New Network Revolution - Jing 'an Network helps implement IPv6 national strategy

Published: 2017-12-06 15:50:40 Author: Anonymous I would like to comment
IPv6 is regarded as a major opportunity for the innovation and development of the technology industry, providing enterprises with more stable, safer, faster and more available network basic conditions, and also bringing new application "enjoyment" to hundreds of millions of ordinary people under today's "Internet of Everything".

Recently, a seemingly new, but actually familiar term has been frequently brushed the screen, so that many people who do not know the truth are a little confused. Under the thirst for knowledge, all search a special search, which officially looked up the so-called "next-generation Internet cornerstone" of the core "components" - IPv6

I remember early last month when I heard that the country was going to introduce a large-scale development plan, I did not believe it, but it was soon hit by piapia

National policy distribution network innovation mobilization

On November 26, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and The General Office of the State Council issued the Action Plan for Promoting the large-scale deployment of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), which proposed for the first time at the national level that it would take 5-10 years to build the world's largest IPv6 commercial application network. The number of active IPv6 users in China will reach 200 million by the end of 2018."

Undoubtedly, once this highest-level government document was released, it became a strategic mobilization order to promote the development of IPv6 in China. Overnight, IPv6 has become the hottest topic in the whole industry, no one!

From the expert's mouth of "getting up early, catching up late" to the country's "full-scale deployment", it can be said that China's IPv6 finally got rid of the embarrassment of "standing still" and began to enter the ranks of the world's leading with the "devil's pace". According to the requirements of "200 million IPv6 active users" proposed in the "Plan" in 2018, it is not difficult to conclude that IPv6 will cover all fields, all industries and all social classes in only one year.

Jingan Network assists in the full implementation of the IPv6 national strategy

Whether it is the orientation of the national New Deal or the evolution of The Times wave, it shows that IPv6 will be widely used in China. At present, the entire IPv6 port in China has not been fully opened, and the domestic institutions with IPv6 security deployment environment and conditions are still a few. How to get your own IPv6 address before hundreds of millions of users?

These two days, many people may see the post of "a cloud fully provides IPv6 services", so that everyone thinks that a cloud has created another "precedent" in the industry. As everyone knows, since 2014, there has been such a company, in the operators, universities, governments, enterprises and institutions and commercial websites to provide rapid upgrade from IPv4 to IPv6 evolution of products, and with the three major operators and many industry enterprises to establish a strategic partnership, with a mature technical foundation and solid business accumulation.

Say the name of this company, I believe few people have not heard of it - she is the current website access ranked second in the country's professional data center service provider: Jing 'an Network. As mentioned above, in the field of IPv6 research and development and deployment, looking across the country, Jingan network is also ranked very top.

It is reported that Jingan Network was selected as a member of the IPv6 Expert Committee many years ago, is China's next generation Internet (IPv6) evangelist, promoter, has personally participated in IPv6 research, testing, and successfully allocated to 2400:A480::/32 IPv6 number, /32 We all know that the IPv4 address space is 2^32, that is 4 billion, and the total number of IPv6 addresses in the Jingan network is 2^96 (128-32), that is, 160 billion times the total number of IPv4 addresses. At present, the number of IPv6 deployments in the country is about 2.3 million, and the Jingan network has reached more than 800,000!

At present, with the fresh release of the "Plan", Jingan Network is actively responding, and implementing the implementation of China's IPv6 strategy, once again for all sectors of society to develop a new round of "IPv6 free deployment action Plan", for different customers, Jingan will develop IPv6 comprehensive solutions in different application scenarios. That is, using the "IPV4+IPV6 dual-stack operation mechanism" of its own cloud data center, customers can experience the security and efficiency of IPV6 earlier. Therefore, if you want to connect with the next generation Internet (IPv6) in advance, Jingan network may be a good choice.

IPv6 is equally important to ordinary people

IPv6 is regarded as a major opportunity for the innovation and development of the technology industry. Its advantage is that it can not only efficiently support the prosperity and development of new technologies and new business forms such as mobile Internet, Internet of Things, cloud computing and AI, but also provide enterprises with more stable, safer, faster and more available network infrastructure. It has also brought new application "enjoyment" to hundreds of millions of ordinary people under today's "Internet of Everything".

The latest data from the China Internet Network Information Center shows that China's 751 million Internet users have only 338 million IPv4 addresses, or 0.45 per person. Foreign data is not optimistic, the Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, North America and other regions of the IPv4 address pool as early as the end of October 2016 has been completely exhausted.

A few years ago, computers were a luxury item, available only to some households, and more than 4 billion IP addresses were more than enough. The widespread use of smartphones quickly gobbled up most of the remaining IP addresses; Nowadays, all kinds of intelligent devices such as TV sets, sweeping robots, and air conditioners emerge in an endless stream, so that a person can have 4 or 5 terminals at the same time, and the exhaustion of IP addresses supported by IPv4 has become an inevitable result. Experts predict that by 2020, the number of connected devices in the world will exceed 30 billion, of which China's IP address demand alone may exceed 10 billion. What will we do then?

With IPv6, it's a different story. Compared with IPv4, which can only produce more than 4 billion IP addresses, IPv6 can produce 2 to the 128 power of IP addresses, such a massive scale is described as "let every grain of sand on the earth have an IP address", not only everyone can be assigned to one or even several fixed public IP addresses, the theoretical network is also faster, more convenient, more secure.

At the same time, for ordinary Internet users, IPv6 can effectively trace the source address, and at the same time, a verification system for the source address, which can better meet the requirements of financial applications for authentication and the ability to resist network attacks, equivalent to technically assigning a "network ID card" to everyone.

Attached: IPv6 tips

IPv6 is the abbreviation of "Internet Protocol Version 6", that is, the sixth version of the Internet Protocol, is designed by the International Internet Standardization Organization, used to replace IPv4 next generation Internet core protocol. IPv6 can provide enough IP addresses (340 trillion), with IPv4 address (more than 4 billion) resources exhausted, Ipv6 has become an inevitable trend of Internet evolution and upgrading. China is an early country in the world to carry out IPv6 experiments and applications, and has the basis and conditions for large-scale deployment. Accelerating the large-scale deployment of IPv6 and building a high-speed, widely spread, full coverage and intelligent next-generation Internet is an urgent requirement to accelerate the construction of a network power, accelerate the national informatization process, help economic and social development, and win new advantages in future international competition.

  • Tag: New network revolution Jingan network ipv6

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