International Children's Day

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synonymJune 1 International Children's Day(International Children's Day) generally refers to the International Children's Day
International Children's Day (also known as Children's Day, International Children's Day) is celebrated on June 1 every year. In honor of the death of June 10, 1942 The Liditze massacre And all the world's children killed in war, against the killing and poisoning of children, and to protect the rights of children.
In November 1949, International Federation of Democratic Women in Moscow At the council meeting, representatives of China and other countries angrily exposed the crimes of killing and poisoning children by imperialists and reactionaries of various countries. The meeting decided to take June 1 every year as the International Children's Day. It is to safeguard the rights of children to survival, health care and health Right to education , custody In order to improve the lives of children, in order to fight against the killing and poisoning of children. Many countries in the world have set June 1st as children's day.
Chinese name
International Children's Day
Foreign name
International Children's Day
Children's Day
Festival time
June 1st every year
Festival type
World festival
Endemic area
Festival origin
mourn The Liditze massacre And children killed in war
Festival meaning
Protect the rights and interests of children in all countries
Set point
International Federation of Democratic Women
Set time
November 1949

The origin of festivals

The establishment of the International Children's Day and the massacre that took place during World War II The Liditze massacre Relevant. On June 10, 1942, the German fascists shot him Czech Republic More than 140 male citizens over the age of 16 and all infants in Liditze village were taken to concentration camps, along with women and 90 children. The houses and buildings in the village were burned down, and a good village was thus lost to Germany Fascism It's ruined. World War II After the end of the world economic depression, tens of thousands of workers unemployed, living a life of hunger and cold. Children were worse off, dying in droves from infectious diseases; Others are forced to be labourer Suffering, life and life can not be guaranteed. In order to mourn the Lidice massacre and all the children who died in the war around the world, oppose the killing and poisoning of children, and protect the rights of children, in November 1949, the International Democratic Women's Federation held a council meeting in Moscow, and representatives of various countries angrily exposed the crimes of imperialists and reactionaries killing and poisoning children. In order to protect the rights of children around the world to survival, health and education, in order to improve the lives of children, the meeting decided to June 1 each year as the International Children's Day. Many countries at the time agreed, especially Socialist country .
In many countries around the world, June 1 is a holiday for children, especially in socialist countries. In Europe and the United States, the date of Children's Day is different, and often few social public celebrations are held. Therefore, some people misunderstood that only socialist countries designated June 1 as the International Children's Day.
To protect the rights of children around the world, in November 1949, International Federation of Democratic Women Meeting in Moscow, the Executive Committee decided that June 1 of each year will be the International Children's Day. After the founding of New China, Central people's government On December 23, 1949, the Government Administration Council stipulated that the Chinese Children's Day and the International Children's Day should be unified.

Historical evolution

International Children's Day
In August 1925, representatives of 54 countries of the world met in Switzerland Geneva The International Conference on the Happiness of Children was held, and a declaration on protecting children and safeguarding their welfare was issued. The International Association for the Promotion of Children's Happiness proposed the establishment of Children's Day, the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan and other countries responded positively, and successively established their own national Children's Day.
After World War II, the world economy was depressed. In November 1949, in order to mourn the deaths of children in the village of Lidice and all over the world in the war, to oppose the killing and poisoning of children, and to protect the rights of children, the International Democratic Women's Federation held a council meeting in Moscow in order to protect the rights of children in the world to survival, health and education, and to improve the lives of children. The meeting decided to take June 1 every year as the International Children's Day.
China's children's Day, the early is April 4 every year, is based on 1931 Chinese Salesian Association Recommended establishment. In December 1949, Central People's Government Administration Council Issued a general order to abolish the old children's day, June 1st as our country's children's day, with the international children's day unified. Many countries in the world celebrate June 1 as a children's day. In Europe and the United States, the date of Children's Day is different, and often few social public celebrations are held. Some people misunderstand that only Socialist country In fact, some organizations in the United States have begun to consider setting Children's Day on June 1.

First put forward

In August 1925 Switzerland Geneva On the welfare of children International conference The concept of "International Children's Day" was proposed for the first time.
Children's Day photo
Representatives of child protection from 54 countries gathered in Geneva, Switzerland to hold the "International Conference on Child Happiness" and adopted the "International Conference on Child Happiness". Geneva Declaration on the Protection of Children ". In the declaration, there are heated discussions on the spiritual enjoyment of children, the relief of poor children, the avoidance of dangerous work for children, the acquisition of opportunities for children to earn a living, and how to save and support children.
Since the General Assembly, on the one hand to encourage children, so that children feel happy, happy, on the other hand also to cause social attention and love, governments have stipulated "Children's Day".
November 1949 International Federation of Democratic Women The Executive Committee held in Moscow officially decided that June 1 of each year is the world's children's Day, the International Children's Day.

Chinese festival


Historical development

Children's Day in old China
International Children's Day related comics
Childhood in the smoke of war is inevitable pain and anger, but suffering childhood also has bright and enthusiastic. The establishment of the Chinese anti-Japanese Children's Group, so that the children in the mountains also have their own festival - Children's Day, but at that time the Children's Day is April 4.
War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression In China, there are hundreds of thousands of anti-Japanese children in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border area, including famous anti-Japanese little heroes Wang Er Xiao Later, Dong Cunrui, a martyr in the liberation War, and more members of the Children's Corps experienced a magnificent The new Democratic Revolution Later, it became the backbone of building socialism.
The old children's league members recalled that to the Children's Day, as long as the Japanese do not come to "sweep", the county and district have to organize activities and open meetings. Sometimes singing competitions are held, sometimes training is organized, and the children's groups in several villages are still strong to see who sings well, exercises neatly, and wins prizes, prizes are generally pencils and so on.
In order to improve the ability to deal with the enemy, military training is also an important content of the children's Corps. Border organization Summer camp The backbone of the children's regiment was gathered up and sent to the mountains for training. They learned to shoot guns, stab people, and lay mines. They also conducted training exercises, air defense drills, and fire drills.
In order to improve the anti-" sweep "ability, the children's group also organized a" charge month "activity, the children are gathered every night, live together, emergency collection in the middle of the night, backpacking, running over the forest.
Children's Day after the founding of New China
"Celebrating 61" artistic performance
Since 1949, the People's Republic of China has officially designated June 1 as the International Children's Day every year. Schools generally organize related collective activities for this purpose, and require students to wear formal clothes (white shirts and blue pants before the popularity of school uniforms) Although Hong Kong is a part of the Republic, but under the convention, the date of Hong Kong Children's Day is the same as the date of Children's Day in Taiwan, China, that is, April 4. The way of folk celebration is to send toys and gifts to children, or to accompany children out to eat dinner or play.

First celebration

The first International Children's Day in New China
On June 1, 1950, the little masters of New China ushered in the first International Children's Day.
Children are the future of our country. However, before liberation, the children of the vast majority of the working people were deprived of the right to receive education and were also deprived of a happy childhood. After the founding of New China, the Party and government attached great importance to the healthy growth of children. Despite the insufficient material conditions and difficulties in the early days of liberation, the Party Central Committee attached great importance to the all-round development of children. In November 1949, the Council of the International Democratic Women's Federation decided that June 1 was the International Children's Day. It was just founded Central Government of the People's Republic of China It was decided to make this day a festival for Chinese children. The Party Central Committee attaches great importance to the first Children's Day in New China. In order to prepare for the celebration of June 1 Children's Day, in response to the call issued by the Democratic Women's Federation and other groups to "protect children's rights and fight for peace", 11 people's organizations and relevant departments of the Central People's Government in China formed a special preparatory committee. Mao Zedong Pen inscription: "Celebrate Children's Day". Zhu De The commander-in-chief earnestly hopes: "The children of New China should love the motherland, love science, love labor, and prepare to build a good New China." Liu Shaoqi , Zhou Enlai , Soong Ching-ling , Deng Yingchao Other party and state leaders also inscribed words for the children.
On this day, 5,000 children gather Beijing Zhongshan Park Music Hall To celebrate their own festival, children and mothers from the Soviet Union, North Korea and other countries were also invited to attend the party. Commander-in-chief Zhu was very concerned about the healthy growth of the children. He said, "Although you are still young at your age, you should study hard, learn all kinds of scientific knowledge, and build up your body to be strong, ready to participate in the work of building a new China, transforming a poor and backward China into a strong industrial base with a high degree of culture."
On this day, children all over the country also held a get-together. Since then, every "61", all over the country have organized various forms of activities to celebrate children's festivals, the Party and the government are very concerned about the healthy growth of children and children, for their life and study to create a good environment, new China's children thrive under the sun of the Party.

Leave standard

On August 1, 2019, the official website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security released the" Statutory holidays and other holiday related standards Children's Day (June 1), children under the age of 14 have a day off. [1]

Customs by country

Children are the future of the country, is the hope of the nation, to create a good family, social and learning environment for all children, so that they are healthy, happy and happy to grow up, has been the goal of the world's efforts, the annual "61 International Children's Day" is a special festival for children set up.


Japan celebrates Children's Day more than any other country in the world, three times a year Children's Day And the celebration is very interesting, full of strong Japanese style.
March 3 Girls' Day: This festival is specially for little girls, every day, parents of daughters at home will set up a display table at home, on the platform with beautiful female dolls dressed in Japanese kimono, as a holiday gift for their daughters.
May 5 Boy's Day: On the day of the festival, families with sons hang "carp flag" in front of the door, indicating the meaning of carp jumping longmen. Carp flag, made of cloth or satin cut into "hollow carp", divided into black, red and blue three colors. Black, representing father; Red, representing mother; The blue represents the boy himself. There were a few boys at home, and there were some blue flags hanging from the door. The more blue flags, the more friends there are in the house. In Japanese minds, the carp symbolizes strength and courage.
November 15 "753" Children's Day: In Japanese customs, three years old, five years old and seven years old are children especially lucky three years old, so this day every year, will be dedicated to these three years of children to celebrate. On this day, children will wear the best traditional kimono, and will carry a small paper bag painted with pine trees, turtles or cranes, which is filled with candy and toys bought by their parents. After dressing up, parents will take the child to the shrine to pray and thank the gods for bringing health and happiness to the child.


South Korea's Children's Day began in 1923 with" Boy's Day "Evolved. It is also a public holiday in South Korea, on May 5 every year. On this day, children can enjoy their joy to the fullest, and parents should prepare gifts for their children. Many children also wear Hanbok on this day to experience traditional Korean culture.


Colombia Children's Day is celebrated on July 4 every year. In this festival, schools all over the country have to hold a variety of lively celebrations, children often wear a variety of masks, dressed as clowns in the street to play, very happy.


Children's Day in Brazil is on August 15, which is also the "National Epidemic Prevention Day" in Brazil. Therefore, every day on this day, doctors everywhere have to see children and give children under the age of five injections poliomyelitis It shows that the government is very concerned about children's health. In addition, Brazil's "Virgin Mary Apparition day" on October 12 is also often as children's Day, there are some celebrations.


Sweden also divides Children's Day into more detailed, August 7 every year is" Boy's Day Also known as the "Lobster Festival", it means to encourage young boys across the country to learn the brave spirit of lobster. On this day, the children have to dress up as dragon shrimp and perform some very lively and lovely programs.
December 13 is Sweden's "Girl's Day", also known as "Lucia Goddess Day". Lucia is a Swedish legend dedicated to the protection of girls goddess, every time to this festival, girls have to dress up as goddesses, do good deeds for other children.


The Russian Children's Day and the international Children's Day are completely "in tune" on June 1. Whenever Children's Day comes, children all over Russia will happily celebrate their own festival, but also will perform some folk songs and dances, the school is held to celebrate.
In fact, speaking of the origin of Children's Day, there is an important connection with Russia. In November 1949, International Federation of Democratic Women Council meeting in Moscow. In order to protect the right to survival, health and education of children around the world and improve the lives of children, the meeting decided to take June 1 of each year as the International Children's Day.


Children's Day in Spain on January 5, in fact, this is a religious festival, from the Spanish translated is "the day of the magic king" meaning. It is said that a long time ago, three Kings came to Spain from the east -- the King of Blackface, the King of yellow face and the king of white face. These three Kings brought happiness and joy to the people. They are also "imperial ministers" who give gifts to children. The gift giving time is set on January 5 every year, so this holiday and children are hooked.
In order to celebrate this festival, on the evening of January 5 and the morning of January 6, there are floats in all parts of Spain. On the float, the "Three Kings" kept throwing all kinds of candy to comfort the children. When the procession reached the gate of the city or district government, any child who could sit on the king's lap was given a beautiful gift, and the child who got the gift had to promise the king that he would study hard.


In August 1925, representatives of 54 countries held the "International Conference on the Happiness of Children" in Geneva, Switzerland, and adopted the Geneva Declaration on the Protection of Children. The Declaration issued a fervent appeal for the enjoyment of children's spirit, the relief of poor children, and the access of children to livelihood opportunities. After the General Assembly, governments have set up their own "Children's Day", in order to encourage children, so that they feel their greatness, happiness and joy, but also to make the community attach importance to and love children. The British government has designated July 14 as Children's Day in the UK every year.


During the Cold War, East and West Germany had a very different approach to Children's Day. First, the dates were different: June 1 for East Germany and September 20 for West Germany; The name is also different: in East Germany it is called "International Children's Day" (internationaler Kindertag), in West Germany it is called "World Children's Day" (Weltkindertag). In addition, the traditions of the festival are also different.
In the GDR (East Germany), Children's Day began in 1950, and every year since then, this day has been the happiest day of the year for children. Parents often receive blessings and gifts, and special celebrations are held in the school, such as outings. In the Federal Republic of Germany, Children's Day has no special meaning, and many people do not even know that it exists.
With the reunification of Germany in 1990, the date and name of Children's Day in West Germany became the official unified standard throughout Germany. In many parts of East Germany, however, people still cannot change their old habits and names. Therefore, on June 1 every year, many parents still celebrate Children's Day with their children.


Singapore Holidays and festivals The first of the regulations stipulates that Children's Day, October 1, is not only a holiday for children, but also a holiday for all adults. The reason is that if you only give children a holiday, adults are going out to work, no one to play with children, poor children can only watch TV at home on Children's Day. In addition, Singapore is a particularly high welfare country, but it has a small population, the Children's Day law will also promote those holiday-loving young couples, by having more children to get more time off.
What's more interesting is that Singapore's largest national playground has also formulated a special provision for children's Day, children to buy full tickets, adults to buy half tickets. In this way, not only let the children happily experience a feeling of being a small adult, but also let the adults re-find the long-lost childhood time. Moreover, because of this special provision, there has been a funny story that has made Singaporeans laugh.

Islamic state

In most Islamic countries, the 14th day after Ramadan is designated as "Candy Day", and it is also the happiest children's Day, children.

African country

Most countries in West Africa have special "children's carnival", which usually lasts for one month. African Singing and dancing, "Children's Carnival", although people's living conditions are not the same, all children will enjoy the joy, lively.

Children's play

Wrestle Fang Bao, Hebei dialect called "Lai Pai er", children's game. With a book cover or relatively hard paper to wear to fold into a square called Fang Bao, also called pa, the game is a person to take out their own a Fang Bao thrown on the ground, another person also took out their own a hard fall on the ground or the other party's Fang Bao, by the wind or the appropriate Angle of the ground Fang Bao turned over, the other party's this will belong to you, otherwise you will belong to the other party.
Jumping goat, is a folk imitation goat jumping children's game, simple and easy, can exercise the body, but also to cultivate the ability to make decisive decisions, very popular with children, in the Olympic gymnastics project called "vault".
Rabbit doll is a traditional handicraft of Han nationality in Beijing, which belongs to the children's toy in the Mid-Autumn Festival.
According to the saying that there is a Chang 'e jade rabbit in the moon palace, the jade rabbit is further artistic, personal, and even deified, and molded into various forms of rabbit children with mud.
Hopscotch, also known as jumping the plane, is a world children's game, is also one of the traditional Chinese folk sports games, interesting and entertaining, has been loved by the majority of children. Sometimes even in a vacant lot, just one Piece of chalk Or branches, children will also draw on the ground "hopscotch" nine grids, and then play together.
Hoop rolling, an old Han children's game, was popular all over China in the 1960s and 1970s and gradually disappeared in the late 1990s.
The player holds an iron bar or wire with a "U" shaped head, and pushes a black iron ring with a diameter of about 66 cm to run forward. Some also put two or three small rings on the iron ring, which is louder when rolling. Make a loop out of wire, then make a long handle iron hook, and roll the loop along.
Flower rope, Han folk spread children's game. In different regions of China, there are different names, such as the line over the flower, over the flower drum, picking the tension, and so on. This is a kind of rope to play with, just dexterous fingers, you can turn out a lot of patterns. In Malaysia, the rope used to turn over the rope is generally rubber rings ( Rubber band In the southeast of Henan, the game is called "opening glue"), and foreign materials have wool, twine Wool rope or cotton rope, etc.
Taking foreign pictures, a popular children's game in the 1980s, is called "fanning foreign films" in some parts of the north. The children took out some extra foreign paintings, put them together, placed them on the ground, took turns to pat them with their hands, or to pat them with their foreign paintings, and took them away when they could pat them over.
Playing marbles, also known as "playing Glass bead ", playing glass balls, pinball, playing marbles, playing yo-yo ", should be a world children's game, children from all countries will play. Each player plays several pieces, and the loser will lose the glass bead ownership .
Blind touch, also called "blind touch", is when a person blindfolded plays the role of "blind" and then touches others. When blindfolded and everything is dark, it takes a bit of courage to replace sight with touch.
Cockfighting is a game that children play in winter to warm themselves up in winter.
In many places, this game is also called" Impingement abductor ". The rules of the game are that one foot is independent, the other foot is pulled into a triangle shape with the hand, the knee is turned out, and the knee is used to attack the other side, if the other foot falls, you win the battle. It was the fiercest and most macho of childhood games, but there were a few big girls who liked it, too, and it was surprisingly lethal.
Eagle catch chicken, commonly known as "yellow harrier eat chicken", also known as "weasel eat chicken", is a multi-participant educational entertainment game, carried out outdoors or indoors with a certain space. This kind of game is good for developing students' sensitivity and coordination ability, cultivating students' cooperative practice, Sense of cooperation It has a certain promoting effect.
Jumping rubber band (often called jumping rubber band rope in Hong Kong and Macao) is one of the classic children's games. It was extremely popular between the 1960s and 1990s, especially among girls, but in the 20th century, with the development of the economy and the increase of entertainment, the rubber band jumping game gradually faded out of the eyes of children.

Related festival


International Children's Day

On December 14, 1954, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization November 20 is the International Children's Day. The resolution calls for guaranteeing the right to survival, health care and education of all children in the world. It was pointed out that all democratic groups and adult men and women throughout the world should employ both men and women labourer In the fight against the phenomenon, the State protects the health of children and meets the funding needs of children by reducing military expenditure.

World Children's Day

In 1986, 9-year-old Turkish schoolgirl Fonda Karagozile and another classmate wrote to the Children of the World: "We want everyone to be equal in our community and we want to live in a peaceful world." Even though we are children, we can improve the world." The letter was delivered United Nations Children's Fund It was then sent to the United Nations delegates, causing a strong response. April 27 was declared World Children's Day, and Fonda Karagozile became the honorary president of the organization. Since then, every year on the fourth Sunday of April, children from all over the world have come to New York United Nations Headquarters To express their desire for a better world and their contributions to their communities.

Other Children's Day

Singapore Children's Day
October 1st
Chinese Children's Day
June 1st
Children's Day in Hong Kong and Taiwan
April 4th
Korean Children's Day
The fifth of May
British Children's Day
The 14th of July
Children's Day in Japan
Boys May 5, girls March 3
Children's Day in Russia
June 1st
Children's Day in Indonesia
July 23rd
The second Saturday of January every year

Anecdotes by country

In Korea, Children's Day began in 1923. Boy's Day "Evolved. It is also a public holiday in South Korea and is celebrated on May 5 every year. Parents usually take their children to the park, zoo or other amusement facilities on this day to let their children have a happy holiday.
The first post-independence government of India would be the Prime Minister of Chuang Yaru birthday Remembrance Day November 14 as Children's Day, in this special day, Indian children will have a variety of ethnic flavor of dance, music performances, the government will also come forward to organize some celebrations.
majority Islam The 14th day after Ramadan is designated as "Candy Day" in the country, which is also the happiest children's Day for children. "Candy Festival" generally lasts for three days, children in small groups, to the nearby families to ask for candy. According to local customs, adults can not refuse children's requests, so the children always return home on this day, happy.
Children's Day in West Africa is crazy, most of their countries have a special "children's carnival", and often last for a month. African Always able to sing and dance, in the "children's Carnival", although people's living conditions are different, but all children will enjoy the joy, lively.
However, compared to children in these countries, Iraq When children in many countries are celebrating Children's Day, most Iraqi children do not know that there is a festival of their own in the world. They went on as before, going to school, working in the workshops, or begging on the streets.
Some Iraqis say that in Saddam Hussein For more than 20 years in power, June 1 was designated as Iraq's oil nationalization day. On this day, all kinds of celebrations are held throughout Iraq, but they have nothing to do with children, so children do not celebrate Children's Day.
On the neglected Children's Day, there is no festive atmosphere in kindergartens and primary schools in Iraq, and naturally there will be no celebrations.
Children's Day in Japan, known as "Children's Day" (Japanese: こどもの Day), is a traditional holiday. Every year on May 5, Japanese families celebrate the coming of age of their children. Before World War II, the festival was called" Dragon Boat Festival (Japanese: Dragon Boat Festival の verse), and only boys' festival. When it became a public holiday in 1948, it became a day to celebrate the happiness and welfare of all children. On the day of the festival, families in Japan will hang a fish-shaped sign on the roof to symbolize that children will eliminate bad luck, overcome difficulties and grow up smoothly.
But Japan has a separate girls' day on March 3, from Shangsi Festival Over time, Hinamatsuri To celebrate with a variety of dolls. Boys' Day hanging Carp streamer Is derived from the Chinese "hope Son Jackie Chan" and" Carp jumping over the dragon gate "Of the legend.

Gift considerations


Pungent smell

This kind of toy is usually a relatively cheap inferior toy, do not figure a cheap, thinking that home to wash and sun can be. The smell is pungent, which may be a stimulant substance in the toy, which is easy to stimulate Children It also has an irritating effect on the nasal mucosa of children. Most of the inferior toys have not been tested, and there may be serious excessive levels of formaldehyde, lead, mercury, etc., so we must be careful.

Heavy metal color

Each child's physique is different, the immunity is different, try to let the child less contact with toys containing heavy metals, because many of the ingredients are often harmful to the child's health. In the child's growth, let the child often play bright color toys, will also lead to the child's color sense is weak.

Contain small parts

Do not buy toys with small parts for children, large hospitals receive many children who inhale respiratory tract because of small toy parts every year. Do not appear too sharp places, to avoid causing harm to children.

Plush toy

Many parents will also buy a lot of stuffed toys for their children, but few parents will pay attention to the stuffing inside, many stuffed toys are cheap because they are filled with "garbage cotton".

Ejection toy

This kind of toy belongs to the youth, do not buy too small children, the younger children with a lower degree of cognition is very dangerous, and the marble will accidentally inhale the trachea leading to suffocation.


This kind of toy is very popular nowadays, many parents even take their children to learn pulley, every parent can not always stay with the child, non-professional children's ability to control pulley is far from enough.