Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

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the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) [14] , is Asia, Africa, Latin American oil Producing country To coordinate member countries' oil policies against Western oil Monopoly capital International Organization for Exploitation and Control, established in 1960 Iraq capital Baghdad Established. [14] Its purpose is to coordinate and unify the oil policies of member countries and maintain international oil Market price Stability to ensure that oil producing countries receive stable income. The highest authority is the Assembly of member States, composed of delegations of member states, which is responsible for making decisions General policy The executive body is the Council, and the daily work is handled by the secretariat. A separate specialized economic Commission was established to help maintain oil price stability. Since its inception, the organization has persisted in fighting against Western oil monopoly capital, in raising oil prices and in implementing Petroleum industry Significant progress has been made on nationalization. [1]
The current 13 Member States are: Algeria , Republic of Congo , Equatorial Guinea , Gabon , Iran , Iraq , Kuwait , Libya , Nigeria , Saudi Arabia , United Arab Emirates , Venezuela . [2] Be headquartered in Austria Vienna . [3]
Qatar In January 2019, it withdrew from Opec, the organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. On January 1, 2020, Ecuador Withdraw from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries [4] . Angola It will withdraw from Opec on 1 January 2024. [22]
On September 5, 2022, Opec and non-OPEC producers (Opec +) said that Opec + decided to once again Oil production Cut by 100,000 barrels per day, so October reverts to the terms of the August agreement. [10] On October 5, 2022 local time, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) and Russia Other non-OPEC producers have agreed on the future Crude oil production Agreed to cut production by 2 million barrels per day. [11]
On November 21, 2022, Saudi Arabia said that the "Opec +" oil production reduction plan would last until the end of 2023. [13]
Chinese name
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Foreign name
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Opec (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
Abbreviated form
Establishment time
September 14, 1960
Member state
Saudi Arabia , Iraq , Iran Equal thirteen
Secretary general
Hazam Gass
Head office
Vienna, Austria

Development history

Headquarters of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries since September 1960 Switzerland Geneva Move to Austria capital Vienna . The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries is Third world Establish the earliest and most influential raw materials Producing country And the output organization. Oil is the main source of energy in the post-war world. In the early post-war period, the exploration, exploitation and sale of oil in the world were almost entirely controlled by western oil monopolies. The consequences of this monopoly control are the West Developed country obtained Excess profit The third world's major oil producers Economic benefit But it was damaged. In order to compete with the major oil companies (mostly American, British and German), so as to reduce Oil price And the burden on producers. Originally the organization was just one unofficial The bargaining group is sold to third World countries at reduced prices. Such scale limits its relationship with Occidental Petroleum corporation To strive for greater interests occupancy And higher levels Production control . In the early 1970s, however, it began to show its usefulness.
On June 2, 2022 local time, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) and non-OPEC oil-producing countries, that is, the "Opec +" cooperation mechanism, held the 29th ministerial meeting by video. [7]
Vienna time on June 30, 2022, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) and non-OPEC oil producers held the 30th ministerial meeting by video on the 30th, and decided to increase the monthly production in August this year by 648,000 barrels per day. [8]
On October 5, 2022 local time, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) and Russia Other non-OPEC producers have agreed on the future Crude oil production Agreed to cut production by 2 million barrels per day. [11]
On October 5, 2022 local time, OPEC At the ministerial meeting, OPEC+ decided to cut crude oil production to 2 million barrels per day from November and extend the production limit agreement by one year until the end of 2023. This is OPEC+ 's largest production cut since 2020 and is equivalent to 2% of total global oil demand. originally International oil price It's been down four months in a row, and when the news came out, Brent crude oil The price is approaching $100. [12]
On November 30, 2023, the press office of the Brazilian Presidential Office reported that the Brazilian government has received an invitation to join "Opec +", which is made up of members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) and non-OPEC producers. [18]

Yom Kippur War

Israeli-palestinian conflict The emergence of finally led to Opec (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) From a mere conglomerate to a single share Can not be ignored the Political force . The year 1967 The third Middle East War Later, Opec's Arab members formed another overlapping organization called Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting States (Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC), to focus on support Israel Western pressure. Not from major oil exporters Egypt and Syria It also joined the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting States to help achieve its goals. Then, in 1973 Yom Kippur War The outbreak is more determined Arab country Of this choice. On account of America right Israel Emergency supplies, the Israeli army can hold off the Egyptian and Syrian armies, angry Arab world In 1973, yes America , Western Europe and Japan With the imposition of the oil embargo in the early 1970s, the big Western oil conglomerates suddenly faced a group of allied producers.

Organizational structure

Opec General Assembly The Opec General Assembly is the highest authority in the organization, and each member country sends a delegation to the assembly headed by the ministers of petroleum, minerals and energy. The Assembly meets twice a year and may meet in special session if necessary. The General Assembly is governed by the principle of unanimity of all member states, each of which has one vote, and is responsible for setting the organization's broad policies and deciding on the appropriate ways to implement them.
The Opec Assembly also decides whether to admit new members and considers reports and recommendations from the Governing Council on the organization's affairs. The Assembly considers and approves the appointment of Governors from any member State and elects the President of the Council. The Assembly shall have the power to request the Council to submit reports or make recommendations on any matter affecting the interests of the Organization. The Assembly also considers the Opec budget report submitted by the Governing Council and decides whether to revise it.
Opec Council The Opec Council is similar to normal Commercial institution The Council shall be composed of members nominated by the Member States and approved by the General Conference for a term of two years. The Council is responsible for managing the day-to-day affairs of Opec, implementing General Assembly resolutions, and drafting Annual budget The report shall be submitted to the General Assembly for consideration and adoption. The Council also considers the reports submitted by the Secretary-General to the General Assembly on the day-to-day affairs of Opec.
Opec secretariat The Opec Secretariat is responsible for the administrative functions of the organization under the leadership of the Governing Council, in accordance with the Organization's regulations. Secretariat by Secretary general , research room, data Service center Energy Situation Research Department, Oil Market Analysis Department, Administration and Personnel Department, Information department , the Office of the Secretary-General and the Legal Room. The secretariat was established in 1961 and was originally located in Geneva In 1965, it was moved to Vienna . There is a specialized agency within the Secretariat, the Economic Commission, which assists the Organization in transferring international oil Price stability On a fair and reasonable level.

Purpose of establishment

It is to coordinate national oil policies, agree on crude oil production and prices, take joint actions to oppose the exploitation and plunder of oil producing countries by Western countries, protect national resources, and safeguard their own interests.

Organizational composition

Opec headquarters in Vienna
In September 1960, by Iran , Iraq , Kuwait , Saudi Arabia and Venezuela On behalf of Baghdad They held a meeting and decided to gang up on it Occidental Petroleum corporation On the 14th, the five Countries announced the establishment of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), referred to as "Opec". As its membership grew, Opec developed into Asia , Africa and Latin America An international petroleum organization for some of the major oil producing countries. Opec is headquartered in Austria capital Vienna . Opec aims to eliminate the harmful and unnecessary Price fluctuation , make sure International oil market The stability of oil prices ensures that member countries have access to stable oil revenues under any circumstances and provide oil consuming countries with adequate, economic and long-term oil supplies. Its purpose is to coordinate and harmonize the oil policies of the member States and to determine the most appropriate means to safeguard their respective and common interests.
Publication, Bulletin of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (monthly); Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Review (quarterly); " Annual report "; Annual Statistical Report.
According to the "BP World Energy Statistics 2017", the total oil reserves of the organization's members at the end of 2016 were 1220.5 billion barrels, accounting for about 71.5% of the world's oil reserves, of which the top five members were Venezuela (300.9 billion barrels), Saudi Arabia (266.5 billion barrels), Iran (158.4 billion barrels), Iraq (153 billion barrels) and Kuwait (101.5 billion barrels). In 2016, the crude oil production of the members of the organization was 1,864.2 million tons, accounting for about 42.5% of the world's crude oil production, of which the top five members were Saudi Arabia (585.7 million tons), Iran (216.4 million tons), The United Arab Emirates (182.4 million tons), Kuwait (152.7 million tons) and Venezuela (124.1 million tons). [5] (1 ton =7-7.8 barrels)
This paragraph explains:
Seven barrels at least, container Ratio by 1 ton = ( API +131.5/141.5) x 6.29, which is easily 7.

Organizational function

The representatives of Opec member countries (mainly the heads of delegations) coordinate and unify their oil policies at the Opec General Assembly to promote the stability and prosperity of the oil market. The Opec Secretariat is responsible for the day-to-day affairs of the organization, receiving instructions from the Council and under the direct leadership of the Secretary-General. Opec Economic Committee, ministers Supervisory committee Such as a number of executive agencies, the performance of consultation, consultation, coordination and other functions.
Opec member states analyze and forecast the current situation and market trend, and clarify the rate of economic growth and oil supply and demand Basic factor And then negotiate what changes to make in its oil policy. For example, in previous meetings, Opec members have separately decided to raise or reduce the overall size of the organization Oil production In order to maintain the stability of oil prices, to provide consumer countries with a stable short -, medium - and long-term oil supply.
In recent years, Opec has repeatedly skyrocketed oil prices to compete with Western developed countries such as the United States, and has played a significant role in balancing world power.
An oil plant in Libya
The members of the Organization together control about two-thirds of the world's oil reserves, account for about 78% of the world's oil reserves and provide more than 40% of the world's oil consumption . They account for 40 per cent of global oil production and half of exports. With Opec, member countries get more money from oil exports. Last year, 11 members of Opec... On the basis of federation Source of energy Information management Bureau figures, collected 338 billion (US) dollars from oil exports, up from 2003 Annual increase 42%. Relative to the 1972 figure, the member countries earned $23 billion from oil exports U.S. dollar ; In 1977, after the 1973 oil crisis, the figure was $140 billion. Because oil sales are dominated by the dollar, the dollar's exchange rate against other currencies directly affects how Opec prices oil. For example, when the dollar falls against other currencies, Opec members will charge less in other currencies. Because they continue to sell oil in dollars, this will lead to Purchasing power Straight down. when Euro After introduction, Iraq Decided to use the euro instead of the dollar as the transportation currency for selling oil.
Opec's decision greatly affects international oil prices. For example, during the 1973 oil crisis, Opec refused to ship oil as a result of the Yom Kippur War. October War Supporting Israel against Egypt and Syria Western countries . This quadrupled the price of oil for five months, from October 17, 1973, to March 18, 1974. On January 7, 1975, Opec members agreed to raise the price of crude oil by 10%. At the same time, Opec members (including some who just Petroleum industry nationalization Responding to the call of the new international economic order, the country joined and began to unite Primary producer . Summarize in Algiers Held the first Opec summit, it called for stable and reasonable prices, international food and food Agricultural plan From south to north Technology transfer , and Economic system Democracy.
Unlike other corporate deals, Opec has managed to keep prices rising. Opec owes much of its success Saudi Arabia The elasticity of... The country allowed other participating countries to cheat, and reduced its own production to make up for other members' over-quota production. Because the other members are producing at full capacity, Saudi Arabia is the only member with ample storage space and the ability to increase production if needed, which gives them a reliable supply Leverage effect .
The policy was so successful that the price of crude oil briefly rose to a level second only to that of refined products. But there are limits to Opec's ability to raise prices. Rising oil prices will lead to a fall in consumption and a net fall in earnings. And rising prices encourage fundamental behavioral changes, such as Alternative energy The use of, or Save energy The promotion of...
Former president of Iraq Saddam Hussein Advocated that Opec raise oil prices to help Iraq and other member countries pay interest on their debts, leading up to 1990-1991 Gulf War The outbreak of... Danin Iran-iraq War The Gulf War and the Gulf War caused a rift among Opec members, making this a period of inter-OPEC cohesion Reach a low point. As these conflicts dissipated, oil prices began to slide.
When the price of oil fell to about $10 a barrel, after Presidents of Venezuela Chavez Frias Diplomatic mediation After successful coordination, the resumption of proportional oil production began in 1998. In 2000, Chavez hosted a summit of heads of state for the 25th anniversary of Opec's founding. In August 2004, Opec began to report that its members had only a small amount of capacity to increase production, indicating that Opec's influence on crude oil prices was fading. Indonesia Its membership is being reviewed because Indonesia is no longer a net oil exporter and does not have sufficient capacity to meet its production quota.

Entry condition

Opec regulations state that "crude oil is indeed available in accordance with the fundamental interests of the member countries. Net export Any State which has been admitted by a three-fourths majority of the full members and unanimously by all the founding members may become a full member of the Organization." The Organization's regulations further distinguish three categories of members: founding members - the countries that attended the first Opec meeting in Baghdad, Iraq, in September 1960 and signed the original agreement establishing Opec; Full members - including founding members, as well as all countries whose application to join Opec has been accepted by the General Conference; Associate Member - a State that has not attained full membership but is admitted to the General Conference in exceptional circumstances as determined by the General Conference.
Currently, Opec has 13 member countries, which are: Algeria (1969), Iran (1960), Iraq (1960), Kuwait (1960), Libya (1962), Nigeria (1971), Saudi Arabia (1960), United Arab Emirates (1967), Venezuela (1960), Angola (2007), Gabon (Joined in 1975, withdrew in 1995, joined again in 2016), Equatorial Guinea (2017), Republic of Congo (2018)
(Note: Indonesia Joined in 1962, its status was frozen in January 2009, reactivated in January 2016, and suspended again at the 171st meeting of the Opec meeting on September 30, 2016 Member state Identity; Qatar Exit in January 2019; Ecuador To withdraw in January 2020) [2] .

Exit message

On December 3, 2018, Qatar Announced that it will withdraw from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in January 2019. [19]
On January 1, 2020, Ecuador Withdraw from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. [4]
On December 21, 2023, Angola said it would withdraw from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec). [20]

Production market

Opec regulations require that the organization is committed to the stability and prosperity of the oil market, so in order to ensure the interests of both producers and consumers, Opec implements the oil production quota system. If demand for oil rises, or if some producers reduce their output, Opec will increase its output to stop oil prices from soaring. To stop the slide in oil prices, Opec may also argue Market situation Reduce oil production.
Opec does not control the international oil market because its members' oil, Natural gas production They account for only the world's oil and natural gas Total output 40% and 14%. But Opec members export the world's oil Volume of trade It has a strong influence on the international oil market, especially when it decides to reduce or increase oil production. Opec aims to maintain the stability and prosperity of the oil market and is committed to providing consumers with a stable supply of oil at reasonable prices, taking into account the interests of both producers and consumers. Opec does this by voluntarily reducing oil production or increasing it when the market is undersupplied. For example, in 1990 Gulf crisis During the same period, Opec dramatically increased oil production to make up for the 3 million barrels a day gap in the oil market after economic sanctions were imposed on Iraq.
On June 4, 2023, Opec delegates said Opec + reached an agreement to extend production cuts until 2024, but gave no details on the size of the cuts. [15]
In May 2024, OPEC said Iraq and Kazakhstan had outlined to the group how they would make additional supply cuts to compensate for exceeding their quotas earlier in 2024. [21]

Opec and China

Abdalla Salem el-Badri, secretary-general of the oil cartel OPEC, said he had met with the then deputy head of China's National Development and Reform Commission Chen Deming it petrochina Demand, investment and Strategic petroleum reserve The problem was discussed. But Badri refused to disclose the contents of the talks. Mr El-badri said Opec welcomed Chinese investment in the upstream and downstream sectors of its members' oil industries. At the same time, the two sides also discussed the member states' investment in China's oil industry. Most of Opec's investment in China's oil industry has been downstream. [6]

Successive secretaries general

Schematic diagram of the changing proportion of world energy supply
* Fuad Rouhani Iran (January 21, 1961 - April 30, 1964)
: : Abdul Rahman al-Bazzaz (Iraq) : (1 May 1964-30 April 1965)
: : Ashraf Lutfi (Kuwait) : (1 May 1965-31 December 1966)
: : Muhammad Saleh Joukhdar (Saudi Arabia) : (1 January 1967-31 December 1967)
: : Francisco R. Parra (Venezuela) : (1 January 1968-31 December 1968)
: : Elrich Sanger (Indonesia) : (1 January 1969-31 December 1969)
* Omar el-Badri (Omar El-Badri) Libya (January 1, 1970 - December 31, 1970)
: : Nadim Pachachi (Iraq) : (1 January 1971-31 December 1972)
* Abderrahman Khene Algeria (January 1, 1973 - December 31, 1974)
* M.O. Feyide ( Nigeria (January 1, 1975 - December 31, 1976)
: : Ali M. Jaidah (Qatar) : (1 January 1977-31 December 1978)
: : Rene G. Ortiz (Ecuador) : (1 January 1979-30 June 1981)
* Marc Saturnin Nan Nguema ( Gabon (July 1, 1981 - June 30, 1983)
: : Fadhil J. al-Chalabi (Iraq), (Agent) : (1 July 1983-30 June 1988)
: : Subroto (Indonesia) : (1 July 1988-30 June 1994)
: : Abdallah Salem el-Badri (Libya) : (1 July 1994-31 July 1994)
: : Rilwanu Lukman (Nigeria) : (1 January 1995-31 December 2000)
* Ali Rodriguez Araque (Venezuela) : (1 January 2001-30 June 2002)
: : Alvaro Silva Calderon (Venezuela) : (1 July 2002-31 December 2003)
* Purnomo Yusgiantoro (Indonesia), (Agent) : (1 Jan 2004 &)
* Iin Arifin Takhyan (Indonesia), (Acting for Yusgiantoro) : (1 January 2004 - February 2004)
: : Maizar Rahman (Indonesia), (Acting Yusgiantoro) : (February 2004-31 December 2004)
: : Sheikh Ahmad Fahad Al Ahmad Al Sabah (Kuwait), (Agent) : (1 January 2005)
: : Adnan Shihab-Eldin (Kuwait), (Acting for Al Sabah) : (1 January 2005)
Hazam Gass (August 1, 2022 -). [9]
From 21 January 1961 to April 1965, the President of the Council also served as Secretary-General. The functions of President and Secretary-General of the Council were split in April 1965.

Related event

On October 9, 2023, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) released the World Oil Outlook Report 2023, which raised the global oil demand forecast, predicting that the average daily global oil demand in 2045 will be 116 million barrels, an increase of 16.4% over the average daily demand of 99.6 million barrels in 2022. [16]
On November 22, 2023, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries announced that the 187th OPEC General Assembly, the 51st Meeting of the Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee (JMMC) and the 36th OPEC and Non-OPEC Ministerial Meeting (ONOMM), scheduled for November 25-26, would be postponed to November 30. [17]