Website 301 actual tutorials, a few steps to teach you the correct transfer of weight!

Reverse winter black hat SEO public numberRelease time: 2020-09-28 11:52:31 Author: Reverse Winter I want to comment
Recently, many brothers asked me what attention to 301 website, how to correctly do 301, this content in line with the principle of actual combat, to explain to you!

Recently, many brothers asked me what attention to 301 website, how to correctly do 301, this content in line with the principle of actual combat, to explain to you!

First of all, let's talk about what scenario 301 is used in. Below we can divide it into two scenarios:

First, when you need to change the domain name, such as the original domain name A, and then feel that A is not good for various reasons, you need to change it to B, then you do not want to lose your own traffic at this time, you need to use 301!

Second, when you really can not do a website, change the old meter, the website that can not do 301 directly to the old meter, will also have a good effect! (Case study)

Case description:

Always take the brothers to do the weight station, although the success rate is relatively high, but can not guarantee 100% success! Take my 5 fortune-telling stations as an example, 4 successful, this has not been up, so bought a better meter, 301, after all, more than 10,000 can not be wasted! Let's show you the whole 301 process step by step! (The 301 website of this article is, the website under 301 is

The first step: First create a new site, upload the database and source code of the site you need to do 301 jump, and ensure that the 301 jump site corresponds to the data and links of the new site (the domain name of the new site is resolved into the URL that you will eventually 301 go to).

Step 2: Open the pagoda to find the site where you want to do a 301 skip and click Settings

Step 3: There are two versions of 301 redirection, and this tutorial is demonstrated using the Redirection Beta

Step 4: Add redirection and reserve URL parameter can be set to turn off or open (301 needs to be reserved), the difference between the two is as follows:

1: If you keep the URL parameter then visiting httpL// will redirect you to your 301 website's 1.html httpL//

2: If the URL is not reserved then httpL// will be redirected to your primary domain.

Step 5: The above steps complete the pagoda 301 setting, but the step is not finished. The focus is on the webmaster resource platform (highlight) :

1: Need to authenticate your 301 site and new site domain name under the same account of Baidu webmaster resource platform

2: Select the site you want to do 301, select the website revision.

3. Add the site revision (generally directly select the site revision) and then quietly wait for Baidu verification to complete, so far all 301 completed!

Here is a small trick, such as the figure above is really completely 301, if the prompt [partial revision] [verification failure], you need to find the problem, or delete the re-submit, until the display [revision complete], some brothers in the operation, even do not look at, after the revision success, the weight did not transfer, resulting in traffic loss, this is a very important point!

Statement: This article is from wechat public number Inverse Winter Black Hat SEO(ID: gh_c3dd79adc24e), author: Inverse winter, authorized script home reprint and release.

  • Tag: Explain the actual combat website 301

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