JavaScript- The home of scripting


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JavaScript is a scripting language that belongs to the network and has been widely used in Web application development. It is commonly used to add a variety of dynamic functions to web pages to provide users with more smooth and beautiful browsing effects. Typically, JavaScript scripts implement their functionality by embedding them in HTML.

  • It is an interpreted scripting language (the code is not precompiled).
  • It is mainly used to add interactive behavior to HTML (an application under the Standard General Markup Language) pages.
  • HTML pages can be embedded directly, but written as separate js files to facilitate the separation of structure and behavior.
  • Cross-platform features, with the support of most browsers, can run under a variety of platforms (such as Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, iOS, etc.).

The Javascript scripting language, like other languages, has its own basic data types, expression and arithmetic operators, and the basic program framework of the program. Javascript provides four basic data types and two special data types for processing data and text. While variables provide a place to store information, expressions can complete more complex information processing.

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