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A family of toothed cetaceans
synonymRhynchoeridae(Coryphodontidae) generally refers to the family Pufferidae
Platanistidae: Also known as the freshwater dolphin family. Only 4 genera, 4 species and 7 subspecies. It's more primitive cetacea . The beak is long, the movement is flexible, and the head has a strong steering ability. He is a master of fishing. It is a mainly freshwater cetacean, isolated in several different waters of Asia and South America.
Puffers usually live alone or in pairs, but sometimes form groups of up to 20 or more for hunting purposes. Unlike other dolphins, the puffer's neck vertebrae are not integrated, and its head can be turned flexibly. Although their eyes are small, they have better eyesight. They usually hunt shrimp, crabs, and small fish at the bottom of the river, and occasionally catch smaller turtles.
The survival of Asian pufferfish species is threatened, both are endangered species, China White-flag dolphin Extinct in the wild. Indian puffer fish and Ganga fish Found in the Ganges River in Asia, the baiji is found in the Yangtze River basin, The Amazon puffer fish , The River de la Plata puffer fish It is found in the Amazon River basin, Orinoco River basin and nearby seas in South America.
Chinese name
Foreign name
River Dolphins
Leucodontidae , Rhynchoeridae
Latin name
The door
Chordate phylum
The outline
Belong to
Four genera
Kind of
Four kinds of
7 Subspecies
Namers and years
Platanistidae Gray, 1846

Morphological characteristics

Puffer fish are relatively primitive cetacea . The beak is long, the movement is flexible, and the head has a strong steering ability. It's built like a fish, and it breathes with its lungs. The neck is short, the head seems to be connected with the trunk; Cervical healing; The nostril is a spout hole, and the nostril is located at the highest point of the head; The forelimbs become finned, the forearms degenerate, the palms become longer, the number of toes increases, but the toes and claws are not visible from the outside; Hind limb degeneration; Fish-like tail, horizontal Caudal fin Swim with the tail wave. With many aquatic life adaptations: skeleton Spongy tissue; The body cavity has more oil, so that the body buoyancy increases, and easy to maintain body temperature; They have a poor sense of smell and vision, but they have a good sense of hearing and touch. It can sound underwater, use echoes to locate and find food, and is used for communication between individuals. The uterus has two horns, the penis is tucked into the body cavity, and the testicles are in the abdominal cavity. The mother puffer fish has a pair of cracks next to the reproductive hole, and the nipple is inside, and there is a lot of milk, which is squeezed into the mouth of the young whale by muscle contraction. [1]
Amazon puffer fish
Amazon puffer fish (Scientific name: Inia geoffrensis )
The typical adult body length is 2.5 m and weight 150 kg. It is the largest freshwater dolphin. and Dolphin Different, their Cervical vertebra Unattached, it rotates 90 degrees, perfect for gliding through trees. Large flipper forelimbs, degraded dorsal fins can use echoes to pinpoint prey in the river mud.
The color of the Amazon puffer fish is not limited to pink, but can also be dark brown, gray, blue-gray or milky white. its The fin The forelimbs are slightly curved backward and appear larger compared to the exorcism, without Dorsal fin But the ridges of the blunt triangle on the back show traces of evolution. The beak is prominent, long and pointed, with 25 to 35 teeth on each jaw, anterior tooth It is pyramidal, flat at the back and has small sharp protrusions. The two kinds of teeth share different jobs, the former for grabbing prey and the latter for chewing. [2]
White-flag dolphin
White-flag dolphin (Scientific name: Lipotes vexillifer )
The body is spindle shaped, the whole body skin is bare and hairless, and there is a constant body temperature, always around 36 ° C.
The body length is 1.5-2.5 meters, the maximum body length of mature individuals is 2.5 meters for females and 2.3 meters for males; Weight 100-150 kg, up to 230 kg. The snout is long and narrow, about 30 cm, with a slightly upturned nose. The fumarole is long and located to the left of the crown of the head. The eyes are tiny, above the back of the mouth. The ear holes are needle-shaped. Dorsal fin Triangular, with broad flippers and blunt ends, Caudal fin It has a crescent shape. The Baiji is carnivore The mouth has about 130 sharp teeth, for homodont . The adult white-flag dolphin is generally light bluish-gray on the back, white on the belly, especially bright in the sunlight, and the newborn larva is slightly darker. The upper and lower sides of the horizontally extended flips and caudal fins are the same color as the dorsal and ventral surfaces, respectively. [3]
Ganga fish
Ganga fish (Scientific name: Platanista gangetica gangetica )
constant globefish When swimming, the whole head and beak of the Ganga dolphin can be seen. The adult dolphin weighs 70-90 kg. The head shape is asymmetrical, tilted to the left, and the jawbone is raised and curved backward and upward. The most unique part is the long and narrow beak, which is sometimes as long as 1/5 of the body length. There are great differences in body color between male and female. Body color can range from light blue, different shades of gray, and even dark brown. The teeth at the end of the beak are longer, the dorsal fins have triangular ridges at the position, the ends are sharp, the color of the abdomen is lighter than the back and side of the body, and the tail fins are soft. [4]
Indian puffer fish
Indian puffer fish (Scientific name: Platanista gangetica minor )
It is 3 to 9 m long and has slender jaws and very sharp teeth. It has a small, stout, uniform grayish-brown head, triangular ridges on its dorsal fin, broad flippers that look like paddles, and small, almost invisible eyes. [5]
Brazilian puffer fish
The River de la Plata puffer fish (Scientific name: Pontoporia blainvillei )
Females are 137-177 cm long, males 121-158 cm long; Weight 36-50 kg. It is the only dolphin species in the family Pufferidae that lives in salt water and is one of the smallest. It has a particularly long, narrow beak and a big head. The back is tan and the sides and abdomen are lighter. The neck is flexible due to the unfused vertebrae, the stomata are uniquely crescent-shaped, and the dorsal fins are small and triangular in shape, with a rounded beak with a pointed tip. Teenagers have eyebrows and seven hairs on their upper jaw that disappear with age. [6]


It inhabits freshwater rivers. Such as the Indus Valley, The Ganges , The Meghna River With the Putra river basin of Burra, as well as Bengal Gornopley River , Sengu River and within the territory of China The Brahmaputra River the The Brahmaputra River . from Himalayas The distribution from the base of the mountain to the tidal area is discontinuous. In the Amazon and Orinoco basins of South America, the distance from the Yangtze River near the estuary to the coast of the South American mainland can reach 3,000 kilometers. [7]
However, some paleontologists believe that pufferfish may have evolved from Marine relatives, most recently in Miocene Epoch As sea levels rise and fall, puffer fish eventually swim into estuaries and then into rivers. These species prefer waters deeper than 3 meters and have special adaptations that allow them to exist in shallower waters as well. The temperature of water ranges from 8 to 33 degrees Celsius. 7 [8]

Life habit

Puffers usually live alone or in pairs, but sometimes form groups of up to 20 or more for hunting purposes. It has a cluster habit in its action, often moving in groups, and occasionally entering the confluence of lakes, tributaries and main streams. Unlike other dolphins, the puffer's neck vertebrae are not integrated, and its head can be turned flexibly. Although their eyes are small, they can see well, but their swollen jaws block the downward view, and they sometimes flip their bodies to swim on the backstroke for observation purposes. Every spring, puffer fish leave the range of their river to wander into the tributaries. For half the year, rain floods thousands of square miles of forest in the Amazon and Ganges, turning it into a sea of trees. Perfect for puffer fish. [2]
Pufferfish like to live in the deep waters of rivers, rarely near the shore and boats, but it often swims into shallow waters, chasing fish and shrimp to satisfy its hunger. It often swims to shallow water near the shore to hunt at dawn and dusk. They have a wide and slender snout, with a number of cone-shaped teeth on the upper and lower jaw, but it is too lazy to chew, just swallow fish food with open mouth, and its digestive ability is strong. [8]
Pufferfish are aquatic mammals that breathe with their lungs. With each breath, the top of the head and the breathing hole rise first to the surface, followed by the back and low triangle Dorsal fin The water breathing time is about 1-2 seconds, and the diving time is about 20 seconds each time. Long dives up to 200 seconds. Every minute or two, it will come out of the water to change air, sometimes spraying water, and breathing out of the water will make a sound. When the weather is hot and heavy rain is coming, they frequently rise and fall out of the water. Puffer fish are carnivorous animals with poor vision, and rely on their own ultrasonic signals to find food and swallow it by surprise. [8]
Pufferfish feed mainly on fish, often foraging in shallows, forks and tributaries. Its food intake is very large, the general food intake can account for 10%-12% of body weight. Often in the morning and evening swim to the shore of the shallow water to hunt, usually in the bottom of the river to hunt shrimp, crabs, small fish, occasionally can also catch smaller turtles. Generally swallow whole freshwater fish less than 6.5 cm in length, but also eat a small amount of aquatic plants and insects. [8]

Distribution range

It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, China, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. [9-12]

Species of the family

Pufferidae (1 genus, 4 species, 7 subspecies)
Chinese name
Scientific name
Namers and years
Amazon Pufferfish
Inia geoffrensis
de Blainville, 1817 [13]
● Bolivian subspecies of Amazon puffer fish
Inia geoffrensis boliviensis
d'Orbigny, 1834
● Amazon Puffer fish named subspecies
Inia geoffrensis geoffrensis
Blainville, 1817
● Amazon puffer fish Orinoco subspecies
Inia geoffrensis humboldtiana
Pilleri & Gihr, 1978
Lipotes vexillifer
Miller, 1918 [14]
South Asian Puffer fish
Platanista gangetica
Roxburgh, 1801 [15]
Platanista gangetica gangetica
Roxburgh, 1801
Platanista gangetica minor
Owen, 1853
La Plata
Pontoporia blainvillei
Gervais & d'Orbigny, 1844 [16]

Mode of reproduction

Adult puffer fish can mate year-round. The female pregnancy period is 8-11 months, and the female dolphin reproduces once every two years, with 1 litter and occasionally twins, and the body length is about 80 centimeters at birth. Newborn calves feed their mother's milk and grow up, moving with the group. Lactation lasts from 2 to 12 months. Life expectancy can reach more than 30 years, and sexual maturity is 4-10 years. 7 [8]

Population status

With the continuous destruction of the puffer's habitat and the deterioration of its living environment, it has a significant impact on the survival of the puffer. The threat is growing rapidly. In the last 50 years (up to 2010), humans have destroyed at least 17 percent of the Amazon rainforest, an area larger than the entire size of Venezuela and twice the size of Spain. [9]
In the 1950s, large populations of Baiji were seen in China's Yangtze River, but since then their numbers have declined dramatically, disappearing from lakes and tributaries along the river, with fewer than 100 individuals remaining in the Yangtze from Zhicheng to Nanjing in the middle of the river. It was reported that there were more than 400 in the early 1980s, reduced to more than 300 in 1986, more than 200 in the 1990 survey, more than 130 in 1993, and less than 100 in 1995. On July 6, 2011, fishermen fishing in the Yangtze River found three suspected Baiji dolphins in the Yangtze River. On August 21, 2011, an animal suspected to be a Baiji was found in Honghu section of the Yangtze River. The investigation by the Institute of Hydrology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences could not be confirmed due to the lack of photographic evidence and no progress in monitoring. After getting the news, the Yangtze River new section of the Baiji National Nature Reserve technical staff went to the scene to check, but no results. [10]
It is urgent to protect the living environment of puffer fish and other creatures. This includes planning for the use and tenure of land and resources; Best management of agriculture and livestock; Better planning of transport and energy infrastructure development to reduce environmental impact and stem the depletion of local cultural diversity. [17]

Protection level

All included in Washington Convention CITES Appendix I Class II protected animals. [17]
All included in The International Union for Conservation of Nature The 2016 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species ver 3.1.
Critically endangered (CR) - 1 type; Endangered (EN) - 2 species; Vulnerable (VU) - 1 type; Unknown (DO) - 1 type. [18]