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Yangjiao Mountain Village

Villages under the jurisdiction of Hubei Province
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Yangjiaoshan Village is a village located in Hubei Province, with an area of 2223 mu of cultivated land.
Chinese name
Yangjiao Mountain Village
Geographical position
Hubei Province Southwest, the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River
Area product
35 km²
Government premises
Xiling District 102 Yanjiang Avenue
Telephone area code
(+86) 0717
Yangjiao Mountain Village is located in Yiling District, Yichang City, Hubei Province Zhangcun Ping town Northwest border, west and Xingshan connected, north Baokang. There is a saying "one foot in three counties". It is 104 km from Yiling District Government, 18 km from Zhangcun Ping Government, 3 km from Shuiyuexi Town, Xingshan County, and 12 km from Daping Village, Xiema Town, Baokang County. The village area is 35 square kilometers, the forest area is 43,000 mu, the total population of 1430 people, a total of 450 households, under the five villagers' groups, 45 party members (including probationary party members), 28 villagers' representatives, 5 members of the two committees, and three members of the security committee are hired to set up the village police room to cooperate with the adjustment and investigation of the mining contradictions in the village. There are 15 mining enterprises in the village, with an annual profit and tax of more than 35 million yuan. The agricultural output value was 9 million yuan, and the per capita net income of farmers reached 6,357 yuan.
Yangjiao Mountain Village