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4·4 National Day of Mourning

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National mourning in China
4·4 National Day of Mourning is a National Day of mourning held on April 4, 2020. [1]
Chinese name
4·4 National Day of Mourning
Day period
April 4, 2020
Mourning time
April 4, 2020, 10:00 [1]
Mode of mourning
The national flag flew at half-mast and the Chinese embassy and consulates abroad observed a three-minute silence. Cars, trains and ships honked their horns and air defense sirens blared. [1]

Activity background

To express the people of all ethnic groups in China's deep condolences for the martyrs and compatriots who died in the fight against the novel coronavirus pandemic. [1]

National mourning

On April 4, 2020, the national flag and the Chinese embassies and consulates abroad flew at half-mast in mourning, and public entertainment activities were suspended nationwide to express the deep condolences of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups for the martyrs and compatriots who died in the fight against the novel coronavirus pandemic. [2-3]
Cars, trains and ships across the country honked their horns and air defense sirens blared as the nation mourned. [4]
On April 4, 2020, Tiananmen Square, Xinhua Gate and the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, The State Council , National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference , Central Military Commission The Supreme People's Court, Supreme People's Procuratorate All Chinese embassies and consulates at home and abroad flew flags at half-mast in mourning, and public entertainment activities were suspended nationwide to express the deep condolences of people of all ethnic groups for the martyrs and compatriots who died in the fight against the novel coronavirus.
The atmosphere in front of Zhongnanhai Huairen Hall was solemn and solemn, with white characters on a black background hanging on the lintel of the door, "Deeply mourn the martyrs and compatriots who died of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic."
Members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, State Councilor, president of the Supreme People's Court, Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and members of the Central Military Commission participated in mourning activities nearby at their workplaces.
Officials and people of all ethnic groups throughout the country, compatriots from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region, Taiwan, and overseas Chinese participated in mourning activities in different forms. [1]
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Tian 'anmen Square flew the national flag at half-mast

Full text of announcement

State Office Invention electricity (2020) No. 12
People's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, ministries and commissions under The State Council:
The State Council has decided to hold a national mourning event on April 4, 2020, in order to express the deep condolences of the people of all ethnic groups in China for the martyrs and compatriots who died in the fight against the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic. During this period, the national flag and the Chinese embassies and consulates in foreign countries flew at half-mast in mourning, and public entertainment activities were suspended nationwide. From 10 o 'clock on April 4, people across the country observed three minutes of silence, cars, trains and ships honked their horns, and air defense sirens blared.
After receiving the notice, please immediately implement the relevant requirements to the relevant units, according to the provisions of the National flag Law that day should raise the national flag places, institutions and units should fly the flag at half-mast. When flying the national flag at half-mast, the national flag shall first be raised to the top of the pole, and then lowered to the distance between the top of the flag and the top of the pole is 1/3 of the total length of the flagpole; When lowering, the national flag should first be raised to the top of the pole, and then lowered.
General Office of the State Council
April 3, 2020 [1]