussels The same, stationed there European Union Many important institutions, known as the "second capital of Europe". Its main institutions are as follows [5] :
European Union Anti-corruption bureau
Eurocorps (Eurocorps)
European audiovisual observation
European Pharmacopoeia Commission
German and French Arte film and television agency


Strasbourg is traditionally a city of shipping and trade. in Middle Ages the Hanseatic League Times, Strasbourg and Mainz , Frankfurt Act together as Rhine The main port of the basin arose. After the French occupied Strasbourg, they excavated Rhine-Marne in the 18th and 19th centuries Canal And the Rhine Rhone Canal, both start at Strasbourg, making it easily accessible by water Paris and Lyon And also became French with Central Europe The region was a hub for trade (mainly grain), Winemaking industry (include wine and beer ) and the food industry (e.g Sausages and Foie gras ) also developed. The city is still the only city in France that consumes a lot of beer, and it also produces a lot of beer French wine (e.g. Risling wine). In modern times, the above two canals are not suitable for the needs of modern shipping because of many small gates. However, Rhine shipping is still important and 5000 ton ships can be shipped from the Netherlands Rotterdam Direct flights to Strasbourg. The autonomous port of Strasbourg and the autonomous Port of Paris are among the two most important inland ports in France.

Primary industry

As an earlier developed region, Strasbourg's agriculture has been very modern and engaged Agricultural production The percentage of the population is very low, and most of it has been achieved Mechanized operation and Automated production [6] .

Secondary industry

Strasbourg at the end of the 19th century German Empire During the reign, Modern industry Began to develop (machinery, electrical appliances, medicine, food). On twice World war Between them, the economic development of Strasbourg was affected. until World War II Later, the city's economy developed rapidly, becoming a new industrial center in eastern France. Use from Marseille the Lyon Strasbourg to Germany Karlsruhe the Oil pipeline The city developed oil refining, Synthetic rubber Etc. Industrial sector .

Tertiary industry

Christmas market
Another major economic sector in Strasbourg is Tertiary industry Especially the new tourism industry. Act as World heritage site Project, numerous medieval buildings in the Old Town Grand Island area of the city, Petite France Scenic and unique along the river Timber construction And the famous Christmas market [7] (Marche de Noel), which attracts many tourists from all over Europe. As the home of many institutions of the European Union, Strasbourg has benefited from not only the formation of a new "European quarter" in the north of the city, but also the concentration of European cuisine for consumption. At the same time, Strasbourg also has a number of institutions in the field of music and theatre that have gained international reputation: Strasbourg Philharmonic orchestra orchestra Strasbourg National Theatre , Rhine province State Opera House The Strasbourg Percussion Orchestra is also held annually Classical music Festival and modern music festival [1] . These programs are the highlights to attract visitors from other places.


Strasbourg is the seventh largest city in France, but Strasbourg's Middle class Most of the families live in the suburbs of Strasbourg, and the urban areas are mainly Individual household , workers, students as well Retired personnel In addition, the southern area of Strasbourg has a large foreign population and Roma slum Therefore, in terms of individual municipalities, Strasbourg's income level is not high.
In 2011, the per capita salary (Moyenne des salaries) in the Strasbourg metropolitan area was €2,296, on average for households Disposable income Revenu par menage median For 2,018 euros, the latter ranks 26,134th out of 36,717 municipalities in France, below Lower Rhine Province Average (2,607 euros), The Alsace Region The average (2,618 euros) and the average in mainland France (2,410 euros).
In 2011, the average household in the Strasbourg metropolitan area Consumption level (Niveau de Vie) is 1,405 euros, ranking 23,757 out of 36,717 municipalities in France, below Lower Rhine Province Average (1707 euros), The Lorraine region Average (€1,717) and average in mainland France (€1,602) [8] .




Strasbourg as the center, to the main cities of France Highway mileage (KM) :
Distance from Strasbourg as the center to the main surrounding cities:
  • distance Colmar (Colmar) 78 km (motorway)
  • distance Mulus (Mulhouse) 115 km (motorway)
  • distance Nancy (Nancy) 156 km (highway)
  • distance Mays (Metz) 167 km (highway)
  • distance Reims (Reims) 352 km (motorway)
  • distance Epinal (Epinal) 129 km (National road + Provincial road)
  • distance Belfort (Belfort) 154 km (highway)
  • distance Vassoul (Vesoul) 208 km (National road)
  • distance Basel (Bale) 140 km (motorway)
  • distance Saarbrucken (Saarbrucken) 116 km (highway)
  • distance Karlsruhe (Karlsruhe) 81 km (highway)
  • distance Stuttgart (Sttugart) 155 km (motorway)
  • distance Mannheim (Mannheim) 130 km (motorway)
  • distance Freiburg (Fribourg-en-Brisgau) 82 km (motorway)
  • distance Offenburg (Offenbourg) 26 km (motorway)
  • 64 km from Wissembourg (provincial road)
  • 48 km (provincial road) /53 km (motorway) from Selestat
  • 24 km from Molsheim (provincial road + National road)
  • 38 km from Saverne (provincial road + National road)
  • 30 km from Haguenau (21 km by motorway, the rest by provincial road)
There are several in the city of Strasbourg Long-distance bus Pick-up and drop-off stations, please refer to the entry" Strasbourg Station In the "Bus" section.


Strasbourg is the most important city in eastern France Railway junction It is also the largest railway port connecting Germany and France.
Please refer to the entry for details: Strasbourg Station


Strasbourg Enzheim Airport
Strasbourg Enzheim International airport (Aeroport International de Strasbourg) Strasbourg Airport Is important in the east of France Aviation hub among [9] . Located near Entzheim, a small town southwest of Strasbourg city center, about 8 km from the city center, it is available from Strasbourg Station Get there by TER train.
For details, please refer to the entry: Strasbourg Airport .

City traffic

Please refer to the entry for details: Strasburg Bus .


la petite France
The historic centre of Strasbourg is located on the Grande Ile, surrounded by two tributaries of the River Ill, and is known as the "Grand Island". Petite France (Petite France), an area with a wealth of fine architecture dating back to the Middle Ages. 1988 by The United Nations UNESCO lists World cultural heritage This is the first time a city's entire downtown area has been honored. Little France is also known as "Little Venice". There the River Ill branches into a number of canals, passing through a small area dotted with medieval wooden truss houses and Baroque style the sandstone Buildings. The name "Petit Francais" comes from a house in the late 15th century syphilis Syphilis was also known in some places as the French disease (Franzosenkrankheit). In the Middle Ages there were many prostitutes here, and prostitution used to be called the "French business" in Germany. In the area of World War II It was completely destroyed and rebuilt after the war. After the first construction, by 1970, the city decided to continue investing to restore its original Mental outlook . The task was entrusted to Studio UA5, led by architect Jean Apprill. What you can see now is a reborn Strasbourg, German style Timber building The maisons a colombages (maisons a colombages) are beautifully fairy-tale in their interlacing of small canals, and the soul of its history is reflected in the reconstructed buildings.


The most famous buildings in Strasbourg are gothic cathedral (Built of sandstone, there is the famous Strasbourg chronometer ), as well as black and white in medieval Rhineland Timber gallows Streetscapes of buildings - especially along the River Il Petite France Arrondissement, as well as the medieval streets and squares around the cathedral (e.g., Cathedral Square, Saint-Etienne The square).
In addition to the cathedral, several medieval churches in Strasbourg have survived many wars: Romanesque Saint-etienne Church, part of which was destroyed by British and American air raids in 1944; Romanesque and Gothic The combination of huge St. Thomas Church It's made by Sperman organ Mozart and Schweitzer played here; The Gothic Protestant church of Saint Pierre-le-Jeune, whose basement dates back to the 5th century and whose cloister dates from the 11th century; The Gothic church of St. Guillaume has an early period Renaissance style Stained glass ; It's Gothic St. John's Church ; Neo-gothic Saint-Pierre-le-Vieux Catholic church (There is also the Saint-Pierre-le-Vieux Protestant Church nearby.) There are some 15th-century wooden painted altars. The now ruined church is used for exhibitions. Among many Medieval architecture Among them, the old customs (Ancienne Douane) is prominent.
The Old town of Strasbourg and the cathedral spire
Germany Renaissance The city was left with a number of striking buildings, such as the one in front of Gutenberg Platz guildhall ; France Baroque and Classical architecture It includes several hotels, such as hotels particuliers, Hotel du Prefet, Hotel des Deux-Ponts and Hotel de Ville. The biggest in Strasbourg Baroque architecture It's a workhouse from the 1720s. France Neoclassical style The buildings are named after the Square de Broglie Opera house Be represented. Kaiser William I During his reign, Strasbourg's German quarter was left with a number of high-quality Eclectic architecture The broad boulevards are neat and uniform, and the buildings on both sides of the street are strong and large, Architectural style A blend of various European architectural styles from 5 centuries, as well as new Egypt Neo-greek, Neo-Babylonian style. The former royal palace was the most politicized, but the most magnificent building of the time was the Pontonnier with its multiple right-angled towers International school (Girls' school), and has an ornate painted brick facade, woodwork and festoon Pottery of the Academy of Decorative Arts. Famous streets in the German Quarter include Deep Forest avenue , Vosges, Alsace, Marseille Main Street, Freedom Street, Foch Road and Xiafei Road, etc., famous squares include Place de la Republique University Square, etc. An important example of Prussian military architecture in the 1880s can be found on the rebuilt Fortress Road, a massive fortress named Kriegstor (War Gate). In terms of modern architecture, Strasbourg boasts some fine Art nouveau Buildings, such as the huge Palais des Fetes and some villa residences. In an example of post-World War II functional architecture, located in the vast European area (Quartier Europeen), by Richard Rogers contrived European Court of Human Rights Undoubtedly the most spectacular.
Other notable modern buildings include the Municipal School of Music and Dance, Museum of Modern Art , and located on the outskirts of the city tram Terminal and parking.
The city also has some beautiful Bridges, the most attractive of which is the medieval Ponts Couverts bridge with four ancient towers, just off the 17th century Vauban Barrage (part of the Vauban Fortress). Other beautiful Bridges are the 19th century ornate Fonderie Bridge (stone bridge) and Auvergne Bridge (iron bridge), as well Rhine Up. futurism Passerelle, opened in 2004.


One of the characteristics of Strasbourg is the number of first-class parks, some of which have considerable history Cultural value . citrus The park presents remarkable French garden Features, there's one neoclassicism The castle and a small zoo; Castle Park A 17th-century fortress stands on the banks of the Rhine. Pourtales Park is English style, yes Modern sculpture the Open-air museum In the park there is a neo-Baroque castle (now Schiller International University ). The Botanical Garden was founded during the German rule, near Strasbourg observatory It was built in 1881 and still preserves some of the greenhouses of that time. Contades Park is the oldest park in the city, but in World War II After it has been completely rebuilt. Poteries is a futuristic example of a European park concept from the late 1990s. The Jardin des deux Rives, which straddles Strasbourg and Kehl on both sides of the Rhine River, is the most recent (2004) and the largest (60 hectares) park to open.


Zoological museum
For a city that's not too big, Strasbourg has it all museum The amount is huge: the Museum of Fine Arts collection Goya Rubens, Van Dyke Famous paintings by Greco and others; Notre-Dame Located next to the cathedral, the museum houses medieval and Renaissance Period manuscripts, stained glass; Museum of Decorative Arts Collection of 18th century furniture and porcelain; Zoological museum It is the oldest in France and is especially famous for its many bird species; The Big Boat is a science and technology center designed especially for children; There is also the Rhine Shipping Museum; Pasteur Museum; The Ancient Egyptian Museum, etc. You can also see the famous French horn (ordering Jews to leave the city at 10 every night since the Middle Ages).


Construction began in 1176 and was not completed until 1439, using pink sandstone stone from the Vosges Mountains. On the top of the front, one side is a 142-meter high minaret, the other side has only a platform, where the original should be a symmetrical minaret, due to the limited financial resources at that time, it was not built, but now it has become its feature. Strasbourg Cathedral It is also very famous for it. The church houses an 11-metre astronomical clock (L'Horloge astronomique; Astronomical Clock, built in 1838, every 15 minutes there are children, youth, the prime and the elderly represent the four stages of life of the robot appeared, but every hour there is a death with a board axe out to tell the time, so far accurate, to 12:30 noon when the clock tolled, there will be a large number of characters in turn, Bring eye-catching, lively and humorous scenes. " White Album 2 The location of one of the classic scenes is also one of the reasons why Strasbourg is sometimes known officially and by some people as the White School Castle.



Senior high school

  • Lycee Kleber, a French national key secondary school, offers "Grande Ecole" preparatory classes
  • The Lycee Fustel-de-Coulanges de Strasbourg was built in the 17th century. Preparatory courses for the Ecole Nationale de la Francaise (Grand Ecole) are offered
  • Lycee international des Pontonniers, founded in 1902, is an international comprehensive high school with business, management, history and language
  • Lycee Marie Curie High School
  • The Lycee Marc Bloch High School (Lycee Marc Bloch) has two sections: regular high school and vocational high school
  • Lycee Louis Pasteur High School
  • The Lycee Marcel Rudloff High School (Lycee Marcel Rudloff) has two sections, the general High School and the Power Technology High School
  • The Lycee hotelier de Strasbourg is also known as the lycee hotelier Alexandre-Dumas High School.
  • Lycee Technique d 'Etat Louis Couffignal
  • The Lycee Jean Monnet High School (Lycee Jean Monnet) has two parts: the general high school and the vocational high school
  • The Lycee Jean Rostand High School has two sections, the Power Technology High School and the Vocational High School
  • Lycee Rene Cassin High School
  • Lycee Prive Gymnase Jean-Sturm Pole Educatif Jan Amos Comenius (Private)
  • Lycee Prive Institution Notre-Dame de Sion (Private)
  • Lycee Episcopal Saint-Etienne (Private)
  • Lycee Prive Institution La Doctrine Chretienne (Private)
  • Lycee des Metiers Sainte-Clotilde (Private)
  • Lycee Professionnel Charles de Foucauld (Private)
  • Lycee Prive Organisation pour la Recherche et le developpement Technique (Private, professional)
  • Lycee Institution Notre-Dame (Private, Mining School)

General university

Strasbourg is one humanism The Center, which has a long history of higher education, combines the traditions of French and German intellectuals. Although Strasbourg was annexed in 1683 Kingdom of France In the 18th century it remained closely connected with the intelligentsia of the German-speaking countries, and the university also attracted many from Holy Roman Empire Of the students, Goethe and Metternich Both studied law at the law schools in Strasbourg [10] .
University of Strasbourg (Universite de Strasbourg)
University of Strasbourg
Strasbourg has three universities: First University of Strasbourg ( Louis Pasteur University), University of Strasbourg II (Mark Brock University) and University of Strasbourg III (Robert Schumann University), prestigious in Strasbourg Political science The College is part of Robert Schumann University. On 1 January 2009, the three universities were merged to form the University of Strasbourg [11] . The following departments and schools are established:
  • Department of Applied sciences (l 'Ufr des langues et sciences humaines appliquees)
  • Department of Languages (l 'ufr des langues vivantes)
  • Faculty of Literature (l 'Ufr des lettres)
  • Department of Mathematics and Information Technology (l'UFR de mathematique et d'informatique)
  • Department of Physical Engineering (l 'UFR de physique et d 'ingenierie)
  • Department of Social sciences (l 'Ufr des sciences sociales, pratiques sociales et developpement)
  • la faculte des arts (arts du spectacle, arts visuels et musique)
  • Faculty of Economics and Management (la faculte des sciences economiques et de gestion de Strasbourg)
  • Faculty of Political Science and Law (la faculte de droit, sciences politiques et gestion de Strasbourg)
  • Faculty of Geography and Environmental Remediation (la faculte de geographie et d 'Amenmanagement)
  • Faculty of Philosophy (la faculte de philosophie)
  • Faculty of Psychology (la faculte de psychologie)
  • Faculty of Catholic Theology (la faculte de theologie catholique de Strasbourg)
  • Faculty of Protestant Theology (la faculte de theologie protestante de Strasbourg)
  • Faculty of Education (la faculte des sciences de l 'education)
  • Faculty of History (la faculte des sciences historiques)
  • Faculty of Chemical Engineering (la faculte de chimie)
  • Faculty of Life sciences (la faculte des sciences de la vie)
  • Faculty of Medicine (la faculte de medecine)
  • Dental Faculty (la faculte de chirurgie dentaire)
  • Faculty of Pharmacy (la faculte de pharmacie)
  • la faculte des sciences du sport (STAPS)
Louis Pastel Institute of applied technology ( IUT de Louis-Pasteur, affiliated with the University of Strasbourg, now offers the following specialisation:
  • Bioengineering (Genie Biologique)
  • Business Administration (Gestion des Entrepeises et des Administrations)
  • Modern Industrial Technology (Genie Industriel et Maintenance)
  • Survey Engineering (Mesure Physique)
Robert Schumann The Institute of Applied Technology (IUT de Robert-Schuman), founded in 1967 and affiliated with the University of Strasbourg, now offers the following specialisations:
  • Information Technology (Informatique)
  • Chemistry (Chimie)
  • Civil Engineering (Genie Civil)
  • Electronic Commerce (Techniques de commercialisation)
  • Information and Communication


grande ecole, sometimes translated as "Grande Ecole" in Chinese Higher professional college "Elite University" is the French general term for higher education institutions that admit students through entrance examinations (concours), used to distinguish it from a university (universite) Senior high school certificate examination Diploma students can apply to study at the undergraduate level). After passing the Bac, French high school graduates can directly enter the general university (universite), or enter Technical college Advanced Technician Diploma ( BTS ). But only top students can get into elite college prep. College prep class classe preparatoire), after two years of specialized training, then participate in the competitive, Elimination rate Only those who pass the high Concours can choose both ways according to their scores and then enter a major school. Be admitted to The candidates study for 3 to 4 years in large schools. As the educational capital of eastern France, Strasbourg is home to several large schools.
Ecole Nationale d 'Administration (Ecole nationale d'administration)
ENA for short [12] It is one of the famous universities in France, founded in 1945 during the de Gaulle government. Its role is to train advanced Civil official or Administrative court Judges, only more than 100 people are enrolled each year, alumni (called "Enarque") are mostly politicians (Enarque who took the road to politics is also called "Enarchie"), so some people call French politics "ENACRACY" (ENA rule). in Fifth Republic In its history, three presidents, seven prime ministers and many ministers have graduated from the school.
National School of Architecture, Strasbourg (L 'Ecole nationale superieure d 'Architecture de Strasbourg) (ENSAS)
School of Fine Arts, Strasbourg (Ecole superieure des arts decoratifs de Strasbourg), built in 1892
Strasbourg School of Physical Communication (Telecom Physique Strasbourg)
Strasbourg Water environment Renovation project school (Ecole nationale du genie de l'eau et de l'environnement de Strasbourg)
Country of France Environmental remediation college (L 'Institut national des etudes territoriales) (INET)
National Academy of Applied Sciences, Strasbourg INSA de Strasbourg (INSA de Strasbourg) is the fifth and newest engineering school in the INSA Group. Engineer in school Professional student 1,400 people, of which 11.4% are International student ; 116 are engaged in teaching and research, and 90 are engaged Technical management Wait for work. It has seven laboratories.
European School of Polymer Chemistry and Materials (l 'Ecole europeenne de chimie, polymeres et materiaux) (ECPM)
National High School of Physics, Strasbourg (l 'Ecole nationale superieure de physique de Strasbourg) (ENSPS)
Higher France Earth science school (l'Ecole et observatoire des sciences de la Terre) (EOST)
Higher School of Biological Sciences, Strasbourg (l 'Ecole superieure de biotechnologie de Strasbourg) (ESBS)
Strasbourg International Business School (EM Strasbourg Business School)

Physical education



Strasbourg Football Club crest
Strasbourg Football Club (Racing Club de Strasbourg Alsace, referred to as RCSA), is the largest football club in Strasbourg, founded in 1906, once dissolved in World War II, re-established in 1945 and has been a professional team, the golden period in the 1970s and 1980s, after entering the 21st century, it is shrinking. It was relegated to the amateur league after 2011 [13] .
  • Home Stadium: Stade de la Meinau
  • Capacity: 29,371
  • 2015-2016 season: French Third Division (National)
  • President: Marc Keller
  • Head coach: Jacky Dugueperoux
Strasbourg's 2015-2016 roster (August 19, 2015)
Team member
Corentin Schmittheissler
April 22, 1997
Alexandre Oukidja
July 19, 1988
Olivier Blondel
July 9, 1979
Abdallah N'Dour
20 December 1993
Yoann Salmier
21 November 1992
Ernest Seka (Captain)
June 22, 1987
Felipe Saad
September 11, 1983
Eric Marester
June 12, 1984
Milovan Sikimi
October 25, 1980
Jean-Philippe Sabo
February 26, 1987
Lilian North
26 December 1996
Jéméry Grimm
March 27, 1987
Yannick Aguemon
February 11, 1992
Massire Kante
March 31, 1989
Abdelhak Belahmeur
July 26, 1991
Corentin Munch
9 May 1996
Ali Karasahin
13 June 1994
Mayoro N'Doye
18 December 1991
Loris Ieraci
16 March 1995
Dimitri Liénard
February 13, 1988
Jérémy Blayac
June 13, 1983
Oumar Pouye
June 19, 1988
Gaëtan Weissbeck
January 17, 1997
Stéphane Bahoken
28 May 1992

Other items

Men's basketball
Strasbourg Illkirch-Graffenstaden Basket
Women basketball team
Strasbourg Alsace Basket Club
Ice hockey
Etoile Noire de Strasbourg
Racing Club de Strasbourg Handball


Number of spectators
Le Stade de la Meinau
Le Stade Emile Stahl
Le Rhenus Sport
Basketball, handball
La Patinoire de l'Iceberg
L'Hippodrome de Strasbourg-Hoerdt


Clemens Metternich ( Klemens Wenzel von Metternich (1773-1859) was one of the best of the nineteenth century Austria A diplomat.
Gustav Dore ( Gustave Dore He was not only the most successful illustrator of the 19th century, but probably the most successful illustrator of all time. At the age of 15, he moved to Paris and began a brilliant artistic career. Before long, he was working for Rabelais, Balzac The illustrations of other great writers made him famous, and he wrote books for the Bible as well as for Dante, Milton, Cervantes The illustrations made by the works of others have since become the insurmountable peak of the illustration world.
Karl Ferdinand Braun ( Karl Ferdinand Braun (1850-1918), German physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics The winner, The cathode ray tube The inventor of...
Abridge Kossel ( Albrecht Kossel (1853-1927), Doctor. His field of work is physiological chemistry, especially tissue and cell chemistry. Because of cytochemistry The study of (especially Protein and nucleic acid Won in 1910 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine .
Georg Simmel ( Georg Simme (1858-1918), also translated as Simmel Or Zimmer, Germany sociologist A philosopher. His major works include Monetary Philosophy and Sociology. is Formal sociology The pioneer of...
Albert Schweitzer ( Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965), also translated as" Schweitzer He is an epoch-making great man, famous scholar and humanist in the humanitarian spirit of the 20th century, with talents in four different fields of philosophy, medicine, theology and music, and put forward the ethical thought of "reverence for life". He is a great generalist, outstanding achievements of the great man of the century, known as the "saint of Europe." He came in 1913 Africa Gabon Established a jungle clinic, engaged in Medical assistance Work until you die. Acquired in 1952 Nobel Peace Prize .
Otto Klemperer ( Otto Klemperer (1885-1973), one of the greatest conductors of the 20th century, has long been considered a conductor Beethoven One of the top interpreters of the works of Brahms and Bruckner. Have the best Sense of humor The acerbic Klemperer has a rich personal experience and encounters theatricality During the 1930s Nazi Persecution forced him out of Germany, and then he went from place to place Austria , Switzerland , the United States and other places, plus the disease Brain tumor circularity psychosis The first half of his life can be described as hard; Nevertheless, Klemperer's distinctive artistic character and outstanding conducting talent still put him in the ranks of the 20th century's greatest conductors in his later years - yes Primary spectrum Total fidelity and research are the basis of Klemperer's approach to any work.
Hans Bethe ( Hans Bethe (1906-2005), Physicist, 1967 Nobel Prize in Physics The winner.
Marcel Marceau ( Marcel Marceau (1923-2007), born Marcel Mangel, Marcel Marceau or Mime Marceau is his stage name. He's French. Jew A dramatist of American descent, to mime (mime) Clowns are famous. He is best known for creating "Mr. Bip" in 1947. Beep's a white-faced clown who always wears stripes overalls And wearing an old pillbox hat.
Arsene Wenger ( Arsène Wenger (1949 -), one of the most famous football coaches in the world, has been a Premier League giant Arsenal The head coach of the football team, set a brilliant record during the period, leading the football world for more than ten years!
M. Pokora
Eric Izralevich ( Erik Izraelewicz (1954-2012) was a French journalist and author with a deep knowledge of economics and finance. In 2011, he was responsible for the book Le Monde He was also in charge of the financial newspaper, echo "And The Tribune.
Armando Goncalves Teixeira ( Armando Gonçalves Teixeira ) (1976 -), that is, Petit, Portugal football team An athlete.
Paul - Henry Mathieu ( Paul-Henri Mathieu (born 1982) is a French professional tennis player. He turned professional in 1999. His highest singles world ranking is No. 12. To date, he has won four ATP Tour titles.
Matt Perkela ( M.Pokora (1985 -), full name Matt Pokora. French singer. One of the leaders of the 21st century French pop music, the main albums are "Mise A Jour" and "A la Poursuite du Bonneur" [14] .

Urban evaluation

The following information is for reference only [15] .

The right side

  • One of the central cities of France, with complete facilities in all aspects, known as the "second capital of Europe", suitable for living and studying.
  • Christmas markets are famous all over the world.


  • It's expensive.
  • Security is not good.
  • Winter is cold.
  • The urban comprehensive environment is not good, there is not much green space, and air pollution occurs from time to time.

Sister city



Signature time
Boston Boston
The year 1960
Leicester Leicester
Stuttgart Stuttgart
The year 1962
Dresden Dresde
The year 1990
Ramat gan Ramat Gan
The year 1991
Oran Oran
The year 2013


Perigue, western France
Strasbourg, a domestic friendly exchange city, is located in southwest France Aquitaine regional Department of Dordogne Capital of (24 provinces) Periger [16] .
World War II period Strasbourg was occupied by the Germans, and many institutions and businesses were relocated to non-occupied areas of southwest France. Periger Geographical position More hidden, thus becoming a more ideal "rear". After World War II, there were still many exchanges and cooperation projects between the two places. In 1984, the two countries officially signed an agreement on friendly exchange cities.
Perig is about 870 kilometers from Strasbourg, By train Need to be in Paris or Bordeaux Transfer.

Honor received

On July 20, 2022, UNESCO Announced, as assessed by the World Book Capital Advisory Committee, UNESCO Director GENERAL Azoulay identified Strasbourg, France, as 2024 Book Capital of the world . Strasbourg is the 24th city to receive the title since 2001. [17]