Refining these five navigations helps improve the user experience of website optimization!

Post time: 2017-08-03 17:46:51 Author: Anonymous I want to comment
The user experience of website optimization has always been the focus of our emphasis, and the refinement of the five navigation in the website will help improve the user experience of website optimization, interested friends to understand it

Website optimization user experience has always been the focus of our emphasis, if the website user experience is not good, even if you rank high, the conversion rate will be very low, find something half a day can not find, how can customers believe your service, if it is a browsing website, can not find relevant content, users feel that this is not the site he is looking for, will soon close the site, here five navigation, It is to let users quickly find what they need to improve the user experience.


1. Main navigation

A navigation must be able to tell the user what is the column they are browsing, and at the same time in the case of unclear navigation of their own position also have an understanding, in any case, the main navigation is the main body of the site, but also can let users stay in the site in the key, so feel that a good setting of the main navigation is the first step in website optimization must be done.

2. Auxiliary navigation

When it comes to sub-navigation, we all know that it is complementary to the navigation of the main navigation, usually there is no sub-navigation on the website, and only in the case of the website dominated by pictures, it will add sub-navigation at the bottom of the website.

3. Breadcrumb navigation

Although the status of breadcrumb navigation in the website optimization website is less than the main navigation, but its importance in the website can not be ignored, we all know that the main navigation of the website is to switch between multiple column pages, mainly including each secondary column (product column, news column) and optimize the important page (single page) between the website. The breadcrumb navigation is mainly a switch between the home page, secondary directory and third directory, such as the home page - news column - news detail page, each level is written as anchor text understanding form, which not only improves the user experience (users will know their current location, convenient for users' traffic), but also has the search engine's grasp. Also let search engine spiders understand your website optimization site structure.


4. Bottom navigation

General procedures will not come with the bottom navigation, most of the reason for having the bottom navigation is that the webmaster in order to increase the keyword density and prompt users to return to the corresponding column through the bottom navigation, of course, the set of the bottom navigation is not bad for website optimization, as long as the setting is correct, the effect is still there, then we should do how to optimize the Settings?

General bottom navigation should put some of their own think necessary column keywords, such as contact us, disclaimer, copyright and so on do not set, put these bottom navigation is a waste of place, and for users and website optimization are not any help, as far as possible to think that they are important, need to repeat the prompt content to the bottom navigation, It can tell the search engine what is important, but it also allows the user to quickly return to the corresponding page when browsing the footer.

For the optimization of the bottom navigation Settings, you first need a certain amount of data analysis, because this is very useful for SEO help, and then set according to the characteristics of the site, as far as possible to use the bottom navigation in some places that need important reminders.


5, site map navigation

Sitemap is a single page that contains the entire site page, this single page is usually required to manually add, but this page is like a bridge page that requires us to operate the page outside the link, and to lay out the link of this page in other pages throughout the site, balancing the exported link in this page.

  • Tag: Website optimization

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