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Niger State

Subdivisions of Nigeria
Nigeria A first-level administrative division. Western neighbours Republic of Benin . Established in 1976, the state has 25 local governments and a land area of 76,000 square kilometers, accounting for 9% of the country's total area, making it the largest state in Nigeria.
Chinese name
Niger State
Foreign name
Niger State
Administrative category
Subordinate region
Nigeria Midwest [1]
Geographical position
West-central West Africa [2]
Area product
The land area is 76,000 square kilometers
Subordinate area
Minna (also translated as Mina), Contagora, Bida
Institutions of higher learning
Federal Technical University, Federal Institute of Education
Total population
The population is 2,482,367, 90% of which live in rural areas. The capital is Minna. Agricultural development has great potential. Agriculture is the backbone of the state's economy, mainly growing corn, cassava, soybeans, rice, millet, cereals, peanuts, sugar cane, etc. Apart from food processing, there is not much manufacturing. Mineral deposits are gold, limestone, marble, copper, iron sand, glass sand, lead, quartz, clay and so on. Road traffic is more convenient. The level of education needs to be further improved, and higher education institutions are mainly federal technical universities, federal educational colleges, federal schools of arts and sciences, and state educational, nursing, health, agricultural colleges. Rich in power resources, the state has Shiroro (Shiroro), Kainji (Kainji), Jeba (Jebba) and other three large hydropower stations, known as the power state. Tourist attractions include Cairnji Lake Park, Ladi? Kwali (Ladi Kwali) Ceramic Center, etc.