Fructus macrocarpa

A plant of the legume family
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Fructus macrocarpa ( Mucuna macrocarpa Wall.) is a large woody vine of the genus Legume. [11]
In China, it is mainly distributed in Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Taiwan and other places. Besides China, it is also distributed in India, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and Japan. It is born in evergreen or deciduous forests in mountains or rivers at an altitude of 800-2500 meters, or on open scrub and dry sand. [1-2] Sex love light, like warm moist and sunny environment, like fertile loose leaf soil and slightly acidic soil 7 [8] . The general propagation methods are sowing, branching and cutting propagation [9] .
Xinhua Materia Medica Outline has recorded its stems: old stems, astringent taste, cool. It has the function of replenishing blood, promoting blood circulation and strengthening bones. [5] Fructus macrocarpa is a kind of vertical green plant with garden application value and high ornamental development and utilization value. [4]
Chinese name
Fructus macrocarpa
Latin name
Mucuna macrocarpa Wall.
The door
The outline
Belong to
Argyra L
Kind of
Fructus macrocarpa
Distribution area
China, India, Nepal Sikkim, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and Japan
Namers and years
Wall., 1828

History of botany

Because of its stem contains red juice, it is also called "blood vine". [2]

Morphological characteristics

Fructus macrocarpa [10]
Large wooden vine. Stems with longitudinal-ribbed ridges and brown skin holes, covered with grayish white or reddish-brown hairs, especially dense on the nodes, old stems often bare without hair.
Pinnately compound leaves with 3 leaflets, 25-33 cm long; Stipule abscission; Petiole 8-13 (-15) cm long; Leaf axis 2 -- 4.5 cm long, leaflets papery or leathery, terminal leaflets elliptic, ovate or slightly obovate, 10 -- 19 cm long, 5 -- 10 cm wide, apex acute or rounded, with short cusp, rarely emarginate, base rounded or slightly cuneate; Lateral lobules are extremely oblique, 10.5-17 cm long; Glabrous or grey-white or reddish suffused with short hairs, often dense on veins and young leaves; Lateral veins 5-6 on each side; The stipule is 5 mm long.
The racemes, usually on old stems, are 5-23 cm long and have 5-12 segments; Flowers gathered at the top, each section has 2-3 flowers, often foul odor; Pedicels 8-10 mm long, densely covered with short hazel or dark brown hairs and sparse dark brown or reddish brown fine seta; Bracteoles and bracteoles exfoliate; Calyx closely enclosed with short dark brown or hazel hairs and shed grey or reddish brown bristles, calyx broadly cup-shaped, 8-12 mm long by 12-20 mm wide, 2 lateral teeth 3-4 mm long, lowermost teeth 5-6 mm long; The corolla is dark purple, but the flag is greenish-white, the flag is 3-3.5 cm long, the apex is round, the base ear is small, about 1 mm long, the wing lobe is 4-5.2 cm long, the width is 1.5-1.7 cm, the stem is 5-7 mm long, the ear is 3-5 mm long, the keel lobe is 5-6.3 cm long, the stem is 8-10 mm long, the ear is 1-3 mm long; The stamen tube is 4.5-5.5 cm long.
Fruit woody, ciliform or submoniliform, 26-45 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, 7-10 mm thick, submoniliform, straight or slightly curved, densely erect reddish-brown short hairs, part nearly glabrous, with irregular ridges and wrinkles, with 6-12 seeds, internal septum woody, thick 1-5 mm, margin thickened, ungrooved, There is often an irregular woody ridge parallel to the edge, but there is no round hard bulge along the edge of the dorsoventral suture. Seeds black, disc-shaped, but slightly asymmetrical, flat on both sides, 2.2-3 cm long, 1.8-2.8 cm wide, 5-10 mm thick, umbilical 3/4 or more around the seed, dark brown or black. Flowering period from April to May, fruit period from June to July. [6]

Habitat of origin

In China, it is mainly distributed in Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Taiwan and other places. It is born in evergreen or deciduous forests in mountains or rivers at an altitude of 800-2500 meters, or on open scrub and dry sand. [1] In addition to China, it is also found in India, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and Japan. [2] Sex love light, like warm moist and sunny environment, like fertile loose leaf soil and slightly acidic soil 7 [8] .
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Fructus macrocarpa

Growth habit

Big fruit rattan has strong adaptability to climate and soil, shade and drought tolerance, and is afraid of cold. It is a light-loving evergreen large vine with strong nature, rapid growth and strong climbing ability. It often uses other plants, rocks, or special ground objects to support and help it to get more sunlight. [1] [3]

Propagation method

The general propagation methods are sowing, branching and cutting propagation [9] .

Primary value



The stem of big fruit oil hemp vine has medicinal value, its warm, sweet and bitter taste, has the effect of strengthening tendons and bones, regulating menstrual flow and replenishing blood, and is often used in the treatment of anemia and rheumatism. [4] Xinhua Materia Medica Outline has recorded its stems: old stems, astringent taste, cool. It has the function of replenishing blood, promoting blood circulation and strengthening bones. [5]
【 Wa Medicine 】 Old Crow flower vine: stem vine cure poliomyelitis sequela, anemia, irregular menstruation, rheumatism muscle and bone pain "Chinese Wa medicine".
【 Dai medicine 】 Hey Lianglong: stem cure poliomyelitis sequelae, anemia, irregular menstruation, rheumatism muscle and bone pain "Yunnan Medicine Record" "Yunnan Provincial Annals".


As a kind of vertical green plant with garden application value, the plant has the ability of absorbing dust and blocking noise, and its flowers are abundant and dense, rich in color, which has high ornamental development and utilization value. [4]