Brown wing ð«

Eagle family 𫛠- eagle
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Brown wing 𫛠- eagle ( Butastur liventer The body shape is similar to that of the eagle, and the body, tail feathers and tarsus are very slender; But their wing shape is close to ð It does not appear wide and round like most eagles, but is long and rectangular, with flat hindwing edges, and the tip of the flying feathers extending almost to the tail feathers after the wings are drawn back. The back, especially on the two wings, is more brilliant brick red, the crown, neck, and upper back are grayish-brown, with slight dark plumage, and gradually turn to russet brown on the lower back and tail. The tail is also brown-maroon with four narrow black stripes and black ends. Feathered miliary brown with black markings and dark tips, underwing pink-white with dark markings. The lower body is mostly gray, the throat is slightly striped with white, and the chest is gray with dark plumage. The underside, legs and tail are covered with Snow White. The mouth is yellow with a black tip. The feet are orange.
It inhabits mountainous forest areas and is found near mountainous forests or open fields. Migration often forms a large group, temperament is not very fierce, the staple food birds, mice, small two-crawling and large insects, they can nest on the tree canopy will also nest on the ground, which is more special in the forest eagles. It is found from southern Myanmar to Indonesia.
(Overview map Reference source: [1] )
Foreign name
Rufous-winged Buzzard Eagle
Chinese scientific name
Brown wing ð«
Latin name
Butastur liventer
The door
Chordate phylum
The outline
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Belong to
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Kind of
Brown wing ð«
subspecies-free [2]
Namers and years
Temminck, 1827
Protection level
No risk (LC) IUCN Standard, China's "National Key Protected wildlife List" Level 2 [7]

Morphological characteristics

Brown wing 𫛠- gray-brown head, neck, and upper dorsal of hawk, with darker axillae, dorsal covert Taupe with hints of brown; The waist and tail coverts are russet brown, the tail brown chestnut, the tip light gray, with black subtip spots and 3 narrow black stripes; Wing margin white, outer cover and primary cover brown, tip brown; Flight feather Brown maroon with brown tips and edges, Inner web base Feather margin There are broad white and narrow black stripes; innermost Secondary feather Exposed parts are grayish brown. The underbody is gray, with an inconspicuous black plumage. Anal and undertail coverts pure white or this yellowish white. Gerry leg feathers are also pure white. [3]
The juvenile's head, neck, and whole body are brown or tan, with light plumage, lighter forehead and a white brow line; The back is dark, with thick black stripes, and the wing coverts have white spots and stripes. Chin and throat are white, both sides brown, the rest of the lower body light gray, with fine black axial stripes and fuzzy white stripes. Anal, undertail and leg coverts white. [3]
iris Yellow, sometimes golden, with a yellow mouth and black tip, Wax film And the mouth is cracked yellow, the feet and toes are dark yellow, and the claws are black. [3]
Size measurement: body length 350-400 mm, rostral peak 28-31 mm, wing male 261-275 mm, female 264-280 mm, tail 139-145 mm, tarsus 62-66 mm. [3]


Inhabits in the low mountains and hills and the foothills of the plain sparse forest, thicket and riverbank, sometimes also appear in farmland and villages near. [3] Enjoys access to open woodlands with dipterodacanthus trees and wooded savannas, usually near streams and wetlands. They also live in sparsely wooded scrub, rice fields, and other types of environments. It can be seen in the plains and hills, and even in the cities of Sulawesi. These birds range from sea level up to 1500 m above sea level, but preferred habitats are below 800 m. [4]

Life habit

Often standing on tree tops on dead branches or telephone poles, sexual loneliness, solitary activities. Flying light and moving fast. The wings flap constantly during flight, sometimes flying in a straight line, sometimes soaring around a certain point in a circle. During the migration, groups usually circle over the habitat at 3-4 PM until dusk, and then stop in the forest on the hillside of the habitat. It usually flies close to the ground or lives to watch for prey, but also prowls the ground to catch food. They are usually scattered to forage, but during migration, they often form small groups and travel south in pursuit of small birds. Once it detects prey, it descends and strikes hard, usually in the middle of tall grass, before returning to another habitat. [3-4]
The main foods have small shapes rodent Birds, snakes, centipedes, lizards, frogs and various large insects. [3]

Distribution range

It is found in Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. In China, it is found in Mengyang, Jingdong and Xishuangbanna, Yunnan in June. [3] [5]
Brown wing 𫛠- eagle

Mode of reproduction

Nest in mountainous forest areas, often in sparse forest trees or isolated trees in open areas. The breeding season varies from region to region, with the nesting season in India from March to June. Spawning on Sulawesi occurs mainly in June. Nests are relatively light structures built from branches that are placed at different heights in the tree. It is also sometimes placed on the edge of wooded areas. Each clutch lays 2-3 eggs, with an average size of 46.3 mm ×37.8 mm. The incubation time is uncertain. It is unclear how long the young stay in the nest and how long the parent birds nurture. [3-4]

Conservation status


Protection level

Be included in Washington Convention Endangered Species in CITES Appendix II. [5]
Be included in Iucn Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN) 2017 ver 3.1 - No Risk (LC). [5]
Be included in China's national wildlife list "Level Two. [6]

Population status

With an area of only 1 million square kilometres, the brown wing d «› - eagle may actually be much lower, and the distribution density appears to be quite low and low On the island of Java, the population of this species is very low. It has disappeared in northeastern Thailand and is declining in neighboring Laos and Cambodia. Even though they can use rice paddies as hunting grounds, the presence of humans and the opening and lighting of woodlands are very detrimental to the lifestyle of the brown-winged eagle The population of this species may reach up to 1,000 individuals. The total population is estimated to be between 670 and 6,700. [4]
This species has a wide range, does not approach the vulnerable endangered threshold criteria for species survival (distribution area or fluctuation range less than 20,000 square kilometers, habitat quality, population size, distribution area fragmentation), and population trends are stable, so it is assessed as a species without survival crisis. [5]