Wild buffalo

Any of various wild animals of the buffalo family artiodactyl
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The wild buffalo is a chordate of the even-toed ungulate bovine family, and is the ancestor of the domestic buffalo. Wild water buffalo are like domestic water buffalo, [7 ] The body is large, with a length of about 2.6 meters, a shoulder height of more than 1.6 meters, and a weight of about 600 kilograms. It differs from the Asiatic buffalo chiefly in its horns, which, unlike the horns of the Asiatic buffalo, arise from the sides of the forehead, but from the middle of the forehead, and the bases of the two horns are joined together to form a strong shield. The two corner tips are very wide apart, and the maximum distance can reach more than 1 meter. [8 ]
Wild buffalo are found in the Mishmi Mountains in southeastern Tibet, China, where they live in wet grasslands, mud ponds, mud puddles, and near large rivers, occasionally entering forests. Wild buffalo live in herds, [7 ] Hide in the deep grass during the day, come out early in the morning and night to forage, and sleep in the cluster at night, cows and calves sleep in the middle, and bulls in the periphery, in case of accidents. Wild buffalo feed mainly on aquatic grasses. [8 ] Life span is at least 20 years. [7 ]
Wild buffalo is one of the most misused words in the animal dictionary, with no trace of wild buffalo in either Europe or North America before the advent of modern humans. [9 ] Wild buffalo population numbers and information are lacking. A survey conducted from 2001 to 2006 found that the distribution range of Zhino buffalo was narrow in southeast Tibet, China, and the population was scarce due to habitat destruction, quality decline and poaching. Mainly due to human economic development and habitat destruction, resulting in the narrowing of distribution, sharp decline in resources, coupled with excessive hunting, has been endangered. [7 ] Wild buffalo are listed in the Iucn Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN) 2016 ver3.1 - Endangered (EN). [2]
Chinese name
Wild buffalo
Latin name
Bubalus arnee
Asian wild buffalo , Asiatic buffalo , Indian buffalo
Foreign name
Wild Water Buffalo, Asian Buffalo, Asiatic Buffalo, Indian Buffalo, Indian Water Buffalo, Water Buffalo, Wild Asian Buffalo
In French, Buffle d'Eau, Buffle de l'Inde
Spanish Bufalo arni
Devon Arni, Asiatischer Wasserbuffel
The door
Chordate phylum
The outline
Belong to
Kind of
Wild buffalo
The family
5 subspecies 1 domestic type [1]
Protection level
Endangered (EN) IUCN Standard [2]
Synonym 1
Bos arni Hamilton Smith, 1827
Synonymous scientific name 2
Bos bubalus var. fulvus Blanford, 1891
Synonymous scientific name 3
Bubalis bubalis ssp. migona Deraniyagala, 1953
Synonymous scientific name 4
Bubalus arna var. macrocerus Hodgson, 1842
Synonymous scientific name 5
Bubalus arna Hodgson, 1841
Synonymous scientific name 6
Bubalus bubalus ssp. septentrionalis Matschie, 1912

History of zoology

Originator of biology Linnaeus Often using very broad genera (as he did not use "family") to classify the species, in 1758 the "wild buffalo" was named "wild buffalo". Bos bubalis ". In 1792, John Graham Kerr, a British biologist, named it "The Great Wall." Bos arnee ". In 1827 both names were merged into the genus Buffaloes. Bubalus H. Smith). "Cow" ( bubalis The name is based on Domestic animal . It is also a high-level synonym. However, workers who do not use specific names for livestock prefer to use the term" arnee ". [3]
The wild buffalo of Asia." Bubalus arnee Kerr "(= Bubalus bubalis Linn., named without distinguishing the domestic buffalo, is one of the largest members of the bovis family. They are also the ancestor of all native domestic buffalo breeds. Although the exact time and place of its domestication is uncertain, there is little doubt that it has been present in India and China for at least 5,000 years. From the middle of 3000 BC, the Indian River Valley ( Mohenjoo Daro ) and The Mesopotamian civilization The seal of the buffalo appears tame and possibly domesticated. According to Mackintosh (2007), "buffalo appear on seals of the Indian River Valley and appear wild". [3]
in Pleistocene At the time, the buffalo species were widespread throughout Europe and South Asia, and included a specific form of the wild buffalo. When the climate becomes dry, the genus is limited to Indian subcontinent Mainland Southeast Asia and some Southeast Asian islands. In historical times, wild buffalo were found in South and Southeast Asia, from Mesopotamia To Indochina. [2]
Wild buffalo are believed to be extinct in Bangladesh, Peninsular Malaysia and the islands of Sumatra, Java and Borneo. It occurs in domesticated populations all over the world. Although the species is presumed extinct in Vietnam, Myanmar and Cambodia, relatively new surveys have revealed the confirmed presence of wild buffalo populations in Cambodia. Another survey conducted in 2010 on the India-Myanmar border confirmed that Myanmar Sagaing A small and possibly remaining free-range subpopulation of wild buffalo exists on the Balong River. The wild buffalo of the Hukaung Valley in northern Myanmar may or may not be wild, all or nothing. [2]
Wild buffalo ( Buvalus arnee Be domesticated Buffalo ( Bubalus bubalis ) ancestors. Although the latter is common throughout much of Southeast Asia, wild buffalo are increasingly rare. There are probably fewer than 4,000 in the world. And it's falling. The challenge of distinguishing between wild buffalo, wild animals, domestic animals, and hybrids makes species population surveys challenging. Some biologists believe that because interbreeding with domestic buffalo is so common, there may be no genetically pure wild buffalo left. [4-5]

Morphological characteristics

Wild buffalo head body length 240-280 cm, shoulder height 160-190 cm, tail length 60-85 cm; Weight 800-1200 kg. The head is long and narrow. The auriculae are short and shaped like large horns. Large in size, with bulging chests, short legs and large hooves, males tend to be much larger than females and are firm in texture and resistant to soaking. The lower legs are pale, but this can be hard to tell because buffalo often roll around in the mud. One or two white crescents usually appear on the throat or upper chest, and there may also be faint spots dotted around the eyes, on the nose, and on the mouth. Ears tend to droop downward. Both sexes are gray to black, usually darker on the head and lighter on the body. Mature males tend to be very dark. The dorsal midline coat is forward, and the back is tilted backward and down. The knee joint and ball joint are flexible, and the leg is usually stained white from the knee to the half leg. The tail is long and has a bushy tip. [4-5]
Wild buffalo are known for their incredible scimitar-shaped horns, both sexes have horns, and females have smaller horns than males. The Angle is slender and the Angle base is far apart. The Angle may be more than 120 cm wide. Wild buffalo horn is made of bone, hollow Medullary substance The Angle is thick and flat, and bends backward in an arc; The root is slightly triangular, hollow, and the surface of one side has most parallel concave lines, and the corner end is sharp; The color is black and brown, the quality is hard, and the section is fine and not obvious. The horns extend laterally from the skull and curve backward; In wild buffalo in India, the horns are usually curved in a semi-circle, while in wild buffalo in Thailand and Cambodia, the horns extend more laterally and the tip curves inwards minimally. The horns of males are thicker than those of females, but usually shorter. [4]

Proximate distinction

Of all bison species, wild buffalo have the largest horns, which can range up to 2 meters (that is, the distance between the curved outer edges of two horns). Both sexes possess these large horns, which are the simplest criteria to distinguish the species from domestic buffalo. Domestic buffalo Bubalus bubalis They are generally smaller than wild buffalo and vary in color: individuals may be dark gray or black, brown, white, or spotted. The horns of domestic buffalo are variable, they usually have a tight curl and, if crescent-shaped, rarely reach the size of wild buffalo horns. [4-5]
Wild buffalo and domestic buffalo
Wild buffalo


Usually active between sea level and an altitude of 1500 m above sea level, the wild buffalo is very dependent on water supplies, and its preferred habitat has historically been low-lying alluvial grasslands, including oxbow lakes and similar ponds formed by changes in river channels in and around them, small sand islands in riparian and braid river systems, riparian forests and woodlands. They live mainly in grasslands, alluvial plains, and marshes, although they can use woodlands as shelters. Usually found near bodies of water, such as open rivers, swamps, and seasonal lakes, often spending most of their time in muddy water. [2-5]

Life habit



Little is known about the behaviour of wild buffalo. Groups are formed in families, with females and calves in groups of 10-20, usually with one male. In rare cases, herds may have up to 100 individuals. Young males usually live in small single groups (6-8 animals), while older males tend to live alone. [4]


They may be active both during the day and at night, but the peak of feeding activity usually occurs in the afternoon and evening. The day is usually spent in the forest or near a pond, which provides relief from the midday heat. In order to dissipate heat and prevent insect bites, rolling in the dirt is a regular activity, especially in the summer. The horns are sometimes used as shovels to increase soil coverage. This species is dependent on water, with family ranges expanding and contracting based on its seasonal availability. Historical records indicate that long seasonal migrations (covering a distance of more than 200 km) occurred, although no remnant population performed such migrations. Observations in Nepal indicate that herds occupy stable ranges. Wild buffalo stand in a line, with an adult female in the front, a calf in the middle, and the rest of the adults in the back. Wild buffalo are very protective of their young, and when threatened, the cow will form a protective line in front of the calf. If the threat persists, they will flee to tall grass or forests, rather than (despite being strong swimmers) entering the water. [4]

Feeding habits

Diet: Mainly grass, but also some fruits, leaves, bark, saplings and crops. [4]

Distribution range

Be distributed among Bhutan Cambodia, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand.
Extinction: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia; Sri Lanka and Vietnam. [2]

Mode of reproduction

There are often conflicting reports about the breeding period of wild buffalo, wild buffalo either have a unique breeding season, up to five months in heat, or breed all year round; This may be partly due to regional differences. Females usually give birth to one offspring every two years. At birth, calves are light brown. They start to turn black at about six months; Females reach mature adult color at two or three years of age, while males do not turn completely black until after four years of age. Females usually remain in the herd where they were born, while males disperse in the third year. [4]

Subspecies differentiation

Wild buffalo (5 subspecies 1 domestic type)
Chinese name
Scientific name
Namers and years
English name
Wild buffalo (River cattle)
Bubalus arne arne
Kerer, 1792
Wild Water Buffalo
Wild buffalo Assam subspecies
Bubalus arnee fulvus
Blanford, 1891
Assam Water Buffalo
Wild buffalo Borneo subspecies
Bubalus arnee hosei
Lydekker, 1898
Borneo Water Buffalo
Wild buffalo Sri Lankan subspecies
Bubalus arnee migona
Deraniyagala, 1953
Sri Lankan Wild Buffalo
Wild buffalo Nepal subspecies
Bubalus arnee theerapati
Groves, 1996
Nepal Wild Buffalo
Bubalus arnee f. bubalis
( Bubalus bubalis )
Linnaeus, 1758
Domestic Water Buffalo

Conservation status


Protection level

Be included in Iucn Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN) 2016 ver3.1 - Endangered (EN). [2]

Population status

In addition to the threat of hunting and habitat loss, perhaps a greater threat to the species is the loss of genetic traits resulting from interbreeding with domestic buffalo. [5]

Protective measure

Wild buffalo are protected by law in Bhutan, India, Nepal and Thailand. The number of Cambodians was the main factor in the decision to give further protection to the area (designated as the Mondukiri Protected Forest), and also the decision to establish the Cambodian Ministry of Forestry World Wide Fund for Nature The Sreepk Wilderness area was an important factor in the project. Most of the known population is within the reserve. In Myanmar, it preserved a near-natural true lowland floodplain in the Hukaung Valley region, a system of protected areas that initially almost completely excluded floodplain grasslands. Consideration is being given to including certain areas, which would benefit the species. However, the outcome is uncertain. Most of the rest of the population still needs effective protection from hunting (especially in Thailand, Cambodia, and Myanmar, if it still exists), but the greater threat in South Asia may be protection from contact with their family cattle, especially domestic buffaloes. There is an urgent need to assess the integrity of wild buffalo populations using typical habitats for wildlife, including those that are generally considered truly wild and those that feed on wildlife in their native ranges, even outside occasional livestock farming, in order to identify populations that have long been prioritized for conservation. This should include an assessment of the relationships between such populations in the context of visible family lines, especially those close to wild populations. In addition to assessing morphological characteristics, this approach should also use multiple genetic markers. Surveys of the Satay region in Myanmar and even Vietnam are needed to investigate the current state of wildlife populations. In India, a new conservation action plan has been developed to restore wild buffalo in central India. At the local level, it holds the last remains of the wild buffalo population in central India Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra Governments are committed to protecting the species, the former as a state animal. [2]
There are only about 4,000 wild Asian buffalo left in the world, and they are heavily genetically contaminated with domestic buffalo. All wild subspecies are endangered species and basically live in various protected areas.
  1. 1.
    Indravati National Park.
  2. 2.
    Sitanagi Wildlife Sanctuary - Two of the above protected areas or national parks are in India Chhattisgarh .
  3. 3.
    koshi tappu wildlife reserve is located in the Kosi Region of Nepal.
  4. 4.
    The Kaziranga National Park in Assam, India, is one of the most important protected areas for wild Asian buffalo, which are said to be the least disturbed by domestic buffalo. [2]