Right of autonomy

The right to handle local affairs within the authority granted by law
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Autonomy: ① multi-ethnic Socialist country the Minority nationality , in Central State Organs Under the unified leadership of Ben Ethnic populated area Set up Regional autonomy The right to administer local affairs in their own minority areas. As the Constitution of the People's Republic of China states: "Regional autonomy shall be exercised in areas where ethnic minorities live in concentrated communities Organ of self-government Exercise the right of autonomy." ② State grant Special administrative region The right of autonomy. 3. Capitalist country Local organs of self-government have the right to handle their own local affairs within the limits of their powers conferred by law. with capitalism The development and strengthening of monopolies, Political power Increasingly concentrated, State power Concentrate mostly on Central government In their hands, local self-government organs enjoy only a small amount of autonomy in the management of water, electricity and transportation. [1]
Chinese name
Right of autonomy
Rights granted by law
Osborn, Chairman of the New York State Prison Reform Commission
According to the theory that the lack of autonomy is the main cause of crimes, the prison authorities put in place a system in which all internal affairs of prisoners are managed and managed by themselves in order to cultivate the capacity of self-government of prisoners. The prison officials serve only as assistants, guides, and supervisors. This system gives the prisoners more freedom and responsibility, so as to cultivate their self-focus, altruism The heart, civicality Help each other to develop a perfect personality and be a kind and useful citizen.