The United Nations

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International intergovernmental organization
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the United Nations is a International intergovernmental organization It was founded on 24 October 1945. It is the most universal, authoritative and representative inter-governmental international organization with its core purpose of maintaining international peace and security and conducting international cooperation. All peace-loving countries that accept the obligations of the Charter can become members. [25]
The predecessor of the United Nations was League of nations . On June 12, 1941, Declaration of the Allies The signing in London was the first step towards the birth of the United Nations. On January 1, 1942, United Nations Declaration Sign. On April 25, 1945, the United Nations Conference on International Organizations was held in San Francisco, USA. On June 26 of the same year, the representatives of 50 countries signed United Nations Charter . On October 24 of the same year, China , France , The Soviet Union , Britain , America After the ratification of the Charter by a majority of the other signatories, the United Nations was formally established. [26]
As of 2024, the United Nations has 193 Member States and 2 observer states. [25] The principal organs of the United Nations are United Nations General Assembly , United Nations Security Council , United Nations Economic and Social Council , United Nations Trusteeship Council , International Court of Justice and secretariat . [27] Secretariat at New York Headquarters, in Geneva , Nairobi , Vienna There are also offices. There are also 43 organizations such as the UNDP, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization and the International Monetary Fund. There are 5 in total Permanent Member of the UN Security Council : China, USA, Russia, UK, France. There are six official languages: Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish and Arabic. [25]
The United Nations provides the world with mechanisms that help to find solutions to various disputes or problems and to take action on issues of concern to humanity. Addressing environmental, food, human rights, refugees, climate change and natural disasters plays an important role in reducing international tensions, preventing conflicts and stopping wars that have broken out. [24]
Chinese name
The United Nations
Foreign name
the United Nations 18 [19] (English)
Organisation des Nations Unies 18 [19] (in French)
Las Naciones Unidas 18 [19] (in Spanish)
О р f а н и з а ц и second О б are е д и н е н н ы х Н а ц и й 18 [19] (Russian)
The world's most beautiful country. The world's most beautiful country. The world's most beautiful country 18 [19] (Arabic)
Establishment time
October 24, 1945 [25]
Headquarters location
America New York [25]
Number of employees
37,000 people [31] (2023)
Current secretary General
Antonio Guterres [28]
Programme document
United Nations Charter [25]

Development course



The predecessor of the United Nations was League of nations . After the First World War, according to Treaty of Versailles The League of Nations was established in 1919 to "promote international cooperation and achieve world peace and security." As of 20 April 1946, the League of Nations ceased to exist and all assets were transferred to the United Nations. [29]
Earlier international organizations and institutions
In 1865, relevant countries established the first international organization to cooperate on specific issues. In 1865, International Telegraph union Established, later renamed International Telecommunication union ; In 1874, Universal Postal union Established. Today, both organizations are specialized agencies of the United Nations.
1899 The International Peace Conference was held in The Hague. The conference aims to develop instruments for the peaceful resolution of crises, the prevention of war and the regulation of the rules of war. The meeting passed Convention on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes The Permanent Court of Arbitration was established in accordance with the Convention. In 1902, the Permanent Court of Arbitration began its work. [29]

Organize and prepare

Declaration of the Allies
On 12 June 1941, representatives of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Federation of South Africa, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the Yugoslav Government in exile, and General Charles de Gaulle of France met in the ancient Palace of St. James and signed the treaty Declaration of the Allies (also known as the Declaration of St. James's Palace), which was the first step towards the birth of the United Nations. The declaration reads in part:
"The only true basis for lasting peace is the voluntary cooperation of free peoples in a world free from the threat of aggression and free of economic and social security for all; To this end, we will cooperate fully with free peoples of other nations in time of war and peace." [30]
Atlantic Charter
On August 14, 1941, Atlantic Charter Signed, among others, by the President of the United States Franklin Delano Roosevelt And Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Winston Churchill He announced to the world "a number of common principles in the policies of the two countries on which their hopes for a better future world are based".
Paragraph 8 of the Atlantic Charter refers to "the establishment of a more universal and durable system of comprehensive security" in the future. [30]
United Nations Declaration
On January 1, 1942, 26 nations at war with the Axis Powers (including the United States, the United Kingdom, China, and the Soviet Union) signed a document endorsing the purposes and principles embodied in the Atlantic Charter, known as the Atlantic Charter United Nations Declaration . Since then, 21 other countries have signed the Declaration. The United Nations Declaration coined the term "United Nations". The name "United Nations" was coined by US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
United Nations Declaration
The original 26 signatories of the United Nations Declaration were: United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, China, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Poland, South African Federation, Yugoslavia.
The United States Declaration was subsequently signed by Mexico, the Philippines, Ethiopia, Iraq, Brazil, Bolivia, Iran, Colombia, Liberia, France, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Venezuela, Uruguay, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Lebanon. [30]
Moscow and Tehran meetings
From October 18 to November 1, 1943, the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and China held a conference in Moscow. At the end of the conference, the participating States adopted a Four-Nation Declaration on Universal Security, in which they "recognized the need to establish, at the earliest practicable date, a universal international organization based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all peace-loving States for the maintenance of international peace and security." All peace-loving nations, large and small, shall join this organization." It was the first time in an official document that an international organization for peacekeeping was explicitly proposed after the end of World War II. [30]
On November 28, 1943, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met in Tehran [30]
When President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin met in Tehran from November 28 to December 1, 1943, they reaffirmed their common policy, made clear their determination "to work together in times of war and post-war peace," and acknowledged that "we and all the United Nations have a noble responsibility to achieve such peace." Such a peace would enjoy the support of the overwhelming majority of the people of the globe and save many generations to come from the scourge and terror of war." They also announced their plan to "seek the cooperation and active participation of all nations, large and small, whose peoples, like ours, are wholeheartedly committed to the elimination of dictatorship and slavery, oppression and intolerance" in a "family of world democracies" (Tehran Declaration, Tehran, 1 December 1943). [30]
Dumbarton Oaks Conference and Yalta Conference
From August 21 to October 7, 1944, at the Washington Dialogue on the Organization for International Peace and Security (also known as Dumbarton Oaks Conference Representatives of the United States and the United Kingdom met with representatives of the Soviet Union (21 August to 28 September) and of China (29 September to 7 October) respectively at Dumbarton Oaks. At the meeting, Governments exchanged national reports prepared after the Moscow Conference. A Steering committee was entrusted with reaching agreement on the main substantive issues, and a joint drafting group drafted a text in the form of a treaty on the basis of negotiations. The outcome document of the Conference, entitled "Proposal for the establishment of a Universal International Organization", was issued on 9 October 1994. This document also became the initial working document of the 1945 San Francisco Conference.
The Yalta Conference of 4-11 February 1945 continued negotiations on the future establishment of an international organization. United States President Roosevelt, United Kingdom Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet Prime Minister Joseph Stalin attended the meeting. The Protocol of procedure of the Conference included a section devoted to the "World Organization", which included an important decision to convene a "Conference of United Nations Nations on proposals for a World Organization" in the United States on 25 April 1945. This document identifies the countries that will be invited to the conference, as well as the text of the invitation letter.
Further support for the Dumbarton Oaks proposal was expressed at the Conference of the American Republics, held in Mexico City from February 2 to March 8, 1945. In the Dumbarton Oaks proposal, there is an important issue that has not been resolved, namely the voting procedure in the Council. The problem was not resolved until the Yalta Conference in Crimea between Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin and the foreign ministers and key officials of the three countries. On February 11, 1945, the Yalta Conference decided to hold the San Francisco Conference. [30]

Organization establishment

San Francisco Conference
From April 25 to June 26, 1945, representatives of 50 countries gathered in San Francisco, California, United States, for the United Nations Conference on International Organizations. On the basis of Dumbarton Oaks Conference The proposal of Yalta Agreement And the amendments proposed by the governments, the conference agreed United Nations Charter and Statute of the International Court of Justice . [32]
Originally invited to San Francisco Conference There are 46 countries (including four sponsors). These countries had declared war on Germany and Japan and signed it United Nations Declaration . Poland, one of 46 countries, did not attend the San Francisco Conference because its new government was not announced until after the conference. There was therefore a gap in the Charter for Poland to sign, as Poland was one of the original signatories of the United Nations Declaration. At the time of the meeting, Poland did not have a universally recognized government. On 28 June, the government of Poland was proclaimed, and on 15 October, Poland signed the Charter, thus becoming one of the 51 founding members of the United Nations. In addition, four other countries were invited to the conference: the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, and the newly liberated Denmark and Argentina. As a result, delegates from 50 countries attended the San Francisco Conference in April 1945. [32]
Work arrangement
The programme of work for the San Francisco Conference is as follows. The highest body is the Plenary Meeting, which is responsible for the final vote and adoption of the text. The plenary consists of four committees:
A Steering committee, composed of heads of all delegations, to consider major policy and procedural issues;
On May 10, 1945, the Steering Committee met in San Francisco. [32]
The Executive Committee, consisting of 14 heads of delegations (four heads of sponsoring Government delegations and ten jointly elected members), is responsible for preparing recommendations for the Steering Committee;
A Coordinating Committee, composed of technical members of the 14 delegations mentioned above, to assist the Executive Committee, and an advisory Committee of jurists to assist the Coordinating Committee;
The Credentials Committee, composed of representatives of six delegations, verifies the credentials of representatives. [32]
In order to study the most important outstanding issues, four General Committees were established under the Steering Committee to coordinate the work of the 12 technical Committees and prepare the drafting of proposals. If necessary, the Technical Committee may establish subcommittees. The organization of its work is as follows:
Committee I (General provisions) coordinates the work of Technical Committee I (Preamble, purposes and Principles) and Technical Committee II (Membership, Amendments and Secretariat);
The Second Committee (General Assembly) coordinates the work of Technical Committee I (structure and procedures), Technical Committee II (political and security functions), Technical Committee III (Economic and Social cooperation) and Technical Committee IV (Trusteeship system);
The Third Committee (the Council) coordinates the work of Technical Committee I (structure and procedures), Technical Committee II (peace settlement), Technical Committee III (law enforcement arrangements) and Technical Committee IV (regional arrangements);
The Fourth Committee (Judicial Organization) coordinates the work of Technical Committee I (International Court of Justice) and Technical Committee II (Legal Questions).
The Secretariat provides day-to-day management of the conference. Through this formal framework, informal consultations were held separately by delegations, in particular by the five major powers present at the Conference (the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, China and France).
Delegates to the San Francisco Conference [32]
The San Francisco Conference was attended by 850 delegates, plus delegates' advisers, staff and conference secretariat staff, for a total of 3,500. In addition, there are more than 2,500 representatives from the newspaper, radio and newsreel industries, as well as observers from various social groups and organizations. Plenary meetings are held only at the end of the session. A lot of work needs to be done by the preparatory committees before the proposal reaches the plenary stage before it can be voted on. The voting procedure at the San Francisco Conference was very important. Every part of the Charter had to be adopted, and was adopted, by a two-thirds majority.
When the Charter of the United Nations was signed, the United Nations had not yet been established. In many countries, the Charter must be approved by Congress or parliament. Thus, the Charter entered into force when the Governments of China, France, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, the United States and most of the other signatory States ratified it and deposited their instruments of ratification with the United States Department of State. [32]
Formally established
On October 24, 1945, with the approval of the five permanent members of the Security Council and a majority of the signatories, the Charter of the United Nations came into force and the United Nations was officially established. [32] The founding of the United Nations was part of the World Anti-Fascist War, too World War II The fruits and manifestations of victory. The Charter of the United Nations, as the most important international law, established the basic norms of post-war international relations and became the foundation of the post-war international order. [34 ]
On 26 June 1945, the United Nations Charter was signed [30]

Organizational development

Although the role of the United Nations has been greatly limited due to the Cold War between the East and the West and the rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union, the United Nations has made great contributions to world peace, development and human rights through peacekeeping operations, decolonization and the ten-year development Strategy. [34 ] As the most universal, representative and authoritative intergovernmental international organization in the world, the United Nations is not only a symbol of the post-war international order, but also an important actor in the Cold War and post-Cold War international relations. In today's process of addressing global issues and carrying out global governance, the role of the United Nations is indispensable and irreplaceable. Of course, the United Nations itself and its external environment are also facing various pressures and challenges, and it needs to maintain and strengthen its authority and effectiveness in the international order and global governance through continuous reform. [33 ]
Cold War period
After the founding of the United Nations, the member States hoped to build a peaceful, united and united world, but the reality is that the world is divided into East and West confrontation, NATO Warsaw Pact confrontation, the United States and the Soviet Union rivalry; Inequality and gap between the North and the South are widening. The United Nations is inseparable from the Cold War. On the one hand, the Cold War is the basic environment for the development of the United Nations, and even determines the development trajectory of the United Nations. On the other hand, the United Nations became part of the cold War. Whether it is the division of the Korean Peninsula, the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan, or the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East, the United Nations has become ground zero. The United Nations, which should have been the "protagonist" of the post-war world, became the "supporting actor" of the Cold War. The East-West confrontation has severely restricted the space for the United Nations to play its role, and the US-Soviet rivalry has made the United Nations, especially the Security Council, often a place of confrontation rather than a platform for cooperation.
After the war, the United States and the Soviet Union developed from hegemony to global confrontation, and the United Nations was soon submerged in the Cold War, and the major powers tried to turn the United Nations into a cold War tool. Power politics, hegemonism and bloc policies have seriously harmed the United Nations and have constantly brought it into various difficulties. [35 ]
On 17 January 1946, the Council held its first meeting. [36]
On October 16, 1945, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Officially established as a specialized agency of the United Nations. [73]
On January 10, 1946, the first session of the United Nations General Assembly was held in Central Hall, Westminster, London, attended by 51 countries. On January 17 of the same year, the United Nations Security Council held its first meeting in London and adopted its rules of procedure. On January 17 of the same year, the United Nations The Council held its first meeting in London and adopted its rules of procedure. On January 24 of the same year, the United Nations General Assembly adopted its first resolution on the peaceful use of atomic energy and the elimination of atomic weapons and other weapons of mass destruction. On February 1 of the same year, Trigev Lai was appointed as the first Secretary-General of the United Nations. [36] On February 16 of the same year, according to the resolution of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (" ECOSOC "), the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs was established as one of the functional commissions of ECOSOC. [63] In the same year, according to the UN Economic and Social Council resolution, it was established United Nations Commission on the Status of Women Is one of the functional commissions of the Economic and Social Council. [51] That same year, International Labour Organization (Established in 1919) is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for social affairs such as employment and social security. [53] That same year, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Established as a specialized agency of the United Nations for education, science and culture. [55]
In 1947, International Telecommunication union (Established May 17, 1865) became responsible for the United Nations telegraphy Specialized institutions for undertakings. [56] In the same year, under the Convention on International Civil Aviation (commonly known as the Chicago Convention), International Civil Aviation Organization It was formally established and became a specialized agency of the United Nations. [61] In November of that year, The International Monetary Fund (established 27 December 1945) as a specialized agency of the United Nations. [74]
In 1948, World Health Organization Established as a specialized agency of the United Nations in the field of health. [59] That same year, Universal Postal union (Established in 1874) became the specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international postal operations and cooperation. [64]
On October 24, 1949, at a special open-air assembly on United Nations Day, Secretary General Trigev Rye and Chief Architect Voorhis Harrison laid the foundation stone for the United Nations Headquarters building in New York.
United Nations headquarters building under construction
On January 1, 1951, pursuant to the resolution of the Fifth Session of the United Nations General Assembly in 1950 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Established. [58]
7 April 1953 - Second Secretary-General of the United Nations Dag Hammarskjold Take office. [37] In the same year, the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund was renamed United Nations Children's Fund To help tackle malnutrition, disease and education among children in developing countries. [69]
In 1956, Suez crisis During this period, the United Nations developed peacekeeping operations in the form of impartial intervention between warring parties. Since then, the United Nations has continuously expanded its scope of action. These difficult and complex operations are demanding and thus present the United Nations with many challenges. [38 ]
On July 29, 1957, International Atomic Energy Agency Established as an independent intergovernmental international organization within the United Nations system. The mission is "Atoms for peace and development". [79]
On September 30, 1960, 17 newly independent nations joined the United Nations, 16 of them from Africa. [37]
30 November 1962 - Third Secretary-General of the United Nations U Thant Take office. [40]
It was founded in 1963 by the United Nations and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations World Food Programme Officially start business. [70]
On January 10, 1965, the United Nations General Assembly was established United Nations Development Programme It aims to work with governments to build national capacity to withstand crises and sustain growth. [40] That same year, United Nations Development Programme Officially established in 1965, it is the largest multilateral grant aid agency in the United Nations system. [65]
In 1966, the Social Committee (established in 1946) was renamed United Nations Commission for Social Development It is one of the functional commissions of the United Nations Economic and Social Council. [66]
On July 14, 1967, World Intellectual Property Organization Established in December 1974 as a specialized agency of the United Nations. Its purpose is to promote the protection of intellectual property rights worldwide through cooperation among States and, where appropriate, in collaboration with other international organizations; Ensure cooperation among intellectual property alliances. [50]
Adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on June 12, 1968 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons It was opened for signature by 191 States parties and entered into force on 5 March 1970. It has played an important role in preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons and promoting the nuclear disarmament process. To continue to uphold the authority and universality of the treaty is of great significance to the maintenance of multilateral arms control and disarmament mechanisms as well as international peace and security. [41]
Nominated by the United Nations General Assembly on 22 December 1971 Kurt Waldheim Secretary General of the United Nations. From 1 January 1972 to 31 December 1981, Mr. Waldheim served two terms as Secretary-General. [42]
It was established by the 27th United Nations General Assembly in 1972 United Nations Environment Programme (" UNEP "). It was officially established in January 1973. [67]
In November 1974, the United Nations held a World Food Conference in Rome and decided to establish International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. [75] In the same year, the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East was renamed United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific . [78]
Appointed by the United Nations General Assembly on 15 December 1981 Javier Perez de Cuellar Secretary General of the United Nations. [43]
In 1982, the Maritime Consultative Organization (founded in 1959) was renamed International Maritime Organization And became a United Nations specialized agency. [54]
In 1985, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (Established in 1966) as the United Nations specialized agency for the promotion of inclusive and sustainable industrial development in developing countries and economies in transition. [76]
In 1987, United Nations Population Fund Officially named, its predecessor was the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, which was established in 1969. [68]
After the Cold War
Since the end of the cold war, the environment and space in which the United Nations plays its role have greatly improved. With the establishment of the consultation mechanism among the five permanent members of the Security Council, the Security Council has played a more active role. The number of UN peacekeeping operations is increasing and they are increasingly responding to conflicts within countries. The United Nations has established a peacebuilding framework, implemented the Millennium Development Goals and advocated the "responsibility to protect" norm, providing a new approach to global security, development and human rights governance. [39 ]
On December 3, 1991, Boutros Boutros-Ghali was appointed Secretary-General by the United Nations General Assembly on the recommendation of the United Nations Security Council. [44]
In February 1992, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 46/152, United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Established. [49]
On January 1, 1995, World Trade Organization Established, formerly known as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. [77] On June 26, the 50th anniversary of the signing of the United Nations Charter was celebrated in San Francisco, California, USA. [44]
From October 22 to 24, 1995, the General Assembly commemorating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, attended by heads of state and government. [44]
In 1996, under the auspices of the United Nations, new progress was made in the field of non-proliferation and arms control, with the indefinite extension of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the signing of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. [39 ] December 17th, from Ghana Kofi Annan The seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations. Mr. Annan is the first Secretary-General to emerge from the ranks of the United Nations and the first from sub-Saharan Africa. [44]
In 1997, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime It was formed by the merger of the United Nations Anti-Drug Programme and the United Nations Centre for Crime Prevention. [60]
On 2 March 1998, when the United Nations first created the position of Deputy Secretary-General, Secretary-General Kofi Annan appointed Ms. Frechette as the first Deputy Secretary-General to help manage the operations of the Secretariat and ensure the continuity of activities and programs. [44]
In 1999, without the authorization of the United Nations Security Council, the United States-led NATO against Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Carry out air strikes. For the first time, the authority of the United Nations is being challenged. [39 ]
Since the 21st century
Since the beginning of the 21st century, through continuous reform, the United Nations has played a leading role in addressing such global challenges as climate change, poverty and terrorism. The United Nations has become a successful example of global international organization. [34 ]
In September 2000, the United Nations hosted the Millennium Summit, at which the Member States of the United Nations agreed on eight goals, namely," Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a call for action and international cooperation to provide food, education, health care and economic opportunities for children, women and men everywhere. [45]
In December 2001, the United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution 56/206, decided to upgrade the status of UN-Habitat UN-Habitat . [71]
In 2003, coalition forces led by the United States invaded Iraq without Security Council authorization. On August 19, 2003, the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad was attacked, killing 22 people. The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, Mr. Sergio de Mello, was also killed. It was the first time the United Nations had been targeted. The United Nations has also failed to play a leading role in responding to the crisis. [39 ] That same year, United Nations World Tourism Organization Become a specialized agency of the United Nations. [57]
On 11 February 2005, the United Nations celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of the signing of the United Nations Charter in San Francisco. [46]
On December 20, 2005, the United Nations General Assembly established Peacebuilding Commission It aims to help countries emerging from conflict achieve sustainable peace. [52]
On 16 March 2006, the UN General Assembly established the Human Rights Council as the main UN intergovernmental body responsible for human rights. On October 13, the General Assembly adopted a resolution by acclamation appointing Ban Ki-moon, then Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea, as Secretary-General of the United Nations. [46]
In June 2012, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development decided to establish United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development To replace the Commission on Sustainable Development. [72]
On October 24, 2015, the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations was celebrated at the UN Headquarters in New York. The United Nations has held a series of summits, among which the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted at the Summit has become a landmark document for global development, putting forward 17 Sustainable development goals and 169 targets. [47]
On October 24, 2015, the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations was celebrated at the UN Headquarters in New York. In the same year, the UN also reformed its peace and security architecture to focus on conflict prevention and sustainable peace. The shift from peacekeeping operations to peace operations indicates the transformation of the United Nations in the field of global security governance.
In 2016, International Organization for Migration (established in 1951, changed to its current name in 1989) is the United Nations Liaison Organization for countries dealing with migration issues. [62] The same year He was appointed by acclamation by the United Nations General Assembly on 13 October Antonio Guterres Secretary General of the United Nations. [47]
On 18 June 2021, Antonio Guterres was officially reappointed for a second five-year term from January 2022 to December 2026. [48]

Organizational file


Important document

United Nations Charter
Home page of the Charter of the United Nations (left) Dong Biwu signs the Charter of the United Nations (right)
United Nations Charter It's a founding document of the United Nations. [82] It is regarded as the basic law of the United Nations, which not only establishes the purposes, principles and organizational structure of the United Nations, but also stipulates the responsibilities, rights and obligations of member states, as well as the basic principles and methods for handling international relations and maintaining world peace and security. [83]
The formulation of the Charter of the United Nations and the birth of the United Nations is a major event in the history of modern international relations. It is also a major achievement in the planning of the peace system after the Second World War. It reflects the aspirations of the people of all countries for peace. The general Constitution of the United Nations consists of 19 chapters and 111 articles, except for the preamble and conclusion. [83]
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Universal Declaration of Human Rights It is a landmark document that has had a profound impact on the development of the world human rights cause. [84] As the first international document on human rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has laid the foundation for the practice of international human rights. It has played a role in encouraging, promoting and promoting the struggle for human rights, freedom and liberation of all peoples in the world, and is of positive significance in safeguarding and improving the human rights situation in all countries. [85]
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights inherits and draws on the general concepts of freedom, equality and human rights from the cultural heritage of mankind, especially the legislation and implementation experience of modern and modern Western countries in relation to human rights, and basically reflects the strong desire of the people of the world to fight for and safeguard human rights after the end of the Second World War and the level of understanding of the majority of the people at that time. Compared with the concept of human rights embodied in the human rights legislation of European and American countries at that time, the specific provisions have been enriched and expanded, and made a significant contribution to the theory and practice of human rights. [85]

Convention declaration

Conventions, treaties, charters
The year 1925
The year 1926
Human rights
The year 1930
The year 1945
The United Nations
The year 1945
United Nations; Criminal justice
The year 1946
Criminal justice
The year 1946
Criminal justice
The year 1948
Convention on Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to organize
The year 1948
Human rights
The year 1949
Human rights
The year 1949
Human rights
The year 1949
Human rights
The year 1949
Convention on the right to organize and negotiate together
Human rights
The year 1949
Human rights
The year 1949
Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others
Human rights
The year 1951
Human rights; Refugees and migrants
The year 1951
Convention on Equal Remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value
Women; labor
The year 1952
The year 1952
Criminal justice
The year 1953
Human rights; Refugees and migrants
The year 1955
Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of prisoners
Human rights; Criminal justice
The year 1956
Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices similar to Slavery
Human rights; Criminal justice
The year 1957
Convention on the Nationality of Married women
The year 1957
Convention on the abolition of forced Labour
The year 1958
Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone
Law of the sea
The year 1958
Convention on the high seas
Law of the sea
The year 1958
Convention on Fishing and Conservation of Living Resources on the High Seas
Law of the sea
The year 1958
Convention on the continental shelf
Law of the sea
The year 1958
Optional Protocol on compulsory settlement of disputes
Law of the sea
The year 1958
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
Criminal justice
The year 1958
Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention
The year 1959
Antarctic treaty
The year 1960
Convention against Discrimination in Education
Human rights
The year 1961
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations
International law
The year 1961
Optional Protocol to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations on acquisition of nationality
International law
The year 1961
Optional Protocol to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations on Compulsory Settlement of Disputes
International law
The year 1961
Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness
International law
The year 1961
Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961
Drug control
The year 1962
Convention on consent to marriage, minimum age for marriage and registration of marriages
The year 1962
Protocol establishing a Conciliation and Good Offices Commission to seek a solution to any dispute that may arise between States Parties to the Convention against Discrimination in Education
Human rights; Criminal justice
The year 1963
Treaty banning nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and under water
The year 1963
Vienna Convention on Consular Relations
International law
The year 1963
Optional Protocol on the acquisition of nationality
International law
The year 1963
Optional Protocol on Compulsory settlement of disputes
International law
The year 1964
Employment policy convention
The year 1965
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
Human rights
The year 1966
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Human rights
The year 1966
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Human rights
The year 1966
Optional Protocol to International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Human rights
The year 1966
Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies
Outer space
The year 1967
Protocol relating to the status of refugees
Human rights; Refugees and migrants
The year 1967
Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space
Outer space
The year 1967
Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies
The year 1968
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
The year 1968
Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory limitations to War Crimes and crimes against Humanity
Human rights
The year 1969
Convention on special missions
Criminal justice
The year 1969
Optional Protocol on compulsory settlement of disputes
Criminal justice
The year 1969
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
International law
The year 1969
Convention on Special Envoys
Criminal justice
The year 1970
Treaty prohibiting the placement of nuclear Weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Ocean Floor and in its subsoil
The year 1971
Convention on psychotropic substances
Drug control
The year 1971
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, production and stockpiling of bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons and on their destruction
The year 1971
Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects
Outer space
The year 1972
Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
The year 1973
International Convention for the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid
Human rights
The year 1973
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents
Criminal justice
The year 1973
Convention on the minimum age for Admission to Employment
The year 1974
Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space
Outer space
The year 1974
Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States
Sustainable development
The year 1976
Convention prohibiting the use of Environmental Modification Technologies for military or any other hostile purpose
The year 1977
Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I)
Human rights
The year 1977
Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts (Protocol II)
Human rights
The year 1978
United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
Economy and trade
The year 1979
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
Women; Human rights
The year 1979
Agreements governing the activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies
Outer space
The year 1979
International Convention against the Taking of Hostages
Criminal justice
The year 1980
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects
Disarmament; Human rights
The year 1980
Protocol on Undetectable Debris to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects (Protocol I)
Disarmament; International humanitarian law
The year 1980
Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines (Mines), Booby Traps and Other Devices to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects (Protocol II)
Disarmament; International humanitarian law
The year 1980
Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects (Protocol III)
Disarmament; International humanitarian law
The year 1982
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
Law of the sea
The year 1984
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Human rights
The year 1985
International Convention against Apartheid in Sport
Human rights
The year 1985
South Pacific Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty
The year 1986
Protocol II to the South Pacific Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty
The year 1986
Protocol III to the South Pacific Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty
The year 1988
United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
Drug control
The year 1988
United Nations Convention on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes
Economy and trade
The year 1989
Convention on the Rights of the Child
Children; Human rights
The year 1989
Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty
Human rights
The year 1989
Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention
Human rights
The year 1989
International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries
The year 1990
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families
Human rights
The year 1990
Model extradition treaty
Criminal justice
The year 1990
Model Treaty on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
Criminal justice
The year 1990
Model Treaty on Transfer of Criminal Proceedings
Criminal justice
The year 1990
Model Treaty on the Supervision of the Transfer of Offenders under Conditional Sentence or Conditional Release
Criminal justice
The year 1991
United Nations Convention on the Liability of Operators of Transport Terminals in International Trade
Economy and trade
The year 1991
Convention on the Addition of Identifying Agents to Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection
The year 1992
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction
The year 1992
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
The year 1992
Convention on biological Diversity
Environment; Sustainable development
The year 1992
Chemical Weapons Convention - Annex on the Protection of Classified Information (" Confidential Annex ")
The year 1992
Chemical Weapons Convention - Annex on Implementation and Verification (" Verification Annex ")
The year 1992
Chemical Weapons Convention - Annex on chemicals
The year 1994
Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel
Criminal justice
The year 1994
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (UNCCD)
The year 1995
United Nations Convention on Independent Guarantees and Standby Letters of Credit
Economy and trade
The year 1995
Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects (Protocol IV)
Disarmament; Human rights
The year 1996
Pelindaba case of the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty
The year 1996
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-ban Treaty
The year 1996
Amended Protocol prohibiting or Restricting the Use of Mines, booby-traps and Other Devices
The year 1997
International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings
The year 1998
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
The year 1998
Tampere Convention on the Provision of Telecommunications Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations
International cooperation
The year 1998
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Criminal justice
The year 1999
International Convention on arresting ships
International law
The year 1999
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
Women; Human rights
The year 1999
International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism
The year 1999
Convention on the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour
Children; Human rights
The year 1999
Inter-american Convention on Transparency in the Acquisition of conventional Weapons
The year 2000
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict
Children; Human rights
The year 2000
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography
Children; Human rights
The year 2000
United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
Criminal justice
The year 2000
Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
Criminal justice
The year 2000
Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
Criminal justice; Refugees and migrants
The year 2000
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity
The year 2000
Nationality of natural persons in connection with State succession
Human rights; Refugees and migrants
The year 2001
Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
The year 2001
United Nations Convention on Assignment of Receivables in International Trade
Economy and trade
The year 2001
Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
Terrorism; disarmament
The year 2002
Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Human rights
The year 2002
Criminal justice
The year 2003
The year 2003
United Nations Convention against Corruption
Criminal justice
The year 2003
Protocol on explosive Remnants of War
The year 2003
Health; hygiene
The year 2003
Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
The year 2003
Intergovernmental Agreement on the Asian Highway Network
Sustainable development
The year 2003
Protocol on Explosive Remnants of War to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects (Protocol V)
Disarmament; International humanitarian law
The year 2004
United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and their Property
Criminal justice
The year 2005
International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism
Criminal justice; terrorism
The year 2005
United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts
Economy and trade
The year 2005
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel
Criminal justice
The year 2005
International Convention against Doping in Sport
Drug control
The year 2005
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 on the Adoption of an Additional Special Symbol (Protocol III)
Human rights
The year 2005
International Health Regulations (IHR)
The year 2005
Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions
The year 2006
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Human rights
The year 2006
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Human rights
The year 2006
International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance
Human rights
The year 2008
Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Human rights
The year 2008
United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or partly by Sea
Criminal justice
The year 2011
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the establishment of a communications procedure
Children; Human rights
The year 2012
Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products
Health; hygiene
The year 2013
Arms trade treaty
The year 2014
United Nations Convention on Transparency in treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration
Economy and trade
The year 2015
Paris Agreement
The year 2017
Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
Reference sources: [81]
Declaration, regulation, description
The year 1947
Flag of the United Nations
The United Nations
The year 1948
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Human rights
The year 1949
Draft Declaration on the rights and Duties of States
Criminal justice
The year 1959
Declaration of the Rights of the Child
Children; Human rights
The year 1960
Declaration granting independence to colonial countries and peoples
Human rights; sovereignty
The year 1961
Declaration on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear and Thermonuclear Weapons
The year 1962
Permanent sovereignty over natural resources
The year 1962
Declaration on the transfer of funds saved from disarmament to the needs of peace
Disarmament; Peace and security
The year 1963
United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
Race; Human rights
The year 1963
Declaration on Legal Principles Governing the Work of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space
Outer space
The year 1965
Recommendations on consent to marriage, minimum age for marriage and marriage registration
Women; Human rights
The year 1965
Declaration on the Denuclearization of Africa
The year 1965
A declaration on the cultivation among young people of the ideals of peace, mutual respect and mutual understanding among nations
Youth; Peace and security
The year 1965
Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Interference in the Internal Affairs of States and the Protection of Their Independence and Sovereignty
The year 1967
Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
The year 1967
Territorial asylum declaration
Human rights
The year 1969
Declaration on Social Progress and Development
Sustainable development
The year 1970
Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations
Peace and security
The year 1970
International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade
Sustainable development
The year 1970
Declaration of Principles concerning the Marine Bed and Subsoil Beyond the Jurisdiction of States
Sustainable development
The year 1970
Declaration on the twenty-fifth Anniversary of the United Nations
Peace and security
The year 1970
Declaration on Strengthening International Security
Peace and security
The year 1971
Declare the Indian Ocean a zone of peace
Peace and security
The year 1971
Declaration on the Rights of Mentally retarded Persons
Human rights
The year 1973
Principles of international cooperation on the Detection, arrest, extradition and punishment of war criminals and criminals against Humanity
Criminal justice
The year 1974
Declaration on Establishment of a New International Economic Order
Sustainable development; Peace and security
The year 1974
Definition of aggression
Peace and security
The year 1974
Declaration on the Protection of Women and Children in Emergency and Armed Conflict
Women; Children
The year 1974
Respect for human rights in armed conflict
Human rights
The year 1974
World Declaration against Hunger and Malnutrition
Human rights
The year 1975
Declaration on the Use of Scientific and Technological Progress for Peace and for the Benefit of Mankind
Sustainable development; Peace and security
The year 1975
Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons
Human rights
The year 1975
Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Human rights
The year 1976
Dakar Declaration on Namibia and Human Rights
Race; Human rights
The year 1977
International Declaration against Apartheid in sport
Race; Human rights
The year 1977
Declaration on Deepening and Consolidating International Detente
Peace and security
The year 1978
Declaration on the Protection of Human Rights
Human rights
The year 1978
A Declaration on preparing societies to live together in peace
Peace and security
The year 1978
Declaration of Namibia
The year 1978
Programme of Action in support of Namibian self-determination and national independence
Human rights
The year 1978
Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice
The year 1979
Declaration on International Cooperation in Disarmament
The year 1979
Declaration on South Africa
The year 1979
Code of Conduct for law enforcement officers
Criminal justice
The year 1980
Sixth Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders - Caracas Declaration
Criminal justice
The year 1980
Declaration of the 1980s as the Second Disarmament Decade
The year 1980
International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade
Sustainable development
The year 1981
Declaration on the prevention of Nuclear Holocaust
Disarmament; Peace and security
The year 1981
Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Interference and Interference in the Internal Affairs of Other States
The year 1981
Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief
Human rights
The year 1982
Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes
Peace and security
The year 1982
Principles of medical ethics relating to the role of medical personnel, in particular doctors, in protecting persons imprisoned and detained from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
Human rights
The year 1982
World Programme of Action on Disabled persons
Persons with disabilities; Human rights
The year 1982
World Charter for Nature
The year 1982
Declaration on the Participation of Women in Promoting International Peace and Cooperation
The year 1982
Principles governing the use by States of artificial Earth satellites for international direct television broadcasting
Outer space
The year 1984
Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace
Human rights; Peace and security
The year 1984
Declaration on the Control of Drug Trafficking and Abuse
Drug control
The year 1984
Safeguards on protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty
Human rights
The year 1985
Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals who are not citizens of their Country of Residence
Human rights
The year 1985
United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (Beijing Rules)
Human rights; Criminal justice
The year 1985
Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power
Human rights; Criminal justice
The year 1985
The South African government's policy of apartheid
The year 1985
Basic principles on the independence of the judiciary
Human rights; Criminal justice
The year 1985
Efforts and measures to ensure the realization and enjoyment by young people of their human rights, in particular the right to education and work
Youth; Human rights
The year 1986
Declaration on the right to Development
Human rights; Sustainable development
The year 1986
Principles relating to remote sensing of the Earth from outer space
Outer space
The year 1986
Declaration of Social and Legal Principles on child protection and child welfare, in particular national and international foster care and adoption practices
Criminal justice; Children
The year 1987
Environmental outlook to the year 2000 and beyond
The year 1987
Declaration on Strengthening the Effectiveness of the Principle of Non-Use or Threat of Force in international Relations
Peace and security
The year 1987
The Recife Declaration
Human rights
The year 1988
Declaration on the Prevention and elimination of disputes and Situations that may threaten international peace and security and on the Role of the United Nations in this field
Peace and security
The year 1988
The principle of the protection of all persons under any form of detention or imprisonment
Human rights; Criminal justice
The year 1989
Declaration on Apartheid and its Devastating Effects on Southern Africa
Race; Human rights
The year 1989
On the principles to be followed by further action by States in the field of freezing and reducing military budgets
The year 1990
Declaration on International Economic Cooperation, in particular the Restoration of Economic Growth and Development of Developing Countries
Sustainable development
The year 1990
Basic principles on the use of force and firearms by law enforcement officials
Criminal justice
The year 1990
Basic principles on the role of lawyers
Criminal justice
The year 1990
Guidelines on the role of prosecutors
Criminal justice
The year 1990
Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam
Human rights
The year 1990
Final Declaration of the African Regional Session of the World Conference on Human Rights
Human rights
The year 1990
Model status-of-forces agreement for peacekeeping operations
Peace and security
The year 1990
Declaration declaring the 1990s the Third Disarmament Decade
The year 1990
United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-Custodial Measures (Tokyo Rules)
Criminal justice
The year 1990
Basic principles for the treatment of prisoners
Human rights
The year 1990
United Nations Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (Riyadh Guidelines)
Criminal justice
The year 1990
UN Rules for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of their Liberty
Criminal justice
The year 1990
International cooperation to fight organized crime
Criminal justice
The year 1990
International Development Strategy for the Fourth United Nations Development Decade
Sustainable development
The year 1991
Model agreements between the United Nations and Member States providing personnel and equipment for United Nations peacekeeping operations
Peace and security
The year 1991
Windhoek Declaration on the Promotion of Independence and Pluralism in the African Press
Human rights
The year 1991
Principles for the protection of persons with mental illness and the improvement of mental health care
Human rights
The year 1991
United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s
Sustainable development
The year 1991
Statement of principles and Programme of Action of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme
Criminal justice
The year 1991
Declaration on United Nations fact-finding in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security
Peace and security
The year 1991
United Nations Principles for Older persons
Human rights
The year 1992
Prague declaration
The year 1992
Agenda 21
Sustainable development
The year 1992
Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance
Human rights
The year 1992
Universal Declaration of Human Values
Sustainable development
The year 1992
Declaration on Ageing
Human rights
The year 1992
Declaration of Rights and humanity on the fundamental principles of human rights, ethics and humanity applicable in the context of Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
AIDS; Human rights
The year 1993
Declaration on the Rights of Persons belonging to National or ethnic, religious and Linguistic Minorities
Human rights
The year 1993
International Conference for the Protection of War Victims - Final Declaration
Human rights; Peace and security
The year 1993
Poznan Declaration of Academic Freedom
Human rights
The year 1993
Kampala Declaration of Human Rights
Human rights
The year 1993
Non-governmental organization Bangkok Declaration on Human Rights
Human rights
The year 1993
Principles relating to the use of nuclear power Sources in outer space
Outer space
The year 1993
Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action
Human rights
The year 1993
Final Declaration of the Latin American and Caribbean Regional session of the World Conference on Human Rights - Declaration of SAN Jose
Human rights
The year 1993
Final Declaration of the Asian Regional Session of the World Conference on Human Rights
Human rights
The year 1993
Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements
Human rights; Sustainable development
The year 1993
Standard rules on Equal Opportunities for persons with disabilities
Human rights
The year 1994
Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women
The year 1994
Declaration on the Enhancement of cooperation between the United Nations and regional arrangements or agencies in the maintenance of international peace and security
Peace and security
The year 1994
Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism
The year 1994
Principles relating to the status of National institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (Paris Principles)
Human rights
The year 1995
Declaration on the fiftieth Anniversary of the End of the Second World War
Peace and security
The year 1995
United Nations Model Rules for the Conciliation of Disputes between States
Criminal justice
The year 1995
Declaration on the fiftieth Anniversary of the United Nations
Peace and security
The year 1995
World Programme of Action for Youth to the year 2000 and beyond
The year 1995
Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development
Sustainable development
The year 1995
Beijing Declaration
Sustainable development
The year 1995
Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes
Peace and security
The year 1996
Declaration on International Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for the Benefit and interest of all States, taking into particular account the needs of developing Countries
Outer space
The year 1996
United Nations Declaration against Corruption and Bribery in International Commercial Transactions
Criminal justice
The year 1996
Declaration supplementing the 1994 Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism
The year 1996
International Code of Conduct for Public Officials
Criminal justice
The year 1996
United Nations Declaration on Crime and Public Security
Peace and security
The year 1996
Rome Declaration on World Food Security
Sustainable development; Peace and security
The year 1996
Uncitral note on the organization of arbitration proceedings
Criminal justice; Economy and trade
The year 1996
Model Law on electronic Commerce
Criminal justice
The year 1997
Development agenda
Sustainable development
The year 1997
Model strategies and practical measures to eliminate violence against women in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice
Criminal justice; Women; Human rights
The year 1997
Guide to action on children in the criminal justice system
Criminal justice; Children
The year 1998
Guiding Principles on internal displacement
Sustainable development; Human rights
The year 1998
Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights
Human rights
The year 1998
International Labour Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
The year 1998
Lisbon Declaration on youth policies and programmes
The year 1998
Braga Youth Action Plan
The year 1998
International cooperation against the world drug problem
Drug control
The year 1998
Declaration on the Right and Duty of Individuals, Groups and Institutions of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Human rights
The year 1998
Declaration on the fiftieth Anniversary of United Nations Peacekeeping
Peace and security
The year 1998
Twentieth special session - Political Declaration
Drug control
The year 1998
Declaration of Guiding Principles on drug demand Reduction
Drug control
The year 1999
Maputo Declaration of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction
The year 1999
Declaration on a Culture of Peace
Peace and security
The year 1999
Progress on the Declaration and the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and initiatives for their future implementation
Sustainable development
The year 2000
Declaration and Agenda for Action of the Millennium Forum of Our Peoples - Strengthening the United Nations for the twenty-first century
Sustainable development; Peace and security
The year 2000
Vienna Declaration on Crime and Justice: Meeting the challenges of the twenty-first Century
Criminal justice
The year 2000
United Nations Millennium Declaration
Sustainable development; Peace and security
The year 2000
Child rights
Children; Human rights
The year 2000
Principles of effective investigation and documentation of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
Human rights; Criminal justice
The year 2000
Twenty-third special session - Political Declaration
The year 2001
Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity
Sustainable development
The year 2001
World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance - Declaration
The year 2001
Global agenda for dialogue among civilizations
Sustainable development
The year 2001
Declaration on Cities and other Human Settlements in the New Millennium
Human rights; Sustainable development
The year 2001
Declaration of commitment on HIV/AIDS
AIDS; Human rights
The year 2001
Special Session on children - Declaration
The year 2001
Declaration on Global efforts to combat terrorism
The year 2002
Second World Assembly on Ageing - Political Declaration
Human rights
The year 2002
Monterrey consensus
Sustainable development
The year 2002
Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development - Political Declaration (Johannesburg Statement on Sustainable Development)
Sustainable development
The year 2002
United Nations Declaration on the New Partnership for Africa's Development
Sustainable development
The year 2002
Essentials for creating a global cybersecurity culture
Sustainable development
The year 2002
A world fit for children
The year 2003
Declaration on the proliferation of small arms and light weapons and mercenary activities: Threats to peace and security in West Africa
The year 2003
Promotion and protection of human rights - Human rights and bioethics
Human rights
The year 2003
Declaration on combating terrorism
The year 2003
The Declaration of Alma-Ata
Economy and trade
The year 2004
Genetic privacy and non-discrimination
Human rights
The year 2004
Unctad XI - The Spirit of Sao Paulo
Economy and trade
The year 2004
Sao Paulo consensus
Economy and trade
The year 2005
Hyogo Declaration
Disaster reduction
The year 2005
United Nations Declaration on human cloning
Human rights
The year 2005
Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Serious Violations of international Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law
Human rights; Criminal justice
The year 2005
Guidelines on justice in matters involving child victims and witnesses of crime
The year 2005
2005 World Summit Outcome
Sustainable development
The year 2006
Bucharest Declaration on International cooperation against terrorism, Corruption and Transnational Organized Crime
The year 2006
Strategy for partnership between States and the business community to combat terrorism
The year 2006
Political declaration on HIV/AIDS
The year 2006
Baku Agreement on Regional Cooperation against Illicit Drugs and Related Matters: a vision for the twenty-first Century
Drug control
The year 2007
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Human rights
The year 2008
Political Declaration on Africa's development needs
Sustainable development
The year 2008
Declaration of the High-level Meeting of the sixty-third session of the General Assembly on the mid-term review of the Almaty Programme of Action
Economy and trade
The year 2008
Declaration on the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Human rights
The year 2008
Doha Declaration on Financing for Development: Outcome document of the Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the implementation of the Monterrey Consensus
Sustainable development
The year 2009
Outcome of the Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development
Economy and trade
The year 2010
United Nations Global Action Plan to combat Trafficking in Persons
Human rights
The year 2010
United Nations Rules on the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-Custodial Measures for Women Offenders (Bangkok Rules)
Human rights; Woman
The year 2010
El Salvador Declaration on Integrated Strategies to address global Challenges: Crime Prevention and Criminal justice Systems and their Development in a Changing world
Criminal justice
The year 2011
Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS: Scaling up action to end HIV and AIDS
The year 2011
Political declaration of the high-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of non-communicable diseases
The year 2011
Unite against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance
Race; Human rights
The year 2011
International cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space
Outer space
The year 2011
United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training
Human rights
The year 2012
The future we want
Sustainable development; Peace and security
The year 2012
Declaration of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the rule of Law at the national and international levels
Criminal justice
The year 2013
Declaration of the High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development
Human rights
The year 2013
Lima Declaration on Alternative Development
Drug control
The year 2014
Outcome document of the high-level plenary meeting of the General Assembly, known as the World Congress of Indigenous Peoples
Human rights
The year 2014
Small Island Developing States Rapid Action Approach (Samoa Approach)
Sustainable development
The year 2014
Vienna Declaration
Sustainable development
The year 2015
Political Declaration on strengthening cooperation between the United Nations and regional and subregional organizations
Sustainable development
The year 2015
Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development
Sustainable development
The year 2015
Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Sustainable development
The year 2015
World Declaration on a nuclear-weapon-free world
The year 2015
Outcome document of the high-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the comprehensive review of the implementation of the Outcome document of the World Summit on the Information Society
Sustainable development
The year 2015
Doha Declaration on integrating crime prevention and criminal justice into the broader United Nations agenda to address social and economic challenges and promote the rule of law and public participation at the national and international levels
Criminal justice
The year 2015
United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (Nelson Mandela Rules)
Human rights; Criminal justice
The year 2015
United Nations Consumer Protection Guidelines
Economy and trade
The year 2015
Declaration on the 70th anniversary of the United Nations
Sustainable development; Peace and security
The year 2015
Sendai Declaration
Disaster reduction
The year 2016
New York Declaration on Refugees and Migrants
Human rights; Refugees and migrants
The year 2016
Declaration on the right to Peace
Human rights; Peace and security
The year 2016
Our shared commitment to effectively address and respond to the world drug problem
Drug control
The year 2016
Political Declaration of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on Antimicrobial Resistance
Drug control
The year 2016
New urban agenda
Sustainable development
The year 2017
Political Declaration on the implementation of the United Nations Global Plan of Action against Trafficking in Persons
Human rights
The year 2018
Global Compact on Refugees
Human rights; Refugees and migrants
The year 2018
Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM)
Human rights; Refugees and migrants
The year 2020
Declaration on the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations
Sustainable development; Peace and security
Reference sources: [80]

Organs and organizations

The United Nations has six main organs: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice and the Secretariat, all of which were established in 1945 United Nations Charter Set up. [86]

United Nations General Assembly

United Nations General Assembly
United Nations General Assembly The General Assembly is the main deliberative, decision-making and representative organ of the United Nations, which is composed of all 193 Member States of the United Nations and is the only universally representative organ. Every September, all Member States of the General Assembly gather in New York for their annual meeting in the United Nations General Assembly Chamber and for the General debate, which is attended and addressed by many heads of state. Decisions of the General Assembly on important issues, such as those on peace and security, admission of new Members and budgetary matters, must be adopted by a two-thirds majority; Other questions require only a simple majority. The General Assembly elects a President each year for a one-year term. [86]
The General Assembly also makes important decisions for the United Nations, including:
1. Appoint the Secretary-General on the recommendation of the Security Council.
2. Election of non-permanent members of the Security Council.
3. Approve the budget of the United Nations. [87]
A subsidiary body of the United Nations General Assembly
Main committee
International law commission
Disarmament commission
Joint Inspection Unit
Human Rights Council
Standing Committees and AD hoc bodies [93]

Security Council

United Nations Security Council The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) was established on January 13, 1946, and held its first meeting on January 17, 1946, in Church House, Westminster, London. Since its first meeting, the Security Council has established its permanent address at United Nations Headquarters in New York City. The Security Council has 15 members, and each member has one vote. All members have an obligation to implement the Council's decisions. The Security Council also recommends that the General Assembly appoint the Secretary-General and admit new Member States to the United Nations. Together with the General Assembly, the Council also elects the judges of the International Court of Justice. [88] The Security Council establishes a rotating President for a term of one month. [86] When the United Nations Security Council receives a complaint about a threat to peace, its first action is usually to recommend that the parties try to reach an agreement by peaceful means. The Council could: propose principles for reaching such an agreement; Investigation and mediation in certain circumstances; Dispatch visiting missions; Appointment of special envoys; Requests the Secretary-General to use his good offices to achieve a peaceful settlement of the dispute. [88]
Member of the United Nations Security Council
Permanent member
Non-permanent Member (elected by the General Assembly for a term of two years with the expiration of the term)
People's Republic of China
Algeria (2025)
Mozambique (2024)
United States
Ecuador (2024)
Republic of Korea (2025)
Russian Federation
Guyana (2025)
Sierra Leone (2025)
French Republic
Japan (2024)
Slovenia (2025)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Malta (2024)
Switzerland (2024)
A subsidiary body of the United Nations Security Council
Counter-terrorism Committee
Peacekeeping operations and special political missions
International Residual Mechanism for Criminal tribunals
Sanctions Committee (AD hoc)
Military staff committee
Standing Committees and AD hoc bodies [93]

Economic and Social Council

United Nations Economic and Social Council
United Nations Economic and Social Council (United Nations Economic and Social Council) [89] It is the principal organ of the United Nations for coordination, policy review, policy dialogue and recommendations on economic, social and environmental issues, as well as for the implementation of international development goals. As the central mechanism for United Nations system-wide activities, ECOSOC has established a number of specialized agencies, subsidiary oversight bodies and expert bodies covering the economic, social and environmental fields. The Economic and Social Council has 54 members, elected by the General Assembly for three-year terms. Ecosoc is the UN's central platform for reflection, debate and innovative thinking on sustainable development issues. [86]
The United Nations Economic and Social Council has the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the Commission for Social Development, the Commission on Population and Development, the Commission on the Status of Women, the Statistical Commission, the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, the Commission on Sustainable Development, the Commission on Science and Technology for Development and the United Nations Forum on Forests to handle its mandates. [90]
Functional commissions of the United Nations Economic and Social Council
Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
Commission for Social Development
Commission on Narcotic Drugs
Statistical commission
Commission on Population and Development
United Nations Forum on Forests Commission
Commission on Science and Technology for Development
Commission on the Status of Women [90] [93]

Trusteeship council

Trusteeship Council chamber
United Nations Trusteeship Council Established in 1945 under Chapter XIII of the Charter of the United Nations, it exercises international control over 11 Trust Territories administered by seven Member States and ensures that the administering Power takes appropriate measures to prepare the Territories for self-government or independence. As of 1994, all Trust Territories had achieved self-government or independence. The Trusteeship Council ceased to function on 1 November 1994. By resolution adopted on 25 May 1994, the Trusteeship Council amended its rules of procedure to eliminate the requirement that it meet annually and agreed to meet in plenary as required by a decision of the Trusteeship Council or its President, or at the request of a majority of the members of the Trusteeship Council or the General Assembly or the Security Council. [86]

International Court of Justice

International Court of Justice It is the main judicial organ of the United Nations, located in The Hague, Netherlands Peace Palace It is the only one of the six main organs of the United Nations that is located outside New York, the United States, and was established in 1945. The role of the Court is to settle legal disputes submitted to it by States in accordance with international law and to provide advisory opinions on legal questions submitted to it by duly recognized United Nations organs and specialized agencies. The International Court of Justice Statute of the International Court of Justice Exercise authority. [86] International Court of Justice 15 judges, elected by the General Assembly and the Security Council. [91]

United Nations Secretariat

Current UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres
United Nations Secretariat Responsible for the day-to-day work of the General Assembly and other principal organs. The Secretary-General is the Chief executive Officer of the Secretariat, which is made up of thousands of United Nations staff who work in every corner of the world. The United Nations recruits international and local staff who serve in duty stations and peacekeeping missions around the world. The Secretariat consists of a number of departments, each with clear areas of action and responsibility. [86]
The Secretary-General is the Chief Administrative Officer of the United Nations and the chief administrative officer of the United Nations Secretariat. [86] Appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council for a term of five years. The Secretary-General performs the functions of Chief Executive, performing "such other functions as may be entrusted to him" by the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council and other organs of the United Nations. [92]
United Nations Secretary General
Term of office
Trygve Halvdan Lie
Norwegian nationality
February 2, 1946 - November 10, 1952
Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjold
Swedish nationality
April 10, 1953 - September 18, 1961
U Thant
Burmese nationality
November 3, 1961 - December 31, 1971
Kurt Waldheim
Austrian nationality
January 1, 1972 - December 31, 1981
Javier Perez de Cuellar
Be born in Peru
January 1, 1982 - December 31, 1991
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Be of Egyptian origin
January 1, 1992 - December 31, 1996
Kofi Annan
Nationality of Ghana
January 1, 1997 - December 31, 2006
Ban Ki-moon
Be of Korean nationality
January 1, 2007 - December 31, 2016
Antonio Guterres
Portuguese nationality
From January 1, 2017 to present

Principal institution


New York headquarters

The United Nations headquarters building is located in Manhattan, New York United Nations Secretariat Building, which handles the day-to-day work of the United Nations. [86]
New York headquarters main agency
Office of the Secretary-General (Office of the Spokesman for the Secretary-General)
Development coordination office
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Department for General Assembly and Conference Management
Global Communications Department
Manage Strategy, Policy and Compliance
Operations support department
Department of Peace Operations
Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs
Department of Safety and Security
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Counter-terrorism Office
Office for Disarmament Affairs
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Office of Internal Oversight Services
Office of Legal Affairs
Office for Outer Space Affairs
Office of the Special Adviser on Africa
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
United Nations Office for Partnerships
United Nations Youth Office
Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary for Children and Armed Conflict
Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary for Sexual Violence in Conflict
Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children
Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States [93]

Geneva Office

United Nations Office at Geneva
The United Nations Office at Geneva acts as the representative body of the Secretary-General in Geneva and is the largest duty station outside United Nations Headquarters in New York. More than 8,000 meetings are held each year, making it one of the busiest convention centers in the world. In order to effectively represent the Secretary-General, the United Nations Office at Geneva performs important liaison functions. It coordinates with permanent missions, the Governments of the host country of Switzerland and other countries, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, research and academic institutions, and regional and other organizations of the United Nations common system based in Geneva. The United Nations Office at Geneva also plays a crucial role in promoting inter-agency cooperation among these different actors. [99]
Current Director General of the United Nations Office at Geneva: Tatiana Valovaya. [97]

United Nations Office at Nairobi

United Nations Office at Nairobi
United Nations Office at Nairobi The Office of the Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Nairobi, which performs representative and liaison functions with Permanent missions in Nairobi, host and other Governments, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and other organizations of the United Nations system in Kenya; Facilitating cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations; for United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) Provision of administrative and other support services; Provision of joint common services to other organizations of the United Nations system based in Kenya, as appropriate; Manages and implements administrative, conference-servicing and public information programmes and provides security for United Nations staff and facilities at the United Nations Office at Nairobi. [94]
Current Director-General of the United Nations Office at Nairobi: Zainab Hawa Bangura . [96]

Vienna Office

United Nations Office at Vienna
United Nations Office at Vienna Managing and implementing the peaceful uses of the United Nations Outer space The programme provides common services, such as conference services, information services, security services, procurement services and general logistics services, to organizations based at the Vienna International Centre. Vienna Office and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Have close ties. In addition to the common services mentioned above, a common Management Division provides financial resources management services, human resources management services and information technology and communications services to both organizations. [95]
The current Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna and Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: Jada Wali . [98]

Symbolic sign



Emblem of the United Nations The design is an equidistant azimuthal projection of the world map centered on the North Pole, supported by a wreath of crossed olive branches. The pattern is gold, alternating with white water against a pale blue background. The map's projection extends to 60 degrees south latitude and includes five concentric circles. The olive branch symbolizes world peace and security, and surrounds the earth to symbolize the purpose of the United Nations and the maintenance of unity.
Emblem of the United Nations


Flag of the United Nations The background color is light blue, and the center design is a white United Nations emblem. Blue and white are the official colors of the United Nations.
Flag of the United Nations


" United Nations song It was written to coincide with the birth of the United Nations, by the President of the United States Franklin Roosevelt Proposed, the famous American progressive poet U. J. Romey was invited to create. Romey follows the book United Nations charter In 1945, the day before the establishment of the United Nations General Assembly, the lyrics were quickly completed, and the national anthem was recomposed from the theme song of the 1932 Soviet feature film "Meet", with the same tune. The song was unanimously approved and appreciated by the representatives of the founding Member States of the United Nations and became" United Nations song Its lyrics are actually a song that praises peace and freedom and praises the victory of the new world Prose poem .
United Nations song

Working language

United Nations working languages There are six official languages used in intergovernmental meetings and documents, respectively Arabic , Chinese (Language is Mandarin, simplified Chinese), English , French , Russian and Spanish . The Secretariat uses English and French Both languages are the working languages. Four of the official languages are the official languages of the permanent members of the Security Council (the United Kingdom and the United States both regard English as the de facto official language); Spanish and Arabic are the most spoken languages outside the permanent Council (Spanish is the official language of 20 countries and Arabic is the official language of 26 countries). There were five official languages of the United Nations when it was created, and Arabic was added in 1973. The United Nations Editor's Manual states that English documents should be based on British usage and Oxford spelling, hanzi Ought to Simplified Chinese Whatever. Traditional Chinese was changed after the transfer of Chinese representation in 1971 (from" Republic of China Get to... People's Republic of China ) has been replaced by simplified Chinese. 18 [19]
Six official languages of the United Nations General Assembly

UN member


Member state

At the moment, United Nations Member States There are 193 of them.
United Nations Member States
Add time
Add time
December 14, 1955
October 8, 1962
November 19, 1946
October 24, 1945
December 9, 1971
October 24, 1945
October 7, 1971
March 2, 1992
October 24, 1945
November 13, 1945
December 14, 1955
17 September 1991
28 July 1993
December 1, 1976
November 11, 1981
December 14, 1955
November 1st, 1945
December 9, 1966
October 10, 1975
September 18, 1973
September 30, 1947
October 24, 1945
September 21, 1971
November 13, 1945
October 24, 1945
October 24, 1945
December 14, 1955
September 20, 1960
December 27, 1945
October 31, 1945
November 19, 1946
October 24, 1945
22 May 1992
November 14, 1945
September 25, 1981
October 17, 1966
September 21, 1971
September 20, 1960
September 18, 1962
17 September 1991
November 12, 1968
October 24, 1945
17 September 1991
October 24, 1945
September 18, 1973
27 September 2002
September 20, 1960
October 24, 1945
December 18, 1978
October 24, 1945
December 21, 1945
28 May 1993
October 24, 1945
October 24, 1945
October 13, 1970
December 14, 1955
September 16, 1975
September 21, 1965
September 20, 1960
September 20, 1960
November 5th, 1945
September 17, 1974
July 31, 1992
November 2nd, 1945
October 24, 1945
September 20, 1966
March 2, 1992
October 24, 1945
December 10th, 1945
June 28, 2006
December 17, 1945
14 September 1999
September 20, 1977
March 2, 1992
December 12, 1958
September 17, 1974
November 9, 1945
March 8, 1957
September 20, 1960
December 14, 1955
19 January 1993
August 25, 1980
September 20, 1960
September 21, 1971
November 12, 1975
September 20, 1960
May 14, 1963
20 May 1992
December 16, 1963
17 September 1991
October 17, 1966
December 14, 1955
October 24, 1945
17 September 1991
November 2nd, 1945
December 14, 1955
18 September 1990
October 24, 1945
September 18, 1962
December 14, 1955
September 20, 1960
September 21, 1965
December 1, 1964
December 1, 1964
September 17, 1957
September 28, 1960
8 April 1993
17 September 1991
April 24, 1968
October 27, 1961
October 24, 1945
October 27, 1961
September 17, 1974
17 September 1991
April 19, 1948
March 2, 1992
November 12, 1956
28 May 1993
September 16, 1975
November 7th, 1945
23 April 1990
November 7th, 1945
July 14, 2011
14 September 1999
December 14, 1955
October 24, 1945
September 20, 1960
October 7, 1960
November 27, 1945
15 December 1994
December 14, 1955
December 18, 1956
November 19, 1946
10 September 2002
October 24, 1945
December 15, 1976
1 November 2000
September 27, 1961
September 28, 1960
September 20, 1960
September 21, 1976
October 24, 1945
September 16, 1975
September 23, 1983
September 18, 1979
March 2, 1992
September 16, 1980
December 14, 1955
19 January 1993
22 May 1992
September 24, 1968
November 12, 1956
December 4, 1975
September 19, 1978
September 20, 1960
March 2, 1992
December 16, 1946
December 14, 1961
14 September 1999
September 18, 1962
November 12, 1956
5 September 2000
October 24, 1945
March 2, 1992
September 15, 1981
November 21, 1945
November 15, 1945
September 21, 1984
October 25th, 1962
October 24, 1945
December 18, 1945
March 2, 1992
December 14, 1955
October 25th, 1945
September 21, 1965
October 24, 1945
December 14, 1955
September 18, 1962
March 2, 1992
September 30, 1947
December 21, 1945
October 24, 1945
May 11, 1949
December 14, 1955
October 30, 1945
September 28, 1950
December 14, 1955
September 20, 1977
December 1, 1964
September 20, 1960
October 24, 1945
September 20, 1960
October 24, 1945 ( People's Republic of China Resumed on 25 October 1971)

Observer state

Currently, there are two United Nations observer state .
United Nations observer state
Country name
Add time
April 6, 1964
November 29, 2012

Observer entity

Currently, there are four UN observer entities.
United Nations observer entity
Organization name
Add time
October 16, 1990
19 October 1994
19 November 2002
24 August 1994

Observer organization

At present, there are 58 UN observer organizations.
UN Observer organization with permanent office
Organization name
Add time
Organization name
Add time
October 11, 1965
October 13, 1980
October 17, 1991
19 October 1995
October 18, 1976
October 11, 1974
October 15, 1996
International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
December 9, 2003
International Organization for Migration
October 16, 1992
International organization of la Francophonie
November 10, 1978
24 October 1996
17 December 1996
17 December 1999
November 1, 1950
October 10, 1975
Partners in population and development
19 November 2002
United Nations observer organization without permanent office
Organization name
Add time
Organization name
Add time
October 16, 1948
International Development Law Organization
12 December 2001
Latin American economies
October 13, 1980
12 December 2001
Group of African, Caribbean and Pacific States
October 15, 1981
19 November 2002
October 28, 1987
International Centre for Migration Policy Development
19 November 2002
October 17, 1988
Gucci Group
December 09, 2003
October 27, 1989
December 09, 2003
13 October 1993
December 09, 2003
13 October 1993
The 2nd of December 2004
13 October 1993
The 2nd of December 2004
13 October 1993
The 2nd of December 2004
24 May 1994
The 2nd of December 2004
17 October 1994
The 2nd of December 2004
October 22, 1997
The 2nd of December 2004
October 15, 1998
Ibero-american Conference
November 23, 2005
October 15, 1998
November 23, 2005
23 March 1999
November 23, 2005
October 08, 1999
November 23, 2005
26 October 1999
December 04, 2006
12 December 2000
December 04, 2006
12 December 2000
Opec Fund for International Development
December 04, 2006
Community of Sahelo-Saharan States
12 December 2001
June 11, 2011

Major achievement


Peace and security

The United Nations has re-established calm by sending a total of 69 peacekeeping and observer missions to trouble spots around the world.
Since the 1990s, many conflicts have been brought to an end through United Nations coordination or through actions taken by third parties with United Nations support. Which includes Sierra Leone , Liberia , Burundi , Sudan and Nepal Conflict. According to the study, there has been a 40 percent decrease in conflicts worldwide since the 1990s. Preventive diplomacy and other preventive action by the United Nations have averted much of what will happen warfare . In addition, 14 United Nations peace missions in the field have embarked on post-conflict situations and peacebuilding measures. [2]
On the morning of March 6, 2022 local time, the Houthi armed forces in Yemen announced that they had signed an agreement with the United Nations face to face. Saphir The final resolution of the tanker agreement, but the details of the agreement were not disclosed. [11]

Economic development

The United Nations values improvement throughout the world Living standard To enhance human skills and potential, and to invest resources in doing so. Since 2000, Millennium Development Goals Has been the guide for this work. Almost all funding for United Nations development assistance comes from national contributions. For example, the United Nations Development Programme, which has staff in 145 countries, supports projects to reduce poverty, promote governance, manage crises and protect the environment. United Nations Children's Fund In more than 150 countries, it focuses on child protection, immunization, girls' education and the fight against HIV/AIDS. Unctad helps developing countries to make the most of their trade opportunities for development purposes. Since 1947, the World Bank has also provided loans and grants to developing countries and supported more than 11,000 development projects in more than 100 countries. [3]
In 2015, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Planned assistance Palestine More than 80 percent of the $700 million aid will be used to rebuild the Gaza Strip. [1]

World heritage site

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Help 137 countries protect monuments and places of historical, cultural and natural interest. International conventions have been negotiated for the protection of cultural property, multiculturalism and outstanding natural sites. More than 980 such sites have been classified as of special interest. [4]

Human rights

United Nations General Assembly
Since 1948, when the General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Since then, the United Nations has helped develop dozens of comprehensive agreements on political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights. By investigating individual complaints, UN human rights bodies have focused global attention on cases of torture, disappearances and arbitrary detention, and created international pressure on governments to improve their human rights records.
When the United Nations was established in 1945, 750 million people - almost a third of the world's population - lived in non-Self-governing territories attached to colonial powers. The United Nations has played a role in the independence of more than 80 countries, which have become sovereign states. [5]


The United Nations takes the lead in assessing the science of climate change and promoting political solutions. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which includes 2,000 leading scientists in the field of climate change, issues a comprehensive scientific assessment every five or six years. In 2007, the Commission concluded conclusively that climate change is occurring and that human activity is the primary cause. The 194 members of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change are negotiating a long-term agreement to reduce emissions of the gases that cause climate change and help countries adjust to the effects of doing so. The United Nations Environment Programme and other United Nations agencies are taking the lead in raising awareness of the issue.

Medical treatment

In 1992, he published the famous book Victorian declaration The four cornerstones of health are put forward: "reasonable diet, proper exercise, smoking cessation and alcohol restriction, and psychological balance."
The year 2003 Atypical pneumonia ( SARS ) raging, World Health Organization He gave great support to China and led efforts to urge governments around the world to prevent another outbreak of SARS. [21]

Major problem

While performing many important functions such as maintaining world peace, the United Nations also has some problems. While coordinating the interests of all countries, the United Nations is also undergoing difficult reforms Permanent members of the Security Council The question of increased seats.

Americanization tendency

As the founder and host country of the United Nations headquarters, the United States has played an extremely important role in the development of the United Nations, and has been trying to smear more American colors in it. Korean War During this period, the United States manipulated the United Nations to pass a number of resolutions, cobbling together a 16-nation force. United Nations forces ", into the Korean battlefield. Not in 2003 United Nations Security Council Permit to Saddam and Bin Laden Initiation by implication Iraq War .

Economic problem

Economic problems were like shackles on the shoulders of the United Nations, making it difficult for it to act and take decisions, which provided an opportunity for some countries to take advantage of financial problems. Some major powers have also tried to blackmail the United Nations by paying their dues.

Development problem

The United Nations has done a great deal of meaningful work on issues related to human development. Many development-friendly agreements have also been signed. However, due to the large number of member states involved in these agreements, the interests of all parties are complicated, and it is very difficult to implement them. As a result, the implementation of many agreements has not reached the expected goal, and even become a "blank check".

Supervision problem

For such a largest international governmental organization in the world today, who should play a real oversight role in its operation, this has become an urgent question. Under the Charter, member States are obliged to monitor UN agencies and staff, but this is clearly not working very well. Because of the human and political interests involved, many countries are more comfortable with the appearance of calm than they are with embarrassing an international authority, which provides a more relaxed environment for possible corruption.


The funding of the United Nations consists of three components: regular budget funding, peacekeeping operations funding (collectively United Nations dues Voluntary contributions from Member States.

Regular budget appropriation

Changes in China's membership dues
To be apportioned to all Member States on a proportionate basis. According to Article 17 of the Charter of the United Nations, "the expenses of the Organization shall be borne by the Members according to the limits apportioned by the General Assembly". The scale of contributions is subject to full discussion and consultation among Member States and is considered and decided by the General Assembly. The scale of contributions is reviewed every three years, and each time the scale is adjusted to reflect the latest developments in the world economy. The basic principle underlying the establishment of the scale of assessments is the principle of "capacity to pay", that is, the apportionment of United Nations contributions according to the respective economic strength of Member States. In order to make the scale fairer and more consistent with the principle of capacity to pay, the current scale also has an upper and lower limit. In 2013, the United Nations used new regular budget assessment rates. America It remains the largest contributor to the UN, with its 22 per cent share of the budget unchanged. Japan It was in second place, but its contribution fell to 10.8% from 13.5% previously. China A sharp increase from 3.19% to 5.15% (a total of about $130 million), more than Italy and Canada It became the sixth largest contributor to the United Nations. Numbers 3 through 5 are Germany 7.141%, France 5.593% and Britain 5.179%.
In December 2015, United Nations General Assembly On the evening of the 23rd, the scale of assessments of countries for the 2016-2018 United Nations contributions and peacekeeping assessments was adopted. According to this, in the next three years, China will bear 7.921 percent of the UN membership dues and 10.2 percent of the peacekeeping assessment. This is the second time in recent years that China's share of UN dues and peacekeeping contributions has increased significantly. [6]

Financing of peacekeeping operations

The costs of United Nations peacekeeping operations are also largely apportioned by Member States, but at a different rate than the regular budget.
Peacekeeping costs are financed on the basis of regular budget apportionment. This approach divides Member States into four groups, Group A consisting of the five permanent members, Group B consisting of developed countries, Group C consisting of economically least developed countries and Group D consisting of specially designated economically least developed countries. As a rule, Group B countries pay their regular budget assessments, Group C countries pay 20 per cent of their regular budget assessments, Group D countries pay 10 per cent of their regular budget assessments, and the five permanent members bear the remainder in addition to their regular budget contributions.

Voluntary contributions from Member States

Many United Nations agencies rely on voluntary contributions from the Governments of Member States to carry out their activities, the most important of which are United Nations Development Programme Unep, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNHCR, Industrial Development Organization, World Food Programme Let's wait. In addition to government contributions, agencies such as UNDP and UNEP receive a small portion of the regular United Nations budget for their administrative and management expenses. Every November, the United Nations Pledging Conference takes place as scheduled New York United Nations Headquarters Hold.

Hold an event

On 26 October 2019, the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations and China Society for Human Rights Studies A side event on the right to development at the United Nations. [7]
A two-day online forum will be held on May 4, 2021, United Nations Academy of Sciences Explore how technology can better benefit all of humanity. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Assistant Secretary-General Spatolisano read on behalf of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Guterres The speech. [8]
On September 19, 2022, the United Nations held a high-level event in New York to promote the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals Move. In his address to the conference, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on countries to act quickly to resolve the crisis through peace and solidarity and get the world back on track. [17]

Ukraine issue

On February 24, 2022, Ukraine Ask the United Nations to Donbass The situation called for an emergency meeting. [9]
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced on 24 February 2022 that the United Nations will immediately release $20 million from its Central Emergency Response Fund for immediate humanitarian needs in Ukraine and the surrounding region. [10]
On March 14, 2022, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced that the United Nations will allocate $40 million from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to strengthen humanitarian relief operations in Ukraine, which will be used to provide food, drinking water, medicine, and cash support to those in need. [12]

Related news

Reported March 15, 2022, according to Ria Novosti Reported on the 14th, the director of the Department of International organizations of the Russian Foreign Ministry Peter Ilichev said in an interview with the media that Russia supports the relocation of the United Nations headquarters from New York Neutral state The idea. [13]
On March 16, 2022, it was reported that the United Nations is seeking to raise $4.27 billion (about 27.1 billion yuan) in funding for the war-torn country Yemen proceed Humanitarian aid To prevent starvation among the 19 million people in need of food aid within the country, but in Switzerland on March 16 Geneva Only $1.3 billion (about 8.251 billion yuan) was raised at the conference. [14]
March 31, 2022, in support of Afghanistan Humanitarian aid, United Nations cooperation with Britain, Germany and Qatar Co-host high-level pledging activities. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says the goal for Afghanistan this year is $4.4 billion. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), years of conflict and repeated droughts have led to ongoing humanitarian needs in Afghanistan, and the current situation in the country is unprecedented, with more than 24.4 million people in need of humanitarian assistance to survive. Food security levels are declining at an alarming rate, with half of the population facing acute hunger and 9 million of them suffering from emergency food insecurity. [15]
On June 7, 2022 local time, Hungary Director of Environmental Sustainability, Office of the President Chaba Crossi Elected President of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly. [16]
On November 13, 2023, the United Nations Headquarters in New York flew the flag at half-mast for the round Israeli-palestinian conflict Condolences were paid to the 101 staff members who lost their lives. [20]
10th Emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly, 10 May 2024 By 143 votes in favor, 9 against, and 25 abstentions, the resolution concluded that the State of Palestine meets the requirements for membership in the United Nations under the Charter of the United Nations and should be admitted as a member of the United Nations. The resolution recommends that the Security Council resume consideration of Palestine's application for membership in the United Nations "from a favorable perspective." [22]
On May 21, 2024, the United Nations headquarters in New York flew the national flag at half-mast in honor of Iranian President Raisi, who was killed in a helicopter accident. [23]
UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffiths held his last press conference in office on June 4, 2024. In response to a CCTV reporter's question, Griffiths said that the United Nations humanitarian aid operation will not leave Gaza. [100]