Japanese cuisine

Japanese cuisine
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Japanese cuisine originated from Japanese islands The specialty of Japanese cuisine. The requirements of Japanese cuisine include natural ingredients, bright colors, diverse utensils, creating a visual sense of advanced, and materials and preparation methods also need to pay attention to seasonal changes, a dish all year round needs to adapt to the season with different cooking methods and dishes.
Japanese cuisine is mainly divided into two categories, namely, Japanese Washoku and Japanese Foreign food [1] . When it comes to Japanese food, many people think of it sushi This kind of food invented by the Japanese is "washoku"; Also, from China Japanese ramen , originate from India the Japanese curry , originate from France Japanese-style omelet ( Omelet rice ), from Italy Japanese-style Neapolitan style pasta And so on, these foreign foods are called "Japanese food", although the origin is not Japan, but after the Japanese transformation and become a kind of Japanese cuisine. One that Japan has modified Chinese food (Japanese ramen, gyoza , Tien , Tang Yang Chicken nuggets And because China does not belong to the West, it is directly called "Japanese. Chinese cuisine ". [2]
Japanese traditional washoku decoration is very delicate, like a work of art, representing kaiseki . For the Japanese, aesthetic Japanese cuisine is just a traditional daily diet, and this aesthetic style is not ancient, but in the 19th century Meiji era At the end of the period, Japan moved towards Western countries It is deliberately shaped to export the excellent culture of the country.
Traditional Japanese food staples can only be rice , other Noodles , Bread Flour food can not be used as the staple food of Japanese cuisine, the simplest Japanese food will use white rice with fish, vegetables, pickles And soup. Japanese ingredients can be named after the number of these dishes, such as "single-dish meal" (Japanese: One juice, one dish /いちじゅういっさい), consists of a dish of pickles (usually pickled) Yellow radish ) With white rice and miso soup.
Chinese name
Japanese cuisine
Foreign name
Japanese cuisine
Main food, Kaiseki, Kai Mat
Japanese islands
Japanese cooking
Japanese name
にほんりょうり (nihonryouri)

Basic introduction

Japanese cuisine
Japanese cuisine, usually a bowl of rice, and a bowl of soup; For example, traditional Japan breakfast It is usually Miso soup , rice , and a dish pickles . The most common type of dish is called "sanzai" (Japanese: one-sashi-sanzai /いちじゅうさんさい) -- soup, rice, and three plates of dishes cooked in different ways. The three dishes are usually one sashimi A plate of grilled vegetables and a plate of poach Dishes, some are Steamed vegetables Fried dishes, vinegar dishes, or dishes with sauces. The "three-course meal" is often accompanied by pickles and Green tea . A popular pickles is prune .
As Japan is a sea island nation, the Japanese are very fond of seafood - including fish, molluscs , octopus , Shrimp and crab Sum of classes Sea grass .


Staple food is rice, Noodles Mainly, because it is close to the sea, non-staple food is mostly fresh fish and shrimp and other seafood, often accompanied by Japanese wine. Washoku is known for its lightness, and when cooking, try to keep the original flavor of the ingredients themselves.
In the production of Japanese cuisine, it is required to have fresh materials, pay attention to cutting, put art, pay attention to the harmonious unity of "color, aroma, taste, and instrument", not only pay attention to taste, but also pay attention to visual enjoyment. Washoku requires natural color, delicious taste, diverse shape, and excellent tools. Moreover, the materials and conditioning methods emphasize the seasonal sense.


Japanese cuisine
There are three main categories of Japanese cuisine: Home meal , kaiseki and Banquet cuisine .
Home meal
A cooking system based on traditional culture and habits. Stem from Muromachi period It is a product of the Japanese legal system. Formal "home cooking" is rare and only appears in a few places Formal occasion For example, at weddings and funerals, coming of age ceremonies and sacrificial feasts, dishes are served Five dishes Two kinds of decoction arrive Seven kinds of vegetables Three different soups.
Japanese restaurant
in Tea ceremony The exquisite dishes prepared for the guests before the meeting. In medieval Japan (referring to the Kamakura and Muromachi periods in Japan), the tea ceremony was formed and came into being kaiseki This is based on very strict rules. Japanese cuisine In the department, the earliest and most orthodox cooking system is "kaiseki", which has a history of more than 450 years. According to an ancient Japanese legend, the word "Kaiseki" comes from the Zen monk's "warm stone". At that time, Zen monks in practice were required to eat only breakfast and lunch, and not eat in the afternoon. But the young monk could not bear the hunger and cold, and wrapped the heated stone Fabric scraps In called "warm stone", chuai to the bosom, top in the stomach to withstand hunger and cold. Later, it gradually developed into eating less, playing the role of "warm stone" against hunger and cold, and you can visit the Japanese cuisine special network for details.
Banquet cuisine
Along with the ordinary citizens of Japan Social activity The development, gave rise to the restaurant, formed Banquet cuisine . May be caused by Home meal and kaiseki Based on, simplified. It also includes a variety of local dishes. Banquet food is usually specially prepared Japanese cuisine You can taste it in restaurants.
Japanese cuisine
A surname sinicism Dinner table, i.e A table for eight square people . Table charge is Chinese style cuisine, yes Sewant mushrooms , Fish cake vegetable Noodle with soup , Noodles with gravy Let's wait. It features guests sitting Back-rest chair Around a table, all the meals are placed on one table. This cuisine has its roots in the ancient Chinese Buddhist vegetarian diet, by Implicit element Zen master as "bucha cuisine" (i.e Replace wine with tea To carry forward the cuisine. Be prevalent in Nagasaki It is also called Nagasaki cuisine. Chefs used local aquatic meat in Buddha Gate Vegetarian restaurant and created Table charge cuisine. The main dishes of table pack cuisine are: Shark fin Clear soup , tea, large plate, medium plate, Side dishes , stew, Rice cake and small bean soup And fruit. Small dishes are divided into five dishes, seven dishes, nine dishes, with seven dishes in the majority. Start by putting all the side dishes on the table and serving shark fin soup and other dishes as you eat.
Japonic Muromachi period Popular tea ceremony, so the emergence of tea banquet tea party cuisine. The original tea party cuisine was just an embellishment of the tea ceremony, very simple. By the end of Muromachi, it had become very luxurious. Later, the founder of the tea ceremony Senrikyu It has restored the appearance of tea party food. Tea party cooking as much as possible in the space and labor saving, staple food only three: rice bowl, Soup bowl And a small dish. There was soup, prune Sometimes two or three kinds of delicacies and seafood will be served, and finally tea will be served.
College cuisine
normal Nihon University There are two main types of food in the cafeteria -- rice and Noodles . Rice is divided into side dishes curry Class, Stir-fry class, fried class, rice served with meat and vegetables on top Category 4. Common Japanese curries include beef curry, croquette Curry, Fried mashed potatoes Cake curry; Stir-fried dishes are common with ginger, Mapo tofu , Stir-fried eggplant ; Fried categories are common Fried prawns , Deep-fried vegetable Let's wait. As for using fish and oyster The fried food, probably because it is too expensive, can not be eaten in the school canteen. Covered rice is common Beef covered with rice , Pork covered with rice and Chicken topped with rice . The name sounds a little cruel, called "parent-child" rice, which is chicken and egg stewed together to make rice. Noodles are mainly divided into white, coarse and soft according to the processing method of the surface udon Thin, yellow eggs Pulled noodles There are those that are neither white nor yellow Buckwheat noodles Let's wait. School cooking is relatively cheap, a meal is generally about 500 yen, if in the outside restaurant at least 700 to 1000 yen.
There are several kinds of noodles in Japan, for example udon , Soba noodles And wide cut noodles, these pasta ingredients pay attention to, inexpensive quality. Buckwheat noodles, in particular, are popular food. Japanese dining has gradually diversified to American style snack , hamburger , pasta The article has been partially replaced Rice ball . Frozen food is popular with housewives, Dumplings , Pan-Fried Dumpling Steamed buns, noodles, etc Chinese cuisine It's also popular in Japan. Western snacks such as cakes, cookies, and chowder were brought to Japan from Europe, from China or from Zen temples Vegetable dish It evolved from Spring roll Pot stickers, etc., are also regarded as dishes and favored by the Japanese.
Practice cooking is also called "intensive cooking", which means eating fast and vegetarian. In fact, the so-called advanced cuisine is the vegetarian cuisine that does not use meat.
In addition, there are boxed cold meals Imperial cuisine It is usually eaten during the important festivals of the New Year.

Cooking characteristics

A good chef must become a bridge between the food and nature, in the chef's careful cooking, let the guests taste the most authentic natural delicious.
The characteristics of Japanese cuisine focus on natural flavor, there is no doubt that [original] is the primary spirit of Japanese cuisine. Its cooking style, from hours of slow cooking stock Seasoning and cooking techniques are based on the premise of preserving the original flavor of food.
The secret of Japanese cuisine is basically sugar, vinegar, MSG, soy sauce, bonito And laminaria are the main ones seasoning In addition to tasting fragrance, taste, touch, vision, smell and so on Can not be ignored .
In addition to cooking above Colour mixing In addition, eating is also learned, we must [eat hot food while it is hot], [eat ice food while it is cold], so that we can reflect each other in taste, time and cooking ingredients, and achieve 100% wonderful taste.
Japanese food is a dish that is tasted with the eyes, or rather with the eyes Five senses Come and taste the cuisine. Namely: eye-visual taste; Nasal - olfactory taste; Aural-auditory taste; Touch - tactile taste; And, of course, tongue - taste tasting. And then when it comes to what you can taste, first there are the five tastes. The five tastes may be the same Chinese cuisine Same. Sweet, sour, bitter, hot, salty. And the cooking also needs to have five colors, black and white, red, yellow and blue. After the five colors are complete, we also need to consider the balance of nutrition. Japanese cuisine consists of five basic cooking methods: cutting, boiling, roasting, steaming, and frying. Compared with Chinese food, the cooking method of Japanese food is relatively simple. Japanese cuisine is a seasonal rich material with five tastes (actually six tastes, the sixth taste - light. Light is required to fully pull out the original taste of raw materials.) , five colors, five methods based on the five senses to taste the cuisine.
Japanese cuisine is recognized as the most meticulous international food in the cooking process, which also creates a refined and healthy eating concept of Japanese cuisine.
Natural flavor is the main spirit of Japanese cuisine, and its cooking method is delicate and exquisite. With sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, miso The main seasoning, such as firewood fish, laminae, pay attention to taste, touch, vision, smell, etc., as well as utensils and dining environment collocation mood. There are three main categories of Japanese cuisine: Home meal , kaiseki and Banquet cuisine . A cooking system based on traditional culture and habits. In very formal Japanese banquets, dishes are served on a tray with feet. in Tea ceremony The exquisite dishes prepared for the guests before the meeting. Japanese food itself Catering culture Characteristics also make the price of Japanese food in the invisible spike. in City of food Osaka It is known as "eating to bankruptcy" to describe the delicious Japanese cuisine. The materials chosen by Japanese cuisine are mainly fresh seafood and seasonal fresh vegetables, which have the characteristics of light taste, fine processing, bright color and less greasy. Half of eating Japanese food is eating the environment, atmosphere, and mood. The main features of Japanese cuisine are fish, shrimp and shellfish seafood Food for cooking, food main ingredients, taste fresh with salty, sometimes slightly sweet and sour and spicy. Light, non-greasy, delicate, nutritious, focusing on vision, taste and utensils are the characteristics of Japanese cuisine.

Eating method

Eating method classification article
Sashimi Start with lighter food, usually in the following order: Arctic shell , Octopus , Panopea generosa , Baby shell , tape, Sweet shrimp , Sea urchin , squid , swallow the fish, Salmon , swordfish and tunny . Seafood is usually the fattest in the early winter. the mustard Mix with soy sauce to make a paste for dipping sushi In the eyes of the Japanese, it is a very rude act. In fact, the sushi itself has been put mustard spicy, when eating, as long as the sushi about 1/4 position dipped in soy sauce can be. while sake Can be divided into four levels, from low to high in order: pure Rice wine , Japanese brewing, Yin Brewing, Dayin Wine .
Seasons and food
Spring diet snapper Eat pine fish in early summer and eat in midsummer eel Eat mackerel flower fish in early autumn and eat in autumn Knife fish Eat in late autumn Salmon Eat in winter whe Yuji globefish . Japan is surrounded by the sea, and seafood is naturally the most important raw material. The decoration of side dishes also highlights the characteristics of the season, such as autumn persimmon Leaves, chrysanthemums, reeds, accentuating the atmosphere of the season. And the dishes are served in a variety of utensils. Pay attention to, require a dish, according to the season and different dishes to choose, and even receptacle The pattern also varies from season to season.
Food garnish
Japanese Tie-in pendulum And utensils are also very particular, more than the mountain, river, boat, island, etc., and in three, five, seven singular arrangement, more varieties, less number, natural harmony. In addition, the dining utensils are square, round, boat, pentagonal, antique, etc., mostly made of porcelain and wood, elegant and generous, practical and ornamental.

Common concept

  1. 1.
    White miso (しろみそ) is a kind of white color and taste Soy sauce Similar sauce, only sweeter.
  2. 2.
    Red miso (あかみそ) with China Soya paste The color is the same, but the taste is not as salty as Chinese mayonnaise, with a slight sweetness." "Chi" is the meaning of "red" in Chinese, so it is also called red Dajiang.
  3. 3.
    Cherry miso (さくらみそ) a kind of red and black sauce, "sakura" is the trademark of this sauce, and also has the meaning of sakura.
  4. 4.
    Octatin red sauce (はっちょうみそ) It is said to be a kind of soy sauce used by the imperial court in ancient times. It is darker than red soy sauce and has a slightly bitter taste.
  5. 5.
    Ishino grain miso (いしのつぶみそ) The taste and color are the same as that of Baida sauce, only the beans in the sauce are grainy. Generally used for pickled food, stone is the brand name of the sauce.
  6. 6.
    Yundan sauce (ひかりちゃん) It's called in China Sea urchin paste It is a kind of creature in the sea, it is flat round, the shell is covered with thorns, and it eats the yellow seed inside, that is, the ovary of the sea urchin, and the sauce processed by pickling is that of the sea urchin sauce.
  7. 7.
    sake (せいしゅ) The color is clear and transparent, and the taste is Chinese Shaoxing wine Similar, is a Japanese drink often.
  8. 8.
    aksake (あかせいしゅ) The taste is the same as sake, only the color is red, suitable for cooking.
  9. 9.
    mirin (みりん) is a yellow transparent sweet wine, its use with China Cooking wine Similarity is an indispensable ingredient in cooking.
  10. 10.
    Bonito flakes (section り cut) by bonito Processed from, before using a plane will be shaved fish into shavings, so called wooden fish flower. Skipjack is also called skipjack because it resembles wooden logs decorated on the roof ridge of Japanese shrines or palaces.
  11. 11.
    A wooden fish flower (いちど) The first time to make the stock of the wooden fish flower, the wooden fish color is white, the soup is clear.
  12. 12.
    Twice wooden fish flower (にど) Make the second stock of wooden fish flowers. The color of the wooden fish is red, and the soup is slightly red.
  13. 13.
    kelp ウカメ There is a kind of plant in the sea. It is called in China wakame .
  14. 14.
    laminaria (こんぶ) a stalked piece of kelp specially used to flavor soups.
  15. 15.
    Kelp juice (こんぶしる) generally refers to the amount of kelp boiled water, more commonly used in pot dishes.
  16. 16.
    Heavy soy sauce The color is similar to Chinese soy sauce, is a moderate flavor of soy sauce, suitable for eating raw fish, can also be used as a condiment for general dishes.
  17. 17.
    Heavy soy sauce The color is darker than the thick soy sauce, which is suitable for making some dark dishes.
  18. 18.
    Red caviar It has been pickled The salmon Roe.
  19. 19.
    bullhead Also known as Jiaji fish, divided into red, gray two kinds.
  20. 20.
    Shrimp and taro A prawn-like taro with a rounded, curved top and bottom.
  21. 21.
    Nuda A foreign word, a cold dish with a big sauce.
  22. 22.
    Sour lotus root A sweet and sour dish pickled with lotus root.
  23. 23.
    Chrysanthemum radish A chrysanthemum shaped dish made from white radish.
  24. 24.
    broccolite Just like regular cauliflower. Green.
  25. 25.
    Pickled cauliflower A sweet and sour dish marinated with cabbage flowers.
  26. 26.
    Perilla leaf It is a kind of herb, some leaves are purple red, and some leaves and stems are green, and it is often used in Chinese herbal medicine.
  27. 27.
    Daisy Yellow edible chrysanthemum.
  28. 28.
    Hagan silk Burdock, edible is its black root. Generally cut into silk for cooking.
  29. 29.
    Cut off vegetables Mung bean sprouts to cut the root, bud tip bud rod is called cutting vegetables.
  30. 30.
    Red tea water It is made from Japanese black tea.
  31. 31.
    Dry ladle (かんぴょ) Dried vegetables, with a gourd into a strip, dried.
  32. 32.
    araliae The name of a plant whose stems can be eaten.
  33. 33.
    Tianxue sauce Day heavy is a loanword with a lacquer box of rice, on top of the fried shrimp called day heavy, poured on the juice called day heavy juice.
  34. 34.
    Seven flavors of Tangxin Zi A spicy condiment containing nori, sesame, chili, etc. The Japanese love it when they eat pasta.
  35. 35.
    Clam (あさり) Any of several Marine shellfish having green markings on its surface.
  36. 36.
    Red Sour plum (あかうめほし) Pickled red prune, sour and salty.
  37. 37.
    White Sour plum (しろうめほし) A large, uncolored preserved prune with a sour and salty taste. It also increases appetite and AIDS digestion. The Japanese eat it all the time.
  38. 38.
    Fish cake A food made from fish puree, fried, baked, steamed, and in a variety of shapes.
  39. 39.
    Jiang Yaozhu A sea shell resembling a scallop.
  40. 40.
    External porcine muscle Also known as Tongji, a strip of meat outside the backbone of the pig, this meat is thin and gluten free, is the best meat in pork.
  41. 41.
    T-shaped bran It's one of the soy products.
  42. 42.
    Pickled spinach Spinach with juice marinated in wood fish flower soup, soy sauce and other seasonings.
  43. 43.
    Tosa soy sauce (とさしょうゆ) A lighter-tasting soy sauce made with wine, wood fish flower soup and ordinary sauce.
  44. 44.
    Japanese stock with bonito The stock cooked by Kunbu, a soup can be made of weifang tang, and two soups can be made of soil bottle steaming.
  45. 45.
    sushi (すし) Japanese people often eat food, widely popular around the world, with vinegar mixed rice and stained or sashimi, with nori or nori roll, common roll sushi, nigiri sushi, hand roll and so on, the first two are generally two groups, a 25g.
  46. 46.
    Sashimi (さしみ) Japanese sashimi Or seafood slices.
  47. 47.
    tunny Japan and Taiwan are called tuna ,香港称为吞拿鱼(tuna),大陆叫做金枪鱼,实际上都是一种鱼。
  48. 48.
    Salmon salmon, also known as salmon, salmon, salmon, is a common fish in Japanese cuisine
  49. 49.
    tempura (てんぷら) That is, fried food. That is to use flour, eggs, water to adjust it into a paste, and then the fish, shrimp, vegetables wrapped in pulp into the pan fried golden brown, when eating dipped in soy sauce and radish mashed juice, fresh and delicious, fragrant but not greasy.
  50. 50.
    Sukiyaki (すきやき) Also known as Japanese hot pot, it only became popular after the second half of the 19th century.
  51. 51.
    Stone ware That's SLATE burning. The steak is cooked on a hot stone and eaten with fresh soy sauce.
  52. 52.
    Roasted bird (やきとり) That's roast chicken. The chicken is cut into pieces and skewered on a thin skewer, dipped in soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine, etc., to prepare a flavor sauce, and then roasted on the fire.
  53. 53.
    teppanyaki Very popular in Japan, the authentic Japanese teppanyaki, as the name suggests, is a large iron plate, barbecued all kinds of food.
  54. 54.
    mustard (からし) As an island country in Japan, many people eat seafood. Wasabi has a strong detoxification function, which can remove the poison of fish and crabs. Wasabi is one of the important seasonings in Japanese cuisine, especially used in soba noodles, sashimi and sushi.
  55. 55.
    Stained product (つけもの) The meaning of pickles, pickles, mostly small cucumber or white radish.
  56. 56.
    takoyaki Fish balls, also known as octopus balls, are fried on a plate stove in several spherical pits. They contain fish, shrimp, shellfish and other ingredients, and are served with teriyaki sauce, salad dressing, nori and shiba fillets.
  57. 57.
    udon (うどん), also known as udon , The Japanese kanji is written as: 饂 ton. Thick noodles made from wheat (at least 1.7 mm in diameter)
  58. 58.
    Soba noodles (そば) are thin noodles made with buckwheat flour and flattened into a dough.
  59. 59.
    gyudon "Rice with beef" means rice served in a bento.
  60. 60.
    Miso soup (みそし) a kind of miso (Japanese bean paste) soup with the main seasoning material.
  61. 61.
    tamagoyaki   Okja, that is, eggs, Okja yaki is based on eggs, with milk. Salt. Flavor. Japanese Shiba soy sauce and other food.
  62. 62.
    A surname (めんたいこ) The seeds of pollak (pollak) marinated with chilli and spices.
  63. 63.
    Pay on account It's a small dish, like salted cuttlefish. Taste to sweet, sour, salty mainly, minimal, variety.
  64. 64.
    antipasto namely Cold dishes . It can be served alone or on a platter of three or five.
  65. 65.
    First bowl namely Clear soup It means soup served before meals. Generally use wooden fish flower head soup, clear to the bottom, the taste is light
  66. 66.
    handy (Bento) is the box lunch, the general lunch box is lacquer-like wood products, divided into four, five types of two, each can put a dish and the corresponding rice ball.
  67. 67.
    Plum wine It is a kind of soju infused with plums.
  68. 68.
    A surname That is, the tape, also called scallop
  69. 69.
    sprig namely cuttlefish (Cuttlefish)
  70. 70.
    Yundan namely Sea urchin
  71. 71.
    teriyaki A cooking method. It is applied to the outer layer of barbecued meat Teriyaki sauce .
  72. 72.
    Pu Yaki The fish is sliced open and covered with a sweet and spicy sauce made mainly of soy sauce.
  73. 73.
    lifting That is, fried food
  74. 74.
    chawanzai (tea bowl steamed し) that is Japanese steamed egg
  75. 75.
    Fixed eclipse (ていしょく) That is Set meal It usually has rice, main dish, pickles, miso juice, salad
  76. 76.
    Tea-soaked rice Put rice in tea, then put sashimi of fish and so on
  77. 77.
    Kanto stew (Mida; おでん; oden)
  78. 78.
    eel-weight Grilled eel with rice

Production method



sushi Main raw materials:
meter, Sushi vinegar , fish.
Let's start with rice: It's best to use Electric cooker Wash the rice before cooking, do not rub it with your hands, but use a rice spoon or a wooden stick to stir until the water is clear. Put your entire hand in the rice pot and let the water cover your wrist.
The cooked rice should be mixed with vinegar. You'd better buy it if you can Kelp vinegar If there are no conditions can use white Rice vinegar Instead, but whatever it is, burn it first. Add some, okay sake (If not, available White wine Instead), put some sugar. The specific amount is determined by personal taste, and the main principle is that there is no acid in the original vinegar in the past.
Mix the vinegar with the rice, the rice should be hot, bibimbap The east east should be large, not too deep, must be large, so that it will be breathable, the rice will not stick together. The vinegar should be added a little bit, adding while mixing, the best condition is a large wooden basin, so that the rice will not cold quickly. How much vinegar is appropriate? Add to the rice until it has a sour taste, the taste can be stronger, because when the rice is cold, the taste will fade.
Fish: Preferably fresh Marine fish , the most common is Salmon , and tunny Tuna I don't recommend at home Make sushi Because it's hard to get fresh tuna at the market. Fresh tuna is like beef As bright red, dark or black color, it is best not to eat raw, will diarrhea. If you want to eat it, it's best to fry it and wrap it in sushi.
Salmon, fresh three-grain fish look at the eyes, bright eyes, and touch with your fingers Prey on And then put it under your nose and smell it. No Fishy taste What's fresh is fresh.
There are two kinds of sushi, one is onigiri style and the other is roll. And of course Sashimi (that is, People say Sashimi, which is very particular about the cutting, and the freshness of the fish.)
Have fresh Raw fish Of course, when you don't, when you're in a restaurant, sometimes the fish can't be eaten raw, but it can also be cooked. Like salmon, you can use a little salt, and Fried garlic Cooked, then cut into small strips Sushi roll In, or just cooked, plus Salad dressing Put it in the sushi.
In addition Crab stick This is made of fish, not real Crab meat The taste is also very good, and it is cooked, wrapped up can be eaten.
And the shrimp is cooked, with salad dressing, and it's delicious wrapped
Cucumber, avocado And eggs,
Sewant mushrooms Shiitake mushroom, shiitake mushroom, we do good food there, I like, the recipe:
Soak the mushrooms until soft, then soak the mushrooms Boiled mushrooms Add soy sauce, sugar, and wine to taste, cooked on it, taste a little sweet is best, because when eating to dip in soy sauce.
Ingredients to eat:
Japan Pickled ginger , green mustard, tamari (Chinese soy sauce taste a little heavy, to put less rice, do not press, to slowly push on their favorite Dongdong at this time to press the top Bamboo curtain Let go, roll again, and you're good to go).
do sushi There are many kinds of ingredients. You don't have to use fish. Few people eat salmon in Japan. Sushi vinegar can be used with white rice vinegar and laminae, Bonito flakes Bring the sugar and salt to a simmer. Sushi rice Preferably in Japanese Clear soup Cook.
Cut sushi, stick the knife to water (if it is a dull knife, no one can help you), with the drag knife technique, it will be done.

Onigiri style

This is the easiest. Take it fillet Into 2.5 cm wide, 5-6 cm long pieces, the pieces are time to be slanted pieces. And then make a 2 by 2 by 4.5 cuboid Rice ball Sprinkle a little green mustard in the middle of the fillet, then buckle the rice balls, turn them over and place them on a plate.
Vegetables, crab sticks, eggs, rice balls are the same, the only difference is to tie a strip on the top nori It's firmer and easier to handle.


You can usually buy it in the store sushi Special laver chips, personal feeling, to buy a good Japanese laver is difficult, in fact, many Korean laver is very good, the price is cheaper.
The general generation of 10, can do 20 rolls, each roll can be all into 6 pieces, that is to say, a bag of seaweed can do 20 different kinds of sushi, a total of 120 small pieces.
Roll seaweed, can also be divided into two types, one is the outside roll, one is the inside roll (rice inside, seaweed outside)
The practice of external roll:
One piece of seaweed, folded in half and divided into two pieces. Take half of the piece, look carefully, nori divided into front and back, smooth side down, on the rough side evenly coated with rice, the amount of rice: hand grip a ratio The palm of the hand Slightly smaller rice balls, placed in the center of the nori, pushed from the inside out, from the middle to the sides. If your hands feel sticky, moisten them with water.
When the whole sheet is covered with rice, scatter it in the middle White sesame seed Then turn the nori over, spread a little green mustard in the middle, then put what you like and roll it up. Take the long bottom end and roll it toward the center, then roll it again.
Internal Volume:
And the outer roll is not the same, to use a bamboo curtain, if not, you can also, that is sushi The shape is not very good, and easy to fall apart.
Half a piece of seaweed to the lower part of the bamboo curtain, or smooth facing down, and then hold a rice ball smaller than 1/3 of the palm, into the middle of the seaweed, also, slowly push the rice out, but this time do not paint the rice full of seaweed, leaving 2 cm above, leaving 1 cm below. Then apply mustard Put things you like to eat (not too much). When rolling, pull the seaweed to align with the bottom of the bamboo curtain, and then roll towards the middle, let go of the bottom of the bamboo curtain, and roll it with the bamboo curtain.

Food culture


Successful application for world heritage status

According to the Japanese" Sankei Shimbun Reported on December 5, 2013, dedicated to Japanese cuisine (Washoku) application login World intangible cultural heritage the NPO Yoshihiro Murata, president of the Japan Cuisine Academy, said he was looking forward to the successful application to allow the public to re-examine the diet of children "supporting the future of Japan."
Yoshihiro Murata, a master of Japanese cuisine, spends a lot of time in Japan Kyoto City Elementary schools in the inner City hold food education seminars to introduce children to delicious Japanese dishes made with soup. Yoshihiro Murata shared that in a diet education lecture, although there are children to see Sargassum sargassum Said "dark no appetite", but after trying immediately showed a smile said "delicious".
According to Yoshihiro Murata, the most popular foods for children in 21st century Japan are hamburgers, curry , pasta Etc. Western food Mainly, with rice and Miso soup combinatorial Three dishes and a soup The tradition of Dietary pattern Is gradually disappearing. The reason is not so much that the child does not cook because he does not eat, but that the mother of the child does not like the trouble of cooking.
For the meals provided by the school, Murata Yoshihiro believes that the collocation of rice and milk pays too much attention to the balance of nutrition, saying that "all have nutrition but also have no culture, so it is very unnatural."
Murata also said, The children who will take on the task of building Japan 50 years from now diet Is the fundamental problem of the country. "It will be the most meaningful thing if the registration of the World intangible Cultural Heritage can help rediscover the healthy diet of three dishes and one soup, which is disappearing."
Officially inscribed on the World Intangible Cultural Heritage List
According to the Japanese" Daily news "Reported, The United Nations UNESCO on the 4th declared "Washoku - a Japanese tradition Food culture Officially included in the United Nations Intangible cultural heritage List . This is the 22nd in Japan, the report said Intangible cultural heritage . The universal value of Japanese food culture is recognized by international institutions, which may lead to an increase in overseas tourists to Japan and the expansion of exports of Japanese agricultural, forestry and aquatic products. [3]
The Japanese government put forward the idea of Washoku as a world heritage site that "Washoku" reflects the Japanese spirit of "respecting nature" and is related to diet. Social custom ". The specific content is: Japanese cuisine to keep the fresh and original ingredients, pay attention to diversity; The pursuit of balanced nutrition is a healthy way of eating; Reflects the beauty of nature and the change of solar terms; and Traditional festival Activities are closely related; As a food culture, it embodies the unique values, lifestyle and social traditions of Japan.
The Japanese government made a recommendation to UNESCO in March 2013, and UNESCO's recommendation in October this year Auxiliary mechanism Passed the preliminary review. [4]

Recommended by the prime minister

On May 5, 2014, Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe Participated in Paris The charm promotion of Japanese cuisine Washoku was held at the residence of the Japanese Ambassador to France. This is to promote the use of fresh ingredients, maximize the original taste of the "Washoku" advantages, to promote the head of the marketing.
Abe During the event, it was also emphasized that "Washoku" has been included in UNESCO's intangible Cultural Heritage list. Abe said that Washoku's reverence for nature and emphasis on raw materials are not the same French cuisine There are different ways of doing the same thing.