
Bird animal
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Crested pheasant Oreophasis derbianus Horned Guan (English name: Horned Guan), also known as the horn officer bird, belongs to the rooster form [1] A large bird of the genus Tragophorus of the family Tragophorus. It looks like a Turkey, with a glossy black upper body, red feet, white pupils, a yellow beak, and red horns on the top of its head. Mainly eat fruit, leaves and invertebrate . The crested pheasant is the only species in its genus and is found in moist mountain forests from southeastern Mexico to Guatemala. [2]
Chinese scientific name
Horned curassow
Latin name
Oreophasis derbianus Gray,GR,1844 [2]
Binomial nomenclature
Oreophasis derbianus [2]
The door
Chordate phylum Chordata [1]
The outline
avians [1]
Galliformes [1]
The family Cracidae [2]
Belong to
Tragopan Oreophasis [2]
Kind of
Horned curassow
Distribution area
Wet mountain forests of southeast Mexico to Guatemala
Foreign name
Horned Guan [2]

Morphological characteristics

The crested pheasant is about 85 centimeters long and looks like Turkey The upper body is black and shiny, the feet are red, the pupils are white, the beak is yellow, and the top of the head has red horns. The chest and underbelly are white, and the tail is long and black, with white markings near the base. Male and female chickens are similar in appearance. The chick is darker, with smaller horns, and a brown tail and wings. [2]

Life habit

Horned pheasants mainly eat fruit, leaves and invertebrate .
It mainly inhabits subtropical humid evergreen forests at altitudes of 2300 m to 3100 m. [3]
Only a few horned birds survive in the wild, and naturalists have proposed that this species have Polygamy The system. A male bird can be accompanied by three to five females. Breeding generally occurs at the beginning of the year and two eggs can be laid. The eggs may be high up in the rainforest trees. [2]

Distribution range

The only species in its genus, the horned crested pheasant has a small range and is found in moist mountain forests from southeastern Mexico to Guatemala, strictly in the Sierra Madre mountains of Chiapas in southern Mexico and Guatemala in Latin America. They can range up to 3,350 meters above sea level. [2] Lives in subtropical dense fog forests where there is an abundance of undergrowth.

Categorical status

The horn bird is not a true crested pheasant, but is very similar in appearance and color, while its horn is similar Helmeted pheasant . The horned pheasant is Pheasant family The sole survivor of a clade that evolved on its own about 20-40 million years ago.
Although the horned bird has no true relatives, its closest relatives are the crested pheasant. Since the basal relationship of the Pheasant family is unknown, it is classified in a separate subfamily. However, it has also been suggested that they should be classified in the Pheasant subfamily. [2]
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Conservation status

Due to habitat loss, small numbers, limited distribution, and hunting, the horned birds have been The International Union for Conservation of Nature Listed as an endangered species. They are also subject to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Protection in Appendix I. [2]
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Threats and protection measures

Threats: Large-scale deforestation for logs, firewood collection, agricultural expansion, etc., is already happening in the forests where these birds are found. Habitat loss is the biggest threat to the creatures' survival, and many ancient forests are being exploited to open up new roads.
Protection: The horned bird is protected by Guatemala and Mexico, and worldwide trade in the bird is prohibited by CITES. A small number have been locked up and most are housed in national reserves, but despite these measures, the number of individuals is estimated to be below 2,500 and trending downward. [2]