Hermann von Helmholtz

German physicists
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Hermann von Helmholtz (August 31, 1821 - September 8, 1894) was a German physicist, physiologist, and inventor who served as a military doctor. He published a book called The Preservation of Power.
Hermann von Helmholtz was born Germany the Potsdam His father was a teacher at the local grammar school.
Chinese name
Hermann von Helmholtz
Foreign name
Hermann von Helmholtz
Date of birth
August 31, 1821
Date of death
September 8, 1894
Representative works
On the Sensation of Tone

One's life

The year 1848
Hermann von Helmholtz loved natural science as a child, but made a living in Berlin Medicine and Department of surgery After studying medicine at the Institute, since graduates of the Institute had to participate in eight years of military service, Helmholtz began working in 1843 Potsdam As a military doctor.
The year 1894
In 1848 Alexander von Humboldt On his recommendation, he ended his military service early and began a long teaching career, first in Berlin Academy of Arts teach anatomy ;
He went there in 1849 Konigsberg v Kingdom of Prussia The province of East Prussia, today Russia the Kaliningrad The office of physiology and pathology Professor;
In 1855 he took over the chair of anatomy and physiology at Bonn;
In 1858 he moved to the chair of Physiology at Heidelberg;
In 1870 he became a member of the Prussian Scientific Society.
In 1871 he was appointed Helmholtz University of Berlin Professor of Physics;
In 1888 he became the first chairman of the newly established Imperial Institute of Physics and Engineering in Charlotteburg.


In 1847, Helmholtz published Erhaltung der Kraft (Conservation of Force), which clarified Conservation of energy The principle of, Helmholtz free energy It was named after him. He studied it, too electromagnetism His research predicted Maxwell's equations Hit the mark Electromagnetic radiation relevant equation Named after him.
In addition to physics, Helmholtz also contributed to the study of perception. He invented ophthalmoscope And the one named after him resonator Helmholtz-Resonator, his two books on optics and acoustics, A Study of tonal perception as the Physiological Basis of Music Theory (Die Lehre von den Tonempfindungen als physiologische Grundlage fur die Theorie der) Musik, Handbuch der Physiologischen Optik (Manual of Physiological Optics), had a great influence on later generations.
On the Sensation of Tone, by Hermann von Helmholtz, 1863. This paper mainly discusses the feeling of each tone from the point of view of physics, and at the same time has a high Aesthetic value .

Helmholtz equation

Be shaped like
the Partial differential equation Named after Helmholtz Helmholtz equation (Helmholtz partial differential equation), where is Laplacian operator . The Helmholtz partial differential equation suitable for the vector potential is:
The equation appears in physics and theoretical electronics, for example, when it is solved by the separation of variables under the condition that time harmony is assumed to be satisfied Wave equation .