Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

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Notre Dame de Paris (French: Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris) ) [7] Also known as Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris [42] , located in French Republic capital Paris Downtown, located Seine centre West Dyke On, with the Paris Town hall and Louvre Across the river, for the Gothic Christian church building; It was founded on March 24, 1163 (by the Pope Alexander III Four years) [41] , yes Christianity dispatch Catholicism The Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Paris, one of the oldest and most symbolic monuments in the French capital and the most famous in Europe Gothic cathedral One of France's most representative cultural relics and monuments World heritage site One of the French and European literary and cultural landmarks . [5-6] 12 [8]
Notre Dame de Paris has a long horseshoe Gothic plan Latin cross The length is about 127 meters, the total width is about 48 meters, and the total height is 96 meters [40] With a total construction area of 5500 square meters and a total floor area of 6000 square meters meter [29] ; The west facade has two clock towers, about 69 meters high; There are a total of five longitudinal cabins inside, including a middle cabin with two wings on each side, and the top of the cross is altar The long wing of the cross is the main basilica of Notre Dame; At the east end is the altar, followed by a semicircular outer wall, the two ends of the hall are open, beside the small tower; Outside the altar is the iconic minaret, 96 meters high. [40] Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris is the world's first fully Gothic church, the sculpture art and painting art of the building body and a large number of art treasures in the hall have high historical and cultural value Be famous at home and abroad The world reputation is the elephant of Paris, France Sign, the world's mainstream religion Christian holy land . [3] [6] [14-17] [23] [38]
In 1862, Notre-Dame de Paris was listed as a monument of French heritage by the French Commission for Historic Monuments The list. [18] In 1991, Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris was UNESCO Be included in World Heritage List " . [18]
Chinese name
Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris
Foreign name
Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris
Geographical position
City of Paris, French Republic
Floor space
About 6000 m²
Protection level
World cultural heritage
Opening hours
December 8, 2024 [49] (Not yet open)
Climatic condition
Temperate maritime climate
Symphony of stones , The most beautiful flower of medieval architecture , Madame de Paris

Historical evolution

Roman Empire Tiberius In the time of Emperor Tiberius, West Dyke Its eastern half houses a temple dedicated to Roman and Gallic gods . [19]
In 496, Frank King Clovis The capital was set in Paris and converted to Christianity, and a Christian church was built on the West Island to worship St. Stephen . [20]
In the 6th century, the Church of Saint Etienne was built hall . [5] [19]
At the beginning of the 12th century, the original Saint Etienne Church of Christ Hall collapse Bishop of Paris Maurice de Souly Maurice de Sully decided to rebuild the new church.
Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris
In 1163, the Pope of Rome Alexander III Pope Alexander III officiated at the official opening ceremony of the cathedral of Notre Dame, and Bishop Maurice de Salie laid the foundation stone, mainly for the construction of the choir of Notre Dame and its two cloisters . [7] [22] [28]
In 1182, the main building was the nave, the lower side and the first four spans of the grandstand Degree, the basic function of Notre Dame de Paris roughly formed, built with singing Don. [28] [38]
In 1190, the latter two spans of the nave of Notre Dame were built . [28]
In 1208, the main facade and entrance of Notre Dame Cathedral were built . [28]
In 1220, bishops such as Youde of Sully, Peter of Nemor, and William of Senele expanded the Notre Dame complex, adding a clock tower, high window holes, a complete restoration of the original frame, and a roof integrated with a complex rainwater system . [22]
In 1225, the main facade of Notre Dame and the upper part of the two towers were built, the cathedral was extended through high Windows, terraces were created, the spire arches were modified, and the side nave was added . [28]
In 1250, the north facade and North transept of Notre Dame Cathedral were built . [28]
In 1267, the main construction was the South transept of Notre Dame and its main gate, the chapel, the red gate and the archway of the choir . [28]
In 1345, the cathedral of Notre Dame was officially completed . [7]
In 1695, Cardinal Noel of the Diocese of Paris rebuilt the walls, south bell tower, arches, corridors and terraces of Notre Dame de Paris, revamped the span vault, roof frame, verticality, and built a new cellar, main altar, wrought iron grating and other facilities Grant. [24]
In 1756, many priests decided that the interior of Notre Dame was too dark and removed most of the medieval stained glass and replaced it with white glass . [24]
On November 2, 1789, the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris became French . [24]
In 1793, French Revolution As a result, Catholicism was banned in Paris, most of the treasures of Notre Dame were destroyed or looted, the church was turned into a temple of reason, and later as a wine store, was destroyed bad . [23-24] [38]
In 1801, the Entente restored the Catholic faith in the church and re-established the Diocese of Paris, and the Notre Dame de Paris was in disrepair and decay . [18]
1804, Emperor of France Napoleon With wooden porches, cardboard and stucco, silk, velvet curtains, etc., the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris was restored . [18]
1830, France July Revolution Rioters completely destroyed the stained-glass Windows of Notre Dame Cathedral and burned down the archdiocese, and the authorities in Paris planned to completely demolish the Notre Dame A surname. [18]
In 1831, Victor Hugo Published by Victor Hugo Notre Dame de Paris The book caused a stir and led to a nationwide conservation campaign in France . [18]
In 1842, the French Minister of Justice and Religion decided to rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral . [18]
In 1845, the French government allocated 5 million francs for the complete renovation of the church by the architects Lassos and Vieulet Le Duc, which restored the spire, the sacrette, the 13th century gate, the King's gallery, and the medieval style of the retro high Windows . [18]
In 1989, Jean Tourette built a new altar at the intersection of the transept of Notre Dame . [18]
In 1905, France issued a law Separation of church and state law The Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris was restored France countries Yes, Jacques Le Chevalier removed the white glass in Notre Dame and replaced it with medieval stained glass and restored 12 tall Windows. [18]
In 2008, the cathedral organ was rebuilt and the lights renovated Equipment. [18]
In 2012, Notre Dame restored its red doors for priests . [34]
On April 15, 2019, the Notre Dame Cathedral caught fire while it was under repair, due to a fault in some of the clock tower's electrical systems [45] The fire caused the collapse of the iconic spire, two-thirds of the roof was destroyed, and the entire building was seriously damaged, and the main structure of Notre Dame Cathedral was preserved and suspended from opening to the public . [1] [6] [25]
On November 6, 2019, China and France signed a cooperation document in Beijing to cooperate on the restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, and Chinese experts will participate in the restoration work of Notre Dame Cathedral. [2]
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The rebuilding of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris
On May 31, 2020, the square in front of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris was reopened to the public . The same year On September 15, Notre Dame reopened its shops and resumed guided Tours . [21] [27]
On March 5, 2021, the Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris completed the renovation preparation, and the restoration work officially began. [4]
In March 2022, the French National Institute of Preventive Archaeology discovered a sarcophagus in Notre Dame Cathedral. [44]
On July 28, 2022, French Minister of Culture Abdel Malak visited Notre Dame to learn about the reconstruction work and said that Notre Dame will reopen to the public in 2024, but the specific date is not yet confirmed. [47]
On September 16, 2022 local time, the head of the restoration project of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris announced that they have begun the reconstruction of the most iconic part of Notre Dame Cathedral, such as the minaret and the wooden frame below, and the restoration site will be opened to the public for the first time. [48]
During a hearing before the Senate Committee on Culture on Thursday, General Jean-Louis Georgelin, who is in charge of the protection and restoration of Notre Dame, confirmed that the reopening of the cathedral is definitely planned for December 8, 2024. This was the wish of the then Archbishop of Paris, Michel Aupetit. [49]
On April 15, 2023, the fourth anniversary of the fire of Notre Dame Cathedral, the restoration project of the cathedral is still under intense progress, and the installation of the spire base of Notre Dame Cathedral is now in the final stage. According to the current schedule, the spire of Notre Dame will be installed by the end of 2023; The entire project will be completed by 2024, and Notre Dame is scheduled to reopen by the end of that year. [50]
On November 28, 2023, the main installation of the spire of Notre Dame Cathedral was initially completed. [52]
On February 13, 2024, the repair work of Notre Dame Cathedral is still ongoing and continues to make progress. Since February 12, the scaffolding of the spire of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris has been dismantled one after another, and the basic spire has been revealed to the world. [53] On April 15, the fifth anniversary of the fire of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, the restoration project has entered the final stage Period of . [54]
On December 8, 2024, the restored Notre Dame Cathedral opened to visitors [56] .
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Architectural pattern



Structure of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris
Notre Dame de Paris has a long horseshoe Gothic plan Latin cross System, sitting east facing west, the interior has 3 layers, the total length of about 127 meters, the total width of about 48 meters, the total height of 96 meters, the indoor construction area of 4800 square meters, the total construction area of 5500 square meters, the total area of 6000 square meters meter ; On the west facade are two clock towers with a horizontal to vertical ratio of approximately Golden ratio 1:0.618, columns and decorative strips divide the facade into 9 small gold-ratio rectangles; Notre Dame Cathedral has a total of five longitudinal cabins, including a middle cabin and two wings on each side, the top of the cross is the altar, the long wing of the cross is the main basilica of Notre Dame; At the east end is the altar, followed by a semicircular outer wall, the two ends of the hall are open, beside the small tower; Outside the altar is the iconic minaret, 90 high meter . [3] [16-17] [29] [38]
The width of the side facade of Notre Dame de Paris is 43.5 meters, the height of the non-tower facade is 45 meters, the choir is 38 meters long and 12 meters wide, the nave is 60 meters long and the width of the central container is 13 meters, the width of each side slope is 5.9 meters, the height below the nave roof is 43 meters, the height below the vault of the nave and the choir is 33 meters, and the height below the vault of the outer line is 10.1 meters. The inner line is 10.5 meters high below the arch, the stand is 8 meters high under the arch, the stand is 5.9 meters deep, and the transept is 48 meters long and 14 meters wide . [29] [39]

Central hall

The nave of Notre Dame is reserved for the liturgical faithful, the main nave of the church, which is the central vessel of the Notre Dame building, rising from the ground to the vault with a total of ten spans. Each span corresponds to the space between each pillar; The first two spans support the tower and serve as a transition after the entrance, with columns, arcades, pilasters and colonnades highlighting the vertical effect . [32]
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Inside Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris


The transept of Notre Dame de Paris is the horizontal arm of the crucifix, the space at the cross is the transept intersection, the volume is proportional to the size of the cathedral, the decorative system of arches, arches and carved bands is used to reinforce the walls, the original stained glass Windows of the 13th century are preserved, and the liturgical celebrations are held Ground. [32]


Notre Dame de Paris is surrounded by 29 chapels, also known as "radiation chapels". It is a dedicated space built for the local rich to commemorate the dead, decorated with altars, lamps, statues or paintings, reliquaries of the patron saints, tombs and wall paintings, with the only remaining remains of the 13th century painting of Notre Dame . [32]

Main building



The forecourt is the courtyard square of Notre Dame de Paris, designed by the architect Beaufland in the 18th century, the zero kilometer is located in the center, marking the starting point of 14 radiating roads from Paris to all parts of France, and the underground is the remains of the early Saint Etienne Cathedral, with archaeological crypts that can be accessed from the forecourt . [30]
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The front yard of Notre Dame Cathedral

West elevation

The west facade is the main facade and the main gate of Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris, which adopts the traditional European "harmonious facade" part when it is built, that is, the symmetrical three-sided facade is cubed, divided into three layers, 43.5 meters wide, 45 meters high, and the tower is 69 meters high, with a built-in bronze bell; At the bottom, there are three entrances, the gate of the Last Judgment in the middle, the gate of the Virgin Mary on the left and the gate of Saint Anna on the right, which are decorated with many biblical figures; The upper part is the King Gallery, the Madonna Gallery, with a terrace, and the center of the terrace is a rose with a diameter of 9.6 meters ring . 30 - [31] [38]
King's Gallery
The King Gallery is located under the upper baluster of the west facade, which is the dividing line between the bottom and middle floors of Notre Dame, 20 meters high, composed of 28 figures, each arch is carved with a king statue, representing the 28 Jewish states of Israel recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible The king . [31] [38]
Madonna Gallery
Located next to the top terrace of the King's Gallery, two angel menorahs symbolizing "fault" and "redemption" surround a statue of the Virgin flanked by the gods of Adam and Eve Yes. [31]

North elevation

North elevation
The north facade is divided into three levels, slightly retracted between them, without direct sunlight, with paintings of the Northern and Southern Crusades, a gable above the gate, a clear passage gallery with large roses in the middle, a triangular gable on the sides, a bell spire standing at the bottom of the two sides, and a North transept attic next to it . [33]

Porta Saint-Etienne

Porta Saint-Etienne
Located just south of the River Seine, the Saint-Etienne Gate of Notre-Dame de Paris depicts the life of Saint Etienne, the first Christian martyr, using a butt-arc to support the top of the cathedral wall, enhancing stability and solving the problem of no runoff rainwater discharge Question. [30]

Gate of the Virgin Mary

Gate of the Virgin Mary
The Porte de Notre Dame is the south gate of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, with an inscription on the door Virgin Mary Put the child between the two doors and stomp the snake under your feet, which is Satan The symbol of the four seasons on the left and the four eras of life on the right is used to remind believers to pay attention to the rhythm of life. There is a tympanic chamber on the door, with three prophets on the left and three Kings of Israel on the right, all holding the Bible; Mary is depicted on the lintel Jesus And surrounded by twelve apostles, two angels, Paul and John, lifted her shroud and carried her up to heaven. Nine statues stand on either side of the door, with Emperor Constantine, Saint Denis and two angels on the left and two angels on the right John the Baptist St. Stephen, St. Genevieve and Pope St. Sylvester. Below the Madonna sculpture is a bas-relief depicting the story of Adam and Eve in three orders: Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Heaven on Earth), Adam's temptation and original sin, and driving the first men out of the Garden of Eden . [35]

The last judgment gate

The last judgment gate [46]
The final judgment gate features figures including popes, Kings, women, warriors, and African men; In the upper ministry frieze, the Archangel Michael weighs souls, two demons try to tip the scales, and the chosen are taken to heaven (at the right hand of Christ), while the damned, those in chains and fear, are taken to hell by other demons; Two angels carried the instruments of the cross: one a spear and a nail, the other a cross, with Mary and St. John kneeling on either side; The temple of Heaven occupies the arch: angels, patriarchs, prophets, doctors of the church, martyrs and virgins; Hell occupies the right side of the arch; The "wise virgins" (God's right) symbolize the hope of reaching heaven, for they carry the lamp, and the "mad virgins" of the lamp are extinguished; In the center of the door, on the Trumo between the two doors, the Christian stood on the pedestal; The sculptures on either side of the door depict the twelve apostles, Bartholomew, Simon, James Jr., Andrew, John and Peter on the left, and Paul, Major James, Thomas, Philip, Jude and Mathieu on the right; At the feet of the twelve apostles, the medal represents virtue and vice. [46]

History and culture


Important activity

In 1431, England and France Hundred Years' War At the end, King Henry VI of England was crowned the Kingdom of France at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris King. [13]
1455. French national hero Joan of Arc The ceremony was held at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris . [38]
In 1558, Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, and King of France Francois II Royal wedding at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.
In 1559, Elizabeth, Queen of France and King of Spain Philip the Second Royal wedding at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.
In 1572, Margaret de Valois, Queen of Scots, and King of France Henry IV Royal wedding at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris . [13]
In 1804, Pope Pius VII granted the First Imperial Emperor of France Napoleon Bonaparte Sacrament and coronation at Notre Dame Cathedral . [13] [38]
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Coronation of Napoleon
1853 Queen Eugenie of Montijo and Emperor Napoleon III were married at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.
On May 9, 1945, Cardinal Suhad was greeted at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris Charles de Gaulle General and ambassadors of the governments of the United States, the Soviet Union and Britain.
In 1980, the Pope John Paul II Visit Notre Dame at the invitation of UNESCO, the Bishop and the civil authorities.
In 2008, the Pope Benedict XVI Notre-dame de Paris decided to launch the 850th anniversary of the construction of Notre-Dame Cathedral . [13]
In 2012, Cardinal Andre XXIII of Paris inaugurated the anniversary celebrations of Notre Dame Cathedral. [13]
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Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

Literary works

Literary works
French writers Victor Hugo Victor Hugo created a novel of the same name of Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris, which writes a poetic description of Notre Dame Cathedral, and writes a story in France in the 15th century with bizarre and contrasting methods: Claude, the vice-bishop of Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris, is a pretender, serpent-hearted, loves and hates first, and persecute the Gisト girl Esmeralda; Quasimodo, the ugly and kind-hearted bell ringer, sacrifices his life to save the girl. The novel exposes the hypocrisy of religion, declares the bankruptcy of asceticism, praises the goodness, love and self-sacrifice of the lower working people, and reflects Hugo's humanitarian thought Want to . [36 to 38]

Commemorative stamp

On April 15, 2022, France issued a stamp with the theme of "Treasure of Notre Dame de Paris" to commemorate the third anniversary of the fire of Notre Dame de Paris. The stamp depicts the organ of Notre Dame Cathedral, has a face value of 1.65 euros, and is printed in small sheet form with a total print run of 550,000. [43]
Commemorative stamp

Value meaning

Notre Dame de Paris is an outstanding representative of early Gothic architecture in Europe and the first fully Gothic church in the world. The sculpture art and painting art of the building body and a large number of art treasures in the church have high historical and cultural value, and are important spiritual support for Parisians and French people . [3] [15]

Cultural relics protection

In 1862, Notre-Dame de Paris was listed as a monument of French heritage by the French Commission for Historic Monuments The list. [18]
French Minister of Culture, 1968 Andre Malraux A campaign was launched to clean the heritage buildings in Paris, and the facade of Notre Dame Cathedral was cleaned and reinforced . [39]
In 1991, UNESCO To add Notre Dame Cathedral to the World Heritage List . [18]
On September 16, 2023, the scaffolding around the spire of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France, is expected to be removed before the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, according to the person in charge. At that time, visitors will be able to enjoy the new view above Notre Dame Cathedral The spire. [51]
In May 2024, China and France reached the Cooperation Agreement between the Museum of the Emperor Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum of China and the Scientific Foundation for Cultural Heritage of France on the scientific research on the protection of wooden remains and soil sites, including the protection and restoration of the burned wood of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and the research on its value cognition. In terms of wood preservation research, the two sides will jointly carry out research on the protection and restoration of wood relics (charcoal) burned in the Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris and the Tomb of the First Emperor of Qin. The preservation status assessment, deterioration mechanism, protection technology and method research, wood restoration research were carried out for the burned wood of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and the excavated charcoal and wood of Qin Terracotta Warriors and horses. [55]
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Notre Dame Cathedral at night

Tourist information


Geographical position

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is located French Republic Central Paris . [7]
Notre Dame Cathedral (Closed)

Ticket price

Main Building of Notre Dame Cathedral: Free
Church side tower (bell tower) : €8 / person, €5 (18-25 years), under 17 years free
Church Museum: 3 euros/person
Basement: €4 / person, free under 13, €3 / person (over 60, unemployed), €2 / person (13-18 years)

Opening hours

Monday to Friday 8:00-18:45; Weekends 8:00-19:45

Traffic line

Take Paris buses 21, 24, 38, 47, 85, 96 and get off at Notre-Dame de Montebello station and walk there.
Take Paris Metro Line 4 or RERB or C to Saint-Michel station and get off on foot . [26]