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Grenada is located to the east Caribbean Sea Windward islands Southernmost, south distance Venezuela The coast is about 160 km. Belong to Tropical Marine climate The average annual temperature is 26℃, and the area is 344 square kilometers. Population of 114,000 (2022), black 82%, mixed 13%, white and other 5%, the capital St. George, the country is divided into 6 districts and Carriak Island, The island of Martinique .
It was originally inhabited by Indians. By 1498 Columbus The Discovery, which belonged to France in 1650, was captured by England in 1762. 1763 French basis Treaty of Paris Transferred to the British, it was reoccupied by France in 1779. According to 1783 Treaty of Versailles Officially recognized as Britain So it became a British colony. Independence was declared on 7 February 1974, the same year it joined the United Nations. In March 1979, the New Gem Movement staged a military coup and established a People's Revolutionary Government, with Bishop as Prime Minister. In October 1983, Deputy Prime Minister Colder and others staged a coup and killed Prime Minister Bishop and others. The United States, citing the protection of expatriates and intervention at the request of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), agreed Jamaica , Dominic , Barbados Six other Caribbean countries sent troops to Grenada. General elections resumed in 1984.
Agriculture and tourism are the basis of the economy, mainly agricultural products nutmeg Production accounts for about one-third of the world's total production, second only to Indonesia Ranked second in the world. Now be The British Commonwealth A member state. Grenada 2022 Gross domestic product $1.22 billion, Gross domestic product per capita $10,690, GDP growth rate of 6.4%. [1]
Chinese name
Grenada [1]
Foreign name
Grenada [1]
North America
St George's [1]
Major city
St George's
National Day
February 7th
National song
Hurrah for Grenada
Country code
Official language
English [1]
East Caribbean dollar [1]
Time zone
Political system
A parliamentary constitutional monarchy
National leader
Cecil Lagernard (Governor) , Deacon Mitchell [6] (Prime Minister)
Population number
114,000 (2022)
Population density
330.9 people/km2 [5] (2020)
Major nationality
Black people, mestizo , white man
Major religion
Land area
344 km² [1]
Water area ratio
Total GDP
$1.276 billion [8] (2023)
Per capita GDP
$11,155 [8] (2023)
International telephone area code
+ 1473
International domain name abbreviation
Road access
Drive on the left
Geographical peak
Mount St. Catherine
Land area ranking
172nd in the world

Historical evolution

originally Indian Place of residence. By 1498 Columbus "Discover."
In 1650 it became part of France. It was occupied by the British in 1762.
According to 1763 Treaty of Paris France transferred Georges to Britain.
Capital St. George
It was reoccupied by France in 1779.
Officially recognized by the British under the Treaty of Versailles in 1783, it has since been reduced to British colony .
Independence was declared on 7 February 1974, the same year it joined the United Nations.
In March 1979," New gem movement A military coup led to the formation of a People's revolutionary government, with Bishop as Prime Minister.
In October 1983, Deputy Prime Minister Colder and others staged a coup and killed Prime Minister Bishop and others. The United States, citing the protection of expatriates and intervention at the request of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), agreed Jamaica , Dominic , Barbados Six other Caribbean countries sent troops to Grenada.
General elections resumed in 1984. [1-2]

Geographical environment


Regional location

Grenada is located at the southernmost point of the WindwardIslands in the Eastern Caribbean Sea, 12 degrees north latitude, 61 degrees west longitude, and about 160 kilometers south of the coast of Venezuela. The territory includes the main island of Grenada, and the islands of Cariacu and Martinique, 37 kilometers north of the main island, with an area of 344 square kilometers, of which the main island covers an area of 311 square kilometers, and the Cariacu Islands are about 33 square kilometers. The main island of Grenada is north-south, about 33 kilometers long, mainly formed by volcanic eruption mountains, the highest peak of Mount Saint Catherine 840 meters above sea level. [7]




Climatic characteristics

Grenada has a tropical rainforest climate. Two seasons a year, January to May for the dry season, June to December for the rainy season, the average annual temperature of 24℃-26℃. The weather is hotter from July to October, with a maximum temperature of 35 ° C, and from December to March, the weather is cooler, with a minimum temperature of 18 ° C. There are hurricanes during the rainy season. Hurricanes Ivan in September 2004 and Emily in July 2005 caused significant human and economic losses in Grenada. [7]

Natural resources

Grenada is rich in plant resources. The vegetation area is vast, covering almost the whole island, mainly natural tropical trees and shrubs, and there are large rainforests in the mountains. There are no nutmeg, banana or cocoa trees in the main forest. 75% of the rainforest is owned by the state. The national flower is the bougainvillea. Nutmeg, bananas and cocoa are Grenada's main export crops. Grenada was once the world's second largest nutmeg producer after Indonesia, accounting for 30% of world production, known as the "spice country". Directly and indirectly, industries related to nutmeg and cocoa create nearly 20,000 jobs.
Grenada has no large wildlife, mainly small wildlife, such as armadillos, lizards, hedgehog mice, birds and so on. There are over 150 species of birds and the national bird is the Grenadadove pigeon. The government of Grenada attaches great importance to the protection of natural resources and has established various nature reserves and national parks. The famous Dayitang Lake Nature Reserve covers an area of 15.4 square kilometers.
According to the information released by the Grenada government, Grenada has a certain amount of oil and gas reserves, which are in the stage of exploration and development. [7]

Administrative division



Map of Grenada
Grenada is divided into six districts and two islands: St. George's, St. David's, St. Andrew's, St. Patrick's, St. Mark's, St. John's, Cariacou and Martinique. Each section is bounded by natural geographical conditions such as rivers, streams and mountain beams. [7]

Major city

The capital city of St. George
capital St George's St.George's, with a population of about 10,000, is located in St.George's District at the southwestern tip of the main island and is both Grenada's administrative center, its economic center and transportation hub. Grenada's commerce, finance and main hotels are distributed along the west coast, and the Grand Anse Beach in the center of the district is the center of tourism in Grenada. There are docks for large passenger and cargo ships and airports for large aircraft, and roads extend east, northeast and north to other major cities in Grenada. Grenada National Stadium and the General Hospital are also located in the area.
Grenada's second largest city, Grenville, is located in the St. Andrew's district in the east of the island. The district is the largest district in Grenada, the largest producer of Grenada's agricultural exports, mainly the production and processing of nutmeg, cocoa and bananas, and has the largest nutmeg plantation in Grenada. The area has a long history, and a large number of tools and weapons used by ancient Indians have been found in the northern suburbs of the capital, Grenville, and it has been recognized as one of the world's important archaeological sites. [7]

National symbol



Flag of Grenada It was opened on 7 February 1974. The flag is rectangular, the ratio of length to width is 5:3, the flag is surrounded by a wide red edge of equal width, and there are three yellow five-pointed stars in each broad edge. The middle consists of two yellow triangles above and below, two green triangles left and right to form a rectangle, the central is a small red circle, there is a yellow five-pointed star; The green triangle on the left has a nutmeg pattern in it. Red symbolizes the spirit of fraternity among the people of the country, green symbolizes the agriculture and rich plant resources of the island, and yellow symbolizes the abundant sunshine of the country. The seven five-pointed stars represent the seven dioceses of the country, where the majority of the population is Catholic; The nutmeg pattern indicates the country's specialty.

National emblem

Coat of arms of Grenada
Coat of arms of Grenada Introduced in 1974, the national emblem has a yellow cross in the middle, expressing the Catholic faith of the people of Grenada. The crossing of a sailing ship commemorates Columbus' discovery of the island in August 1498. The coat of arms features white nutmeg and yellow bananas, representing the country's main crops, and a golden lion indicating Grenada's traditional ties to Britain. Above the national emblem is a helmet and wreath symbolizing sovereignty. At its base are the beautiful rivers and mountains of Grenada, rolling mountains surrounded by a green volcanic lake. The white sash reads "Unite as one, build the country, keep moving forward." God is with us." The grey armadillo and the cacao tree on the left of the national emblem, and the red blue pigeon and the coconut tree on the right, represent Grenada's unique animal and plant resources.

The national flower

The national flower of Grenada is Folium japonicum (Bouganvillea).

National bird

Grenada pigeon (Grenadadove).

National anthem

National Anthem of Grenada
Hail the motherland Grenada, we are dedicated to you, with our hearts in control of our own destiny. Always trust in God, carry forward the tradition, with courage and confidence, build together, go forward together, like one family, God bless Grenada!


Ever conscious of God weaspire, build and advance as one people, Ever conscious of God weaspire, build and advance as one people.

Population nationality



In 2020, Grenada has a population of 112,000 with a natural birth rate of 1.59% and a natural death rate of 0.96%. From 2010 to 2018, the average population growth rate was 0.4%, the average fertility rate of women was 2 children, the average life expectancy of women was 75.6 years, and the average life expectancy of men was 70.8 years, with a male to female ratio of 1.05 to 1. The population density is 307 people per square kilometer. St. George's Parish is located in the southwest corner of Grenada and has a population of about 37,800. The capital, St. George, is located in the northern part of the district, with a population of about 10,000 people, and various government ministries are concentrated here. St. Andrew's Parish, located in the eastern part of Grenada Island, is the largest parish in Grenada with a population of about 26,500 and the capital Glenville It is the second largest city in Grenada. Cariacu and The island of Martinique It has a population of about 8,000. [7] In 2022, the population is 114,000. [1]


Grenada's population is predominantly of African descent, with a small minority of Indian descent. About 82 percent of the population is black, 13 percent is mixed, and 5 percent is white and other. About 50% of the population is under the age of 30. [7]




Grenada held a general election in June 2022 and was reorganized on January 5, 2024. The opposition National Democratic Congress Party won nine seats in the House of Representatives, and its leader, Deacon Mitchell, became Prime minister. Georgia has achieved a smooth transition of power, and the current political situation is stable. [4] [8]


The current constitution came into force at independence in 1974. It was suspended on 13 March 1979 due to civil unrest. It was reinstated on 1 January 1984. [4]


Divided into the Senate and the House of Representatives, the current parliament will be formed in August 2022 for a five-year term. The 13-seat Senate is appointed by the Governor-General on the nomination of the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition. Senate President Desima Williams. The House of Representatives has 15 seats, elected by universal suffrage. The National Democratic Congress Party has 10 seats. The Speaker of the House of Representatives, LeoCATO. [8]


The current government was formed on June 30, 2022. Key members are the Prime Minister and Minister for National Security, Home Affairs, Public Administration, Information and Disaster Management; the Minister for Infrastructure, Physical Development, Utilities, Civil Aviation and Transport, Deacon Mitchell; the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Trade and Export Development, JosephANDALL; Cariacou and Martinik, Local Government Minister TevinANDREWS, Finance Minister Denis Cornwall, Education Minister David Evelyn Andrew, The Minister for Climate Change, Environment and Renewable Energy, Corinne Zennel James, the Minister for Health, PhilipAlfredTELESFORD, GloriaAnnTHOMAS, Minister of Social and Community Development, Housing and Gender Equality; Andy Williams, Minister of Mobilization, Implementation and Transformation; Minister for Economic Development, Planning, Agriculture and Land, Forestry, Marine Resources and Cooperatives LennoxJohnANDREWS, Minister for Tourism, Creative Economy and Culture AdrianTHOMAS, Youth and Sports Minister JonathanLACRETTE, Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Labour and Consumer Affairs ClaudetteJOSEPH, and Mental Health, Welfare and Religious Affairs Minister DelmaTHOMAS. [1] [8]


Grenada's legal system is based on English common law. It has a Supreme Court and a district court. The Supreme Court includes the High Court and the Court of Appeal. Following Grenada's accession to the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) in 1991, judicial power was transferred to the Supreme Court of the Eastern Caribbean, with the Judicial Council of the Eastern Caribbean States selecting the judges of the Grenada Court, but the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council of the United Kingdom being the final adjudicator. [7]

Political party

Major political parties in Grenada
Party name
Party information
National Democratic Congress
The ruling party. It was formed in October 1987 by the merger of some members of the New National Party with the Democratic Labour Congress and the Democratic Labour Party of Grenada. He won elections in 1990, 2008 and 2022. On 5 March 2023, the National Democratic Congress elected a new National Executive Committee, with current leader Deacon Mitchell and Deputy Leader Joseph Andel.
New National Party
The opposition party. Since its establishment in August 1984, the government has won six general elections (1984, 1995, 1999, 2003, 2013, 2018). The current leader is Keith MITCHELL, and the deputy leader is Gregory BOWEN.
Reference materials: [8]


Character introduction
The Governor. Female, born 1952. Studied at University of the West Indies , the United States University of Maryland He received a PhD in chemistry. He has been engaged in food science research for a long time. On 7 May 2013, she became the first female Governor of Grenada.
Deacon Mitchell
Prime minister. Born in Grenada on October 8, 1977, he studied at the University of the West Indies and received a Bachelor of Laws degree. He worked as a lawyer from 2002 to 2022. In November 2021, he was elected National Democratic Congress Party Political leader, in June 2022, led the National Democratic Congress Party to victory in the general election, became Prime minister.
Reference materials: [8]




Post-epidemic economic recovery accelerated. The National Democratic Congress (NDP) government has stepped up economic stimulus efforts, accelerating the development of education, agriculture, creative industries, digital transformation, trade and other areas, on top of efforts to revive tourism.
Key economic data for 2023 are as follows:
Gross Domestic Product: $1.276 billion
GDP per capita: $11,155
GDP growth rate: 3.6%
Inflation rate: 3.5%
Name of currency: Eastern Caribbean Dollar
Exchange rate: 1 US dollar ≈ 2.7 East Canadian dollar
(Primary source: International Monetary Fund) [8]


The industry is not developed, mainly for small processing manufacturing including agricultural product processing, food, beverage, textile, light assembly and so on. 7 [8]


Main planting nutmeg Banana, cocoa, coconut, sugar cane, etc. Known as the "spice country", it was once the world's second largest producer of nutmeg, and nutmeg production once accounted for one-third of the world's total output. [8]


An important sector of the economy. In 2022, the country canceled all epidemic prevention and control measures, resumed traditional cultural activities such as carnival, and basically recovered tourism after the epidemic. 7 [8]


Grenada's foreign exchange reserves are held in the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, established by the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), which is funded by member States and has its headquarters in St. Kitts and Nevis.
There are four major commercial banks in Grenada, all of which are foreign banks, in order: First Caribbean international bank (FirstCaribbeanandInternationalBank), antigua commercial Banks (AntiguaCommercialBank), grenada cooperative Banks (GrenadaCo - operativeBankLtd.) and the republic bank ( RepublicBank). Grenada is also a member of the CaribbeanDevelopmentBank (CDB), which is based in Barbados. [7]

foreign trade

The main export nutmeg, bananas, cocoa, etc.; Imports food, machinery, transportation equipment and basic manufactured goods. There is a huge trade deficit every year. Its main trading partners are Trinidad and Tobago and the United States. [8]
In 2019, Grenada's main export destinations were the United States ($14.4 million), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ($2.44 million), Saint Lucia ($2.35 million), France ($2.02 million), and the Netherlands ($1.92 million). The main sources of imports were the United States ($99.9 million), Canada ($68.1 million), China ($14.5 million), the United Kingdom ($11.9 million), and Brazil ($10.1 million).
In 2019, Grenada's main exports were: fish (US $9.1 million), nutmeg (US $6.5 million), cocoa (US $3.12 million), fruit (US $2.23 million), flour (US $2.13 million); Major imports include: aircraft (US $62.5 million), poultry (US $10.4 million), automobiles (US $10.3 million), petrochemicals (US $9.36 million).
In 2018, Grenada's total trade in services was about 730 million US dollars, accounting for 71.68% of GDP, of which tourism accounted for 90.3%, transportation accounted for 2.7%, and insurance and finance accounted for 1.1%. [7]

Foreign capital

According to the World Investment Report 2021 released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), in 2020, Grenada attracted foreign investment flows of US $146 million and foreign investment stock of US $1.402 billion. According to Grenada government data, Grenada attracted $148 million in foreign investment in 2018. The main sources of foreign investment are: Europe (including the United Kingdom), the United States and some countries in the Caribbean (such as Trinidad and Tobago). The main sectors of investment are tourism (accounting for more than 95% of the total investment), with a small proportion of services (retail, telecommunications, finance and offshore education) and manufacturing. [7]

Foreign aid

According to World Bank statistics, Grenada received a total of $2.4 million in foreign bilateral aid in 2018 (excluding China). Among them, $70,000 from New Zealand, $130,000 from Japan, $240,000 from the United Kingdom, $890,000 from Germany, $510,000 from the European Union, $150,000 from Canada, and $40,000 from Australia, mostly in the form of free assistance and technical cooperation. In addition, China has provided Grenada with a lot of assistance. Multilateral institutions such as the Caribbean Development Bank, the World Bank, the Green Climate Fund, the OPEC Fund for International Development, and the UK-Caribbean Infrastructure Fund also provide assistance on a regular basis. According to media reports, the Green Climate Fund and Germany aid Grenada water supply project with a total budget of 45.297 million euros (about EC $135 million), the implementation period is 2019-2025; In June 2020, the EU and Canada provided $11 million and $20 million respectively to Caribbean countries, including Grenada, for the payment of Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Fund (CCRIF) premiums. In June 2020, the World Bank provided Grenada with an $8 million interest-free loan to support the digital economy transformation.
During the COVID-19 outbreak, the Chinese government provided Grenada with several batches of anti-epidemic supplies. In addition, the Cuban Government donated medical supplies to Grenada and sent two medical teams to Grenada. The Venezuelan government donated 3,000 rapid test kits and $200,000 in cash to Georgia; Grenada received 16.4 million Special Drawing Rights (about US $22.4 million) from the International Monetary Fund; A concessional loan of $5.9 million from the Caribbean Development Bank to Grenada; A $25 million interest-free loan from the World Bank to Grenada; The Paris Club creditors determined that Grenada could suspend payments of approximately US $9 million of debt maturing from May 1 to December 31, 2020. India donated 23,000 doses of Astrazeneca vaccine to Grenada as of May 2021; The World Health Organization-led Global COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Initiative (COVAX) is providing 45,600 doses of Astrazeneca vaccine to Grenada. [7]




Grenada's official language is English, and a small number of residents also speak a mixture of French and local languages. Primary and secondary schools offer courses in Spanish and French. There is a Confucius classroom at Grammarisu Community College to teach Chinese. [7]


Most residents of Grenada have religious beliefs, of which about 60% of residents believe in Roman Catholicism, 30% believe in Christianity, as well as Anglican, Presbyterian, Methodist, Christian Science, Baptist, seventh-day Advent, Mennonite, Pentecostal, evangelical church, Puritan and other doctrines, in addition to Hinduism, Judaism, Islam and other believers. [7]


Weekends are the legal days for religious believers to attend church services, so shops are open for shorter hours on Saturdays and are legally closed on Sundays. The working time is more formal, major festivals and church activities must be formal or national dress. [3]


Grenada has a five-day work week, with Saturday and Sunday as public holidays. Government employees are entitled to leave ranging from 7 to 40 days per year, depending on their length of service and position. There are 13 statutory public holidays in Grenada in 2020: NewYear'sDay (January 1); IndependenceDay: February 7; GoodFriday: April 10; EasterMonday: April 13; LaborDay (LaborDay) : May 1; Whitsunday (June 1); CorpusChristi: June 11; Emancipation day (EmancipationDay/AugustHoliday) : August 3; CarnivalMonday: August 10; CarnivalTuesday (CarnivalTuesday) : August 11; ThanksgivingDay (ThanksgivingDay) : October 25th; ChristmasDay (ChristmasDay) : December 25; BoxingDay (December 26). [7]

Military affairs

Grenada has no regular armed forces, only paramilitary forces, also known as SpecialService units (SSU: SpecialServiceUnit), the number of about 300 people, responsible for national security and defense of important departments. The force is also governed by the RegionalSecuritySystem (RSS) within the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and is part of its armed forces. The system is based in Barbados. The Royal Grenada Police Force has a total strength of about 940 people and is divided into traffic, immigration, anti-drug, intelligence, criminal investigation, economic investigation, special operations, prosecution, police training school, police headquarters and other departments. [7]




Port St. George Cargo Terminal
The total length of Grenada roads is about 1127 km. There is a road around the island and a number of main roads throughout the island, leading to the parishes. Roads linking the airport to the capital, St George, and the second largest city, Grenville, are in good condition. Mountain roads are narrow and rugged.

Air freight

Grenada have three airports, among them, morris bishop international airport (MauriceBishopInternationalAirport) is located in the southwest of grenada, capital st. George's 6.5 miles, The airport has passenger and cargo flights to Caribbean countries such as Antigua, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, St. Vincent, Jamaica, as well as North America such as New York and Miami, Europe such as London and Frankfurt, with about 130 flights arriving each week, about 35 takeoffs and landings per day, and a throughput of nearly 10,000 passengers per week. Cariacou Island has a small airport and a 10-seater plane flies to Cariacou daily from Grenada.

Water transport

The island of Grenada has nearly 40 terminals of varying sizes, the capital St. George as the main port city, St. George Port Cruise terminal can provide 375 meters long berth two, the water depth of 10.6 to 19 meters. The inner harbour terminal provides a 335-meter-long berth with a water depth of 9 meters for both passenger and cargo ships. The northern port of the island can berth a 10,000-ton passenger ship. Grenada is easily accessible by water, with speedboats, cruise boats and ferry services. On average, about 360 cruise ships call at Grenada's port each year. Although Grenada does not have its own shipping company, transport agents can provide full service. The Grenada port has 36,000 square feet of berths and 5 acres of container storage area. [7]




Grenada is dominated by British education. The national literacy rate is 96%. Most primary and secondary schools are public or co-operated by the government, which can provide free compulsory education for students aged 5-16, except for the cost of books, and the duration of primary and secondary school is seven years. Grenada's highest institution of learning for the United States private capital in 1976 established St. George's University, medical major, a total of more than 140 countries and regions around the world enrolled students, 8256 students, 66% from the United States, 11% for Grenada local students, teaching staff of about 1,000 people.
The University of the West Indies has a branch in Grenada, Mary Show Community College, which mainly provides post-secondary education for students graduating from high school in the country. In addition, Georgia has 26 public secondary schools. There is a free public library in the capital St. George. There are vocational training centres in each district. Grenada also has many vocational and technical schools, such as medical schools, agricultural schools, fishing schools, teacher training schools, etc.

Medical treatment

Grenada General Hospital
Grenada's state-owned hospitals, health centres and medical posts provide its citizens with free medical care and basic medicines, provided that the costs of laboratory tests, radiological examinations, operations and special medicines are fully or partially covered. In addition to Grenada's own doctors, Grenada's medical institutions also hire doctors from Cuba, the Middle East and other countries to make up for the shortage of domestic doctors. Medical equipment is relatively backward, major surgery cannot be completed in the country, patients need to go to Trinidad and Tobago, the United States, the United Kingdom and other operations. In addition, the government provides residents with medical care, public health, environmental protection and management, community child care and other services through community health service projects.
Residents receive personal health care through private insurance companies. Grenada is endemic to dengue fever, yellow fever, hepatitis, influenza, chikungunya and HIV/AIDS. Among them, dengue is transmitted by mosquito bites. Grenada high blood pressure, diabetes, AIDS, urinary calculi phenomenon is more common. [7]


The Grenada Government Information Service (GIS) is a government information service centre that houses a television production centre (Channel 12). There are also five privately owned television stations, namely: Grenada Radio Network (Channel 11, GrenadaBroadcasting Network-GBN), MaitlandTelevision (channels 9 and 30), MaitlandTelevision, MTV, WEE TV, LighthouseTelevision, Grenada Cable Network (Channel 6, Grenada Cablevision, CC6).
Grenada has 10 privately owned radio stations, mainly the Voice of Grenada (FM88.9 or 95.7 or 103.3), Sun FM (FM98.5), and City Sound (City Sound) : FM97.5, Real919 (Real919) : FM91.9, WEE FM (WEE FM) : FM93.9, Spice Capital (Spice Capital) : FM90.1, Kayack (Kayack) and so on.
Grenada has 5 weekly newspapers and 1 monthly newspaper. They are: "The Grenadian Voice", "The New Today", "Informer", "The Grenada Advocate", "The Isle of Incense" (" Spice ") Isle Review ", and one monthly magazine is the "Barnacle".
Grenada news websites are: Grenada today (, Mikey reporting live ( Grenada has the Media Workers Associationof Grenada (MWAG). [7]


Grenada Power Company (GRENLEC) is the only electricity supplier in Grenada, previously held by the United States WRB company 50% and operated, after the government repurchase, intends to employ international advanced enterprises to manage the operation through the World Bank and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). According to the oil cooperation agreement signed between the government of Grenada and the government of Venezuela, GRENLEC purchased Venezuelan fuel oil from the Petro-Caribe company headquartered in Jamaica for power generation, which can meet the national production and domestic electricity needs, and the national power generation was 185GWh in 2015. [7]


There are several telecommunications operators in Grenada. Among them, Flow operates cable TV, Internet, fixed-line and wireless communications services, and Digicel (Grenada) Mobile telephone Company operates wireless communications services. Every parish in the country has a communication tower station, and the international communication effect is good.
The Internet uses high-speed broadband, up to 10Mbps, and wireless Internet access is possible. Grenada's mobile network is 4G and there are no plans to introduce 5G. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, some supermarkets and restaurants have opened online ordering services. [7]



Foreign policy

With the purpose of "diplomacy serves national development", China promotes diversified and pragmatic diplomacy, and is willing to develop trade and cultural exchanges with all countries in the world. We oppose the use of force to settle international disputes. Support the global fight against terrorism, support the fight against transnational crime, drugs, arms smuggling and money laundering. It maintains that the developed countries should provide technical, economic and other forms of assistance to the developing countries to eliminate poverty, hunger, unemployment and other problems through development. It advocates reform of the global trading system and calls on developed countries to stop subsidies to agriculture and remove non-tariff and other technical barriers that hinder trade in agricultural products. On major international issues, China stands for coordinating its positions with regional organizations. China attaches great importance to climate change diplomacy, and has repeatedly called on the international community on multilateral occasions to pay attention to the concerns of SIDS on climate change.

Relations with Caribbean countries

Georgia attaches great importance to the integration of the Caribbean region and advocates that the Eastern Caribbean countries should be united first. Actively advocates the realization of Caribbean economic integration and broader regional cooperation, and supports the integration of the Windward Islands. We will continue to strengthen bilateral exchanges and economic and trade contacts with neighboring countries. In June 2010, Georgia and other members of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) established the Eastern Caribbean Economic Union. In July 2017, Georgia hosted the 38th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting. In September 2023, Georgia hosted the second Caribbean Summit of Heads of Government on Climate Change.

Relations with China

China and Georgia established diplomatic relations on October 1, 1985. On July 19, 1989, Georgia government announced the establishment of diplomatic relations with Taiwan authorities. On August 7, China suspended diplomatic relations with Georgia. On January 20, 2005, China and Georgia signed a joint communique on the resumption of diplomatic relations, announcing the formal resumption of diplomatic relations from now on. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, China and Georgia have been actively engaged in anti-epidemic cooperation. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Grenada, China has provided supplies and shared diagnosis and treatment experience with Grenada.
In April 2022, Foreign Minister Joseph of Grenada attended the meeting of Foreign Ministers of China and Caribbean countries with diplomatic relations. In March 2023, Deacon Mitchell, leader of the Grenada National Democratic Congress Party and Prime Minister of the government, attended the high-level Dialogue between the Communist Party of China and World Political Parties online.
Other important exchanges of visits between the two sides since the resumption of diplomatic ties include visits to Georgia by Vice Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Gu Xiulian (July 2007) and Chen Changzhi (July 2012). Governor General Williams (September 2005) visited China, Prime Minister Keith Mitchell (July 2005, September 2015 at the Summer Davos Forum) visited China, Prime Minister Thomas (June 2009, July 2010 at the Shanghai World Expo CARICOM Day activities) visited China, Deputy Prime Minister Nimrod (for the first meeting of the China-CELAC Political Parties Forum in September 2014 and December 2015, on private business in June 2017), Governor Ragnar (for private business in September 2016), Foreign Minister David (for the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in April 2019), Secretary of International Commerce Steele (attended the first China International Import Expo in 2018) and Foreign Minister Andel (attended the signing ceremony of the United Nations Convention on the International Validity of the Judicial Sale of Ships in September 2023) visited China.
Georgia recognizes China's full market economy status. In 2018, China and Georgia signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Belt and Road cooperation. According to the statistics of the General Administration of Customs of China, the bilateral trade volume in 2023 was 24.047 million US dollars, of which the export volume of China was 24.042 million US dollars, up by 13.1% and 13.2% respectively. [9]
Bilateral exchanges and cooperation in education, culture, medical care, agriculture and tourism have been progressing smoothly. In 2005, China declared itself an outbound tourist destination country for Chinese citizens. In 2006, the two countries signed an Agreement on Cultural cooperation between the two governments. The Chinese People's Liberation Army Military Orchestra, Shandong Provincial Acrobatic Troupe, Tianjin Huaxia Future Children's Art Troupe and Guangzhou Acrobatic Troupe have visited Georgia to perform. In 2015, the Confucius Classroom was established at Gmarisu Community College, and in July 2022, the Confucius Classroom was upgraded to a Confucius Institute. In 2015, the comprehensive mutual visa exemption agreement between the two countries was officially implemented, and a Chinese press delegation visited Georgia and attended the 46th Annual meeting of the Caribbean Broadcasting Union (CBU). In 2015 and 2018, the Chinese Navy's hospital ship Peace Ark visited Georgia twice, providing free medical and humanitarian services to Georgian people. In September 2018, a meeting on anti-Corruption Law enforcement Cooperation between China and Caribbean countries was held in Georgia. In January 2019, the bilateral Treaty on Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters came into force. In October 2019, the Belt and Road International Cooperation Conference between China and Caribbean countries was held in Georgia. Foshan City in Guangdong Province has a sister city relationship with Georgia's capital St. George. China has a team of agricultural experts in Grenada.




Lake Datang, one of the world's most spectacular underwater volcanoes, is located in St. Andrew's Parish. Compared with other lakes, Datang Lake is not deep, but it is 500 meters above sea level and is one of the deep lakes formed by the crater of Daoshan Mountain. Lake Datang is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Grenada, mainly because of the magnificent scenery, but also because it is located in the most popular parish of St. Andrew's in Grenada.

Blue Rouge Beach

Also known as BBC Beach, it is located in the north of Grenada, near the capital St. George, and is considered by many to be the best beach in Grenada. Blue Rouge Beach has white and soft sand and blue-green water, and the surrounding environment is also very fresh and natural, becoming the most favorite beach for Grenada people to go on vacation, and it is also a good beach for tourists to give a thumbs up after returning from tourism.

Changshan plantation

The plantation is located in St. Patrick's District, the northernmost part of Grenada Soter The city was founded in 1908. With views of the nearby towering mountains, blue sea and beautiful countryside, the plantation is one of Grenada's most famous tourist attractions.
The houses in the garden are made of colorful river-egg stones and coated with molasses lime. They are simple and elegant, and they are very elegant under the surrounding green grass and safflower, which is known as the most romantic scenery in Grenada. The hotel in the park adopts the style of pavilion, which not only enables tourists to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the plantation while dining, but also integrates the hotel itself into the "atmosphere" of the plantation, making the plantation with mountains, water, green trees and red flowers, pavilions and pavilions, just like a quiet and elegant manor. Moreover, the dishes in the restaurant are all selected local specialties, which are very delicious. However, it should be noted that restaurants here need to be booked in advance. There is also a museum on the plantation that displays the early development of the sugar industry, memorials to plantation builder BettyMascoll, and photographs of famous people who visited the plantation. Former United States presidents Ronald Reagan RonaldReagan and the King of England King George VI with Elizabeth Bowes-Leon His daughter, PrincessMargaret, visited the plantation in 1983 and 1950.