The new station must pay attention to the 12 SEO station optimization projects

Release time: 2018-09-25 10:34:24 Author: Anonymous I want to comment
Station optimization, relatively speaking, do more work, seo station optimization methods, as a member of the many service outsourcing of Chengdu SEO, today to explain to you the new station must pay attention to 12 SEO station optimization projects, interested friends follow Xiaobian together to see it

Station optimization, relatively speaking, do more work, seo station optimization methods, as a member of Chengdu SEO many service outsourcing providers, today to explain to you, I hope to help the novice.

Cartoon glasses small icon dividing line

1 Title

The title is the overall description of the content of a web page, is the most important, the word length of the title should not be too long, if you do not know how many words are appropriate, search for a keyword, copy the title and description of the website that has been ranked, and now write it yourself, do not exceed the number of words of others on the line.

The title generally writes the core keywords, such as if you want to do a floor paint website, you can write: Chongqing floor paint _ Chongqing floor paint price _ Chongqing floor paint construction [factory direct sales].

The front is the core keyword, and the back attracts users to click.

The ink stain the dividing line

2 Description

The description is a comprehensive description of the entire page, second in role and importance to the title, the description is best to be attractive, with your company's brand word and phone number, and include target keywords.

3 Keywords

Now the role of keywords for ranking is very small, but it is still better to add, one is more standardized, and the second is that the keyword density of the overall website will increase.

4 Four words

One word: refers to the optimization, or the core keywords of your current page, which may be the home page, but also the column page and the inside page.

Here and there: in the title, in the description, in the body of the article, in the anchor text of other pages. Specific reference to Baidu encyclopedia four words.

The ink stain the dividing line

5 Image ALT tag and TITLE tag

For users: These two tags can remind users of the content of a website image when it is abnormal.

For search engines: These two tags are more in line with Baidu's SEO specifications.

Note: In the web page, the ALT and TITLE tag of each picture are not all the same, to seek things, do not pile up keywords, otherwise it is easy to let Baidu think you are cheating.

6 Website Code

Website code as simple as possible, save Baidu spider time, this is particularly important for large websites.

In the code, try not to be all pictures, or too much JS, although Baidu is very powerful, but the best way to identify or text, so the layout should be most of the text, with the corresponding picture, the picture with ALT and TITLE tags.

The ink stain the dividing line


Do a bobot.txt, tell the search engine not to crawl which address of the page, such as background, CSS, etc., to save the spider's time. You can put SITEMAP.XML at the end of ROBOTS.TXT.


You can use tools or online generation, such as: crawler sitemap generation tool

9 301 Jump

To make sure your site doesn't contain two identical pages, such as and, redirect 301 from one URL to the other. General space service providers have this function.

To make sure your site doesn't contain two identical pages, such as and, redirect 301 from one URL to the other. General space service providers have this function.

The ink stain the dividing line

10404 Page

Do a simple 404 page first, generally with 404.htm as the file name, upload to the site root directory, and then to the space inside the setting. As shown below:

11 Website Layout

Website layout: navigation, columns, sections, products, articles, etc., should be laid out according to user needs, how to how to user needs.

In addition, the website layout should be arranged according to the size of user needs, the demand is large, and the important position is left and right. As illustrated in the chart below, red indicates that users click the most.

12 inner chain

A good internal chain layout can make the website more readable, and search engines also like such a website. Such as Baidu Encyclopedia, the internal chain system is done perfectly. There are three common forms of inner chains:

1, anchor text links, do not understand the friend, you can look up, previously said four words. 2, bread navigation: do not understand can look at Baidu encyclopedia. 3, related recommendation: similar to Taobao, related baby.

Sum up

The above is a small series to introduce you to the new station must pay attention to the 12 SEO station optimization projects, I hope to help you, if you have any questions please give me a message, small series will reply you in time. Thank you very much for your support of the Script House website!

  • Tag: SEO New site optimization Intra-site optimization

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