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Zhou Lunyou

Poet, literary theorist
Zhou Lunyou, born in Rongchang, Chongqing, was a pioneer poet and literary theorist in China.
In the 1970s, he began to write literature, and in 1986, he led the founding of non-non-ism, and edited two periodicals, "Non-non-Fei" and "Non-Non-Review". Since 1994, in cooperation with Peking University professors Zhang Yiwu, Wang Ning, Wang Yuechuan, etc., he has planned and edited "Contemporary Trends: Postmodernist Classics Series ", works selected in Peking University Professor Xie Mian edited "Chinese Literary Classics", "100 years of Chinese literary Classics Library", the famous scholar Lin Xianzhi edited "Freedom Poem", "Wilderness/Chinese Writers Spirit Return Epic Song Volume", and have been translated into English, Japanese, German and other languages published abroad. His theory and creation have great influence on the literary theory circles and overseas sinology circles in the new period.
Chinese name
Zhou Lunyou
Representative works
Fei Fei
Be educated and educated
Chongqing Rongchang
Job title

Character experience

Zhou Lunyou
Zhou Lunyou's literary achievements have been included in dozens of modern and contemporary Chinese literary histories written and edited by many famous scholars such as Zhang Jiong, Hong Zicheng, Jin Han and Meng Fuhua. Appointed in 2004 Southwest Normal University Distinguished professor. Published in: The Era of Anti-Values (Monograph on Poetic Theory, Sichuan People's Publishing House, 1999), Poetics of Art Allotasy (Monograph on Literary Theory, People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 2005), On the Essence of Artists (Monograph on Literary Theory, co-authored with Zhou Lunzuo, People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 2005), The Hanging Temple (Literary History, Tibet People's Publishing House, 2005) 2006), "Syntactic Transformation Completed on the Edge of a Knife" (Poetry collection, Tangshan Publishing House, 1999), Selected poems by Zhou Lunyou "(Poetry Collection, Huacheng Publishing House, 2006) and many other Chinese literature and academic monographs. In addition, he has edited and published a variety of contemporary cutting-edge literary trends.

Major works

* "Syntactic Transformation on a Knife's Edge" (poetry collection)
* Selected Poems of Zhou Lunyou (Poetry Collection)
* The Burning Thorn (poetry collection)
* The Age of Anti-Values (Theoretical collection)
* Metameric Poetics of Art (Literary theory monograph)
* The Hanging Temple (Literary History)
* "Birds Standing on the Blade" (editor-in-chief, edited)
* "Opening the Door of the Flesh" (Editor, editor)
* "The Third Language Flower in Blasphemy" (Editor, editor)
* "Patterns of Death in the Maze" (editor-in-chief, edited)
* Daughter of the Magical Cactus (editor-in-chief, editor)
* "The Broken Subjective Copper Elephant" (editor-in-chief, edited)
* Disillusion of Striptease (Editor-in-Chief, editor)
* "The Breakthrough of Postmodernism" (editor-in-chief, editor)
Representative poems
Imagine Big Bird
A bird is a thing that can fly
Not bluebirds and bluebirds, big birds
As heavy as the feathers of Mount Tai
Clearly approaching in the imagination
I made it up
Wings of another nature
Another nature of water and sky
So Big Bird remembered
Very gentle action makes one's heart beat
Big Bird is deeply rooted and reminds me of the lotus
Think of an older kind of mercury
A sharp presence beyond the multitude of objects
Three hundred years later, the big bird still does not sing or fly
A big bird is sometimes a bird and sometimes a fish
Sometimes Zhuangzhou-style butterflies and virgins
Sometimes nothing
Only that big birds feed on fire
So it's beautiful, it's brilliant
In fact, the so-called flame is also imaginary
The big bird has no wings, there is no shadow of the bird
A bird is a metaphor. A big bird is a big metaphor
Flying and not flying occupy the sky equally
It's a change from bird to big bird
From language to language is just a sound
Big birds are everywhere, but there's no way to know
The sudden light emptied consciousness
Tap your fingers on the sky, very blue and quiet
Let the keys of nothing fall full of dragonflies
Go straight in or out
The further away you go from the center, the closer you get to the big Bird
To imagine a big bird is to breathe a big bird
What makes things bigger is sometimes just a breath
Life is filled and enlarged by some kind of crystal
Pushing bronze goes against time
The bird is huge, like the pearl between the sea and the sky
We are included in it
Become a core part of the light
The leaping heart is stirred before the flesh
Now the big bird is beyond my imagination
I can't touch it. I don't know where it's going
But I did get hit once, in the sense of a sweep
Let me remember the pain, and meditate
Big birds soar or stand still in another sky
It is the sky that is closely related to us
As long as we occasionally think about it
There is a feeling that makes us vast
When one day the big bird suddenly flew towards us
All our eyes will be blind
(Xichang Xianren Cave on December 17, 1989)
The Painter's Leaping Crane and Pony
This is my experiment
An animal or still life appears on the same piece of metal
A crane is more difficult to grasp than a horse. Let the horse out first
The small, speckled kind
Keep it within the perimeter
Walk around in your pocket. And paint a lawn
The white fence represents a boundary
It's within the boundaries, well enough
Enjoying the sunshine. This is the surface of things
In invisible depths, in bright shadows
I saw a crane (slightly higher than the horse) flying through the glass and dancing
Around it is the sky without the title
(Only the red tops are redder than the first blood of a virgin)
From the visible to the invisible light
With rapidly changing wings
The tip of the change tends to be pure indifference
The horses were eating grass
I let it raise its head and look up low
The crane is in the invisible depths, the horse cannot see
But it clearly heard the crane cry. Far crane
Once a part of the horse's depths
That's what I want him to know and try to remember
(There was a time when the horse danced, and the horse's hooves crossed the sky alone)
Now the horse seemed to feel something. Did it prick up its ears
Give a neighing sound (to make the horse look bigger)
But the crane was still in the invisible depths (I deliberately did not let it fall). Let the crane hang in the air
It suits my intentions
When the little horse came out of his white fence
The crane in the depths will fly brightly out of the bronze
(on November 12, 1990, Asan Daka Pyong)
Syntactic Transformation on the Edge of a Knife
The skin was cut with a knife in the imagination
There was blood all over the floor, thick blood
Make your breath smell fishy
Cold to ponder the wound
My fingers rubbed and rubbed on the edge of the knife
Finally did not have the courage to let themselves deeper
Now is not the time to talk about death
Death is easy, living needs more food
Air and water, a woman's sexy parts
The spirit of carnal desire makes you worse
But living to the essence is another matter
Use your life as collateral to make violence impatient
Make the knife deeper. From watching others bleed
To bleed yourself and experience the process of transformation
A violent hand is no easier than a suffering hand
Open your skin in sharp thoughts
Look at the blade. A little red
Inspire many feelings
This is your first blood
Follow the principle of syntactic transformation
No more audience. With the subjective body
Against steel, or pushed down by steel
A piece of sky overhead
The vast pain disappears
The world continues cold and clean after you
The blade is bleeding. From left hand to right hand
You tried slaughter when you realized sacrifice
The thought of death fills your eyes with murder
(on January 6, 1991, Asan Daka Pyong)
A Night with Elvis
The glass slides through the night
I see a cat in the corner of Metaphysics
Keep an alert tail up and be ready to move
All the clocks stopped suddenly at that moment
This is a black cat
The whole thing represents darkness, deeper than the most hidden motives
Can't tell subjective, objective, cat and night each other background
Sometimes it's one face, sometimes it's two completely different faces
Each animal has retreated into its own definition
Only the one-eyed Elvis was waiting, swirling cat's eyes green
A breathtaking light from its dark base
So that we can not avoid the dumping
Sometimes I feel good, sometimes I lose heart
It moves in a way that we can't see
Simulate the sound of water, the sound of light, plants
The sound of landing, something invisible in the sky
Voices of mutual resistance. The center of metaphysics
It was a blank space, and Elvis had the prime spot
From an infallible height, control everything with gems
Its claws grabbed our skulls and names and gave us a hard jump
It makes it difficult for us to settle down
When we are frightened, we feel the bigger it is, the smaller we are
When the crowd, driven by fear, fled in all directions
Elvis Presley's career reached its peak
We feel evacuated
It bears needles, feathers and the fur of wild animals
I know how this cat relates to me
I'm paying for a contract signed by someone else. It's a mess
The spine of the throat had sharp ends, and I vomited blood and lived
Think of the origin of things from the tiger's blue color
Until the clock opens its skylights
I just fell back into myself from the depths of metaphysics
Only the cat remained behind the glass night
Hidden gems make me urinate every night
(December 22, 1991 at Moon Lake, Xichang)
Watch a Candle Light
There's nothing more cruel than that
Watch a candle light and then go out
The little process is thrilling
Hold the index finger apart from the middle finger in the candlelight
It forms a V-shaped pattern, deeper than woodcuts
Don't you see how the candle is lit
Just one word, one gesture
The candle flickered from one eye to the other
More hands went up in the candlelight
The center of the light is the ointment and blood of youth
The light goes in all directions
A dove's face filled the sky
There's nothing more cruel than that
I saw the candle go out, but there was nothing I could do
Dense shadows gathered in the candlelight
You can't make out their faces or teeth
The thin thunders of thunder passed over the yellow skin
Don't you see how the candle goes out
I just feel the graceful breaking of those arms
More graceful arm breaks
The candle dripped all over the steps
Death makes summer the coldest landscape
The candle turned to ash after a moment of brilliance
Things pierced by candlelight are firmly dark
Watch a candle light and then go out
The cruelest thing in the world
In the dark, I can only smoke in silence
(April 12, 1990, Xichang Xianren Cave)
When Dead Fish Swim
This is an event that I witnessed
Over the peaks of charcoal, a circular lake
In front of my eyes. Not bright
It's a gloomy statement, the triumph of a lake of stagnant water
Drove the lotus and the birds to extinction
Dead fish floating in the lake
It was to be flaunted as a trophy
Those with white bellies and round eyes
Staring indifferently at the dead fish in the sky
Some fat, some thin, one of them
A livid face, a dead end
The back has begun to rot. Just when I was wondering
The rotten fish opened its mouth and let out a bubble
Swam forward a little. Just a little
The whole lake suddenly shook
First there was a slight shaking, then
It's a violent, naked, dead fish
Stand up one after the other in a circle
Doing strange dances on the lake
That's a rare move
In the beat of the tail strike
The dead fish wriggled and let out
It's a weird sound. The lake more violently
Turbulent, the lake rose abruptly
The rotten fish swam first out of the water
Swam to the top of the tree on the shore (it was the tallest tree)
The other fish follow them up to the treetops on the shore
Then a gaping hole opened in the sky
The blood was so thick that it turned the lake red
Charcoal peaks collapse, lake water
It flipped over and put me at the bottom of the lake
I was choking, terrified
A strangled throat, let out a cry...
The fish-shaped pendant on the wall wiggled its tail
My viviparous fish scales are falling off...
(At 1:00 am, November 25, 2005, at the Peach Blossom Mountain Residence, West Division, Beibei)
Cat and Mouse Anti-Game
This is how a cat catches a mouse --
Silently crawling on the ground
He stared straight ahead without moving
Only the tail
Shaking gently in the frozen air...
When the mouse appeared, the cat sprang up
Catch it, but don't eat it
Give it a couple of tugs with your PAWS and then throw it out suddenly
(To make the rat think it broke free)
Then jump up again and catch
Play with it a few times, toss it out
(To make the rat feel like he's escaped again)
Catch again, fiddle with again
Rethrow out
Until the mice are exhausted
And then eat it
Cats always play games like this
It's getting a little boring
Now, it wants to play it differently
The cat caught the mouse carefully and did not hurt it
The cat put the mouse down and jumped away nervously
(As if it had been thrown by a rat)
The mouse was startled and did not recover
Caught by the cat again, the mouse was about to pretend to be dead
The cat suddenly jumped away nervously
(As if it had been thrown by a rat)
After repeated demonstrations, the mouse finally understood:
The cat wants to switch roles
Let the mouse play with it
The mouse tried to imitate the cat's movements
Try to walk up to the cat and catch the cat
Give it a couple of PAWS and toss it
(In fact, the cat jumped away by itself with the strength of the mouse)
Before the cat could stand, the mouse jumped up again
Catch the cat and give it a few PAWS
Throw out again
(In fact, the cat jumped out by itself with the strength of the mouse)
The mouse jumped up again and caught the cat
Play with it a few times, toss it...
After a few repetitions, mouse
I'm starting to feel like a cat
And the cat, in the game of being caught
Gradually losing their catiness
I feel like I'm a rat
This is where the game goes
The old man who designed the game
Can't sit still anymore
He decided to change that
But he doesn't know which side to stand on
Because he can't tell the difference
Both sides of the translocation in the game
Which one is the cat and which one is the mouse?
And the game cannot be stopped
The designer had no choice but to
Let the rat get big in the game
Take the cat that has lost its catness
At leisure
Play with
Under the rat's paw
(November 24, 2005 in Taohua Mountain, West Division, Beibei)
The Binary Opposites of Sheep.
Wolf is a phonetic word
Sheep is a pictogram
In the Chinese protocol
Sheep grazing
And wolves eat lamb
The story usually goes something like this:
The Wolf is coming, the sheep straightening its neck
Send it up for the wolves to bite
The Wolf killed one
Kill one more...
The sheep did not run and could not run
In the logical framework of Chinese
The sheep are used to this kind of life
Sheep eat grass, while wolves eat mutton
Until one day, a sheep
Out of a survival instinct
He gored the Wolf
The sheep that narrowly escaped death
Thus it was rejected by the sheep
For his blatant use of violence against wolves
An anti-semantic sheep, a
Anti-logic sheep, one
Anti-harmonious sheep, binary opposition
The sheep, destined to be lonely
Lonely to death
The story of the Wolf and the sheep continues
Sheep eat grass, and wolves
Kill the sheep and eat the lamb
(November 25, 2005 in Taohua Mountain, West Division, Beibei)
The Iron Mind
Always afraid to go back to that night
That moment of fire, being in it
Let the rush of blood once again burning all over the body
The power of words evokes a humble life
In the flames, the square suddenly became very small
Lifted up with great enthusiasm
And fell from a great height
The shards of light blind the witnesses
(I don't want to repeat that feeling so that more people will join me in picking up their faces from death and living again in pain)
From then on, that night soaked in steel
Become my disease
Hate iron mood can not speak of fire
I just want to pick some platycodon or something
When there are no heroes and butterflies
Boiling water is a coward. Come to mind
It's in a school in the suburbs
When a day clock, hit a day monk
We live like this. At that
I don't want to
Just acting like nothing happened
As if nothing had happened
But the wound is inexorably inflamed deep down
Our laughter suddenly stopped
We are so sad is not something
This is the kind of water without fish
The kind of sky without birds
Structure without meaning. Knock and don't knock
They're all clocks. Ringing or not ringing, it is a monk
Through the glass of the vision plane gently vomit
It's like an aborted abortion
After I empty you out
Makes your whole body empty and boring
Before that night I had lived as light as a feather
I woke up dead after that night
(On October 19, 1990, Asan Døping)
The Mirror of Bronze
He never forgot the war
Through the ruins of flesh, an army of steel
Advance in victory. The smoke of the fire, the dispersed crowd
In the firelight, he saw a young man
Holding a dove in his hand
Standing in front of a tank
Be on one's feet
Forced the war to stop for a minute in front of the whole world
The noise of war died down
The young man and his dove
Always at dawn or dusk
On one of the streets of the city
At that moment, there is a raging fire
Lit up the city...
The city has since undergone many changes
One morning, many years later
The young man and his dove
In the definitive form of bronze
Built in the middle of the city square
From then on, people stand still
There is an immortal bright spot
And the designer didn't wait to see his idea
Become bronze and die -
Died in a car accident ten years ago
(Xichang, 15 December 1993)
Analog Language
Say it like this: Keep your mouth open
But he doesn't make a sound. He doesn't even open his mouth
Retract the tongue and seal it forever
Language becomes the cause of health
Thoughts persist in broad daylight
Silent grace. Speak and not speak
It's just a matter of attitude
Stand in a standing position, in a corner
Cancel the lotus, the mountain is very cold
What do you have to touch when you reach out
It's walls, it's electric wire
The stones in the water are getting taller every day
Dreams in the depths of the day. You are outside of time
See his face change, no content
Say it like this: Keep your mouth open
But if you can't make a sound, you might as well not open
Redundant mouths answer the eventful summer
A bleak beauty that keeps your body warm
Face the wall and think, as a numbered animal
Get up, live, drink and eat according to the prescribed movements
Gradually get used to being deaf and mute
The necessity of speaking is not to speak
But ready to say it, you have to say it
This century black iron properties
The sensation of metal remains in the blood
Remind you of pain often
The essential part of mime practice is speaking
To prevent the loss of expression through withdrawal
That's it. No point
It doesn't make sense to simulate dumb
Expression and movement: exaggerated and delicate
Combined features. Do the subject, do
Predicate, depending on the mood is good or bad and make sentences
Say it without object
It's easier than talking to yourself
And save effort. Take off the mirror on the wall
You're already a master of mime
The existence of silence is a state
The beauty lies between what you say and what you don't say. A little suspense
There are thousands of possibilities. Third interpretation
The day you had your tongue cut out
You can also use dumb language as an expression
(by the Moon Lake, Xichang, November 11, 1991)
Reappearance of Stone
An image that disappears from time
Reproduce in language. Stone, stone
Stones, hard, changeable foreign objects
Squeeze through the cracks of words
Make the world just beginning to clarify
Become unpredictable again
It's not an easy thing to do
The stone reappears, suggesting some kind of crisis
The days of treading on thin ice are postponed indefinitely
The emergency of life
Always worried about the boulder falling overhead
You can't avoid it. You're born with it
Heaviness becomes a major part of your life
I used to write about stones: stones containing iron
Tyrannical stone, from two to three dimensions
Break the mirror away from the handwritten stone
In the process of writing repeatedly encountered
Man and stone enter each other, each other
Embezzlement. Stone restrains stone
I was able to walk away
Once again, I saw an arrow coming through the air
Stones are reproduced in language, containing iron
Stone, which contains elements of gold
The collusion of two metals
Make you vulnerable inside and out. Rock knock
The reader's hand sadly laid down the book
The stone enters the door, the thunder is loud outside the window
(dated 10 August 1992 in Xichang)
Symmetry with Crystal
Desire and crystal symmetry. Birds and clouds outside the body
It frustrates your resolve to keep breaking promises
There's a tricky line between restraint and permissiveness
All the more the value of isolation. Inseparable from the world
We can only observe from a distance what we cannot go deeply into
Like a leaf of grass guarding a drop of dew, guarding
Clarity, constancy and hardness, inner passion
The processes of crystallization and disintegration are sometimes very similar
It all happens inside, in subtle particles of light
Change the structure of the crystal. A spotless mirror
Be floating fragrance, think of chrysanthemum or plum blossom
Can not forget a little red, become a crystal speck
The shading of passion makes darkness
One eye open, all eyes close
Deadly mercury seeping into your sleep
Such as Zen state of mind was a lilac shouted broken
Another kind of blood flows from a painful wound
In the concentration of ink, it gives away the juice of life
Hold on to one quality in the dispersion, when there is no crystal
Create a crystal that meets the need for psychic symmetry
The imaginary crystal is associated with a certain form of the spirit
To remain constant in the midst of change, to clarify itself in the midst of chaos
With static braking, the particles of light are diffused in the body
Flowers and clouds. A thorn in the flesh. Say "No" to yourself!
The waving of a flag is your only sign
Lower the flag at half-staff in advance. Get back to
The first moment of crystal: illuminated by its own light
The poet sees everything in the dark with a blind eye
(Chongqing on 1 January 1994)
Meditation on the Disappearance of a White Crane
A crane came in meditation
The lifelike beauty made my eyes tingle
The crane leans on the harp and thinks in the shadow of the plum blossom
A moment not shared with the public is only a moment
Present, determine, loosen its white feathers
The inclusion of all the details, so that the memory tends to be complete
I know: this is no ordinary crane
The one I was meant to be, among the many cranes
Pick it out, out of the physical form
In the mood of moonlight, encounter with my soul
Pure and fragile, easy to be hurt
Always hiding in his own white
Practice the dance of ice and snow. The crane unfolds slowly
It's pure. From the idea of ink to a lotus flower
The heart of purity, the tongue of fire deadly cold
The night of the flesh, the crane spits out the poppy in its mouth
My longing went deeper into a vase
Break, or splinter, and hold tightly to its name
The shape of the crane drifts like the flow of light
Can not grasp, can only think of a mood
Become its music, or indulge the mind
Fly in the opposite direction. The story of the crane is like
Initial appearance: Brief, but deeply rooted
Driven by another kind of transparency, white crane
Float away, take my lyrical part with me
White around the sky more and more
The crane became smaller and smaller. The blank space in the face grows
The endless distance uproots life
Into a deeper darkness. The crane became more and more ethereal
Just a little white, a little white, blue...
The light that connects with the crane is broken. Red blood at last
In the mouth, slightly poisoned feeling...
(On September 7, 1994, on the shore of Qionghai Lake, Xichang)
A Semantic Study of Stones
I've seen all kinds of stones
Granite, marble, pebble, white jade
Stone columns full of inscriptions, tablets without words, Kerwhite stone
Symbolic, magical, realistic and surreal stones
In the wild. At the museum. imagined
It can only be repeated and understood in language
Stone is a noun, and its correct pronunciation is shi tou
Look for "S" in phonetic order, and look for "stone" at the head of the section
It consists of two parts: "stone" and "head"
"Stone" is the root and "head" is the affix. Further down
Stone: Figurative, from wide mouth, but never speak
Silent stone is a hard substance
So let's start with the basic meaning of stone
The stone is read out. An accidental touch
To give the stone a different meaning
Through the night of the tigers, the stones hit
The stone as a side makes some words durable
The escaped stone sits alone and lays the foundation for a house
Making stones move in the dark
The stone floated gently from the still water
To become something else through metaphor
Or the opposite: other things are like stones
The stone shrinks or enlarges in the parable
Stones roll and become the name of a band
In the dark, the stone becomes fire
In fire, stone is derived as the archetype of iron
Hundred refining into steel; For the blade's coldness
The goat and the blade understand each other
In death the stone is extended to immortality
A broken arm is a lot of time
Back the rock, hold the rock, or leave
Stone. Different contact makes the stone
Present more or less. Intention to keep the dantian
Catch a stone when it's against its meaning
The intervention of thought makes the stone fall apart
The stone is intact as before, like the whole of God
The study of stones makes you gain
The consciousness of the stone, inside the stone
Gaze and experience all stones
The world is understood in its original sense
And accommodate. Stone remains as it is
To vain any attempt to usurp
(17 December 1993 At Xichang Moon Lake)
The Reader's Hand
The hand of the reader, the hand that holds the pen and writes the article
Sometimes he supports his head in a thinking position
He thinks of himself as the ruler of peace
A defenseless hand. In the face of violence
Adhere to the doctrine of non-resistance and practice it
Take off your belt and shoelaces
Hold your pants in your hand and shout "Report!"
The 10 rules should be memorized morning and evening
Gradually get used to the bedside toilet and urinate regularly
The hand of the reader, the hand of the paper
The scholar did not rebel but was convicted of rebellion
But lazy hands who write complaints. Since we can't
Decisive, only gladly bear
To seize the sword with empty hands, brake, control rage
Suppress all philosophical and literary temper, suppress all possibilities
Bruised pride, individuality and self-respect
Will keep the field, keep the last point of basis
At a depth beyond the reach of the whip, enter meditation
Restrain lust, appetite, and desire for freedom
A green hill retained trees containing fire
The axe is shining, and the sword is dying
The hand of a reader, the hand of a poet
I just want to write good articles that will last forever
Words are not amazing dead hands
Gentle and thrifty hands, under the action of metal
Starting to change, from bones to mood
After an experience like this, I'm not surprised
Hands out, fingertips glistening blue --
A pair of eagle claws spout from the face of a dove
(Xichang, 12 November 1992)
The Phantom Grip
In the structure of stone
Some cold cube animals
Cut you off from the world
The grief of loved ones is outside the stone
No one heard from my friends. In addition
Books, poetry and music
They're all separated by rocks, far away from you
Every night a whisper whispers on the pillow
In doubt you try to reach out your hand
The stone slowly moved away, a huge
Behind the gap, you see a lot of hands
Out of nothing
It's the hand of the living and the dead
Or unfamiliar hands, hands of different skin colors
Through death and time, to hold you
A solemn music, from heaven
Fall slowly. You put your hand in the air
One grab, and those phantom hands disappear
The books are re-placed in the music
The wife's breathing became slow and steady
Pure poetry. The friends are safe
With this kind of experience, you every day
To sit and lie in stones, in colder ones
Structure, with the tiger skin
Play chess with a robot hand
An imaginary pose
Give birth to thousands of hands on you
You get a fright --
The year nineteen hundred and ninety-eight
Velvet completes a revolution from afar
(September 8, 1990, Asan Døping)
"The Difficult Process of Playing Chess"
Not his own hand
Wouldn't take it off me
Breathing heavier than a shadow
Pressing on every part of the body
From the mouth to the lungs to the limbs
You are not allowed to do anything
The spirit may be more sensitive
Want to go, want to far away
To places they can't reach
Hands out of play
I only think. I wander
It's dangerous just like that
The tentacles of the hand are sharper than the blade
Sharper, into the heart of the dream
Know everything, miss nothing
Details; Run faster. Like an eagle or falcon
Watch a rabbit's movements from the sky
In every place you could possibly go
He had already raised the collar of his trench coat and was waiting
All it took was one fatal shot
Alas, you have been stinking for six months
Cut you some slack, or stay of execution
A lifelong hunt for you
And not kill immediately, does not mean that the hand is wide
For you to experience the daily horrors
The patience and cruelty with which a cat plays with a mouse
The great efficiency of the machine. Colder hands than iron
Secretly cooked raw rice, will your name
Color it black on a list
Put a red line on it again. This is not a delusion of persecution
Life's inner and outer wires and moving walls
Forcing you to retreat into a certain book
Stick to the last few isolated words
The command of the hand refers to everything in general
Outside the water is the fish's internal network
Flying out of the sky is within the range of a bird
Opening the Canon is a depressing chapter
Violence and persecution against ideas
In the daily meal, the changing hand shadow
Even become gastrointestinal interference
Makes you lose your appetite
The passion quickly became paralyzed
Premature hair loss and tight sleep every night
Leaving a hand mark, a metal component
Like the beauty of the tiger everywhere
Structure of crystal control, theme
The control of the character, the specificity of the poet
You can't get away from cybernetic abstractions
The hands were tossing back and forth. Makes you laugh, laugh, guffaw
Taste the world's sour, sweet, bitter, spicy
In the end, I can't laugh or cry. You finally understand
And you on the Yi of the original is a national
The imperious, violent rhetorical form of the hand
To have no choice but to fail as the inevitable outcome
Or do you live according to your hands?
Under the pressure and suggestion of the hand
The poem can have two endings:
-- You first thought of seclusion. Of the ancient poets
Example, behind a chrysanthemum, do not think, do not want to
From dumb to idiot
In the season of who knows what
Sitting and forgetting. No beginning no end (End 1)
- or open up the tense skin and turn yourself
Into the light, from behind the steel
Grab the cold hand
Bleed your blood all over his hands
Force it on the last testimony of the century
Leave a bloody handprint (end 2)
Both endings were deleted
Later in the game
You have to put on a brave face
On an irregular chessboard
Keep playing with the invisible hand
(by the Moon Lake, Xichang, 7 March 1992)
"Thinking of Ourselves in the Neighbor's Fire."
A fire broke out in a neighboring house. Very peaceful flame
Stinging eyes, waking up the old man and water
The distance is nonexistent, on both sides of the wall
The bread is cut in equal parts and becomes a fiction of reality
The cause of the fire is above the bread, in the dwelling
And above inflation. A pure aesthetic problem
Universal expansion, obtaining higher forms
Distant fires burn close in feeling
That's our fire and their castle
In the attention of many eyes burning
There is no indifferent audience, everyone
All in the fire, everyone has a different mood
It is no longer those who play with fire in the name of revolution
The kind of fire you light, frying from the top down
It's human fire, arm to arm
From heart to heart, across languages
Words forbidden to the bloodthirsty are repeated
The greatest spectacle of the end of the century
That's our fire burning their castle
Seventy years of structure, with the visible and invisible
Stones, with hatred, lies and dogma
A well-built castle, crumbling in the fire
This is the last chance. Watch someone bleed
And moved himself, then tears, then the flu
And then three minutes of silence in the symphony of Pathos
That is not enough. It is a shame for a nation to tolerate violence
We've been shameless for too long. Generations of hair
Falling off while waiting isn't just an iron deficiency
Need a fire bath. Buildings here and there
It's the same structure that can only be destroyed from the bottom up
What a fire! Air and stone burn together
Running in peace, far and near water is no use
The fire reached the roof and caught their eyebrows on fire
The tallest bell tower collapsed in the distance
It was our fire that burned down their castle
All that was left was gone
Their disaster is our holiday. With wine
To show with one's eyes; Draw a bird with the victim's blood
The vast expanse of wings flew toward the fire
We have highs or lows that once quenched the enthusiasm
Not yet ashes of indifference. The fire blazed in the distance
Fire is ideal in us, old man and water
Entrenched inside the city, the leader toys are busy
A ringed castle surrounded us coldly
Know the hardness of steel, and be careful
It's not cowardice to take your own life
Live with the Chuang Tzu, as the so-called kindling
Burning inside, that's where we really are
Keep it low, don't say anything until push comes to shove
(Xichang, 15 October 1991)
The Fall of the Berlin Wall
Bricks from the Berlin Wall, hands of friends from afar
Bequeathed it to me on the desk in the study
My friend's face smiled faintly across the sea
Brick confronts me every day like a Cold War
Always made me feel a certain danger in my calm
The Berlin Wall fell. That's what I'm supposed to believe
The mementos on the table are proof of that
The real collapse happened inside a building
Later, it could not stand a gentle push from a child's hand
The fall of the wall marked the end of an era
But the bricks are still there, and those are painted with doves and olive trees
Bricks become mural paintings and are used as souvenirs by tourists
Bricks taken all over the world, this one in my desk
No one paid any more attention to the colored underside of these bricks
There's the victim's blood, the dent from the Thinker's skull
I read Orwell to forget the unhappiness
The book became so heavy that every page was covered with stones
The book continued to grow in size and came at me violently
Trapped me in a word. Reweigh the brick
The alarm of life pulls the nerves of the horse at the same time
Peace has become such a self-deprecating word
Synonymous with appeasement, the acquiescence and connivance of atrocities
The wall fell down, the brick was no longer held accountable. I see
A discolored hand signals approval or disapproval in parliament
The Berlin Wall came down, but the bricks were clean
It is easy to attribute everything to a collapsed wall
It's like putting everything on a system that can't go to court
Is that all? Nothing without bricks
A wall is tyrannical, just as there is no prison without a wall
The Berlin Wall was built from these bricks one by one
As long as the bricks are in place, the wall can go up again at any time
Every frustrated brick has the intention of a wall
All it takes is a call from a great leader
Bricks together, is a team of steel
A hundred times more hatred than yesterday's wounds
... I was torn from it by a hand
Behind a high wall, gagged by a brick
Wanton abuse. Can't hear under the same incandescent lamp
My right side breathing and heartbeat from summer
In the winter of the following year, my heart ached
The Berlin Wall is down, but the bricks are still there
There's still a wall, some square bricks
Making the last stand on the remaining walls
I see brick's efforts and draw a conclusion
The wall is down, and these bricks should be smashed.
(Xichang, 19 April 1993) [1]

Publish a book

  • Author name Zhou Lunyou
    A masterpiece of poetics, which embodies the difficult and glorious 20-year history of Fefeism, the most influential school of contemporary Chinese poetics, has been published by Tibet People's Publishing House. This book, written by Mr. Zhou Lunyou, a famous poetics theorist and founder of non-non-ism, lasted for three years and is the first authoritative chronicle of non-non-ism at home and abroad: with 300 precious non-non-historical data pictures, many historical materials are disclosed for the first time, which has high academic value and historical value.
  • Author name Zhou Lunyou
    Work time 2005-5
    Art allosteric Poetics is a book by Zhou Lunyou published in 2005 by People's Fine Arts Publishing House.
  • Author name Zhou Lunyou
    Work time The 2005-10-1
    Zhou Yi's Hexagrams and Life Decision Making is a book by Zhou Lunyou published by China Commercial Press on October 1, 2005.
  • Author name Zhou Lunyou
    Work time The 2006-1-1
    Birds Standing on the Blade is a book published by Tibet People's Publishing House, the author is Zhou Lunyou et al.
  • Author name Zhou Lunyou
    Work time The 2006-12-1
    Zhou Lunyou, the modern poet, belongs to the same generation as the Misty poet, but his theoretical preparation is more solid than many others. If the group aspirations of the early North Island people were more based on ordinary and simple humanitarian standpoint, Zhou Lunyou is more sensitive to the post-modern cultural migration trend of global integration. Selected Poems of Zhou Lunyou is one of the Honeysuckle Flower Poems series.
  • Anti-value era
    Author name Zhou Lunyou
  • The third language flower in profanity
    Author name Zhou Lunyou