Yang Jiong

Tang dynasty writers
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Yang Jiong (650-693), [20 ] The word is clear, [21 ] Known as Yang Yingchuan, Huayin (today's Shaanxi Province). [22] The great-grandson of Yang Chu, a doctor in the Tang Dynasty, [23 ] Chinese poet, official and litterateur in Tang Dynasty. " The four heroes of the early Tang Dynasty "One of them. [22] [24 to 25 ]
Yang Jiong has been clever and studious since childhood. He is widely involved in classics, especially poetry. [26 ] In the fourth year of Gao Zongxian Qing (659) named prodigy. In the third year of the Upper Yuan Dynasty (676), Yang Jiong should be promoted. Make up the school book lang, tired moving Zhan straight. In the first year of the first year (685), he sat down from his ancestral brother Yang Shen to participate in the army of Xu Jiejing and joined the army for the judicial army of Catalpa. In the first year of Heavenly Grant (690), Yang Jiong taught in Luoyang Palace. In the first year of about Ruyi (692), he moved to Yingchuan, and the officials were famous for their harshness. [22]
Yang Jionghe Wang Bo , Lu Zhaolin Jointly oppose the style of Gong style poetry, and advocate the style of "backbone" and "vigorous". Like other poems of "Four Masters", his poems are characterized by breaking through the "palace style" poetry style of Qi and Liang in terms of content and artistic style, and play a role in the history of poetry development. [27 ] Yang Jiong is good at the five rules, his works are "from the army", "out", "Purple Liuma" and so on. His book Wang Bo set sequence "On the" upper official line "in Longshuo and their struggle with the history of business, the narrative is more profound, has important historical value. [28 ]
Yang Yingchuan
Ling Ming
Tang Dynasty
Ethnic group
The Han nationality
Place of Birth
Hua Zhou Huayin
Date of birth
650 years
Date of death
693 (disputed)
Major achievement
One of the four great poets of the early Tang Dynasty
Major work
"The Army" "War South"
Yang Jiong
Official post
Magistrate of Yeongcheon County



Child prodigy

Yang Jiong was very intelligent and learned when he was a child. In the fourth year of Tang Xianqing (659), he was promoted as a prodigy by his disciples. In the fifth year of Tang Xianqing (660), Yang Jiong was eleven years old. To be prepared Hongwen Pavilion, to be built for 16 years. [19]
Just into the Hong Wen museum, Yang Jiong because young, for the official or not is not very longitude. With the treatment of "giving birth", I can "prepare" in Hong Wen Hall, and my heart has felt satisfied. However, with the growth of years, the deepening of experience and knowledge, the belief of "learning and excellent is official" strongly spits up, during which Yang Jiong created "Moss Fu" and "Orchid Fu" to express his desire for official career, but underwhelming sentiment. [2]

Secret house school book

After 16 years in the Hongwen Pavilion, Yang Jiongyu Emperor Gaozong of Tang Shangyuan three years (676) in the Jing Ying system , patch Palace library School teacher. According to the second edition of the New Book of the Tang Dynasty, Baiguan Records, the Secretary Department has "ten persons to proofread the book, nine persons to correct the characters, four persons to correct the characters, and nine persons to correct the articles." With the ideals of the country in mind, Yang Jiong was nearly 30 years old, and only got a minor official of the ninth grade to be a "personal record of the school". He was not happy about this 蹇滞 in his career, and Yang Jiong was very depressed and upset. During this period, he created "Muddy Talent" to show his feelings.
During the years of Tang Yifeng (676-679), Dr. Su Zhishi, who was too often in the imperial court, suggested that the crown dress system should be renegotiated. The emperor ordered deliberation. Yang Jiong wrote a book titled The Following Corona-Uniform Discussion, which reviewed the ancient rules and regulations, and pointed out that Su Zhiji's suggestions were unorthodox, so that his suggestions could not be adopted by the emperor. [2-3]

An official in the East Palace

Tang Yonglong two years (681), book in the book squire Xue Yuanchao Recommend Yang Jiong as Chongwen Hall Bachelor, Yongchun first year (682), Yang Jiong was promoted to crown prince (Li Xian) Zhan Shi straight, full Hongwenkan Master, take the crown Prince's east palace General affairs .
Yang Jiong from the secretary of the province after six or seven years of depression, finally from the end of the nine Liao jumped to become a prince Zhan affairs straight, and also served as the prestige of the Chongwen Museum bachelor, began a big leap on the career, according to the "new Tang book, Baiguan annals" : the East Palace Zhan affairs House has "two people, is seven products, correct the bureaucracy and the rate of the army." Zhan is the prince's intimate official, in charge of the East Palace internal affairs, the position is very important. In the face of such a career leap, Yang Jiong's heart is excited. During the period, he created "Court Chrysanthemum Fu" and other articles to express his joy. [3]

Relegate Catalpa state

In the third year of Tang Yongchun (684) in September, Yang Jiong's uncle Yang Degan's son Yang Shenrang, followed Xu Jingye They raised an army in Yangzhou Empress Wu Zetian . After the incident subsided, Yang Degan and his son were killed, Yang Jiong was implicated, and in 686, Yang Jiong was banished to Zizhou (now Santai County, Sichuan) to serve in the judicial army, ending his twenty-six years of stable life in Chang 'an. [2]

Teaching in the palace

In the first year of the Tang Dynasty (690), Yang Jiong returned to Luoyang and Wu Zetian gave him an edict Song Zhiwen Dividing the art hall, in charge of teaching staff and books and so on. Although he was depressed because of his low official position, he still praised Wu Zetian heartily.
On July 15, the first year of Ruyi (692), the palace went out of Ibon, set up a restaurant and distributed it to various Buddhist temples, and Wu Zetian watched from the upper floor of the Luonan gate with her ministers. Yang Jiong presented "Obon Fu", praising Wu Zetian's "Zhou's life is new", and hoped that Wu Zetian, as a "holy emperor", could "appoint wise men, go against customs, avoid others, punish people in prison, and have a provincial feast... Donate Zhuji, treasure, Shushu, nothing, the lack of people ", become a model of the emperor. [3]

The last trace is incheon

In the winter of the first year of Tang Ruyi (692), Yang Jiong was appointed magistrate of Yingchuan (now Quzhou, Zhejiang Province). About two years (693), Yang Jiong died in the office.
When Yang Jiong went to Yingchuan Order, Zhang said that there were "gift Yang Yingchuan Admonitions", because of the different understanding of historians on "gift Yang Yingchuan Admonitions", resulting in two statements after Yang Jiong was Yingchuan order, one said that Yang Jiong was cruel, according to the "old Book of Tang" : "Jiong to the official, the government is cruel, the official is not happy, often list the tart. He also lived in the house, many scholars pavilions, all books on the list, for the good name, greatly laughed at." Another way of saying is that Yang Jiong is dear to the people, Yingchuan Village, Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province (the former Yingchuan site), the village built a temple of Yang Gong, there is a statue of Yang Jiong, Yang Gong Temple in the old antithetical: "When the left hand, Yingchuan outside the five trees green pine; Generation sense of Yin order, splashing water beside the river, autumn meddle beans." It shows that the local people have been treating Yang Jiong as a "sage order" to serve the temple for thousands of years. If Yang Jiong is cruel, he will not have this sage name after his death. [2]

Major achievement



The court poetry style represented by Shangguan style in the early Tang Dynasty reached its peak during the reign of Xianqing (656-661) and Longshuo (661-663). Shangguan style pays too much attention to the duality of voice, talking about the so-called "six pairs" and "eight pairs", ignoring the essence of poetry. Although Yang Jiong was born in a poor family, he was talented and arrogant. Therefore, he is associated with Shangguan Yi The leading Gong style poetry school has a clear line, singing is the self-suffering and the heart, expressing their true feelings of self-revelation, and the song of the Tang Dynasty is different from its interest, forming a sharp contrast, he broke through the Shangguan style flow, opened up a new style of poetry.
The four heroes of the early Tang Dynasty With a critical attitude to Shangguan style, he led from the narrow court world to the vast market, from the narrow platform to the mountains and rivers, opened up the content of poetry, gave new life, improved the ideological significance of poetry, and showed the fresh and vigorous style of poetry. Yang Jiong is no exception. For example, "Send Zi Zhou Sigong" shows the author looking southwest at night after seeing off friends, worrying about the difficult road to Shu, when can we meet again scene, sincere feelings; Such as in the desire for success in the state of mind written" Military service "Can be described as the best of Yang Jiong's poems, this poem is powerful, feelings unrestrained and straightforward; Yang Jiong also has a group of Three Gorges poems, the shape of the scene lyric is more real and natural, and support the object of the mind, the history of the express, the meaning is more profound, but also break free from the shackles of the palace poetry. In Yang Jiong's farewell poems, there is no graceful, leisurely and self-sufficient love palace style, but always mixed with his lonely figure and passion, mostly written plain and true, quite true feelings, such as "Night send Zhao Zong", the language of the poem is refined, simple, and the reference is appropriate. Yang Jiong is one of the four great poets who is known for the five principles. His "Military Line" is a mature five-character poem in terms of the rhythm of tonal tones, the duality of words and the way of knot. The existing 14 five-character poems, fully in line with the modern style of the sticky law, is a kind of intentional pursuit, clear since the Qi Liang charming style, contributed to the formation of five-character poems. [4-6]

Ci and Fu

Yang Jiong has eight extant Fu, among which "Old Man Star Fu", "Court Ju Fu" and "Old Man Star Fu". The Obon Ode All three are works of praise. "The Old Man Star Fu" is borrowed from the Old Man star (i.e South Pole star To praise the emperor's grace and the world's peace and prosperity. At the beginning of this article, I tried to praise the imperial power of "to the virtue of heaven", and finally borrowed the old man star as a metaphor, extolling the emperor's grace and holy virtue, and wishing the emperor a long life.
The Court Chrysanthemum Ode praises the order of Zhongshu through the fragrant autumn chrysanthemum of Gao Jie Xue Yuanchao . Yang JiongZhiyu Xue Yuanchao It can be described as a lifetime of gratitude, such feelings, is the creation of this Fu power and feelings flowing source. A preface before the Fu, explaining the writing background, shows that the scholars were invited by Xue Yuanchao to introspect the east hall of Zuochun Fang, that is, Xue Yuanchao's residence, to hold a Fuju gala. Yang Jiong took this opportunity to praise the character within the Qiu Ju, in order to extol Xue Yuanchao's noble moral character. Although this Fu is full of praise, the content of the person, the embellishment can be described as elegant and gorgeous, and is the order of the work, did not break through the official social routine.
The Obon Ode to praise Empress Wu Zetian Shengde, like "Old man star Fu", is also a eulogizing article. In addition to the three ode ode to virtue, Yang Jiong also had several ode ode to the purpose of borrowing things, probably written before becoming an official. Because of the long-term "waiting for the Hong Wen Museum", no door, its heart will naturally sprout a kind of resentment and sadness after being left out, so borrow things to express their hearts. "Moss Fu", "Orchid Fu", "Fu Fu" are also the products of this background and mentality. The structure, form and content of these three Fu are basically the same. They all express their aspirations by praising the things they describe. [4]


Calligraphy work "Sending Zhao Zong by Night"
Yang Jiong's existing parallelism 46 pieces, can be divided into three categories. The first type is written for the dead, including sacred steles, epitaphs, lines and sacrificial texts. The largest number of such articles, 27 in total, the vast majority of which were solicited to write biographies of the dead. Because he was entrusted by others, he did not know much about the life story of the deceased, and he mostly processed the record and did not have many true feelings at all. The second category consists of four inscriptions written for temples. This kind of text is also invited by people, on behalf of the sword, but because the inscriptions are engraved on the stone tablets of the temple, for visitors and worshippers to appreciate and chant, is a good opportunity for the author to show his talent, but also an important basis for people to evaluate the author's literary talent. Therefore, when Yang Jiong wrote these articles, his attitude was still very serious, elaborating, quoting classics, and trying to show his highest level. But in the end, because the content of the inscription is much the same, and the form is basically unified, even if he tries to show his talent, he can rarely make a breakthrough. The third category is table, discussion, poem preface, a total of 14, of which 11 preface, table, debate, discussion 1. This kind of text has no fixed formula in terms of form or content, and can be freely played according to the author's thought and taste. Among them, such as "Wang Bo collection preface", "Public Minister under the crown of the discussion" and other carefully conceived by the author of the text, form and spirit, fully show its superb talent for writing. [6]

Character evaluation

Cui Rong "Wang Bo's article is grand and easy, there is a trace of dust, solid very flow." Jiongand according to the neighbors can develop, Yingchuan's words are believed."
Zhang Shuo "Yang Yingchuan Wen thought such as hanging river water, drink inexhaustible, both better than Lu, nor reduce the king, 'ashamed to live in the queen's faith,' ashamed in front of Lu ', modest also". [7]
Song Zhiwen "Crouching at the gate of the hole, wielding swords." Subtle and profound knowledge, Huang Zhong common reason. The word is more than things, Zong Jing craftsman history. Jade Pu gold muddy, the wind shakes. Hearing the goodness of others, if in the sons. To receive a man's grace, to grant him death. But son firm, qi ling autumn frost. Actions do not agree, words are not forgotten."
Bae Haengjian "A little quiet, should be long." [8]
Zhang Xunye: "Jiongfu, the meaning is clear, if Bao Ding Jie Niu, from the right, and" Hun Day "test fern, more see deep, push Li's today still choose." The five words of the law work and the purpose of bright, Shen, Song shoulder Kai. Kaiyuan people, go to its delicate beauty, cover the revelation also. All kinds of work are inferior. Five characters of ancient poetry, Tang people each family, prepare a generation system can also; But in the mirror of Han and Wei, everyone is dead."
Hu Yinglin "Yingchuan near body, although god handsome lost king, and purged the hungriness." In its genre, it is actually the beginning. But the song is long and loud." [9]
Xu Xianzhong "Yang Sheng gods within Ying, Zhuo young, the word Hua Xiu lang, for the season, and Zi an acts called Jie Zi, Zhi containing three show, the wind Yao four spirits, is not a view of beauty!" Thirty volumes of his poems have not been passed down, and two volumes have been passed down today. The five characters are better than his works."
Hu Zhenheng "Yingchuan see Wang Wei plus clear tide, clear bone mingzi, actually Da ya."
Xu Xueyi "The four talents are large, and the atmosphere is restored, so although the law has not been formed, the Qimei has not been reformed, and the majestic language in the Tang people's meteorological style began to see." ... However, in terms of Wang, Lu and Luo, there are still many novelties, Yang's articles are few, while novelties are few, and short stories are complete."
Ding Yi "(Jiong) for the poem heroic and bold, both in style and quality, although not caught Lu's quaint, Luo Yun by, compared with Zi An, actually for victory." 'Lu Qian' and 'Queen', they should not be bent."
Qing Dynasty Song Yuren "The ancient chapter is lost, not see the original, only" Xiling "a song, Cang Jian Li Gan, there are Ren, fan body. Rhymes work, its source covers the insidious. Talent is not before, self-called 'ashamed to live in the queen', the algae floating in the quality, there is a bad tone." [10]

Anecdotal allusion


The name of Incheon

In the four years of Tang Wude (621), the Baishi county administration of Zhangdai Baishi in Xingxi (today's Yunxi in Quxian) moved to Yingchuan in the first year of Ruyi because of the narrow mountain road, and the county administration was still called "Baishi". Soon, Yang Jiong arrived. He saw that the land was thin and the people were poor, and he vowed to change the face of poverty. In order to express this wish, he took the "punishment" of Xing Xi as "Ying", depending on the geography of the "river" at the junction of Yunxi and Qujiang, in order to make this river flow, rice fragrant Changchuan, valley surplus thousand cang, the people rich, that is, change the "Baishi" county name "Ying chuan", submitted to the court for approval.
After Yang Jiong came to office, love the people like a son, dutiful duty. On the first day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar every year, I will go to the nearby 28 (administrative village) 68 Zhuang (natural village). Wherever Yang Jiong goes, the pests of the crops will be eaten by the white birds, the grain harvest, the six animals thrive, and the people are deeply supported. After his death, he was called "Yang Yingchuan". [11-12]

A proud bully

Yang Jiong has a straight disposition, arrogant arrogance, and does not like some officials to be arrogant and pretentious, so he ridiculed some hypocritical officials as" Unicorn last "Every time I see a court official, I see a kirin last." People asked him, how like a unicorn last? He replied, just like the Qilin in the play, where is the Qilin, just a donkey, painted horns, decorated fur, look like the Qilin, take off the vest, still a donkey. Feeling that this was not enjoyable, he added, "What difference does it make between those who have no moral knowledge and those who wear purple court clothes and the donkey whose body is covered with unicorn skin?" His remarks were resented by the regime. [13]

Ashamed of the former and ashamed of the latter

In the early Tang Dynasty, Wang Bo, Yang Jiong, Lu Zhaolin and King Luobin, who were known for their articles, were known as the "four great men of the early Tang Dynasty" and ranked as "Wang Yang Luluo". According to the Book of the Old Tang Dynasty, Yang Jiong, who ranked second, said unconvinced: "Ashamed to be in front of Lu, ashamed to be the queen." That is to say, ranked before Lu Zhaolin, feel ashamed; But putting Wang Bo in front of me, I am not convinced. [14]

Death dispute

As to the year of Yang Jiong's death, there is no definite history. Wen Yiduo " Tang poetry department The year of his death is set as the first year of Shengsheng (695), and some selected Tang poems are set as the first year of Ruyi (692), but the basis is not clear.
Fu Xuancong "Tang Dynasty Poet Series Examination of Yang Jiong Examination" holds that: "When Yang Jiong died in 693 AD or a few years after 693, the exact year of death is not examined, and his age is 44 years old or 44 years old" (according to Yang Jiong was born in 650). There are two main grounds for this: First, the Biography of Yang Jiong in the New Book of Tang and the Biography of Yang Jiong in the Old Book of Tang both say that Yang Jiong died in the Yingchuan Order, and Yang Jiong was "probably" elected as the magistrate of the newly established Yingchuan County shortly after he presented the Obon in July of the first year of Ruyi (692). Two, Yang Jiong poetry can be examined in the last article, is the longevity of the second year (693) in February written "After Zhou Mingwei General Liang Gong Shen Monument", it is known that "Yang Jiong in the longevity of the second year (693) in February is still alive, it is not known after this, or died within a few years."
According to Zhao Mingcheng's book Jin Shilu The tablet of Shi Wei Gong, Governor of Zhou Jin, was written by Yang Jiong, and the tablet was written at or before April of the third year of Chang 'an (703), indicating that Yang Jiong was still alive in April of the third year of Chang 'an (703), and his death was at or after April of the third year of Chang 'an (703). And "Old Tang book Yang Jiong biography" called Yang Jiong "nothing, pawn official." Zhongzong ascended the throne, to the old consort posthumously works Lang." (New Book of Tang · Biography of Yang Jiong). It can be known that Yang Jiong had died a few months before Zhongzong Li Xian ascended the throne in the first month of Shenlong's first year (705), so he was "posthumously presented" as the book Lang. Song Zhiwen "Offering Yang Yingchuan text" said that "Wei Da Zhou a month" "offering to the spirit of Yang Zi", which can also show that Yang Jiong was no longer alive during "Da Zhou" (Empress Wu declared himself emperor). It can be seen that Yang Jiong died after April of the third year of Chang 'an (703), just before the first year of Shenlong (705), that is, between the third year of Chang 'an (703) and the fourth year of Chang 'an (704). [1]

Relative member

Great-grandfather: Yang Chu Zuo Guanglu doctor, Changshan county Gong.
Uncle: Yang Qianwei, right guard general, Wu 'an County duke;
Zuzu: Yang Qian 'an, Wang Shichong Generals, 鄫 duke, to the general
Uncle: Yang Degan He served Ze, Qi, Kaibian, Xiangzhou four prefectures.
Uncle: Yeongdeoki Yu Shi Zhong Cheng. [15 to 16]

Individual works

Yang Jiong has thirty volumes of collected works, most of which are lost. Only Ming Dynasty Huangfu 淓 collected loose poems into the" Yingxuji In ten volumes, there are 35 poems, 8 odes, 11 prologues, 14 tablets, 1 inscription, 1 table and 1 discussion. epigraph 10 articles, Brief biographical sketch of a deceased person 2 pieces, Elegiac address 4 articles, 30 praises, 1 sentence, a total of 118 articles, the number ranks the last among the "four heroes". [17]
Lying on a reading stand
Court Chrysanthemum Fu
Floating retting
The Obon Ode
A five-character ancient poem
A five-character verse
Liu Sheng
Send Zhengzhou Zhou Sigong
Go out of the frontier territory
Piebald horse
Chanting Bamboo
Five characters in a row
Early departure
On the way
And auxiliary first into the Haotian stargazing account
He Zheng proofread and look forward to your home and friends
Five words
Xue washed the horse's house and feasted the field
Wang Bo set sequence
Yan people Yang eight house preface
Send East China Sea Sun Wei poem preface
Preface to the poems of the secretary province cabinet
Li Sheren mountain Pavilion poem preface
Send Xu record poem preface
Hui Day Medicine Garden poem preface
Preface to the poem of Cao Zhai, Emperor Fu Bing
Chongwen Hall banquet collection poem preface
Send and state Min master poem preface
Group official seek Yang seclusion poem preface
Shaoshi Mountain Shaoyi Temple stele
Tang Zhaowu school ensign Cao Jun divine monument
Tang right general Wei Zhe Shen Dao monument
Luzhou Governor Wang Zhan divine Taoist monument
Tang Yi state governor's mansion Xindu County Xuexian temple inscriptions
Xiansheng Confucius Temple stele in Changjiang County, Suizhou
Later Zhou Qingzhou governor Qi Zhen Gong Yuwen Gong divine monument
Big Zhou Mingwei general Liang Gong Shen Dao tablet
Tang with governor Shi Yuwen Gongshen monument
Tang Hengzhou emperor Jianchang Gong God monument
The Tang Dynasty gave Jingzhou governor Chenggong divine Taoist tablet
Yinzhou Wenjiang county Lingren Jun divine monument
The original state Baiquan county magistrate Li Jun divine monument
Tang riding on the duke Gao Jun divine monument
酅 The epitaph of the Duke of China
Epitaph of Du Yuanzhou
Epitaph on Dongping Yang Gong, uncle of the Emperor of Changzhou
Xichuan county Ling Li Gong epitaph
Epitaph of Li Huaizhou
From the brother to fill the epitaph
From brother to overflow epitaph
Epitaph from nephew Liang Qi
Epitaph of Erzhu, Lady of Pengcheng
Aunt Dongping County lady Li's epitaph
Brief biographical sketch of a deceased person
Zhongshu Fen Yin Gong Xue Zhen act
Zuo Wuwei general Cheng An son Cui Xian behavior
Elegiac address
Sacrifice to Liu Shaowen for Xue Ling
With Zhan Fu official Lao Hao Shaobao wen
Qizhou official sacrificial land Qixian county text
Offering Fen-Yin official documents
The above content comes from the "Yang Jiongji" catalog [18] And "Yang Jiongji Scribes" catalogue [17]



Yangjiong Shrine

According to the "Longyou County", Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province, the former Yingchuan site is now Yingchuan village, the village built a temple of Yang Gong, also known as City God Temple, there is a statue of Yang Jiong, thousands of years of incense. Legend has it that the temple has been moved several times, and there are three addresses: the first is in the west of Yingchuan Village, beside the ancient temple of Dajue Temple, built in the Song Dynasty and destroyed in the early Yuan Dynasty. The second is located in the east of Yingchuan village, next to Qujiang, which was assigned to Longyou and demolished in 1940. The third, the present temple, collapsed in June 1986 and only part of the building remains. [2]

Sacrificial activity

Sacrificial activity
According to legend, Yang Jiongren Yingchuan order after love the people, dutiful duty. On the first day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar every year, we will go to the nearby 28 (equivalent to administrative villages) 68 Zhuang (equivalent to natural villages). Wherever Yang Jiong goes, the pests of the crops will be eaten by the white birds, the grain harvest, the six animals thrive, and the people are deeply supported. Tang Zhengsheng first year (695), encountered a rare drought, the fields cracked crops scorched, the people prayed to God and Buddha drought has not solved, Yang Jiong worried. On the ninth day of the seventh lunar month of that year, Yang Jiong looked up to the sky and sighed, "I am unable to save the people of Yingchuan in water and fire, in vain how." In order to ask for rain, he jumped into Yingchuan Lake and died in the line of duty. In an instant, lightning flashed and thunder, rain poured down, and the drought was lifted. The local people felt its grace, built a temple statue for it, respected as a city god, long worship.
Since then, the local people in order to seek adequate food and clothing, four seasons of peace, every year on the first day of the lunar month, the folk have to rise and hold the "Yang Jiong tour" sacrificial ceremony, continued from generation to generation. With the age of the ceremony more grand, participating in the ritual basically includes the people of the original 28 Du68 Zhuang, before the ceremony, they all have to bathe and change into clean and tidy clothes, and then wait to participate in the sacrificial activities. [12]