Han Yu

[hán yù]
Chinese official and writer in the middle of Tang Dynasty
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Han Yu (768-25 December 824) was born in Henan Hayang (now Henan Province Mengzhou City ) People, say Wye Xiuwu (now Henan Province Xiuwu county ) people [84] , He called himself "The County A surname (now Liaoning Province Yixian County )" [114] He is known as "Han Changli" and "Mr. Changli". China Tang Dynasty Mid-term officials, writers, thinkers, philosophers, statesman [113] An educator.
Han Yu was alone at the age of three and lived with his brother and wife. Study from childhood The six channels Various families The book of, in Zhenyuan Eight years (792) The Jinshi Rank . First two terms Degree push official , backend Four kinds of doctor , litres Monitor the imperial history . causology Miyaichi Was relegated to Yangshan County Magistrate, after pardon, transfer Jiangling Fa Cao joined the army . All the government officials and foreign ministers, The museum of history , The book gives up people Class, class. Motowa In the twelfth year (817), he became Prime Minister petu the March horse Participate in the fight." The Huaixi Rebellion ", liter Minister of punishment . Yuan and fourteen years (819), because of Remonding Buddha's bone Was relegated to Chaozhou Prefectural official . Tang Muzong Upon his enthronement, he was summoned to court National son sacrifice wine . [115] In one's later years, one becomes an official Minister of Official Affairs ", known as the "Ministry of Korean officials." Changkhanh In 824, Han Yu died of illness at the age of 57. Be awarded with The Ministry of Rites , Posthumous title "Wen", so called "Han Wengong". Yuanfeng In the first year (1078), he added Changli Bo and offered sacrifices Confucian temple . [1]
Han Yu despised the Six Dynasties Rhythmical prose with rhythmical parallelism Style of writing, praise the ancient prose, its plain and unadorned, vigorous momentum," The decline of eight generations "The success of eight generations" [89] , On Ancient writing movement the origin . Posterity honored him as" Tang and Song eight masters "First, there is also" Article giant "And" The hundred generations of literature The name of "; Also with Liu Zongyuan Called" Han Liu ", with Liu Zongyuan, Ouyang Xiu and Su Shi Collectively known as "four ancient articles". His proposed "unification of culture and Taoism" One's words are appropriate "Go and say it." The text follows the words The writing theory of such essays is of great guiding significance to future generations. There is a... Han Changli Ji Handed down to the world. [115]
Full name
Han Yu
Mr. Changli , Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Republic of Korea , Han Changli , Han Wengong
Posthumous title
Changlibo (Gift)
Ethnic group
The Han nationality
Date of birth
768 years
Date of death
December 25, 824
Place of death
Chang 'an
Major achievement
open Ancient writing movement the origin
Writing articles and poems
" Tang and Song eight masters head
Be educated and educated
Henan (Province) Hayang or Wye Xiuwu [84] (controversial)



Hard childhood

Grand calendar In 768, Han Yu was born. His ancestors had all been in court or local government, his father Han Zhongqing then Secretary Lang . When Han Yu was three years old, Han Zhongqing died. He was led by his brother Han Hui Bring up to adulthood. In the twelfth year of the Calendar year (777), Han Hui was appointed Prime Minister Elementary load Implicate and denigrate Shaozhou Shi, to the term did not long illness died in Shaozhou on the term. After Han Hui's early death, Han Yu first followed her widow's wife Zheng (Han Yu called her "six wives"). [109] ) back Hayang The original burial brother, but not for a long time, had to with the six sister-in-law refuge Xuanzhou . He spent this period in hardship and hardship. [4-5]

The road to imperial examinations

The portrait of Han Yu in the "Bust of the Most Sages" of the Yuan Dynasty is now in the National Palace Museum in Taipei [3]
Han Yu thought of himself as an orphan, and studied hard from childhood without being praised and encouraged by others. [5] Zhenyuan In two years (786) he left Xuancheng , go alone Chang 'an . Meanwhile, Han Yu went Kawanafu cure Puzhou , this Shanxi Province Yongji City ) To the clan brother Han Yan In order to get Control the river 浑瑊 "Recommendation, but got nothing. [6]
In the autumn of Zhenyuan three years (787), Han Yu obtained countryman After the qualification to Chang 'an. Han Yu was in Chang 'an Fail in an imperial examination Life has nothing to rely on, and came the terrible news that Han Yan died. About the end of this year, Han Yu was able to meet with him by chance King of Peiping Ma Sui Get his help. Han Yu later wrote" Feline milk With a sense of virtue. [6]
From the third year of Zhenyuan to the fifth year of Zhenyuan (787-789), Han Yu participated three times Imperial examination All failed. In 789, Han Yu returned to Xuancheng. In the eighth year of Zhenyuan (792), Han Yu took the Jinshi examination for the fourth time and finally won The Jinshi Rank . [7] The following year, attend The Ministry of Personnel Affairs in feudal China the Erudite macroci branch Exam, encounter failure. [88] In the same year, the six sister-in-law Zheng died, and he returned to Heyang to become the six sister-in-law Keep vigil at the funeral Five months.
In the tenth year of Zhenyuan (794), he again went to Chang 'an to participate Erudite macroci branch Exam, failed again.
Zhenyuan eleven years (795), the third time to participate in the erudite macro Ci examination, still failed. In the meantime, he wrote to the prime minister three times, but did not get a reply. In the same year, he left Chang 'an, Jing Tongguan (a county in Henan Province) Get back to Heyang county So he went to the East Capital Luoyang . [7]

Two into the shogunate

Han Yu
In July of the 12th year of Zhenyuan (796), Han Yu received Governor of Xuanwu Dong Jin Recommended. Got to try Palace library School book Lang, and served as Xuanwu governor Observation judge . [7] [88]
Han Yu served as an observation officer for three years, in the guidance Li Ao , A surname At the same time as young people learn literature, they make use of every opportunity to publicize their ideas on prose innovation.
In February of the fifteenth year of Zhenyuan (799), Dong Jin died, and Han Yu left the country with Dong Jin's coffin. Just four days after Han Yu left, Xuanwujun mutinied and stayed behind Lu Changyuan Such as killed, the army chaos, Han Yu because of the first to leave and get out of trouble. [7] Han followed Dong Jin's coffin to Luoyang and then arrived in Xuzhou at the end of February. In the autumn of the same year, Han Yu was appointed by Xu Sihao Zhang Jianfeng The employment, as the section degree push officer, try shirulang . [8] [88] In the winter of the same year, Zhang Jianfeng sent Han Yu to Chang 'an face . [7] [88] Han Yu spoke frankly and frankly, never fearing or avoiding anything, and acted firmly and pure, but he was not good at handling general affairs. [9]
In the spring of Zhenyuan's sixteenth year (800), Han Yu returned Xuzhou Zhang Jianfeng died soon after. In the summer of the same year, Han Yu left Xuzhou and returned to Luoyang. In the winter of the same year, Han Yu went to Chang 'an to take part in the Official Officials examination for the fourth time. [7] [88]

He was banished repeatedly

Zhen Yuan 17th year (801), passed selection . [7] In the spring of the following year (802), Han Yu was appointed The Imperial College Four kinds of doctor . He had taken leave to go back to Luoyang Huashan Mountain Have the play. [7]
In the 19th year of Zhenyuan (803), Han Yu was promoted to Monitor the imperial history . [7] then Guanzhong area After the great drought, Han Yu found that the victims were displaced and begging everywhere, and the starve of Guanzhong was everywhere. Witness the serious disaster, Han Yu heartbroken. And was in charge of the administration of the capital Jing Zhaoyin Li Shi But blocked the news, falsely claimed that Guanzhong grain harvest, the people live and work happily. Han Yu appeared in the film in anger The imperial stage on the drought people hunger " [87] However, Li Shi and other slanderous harm, in December of the same year was demoted Lien Chau Yangshan county Order. [7] [10]
In the spring of the 20th year of Zhenyuan (804), Han Yu arrived in Yangshan County to take office. [7]
Han Yuxiang [11]
In the spring of the 21st year of Zhenyuan (805), Han Yu was pardoned and left Yangshan County between summer and autumn. In August, he was awarded Gangneung Fa Cao joined the army . [7] [12]
Motowa In June of the first year (806), Han Yufeng recalled Chang 'an and received an official award Kwon Chi Dr. Kuniko . [7]
In the third year of Yuan He (808), Han Yu officially served as the doctor of the State. [7]
Yuan and fourth year (809) June 10, regrant All government officials and foreign ministers , division Todo is also a judge Ancestral hall . [7] [13]
In the fifth year of Yuan He (810), he was demoted as a county magistrate of Henan. [7] At that time, Wei, H, You, town four Vassal state Each set up a left-behind mansion, secretly raising soldiers, and harbouring fugitives, with the intention of misconduct. Han Yu wanted to expose their illegal behavior, he deployed officials, cut off their contacts with the people in advance, and so announced in the morning, the remaining officials were very afraid and forced to stop.
Yuan and six years (811), Ren Staff members and foreign workers Back to Chang 'an. [7]
In February of the seventh year of Yuan and 812, he returned as Dr. Guo Zi. [7]
In the eighth year of Yuan and He (813), Han Yu thought that he was talented and profound in learning, but he was repeatedly disparaged, so he wrote" Learning solution Come to autometaphor . After seeing this, the prime minister was very sympathetic to Han Yu, thinking that he had the talent and knowledge of history, so Han Yu was appointed Better than the doctor , National History Museum compile [7] [14] . At the same time, he was ordered to write the book The Annals of Shunzong ".
In October of the ninth year of Yuan and He (814), Han Yu took office A successful doctor It is still written by the historical museum. He was transferred in December of the same year notice . [7]
In the first month of the Yuan and 10th year (815), he was promoted to The book gives up people And have since been granted Fish bag . [15] Soon, people who hated Han said that when Han Yu first served as Jiangling Chancellor, The governor of Jingnan Pei Kyun The courtesy of letting him stay is generous. Pei E is the son of Pei E is mediocre and humble people, Pei E visit his father, Han Yu in the article for Pei E send-off preface, still call Pei E word. This caused a great reaction among the court officials, and Han Yu was promoted to the title of crown prince The son of the right concubine . [7] [16]

With the recruitment of Huaixi

In August of the twelfth year of Yuan He (817), he was Prime Minister petu Huaixi missionary disposal minister, also Zhang Yijun A strict envoy went out to discuss the rebellion of Huaixi Oh Wonji . Hire Han Yuren March horse Give purple dress with goldfish bag. [17] Han Yu had suggested that Peidu send thousands of elite troops into CAI Zhou from the minor roads, and will be able to capture Wu Yuanji. Pei degree has not been adopted, Tang Tang and Deng Lee 愬 From Wencheng (now Tanghe, Henan) to carry troops into Caizhou on a snowy night, as expected captured Wu Yuanji. All the strategists of the three armies are sorry for Han Yu ( About... Han Yu Shen Taoist Tablet Regarding Han Yu's suggestion of leveling Huaixi in this paragraph, it is doubtful and placed here for the time being ). [18] Han Yu said to Pei Du, "Now, with the momentum of subduing Huaixi, Zhenzhou (now Hebei Province Zhengding City ) Wang Chengzong You can persuade with words, not with arms." He found Baja , dictating Become a virtuous ruler Wang Chengzong's letter, called Bai Ji pen to write down, with the letter into Zhenzhou Xiaoyu Wang Chengzong. Wang Chengzong At this time, the Tang Court's military Wei had to offer the two states of De and Di to show obedience. [19]
In December of the same year, after Huaixi was pacified, Han Yu followed petu Return to court and be honored Minister of punishment ,宪宗便命他撰写《 Pinghuaixi Stele Much of it recounts the deeds of Pedo. At that time, Li 愬 was the first to enter Caizhou and capture Wu Yuanji alive, and he made the greatest contribution. He was indignant about what Han Yu wrote. Lee 愬 之妻入宫禁诉说碑辞与事实不符,宪宗便下令磨掉韩愈所写碑文,命 Bachelor of the Imperial Academy Duan Wenchang Re-engrave the stone as a monument. [20]
Yuan and thirteenth year (818) April, by The book left the servant shot Zheng Yuqing Ren detailed appointment, Han Yu as deputy, responsible for the court System of rites Good or ill luck Five rites Be revised. [21]

Remonstrate with the Buddha bone

Han Yu listened to Ying Shi play the piano [22]
In the first month of the fourteenth year (819), the envoys of the Constitutional sect went Fengxiang To meet Buddha's bone Chang 'an set off a frenzy of Buddhism. Han Yu, regardless of personal safety, resolutely appeared in the magazine. On Buddha bone table He strongly countered that it was absurd to worship Buddha's bones, and demanded that the bones be burned, so that the people of the world could not be misled by Buddha's bones. Heonjong was angry after reading, and he had to use it Capital punishment Execute Han Yu, Pei Du, Cui Qun Others tried to remonstrate, but Xianzong was still angry. For a moment, people were shocked and lamented, and even the royal family members also thought that Han Yu was too heavy to add crimes, and interceded for him, and Xianzong demoted him Chaozhou Feudal governor. [23]
Han Yuzhu Chaoyang County After that, the petition for their own defense. Xianzong said to the Prime minister: "Yesterday I received the above table after Han Yu arrived in Chaozhou, so I think of his remonstrate to welcome the Buddha's bones, he loves me very much, don't I know?" But Han Yu as a minister, should not be said that the Lord worship Buddha in place to promote short life. I hate him for being so thoughtless." But it's the same thing Huang Fuzhou Hating Han Yu for being outspoken and fearing that he would be used again, he answered first: "Han Yu is too wild and careless after all, and can consider transferring to another county for the time being." Fall on General pardon In October of the same year displacement Han Yuwei Yuan Zhou (now Jiangxi Province Yichun City A surname. [7] [24]
In the spring of the fifteenth year of the Yuan Dynasty (820), Han Yu arrived in Yuanzhou. According to the custom of Yuan Zhou, the daughter of the common people mortgaged to others as slaves, beyond the contract period and do not redeem, they are paid by the family is not a domestic slave. After Han Yu arrived, he tried to redeem the men and women who had been freed as domestic slaves and let them return to their parents. So this custom was forbidden and the buyer was not allowed to be a slave. [25] In September of this year, Tang Muzong Han Yu was summoned to serve in court National son sacrifice wine . In the winter of the same year, Han Yu returned to Chang 'an. [7] [26]

Go to town state

In July of the first year of Changqing (821), Han Yu was transferred to the post Squire of the Army . [27] At that time, the Zhenzhou mutiny killed the new Chengde control envoy Tian Hongzheng . We all know how to fight Wang Tingqu He claimed to be a queen and asked the court for help battle-axe .
In February of the second year of Changqing (822), the court pardoned Wang Tingchu and the Chengde soldiers, and ordered Han Yu to serve pacificator , head to Zhenzhou. 28 - [29]
When Han Yu was about to leave, all officials were worried about his safety. Yuan Zhen Said: "Han Yu pity." Emperor Muzong also felt regret and ordered Han Yu to observe the situation after approaching the Chengde realm, and not to rush to enter the country in case of accidents. Han Yu said, "Your Majesty ordered me to suspend my entry into the country out of benevolence and concern for my personal safety; However, it is my duty as a minister to carry out your orders without fear of death." So he went alone. [32] 31 -
To the town of Zhou, Wang Ting soldiers draw a knife and bow to meet Han Yu. Han Yu to the guest room, the soldiers are still armed in the courtyard. Wang Tingci said to Han Yu, "The reason why I am so impudent is that these soldiers did it, not my intention." Han Yu said sternly: "The emperor thinks that you have the ability of general commanders, so he appointed you as a control officer, but it is unexpected that you can't command these soldiers!" [32] 31 -
A soldier stepped forward with his weapon in his hand and said, "First A surname (refers to) Wang Wujun Repelled for the country Zhu Tao His bloody clothes are still here. Our army has failed the court in some way and has been condemned as a traitor." Han Yu said, "It is good that you can still remember the first Grand Master, who rebated at the beginning and later submitted to the court and promoted his rank. Therefore, is it far from being a rebel to being a rich man? from An Lushan , Shi Siming To Oh Won-je, Li Shidao Are there any of their descendants still alive today who are officials?" The crowd answered, "No." [32] 31 -
Han Yu added: "Tian Hong is proposing Wei Bo to submit to the court, although his descendants are still Early childhood But they were all awarded to senior officials; Wang Chengyuan When Chengde came to the imperial court, he was appointed as a preceptor before he was an adult. Liu Wu , Li You At first, he followed Li Shidao and Wu Yuanji in the rebellion, and later surrendered to the court. Have you heard of all this?" Everyone replied: "Tian Hongzheng mean, so my army is uneasy." [32] 31 -
Han Yu said, "But you people also killed Tian Gong and mutilated his family. What is the reason?" Mandu approbation . Wang Tingchu Lest the heart of the soldiers be shaken, order them out. Then he said to Han Yu, "What do you want me to do when you come to Chengde this time?" Han Yu said," stratagem Among the generals of the six armies, there were not a few people like Niu Yuanyi, but the court could not discard him regardless of the overall situation. Why are you still besieging the Deep State and not letting him out of the city?" "I'll let him out of the city right away," Wang said. And Han Yu together dinner, just in time Ox Wings escape Break through siege Get away, Wang Tingchu They don't chase. [32] 30 -

Later life

In September of the second year of Changqing (822), Han Yu was transferred to the post Minister of Official Affairs [7] He was promoted again in June of the following year (823) Jing Zhaoyin and Imperial historian . [33] After the officers of the Shenqi Army heard that Han Yu took office as Beijing Zhaoyin, they did not dare to break the law, privately admonishing each other: "He even dares to burn Buddha's bones, how dare we break the law." [34]
Soon after Han Yu took office, he did not attend the ceremony eunuch , to cover Cheng of the Imperial history Li Shen Impeach. Han Yu refused to accept, said the move by Mu Zong. The two went back and forth, arguing endlessly. Prime minister (in feudal China) Li Fengji Take the opportunity to say that the relationship between two people is not right, the court will put Li Shen for the west of Zhejiang observer Han Yu was awarded as a soldier. Soon after, Emperor Muzong learned of the cause and awarded Han Yu the title of official minister. [35 and 36]

Died of illness at home

In August of the fourth year of Changqing (824), Han Yu took leave due to illness [37] . On December 2 (December 25), Han Yu died at his home in Jinganli, Chang 'an, at the age of 57 [38] . [39] Be awarded with The Ministry of Rites , Posthumous title "The text". [7] [40] In March of the following year (825), he was buried in Heyang.
Yuanfeng The first year (1078), Emperor Shenzong of Song Han Yu was posited as the governor of Changli and allowed to worship him Confucian temple . [1]

Major influence



Stone statue of Han Yu [41]
Han Yu was an advocate of the ancient writing movement and advocated inheriting the pre-Qin and Han Dynasties prose Tradition, against the focus on the rhythm of the opposition and ignore the content Rhythmical prose . Han Yu's articles are imposing, thorough and logical, and he is respected as the first of the "eight masters of Tang and Song Dynasties". At that time, people have the reputation of "Korean". Du Mu The juxtaposition of Hangul and Du poetry is called" Du Shi Han pen "; Su Shi Call him" The decline of eight generations ". The movement of ancient writing advocated by Han Liu opened up the development road of ancient writing since Tang Dynasty. Han poetry strives for novelty, heavy momentum, and has original achievements. Han Yu took prose as poetry, introduced new ancient prose language, rules and techniques into the poetry circle, enhanced the expression function of poetry, expanded the field of poetry, and corrected Grand calendar (766-780) since the mediocre style of poetry. In terms of feudal ideology and morality, he also made unique contributions, vigorously advocated Confucianism, and took pride in inheriting Confucianism and opening the Song and Ming Dynasties neo-Confucianism The first sound. [42]
One of the characteristics of Han Yu's articles is "speaking truth, without fear", or "having no inhibitions", that is, dare to speak, and dare to tell the truth. This characteristic is inseparable from his active political attitude. His several pieces are the courage to expose the facts, dare to say "the ministers have not said" words. " The imperial stage on the drought people hunger "And" On Huaixi affairs All have this characteristic. Of course, the most representative article is" On Buddha bone table ". What is said is that "the ministers do not speak their wrongs, and the imperial history does not mention their losses" words. In feudal society, it is a great courage to dare to say what others should say and not say. Therefore, Han Yu's articles have content, depth and strength. In addition, Han Yu's language art is extraordinary, and it becomes a good article with great momentum. [43]
The truth of Han Yu's article is not only expressed in his courage to speak the truth in front of the monarch, but also in his disregard Confucianist The traditional concept, dare to speak contrary to the old saying, and even said with their own other articles contradict each other. For example, Reading Mozi once said," Confucius Must use Mo-tse Mozi will use Confucius, not enough for the hole ink." Such remarks clearly hold him in high esteem The Way of Confucius and Mencius There is a contradiction. For such remarks, predecessors referred to as "thorn fallacy", in fact, this is Han Yu although respect for Confucianism but not adhere to the performance. [43]
Han Yu's article "speaking truth, not afraid of anything" not only dares to ignore the traditional Confucian ideas, but also sometimes dares to break through the common views of society. For example, he wrote" Refrain from arguing The article is designed for Li He An opinion that must not be expressed in response to an election. Li He's father name Jin Su, "Jin" and "Jin" homonym, in order to avoid taboo, Li He will not be selected Jinshi. For such a secular view, Han Yu is not impressed. So he "examined in the classics, quality in law, key to the national code", willing to defy world opinion, wrote a very convincing "Taboo debate". [43]
Han Yu's" Teaching theory "Is also an article of different customs. Liu Zongyuan In the Book of Dhanwei Zhongli, it was once said: "There is no teacher in this world... Alone, Han Yu ignored the common customs, committed a laugh and insult, and called after learning to do "Teacher said", because Refuse to look handsome To be a teacher. ... The more you get, the better you get Unscrupulous fame " And "Bao Yan Hou and the book" said: "the servant is not as brave as Han retreat, so it is not a teacher." It can be seen that in that era, regardless of common customs, not afraid to laugh, and fight for the teacher, it is necessary to have some courage; To be able to write such an article as "Teacher Says" is also quite bold. [43]
Another characteristic of Han Yu's article is that it is not only true and bold, but also impassioned and angry. Judging from all of Han Yu's articles, those who talk about people are often indignant and have a unique wind. For example... Different versions On the injustice of people not being used by the world, Send Wen to the river Yang army order "Is also a propaganda selection of talents of a grand thesis. The so-called "minister for the son of heaven to win people in the court, will be for the son of Heaven to win civil and military men under the curtain, seeking no internal and external rule, can not get also" cloud, this is Han Yu's ardent hope for the state personnel. " Send Dong Shaonan preface "Is a tragic and generous article. Han Yu himself is repeatedly tried and failed in the company, so for the article Dong Shaonan "Do not get the will in the division", then feel empathy, infinite sigh. The mournful songs are generous and heartfelt. [43]
Han Yu also has a similar haiku, but the essence is to express the talent of high opinion, widespread anxiety and anger of the article" Learning solution ". Historically, theorists have said that this text originated from Eastern New Moon 's Answering difficulty "And" Yangxiong 's Try to get away with laughing at sb. "," New Book of Tang This biography also says that he "was not only a high number of deposed, but also the official moved down, but wrote the" forward learning Solution "to self-metaphor." In fact, the meaning of this article is much broader than "self-metaphor". Among them, there is "self-metaphor", but it is not only "self-metaphor", mainly to promote the idea of selecting talents. [43]
Another characteristic of Han Yu's articles is that they are not only true, bold and impassioned, but also written in a natural and casual manner, such as homely conversation. Such articles and his" Original path "" primitive The faces of the articles are different, not sitting and talking, but heart-to-heart, free and lively. " With Cui Qunshu "" With Meng Dong wild book "Answer Cui Lizhi Book" Question Li Sheng bi "And so on, all belong to this kind of works. For example, "with Cui Qunshu" first said that he was right Cui Qun The understanding of people, in the wake of the sage did not meet the sigh, after talking about their own poor, is a deep feeling essay . [43]
Han Yuxiang
In Han Yu view, Cui Qun is a friend without shortcomings in his life. However, there are doubts about such friends. So Han Yu was very lamenting, he said: "Since ancient times, there are few sages and many unworthies Save trouble Since then, I have seen wise men miss There is no equal for the wise lividity ; Sages never exist, not sages will be full of gas; The sage, though humbled, dies; No wise man may come Meishu . I don't know what the creator meant, what he liked and what he didn't like? You don't know everything omission And let it die? We don't know." From Cui Qun's sages, it is said that sages do not meet, and those who do not gain power. Such articles are very similar Sima Qian 's The Biography of Bo Yi ". Yoo Dae 櫆 Said: "Gong and Cui know each other best, so there is this homely nature of the words, and the middle sense of the sage's failure to meet, especially melancholy dripping." "Feeling the scholar is not met" is a traditional title of the articles of the past dynasties, Han Yu's article is more profound than "feeling the scholar is not met". [43]
Another characteristic of Han Yuwei's writing is to break through the traditional writing method. For example, in Han Yu's works, epitaph has quite new features, diversified forms, and even "one person is the same". Similar to the epitaph style, there are mourning articles. This kind of writing Han Yu is also original and unusual. For example... Sacrifice to Henan Zhang Yuan foreign text ", MAO Kun Be rated as peculiar ", Yao Fan Thinking that "no one else has this", Yoo Dae 櫆 Also said:" Elegiac address Retreat alone." As for... Sacrifice 12 lang wen ", Zeng Guofan Although think this kind of article "study to rhyming It is appropriate ", but he added: "Han Gong is like a divine dragon and can do anything." It means that the changes of Han Yu's sacrificial writings are unexpected. [2]
Han Yu article of the unique, there are a class of send order. In the Tang Dynasty, preface writing was a common style Wang Bo , Chen Ziang , Li Bai , Ren Hua All of them are excellent. But from the way most articles are written, there is no format. First to leave the situation, suffixes scenery, mood state, still like Six dynasties . Lin Shu The so-called "狃 in the Six dynasties Old habit "Refers to such. But in Han Yu's works, the text of the preface is varied. Han Yuyou send preface text almost the whole discussion. This is an outstanding feature. Lin Shu once said: "Han Changli concentrated on no historical theory, instead of the original Road, the discussion of the text, mostly included in the preface and book." For example... Land and water transport to return Han Shi Yu to the order Zeng Guofan regarded it as "article on current affairs". [43]
Han Yu's several "game" articles are also new style. The same generation comic The comparison of words has new characteristics. For example... 毛颖传 but petu In... Send Li Ao book In ", Han Yu's Haiku characters are regarded as" The text is the play "Is very disapproving. Now it seems that people "sin", probably more than one Peidu. Liu Zongyuan's "extraordinary book" is not for no reason. Because, since the six dynasties, the prose of Haixie such as Zhang Min's" Head child plume ", Shen Yo Although there are implied meanings, it is not far-reaching. Here again reveals Han Yu's consistent thought of deploring the inexhaustible use of talents. This kind of haiku writing, never before. [43]
Han Yu's writing surpassed his predecessors in addition to the original style mentioned above, and the seenness of making words is also an important aspect. In this respect, predecessors and people today have much praise. For example, there are "Advanced Learning Solutions" in an article. Diligence makes good practice "" Scrape and polish "" Take too much and get too much "" Contain English tsui Hua "" It's difficult to articulate "" The same song "" Be blamed for a drop in the pan "" Collect and save all "" Idle dispersion "And so on, have been passed on as popular idiom ; There are also idioms such as" synopsis "" Burn all the time "" 闳中肆外 "" Cries of hunger and cold "Etc., is also condensed from the statement of this article. [43]
Since ancient times, such a large number of idioms passed down through the ages can be selected in an article, except for this article, it may be rare. The reason why Han Yu's articles have been recited continuously, why he has been taught by a generation, and why he has been a model of the past generations, is also an important reason for his seiko in language creation. Such rhetorical attainments, before and after him, few people can match. [43]
Han poetry
Han Yu's literary achievements mainly lie in his writings, but his poems also have their own characteristics, which have a great influence on future generations. [43] Han Yuduo's long ancient poems, many of which expose the contradictions of reality and express personal frustration, such as" Quay Pengcheng "" filthy "" Prefectural Zhai has Huai "And so on, mostly written plain and smooth. He also wrote fresh, full of verve, similar to the Tang Dynasty poems, such as" Late rain "" Basin basin five first ", especially" In early spring, the Ministry of Water Zhang18 outside the two first ". [44] But Han Yu's most original and representative works are those known for their grandiose momentum and bizarre imagery. He is "young and still great" (" County Zhai has Huaihuai "), "Search for strange days have rich" (" Zhang Che "), born with a strong and bold qualification, the character is full of the pursuit of fresh strange and magnificent things of the scene of the impulse, and he repeatedly advocated the "qi" said, more so that he in improving self-cultivation at the same time to add a daring, look at all things of spirit, hair for poetry, is the qi Hao potential fierce, sound macro exciting, like a river breaking the bank, a thousand miles. [44]
Han Yu's life with the world heart is very serious, the concept of right and wrong is very strong, the character is dull and straight, and he is not willing to bend less, which on the one hand makes him suffer repeatedly in the political turmoil after entering the official circle, on the other hand, it also leads to his aesthetic taste is impossible to be indifferent and peaceful, and shows a strange feature of resentment and anger, emotional excitement and change. Han Yu's poetic style has developed all the way to the strange, roughly starting from Zhenyuan Middle and late, to Motowa The medium term is set. On the one hand, the huge political pressure greatly intensified Han Yu's psychological conflict, on the other hand, the desert and dangerous southern landscape was pushed to the poet, the two interaction is an important condition for Han Yu's poetic style change. He wrote in this period Sule Dragon Palace Beach "Chen Kou presents two more Songs" " Dragon Shift "" Yueyang floor sinus straight "" On the night of August 15, give Zhang Gongcao "" Heng Yue Temple Sui Yue Temple theme gate building "And other poems, the most used are those stirring, frightening, scary, sinister words, such as" shock ", "thunder", "angry waves", "big waves" and the haunt of "dragon", "glider", "monster" and "ghost", all spoke together, forming a thrilling image. [44]
In the poetic expression techniques, Han Yu also made bold exploration and innovation, using the method of writing fu to write poems, ostentation, thick color, exhaustive, and then stop. Nan Shan is a representative work in this regard. The whole poem 102 rhymes, up to more than one thousand words, with seven overlapping sentences and 51 verses with the word "or", write the height of Zhongnan Mountain, four times the scene changes. It is very detailed, but it is also very tedious. Or the famous song" Luhunshan Fire and Huangfu Shi use its rhyme ", extremely write a strong fierce fierce fire. It is an extraordinary creation, and because it is extraordinary, it is new, and because it is new, it is strange. It is the main goal of Han Yu's poetic art to pursue. [44]
However, the new characteristics of Han Yu's poetry are not manifested in this kind of works, but in some of his "taking literature as poetry". As... hillstone "August 15 night Gift to Zhang Gongcao", for such works, predecessors have commented on many, Fang Dongshu It is considered that the former part is "ancient writing" and the latter part is also "ancient writing". Such "brushwork" and "brushwork", and Early Tang Dynasty , The glorious age of Tang Dynasty Compared with the predecessors of poets, there are obviously differences. Therefore, Ye Xie Think "Han Yuwei Tang poetry One of the big changes." The so-called "great change" is the new feature of Han Yu's poems. [43]


Han Yu talking picture
Han Yu life, actively seek official, strive for the text. According to him, he asked for an official not only for food and clothing, but also for Conduct one's own business For the text is not only the words of the ancients, but for the sake of understanding. The way that Han Yu did for people and the way that he learned for Wen can be proved by his life practice. In summary, there are the following aspects [43] :
  1. 1.
    Han Yu's "Tao" is to advocate "caring for the world" and not to approve of "the world". Be good and self-supporting "That is to say," Help the whole world Instead of "doing it alone." It can be seen that although he inherited the Confucian thought of "universal relief", he was different. This point has been given little attention and should be highlighted. This was a very positive political attitude at the time. Its "on the Prime minister book" as repeatedly, of course, is to become an official, but he does have the purpose of becoming an official. In order to the street, Han Yu also had hoped to be a remonstrance official. In his poem "Dirty", he said: "Let it be a disgrace to guard the recommendation and be full. Criticize sb. 's faults bluntly Officer." To be a remonster-official was a common wish of some land-owning literati of the Tang and Song dynasties who were concerned about the country and the people. Because the position of the remonstrator is not high, but there is an opportunity to remonstrate. Han Yu wrote" Disputing ministers "Article, once to criticize the doctor Yangcheng . When he himself once done the imperial history, have a statement, he immediately wrote the matter. "On the Drought and the Famine of the People" is an important article that reflects Han Yu's law. [43]
  2. 2.
    Han Yu's way also advocated national unity and opposed the separation of vassals. He opposed the secession not only because of the hardship caused by the secession since his childhood, but mainly because he saw the harm that the secession caused to the country. Han Yu's words and deeds against the separation of vassal states are obvious, the most prominent performance is that he actively advocated the campaign against Huaicai, and personally participated in the campaign, after Huaicai was pacified, Han Yu was also ordered to write a book Pinghuaixi Stele The inscription clearly expressed the proposition of national unity and opposition to the separation of vassals. Another outstanding manifestation of Han Yu's opposition to the separation of vassals and the maintenance of national unity was his risky command to preach Wang Tingci (see" The life of the person - The envoy to Zhenzhou "Section). At that time, opposing the separation of vassals was an important political attitude and an important content of Han Yu's law. [43]
  3. 3.
    Han Yu's way is concerned about social reality and opposition Buddha Yes. In the Tang Dynasty, opposition to Buddhism did not begin with Han Yu, but he was the most prominent Buddhist. An article of the Original Way actually proposed that "no plug does not flow, not only can not", but also "people, fire their books, Lu their homes." This is a very fierce proposition. Of course, Han Yu's more heated remarks are" On Buddha bone table ". He first listed in the table that the ancient emperors who lived a long life did not worship Buddha, and most of those who worship Buddha have short lives. This and the early Tang Dynasty Fu Yi The words seem to be the same; However, due to the different time and object of discussion, Han Yu's remarks have stronger pertinence and take greater risks. At this time, just as Huai CAI began to ping, Xianzong thought himself Taiping Tianzi, fantasizing Fukuda longevity, and Han Yu actually said that the Buddha short Zuo, which is equivalent to taking the "son of heaven" fault At the time, it was very bold to say wild things. In the case of "the ministers do not speak their wrongs, the imperial history does not mention their losses", and can be independent without fear, is difficult to be able to. [43]
  4. 4.
    Han Yu's way also advocates the importance of talents and the selection of talents. Attach importance to talents, which is another outstanding feature of Han Yu for the sidewalk. Throughout his life, he always pays attention to the cultivation and recommendation of talents. According to the New Book of Tang, he was "famous for his achievements as a later scholar." After more pointing, are called Han disciples." Han Yu not only cultivates talents himself, but also recommends them to others. "Line difficult" article repeatedly explained the importance of selecting talents; I have recommended Hou Xi, Hou Yunchang, Liu Shugu, Wei Qunyu, Shen Qi, Zhang 苰 to Lu 傪. Yuchi Fen , Li Shen, Zhang Houyu Li Yi, etc. Han Yu believes that the selection of talents for the country is a kind of "deep thinking" and "the fundamental way to establish the country". In the Tang Dynasty, the selection of talents was also a common wish of the land-owning class literati. Han Yu's view of cultivating talents and attaching importance to them is very representative. Before the Sui and Tang Dynasties, under the system of hereditary aristocracy, the sons of the landlords had few opportunities to participate in politics. Han Yu's remarks of attaching importance to talents at that time have new characteristics of The Times. Attach importance to talents, this is another important content of Han Yu street. [43]


Han Yu, known in the Tang Dynasty as a historian, wrote the book The Annals of Shunzong Volume 5, is Han Yuzai Wei Shuhou Rewritten on the basis of the three volumes of Shun Zong Shi Lu, he "cut out the common things, tied them to the government, compared the old records, ten benefits sixty-seven, honest and good, not without books, if about the time, everything." It can be seen from the record that his rebuke to the palace city, the criticism of Yantian Jinfeng, the disclosure of the crime of Jingzhaoyin Li Shi, etc., shows that what the table says is in line with the truth. [45]
" The Annals of Shunzong After it was submitted, it was fiercely opposed by many people, for the reason that "Han Yu wrote the Record of Shunzong, saying that the forbidden things were quite straight, and the internal officials were evil, and the two people came forward repeatedly." So "the repeated dynasty has an edict to repair." Emperor Wenzong of Tang make Lu Sui Such as re-rewrite, after several twists and turns, finally according to the will, the book in the record of the De Zong, Shun Zong banned in the matter "detailed is published to go". [45]

Historical evaluation


Tang to five Dynasties

petu "Changli Han Yu, the servant knows the old, and the man believes in the beautiful material." Close to or heard the cloud of peers: rely on its perfect, often unrestrained, not to literary system, but to literary play." [46]
Bai Juyi "Academic excellence, literary prowess, wording, class ( Ban Khao ), the wind of Ma (Sima Qian), when seeking one, it is very difficult to get. To the sex square straight, but there is a guard, not snobbery, self-fame. Can make a simple, listed as a historian, record calligraphy, will not get anything." [47]
Liu Yuxi "The mountains are infinite, and the flowers are cut into them. The humanities are infinite, the master is very alive. A hundred schools resist action. At that time, Qing people all came out. The ancients seek, for the enemy cover few. In Zhenyuan, Emperor drum aromatherapy piano. A golden horse, an article like a forest. The king from the valley, rose in Gaocen. Husband and wife, 蜩螗 leather sound. Holding the handle, looking at the sea. Weigh the low and follow me where I am. For more than 30 years, his reputation was terrible. Gongding Hou tablet, Chi tunnel table Qian. The price of a word is a mountain of gold. The powerful came to insult me. But the truth is, it's mine. A kiss is old, a life test is appropriate. The study of heaven and man can be related to Taoism. Either way, the other way. Heaven and man, love and hate to fly away. Once upon a time, he was wise and brave. Always use the sword, drive me to chaos. The child grows in the pen, and the child grows in the theory. When a spear lifts its ladder, a pawn cannot be sleepy. When the son is thick, channeling words in between. Praise the pleasure, solid not the face. Majestic up and down, Xi Nong to return. I will be at the extreme, and I will be speechless." [50]
Han Yu inscriptions and postscripts full body [49]
Li Ao "Ao Xi and the Ministry of Official Affairs of the Han Dynasty retired as the leader of the article, while Ren generation, but Liu Yi Cao Zongyuan ( Liu Zongyuan ), Liu guest dream (Liu Yuxi) ear." [90]
Huang Fushi "Sir's arms strike holy moments." Based on the body, the last. residence Qiu Ke The crisis is over. Have Xi Su Xi, there are shy how much. Forget it, God is stingy. Vertical rise is decaying, group heart hole sad. Jue Hehe, full of Huanese. The new is in bamboo and silk. I write it on the tablet to show my sorrow." [48]
Zhao De "Changli Gong, a member of the sages, has a higher text, comparable to the ancient relics." The way you do it, then yao , shun , yu , soup , text ( King Wen of Zhou ), Wu ( King Wu of Zhou ), week ( Zhou Gong ), hole ( Confucius ), Meng Ke , Yangxiong The truth of what is given and served. It has been passed down by Buddha and Dan ( A surname ), Zhuang ( Chuang Tzu Yang's words, not to do its thinking, into its text. To be light in today, greater than after, golden Coke scintillation, gentle and splendid. Virtue, Taoism and literature are almost ancient." [51]
Pei Jing: "If you are called by the text, if Chen picks up the relics ( Chen Ziang ), Susco ( Su Yuanming ), Wonyong Prefecture ( Yuanyu "), Soo So-cho, and Han Jun-bu." [52]
Siguntu "Foolish taste of the Korean official song and poetry, its driving momentum, if the thunder, rushing between the earth, the shape of strange changes, have to be encouraged and its breath." [53]
  • Han, Li (Li Ao) two Wen Gong, at the end of the tomb Chi, not to mention Renyi; Aspiring to hold the world, to humanity into, and the road failed. To if the suppression of Yang, ink, release, old, although in the road is not hong, also end the heart of the man also. [54]
  • Heaven and earth, there is no gentle. The more, the higher the Han, the language cut Canon grave. [54]

Song Dynasty

  • Great calendar, Zhengyuan, the United States can come out in a large number of times, put no 哜 road really, Sheng Ya, so Han Yu advocate, Liu Zongyuan, Li Ao, Huangfu Shi and so on, row by a hundred, law strict, to arrive at Jin, Wei, on the Han, Zhou, Tang wen is a king's law, which is very also. [57]
  • Tang Xing, Cheng The Five Dynasties Division, the king does not outline, poor quality, 崿 lithic mixed. The world has been set, the famine to pick the pest, discuss Confucianism, to xing Xian constitution, the 醲 han dip, almost a hundred years, then the article can be described a little. To Zhenyuan, Yuan and between, the more thus" The six channels "The text for all Confucians advocate, the end of the barrier, anti-刓 to park, 刬 pseudo to true. But more talent, see Sima Qian, Yangxiong, to Ban Gu below regardless. When its gain, the essence of the one out of the right, published the statement, don't drive, the ocean wantonly, to no contradiction of the sage. His way covers himself compared with Meng Ke, to Xun's condition Yangxiong is not chun, rather do not believe it? To counsel Chenmou, row difficult, lonely, correcting the end of 媮, Emperor in benevolence and righteousness, can be described as a gentleman. Since the Jin Dynasty, the old Buddha has been walking, and the holy Way has been such as belt. All Confucianism under the heaven is discussing, help is a strange god. The more alone, the saint, the confusion of the world, although the smile, 跲 and revived, if not the beginning of the letter, the death showed in time. Once upon a time, Meng Ke rejected Yang and Mo, and went to Confucius only 200 years ago. More row two, is to more than a thousand years old, dial decline anyway, work and Qi and force times, so the situation, male for a lot of Yi. Self-healing, his words and deeds, scholars admire such as Mount Tai Beidou Clouds. [58]
  • Liu Liuzhou for the text, or take the former Chen use, not as good as the Han officials do not beggar the ancient, and a out of the own. [59]
Ouyang Xiu "There is no way to retreat the power of the pen, but to taste poetry as the end of the article..." However, its talk and laugh, help scherzo, describe human feelings, shape state, a in poetry, and the twist. ... Yu Chang Yu Sheng Yu ( Mei Yaochen On this, in order to say that good horses, such as the thoroughfare, wide road, galloping, but meaning. As for the water, it is the most important thing in the world." [56]
Han Qi "Han Yutang's famous scholar, the world is looking for the same, but it is not used, and the talk has been slandered." [55]
Su Xun "Han Zi's text is like the Yangtze River, the flow of muddy waters, fish turtle dragon, Wan strange, but not to hide, not to expose itself, and people see its deep ran light, green color, also shy, not forced to look." [60]
Shen Kuo "The poem of retreat, rhyming Wen ear, although healthy and rich, but the end is not poetry." [75]
Han Yu inscriptions and postscript prints [64]
Lv Huiqing "I call a poet not like a quitter." [75]
Su Shi :
  • Since the The Eastern Han Dynasty (206 B.C.) Since then, the way lost the article, the heresy and rise. ... Only Han Wen Gong took up cloth clothes, talked and laughed, and the world was retiring from the public, returning to the right, covering three hundred years in this. The decline of eight generations And the Tao of the drowning of the world, the anger of the loyal prisoner, and the handsome of the three armies. Is it not a towering, vicissitudes, vast and unique existence? [61]
  • Zi Mei Du Fu ) poem, retreat of the text, Lu Gong ( Yan Zhenqing ) of the book, both The winner Aye. [62]
  • The ancient writing of Tang Dynasty began with Han Yu. [59]
  • Liu Zihou poetry, in Tao Yuanming Down, Weissuzhou Up; Retreat bold adventure is over, and Wen Lijing deep less than also. [63]
Su Zhe :
  • In the past, the Han Dynasty Jia Yi Talk about beauty, stop at the princes, and Chen Ping In fact, it is three men; Tang Han Yu, the word gas aboveboard, finally Beijing Zhaoyin, and Pei degree Lun, is the prime minister. Husband Chen Ping, petu It is not enough to say that Han Yu, Jia Sheng Also often sad not to meet. [65]
  • Tang poetry should push Han, Du, Han Shihao, Du Shixiong, but Du Xiong can also be Han hao. [75]
Huang Tingjian "Old Du wrote poems, but when he retired, there was no word without a place." Cover later generations reading less, so called Han, Du made this language ear." [91]
Qin Guan : "Hook Zhuang (Chuang Tzu), column ( Lieh Tzu The smallest, the smallest ( Su Qin ), Zhang ( Zhang Yi ) debate, Zhi Qian (Sima Qian), solid (Ban Gu) reality, hunting Qu (Ban Gu) Qu Yuan ), Song ( Song Yu ) in English, this is called" The poem "" book ", folded to Kong's, this adult text, as Han Yu's work is also. There are many authors before the cover, but there is no preparation for healing; After the author is also many, and can not be added to the cure, so say: all in all, there is no one like Han Yu." [59]
  • Retreat to the poem, this has no solution, to high and good. [91]
  • Huang Shi, Korean, intentionally so there is work, left, Du is no work. [92]
A surname "After Yuan He was gone, he learned more about writing than Han Yu, but he learned less about writing Grandmaster Fan " [66]
CAI Qi "The poem Hao Jian Xiong put back, into a family, the special hate its deep wan insufficient." [93]
Huihong County "To taste the poetry of cooked taste retreat, really out of nature, its use of deep, higher than the old Du." [91]
Ge cube "Pei Du Ping Huaixi, a peerless achievement." Han Yu's "PingHuaixi Stele" is a unique text. The work of the degree is not enough to be cured, and the work of the degree is not enough to be issued." [94]
Zhang Jie "Han Tui's poem, love and hate phase half. The lover thinks that although Du Zi Mei is not as good as, the one who does not love thinks that the poem has no income. ... The poem of retreat is more than enough talent, so it can escape, reverse rise strange, nothing can not be done. Let it be like the Yangtze River, rolling, rolling in endlessly; The receiving is hidden shape shadow, suddenly suddenly did not, posture transverse, become strange; Delight can be stunned, fear can be swallowed. ... Poetry, calligraphy and painting, mostly from the heart. ... Retired article page, so its poetry has Imperial palace Gas. Retreat poems can be with Taibai for the reason, but the two hao do not stand together, when the third yield retreat." [97]
Hu Zai "Han Tui's poem, the mountain is broken, a law of its own, but the arm of the fan Hou Guanpei, slightly bare." [95]
Liu Gong "These five gentlemen ( A person of great wisdom and wisdom Du Fu, Yan Zhenqing, Han Yu, Fan Zhongyan ), its has been different, the establishment is also different, but its heart is called fair and upright, 踈 open insight, aboveboard and not 揜 also, its seen in the meritorious articles, down to the micro of calligraphy and painting, cover can be looked at and get its people." [96]
compass "Han and Liu Wendo are similar... Han is like jade, willow is like fine gold; Han Ru Jing female, Liu Ru name Shu; Han Rudeji, Liu like Tianma. Europe is like Han, Su is like willow. In the eastern Han Dynasty, he obtained several volumes of Korean in the broken basket and began to understand the composition method after reading. Dongpo moved overseas, but also with the two sets of pottery, willow. Each has his own ideas and interests." [67]
Otausun "Han retreated like a bag of sand and water, but A surname Alone." [98]
Zhao Bingwen "Han Yu also used ancient literature as a poem, and then the ancient and modern changes." [99]
Liu Chuan "Sven sigh Jing Zhen for a long time, a thin Fei Zhong che Zi Chen. Cannot bear the destruction of the central plains Left 袵 Gan seeking south soil for tired minister. After Zou Ke Gong He Xun, Lu Dao in this vein is still new. The universe is about to dim the stars, and the empty mountain Han Mu is also sad spring." [100]
Chen Pu "Yangmo Serong this district, the big top is the evil river fish." Retreat is not ethical, a criticism will be old Offer sacrifices to Buddhism Books." [101]
Xu Jun "Reject the heretics and respect Confucius and Mencius, and push the original humanity to win over Xunyang." A life of courage is more than a story of Ase." [102]

Yuan and Ming dynasties

Tao Zongyi : "Open The six channels A hundred schools of learning, writing articles and Meng Ke Yangxiong appearance." [103]
Xin Wenfang "Gongying Wei born, only the name of the crown, following the moral system, clear list of the heart of holiness." Alone with the waves, the word color brilliant, Qi, Liang Qi Yan, all donated. There is jade with the crown of the gas, the sound of the palace Shang stone, for a generation of Wen Zong, so that the decadent line is restored, how easy to say also zai solid enough to praise the cloud. To if the song poems tired of a hundred, and drive momentum, if the thunder, the sky and earth, the word Feng learning waves, the first price also." [68]
Wang Yi "Examination of the Tang and Song dynasties, the paper chapters Han Wengong, Ouyang Wenzhong Gong ( Ouyang Xiu ), on political affairs, Lu Xuangong ( Lu Zhi ") and Fan Moon-Jung Gong (Fan Jung-yeon)." [69]
High 棅 "Today's view of Changli's broad and literature, advocating the six classics, searching hundreds, its poetry hire driving momentum, look absolutely strong, if the thunder, tens of thousands of riding, don't drive, the ocean wantonly, and can not stop." [75]
Luo Guanzhong "Han Yu Buddha bone a table, loyalty and forgiveness, gong Qi Mencius and force times." However, those who can never remove the perplexity of the Constitution Zong do not look into the root cause, but always talk about the disaster caused by the Buddha. Not at all." [70]
Son Chengen "The way is lost, the son is awakened." Exclude the old Buddha, play Soo Si. And pack a hundred, source committee six classics. The Great Beidou Mountain is a great legacy." [71]
Xue Yingqi "Lu Zhi and Han Yu were soon in the dynasty, and the reason why Tang was so miscellaneous was also."
Wang Shizhen "Han Gongyu Inscriptions on stone tablets Such as the most magnificent, have the power, also very ancient, and there is not out of the path, in the desire to win the ancient and can not win, she has not done her ear. Play clear cut moving, but talk about things less than Chao ( Chaulco (a surname) ), Jia (Jia Yi), talk of reason is not balanced ( Zhang Heng To ( Liu Xiang ). The best book with people, more than the son long (Sima Qian) will, and as for doing please in people, the word diffuse and gas also flexion. Order or strong or light, care about the combination and discord, the end also does not fall. The first so-called original, only a "original way", and the so-called discriminator, only a "taboo", it has not been done. The study of the six classics is very shallow, and the book of Buddha is more brine 莾, so it has been released, can not all meet the sword also. And he catapulted, also can not be more in, called the scribe, then the west Beijing and the next so should return to the ox ear." [72]
  • The poems of the Tang Dynasty are all due to enlightenment and attainments. If the five or seven words of the ancient, although dangerous, fast heart, real strong talent, solid not false insight into, also not false attements. However, all things considered, five words is the most effective, and seven words is less. [75]
  • The five or seven words of the ancient, the words are strange and dangerous, all have their roots, but the quotation is appropriate, and there is no state of pinching and pulling rate. [73]
Hu Zhenheng "Han Gong is very negative poetic force, the little rhyme, the source is not good luck, but also to store only rich, so the evil rhyme is strange, do not add building selection, resulting in a complex difficult view, get a good pen tide, gems from." The first of these rhymes is the best." [104]
Zhong Xing "Tang Wenqi is broken, and the retreat of the spring melt, aiming to restore." Tang poetry drowned ya, and withdraw from the difficult, the intention is out. Poetry out of a hand, each other still do not imitate, really hold the special knowledge of the world. To its Yuefu, satirical sustenance, deep wan honest, true elegance." [75]
Li Shichun In the "Reconstructing Songjiang Academy Preface" cloud: "Since before the Tang Dynasty, the sound of teaching and rare, cultural relics have not been written, the spirit of mountains and rivers, half, not in the miasma mountains and Lanhai city. Since Han Changli came out to guard my tide, ordered Tianshui Jinshi Zhao De to be the teacher, and the scholar began to know learning, people fought to change, the atmosphere gradually opened, the color of mountains and rivers, also Look new ... Open up the mountains and rivers of the whole tide, Changli Han Gong." [117]
Wang Fuzhi "When Emperor Muzong reigned for four years, he was a gentleman petu Also, Li Shen Also, Han Yu." [74]
Ye Xie :
  • Han Yu is one of the great changes in Tang poetry. Its strength is large, its thinking male, the rise of the originator. Song's Su, Mei, Ou, Su, Wang, Huang, are more and more for the end, can be described as the peak. [105]
  • Take Han Yu one of a sentence, everywhere can be seen its bone edge 嶒, looking down on everything, into can not tolerate in the court, retreat and refuse to be good at wild alone, disease evil is very strict, love only if thirsty, this Han Yu face also. [105]
  • Du Fu Poetry, alone crown today and ancient. In addition, for more than a thousand years, the author has, but Han Yu and Su Shi, whose talent and power can compete with Fu, and stand as three. Han poetry not a word of the people, such as too fine cut, can not be reached. If the common Confucianism, pick its concoction, ten and five or six, easily shaking the tongue. [105]
Qian Liangze "The Tang Dynasty rose from Li Du and turned over six dynasties Set pattern The article has done its best and nothing can change. After Changli was born, he completely abandoned the law of his predecessors, and created a strange and foolish language, which opened an unprecedented face." [75]
  • Changli hero pretentious, want to learn and talent across Li, Du above, but the restoration of Zhang more, less change, the force is painted and insufficient. Only four words, such as "Yuan and Shengde" "PingHuaixi Stele" and so on, the so-called sentence of Yishan strange language heavy, point and change, although Sima Changqing also when the hand. [75]
  • Those who are good at making talents should leave them endless, and Changli poems will inevitably be good. To it, the meaning to return to the right, the scale is vast, the bone lattice rectification, the original Ya song, but not in the wind also. Product for everyone, who said not suitable? [75]
Xue Xue "Han Changli learning Zhengda, overlooking the crowd; Kuangjun heart, a meal do not forget; The thought of saving time, a moment of unremitting; But the disease evil is too strict, can not be used, and love if thirsty, retreat is not only good, taste that direct Confucius and Mencius pass on, believe not falsely also." [75]
Aisin Gioro Hongli "Han Yu's writing began the decline of eight generations, and his poems also Stand out for the ages . Critics often hide their poems in text, or even say that there is no explanation of the poem. Fu Tang people are more famous poets, less famous writers, that Han Wen is more important than Korean poetry can also, directly rebuking its poetry for not working, then the group of children's folly. ... His life on poetry Li Du And in the water control of the voyage, grinding the edge of the day, generous admiration, sincere desire to effect its shock Qiankun, Ling storm thousands of classes, and then have to spit out its Qi Jie gas. Its clear light far, elegant chant gentle, not enough to do my talent, but occasionally, the power is enough to match. ... This try to take Han poetry to read it, its strong waves are unrestrained, put to restraint, sincere not reduced to Li. Its Hun Han Wang vast, thousand Huiwan, sincere not reduced to Du. And the character 嶒, wrist correction, the god of Li Du but not attack its appearance, and pull out the strange outside the two sons Make one's own family " [106]
Various images of Han Yu
Zhao Yi "Han Changli's lifelong pursuit of the heart is only Li Du two Duke." ... When he arrived at Changli, Li Du was already in the front, and though he tried to change, he could not finally open another path. But Shaoling adventure, still can be expanded, so at a glance, want to open the mountain from now on, into a family. This Changli attention also lies. But the danger has its own gains and losses. Build Shaoling talent to reach, accidental; And Changli is dedicated to this victory, so when you see the marks of chisel. With heart and without heart, different also. In fact, Changli has its own nature, still in the "literature from the word", naturally abundant and broad, unpredictable, not especially to the strange risk. Fear Changli also do not know, posterity peace of mind to read their own view. If you seek Changli only by means of adventure, you will lose it." [107]
Ma Yungang "Han Changli, in the middle of the Tang Dynasty, disdained to pursue Li Du alone. Today, his poems are five or seven ancient words, straight to Shaoling, the rest of the body is also hard pen, force atmosphere male, and the intention to return to the right, the legacy of the Ya song, the quality of the book, not at the same time Liu Zihou, Liu Mengde can do, Li Du, not too much." [75]
  • Han Gong should know its "like the tide" place, not only the sense of layers of overlapping, its writing gushes out, reading can not stop, hope can not be extreme, the test comes and goes endless, not poor, not exhausted. When thinking about its stomach around vientiane, the spirit of the five mountains, strange fighting ghosts and gods, and all the text from the word, each know their job, the so-called "good force discharge 奡" also. [108]
  • Han Gong poetry, style, and the creation of the environment, the spirit is proud, the spirit of the rhyme, the stroke, the old, the image, the word strange police, a unique step through the ages, and the vitality. [108]
  • Han Gong's writing power is strong, the language is strange, take the territory wide, the momentum is far, the usage changes and deep strict, across the ancient and modern, there are hundreds of election, but there are long language ramble, injure more into the habit. [108]
  • There is not a single sentence of Han poetry, and there are many resumptions and setbacks. Han poetry although the vertical and horizontal changes do not catch Li Du, and the regulation of Mo Tang hip, see broad. [108]
Liu Kai "When a husband retires, the decline of eight generations does not sweep away all eight generations." But take its essence and eliminate its rough, and turn its rot into its strange. In fact, the beauty of the eight generations is not unexpected." [89]
Chen Han "Called Changli to the text for poetry, this do not know the Korean also." Call Changli without the poem of the near text, this does not know the poet. ... When you know Changli is not special about six classics for the text, but also straight about coquetty into poetry." [75]

Modern times

Zeng Guofan "Han Gong is like a divine dragon and can do anything." [109]
  • One source of poetry and prose. Changli poetry has the right and strange, the right one is called "about the six classics and written", the strange one is called "there are gratitude and complaints against strange words". [75]
  • Changli poetry Chen Yan go, so there is the meaning of relying on heaven and earth. [110]
  • Changli seven ancient out of the "call hermit", should be in the meaning of the depiction, syllables are firmly sought. It is not enough to make the first word come out of the Talia Liang. [110]
  • Changli poems often regard ugliness as beauty, but this is suitable for the ancient style, if used in the modern style will not be tolerated. So every word has its place. [110]
  • Korean from the decline of eight generations, the real set of eight generations into. But those who make good use of the ancient can change the ancient, to everything, so they can sweep everything. [89]
  • Back of the five ancient, empty hard language, appropriate line 奡, the opening place is too Shaoling, and less than change. After the middle Tang Dynasty, gradually weak, have to retreat and ZTE. [75]
  • Han and Meng combined sentences, the creation of words, for the ancient times, scholars can not keep changing. [75]
  • After the seven ancient Tang Dynasty, following Shaoling and hegemony, only Han Gong. Han Gong seven ancient, especially strong Qi Jie gas, little change ear. [75]
  • Shaoling seven ancient, multi-use duality; Back seven ancient, multi-use single line. Retreat of the pen strength, the single line is not too weak, the end sense too little thorn. [75]
  • Shaoling seven ancient, interuse Bi xing; Retreat is pure Fu. [75]
Zhang Zhuqiao: "Chang Li's poems are restored to Zhang's time Jia Kyun , Meng Jiao All the old men are in the mountains." [111]
Ding Yi "His poetry is strict in rhyme and good at ancient rhyme. Among all the works, "Qin Cao" is the best. The hard language of ancient poetry is empty, strange and gratifying, only with talent from male, exhaust too much, turn sense for tired, and good bet strong rhyme, so when injured in rough danger. Poetry to the Han and Wei to fall, is a narrative, or take one end, to simple as the capital, quite not yet strange. And the Tang Dynasty people to explore the artistic conception, the beginning for extravagance, but also a little embellishment, not for this ability. To the more and its extreme, the virtual and practical mutual use, the class to grammar for poetry, repeatedly gallop, to win more, the text is too long, the content of the redundant, or the coarse rate of loss. Its poetry is elegant, but it is still the old calendar, compared with ancient poetry, and the eyes are not Yi. Quatsu to five words to win, seven words quality, so less wind, to sum up its humble is to win, so there are overkill language. It is unbearable. Tongguan works, Gyofan under. Zhao and Song poets, every master, learn too much, then the next." [75]
Song Yuren "Its source is Lu Shiheng, and it undermines its physical appearance." Pan empty hard language, in a search for words, elegant sound chran, a male account. Suburbs, islands, Lu with, and work together. Five words is a long story, but it is hard to hear." [75]
Mao Zedong I believe that literary works, including poetry, should not be done, and Han Yu's articles and poems are done. [76]

Anecdotal allusion


Kokchi nunnery

Han Yulai Chaozhou Later, one day, he met a monk in the street with a very vicious face, especially the two long teeth that turned over the exit. Han Yu thought that this was not a good man and wanted to knock off his long teeth. When Han Yu returned to the office, the doorman brought a red envelope, saying it was sent by a monk. Han Yu opened it and found a pair of long teeth, exactly the same as the monk's two long teeth. He thought, I want to knock his teeth out, didn't say, how did he know? Han Yu immediately sent people around to look for the monk. After meeting and talking, Han Yu just knew that he was the famous Lingshan Temple in Chaozhou cramp Monk, a man of great learning. Han Yu ashamed to look at people, busy to apologize to him. From then on, the two became good friends. In order to commemorate the friendship between Han Yu and Dabeng monk, later generations built a nunnery in the city, called" Kokchi nunnery ".

Water cloth

In ancient times, the workers in the Chaozhou Hanjiang River had to carry fir trees and tie fir rows, jump down the river for a while, climb ashore for a while, and the clothes on their bodies were wet and dry, dry and wet, often suffering from stomach pain and rheumatism. So they worked shirtless, with no clothes on. The women who carried water and washed clothes by the river every day, when they saw the arranger naked, complained to the government. After the government negotiations, the workers had to put on clothes. Han Yu came to Chaozhou, after hearing about it, he went to the river to see the arrangement and arrangement of the situation. Han Yu thinks that the layout workers wear wet clothes all day, easy to get sick. After returning to the government, he asked someone to inform the arranger by the river: in the future, the arranger and the arranger's elbow can be arranged without clothes, and only a piece of cloth can be tied around the waist to hide the shame. This cloth later became the Chaozhou layout workers and farmers work with the body of the bath cloth, Chaozhou people called it "water cloth". It is said that the Chaozhou people thanked Han Yu for his kindness and changed the name of Bijia Mountain to Han Mountain, and the crocodile River at the foot of the mountain was renamed Han River.

A man of one's disposition

Han Yu character is cheerful and open-minded, and people, whether the other party is prosperous or down, his attitude is always the same. In one's youth Meng Jiao , A surname Friendly, two people reputation status is not high, Han Yu does not avoid the cold and heat, in the public praise them. Zhang Ji finally won the Jinshi, won the official salary. Later, although Han Yu was a dignitary, whenever he had leisure time after business, he would talk and dine with them, write essays and compose poems, just like in the past. And he looked at those powerful people as servants, and stared at them. Han Yu is very good at inducing and encouraging later, staying at home to do sixth-sevenths of the guest treatment, even if he can not eat breakfast, still kindly do not care. He always takes it as his duty to revitalize his reputation and promote benevolence and justice. Nearly ten people who helped the orphan daughters of their friends inside and outside get married. [77]
韩愈各类形象 韩愈各类形象 韩愈各类形象 韩愈各类形象
Various images of Han Yu

The Ministry of Civil Affairs opened the lock

Han Yu Zeng Ren Minister of Official Affairs Among the officials of the Ministry of Official Affairs at that time A surname The most powerful, because it is the Ministry of official officials used to be locked, waiting for the election of the appointment of officials can not come to the Ministry to meet. After taking office, Han Yu loosened the lock and let candidates in and out, he said: "The reason why people are afraid of ghosts is because they can't see ghosts; If they could see, people wouldn't be afraid of ghosts." [78]

The kite flies and the fish leaps

Qing Guangxu fourteen years (1888), Lianzhou governor Shi Bingzhang from the Yangshan Han Yu original, the "kite flying fish Yue" four characters engraved on the right side of the Yanxi Pavilion on the Wolong stone, after He Jian regular script inscription: "Han Gong character is rare in the world, Qianlong Renyin, Jian Bing Yang Shan, get four words in the soil people, for the stone." Han Yu "Kite flying fish leap" stone engravings in Shandong Weifang ten Wat Garden, Guangdong Chaozhou Han Wengong Temple, Guangxi Hezhou small West Lake, Zhaoqing Seven star Rock and other places, the influence is quite wide.

Cross the horse lead mountain

Han Yu arrived Chaozhou At that time, when Chaozhou heavy rain disaster, flooding, a field of white. He went to inspect the city, only to see the north of the mountain flood raging, so he rode to the north of the city, first looked at the water, and then looked at the terrain, and ordered his followers Zhang Qian and Li Wan to follow his horse, where the horse went to plant bamboo poles, as a sign of the embankment. Han Yu inserted the dike and informed the people to build the dike according to the pole. Hearing this, the people were very happy and rushed to the city one after another. However, as soon as they reached the north of the city, they saw that the place where the bamboo poles had been inserted had vaulted out a mountain and blocked the flood from the north. Since then, there are no more floods here. People have a legend: "Han Wengong over the horse drag mountain." This mountain was later called "Bamboo Pole Mountain".

Evict the crocodile

For the text to chase alligators
Han Yu was demoted to Chaozhou When I was a scholar, there was a river in Chaozhou at that time, and there were many man-eating crocodiles in the river, which became a local nuisance, and many people crossing the river were eaten by them. One day, another civilian was killed. Han Yu worried: Crocodiles do not remove, there will be endless future troubles. So Han Yu ordered to prepare sacrifices, decided to personally go to the river to set up an altar to sacrifice alligator. After laying out the offerings, Han Yu shouted to the river: "Crocodile! Crocodile! Han came here to be an official, in order to benefit the people. But you are making trouble here, and now you are allowed to take your people to sea within three days, and the time can be extended to five or even seven days. If you do not leave within seven days, you will be severely punished." Since then, Chaozhou has never had crocodiles eat people again. The place where Han Yu sacrificed the crocodile was called "Hanpo", the ferry was called "Handu", the big river was called "Han River", and the mountain opposite the river was called "Han Mountain".

Dream swallow Dan seal

When Han Yu was young, he had a dream about a man and a scroll of seal style. He was forced to swallow Seal style by force, and another person laughed at 拊掌. He suddenly felt frightened and woke up.
Han Yu
After waking up, Han Yu only felt that there seemed to be an object choking in his stomach, and he could still remember one or two of them, and his writing was extraordinary. I'll see you later Meng Jiao I always feel deja vu, and I was surprised to find that Meng Jiao was the one laughing next to the dream. This is documented in the Inhumans Biography, in the Dragon City Record The record is also more detailed, it is said that after Han Yu woke up, "the writing style is not a human book." After knowing Meng Jiao, it seems familiar with the eyes, thinking about it, is the dream beside the laugh."
The "Danzhuan" in the dream is the Taoist mantra, which is often written in Dansha book, and the stroke is a cloud seal script. Han Yu clearly opposed the Buddhist faith, but quite believed in teaching herbal medicine. As for the Taoist incantations, I am actually not interested in them. The appearance of "Danzhuan Style" in Han Yu's dream can be understood as two points: the first is the nightmare caused by Han Yu's pursuit of literature. He pursues a unique calligraphy style with special brushwork, so he shows it in his dream with the common "Danzhuan style"; The second may be in the metaphor of Han Yu and others advocated the "ancient style" interest, "Danzhuan" is based on the Qin and Han ancient characters of the big and small seal shape evolved. A writer and thinker, his behavior and thoughts can affect the situation in his sleep, is the so-called "day thinking, night thinking."
This dream is told by Han Yu after being noticed by people, so there are additional components that cannot be ruled out. Meng Jiao in the dream 拊掌 and laugh, should be encouraged, not laughed at. It is probably that Han Yu subconsciously hoped to have such a friend, so that after meeting Meng Jiao later and getting close to him, he naturally associated the "拊掌 and smiling" person in his dream with his close friend Meng Jiao.

Misrepresentation of appearance

Shen Kuo In... Dream stream pen talk It was recorded that the world painted Han Yu, with a small face and a beautiful beard, wearing a gauze hat. This is actually from the Southern Tang Dynasty Han Xizai In the Northern Song Dynasty, there are paintings of Han Xizai preserved, inscription It's very specific. Han Xizai posthumous title Wen Jing, Jiangnan people called Han Wen Gong, so the world will be mistaken for Han Yu. Han Yu is fat and lacks a beard. Since then, Han Yu has enjoyed Confucius, and the paintings of Confucius temples in various counties are all Han Xizai. Later generations could not distinguish, and they always thought that Han Xizai's portrait was Han Yu. [79]


According to the Song Dynasty Taogu " Anomaly clearing According to records, Han Yu indulged in sex and had concubines in groups, resulting in a great decline in sexual function. He often takes aphrodisiac There are many aphrodisiac drugs in ancient times Quebrith Ingredients, eat more harmful, Han Yu listen to the advice of others, the sulfur ground into the end to feed the rooster, so that the rooster grew up and then eat chicken, so that the rooster first absorb the toxicity of sulfur, thereby indirectly obtain the aphrodisiac effect of sulfur, but this method "beginning also see work", and "eventually kill".

A letter of withdrawal

According to the Li Zhao " Tang Guoshi "Records: Han Yu and guests shared Huashan Mountain After reaching the top of the mountain, it was found that there was a steep anomaly around, and it was estimated that there was no way to step. Write in a state of panic Posthumous papers And cried wildly. Huashan is located Huayin county The magistrate tried his best to save him. [80]
Later, Zhao Wenbei, a centenarian from Shanxi Province, swam to the "Investment office of Han Retreat" and felt Han Yu's story and laughed. Later generations in the side inscription "Canglongling Han retreat crying Ci Zhao Wenbei hundred years old smile Han." After the Qing Dynasty, Li Bo climbed the mountain here, in the face of a cry and a smile, and showed another mentality, and as a poem cloud: "The danger of China, the ridge is to." Han old cry, Zhao old laugh, a cry a laugh pass two wonderful. Li Bo neither laughs nor cries, standing alone but whistling." [81]

Interpersonal relationship

The lineage of Han Yu family in Tang Dynasty
Position in the family hierarchy
Family background
Han Wangxin Son of God, The Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.) Early general, seal bow high marquis.
Han Xun
in The Eastern Han Dynasty (206 B.C.) Official to Longxi Taishou, living in Wuyang Yingchuan.
In the Eastern Han Dynasty commonplace Their descendants moved in stable Wu 'an.
Eight Patriarchs
Han Qi
In the later Wei government General Longchamp Chang Shan Taishou, seal Wu 'an Marquis, Posthumous title Aye, Move house Nine doors .
Seven ancestors
Official Zhi General of the Southern Expedition , Prince Shaoshi Seal the Duke of Anding, give Jing state prince, King of Anding, posthumous title Huan.
Six generations of ancestors
Attack Lord stable, official to Dingzhou Jishi, posthumous title Kang.
Five generations ancestor
Han Kyaw
Official Zhi Ah Chau Your Governor.
Han In-Tae
The Tang Dynasty was full of officials Caozhou Sima.
Han Ei-so
Official Zhi Guangxi History of the governor.
Official residence Secretary Lang A gift of a book Underhand fire .
Later to the county country lady.
Eldest brother
Han Hui
Official Zhi People living in houses , was later downgraded to Shaozhou Feudal governor.
Official Zhi A surname Join the army.
A surname
Death is young and nameless.
Fanyang man, Feng Gaoping gunlord .
The son generation
Eldest son
Along with the Grandmaster Fan Xuewen, for Changqing four years (824 years) Jinshi, official department doctor.
Second son
Han Juji
ren Fuping County magistrate.
First marry Zong Zheng Shaoqing Li Han , remarry Collection of merit and school principle Fan Zongyi.
Marry Chen.
Marry check school Shangshu right servant shot, Huaiyang county public Chiang system .
Die young
Table reference [82-83]

Major work



Han Yu's works are numerous, with more than 700 extant poems and texts, including nearly 400 essays. His works of various genres, such as Fu, poem, discussion, saying, biography, record, praise, book, preface, Lamentations, sacrificial texts, stelae, sketches, tables and miscellaneous articles, all have outstanding achievements. Doorman Li Han His posthumous writings were once compiled into 40 volumes of "Han Yu Collection", and are now published in "Han Yu Collection". Han Changli Ji Handed down to the world. In the ancient version of Han Yu's Collected works, Wei Huaizhong's Collected Works of Five hundred Yin and Changli's Collected Works and Waiji are the best; Liao Yingzhong Sedo edition Mr. Changli set "Outer collection" and "Legacy" (Ming Xu's East Yadang reengravings) are the most popular. Qing Dynasty Gu Sili , Fang Shiju Each has a single line of poetry. This person collates the annotation of the Korean set has Matumbe " Notes on Han Changli's collected works ", Qian Zhonglian " Han Changli's poems are collected and released ", Tong De "Han Ji school Quan" and so on. In addition, those who did not list the text for the revision or supplement of the Korean collection have Song Dynasty Fang Songqing , Zhu Xi , clear Chen Jingyun , Wang Yuanqi , Shim Chin Han Fang Cheng and Xu Zhen. [112]

Publish a book

  • Author name Han Yu
    This book was first published in 1957, following the compilation methods of the Song Dynasty, such as collection and interpretation, collection of several treatises, and re-chronological arrangement. The explanation is detailed. Now the author is invited to add punctuation, make some additions and modifications to the original set, and publish it.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Love is a Gift to Li Junfangbei, a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Epitaph of Li Jun in the Judicial Army of Beizhou is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Biansi Exchange to Zhang Fuzhan" is a seven-character ancient poem composed by the Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu. The poem describes the circumstances in which Ning made Zhang Jianfeng organize and participate in the polo game, including the changes in the formation of the team, the various movements of the players hitting the ball, the luxurious horse decorations, the speed of the ball flying, and the cheering audience. Then the poet puts forward serious criticism from the national interest and advises the ambassador in a gentle and sarcastic tone. The meaning of this poem is very high and extraordinary.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Story of the Water-gate in Bianzhou is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Bianzhou Chaos Two Poems, from the Poems of the Whole Tang Dynasty, is a seven-character collection of ancient poems created by Han Yu, a Tang poet.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Sick Bird" is a five-character melody written by Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty poet. This poem writes about the poet's rescue of the sick owl, the poet sympathizes with the experience of the sick owl, takes care of it and makes it free, reflecting the poet's power and love, and the poet compares himself with the sick owl. In this poem, the use of white painting techniques, the use of plain language, writing sincere and simple.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Song of Boyi is a prose written by Han Yu, a writer in Tang Dynasty. The article praises Boyi's spirit of "being a maverick" and "being faithful and self-aware", and criticizes the contemporary man's attitude of taking the secular right and wrong as right and wrong. "Maverick" is not only a tribute to Boyi, but also an important principle of the author's life, showing his spirit of not flowing with the world. The full text mainly discusses, the tone is coherent, the momentum is extraordinary, the use of sentence, but also see the power.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Forked fish recruiting a Merit Cao" is a five-character poem composed by Han Yu, one of the eight masters of Tang and Song dynasties. The poem describes the pomp of the spear fish, the scene of watching the spear fish, the process of the spear fish, the harvest of the spear fish, the scene and feelings after the spear fish, and expresses the poet's satisfaction through the chapter. The whole poem is written in prose, and the language is plain and flat, just like a beautiful and tortuous prose.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Epitaph of Dong Fu Jun, who was removed from Shangzhou and moved to Fengzhou, is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Epitaph of Zheng Jun, the doctor of the Dynasty SAN, is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Epitaph of Xue Gong, a historian of the Yuezhou in the Dynasty, is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The epitaph of King Kong Jun, a gift from a doctor in the Dynasty, is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Five Poems of Sacrificial Rites to God in Chaozhou is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Chaozhou Township School Ultimatum is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Dr. Xie Kong in Chaozhou is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Excepting Cui Qun's Ministry-Servant System is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of the Lady of Chu is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Agent Lu Jun is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Stele of Confucius Temple in Zhuzhou is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Dirty" is a five-character ancient poem composed by Han Yu, one of the eight masters of Tang and Song Dynasties. In the poem, the suffering of the people, the will of expressing the country, and the meaning of Chen seeking to recommend the three to "the river embankment to the east County" as the main clue, the first word of the will of the people, the second word of "great talent", the last word from the difficult, depicts the image of a lofty ambition and low situation. The whole poem intentionally follows the tradition of Ruan Ji, Chen Zi Ang and others in writing style, writes emotional narrative interlacing, the content is very dense, and the tone is...
  • Author name Han Yu
    "This day is a pity to give a gift to Zhang Ji" is a poem composed by Han Yu, one of the eight masters of Tang and Song Dynasties. The whole poem begins with longing, then traces the relationship between the poet and Zhang Ji at the beginning of their encounter, then describes the chaos in Bianzhou and the evacuation to Xuzhou, and finally describes the encounter with Zhang Ji and the parting, the poet's longing for his friend and so on are "flowing from the heart". In the aspect of writing skills, the whole poem expresses a lot, so that the poem has lyricism in the narrative, lyricism has discussion, scene blend, discussion. Another leaf...
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Moving from Chaozhou to Yuanzhou, Zhang Shaozhou Duangong congratulates him with poems and rewards him" is a poem created by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Cui Panshi is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Answer Chen Shang Shu is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Answer to Chen Sheng is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Book of Answer Cui Li is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Answer Feng Shu is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Answer Hou Ji Shu is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Answer Hou Sheng Wen Analects Book" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Book of Answer to Hu Sheng is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Answer to Li Yi Book is an epistolary essay written by Han Yu in the seventeenth year of Zhenyuan in the Tang Dynasty (801). Li Yi once asked Han Yu for advice on writing an essay, and Han Yu wrote this essay in response. The article systematically expounds the author's literary view, holding that the ideological content of the article determines the form of expression, the so-called "Qi is suitable for speech"; At the same time, combined with his own writing practice, he specifically pointed out that the basic condition for writing a good article is to constantly strengthen learning and cultivation.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Answer Liu Xiucai on Historical Books is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Book of Answer to Lu Yishan People is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Answer Lu 毉 Shanren book" is Han Yu wrote to Lu 毉 Shanren a reply.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Answer to Yu Chi Sheng is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Answer Wei Botian Fu Shooting Book" is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Answer to Yang Zi Book is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Answer to Yin Shu is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Answer to Yuzhou Li Zhijun Book" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Dai Zhang Ji and Li Zhidong's Book is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Lu Yin, a lieutenant in Dengfeng County, is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    禘袷 Discussion is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The epitaph of Ma Jun, a Shaoguan in the Temple, was written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty. In this epitaph, in the first paragraph, the author deeply recalls the kindness of the Ma family to himself and expresses sincere gratitude. The second paragraph highly praises the three people from the perspective of personality. In the last paragraph, the author deliberately uses the technique of lamenting life to further highlight his missing for the three Ma's grandparents and grandchildren. This epitaph pen changes like a divine dragon, unpredictable its wonderful.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Li Jun, the official historian of the Palace, is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Painting of Buddha by Hanging Wu Shi is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Dongting Lake blocked the wind to give Zhang Eleven" is a five-character poem written by Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty poet. The poem is divided into two parts, the first part of the first twelve sentences, Han Yu from Hengshan to the north, is thinking of returning to the north, unexpectedly encountered a storm, the road is blocked by food, can not think for a moment, hoping for a clear day, but the day rain; The last eight sentences are the second part, the writer longs for the clouds to rise, sail away, and sail to the goal of life. The poem describes concretely and graphically the treacherous weather, the environment...
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Fishing for Four Poems Alone" is a five-character group of poems created by Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty poet.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Lament of Uncle Shen is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Reading 鹖 Guanzi is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Reading Mozi is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Reading Xun is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Reading and Etiquette It is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Qing Song of the Short Lamp is an ancient seven-character poem written by Han Yu, a writer in the Tang Dynasty. The first sentence of this poem first write a long Qing, to write the Lord, to long discolpa useless to short discolpa useful; Take four sentences step by step in-depth, write a short Qing can cut clothes near the bed, send far huai people; And then six sentences, write a short discolampa can be put before the case, attack the book, shoot the first; Finally, the long discolampa, the short discolampa is abandoned for the sake of marveling at the vicissitude of the world. This poem is all in Bixing, ingenious in conception and careful in knot; Is a good intention, deep interest, write...
  • Author name Han Yu
    Crocodile Text is a prose written by Han Yu, a writer in Tang Dynasty. The first paragraph of the article explains the time, place, people and events of the sacrifice of the crocodile; the second paragraph describes the reasons why the crocodile has been expelled from the country and has become entrenched again; the third paragraph states the reasons why the crocodile is not allowed to run rampant from the side, indicating the attitude of confrontation with the crocodile; the fourth paragraph describes the firm attitude of killing the crocodile if he refuses to be expelled. Because of the harm of crocodiles, this article exhorts crocodiles to move, in fact, whipping the vassal towns that brought harm to the country at that time...
  • Author name Han Yu
    Fan Li Recruiting Doctors is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Epitaph of Li Gong in Fengxiang Longzhou is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Fengfu Zhenwuhu twelve Zhangs Doctor" is a seven-character poem composed by Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty poet.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Fenghe Liu Giyu of Zhou Jian Jun Three new questions twenty-one Ode - Flower Source" is a poem written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Cao Chang, the fourth brother of Lu in Fenghe Treasury, is a poem written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Lady Fufengjun is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Title of Fuxian Pagoda Temple is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Revenge is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Fu Zhi Fu is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Written by the Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Four Poems of Feeling Spring is a set of seven ancient poems written by Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty poet. This set of poems begins with the trapped life and ends with escaping to wine, first establishing the image of a hero who "wants to go to East, West, North and south". Reality blocks, material limitations make the hero only die of old age, then under the rule of the holy King, the hero admits his uselessness, then the aging of the body and the deception of knowledge make it difficult for the hero to maintain a minimum of confidence, and finally, the hero has to flee to wine. With this...
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Two birds of Feeling" is a poem written by Han Yu, a writer in Tang Dynasty. The text of this text is orderly, the order uses contrast techniques, the writer is high quality but not appreciated and employed, and the two ignorant birds, "not have moral wisdom, advisers, praise and education" but "have been picked up and promoted", profoundly exposing the ruler's ignorance and shameful behavior of burying talent and shirt state politics. The text uses the form of exclamation monologue to express the unreasonable in the author's heart of "only the difference between advance and retreat".
  • Author name Han Yu
    Gao Jun Painting Zan is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Gao Junxian Yanming is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Guangxuan Master Frequently Seen" is a Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu composed a seven-character verse. The first couplet of the poem illustrates the situation of being disturbed repeatedly by the master of the wide proclamation; Nod and neck alliance self-modesty, reading did not get, let down the master; The tail said that the temple red leaves piled up no one to clean, euphemistically expressed the dissatisfaction with the master. The whole poem is honest, not to do anything, unyielding to people, and the words can reflect the gentle and generous spirit of poetry teaching.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Guozijian on New Annotated Xueguan Ultimatum is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Yedou Gong of the State Zi Division is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Hedong Xue Jun, Assistant of the State Son, is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Han Fujun of Guo State is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Han Pang is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Admonitions of Likes and Dislikes is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Hejiang Pavilion is a five-character poem written by Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty poet.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Passing Lianchang Palace with Li Sixun" is a seven-character quatrains written by Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty poet. The poem by the Lianchang Palace before the Kaiyuan old questions, the performance of the yuan and the revival, comparable to the hope of Kaiyuan, expressed the era of the vicissitudes of all emotions. The poem is clever in conception and deep in meaning.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Inscriptions on the Divine Path of Zheng Gong in Xingyang by Observing the festivals in Hedong is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The epitaph of Miao, Wife of Lu Fujun, Cao Shenjun of Henan Fu Fa is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Henan Fu Tongguan Record is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Bi Jun, a lieutenant in Henan Fuwangwu County, is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Tang Chong's wife Lu, the master book of Gou Family in Henan Province, is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Henan Lingzhang Jun is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Li Gong, a young Yin in Henan Province, is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Henan Shaoyin Peijun is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Tombstone inscription of Cao Zhang Jun in Hezhong Fu is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Hezhong Fu Lianli Mu Song" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Book of Greetings and Title Table is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "He Emperor Accession Table" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    He Qing Cloud Table is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    He Xuzhou Zhang Fu Shooting White Rabbit Shape is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Three Sages and Three Songs in the Later Han Dynasty is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    After twenty-ninth Fu Shang Shu is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Late 19th Fu Shang Shu is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    鄠 People Pair is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Huashan Girl" is a seven-character ancient poem written by Han Yu, a writer in Tang Dynasty. The poem begins with a description of Buddhists who, because of the emperor's support, cheat and take money. Generations of Taoist Huashan women, in order to defraud property, and at the same time compete with Buddhism, so set a trap, Joe makeup, with coquetty color to confuse the masses, and even sensationalized the court. The rich young man, like a fly chasing the odor, chased the female Taoist priest with a thick dress. The poem uses such rhetoric as foreshadowing, setting off and exaggerating...
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Title of Huayue is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Painting Record is a prose written by Han Yu, a writer in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Emperor ascends the Throne to congratulate the Prime Minister is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Emperor's Accession to the Throne Congratulating All the Ways is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "The Emperor ascended the throne and abdicated the observation of Hei" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Story of the Yellow Family Thief is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Huangling Temple Stele is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph on Shi Jun of the School of Jixian Yuan is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Ji Yicheng Yi is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Sending Cui 26 Lizhi" is a five-character ancient poem written by Han Yu, a writer in Tang Dynasty. This poem describes Cui Li's career experience, recalls the friendship between the two people, and shows his attitude towards life in order to achieve a consensus, which is not only deeply sympathizing with Cui Li Zhi's outstanding talent and fate, but also deeply grateful to him for maintaining sincere friendship in the midst of the journey and exile, but also expressing his own difficult situation, aging and illness, and preparing to retire, and the feeling of desolation in life is full of words. The whole poem...
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Sending Lu Tong" is a seven-character poem written by Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty poet. This poem was written by Han Yu in the sixth year of Emperor Yuanhe's reign (811 AD). Lu Tong, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, was named "Lu Lu" with Lu Yu for his essay "Thanking Meng for his advice and sending New tea".
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Sacrifice Chenzhou Li Zhijun Prose" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Official Document of the Minister of Worship is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Sacrificial Dou Si Ye Wen is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Sacrificial House Jun Wen is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Li Si Ma Wen in Shaanxi Province is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Main Book of the sacrificial Marquis is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Offering Tribute to the 29th Lady of Li" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Offering sacrifices to horses and shooting Texts" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Sacrificial Female Hnu Zi Wen is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Sacrificial Pang Wen" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Sacrificial Pei Taichang Text is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Sacrificial Rites for Twelve Brothers is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Sacrificial Stone Junwen" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Sacrificial Xue Zhongcheng Essay is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Xiuxue's teaching Essay is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Foreign Writings of Zhang Member in the Department of Sacrificial Yu is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Offering Sacrifices to Zhang to Serve" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Tribute to Madame Zheng" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Tribute to Zhou's niece" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Sacrificial Rites to the Gods of Bamboo Forest is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The essay of Offering Sacrifices to the Foreign Empress of the Li Dynasty is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Epitaph on the Emperor's Tombstone is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph on Mrs. Wei of Jingzhao, wife of Yuanjun of the Imperial Historian, is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The epitaph of Liu Gong, Left Servant Shot Right Longwu Juntong Army, is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Recommending Master Fan" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Jianghan Answer Meng Jiao is one of the poems written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The epitaph of the Prince of Taiyuan given by the observer of West Jiangnan Road is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Jiangxi Observation Made Wei Gong's Epitaph is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Thirteen Poems of Jin Shi is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Two Records of the Jin Shunzong Emperor is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Table of Inscriptions in Pinghuai West is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Book of Jing Yin Not Tai's Reference to Friends is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Jingtan Singing and Poem Preface is a preface written by Han Yu, a writer of Tang Dynasty, for the Jingtan Singing Poems of Pei Jun and Yang Biao. In the preface, the author gives some praise to the superior officer Gao Luhou and aspirant literature, but mainly expounds the literary theory that "happy words are difficult to work, and poor words are easy to be good". Reveals the feudal era of dignitaries, arrogant luxury and extravagance, will be satisfied, it is impossible to sing the strong voice of The Times; On the contrary, there are some poor people who are frustrated and oppressed...
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Inscription on the Tomb of Lu Jun is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Kedou Shu Afterji is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Crying Yang Bubu and condensing Lu Xi Zhou Shen" is a five-ancient poem written by Han Yu, a poet in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Bitter Cold is a five-character rhythmic poem written by Han Yu, a writer in the Tang Dynasty. The poem describes the various signs and serious consequences of the cold with extreme exaggeration, which implies dissatisfaction with the power of the ministers and the failure of the government, and hopes that the government will quote the wise men. The whole article reflects the unique style of Han poetry's sharp and strange, whimsical phantom pen.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Lantian County Cheng Hall Wall Record is a prose written by Han Yu in the year of Yuan and 10 (815) of the Tang Dynasty. The article through the description of the official cheng between the writing and signature and Cui Sili as the county cheng act, expose satirized the Tang county cheng an official idle in vain, while the truth, has a certain cognitive significance. The article breaks through the traditional examples of Hall and wall records, and uses a series of vivid details to describe the characters, which is vivid and thought-provoking. The full text is short and concise...
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Li Hua Presents Zhang Eleven Agents" is a seven-character ancient poem composed by Han Yu, a poet in the Tang Dynasty. This poem can be divided into two paragraphs before and after, the first eleven sentences for the first paragraph, the first to make a similar speech, depict the color of Li Hua and lush, and then write the Li Hua in the night with the embellish technique, and then write the morning sun at the beginning of the flower forest scenery, its body and objects, the predecessors have not been produced, is to describe the objective scene of the pen; After eight sentences for the later paragraph, write their feelings to appreciate flowers has been far less than the youth, Li Hua in full bloom,...
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Inscription on the Tomb of Li Yuanbin is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Li Yuwai Sends Paper and Pen" is a five-character and three-rhythm poem written by Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty poet.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Sharp Sword" comes from "The Whole Tang Poetry", is a Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu created a miscellany of ancient poems.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Stele of Liu Tongjun is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Stele of Luochi Temple in Liuzhou is a prose written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty. This article, through the description of Liu Hou's real government and Liu people's words, makes it clear that Liu Hou can enrich his people in life and become a god in death. Dark words Liu Hou big material not for the world, for the dead vent injustice. The full text is melancholia, not wanting, layered structure and clear logic.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Liu Zihou's epitaph is an epitaph written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty for his late friend Liu Zongyuan. This epitaph tells about Liu Zongyuan's family history, people, political achievements and so on, including the content of the epitaph such as lineage, death burial, children and so on. Through a comprehensive overview of Liu Zongyuan's life story, the author highly praises Liu Zongyuan's writing knowledge, political talent and moral conduct, and gives deep sympathy to Liu Zongyuan's experience of being excluded, being demoted for a long time and being in poverty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Lu Hun's Epitaph is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Lu Lang Yunfu sent to Pan Gu Zi poem two chapters of song to harmonize" is a seven-character ancient poem composed by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty. This poem first write to the day to pursue Li would pan valley trip, write their own return to read the unique feeling of Lu poetry, the end to write their own will retreat to the embrace. The whole poem figurative exaggeration, imagination strange, high style, unusual square, can really give people with the "word to the paper are magnificent" artistic beauty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Lu Jianghou is one of the works of Han Yu, a poet in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "On the Condition of Changing Salt" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "On the List of Rewards for Catching Thieves" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "On Buddha Bone Table" is the Tang Dynasty writer Han Yu in Yuan and 14 years (819) to the Tang Xianzong on a table. The central argument of this table is "Buddha's lack of things", which shows the author's firm opposition to the superstitious action of Tang Xianzong's worship of Buddha's bones, and fully shows the author's firm stand against Buddha and Ming Confucianism and brave fighting spirit. This table is widely quoted, said the ancient theory of the present, the structure is rigorous, logical strong, intense feelings.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "On This year's Quan Stop Ju Selection" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Title of Huilin Temple in Luobei is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Cat Looks like Milk is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The epitaph of Secretary Shaojian to Jiangzhou Governor Dugu Fujun is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Min Ji Fu is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Nani Chaohe Return to Tongguan" is one of the poems of the Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Nanshan Poetry is a five-character ancient poem written by Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty poet. This poem begins with writing the cause of the poem, carving the shape of the mountain, paving the mountain, describing the scenery; In the middle, the scene of Zhenyuan passing through Nanshan when he was demoted to the south in nineteen years; Finally, the general bearing, and from different angles, say the simple and strange side of Nanshan. This article can be said to be a fusion of the work of Han Fu lavish carving and painting, and imitate the system of Du Fu's five words, showcasing literary talent, still new, do not refrain from boasting.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Nanxi Shipan Three Poems, from the Whole Tang Poems, is a five-character group of poems created by Han Yu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Nhu Xieng Ming is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Ouyang Sheng's Lamentations, selected from Han Yu's Collected Works, is a prose written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Money Heavy and Light is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Ten Qin Exercises is a group of poems created by Han Yu, a writer and poet in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Inscription of Yang Yanqi, King of Qing Bianjun, is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Qinghe County Public House Cemetery Stone Inscription" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Please Restore the Emperor's Health" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Please move Yuan Zongmiao Discussion" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Please go up the Title Table" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Autumn Zhai is a five-character poem composed by Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty poet.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Qujiang Sacrificial Dragon" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Stele of Xuyan Temple in Quzhou is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Last year, from the Ministry of punishment to the crime of the emperor of Chaozhou to go to the post after the home also sent out the little girl to the death of the funeral of the layer of the mountain Mengen also the tomb of the post beam" is a poem written by the Tang Dynasty writer Han Yu.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Inscriptions on Nursing Mother's Tomb is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Treatise on Three Instruments is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Shazha Joint Sentence, which comes from Mr. Changli's Collection, is a joint sentence created by Han Yu, a poet in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Book of Li Serving Lang in the Upper Military Department is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Shang Jia Hua Zhou Shu is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Cuiyu's Book on the Upper Examination is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Shangli Shangshu is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Preface to the poem of Yantai Learning to Listen to the Piano on the Last Day is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Second Book of Shangzhang Fushi is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Shang Zhangfu Shi is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Shang Zheng Shang Shu Xianggong Qi is an article written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Shaozhou bade Farewell to Minister Zhang Duan, a poem written by Han Yu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, originated from the Poems of the Whole Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Provincial Examination Students Dai Zhai Lang Yi" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "On Yan Zi Not to Repeat the Past" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Shi Said is an argumentative essay written by Han Yu, a writer in Tang Dynasty. The article explains the truth of learning from teachers, satirizes the state of the world ashamed of teachers, educates young people and plays a role in changing the atmosphere. The article enumerates the positive and negative examples, and repeatedly demonstrates the necessity and principle of learning from teachers, criticizes the bad habits of "ashamed to learn from teachers" in the society at that time, shows extraordinary courage and struggle spirit, and also shows the spirit of expressing his own opinions regardless of the secular. The full text...
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Tomb Inscription of Mr. Shi is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Funeral Table of Mrs. Zheng in the House of Shi Zhou is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Shi Ding Joint Sentence Poem Preface is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Stone Drum Song is a poem written by Han Yu, a writer in Tang Dynasty. From the origin of the stone drum to its value, the purpose of this poem is to appeal to the court to pay attention to and protect it. The first four sentences are always starting, self-modesty without Li Du's talent, dare not write songs. The twelve sentences of "Zhou Gang" trace the long history of stone drum. The ten sentences of "Gongcong" are the characters and fonts of the stone drum and the value they retain. The six sentences of "the humble Scholar" are to suspect that "The Book of Songs" does not receive stone drum text, which is Confucius's carelessness. "Memory" ten...
  • Author name Han Yu
    Shi 'er is a five-character ancient poem written by Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty poet.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Trying to Comment on the Inscription on Hu Jun's Tomb" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Epitaph of Wang Jun is a prose written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty. Article plot strange, language strange, sound and colorful, extremely lively, cool and easy to lighten more strange. The first part shows Wang Shi's personality style through several examples. In the second half, the author writes his proposal experience with legendary writing, as well as the tortuous process of comedy, depicting the "strange" of the person, and describes the strange person who pays attention to the fame and honor but fails in his life.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Shou Jie is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Shunzong Shilu II is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Shunzong Shilu III is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Shunzong Shilu IV is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Shunzong Shilu Five is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Shun Zong Shi Lu I is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Situ as well as waiting for the Middle of the Chinese book" is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Epitaph of Dr. Zhou State's Wife Han is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Songshan Tianfeng Palace is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Suit Feng Bo" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Sending Chen Mi Preface is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Sendou Zhuanxue is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Preface to Sending Butu to the West is an article written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Sending Butu Wen Changshi Preface" is a prose written by Han Yu in the 19th year of Zhenyuan (803) of Tang Dynasty. The article is entitled to send Butu Wenchang, but in fact, it propagates Confucianism and Taoism, sharply criticizes Buddhism, which is no different from beasts and animals, and has new ideas, straight and vigorous, and language circulation.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Sending He Jian Preface is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Sending Hunan Li Zhengzi Preface" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Sending Hui Shi is one of Han Yu's poems in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Sending Li Ao is one of the representative works of Han Yu, a famous writer in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Send Lu Shezhou poem Preface" is an article written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Preface to Meng Xiucai is a preface written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty. This preface first directly describes the impression of seeing Meng Guan for the first time, and then describes the situation of meeting Meng Guan for the next few times, indicating the reason and strong desire of writing the preface for him. Finally, it indicates the encouragement of Meng Guan. The preface is concise and well phrased; Sincere feelings, intriguing.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Sending the Cow to the Preface is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Preface to Sending Qi - Hobart is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Sending the Right Xiucai Preface" is an article written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Sending the Stone Agent to the River Yang Curtain" is a five-character rhyme written by the Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Preface of Sending Water and Land to Return Han Shi Yu to His Rule is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Sending Wang Xiucai Preface is an article written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Send Wen Changshi North Tour" is a Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu made a five-character ancient poem, all 32 rhymes, 64 sentences.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Send the teacher to Fan Yang" comes from "The Whole Tang Poetry", is a Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu created a five-character ancient poem.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Sendxu 郢州 Preface is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Preface to Yang Shaoyin is a preface written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty. The article begins with a brief introduction of Han Dynasty Shuguang, Shuby because of old resignation home when the court and the opposition farewell, in order to set off Yang Juyuan's admired good virtue, and further imagine the situation when he left the government and the opposition farewell, praise its success and retirement, not love fame and fortune integrity. The full text is implicit and the language is smooth and melodious.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Preface to the Yin Members is an article written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Sending You Zhou Li Duangong Preface" is an article written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Preface to Taoist Priest Zhang is an article written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Sending Zheng Shangshu to the South China Sea is a poem written by Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty poet.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Preface to Zheng Shangshu is an article written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Preface of Ten Schools to Zheng is an article written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Sending Zhuge Jue to Suizhou to study - Li Fanshi is the son of the Prime Minister of Suizhou" is a poem created by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Two Poems of Sun Xiang, nephew of Ceng Jiangkou, is a group of five-character ancient poems composed by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Dr. Li Jun of Imperial Learning is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Biography of the Great Student He Fan is a prose written by Han Yu, a writer in Tang Dynasty. The first paragraph of this essay criticizes the unreasonable phenomenon of suppressing talents by describing the experience of He Fan. The second and third paragraphs describe the noble conduct of He Fan, with the quality of filial piety, benevolence and courage. In the fourth paragraph, write the water of Kawazawa, for example, even the poor and the humble can do something, but they must wait until it is done. The prose is undulating, long in meaning and wavy in style.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Miao Jun who joined the Army in Taiyuan Prefecture is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Tang Dynasty Jiangnan West Road to observe the doctor Hongzhou governor and the king's history cheng on the column of the country to give purple fish bag to the left of the riding prince of Taiyuan Shendao inscription" is the Tang Dynasty Han Yu created a prose.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Monument of Xiangquan Cemetery in Tang Dynasty is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Story of Ma Fujun as a Gift from Tang Dynasty to Jiangzhou Governor is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Shen Dao Stele of Huliang Cemetery in Shaofu of Zhongsan Doctor in Tang Dynasty is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Peach Blossom is a seven-character ancient poem written by Han Yu, a writer in the Tang Dynasty. The poem cleverly borrowed Wang Wei, Liu Yuxi and other "Taoyuan fairyland" to avoid public discussion, pointing out the absurdity of the dynasty fairy, that the original nature of the Taoyuan is only a legend. The whole poem begins with discussion and ends with discussion, with the description of the peach story and the description of the peach picture in the middle, so that the discussion is new and not empty, and the description of the strange in the flat.
  • Author name Han Yu
    After the Poem is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The title of "Peach Blossom" is a seven-character poem composed by Han Yu, a writer in Tang Dynasty. The first two sentences of this poem describe the coqueness and beauty of the peach blossom, and the last two sentences show the kindness and warmth of the peach blossom with the human-like brushwork. The language of this poem is simple and lyrical.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "The Theme of Guangchangguan" is a poem composed of seven words by Han Yu, a poet in Tang Dynasty. This is an epic poem. By "Zhongxing" the Lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu's close relatives of the tomb in Nanyang hometown was discovered, no advisers, the insinuation of those who rely on people to make the most of the people can not be long, there is a warning. The whole poem reads, sad and generous, profound affection.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Qilinlong Temple" is a poem composed by Han Yu, a poet in Tang Dynasty. The poem was written by the author on his way to exile. The first sentence reviews the hardships of the way, and the last sentence considers the sinister of the boat. The poem describes the transformation process of the author's psychological content from reviewing the journey to Lintaji Temple, lamenting the present, the sequence of the emergence of ideas, and the conception of the future. The poem begins with narration and ends with scenes, and the scenes written are all from imagination, then its sad and sad feelings, swallowing and vomiting low, I see deep pain.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Titxiu Zen Master Room" is a poem written by Han Yu, a writer in Tang Dynasty. This poem describes the unique road of "bridge between water pines" in the Zen temple, and the scene of people in the temple lying down and fishing on the sand bank, highlighting the author's happy mood of moving north and reuniting with his family. The language of the poem is simple, the artistic conception is quiet, and the four sentences have no subject, but the master sees himself, and there is some interest in expressing the profound feelings.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Three Choruses of Eleven Hostel" is a group poem of Han Yu, a writer of Tang Dynasty. These three poems convey profound philosophy by chanting three objective things, namely durian flowers, Wells and grapes. The scenery of the poem is concise and concise, and a few words vividly sketch the natural scene; Lyrical euphemism implicit, contains the author's lonely mood of resentment; Chanting things and aspirations into one, surface chanting things, is actually the expression of life philosophy.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "The Star sends Yang Ning Lang Zhong He Zheng" is a poem written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Late Rain" is a poem composed by Han Yu, a poet in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Preface to Twelve Poems on Shengshan by Wei Shi is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Sacrificial Rites for the Emperor Cui" is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Making Official Table for Pei Xianggong is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Book of Recommendation for People is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty. This article is about the problem of talent, revealing the author's cynicism and the feeling and resentment of missing talent, and writing Han Yu's bitterness.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Let the Official Table for Wei Xianggong" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Condolence Table for the Country is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Inscriptions on Yi Guogong's Temple Made by Observation of Wei Bo Festival is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Smell pear flower to send Liu Shi Life" is a Tang Dynasty writer Han Yu created a seven-character quatrains. The first two sentences of this poem write that peach blossoms fall and cover the road under the tree, can not bear to trample can not appreciate, full of regret; The last two sentences write to know the west of the city pear flowers in full bloom, want to go to the flowers with friends drunk. This poem first writes to cherish flowers, and then to write friendship, to cherish the friendship, the pear is compared to snow, write the white and flourishing appearance of the pear when it is in full bloom, its purpose is to vividly express the spring thousands of trees and pears in full bloom.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Inscriptions on Wu's Temple is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Biography of Wang Chengfu the Merulier is a biography written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty, for Wang Chengfu, a mason. The article first introduces Wang Chengfu's life and character, then narrates his professional attitude, and finally talks about his reasons for not having a family, and agrees with his attitude of being alone and not flowing with the world. The article is called biography, in fact, through the mouth of others, ridiculed those in society who have no talent and incompetence, but are greedy for official titles and Lu positions, indicating that they adhere to the Confucian principles and volunteer to help the world. ...
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Lady Xiguo is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Xia Shi Xiquan is a seven-character quatrains written by Han Yu, a writer in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Biography of Hou Gehua in Xiapi is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Xian Zhai You Huai is a five-character ancient poem written by Han Yu, a famous writer in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Xianzong Collapse Consoling Tao Shu is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Lu Cheng in Xiangyang is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Xie Xu is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Xie Nature Poem" is a five-character ancient poem composed by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty. The first half of the poem describes the experience of the female Taoist priest who came out of her home to learn Taoism, play tricks and confuse the masses; The second half uses a large number of facts and principles to promote the right path, refute heresy, and educate the public. Although the whole article discusses into the poem, but approachable, rather shallow cut.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The New Xiu Tengwang Pavilion is a famous pavilion record created by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty. When writing this article, the author has not been to Tengwang Pavilion, so the article avoids the scenery description of the pavilion, but at the beginning of the use of setting off and layer into the technique, rendering the author's yearning for Tengwang Pavilion. Then he narrated the reason why he could not climb Tengwang Pavilion twice. Finally, it describes the process of Wang Zhongshu's repairing of Tengwang Pavilion and the author's recording of Tengwang Pavilion. The full text is full of ups and downs and changes.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Acting Proverbs is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Yin Fangjun in Xingyuan Dynasty is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Apricot Flower is a seven-character ancient poem written by Han Yu, a writer in Tang Dynasty. This poem from the sight of apricot flowers thought of Qu Jiang apricot flowers, and suddenly turned to the south of the "floating flowers wave rui", in the corresponding three scenery revealed the life of emotion; Finishing the pen falls next year, for the north to return to express disappointment and expectations. The idea of the poem is extremely wonderful, and the remaining meaning is infinite; A ray of worry, circling the space, implicit not revealed.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Xu Sihao Sanzhou Festival Duzhan Hall Stone Record" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Send Cui 26 Chenggong after the Snow" is a poem composed of seven words by Han Yu, a poet in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Du Ren and Title" is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Yan Zhen is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Yi Shaoshi Li Bo's Inscription" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Bury Ink-stone" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Silver Qing Guang Lu doctor check school left SAN riding, and right Jin Wuwei General to the Ministry of work, Taiyuan County Gong Gong Shen Dao Stele" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Yinqing Guanglu Doctor Shou Zuo Sanqi Chang Shi Zhi Shi Pingyang Road Gong Shen Tao Inscriptions of Xiangyang County King of Xiangyang County is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Book of the Subjects and the People is a letter written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty, to the Weshe people in the ninth year of Zhenyuan (793). In the letter, through vivid and appropriate metaphors, the author skillfully expressed his own situation, psychological state, requirements and the role of the identity of the other party in a specific and subtle way, expressing his empty talent and not reuse the accumulation. Full text with allegorical color, ingenious conception, lively, vigorous momentum, rich in change.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph for Zhang Jun of Qinghe given by the Judge of Yuzhou Festival is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "You Qinglong Temple to give Cui Da Buque" is a seven-character ancient poem written by Han Yu, a writer in Tang Dynasty. This poem is written in the Qinglong Temple to appreciate the beauty of persimmon forest, then watch the fresco in the temple, and then describe the monk into persimmon eating persimmon, and finally to Cui Qun stated personal ideas, period to mutual encourage. This verse is strange in language and rhythm, which is unique in the seven ancient times.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Admonitions is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Zhang Fujun, a member of the Ministry of Yu, is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Foreign Book with the Lu Members of the Ancestral Hall is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Book with Cui Qun is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Book of "With the Great Top Division" is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Book of Zhongcheng with Ezhou Liu is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Treatise Book with Feng Shu" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "With Fengxiang and Xing Shang Shu" is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "With Huazhou Li Shangshu" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "With Secretary Li on Small Achievements and No Taxes" is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Han Yu's prose "On the Recommendation of Hou Xi with Ruzhou Lu Langzhong", included in Jin Shengtan's "All the World's talents Must Read"
  • Author name Han Yu
    A Suicide Note with Shaoshi Li Shi is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Walking with Wei Zhong" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Book of Xiangyang with Yu is a letter written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty, to Xiangyang in the 17th year of Zhenyuan of Emperor Dezong (801). Centered on the hope of being recommended, the letter begins by clarifying the truth that the first scholar and the late scholar are related to each other, then praises Yu Xiangyang, the outstanding talent and achievements of the first scholar, and finally, the author offers himself and reveals his eagerness to be recommended by Yu Xiangyang. The structure of the full text is tight, the idea is clear, and the logic is clear.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Book with Yuan Xianggong is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Book of Recommending Xue Gongda to Zhang Xuzhou is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Book with Zheng Xianggong is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The preface of the poems of Yuan and Shengde is the work of Han Yu (a writer and philosopher in Tang Dynasty). It has been called an extraordinary poem. The wonder of this poem lies in the fact that the five and seven rules are unique in the world. This style "; In the Tang Dynasty, which worked on duality and rhythm, Han Yu stood alone." The vast, alone search and far Shao "; In the "already" obsolete In the four-character poems, inject new vitality to the simple, thick...
  • Author name Han Yu
    One of the poems written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty, is the book of the twelve Horses of CAI Zhou on the Yuan Day.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Yuan Dao is an ancient text written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty. It is a representative work of reverting to Confucianism and resisting Buddhism. In this paper, the views are clear, there are broken and established, citing the modern and ancient, from the historical development, social life and other aspects, layer by layer analysis, refuting the Buddha's fault, the discussion of Confucianism is attributed to the restoration of the ancient road, respect for the purpose of Confucianism, is the masterpiece of the Tang Dynasty ancient literature. "The original way" is the root of exploring the way. Han Yu believes that the origin of the Tao is the Confucian "benevolence, justice and morality", he inherited...
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Stele of Yuan's Xianmiao is a prose written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Xie Shangbiao, the Governor of Yuan Zhou, is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Three Poems of Worship to Gods in Yuan Zhou is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Four Miscellaneous Stories is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Explanation of Alternative Words is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Gift to Hou Xi is one of Han Yu's poems in the Tang Dynasty
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Gift to Jia Island" is a poem of seven words written by Han Yu, a poet in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    A Gift to Zhang Tongzixu is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Gift to Zheng Bingcao" is one of the works of Han Yu, a poet in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Story of Zhang Zhongcheng is a prose written by Han Yu, a Chinese writer in Tang Dynasty. This is a famous work of Zhang Xun and Xu Yuan, the guards of Suiyang (now Shangqiu, Henan Province) during the Rebellion of An Shi, which is a supplement to the relevant materials and a discussion on the relevant characters after reading the Biography of Zhang Xun written by Li Han. The full text is emotional, praise and criticism clearly, discussion and narrative each other, regardless of guest and host. The article about Nan Dao Yun refused to eat the finger, the shooting tower...
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Title of Cien Pagoda in Chang 'an is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Chang 'an to the Traveler as a Gift to Meng Jiao is a poem written by Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty poet.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Epitaph of Li Gong, Captain Zhaowu Shou Zuo Jin Wuwei General, is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The epitaph of Mr. Zhen Yao is an epitaph written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty, for Meng Jiao. The whole text is composed of preface and inscription. In the preface, the author explains the reason for the preface, the life and death of Meng Jiao, and makes comments. The second part is the inscription.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Zhenzhou initial return is the Tang Dynasty Han Yu's seven words.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "On Zhenzhou Road, I pay Pei Siong to see Him Again" is Han Yu's seven poems.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Zhengyi Doctor Shang Shu Zuo Cheng Kong Gong Epitaph" is a prose created by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Zheng Qun Gift" is a seven-character ancient poem created by Han Yu, a literary man of the Tang Dynasty. The poem begins with praising the beauty of the bamboo mat, describing his own suffering in the heat after the summer, and then writes about the timely timing of the gift of the bamboo mat, in order to show the extraordinary value of the bamboo mat to himself, from praising the object to praising the person, deepening the theme of the poem. This poem with exaggerated techniques, humorous tone, the friend gift this ordinary behavior, write earth-shaking, extraordinary.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Famous Proverbs is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Chengxi the Confidant is a five-character ancient poem written by Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty poet. This poem wrote Han Yu and close friend Meng Jiao can not bear to leave, had to step on the moonlight, all night to talk, tell the friend is difficult to find, depending on the feeling of parting. A few four poems, write the feelings of farewell, vivid and real, very infectious.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "To the north of Dengzhou to send Xiangyang Yu Xianggong Letter" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    The Epitaph of Li Gong, Zuo Si Ma, is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Epitaph of Yin Dujun, a doctor in Henan Province, is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Heavy Answer Yi Book" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Zizheng does not destroy the Township School" is a prose written by Han Yu, a writer in Tang Dynasty. In the article, the author praises the son's production without destroying the township school, intended to satirize the rulers at that time, in line with the so-called "gentle and sincere" Confucian teaching, showing concern for the current politics. The article praises the ancient satire today, twists and turns, meaning tube and Ming, words warm and severe, with prose law degree to write verse, the text follows the words.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Playing Bianzhou to Jiahe Jia Melon Shape" is a prose created by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Playing Han Hong's People and Things" is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    "Drunk After" is a five-character verse written by Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty poet.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Answer to Zhang Ji is a letter written by Han Yu, a writer in Tang Dynasty, to his friend Zhang Ji. In this paper, the author gives a reply or a reference to Zhang Ji's accusations and criticisms, and clearly expounds his views on the problems of writing books and passing them down to the world. The language of the article is simple, colorful and full of momentum, which reflects the consistent style of Han Yu's composition.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Reanswer Zhang Ji Book is a prose written by Han Yu in Tang Dynasty.
  • Author name Han Yu
    Dragon Says is an ancient text written by Han Yu, a writer in Tang Dynasty. This article is written according to ancient books and legends, using dragons as a metaphor for the sage king and clouds as a metaphor for the sage minister, illustrating the relationship between the sage king and the sage minister, that is, the sage king should rely on the sage minister to make achievements and career, and the sage minister should rely on the sage king's knowledge to carry a heavy load. Between the king and the subject, be sure to match the voice, can complement each other. The whole article praises the object, expresses the sentiment directly; Borrowing things lyric, profound meaning.
  • Notes on Han Changli's collected works
    Author name Han Yu
    This book is based on the legacy of the modern ancient writer Tongcheng Mar Chang edited, and based on its research experience, and collected the Ming and Qing dynasties, mainly the Qing Dynasty comments, in the textual interpretation, the system of famous things, historical facts and evidence, the old notes made a lot of revisions and supplements, the old text also made a careful correction of the extortion of the places. Some of the materials involved in this book are unpublished copies and manuscripts, Ma's compromise on various claims, and the text is also deleted.
  • Han Yuji
    Author name Han Yu
    Work time The 2018-8

Character dispute

  • Place of Birth
About Han Yu's birthplace, today Bian Xiaoxuan The Commentary on Han Yu written by Zhang Qinghua and Yan Qi is believed to be in Chang 'an [4] . But this is not clearly supported by other references.
  • Native place
Because of the different records in historical books and the game of local economic interests in modern times, there has been a dispute about where Han Yu's hometown is. At present, there are four main theories: A surname Say, Dengzhou Nanyang said, Meng County Mediate a compromise Xiuwu Say. Its basis is mainly:
  1. 1.
    “昌黎说”被普遍认为是唐人习六朝 A family of power and influence System, happy name Korimaki Some people believe that although Changli is not his hometown, it is Han Yu's ancestral home. About where Changli is located today, there are Changli in Hebei Province and Liaoning Province Yixian County And so on.
  2. 2.
    "Deng Zhou Nanyang Theory" is derived from the Biography of Han Yu, the New Book of Tang [85] . According to Li Bai's "Wuchang ordered Han Jun to go to Si Song Tablet Record", the New Book of Tang added "Deng Zhou" in front of "Nanyang", which is generally considered to be unfounded. Fewer supporters, I should say.
  3. 3.
    "Mengzhou theory" is "Heyang theory", not only has historical records, later scholars textual research, and tombstones and other documents, is the mainstream of Han Yu's hometown. Han Yuzai Sacrifice 12 lang wen "" A female U There are many references to family members being buried in Heyang. Han Yu tomb in Mengzhou city west kilometers Han Yu cemetery. Modern historian Cen Zhongmian ," Encyclopedia of China "Literary volume, Wu Wenzhi The author of "Han Yu" and many papers have been interpreted from different angles.
  4. 4.
    "Xiu Wu theory" originated from the textual research of "Nanyang people" in "Wuchang ordered Han Jun to Si Song Inscription" Shao Bo In... Shaw heard and recorded Based on Xu Guang Note Nanyang cloud "river Nei Xiu Wu also" concluded that "retreat for xiu Wu people also". Zhu Xi Further demonstrate this theory. Tomorrow, "Ming Yitongzhi" and "Henan Tongzhi" adopted this theory. Modern scholar Zhu Dongrun I agree with that. Xin Wenying in "Han Yu's Hometown" clearly put forward that Han Zhongqing's hometown "Nanyang" is the ancient Nanyang city Xiu Wu; The detailed name of Heyang, Han Yu's hometown, should be "Xiuwu County, Huaizhou, Heyang Jun". "Xiuwu said there is also evidence of genealogy, tombstones and other cultural relics."
From the current research status, Changli said, Dengzhou Nanyang said lack of strong evidence, "only from the historical changes of place names and the superimposed evidence of later generations formed", basically excluded from the academic world Han Yuli. There are many people who support the "Meng County theory" and "Xiuwu theory", but according to the literature records and relics found at present, it can only show that Han Yu's hometown is in Meng County and Xiuwu this area (because modern Mengzhou City and Xiuwu County belong to Jiaozuo City, so some scholars suggest to take Jiaozuo City Han Yu's hometown). [84] [86]



Tomb site

Subject article: Han Yu Mausoleum , Tomb of Han Yu
Han Yu Mausoleum (Han Yu Tomb) is located on the northern half slope of Hanzhuang Village, 6 km west of Mengzhou City, Henan Province. Facing Taihang in the north and the Yellow River in the south, it is a hilly area.
The tomb is tall, with brick walls, lush green trees, lush grass, jujube trees into forests. Before the tomb there is Han Yu Temple, Ming Dynasty architecture, three courtyards, Han Yu statue sitting in the temple. It was founded in 825 AD (the first year of Baoli). The cemetery is in the hilly area, the tomb is more than 10 meters high, and the ancestral hall is built in front of the tomb, with three dining halls and three gatehouses. There are 13 stone tablets in the temple, recording Han Yu's life story and so on. There are two ancient cypress in the front yard of the tomb, according to legend, planted in the Tang Dynasty, there are Qing Qianlong Meng County governor Qiu Ruhu inscription: "Tang Cypress double strange", left plant height 5 zhangs, circumference 1.2 zhangs; The right plant is 4 feet high and 1.1 feet in circumference.
In November 1986, Han Yu Tomb was declared a cultural relic protection unit in Henan Province. for National AAA level tourist attractions .

Han memorial Temple

Subject article: Han Wengong Temple Chaozhou Han Yu Memorial Hall )
Han Wengong Temple (i.e., Chaozhou Han Yu Memorial Hall), located in Guangdong Province Chaozhou City At the foot of Bijia Mountain to the east of the city, in the fourteenth year of Yuan and Yuan (819), Han Yu was demoted to Chaozhou Prefectural official . Han Yu to wear the body of sin, in the tide more than seven months, brought the advanced culture of the Central plains to Lingnan, do education, repel crocodiles, do a lot of good things for the people, was regarded as a god by the hipster, the hipster and the Bijia mountain was renamed Han Mountain, the alligator Creek at the foot of the mountain was renamed Hanjiang River .
Hampyeong Two years (999 years), in general sentence Chen Yaozuo Under the advocacy of Han Temple was established. Ancestral temple according to the high and open, the structure is elegant, covers an area of 328 square meters, a double-layer hanging eaves building. The lower floor is the exhibition hall, the upper floor is the "Han Yu Memorial Hall", and there is a stone statue of Han Yu more than 2 meters high in the middle of the stone platform in front of the pavilion. The inside is divided into two before and after, and with two corridors. The rear advance is built on the platform several meters higher than the advance, and the statue of Han Yu is provided inside. There are couplets on the hall: "A thousand words, snow cold blue, from now on Confucian wind open Ling jiao; To the official August, the tide is flat, the crocodiles, now incense everywhere Yingzhou." There are 36 inscriptions in the temple, the earliest of which is Su Shi's" Chaozhou Han Wengong Temple stele ", from the south of the city moved here, placed under the south wall of the main hall. Temple before and after the two into the beam column, but also divided hanging today for the restoration of Han Wen Gong Temple inscription. Han Temple near the mountains and water, solemn and dignified.
In 1988, a new "Lang Pavilion" was built on the site of the former Servant Pavilion (because Han Yu had served as a servant of the Ministry of Punishment). Around the ancient Han temple inscription and Han Yu handwriting. What is interesting is the inscription of "preaching Qi Wen", because of the special font, there are many ways to read it. In the garden, there is a stele corridor, which preserves the calligraphy inscriptions of modern celebrities evaluating Han Yu. After the hillside for the Lang pavilion, the pavilion in front of the Han Yu stone head, the pavilion for the Han Yu life exhibition hall.
韩文公祠(潮州韩愈纪念馆) 韩文公祠(潮州韩愈纪念馆) 韩文公祠(潮州韩愈纪念馆) 韩文公祠(潮州韩愈纪念馆) 韩文公祠(潮州韩愈纪念馆) 韩文公祠(潮州韩愈纪念馆)
Han Wengong Temple (Chaozhou Han Yu Memorial Hall)
On May 25, 2006, Han Wengong Temple was The State Council Approved for inclusion in the sixth instalment National key cultural relics protection units The list.

Memorial hall

Subject line: Yangshan Han Yu Memorial Hall
Yangshan Han Yu Memorial Hall, located in Guangdong Province Yangshan county Within the territory, it was built in memory of Han Yu, a great writer who had served as the magistrate of Yangshan County. The exhibition hall is filled with stone engravings left by Han Yu in Yangshan and rubbings of Jinghan's poems. In the exhibition hall, there is a precious rubbings of Han Yu's full-body portrait. In the memorial hall, there are mocarvings by Xiao Bingkun with poems and a poem preface.
阳山韩愈纪念馆 阳山韩愈纪念馆 阳山韩愈纪念馆 阳山韩愈纪念馆 阳山韩愈纪念馆
Yangshan Han Yu Memorial Hall

Meizhou Memorial

The influence of Han Yu on Meizhou was mainly in Chengxiang County at that time. As early as the first year of Kaixi of Song Dynasty (1205), Liu Huan, governor of Meizhou, built Jiazhi Pavilion in Baihuazhou, south of the city, and enshrined Han Wengong, Cheng Yichuan, Zhu Wengong, Liu Yuancheng, Liu Dazhong, Cheng Jushi, and Mr. Zhao. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were Seven Sages Academy and Seven Sages Temple, and Han Yu was one of the "Seven sages" offered sacrifices there. In the early Qing Dynasty, Chengxiang County called Wangji Chengxiang County "Changli Han Gong overHua City". [117]

Historical data index

" Book of Tang · Volume 160 · Biography 110 [54]
" New Book of Tang · Volume 176 · Biography 101 [58]
" History meeting · Volume 5