Wechat public platform personal subscription number super detailed application steps

Release time: 2014-05-04 10:39:16 Author: Anonymous I want to comment
Before I wrote a wechat public subscription number application steps, but no matter from the picture or text description, are not very detailed, so I recently re-applied for a new wechat subscription number, one is to see if there is no change in the steps of applying for a subscription number, and the second is to familiarize myself with this process and re-organize a most detailed subscription number application steps

1. First of all, the advanced detail letter public platform: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/ 2. Set up an account. Email verification is required, so fill in a valid email.


3. Access the email and activate the account.


4. Select "Service number" or "subscription number" here divided into "organization" and "individual", where "organization" is to apply for service number, select "individual" is to apply for subscription number, so please select "individual" here, and then fill in the ID card information and handheld ID card photo (photo ID card information must be clearly visible). Then fill in the phone number and the phone verification code.


1) The message of the service number will appear in the wechat friend message list, and the message of the subscription number will be in the message list of the wechat "subscription number". At present, the service number can only send group messages 4 times a month, and the subscription number can send group messages once a day.

2) Each mobile phone number and ID number can only apply for two public number subscription number or public service number.


5. Enter the selection page, there is only one option, select the next step.


6. Fill in the wechat public subscription number information. As shown below. Fill in as required, and write the account name after thinking, once the application name can not be modified.


7. The registration is successful. Although it is written that this is 7 working days audit, but now it seems that what is not so strict, the audit is very fast, how fast, try to know!


8. Then you can enter the management interface of wechat public platform.


9. Modify basic information. Here you can modify the avatar first, in the "Settings" - "public number information" to modify, you can modify the avatar once a month. It says here that the avatar should be reviewed. According to my experience in applying just now, it was reviewed for you immediately after uploading, which is automatically reviewed by the machine. As shown below

To see here, I believe you have also applied, and you can enjoy playing with your wechat public subscription number.

WeChat public platform to address: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/

  • Tag: wechat public platform personal subscription number application steps

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