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[pī zǐ]
Chinese words
Blank refers to the things lined in the ware, or unfired brick, porcelain and other semi-finished products to be processed.
Chinese name
pī zi
Zhuzi Language Category

Basic interpretation

1. [base] : Adobe
2. [semifinished product] : See "Semifinished Product".
Soy sauce blank. [1]

Citation interpretation

1. Refers to what is lined inside the object.
"Zhuzi Language Category" volume 91: "I found that the family of a teacher in Shaxi, South Jian, still had collected the head of the ancient world, and it was still rattan weaving."
2. Refers to unfired and processed bricks, ceramics and other semi-finished products to be processed.
Qin Zhaoyang In the Field, Chapter 7: "On one side of the field, there was a long row of gray and yellow bricks neatly numbered; On the other side are the longer and higher rows of burnt bricks." Sun Li "Amateur creation three questions" : "Read the newspaper the day before yesterday, Anhui ink, blank to play twelve thousand hammer, produced ink is easy to use, just enough standard."
3. Materials. A person who can do something.
Lao She " Four generations under one roof 29: "The eldest thought that after this setback, the second should understand: people like Dongyang are real traitors and should not be close to him long ago." repeatedly Shanghai Morning, Part 4: "This material of mine is not that blank." The post of secretary general is too important. How can I take it?" Deng Youmei "A song to thank Zhiyin" : "Calm down, in front of the expert men, sing good or bad, but to call straight order, call the expert to see you are a blank."
4. Identity.
" Sons and Daughters of heroes The third reply: "Last year, he also wrote a book to teach our couple, took a casual child with him, went on leave, and took off this slave blank." They kept me old." [1]