Overseas Chinese grant

Inscribed on the Memory of the World Register
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Overseas Chinese grant, specifically refers to overseas Overseas Chinese Remittances and letters sent to China through non-governmental organizations at home and abroad are a special postal carrier for letters and converges. Overseas Chinese are mainly distributed in Guangdong Chaozhou-shantou region , Jiangmen The five Towns Meizhou and Fujian Xiamen Zhangquan and Fuzhou (capital of Fujian Province) In other places, of the approximately 170,000 overseas Chinese approvals that constitute the archives of overseas Chinese, 160,000 are from the three major overseas Chinese townships in Guangdong, including Chaozhou-shantou region Overseas Chinese approved more than 100,000 pieces, Wuyi overseas Chinese approved more than 40,000 pieces, Meizhou overseas Chinese approved more than 10,000 pieces, Fujian (Province) Overseas Chinese approved about 10,000 pieces. [4] [9]
The two provinces with the largest number of overseas Chinese approvals are Guangdong and Fujian, with more than 160,000 inscribed on the Memory of the World Register. Among them, Guangdong overseas Chinese approved about 150,000 silver letters, mainly distributed in Chaozhou-shantou region , The five Towns and Meizhou In the Hakka area, the number of Chaoshan overseas Chinese approved was about 120,000 [12] .
In 2013, the overseas Chinese batch archives were included in the UNESCO Memory of the World Register for the first time in Guangdong Memory of the World Heritage [15] . As of May 2020, Shantou (a city in Guangdong Province) The city has been included in the UNESCO" Memory of the World Register There are 115,000 documents of overseas Chinese approval, forming a relatively complete data result [13] .
Overseas Chinese batch originated in the folk, circulation in the folk, collection in the folk. Overseas Chinese Batch is the most complete and preserved folk culture remains reflecting the history of overseas Chinese hometown, and is a precious archive for studying the history of modern overseas Chinese World cultural heritage An important part of. [13]
In Fujian dialect, Chaozhou dialect and Meixian Hakka dialect, "letter" is "batch", and the dialects around Fuzhou are also referred to in this way, commonly known as "Pan batch" and "Yinxin". [11] Because of its "modern Chinese international immigrants. Collective memory In similar international migration literature, it is extremely precious and has original ecological value. [10]
Chinese name
Overseas Chinese grant
Foreign name
Qiaopi [1]
Banque , Money letter
Abbreviated form
Shape formula
A special mail carrier for letters and confluence
Widely distributed
fujian , guangdong , Joan Sanji Hometown of overseas Chinese

Historical background

Overseas Chinese grant, yes Overseas Chinese Through private channels sent back to the country, joint A letter home Remittance voucher with simple postscript.
There are Principal batch and Copy lot The former is covered with foreign stamps, and most of them are covered with stamps postmark ; The latter is issued by the domestic and foreign approval bureau, without stamping the seal of the foreign approval museum, and the research and collection value of the positive batch is higher than that of the secondary batch. Overseas Chinese seal is an important material for studying the history of overseas Chinese seal.
Modern Chaoshan overseas Chinese forced by life or to escape war, far across the ocean, to Southeast Asia And other countries to earn a living. At that time, financial mail agencies in Southeast Asia and other countries had not been established or were very imperfect, and the money and information sent back to their hometowns were delivered by "water guests" and overseas Chinese pavilioners specializing in traveling between home and abroad. So there are a large number of overseas Chinese cultural relics. International master of Sinology Jao Tsung-i The professor believes that the overseas Chinese of Chaoshan is a worldwide topic to study the economic and political history of hipsters at home and abroad. [2]
The picture shows the seal of overseas Chinese

Application process

Application for "Memory of the World Cultural Heritage"

Chaoshan area

Since 1994, as a non-governmental organization Shantou City Chaoshan Historical and Cultural Research Center He began to work on the collection, collation, exhibition, research and publication of Chaoshan overseas Chinese. In 2007, Shantou City Activated" Chaoshan overseas Chinese approved "The work of declaring the national archival documentary heritage, Archives Bureau of Guangdong Province Considering that there are similar documents in Guangdong overseas Chinese hometown and Wuyi Yinxin and Kejia overseas Chinese batch, it was decided to package the three, and the final declaration project became the "overseas Chinese batch file" and increased Southern Fujian Overseas Chinese approval in some areas.
Shantou overseas Chinese batch cultural relics Museum There are more than 100,000 overseas Chinese batches collected, of which about 40,000 originals and 60,000 scanned copies are sent to the approved places Singapore , Malaysia , Thailand , Vietnam Hong Kong, Indonesia, etc., only missing in Asia Laos This is the main information of this "World heritage application". According to reports, as of 2013, the only place in the world that has the most systematic research and preservation of overseas Chinese batches, not only has an overseas Chinese Batch museum, but also publishes an academic journal "Overseas Chinese Batch Culture" with the most materials, and has held three international seminars. [3]

Southern Fujian region

In April 2010, the "overseas Chinese batch" of southern Fujian was selected into the third batch of "Overseas Chinese Batch" published by the National Archives Administration. China's Archival Documentary Heritage List At the same time, the list of China's Archival documentary Heritage is also included Dunhuang scriptures "Compendium of Materia Medica" (Jinling edition Original edition The Revolution of 1911 Wuchang Uprising Archival documents, etc., clearly see the "overseas Chinese batch" in southern Fujian Historical value .
The "overseas Chinese batch" in southern Fujian is mainly collected in Quanzhou Archives, Jinjiang City Archives And in the hands of folk collectors. According to statistics, Quanzhou City Archives has about 2,592 physical "overseas Chinese approvals" and more than 31,000 scanned copies, and Jinjiang City Archives also has nearly 2,500 "overseas Chinese approvals". On the list Chinese archival documentary heritage On the basis of Quanzhou City archives plan to UNESCO Declare "Overseas Chinese Lot" as "Memory of the World Cultural Heritage".

Meizhou area

On September 1, 2008, Meizhou City The government has set up a leading group for the approval of overseas Chinese Archives office Cooperate with overseas Chinese to apply for heritage, organize experts and scholars to dig overseas Chinese resources, write papers, and participate in overseas Chinese discussion activities. In June 2009, Meizhou city overseas Chinese archive Established. [7]
In 2012, State Archives Administration to UNESCO Of the 160,000 originals submitted to declare world heritage, Meizhou submitted 20,000. [8]
In 2013, after the successful application of overseas Chinese batches, the Meizhou municipal government attached great importance to the collection of overseas Chinese batches in Meizhou. All Meizhou overseas Chinese must be handed in Hakka Museum Unified collection, and overseas Chinese grant donors Wei Jinhua and Deng Rui A total of 2.1 million yuan was awarded. [7]

Memory of the World Heritage Site

In 2013, the "Overseas Chinese Archive" was selected by UNESCO in the "Memory of the World Register", about 170,000 overseas Chinese batch, Chaoshan batch as many as 100,000. [14]
On June 19, 2013, the overseas Chinese approval file, which attracted the attention of Chinese people around the world, was successfully applied for World heritage listing and was selected Memory of the World Register . In South Korea South Jeolla Province Held in Gwangju City UNESCO At the evaluation meeting of the International Advisory Committee for Memory of the World, 82 documentary heritage items recommended by 40 countries and international organizations were evaluated, and 54 items were nominated for inclusion in the Memory of the World Register by the Director-General of UNESCO Irina Bokova Approved, these 54 new projects were finally included in the list, the approval rate is less than 66%, and the competition is fierce.
Overseas Chinese approval files can be successfully selected Memory of the World Register It is closely related to its authenticity, uniqueness, irreplaceability, rarity and integrity. [4]

Development status

The two provinces with the largest number of overseas Chinese approvals are Guangdong and Fujian, with more than 160,000 inscribed on the Memory of the World Register. Among them, Guangdong overseas Chinese approved about 150,000 silver letters, mainly distributed in Chaozhou-shantou region , The five Towns Homei Zhou The Hakkas The number of Chaoshan overseas Chinese approved was about 120,000. [12]
Chaoshan Historical and Cultural Research Center At the 20th anniversary celebration, it was learned that the center is editing and publishing the 116,000 letters of various types of overseas Chinese batches collected and collected into 125 volumes. Chaoshan overseas Chinese batch integration ".
From the Qing Dynasty until 1979 has existed in Chaoshan and even Southern Jiangxi , Western Fujian The local characteristics of overseas Chinese, by the famous scholars Jao Tsung-i It is considered to be valuable materials in the history of overseas transportation, immigration and the rise and fall of overseas Chinese. Director of Chaoshan Historical and Cultural Research Center Wang Weizhong It said that since the establishment of the center, the collection of overseas Chinese originals as many as 32,000, including Chaoshan overseas Chinese approved The "overseas Chinese Approval Files" have been successfully listed in the" China's Archival Documentary Heritage List ".

Shantou overseas Chinese batch cultural relics Museum

In April 2004, Shantou City In order to vigorously protect the overseas Chinese grant files, in Jao Tsung-i Under his initiative, he established the first overseas Chinese cultural relics Museum with the theme of overseas Chinese.
In October 2007, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Guangdong Province, the Provincial Department of Culture and the Provincial Tourism Bureau will Chaoshan Historical and Cultural Research Center And the Overseas Chinese Heritage Museum was identified as the "Chinese cultural Heritage Base".
In February 2009, Shantou City was established Chaoshan overseas Chinese archive It has become the first special archive in China to collect and preserve overseas Chinese batch archives, marking that overseas Chinese batch archives are officially incorporated into the national archive resource system. The establishment of Chaoshan overseas Chinese Archive provides a strong guarantee for the protection and management of overseas Chinese archive.
Shantou Overseas Chinese Heritage Museum is by Hong Kong famous people Zhuang Shiping Initiated by Mr. Jao Zongyi and chaired by Chaoshan Historical and Cultural Research Center, it is the first overseas Chinese cultural relics Museum in China. The reporter saw that the Overseas Chinese Heritage Museum has a "Chaoshan Overseas Chinese Culture Photo exhibition", which includes 200 photos of four parts: "The historical track of Overseas Chinese", "the lifeline of overseas Chinese relatives", "the study of Overseas Chinese culture", and "the preparation of Overseas Chinese Heritage Museum".
Shantou overseas Chinese batch cultural relics Museum

Overseas Chinese Museum of Meizhou City

Overseas Chinese approval files are in Meizhou city overseas Chinese archive There are more than 15,500 pieces registered in the museum, which are displayed on the wall and in the exhibition case, including documents, letters, mail and so on. [6]
Overseas Chinese Museum of Meizhou City [6]

Overseas Chinese grant database

In January 2010, the construction of the overseas Chinese approval database was obtained CADAL ( University digital Library International cooperation program Project funding.
In October 2010, Shantou University Library applied for CADAL research project to carry out "Research on Metadata Specification and Description Rules of Overseas Chinese Grants"
In December 2010, the digital scanning of overseas Chinese batch was started, the design of metadata description template was completed in August 2011, and the establishment began in September 2011 Work team Start metadata description until 2020 Archive It has nearly 70,000 metadata And the corresponding 600dpi HD image file. The originals of the construction of the database are from overseas Chinese Shantou University Library , Chaoshan Historical and Cultural Research Center , Mare serenitia Overseas Chinese collector Zou Jinsheng The collection of Mr.
In 2018, by Shantou Chaoshan Historical and Cultural Research Center and Sun Yat-sen University The "Chaoshan Overseas Chinese Approval Database" jointly built by the Center for Historical Anthropology was officially opened. The "Chaoshan Overseas Chinese Approval Database" has recorded nearly 30,000 overseas Chinese approval documents. Based on the principle of open, sharing and mutual assistance, the database mainly has three modules: storage, query and statistics. In the future, more than 100,000 overseas Chinese approvals from Chaoshan Historical and Cultural Research Center will also pass through digitization Processing, all stored in the above database. [14]
Overseas Chinese database of Shantou University

Research value

Overseas Chinese Batch is the history of overseas Chinese immigration, the history of entrepreneurship and the historical testimony of the contribution of overseas Chinese to the economic and social development of the host country and the motherland, which has profound cultural connotation and high research value.
An overseas Chinese letter is a story. A father named a newborn child he had never met; A son greets his aged parents; A father demands the redemption of his daughter who has been sold; Some parents encourage their sons to study hard; There are also domestic overseas Chinese relatives looking forward to an early return, or miss overseas relatives, all day long with tears, looking forward to wearing (back)... A seal of overseas Chinese batch, soaked Overseas Chinese The blood, tears and sweat contain their deep feelings for their motherland, hometown and relatives, indicating their sense of responsibility for their hometown and their flesh and blood. Overseas Chinese reflects the spirit of "love for the motherland, love of hometown, hard work, courage to develop, sincere and trustworthy", which can be said to be Chinese nation The inheritance and expansion of traditional culture, therefore, overseas Chinese batch is regarded as the history and culture of overseas Chinese. Dunhuang documents It is worth our further attention and in-depth study. [5]