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The capital of Tuscany, Italy
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Firenze is Italy A city in the middle, The Tuscany region The capital, located in The Apennine Mountains Middle west foot basin Medium. In the 15th and 16th centuries, Florence was Europe The most famous art center, famous for fine arts crafts and textiles throughout Europe. Europe Renaissance The birthplace of the movement, the world famous cultural tourist resort. From 1865 to 1871 Kingdom of Italy The provisional capital after unification. industrial glassware Ceramic, high-end clothing, leather based. Gold and silver processing, art duplicate And other crafts are also famous. Florence International Contemporary art Biennial exhibition , and Venice Biennale , Milan Triennale It is known as the top three art exhibitions in Italy.
Florence is one of the most famous art capitals of the world, Europe Cultural center, Europe The birthplace of the Renaissance, opera The birthplace of the world famous cultural tourist resort. Belong to Tuscany, Italy , original Italy The capital, Italy The cultural center of... Florence connects northern and southern Italy by rail, Highway network the Transportation hub , Arno There are seven Bridges across the city. Population 444,000 (1982). Urban preservation Ancient Rome Period pattern, more medieval Architectural art . There are more than 40 museums and galleries in the city, The Uffizi Gallery He Piti Art Museum is world-famous, the world's first academy of fine arts, the world's highest fine arts institution Florence Academy of Fine Arts Renowned all over the world, the best of Italian painting is here. It is a cultural center, with universities, as well as art, literature, scientific research institutes and libraries.
December 26, 2019, ranked Top 500 global Cities in 2019 Number 132 on the list. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Firenze or Florence
Florence, Florence, Florence
Subordinate region
Tuscany, Italy
Geographical position
Central Italy
Area product
102.4 km²
Telephone area code
Postal code
Climatic condition
Mediterranean climate
Population number
379,100 (2014)
Peretola Airport
Railway station
New Notre Dame Station
Matteo Renzi
Patron saint
John the Baptist
Time zone
Sea bulldog
50 m

Historical origin

Florence is a city with a long history Famous cultural city It is both Italian Renaissance The birthplace of the movement and the birthplace of European culture. The city is located on a flat river in the Arno Valley, surrounded by hills.
According to legend, Florence was first built in the Roman Republic Julius Caesar Florence became a Roman colony in 59 BC. Then it came under the rule of the Lombards, in the 13th century, because of the wool and Textile industry It developed rapidly and rose to become an important city in Italy at that time. Florentine Political power various guild Control, established in 1282 as a republic, state Power transfer Into the hands of the most powerful aristocrats.
Florence, 15th century
Florence in the 15th century iris By a local businessman Medici The (Medici) family is guarded by this lion, and this protection is 300 years, and The Medici family the Clan insignia It is also the emblem of modern Florence. From the 15th to the middle of the 18th century, the history of Florence for three centuries can be said to be closely linked to the rise and fall of the Medici family, whose family held the actual political and economic power in the region.
Florence's finest hour was the Renaissance. The Medici family loved art, and under their protection and patronage, many famous people gathered in Florence at that time, such as: Leonardo Da Vinci , Dante , Galileo , Raphael , Michelangelo , Donatello , Giotto , Titian , Boccaccio , Petrarch , Vasari , Machiavelli (" The Prince "And so on. It was the many artists who created a large number of buildings, sculptures and paintings that shone with the light of the Renaissance, and Florence became the focus of the Renaissance, becoming the center of European art culture and thought. Until the death of the last Medici ruler in 1737, Florence fell again Austria The rule of...
The year 1861 Unification of Italy Florence was the capital of Italy for five years from 1865-1870, until it moved to Rome in 1871.

Culture and art

Dante's House
Florence is a famous ancient city of culture and art paradise. As Europe Renaissance The cultural center of the period, Florence has left countless historical memories for modern people. Piazza Michelangelo Located on the other side of the Arno River, it is the best vantage point to see Florence David A replica of the statue. The original "Statue of David" created by Michelangelo is in the collection Academy Art Museum . Cathedral of Flowers It is a landmark of Florence, also known as the "Temple of Our Lady". The Uffizi Gallery and National Gallery of Art in Bagelow A collection of masterpieces by Renaissance artists. Ponte Vecchio It used to be the Uffizi Palace Across shore The corridor of the Biti Palace, both sides of the bridge are specialty stores, mainly selling precious stones and precious metals. No wonder Chinese writer Chen Yunhe, in the article "Florence is Still Young", praised his "Allegheli." Dante's poetic soul, Da. The spirit of Vinci, still hovering over Florence, continues to trace the people of the European Renaissance yothing "The rich cultural atmosphere makes the streets, squares and churches of Florence, or museums and galleries, seem so young and vibrant." [2]

City emblem

Coat of arms of Florence
Since the 11th century, Florence's coat of arms has been iris Pattern. The emblem shows red flowers on a white background, although in ancient times the colours were reversed. The color began in 1251, when the Emperor's party, after being driven out of Florence, continued to use the original coat of arms, and the papal party took control of Florence in opposition palmistry The difference, change the city emblem to the appearance. In 1809, Napoleon Ordered the abolition of this ancient city emblem, replaced with a silver background, a green grass lily Flowers with red tops and three golden bees (symbolizing Napoleon). The Florentines were not satisfied with the change and did not enforce the decree.


Florence satellite map
Florence is located in The Apennine Peninsula The center of a broad basin to the north, surrounded on three sides by beautiful clay hills, the Careggi and Rifredi mountains to the north, the Fiesole Mountains to the northeast, and the Settignano Arcetri Mountains to the east, To the south are the Poggio Imperiale and Bellosguardo hills. The city is located in the flat area of which the Arno River and several smaller rivers (Mugnone, Terzolle, Greve) flow.
The famous statue of David
On March 29, 2000, The Tuscany region The Florentine-Prato Pistoia region, where the Commission was founded, is a densely populated region that includes Florence, Prato , Pistoia The three provinces have a total population of about 1.5 million. The whole area belongs to the environment of strong human intervention, which is rare Natural environment . After thousands of years of farming and settlement in the hills, forests have been greatly reduced, especially south and east of the city. The plain wetlands west of the city along the Arno River have not yet become urbanization Area. Florentine Geographical environment Created a rich Mineral resources Especially mineral water that has a health effect on human beings.


Florence's climate is usually classified as Mediterranean climate For sure, but Koppen's climate classification France classifies Florence's climate as Subtropical humid climate (Cfa). Due to its location in a valley surrounded by mountains, the Arno River runs through it Geographical position Florentine summer is lacking Prevailing wind The months from June to August are hot and humid, with temperatures significantly exceeding those of the coastal regions of Tuscany, Maximum air temperature Up to 40 Degree Celsius . The small amount of rainfall in the summer belongs to Convective rain Type. On account of Temperature inversion Winter in Florence is cold and wet, Minimum air temperature It sometimes drops below freezing, but snow and ice are quite rare. The highest temperature ever recorded in the city was 42.6 degrees Celsius (July 1983), while the lowest temperature was -23 degrees Celsius (January 10, 1985), which is close to the national temperature of Italy Limiting value .
Florence live
Precipitation is mainly concentrated in winter.

Alias introduction

English Florence, Italian Firenze, German Florenz, previously translated as "Florence". Literally translated in Italian as "City of Flowers," City flower And the symbol is a purple iris flower. Be located on The Apennine Mountains The Middle part, Arno (Arno) river valley, surrounded by hills.
"Florence" by the famous modern poet Xu Zhimo The first translation is far more poetic, more colorful and more in line with the temperament of the ancient city than the other translation "Florence". The poet himself wrote" One night in Florence "Book, as well as essays Florentina mountain gossip (included in the The scales of Paris "). Later, the writer Xu Lu The author of... Dusk in Florence ", painter Huang Yongyu's" Follow the Seine River to Florence ", the post-80s poet Wind full sleeve of translated poetry "Along the Kang River to Florence", are the poetic line of Xu Zhimo.

Economic profile

Florence has Multiple economic sectors But with Tertiary industry Main. Florence has important railways and roads (the Soleil motorway and the A11 motorway), as well as machinery (e.g. Officine Galileo and Nuovo Pignone), chemicals, pharmaceuticals (e.g Eli Lilly & Company Eli Lilly), leather, fashion (e.g Gucci (Gucci), Robert Cavalli ( Roberto Cavalli ), Salvatore Ferragamo (Salvatore Ferragamo), furniture and printing industries. There are various handicrafts from ancient times to 2023, especially wood furniture and carving, jewelry craft (concentrated in Old bridge ), the straw hat (2023 has almost disappeared).
Florence is still important Banking industry (Tuscan bank Banca Toscana, Florentine Bank Banca CR Firenze) and Insurance industry (La Fondiaria).


Streets of Florence
Florence is an important commercial center with a wide range of businesses and a high degree of specialization. There are a large number of shops in its downtown area, as well as in areas where tourists are concentrated. In the 1990s, large international fashion brand chains moved into the historic district, forming the upscale business district of the "downtown Southwest District", in particular Tonaponi Road (via de 'Tornabuoni, via della Vigna Nuova and via degli Strozzi).
Large wholesale businesses are mainly located outside the city centre and in the suburbs, with many concentrated in the Osmannoro industrial area, Peretola Airport .


The thousand-year-old city of Florence is full of monuments
The city's real resource is tourism, with 35,000 beds and 23,000 extralberghieri (campsites, holiday farms, etc.), where more than 10 million people stay each year, less than a third of whom are Italians. Tourists mainly come from Europe (90%), ranked by Germany (13%), China (8%), the United Kingdom (7,8%), France (5,7%) and France (8%) Spain (5%) and other countries. Florence's tourism is more focused on Cultural tourism , only The Uffizi Gallery 1.4 million tickets are sold each year.

Jewelry industry

Italian jewellery is also excellent. In addition to the world famous large companies, the Bridges of Florence in the 16th century were the great goldsmiths and sculptors Cerini Next to the statue of Cellini, a row has been opened Gold trinket The old workshop. There are more alloy jewelry sold here, including all levels K gold Silver and copper Tricolor gold Sikkim, Sikkim, etc., each showed a different Artistic expression . The small town of Lucca, just an hour's drive from Florence, also has one Hands VIA FILLUNGO commercial street, distributed with a number of jewelry shops, they are mostly earrings, brooch Necklaces and other types of jewelry to distinguish. But the jewelry shops here in Corridor Bridge are different. Each one has its own ability to produce a variety of eye-catching exquisite ornaments, and every piece of jewelry here is purely handmade.

Renaissance period


Treasure house of art

The most famous city in Tuscany
The most famous city in Tuscany is Florence. The old translation of Florence is "Florentine", for example Xu Zhimo 's One night in Florence That is, Florence. Florence means "City of flowers" in Italian. Hong Kong people are called "Florence". Although it seems a little strange, but this delicate and beautiful name is quite a bit of fantasy. But the tone of Florence is not really emerald green. The most typical weather here - and in Tuscany - is blue sky with white clouds in the sun. Brightly colored walls, dark green louver , Deep red The roof is the signature color of this place.
Florence has a total of 40 museums and galleries, more than 60 palaces and many large and small churches, collecting a large number of excellent artworks and Precious cultural relic Therefore, it is also called "Western Athens". It is the most abundant in the world Renaissance One of the preservation of period art.

A hundred flowers bloom

Cathedral of Our Lady of Flowers
locate Florence Academy of Fine Arts Have in store Michelangelo 's" David The Statue ", four unfinished "statues of slaves", the second "Statue of the Mourned Virgin" and other works by Florentine artists. There's a nice bookstore and poster spot across the street, so stop by.
2. Cathedral of Our Lady of Flowers ( Florence Cathedral)
Cathedral of Our Lady of Flowers Cathedral of Flowers, Florence Cathedral It is a landmark of Florence with an exterior color of pink, green and Cream white The three-colored marble is built to show feminine elegance Noble temperament It is called Santa Maria del Fiore (Temple of the Virgin of Flowers). with Roman Empire the Pantheon The High Renaissance St. Peter's Basilica Known as the three major domes of ancient Europe. The giant fresco "The Last Judgment" on the dome of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Flowers was the brainchild of the 16th century art giant Vasari. Starting at Florence's Basilica of Our Lady of the Flowers, European architecture Officially from" Gothic Time has entered the "Renaissance Era".
The Basilica of Our Lady of Flowers was built in 1296 by Arnorfo di Cambio, and the great central dome was the first to be built by the famous architect Brunelleschi Renaissance style The dome, which took fourteen years to complete, is a model of Renaissance dome architecture. When Michelangelo planned the dome of St. Peter's Basilica, he said, "It is possible to build a dome larger than that of Florence, but it will never be as beautiful." The church was built in 1248, and the Florentines, in order to show their status, wanted to build the dome of the church as the largest dome in the world at that time, although the completion date of the church was delayed by nearly 20 years, but it was worth it. The cathedral, which took generations to complete, has become synonymous with Florence.
Sightseeing bus in Florence
Cathedral of Our Lady of Flowers
The roof of the cathedral can be accessed from the right side of the roof church Enter the left corridor and climb the 463 steps. The facade of the church has been rebuilt twice, and the Museo dell'Opera del Duomo (Museum behind the church) houses many great works of art.
Cathedral of Our Lady of Flowers
3. Giotto Clock Tower ( Campanile di Giotto)
The 82-meter tall tower next to the Cathedral of Flowers, started by the architect Giotto in 1334, has the appearance of a quadrangle The columnar tower, pink, dark green and butter Three colors to geometry The color scheme is coordinated, and the church of Flowers next to it is very harmonious, there are exquisite reliefs at the bottom, and there are stairs inside to reach the top, a total of 290 steps.
4. The Chapel of SAN Giovanni (Battistero di San Giovanni)
The octagonal church facing the Cathedral of Flowers was built between the 5th and 8th centuries in the Toscany region Romanesque architecture On behalf of...
The most sightseeing features of the chapel are the bronze door relief on three sides: the bronze door on the south side of the entrance was made by Andre Bisano in 1330, and the 28 patterns are related to the missionary story of John; The East Liturgical door was made by Ghiberti over a period of 27 years starting in 1425, and the ten patterns depicting Adam and Eve and Old Testament themes were hailed by Michelangelo as "the gateway. Heaven's gate "; The bronze door on the north side is also Gilberti's work and consists of 28 patterns representing the life of Christ and its themes 12 Disciples The deeds of...
The Chapel of SAN Giovanni
The Chapel of SAN Giovanni
Cathedral of Our Lady of Flowers
5. The Uffizi Gallery (Uffizi Gallery, Galleria degli uffizi) This is Italy Renaissance The Palace of Art, the collection of Da Vinci Giotto, Raffaello, Titian, Rubens ( Rubens ), Caravaggio Caravaggio, Michelangelo, and Botticelli Botticelli ) and others. Important works include Botticelli's" The birth of Venus "Spring"; Da Vinci The "Worship of the three Magi"; Raphael's goldfinch "And Michelangelo's" Holy Family "and other famous works.
6. National Gallery of Art in Bagelow (Museo Nazionale Bargello)
The greatest sculpture gallery in Florence, famous for its collection of Tuscany carvings from the 14th to 17th centuries. There are collections here Donatello The "Statue of David" - the first nude male statue since the Middle Ages; As well as Michelangelo's young works "unfinished statue of D 'Peter", "wine idol" and so on.
7. Piazza Michelangelo ( Piazzale Michelangelo)
Located on the opposite bank of the River Arno, the Piazza is the best vantage point from which to view Florence, and in the center of the Piazza is Michelangelo's David A replica of the statue, and behind it is the stunning romantic church of San Miniato
8. The Palazzo Vecchio ( Palazzo Vecchio)
The Palazzo Vecchio
"Old Palace" The interior of this well-defended palace used to be The Medici family Michelangelo's "Statue of David" has been waiting on the left side of the door since 1873, but it is a replica. The second floor hall is the grand meeting hall of the Republic's government, with Michelangelo's famous painting "Victory" on both sides of the wall. In front of the palace is Florence's most lively square (Plazza della Signoria)," Father of the motherland "Cosimo. The equestrian statue of Medic looks down on the crowd. The Loggia dei Lanzi (Assembly House) adjacent to the palace has many marble figures of ancient and Renaissance style.
9. Ponte Vecchio ( Ponte Vecchio:" Old bridge "
Ponte Vecchio
Built in 1345, it is the oldest bridge in Florence. The word Vecchio means old. There is a two-story building on the Ponte Vecchio, which used to be the gateway to the Uffizi Palace Across shore The corridors of the Biti Palace. On both sides of the bridge are specialty specialty stores, the back of the store extends to the river, specialty stores are mainly selling gems and precious metals.
Plaza Signole Located in the center of Florence, there is an old fortress palace built in the 13th century (now guildhall ). The tower above the old palace is 94 meters high, and it is the most eye-catching in Italy Public building One of them. The corridor in the wing of the old palace was originally cloister Dean and Chief executive The venue where the message was read, together with the whole square, became an open-air sculpture museum, with vivid and vivid works of stone and bronze, such as the familiar replica of Michelangelo's "David", which amazed visitors and visitors from all over the world.
Santa Maria, built in 1296 Der , Cathedral of Florey The head of all the churches in Florence. It is a magnificent Romanesque building, the work of several generations of artists, from the beginning of its design until its completion. Its white, green and pink striped marble facade is very attractive, and the unique large dome and the unique clock tower are its essence. If you look down from the top of the tower, Florence's charming Ancient city style It will be unforgettable.
Sculptures in Florence
The palace was originally the residence of Florence's famous Medici family. This family is in Buddha
Palazzo Pitti
Lorenza was important and a key factor in the Italian Renaissance. Looking at the design of the palace, one can see that the status and taste of the owner must be extraordinary: in Florence, there is probably no other building of such grandeur. The whole building adopts a bold straight line and symmetrical design, and a large fountain is set in the square in front of the house. All the details of the construction of the house are made of large blocks of stone, one of which is inlaid at the bottom of the Windows Stone lion . This informal design style makes the whole house not only look elegant, but also show a grand momentum.
The palace is used as a museum, and the gallery on the second floor and the art gallery on the third floor contain many masterpieces. The museum also has silverware and horse-drawn carriages on display.

Poetry and painting

Florence is The Italian Renaissance The cradle of poetry and painting, the great poet Dante was born here. By 2023, Florence still preserves Dante's former home, and many visitors come here to visit. Known as the "three masters" of Renaissance art, Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael met in Florence in 1506 to become Art history A beautiful talk through the ages.
Whether walking through the streets of Florence, or visiting museums, galleries or churches, you will feel the rich cultural atmosphere of the old city of Florence.

Higher education

Florence is known for art, design, handicraft Famous far and wide.

University of Florence

University of Florence Founded in 1321, it is a new university with an ancient history. Originally known as Studium florentinum, it was officially renamed the University of Florence by a law in 1923. Italian Universita degli Studi di Firenze). The school has 12 colleges and has about 60,000 registered students. The University of Florence is one of the most important modern institutions of higher learning in Italy, ranked 200-300 in the latest QS World University Rankings 2013.

Academy of fine Arts

Florence Academy of Fine Arts
Florence Academy of Fine Arts Founded in 1339, it is the world's first academy of fine arts, "the mother of the world's Academy of Fine Arts, the head of the four major academies of fine arts", which is the most concise evaluation of the Florence Academy of Fine Arts.

School of design

Italian School of Design With comprehensive courses, it is one of the best fashion and design colleges in Italy.

Fashion institute

Berimuda Fashion Institute Star Works of Italian fashion magnates.

European School of Design

European School of Design The aircraft carrier of design education in Europe, with campuses in Milan, Rome, Florence, Turin, Venice , Cagliari, Barcelona, Madrid .

School of jewelry Design

Onafi Jewelry Design Academy The first Italian jewelry design and production school, the campus is located in Florence and Lucca.

College of Arts and Crafts

Riach Academy of Arts and Crafts
Riach Academy of Arts and Crafts The cradle of Italian master craftsmen, the campus is located in Florence.

Food feature



macaroni It comes from Italy. Legend has it that in the 18th century, a house near the city of Naples operated Noodles and sheet The owner's name is Markar Roney. One day, while playing, Ronnie's little daughter rolled the dough into hollow strips and hung them on the clothes line. Ronnie cooked the hollow noodles and mixed them Tomato sauce The result was very popular with customers. After that, Ronnie built the world's first macaroni processing plant and named it after himself. So this "macaroni" pasta gradually spread to Europe and many parts of the world. By 2023, macaroni has become the equivalent of pizza, pasta The same well-known food.


pizza Is a world famous food, with a strong Italian flavor. Anyone who has been to Italy must try it Pisa Cake. Freshly baked pizza from the red furnace, fresh color, strong taste, burnt inside tender, attractive aroma. As for the origin of pizza, it is generally believed that it was born in Naples in 1600 AD. According to legend, there was a local mother who, because of the poverty of her family, had only a little flour left and was worried about making something to eat for her children. When the neighbors found out, they pooled a little Tomato and Buffalo cheese . The mother will bake flour and dough into a cake, cut tomatoes and spread on it, then crumble buffalo cheese and spread on it, and then bake it on the fire, and it becomes a delicious pizza.


Pasta is almost Italian cuisine The spokesperson of... According to statistics, there are 400 kinds of pasta shapes alone, and the colors are also colorful red, yellow, black, white, green, sauce There are countless more. Not only does every region have its own flavor, but every family has its own secret recipe. The Italians made full and bold use of all the raw materials given by nature, and exercised all the genius of their imagination, Bundle one The plate has reached its peak.

Bread bisque

Rustic bread puree , is based on pumpkin material, with Chicken soup As a base, it is a very authentic characteristic of Rome, and it will be useful by 2023 beef , Mutton Waiting for the soup to make the base. The greatest effort in a bisque is Bread Ding, oven-toasted and covered with herbs and cheese, was delicious with the puree.

Red gin

Red gin
The most famous in the world Italian wine Red wine was born in Florence. with Black chicken The symbol of the classical red wine is the ancient one used between Florence and Siena Grapes From the grapes of the garden, Tuscany There are five of Italy's highest levels of D.O.C.G wine It is a destination for wine lovers. In addition, White wine It also suits modern tastes.

Bread salad

Bread salad It can be eaten as the first course before a meal. Raw tomatoes, Onions, anchovy It's good to wait Olive oil Flavored, it's tempting in the middle of summer.

T-bone steak

The so-called Florentine style steak It is a specialty of Tuscany, Italy T-bone steak It is famous for its tender and juicy taste, which is well-known at home and abroad, but it cannot be surpassed rare .



Road transport

Florence has two expressway The A1 motorway (the Soleil Motorway) and the A11 motorway (Florence -Mare), which is the main north-south traffic route through Italy, connecting the south and north of Italy; The latter connects the Tuscan coast. Also, in addition to connecting Tuscany and Emilia Romagna The city also has access to two regional national roads and regional roads Siena The Florence-Siena highway, as well as the road to Pisa and livorno The Florence - Pisa - Livorno Avenue ( G.C .fi-pi-li).
Florence is important Highway junction Highway 2 leads to Rome, Highway 65 Lead to Bologna , Route 66 (Extension of Pistoiese Road) in San Marcello Pistoiese with Route 12 Intersection, the east-west Route 67 passes through the city.

Railway transport

Trenitalia is Florence alone Railway company There are not only routes to Italy and other parts of Europe, but also lines connecting the city's train stations. Stazione di Firenze Santa Maria Novella is the central railway station, located 500 meters northwest of Cathedral Square, with local, national and international lines, one of the masterpieces of rationalism, of great size and importance. Two more minor railway stations, Stazione di Firenze Campo di Marte and Rifredi, also serve domestic services, the former mainly to Pisa, Viareggio and Rifredi Arezzo Domestic route (via main line to Rome). other Local railway To the town of SAN Lorenzo and Siena . Other railway stations in the city, such as Porta Prato Station, only operate between stations in the city.
The Turin-Milan-Naples North-South high-speed railway line that runs through Italy also passes through Florence, passing through the city in an underground way, at high speed Railway station The newly built Belfiore station is located 25 meters below the Belfiore Avenue in the northwest, about 1 km from the New Notre Dame station, and is used escalator And the new tram system is connected to the New Notre Dame station. As of December 2009, it takes only 35 minutes to travel from Florence to Bologna and 1 hour and 35 minutes to Milan.

Air transport

Florentine Peretola Airport Located 5 km west of the city centre, Peretola can also be used not far from the largest in Tuscany International airport Galileo Airport in Pisa.

Public transport

Florentine Public transport Operated mainly by the ATAF company, in local cigarette shops, bars and newsstand Tickets for the company are available. The bus terminal is located next to the New Notre Dame station. manage Long-distance bus The main companies involved are SITA, COPIT, CAP and Lazzi.

Map of restricted areas

The downtown area belongs to transportation Restricted area (Zona Traffico Limitato, ZTL), divided into 5 zones, import and export gates limited, buses, taxi Access, ownership pass Residents can enter the area they live in, and those without a pass can only enter between 7.30pm and 9.30am. During the tourist-heavy summer months (April to October), Traffic regulation It will be adjusted to allow entry between 0:00 and 4am.
The rest of the area outside the city centre is Parking control area (ZCS), divided into 14 cells, only parking is controlled. Residents outside the area can pay to park in the area after applying for a permit from the municipality.

Fast tram

It is being built because of the city's heavy road congestion and air pollution Fast tram System (Tramvia). From the city of Scandicci to the southwest, through the west of the city, in Village park (Parco delle Cascine) crossing the Arno River to the station of the New Notre Dame. In 2009 Put into operation . Two other lines are still in the initial stages of construction, from Peretola Airport through the Old City to the Square of Freedom, and from Careggi University Hospital through the Exhibition Center (Fortezza da Basso) to the New Notre Dame station. However, many citizens opposed the tram system through the old City and called for a referendum on it.

Tourist attraction

Map of main attractions in Florence
The Uffizi Gallery : The Uffizi Palace is a world collection Renaissance It is one of the largest museums of period works and one of the oldest galleries in the world. The Uffizi used to be the Medici family's office, and all the Renaissance works of art that consolidated the Medici family's finances are here. The museum is divided into two floors and three floors. On the second floor is an exhibition of drawings and prints by Leonard and Michelangelo. Three layers are Painting gallery There are 45 exhibition rooms between the three corridors.
The Cathedral of Our Lady of Flowers : Located in Florence, Italy, yes Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Florence the cathedral , by the cathedral, the bell tower and baptistery Constitute. The Baptistery is located a few meters west of the cathedral and is white octagon Romanesque architecture. The clock tower is 85 meters high and belongs to Gothic architecture The six-layer square structure is stacked upward into a column shape, and the external wall is paved with white marble, which is pure and elegant.
Giotto Clock Tower: Yes Italy The masterpiece of the genius artist Giotto, the father of European painting, the bell tower is 84.7 meters high, and is made of red, white and green marble, among which there are many delicate sculptures, the whole shape is slender and elegant, and the hue and opposite the baptistery complement.
Florence Academy of Fine Arts : For the world's highest fine arts institution, the first dean for the outstanding artist, writer Vasari. In 1785 it became the National Academy of Fine Arts. "The mother of the world Academy of Fine Arts, the first of the four Academy of Fine Arts" This is the most concise evaluation of the Florence Academy of Fine Arts.
Piazza Michelangelo Located on a hill in the southeast of the city, in the center of the square sits Michelangelo's David duplicate . From the Piazza at dusk, you can see the rose-colored old houses of Florence's old town Cathedral of Our Lady of Flowers The dome will have a different feel.
Palazzo Pitti : Typical Florence Renaissance Period architecture, the interior of the palace is decorated with classic 17th-18th century Baroque style Divided into the Palatina Painting Museum, the Silver Museum, the Modern Painting Museum, the Costume Museum, Pottery museum , odeum The Bolboli Courtyard behind Palazzo Pitti is a garden of quiet elegance. [3]

Sister city



On February 22, 1980, Nanjing and Florence were joined together Sister city .

Ningbo City

Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. Ningbo City with Italy The city of Florence was established on the 25th Sister city Relationship agreement. Ningbo City Chairman of the CPPCC Wang Zhuohui Vice Mayor of Florence Gauri attended Signing ceremony Signed the agreement on behalf of both municipalities. [4]
After signing the contract, the two cities will carry out various exchanges and cooperation in economy, trade, culture, education, sports, health, tourism, personnel training and other fields on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, maintain regular contact between leaders and relevant departments of the two sides, and promote common prosperity and development.
On September 9, 2006, the city of Florence, Italy, presented the basis to Ningbo City Master of art A bronze statue of Michelangelo's "David" that is a 1:1 replica of the original. Come and not to the improper also, after receiving this precious gift, Ningbo picked Dongqian Lake Southern Song stone carving "Wenchen martial general" duplicate As a gift in return, because the two stone statues are "very Chinese" and "very Ningbo". These two stone statue reproductions are press Dongqian Lake stone carving of Southern Song Dynasty Two of the artifacts were reproduced in a 1:1 scale. "Wenchen" 3.3 meters high and 1 meter wide, "Wu General" 3.6 meters high and 1.3 meters wide, each weighing 7.5 tons, adopted Plum garden stone Sculpture, in return.