Forest fire

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Forest fire refers to the loss of human control, free spread and expansion in woodland, forest, forest ecosystem And human beings bring certain harm and loss Forest fire behavior . Forest fire is a kind of sudden strong, destructive, more difficult to deal with and rescue Natural disaster . It's a kind of fire.
2021, China annual A total of 616 forest fires occurred, causing casualties Forest area About 4,000 hectares.
2022, China annual A total of 709 forest fires broke out, affecting about 5,000 hectares of forest.
In 2023, a total of 328 forest fires occurred in China, affecting about 4,000 hectares of forest, mainly in Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Guangxi and Yunnan provinces (autonomous regions), resulting in two deaths. A total of 15 grassland fires, mainly in Inner Mongolia, killed one person. The number of forest and grassland fires was at a historic low, and the number of forest fires and grassland fires decreased by 77.5% and 46%, respectively, compared with the average of the past five years .8%. 7 [8]
Chinese name
Forest fire
Foreign name
forest fire
Inner volume
Forest burning out of control
Seriously damage the forest structure and forest environment
inflammable Weather, source of fire
Spreading mode
Heat convection, heat radiation and heat conduction
Fire fighting principle
Call early, call small, call
General fire, large fire, major fire, especially major fire


Flames burst into the sky.
Forest fire in a broad sense: all out of human control, free spread and expansion in the forest, forest, Forest ecosystem And human beings bring certain harm and loss Forest fire behavior They're called forest fires. In a narrow sense, forest fire is a kind of natural disaster which is sudden, destructive and difficult to deal with
Forest fire prevention The work is an important part of China's disaster prevention and mitigation work, an important part of the construction of the national public emergency system, an important guarantee for social stability and people's peace and contentment, and the basis and prerequisite for accelerating forestry development and strengthening ecological construction Forest resources and Ecological security , it concerns Masses of the people HP Property safety Bearing on the overall situation of reform, development and stability
Forest fire After the occurrence, according to whether the loss of trees and the size of the fire area, forest fires can be divided into: General forest fire , Larger forest fire , Major forest fire and Particularly significant forest fires . (1) General forest fires: victims Forest area Where a fire starts in a forest area of less than 1 hectare or other forest land, or where more than 1 person is killed or less than 3 people are killed or more than 1 person is seriously injured or less than 10 people are seriously injured;
(2) Large forest fire: the affected forest area is more than 1 hectare and less than 100 hectares, or the death of more than 3 people and less than 10 people, or the serious injury of more than 10 people and less than 50 people;
(3) Major forest fire: the affected forest area is more than 100 hectares but less than 1,000 hectares, or the death of more than 10 people and less than 30 people, or the serious injury of more than 50 people and less than 100 people;
(4) Especially serious forest fire: the affected forest area is more than 1,000 hectares, or more than 30 people are killed, or more than 100 people are seriously injured.
The term "above" as used in paragraph 1 of this Article includes this amount and "below" does not include this amount.

Specific introduction

Forest fire scene
Forest burning out of control. Since the appearance of forests on Earth, forest fires have occurred. On average, there are more than 200,000 forest fires around the world every year, burning more than 1% of the world's total forest area. On average, there are more than 10,000 forest fires in China every year, burning hundreds of thousands to millions of hectares of forest, accounting for about 5-8% of the country's forest area. In May 1987, a huge forest fire broke out in the Great Khingan Mountains of Heilongjiang Province, covering an area of 1.01 million hectares, of which 70% were forested.
Forest fires not only burn and burn trees, directly reduce the forest area, but also seriously damage Forest structure And the forest environment that leads Forest ecosystem Out of balance, Forest biomass Decline, reduced productivity, beneficial beast Useful bird Reduce, and even cause human and animal casualties. High intensity fires can destroy soil chemistry, Physical property , lower the soil Water-retaining property and permeability To make certain woodlands and swale the Water table Rise, causing swamping; In addition, the warming of the soil surface will accelerate Burnt land Dry, resulting in positive weeds, unfavorable Forest regeneration Or cause extreme tolerance Ecological condition Replacement of low-value forests.
The size of a forest fire is often measured by the area of the affected forest, the area of the affected forest and the number of trees. According to China's regulations, any forest (including mature forest, young forest and bamboo forest) burned, the affected area of 10 to 1000 mu is a forest fire; Affected area Southern forest area In 1000 ~ 10000 mu, the northern forest area in 1000 ~ 50000 mu for forest fire; The affected area in the southern forest area is more than 10,000 mu, and the northern forest area is more than 50,000 mu Extraordinary fire . In the unit area of the affected forest, the number of trees burned or burned in the forest is more than 30%, and the young forest is more than 60%.
The ability to control forest fires is commonly expressed in the following numbers: ① the number of fires in 100,000 hectares of forest, that is, the frequency of forest fires; ② the area of fires in 100,000 hectares of forest, that is, the forest Combustion rate (3) the average area of each fire, (4) the area of the fire accounted for the forest area percent .


Burn down trees
Once the forest is hit by fire, the most obvious harm is burning or burn Woods. On the one hand, the forest stock has declined, and on the other hand, the forest growth has been seriously affected. Forests have long growth cycles Renewable resources After suffering a fire, its recovery takes a long time. Especially after high-intensity large-scale forest fires, forests are difficult to restore their original appearance and are often replaced by low-priced forests or shrubland. If you're exposed to multiple fires, it can become Wild grass land And even become Bare land . For example, in 1987 "5.6" Extraordinary forest fire Later, the forests on the steeper slopes were severely burned and turned into grassy slopes, Ecological environment Severely damaged, it is almost impossible to restore the forest.
Burn underwood Plant resources
In addition to providing wood, the forest is also rich in Wild plant Resources. The "red bean" (bilberry) and "Dushi" (bilberry) in the Xingan Mountains in the North and east of China The Tusk bilberry It is a very nutritious wild fruit, has been developed red bean fruit tea, all Shi Fruit wine Such natural green food; Make use of astragalus "Made from raw materials." Radix astragali "Divine tea" is famous at home and abroad for its characteristics of rich nutrition, no pollution, and strong nourishing function. Ginseng, ganoderma lucidum in Changbai Mountain forest area, acanthopanax They are precious medicinal materials. southerly Camptotheca acuminata extractable camptothecin Camptothecin is a good treatment cancer The drug; paint Trees can be processed into paint; It's made from eucalyptus Eucalyptus oil It is the best raw material for making soap, essence, and so on. All of these Forest by-product All have important Commodity value and Economic benefit . However, forest fires can destroy these precious wild plants, or due to Fire interference After that, they changed their living environment, significantly reducing their numbers, and even making some species extinct.
jeopardize Wild animal
The forest is home to all kinds of exotic animals and birds. After a fire, the forest will be destroyed Wild animal The environment in which we live. Sometimes they even burn or burn wild animals directly. Caused by fire and other reasons Forest destruction Many kinds of wild animals in our country have become extinct or are in danger. Such as bronco , gazelle , Sinkiang tiger , rhinoceros , porpoise , Yellow tragopan Dozens of rare birds and animals have gone extinct. In addition, Giant panda , Manchurian tiger , gibbon , Snub-nosed monkey , Wild elephant , Wild camel , Hainan Cervus elopus Equal national level Protect animals It is also endangered and at risk of extinction if not protected. Therefore, the prevention and control of forest fires is not only Forest protection At the same time, it also protects wildlife, and thus protects the diversity of biological species.
Cause soil erosion
Forests have the function of conserving water sources and conserving soil and water. It is estimated that forested land can store 30 cubic meters more water per hectare than non-forested land. Three thousand hectares of forest holds the same amount of water as a million cubic meters Small reservoir . Therefore, the forest has the reputation of "green reservoir". In addition, the branches and leaves of the forest trees and Forest bed ( Ground cover layer The mechanical effects of rain greatly slow down the surface of the earth Impact force ; Spongy woodland surface Litter layer Not only has the effect of rain impact, but also can absorb a lot of water; In addition, the forest's massive root system has an effect on the soil fixation So that the forest land rarely occurs soil erosion phenomenon. However, after a forest fire, this function of the forest will be significantly weakened, and even disappear in severe cases. Therefore, serious forest fires can not only cause soil erosion, but also cause flash floods, Debris flow Etc. Natural disaster .
The water quality of downstream rivers is reduced
Forests are mostly distributed in mountainous areas, the mountains are high and steep, and once subjected to fire, woodland Soil erosion The loss is much more serious than the plain. A large amount of sediment can be carried downstream to rivers or lakes, causing sedimentation of the river, and causing changes in the nutrients in the river, which significantly reduces the quality of the water. Changes in river water quality can have serious effects fish Etc. Aquatic organism The survival of... Fine sediment will asphyxiate fish eggs and inhibit the development of fish fry. The increased flow of the river, combined with the muddy sediment, will destroy the fish eggs. In addition, the black material after fire ( Ash content A large amount of solar energy is absorbed, making the water temperature of the downstream river rise, and tens of millions of fish are prone to disease. In particular, fish, which prefer to live in cold water, often die in large numbers after fire.
Cause air pollution
Forest burning will produce a lot of smoke, its main components are Carbon dioxide and Water vapor These two substances account for about 90% to 95% of all smoke components; In addition, forest burning also produces Carbon monoxide , hydrocarbon , carbide , Nitrogen oxide And particulate matter, accounting for about 10% to 5%. With the exception of water vapor, all other substances above certain limits cause air pollution and endanger human health and the survival of wildlife. It happened in 1997 Indonesia The forest fire, burning for nearly a year, the smoke produced by the forest burning not only caused serious air pollution to its own country, but also affected Singapore , Malaysia , Brunei Wait for neighboring countries. Many Singaporeans have to wear them Gas mask To stop the harm of smoke.
Threaten people's lives Property safety
Forest fires often cause casualties. Forest fires kill thousands of people around the world every year. It took place in the United States in 1871 Wisconsin and Michigan A forest fire killed more than 1,500 people; In 1987 a fire in the Greater Khingan Mountains killed 212 people. In addition, forest fires can bring harm to people's property. Factories, houses, Bridges, railways, Transmission line Forest fires often threaten livestock, food and crops. For example: in 1987, the Great Khingan Mountains forest fire destroyed three Forestry bureau Site (city fill), nine forest farm sites, four and a half Timber yard (Burned 850,000 cubic meters of wood), 67 Bridges, 9.2km of railway, 284km of power transmission lines, 64,000 square meters of houses, 3.25 million kg of grain, 2,488 sets of various equipment. The damage was heavy, Direct economic loss 420 million yuan RMB .


Required condition There must be three conditions for a forest fire to occur:
1. inflammable (including trees, grass and other plants) is the material basis of forest fires;
2. Fire insurance Weather is an important condition for fire.
3. Fire source is the dominant factor in forest fires.
Without one of these three conditions, forest fires do not occur. A large number of facts show that forest fire can be prevented, the fuel and fire source can be controlled by human, and the fire weather can also be predicted to prevent.
Forest fire fighting
Forest fuel All the organic matter in the forest, such as arbor , shrubs, grasses, lichen , lichen , dead branches and leaves, humus And peat and so on are combustibles. Among them, flame-burning Combustibles, also known as open flame, can volatilize Flammable gas Produces flame, accounting for 85-90% of the total forest fuel. It is characterized by rapid spread, Burning area Large, the consumption of their own heat accounted for only 2 to 8% of the total heat. Flameless combustibles, also known as dark fire, cannot decompose enough flammable gases, and there is no flame, such as peat, rotten wood, etc., accounting for 6 to 10% of the total amount of forest combustibles. It is characterized by slow spread, long duration, and consumption of its own heat, such as peat can consume 50% of its total heat, and can continue to burn under wet conditions.
Ignition source With forest fuels, the ignition point temperature varies. The burning point of dried weeds is 150 ~ 200 ° C, and the wood is 250 ~ 300 ° C, and an external fire source is needed to achieve this temperature. Fire sources can be divided into: ① Natural fire source . There are Lightning fire , Volcanic eruption And meteorite landing fires, etc., the most of which are lightning fires, China Amur River The Greater Hinggan Mountains, Inner Mongolia Regions such as Humeng and Xinjiang Altai are the most common. ② Man-made fire source. The vast majority of forest fires are caused by careless use of fire, accounting for more than 95% of the total fire source. Man-made fire sources can also be divided into productive fire sources (such as burning reclamation, burning land, burning charcoal, locomotive leaking fire, opening landslides, grazing, hunting and burning firebreak Etc.) and unproductive Fire sources (such as cooking in the wild, heating, using fire to repel mosquitoes and beasts, smoking, children playing with fire and bad people setting fires, etc.).
Oxygen (oxygen) combustor 1 kg of wood consumes 3.2 ~ 4.0 cubic meters of air (pure oxygen 0.6 ~ 0.8 cubic meters), so, Forest burning There has to be enough oxygen to do it. Normally, oxygen in the air is about 21%. When the oxygen content in the air is reduced to 14-18%, the combustion will stop.


The occurrence, spread and intensity of forest fires all have their own characteristics regularity .
Forest fire spread
Occurrence rule In addition to the above three conditions, the occurrence of fire is also closely related to the weather (such as high temperature, continuous drought, strong wind, etc.). Tropical rainforest In the perennial rainfall, high humidity in the forest, plants grow all year round, the body Water content Large, generally not prone to fire. But other forests are both tropical, temperate and Frigid zone Fires are possible all over the region. It generally has the following changes: ① years Periodic change . Wet years with high rainfall are generally less prone to fires. Forest fires occur more often in dry years with less precipitation. Due to the alternation of dry years and wet years, forest fires have annual periodic changes. 2. seasonality Change. In a year Dry season and Wet season In distinct areas, forest fires often occur during the dry season. There's less rain and less water in the plants, Ground cover Dry, prone to fire, called Fire season (During the fire season). Forest fires in southern China occur mostly in winter and spring, while those in northern China occur mostly in spring and autumn. ③ Diurnal variation. In one day, Solar radiant heat With varying degrees of intensity, high noon temperatures, Relative humidity Small, strong wind, the number of forest fires; In the morning and evening, the temperature is low, the relative humidity is high, the wind is small, and the number of forest fires is small.
In addition, forest fires are also related to inflammable The nature of the relevant: small dry weeds and dead leaves and so on are the most easily burned dangerous kindling, dry and dead flammable or live flammable, containing a lot of resin Coniferous tree and camphor Tree, eucalyptus Etc. Broad-leaved tree More flammable than common broad-leaved trees. Canopy density Large stands are damp and less prone to fire; Otherwise, it is easy to happen. Forest fire and Topographic factor There is also a relationship, such as strong sunshine on the sunny slope, high temperature in the forest, easy drying of combustible materials in the forest, and easy loss of rain on the steep slope. Soil moisture Less, are prone to fire.
Forest fire broke out in Duanxi village, Gaosha Town, Fujian province
The occurrence process of forest fire can be generally divided into three stages: ① preheating stage. At this time, under the action of the external fire source, the temperature of the fuel slowly rises and evaporates a large amount Water vapor , accompanied by a lot of smoke, part Flammable gas Volatilization, the flammable material appears to contract and dry, in a pre-combustion state. ② gas Combustion stage . As the temperature of the fuel increases rapidly, the combustible gas is ignited and emits yellow Red flame And produce Carbon dioxide And water vapor. ③ Charcoal burning stage. Charcoal burning is the burning of carbon particles on the surface, there is no flame, only carbon fire, and finally ash is produced and extinguished.
Spreading law The spread of the fire is mainly related to Thermal convection , thermal radiation and Heat conduction And the three forms of heat propagation are related. Heat convection is caused by hot air rising around Cold air supplement Combustion zone A convective plume forms above. Nearly 3/4 of the burning heat can be concentrated. It is often under the action of strong winds surface-fire Turn into Crown fire The main reason. Heat radiation is the surface Fire spread The main mode of heat transfer. It begins with Electromagnetic wave The form goes all around Linear propagation The heat transfer is inversely proportional to the square distance of the heat source center. Heat conduction is the heat transfer mode inside the fuel, and its heat transfer speed depends on the fuel Thermal conductivity The size is the main reason for the spread of underground fire. The spread speed of the fire is proportional to the square of the wind speed, in mountainous conditions, from the bottom to the spread of fast, strong fire, called fire; From the mountain down slow spread, weak fire, called sitting fire. The part with the fastest spreading speed and the strongest fire is the fire head; The part with the slowest spread in the opposite direction of the fire head is Fire tail ; The flanks between the fire head and tail are the fire wings. The wings near the head of the fire spread faster, while those near the tail spread more slowly. On flat land, when there is no wind, the initial spreading shape of fire is round or nearly round. When the wind is strong, it is a long oval, and its long axis is equal to Prevailing air Parallel direction; In the main wind direction is not (30° ~ 40° change) often fan. In mountainous terrain, the fire spreads faster towards two ridges, while in gullies it spreads more slowly and is often concave or concave Chicken feet Shape.
Fire intensity The intensity of the fire is different, and the high-intensity fire has a rising convective smoke column and eddy current, which can carry the fire and spread to the far distance before the fire head, resulting in a new fire point and fire field, called flying fire, which is extremely harmful and is a forest fire Extraordinary fire The characteristics are difficult to save. Low intensity fire, no convective smoke column, small flame, flat development, people can be close to fight. The intensity of a forest fire is expressed by the power released per unit length of the fire before the fire (kW/m). It is generally calculated using the formula of the American physicist G.M. Byram, that is I =0.007HWR, in the formula I Is the firewire intensity (kW/m); H for Calorific value (coke/gram); W for Effective fuel Quantity (tons/ha); R Is the spread rate (m/min).
There are many factors affecting the spread and intensity of forest fire, mainly the type, quantity and quantity of fuel Moisture content , terrain changes and Site condition The degree of dry and wet and the size of the wind speed.

Disaster prevention and emergency response


Emergency essentials

● Forest fires should be reported in time to accurately report the location of the fire, the area of the fire and the type of vegetation burning.
● If you find yourself in a forest fire, keep your head clear and move quickly to safety. Select the area where the fire has already burned or where the weeds are sparse and the terrain is flat; When crossing the line of fire, cover your head with your clothes and rush against the wind. Never run away in front of the line of fire.

Expert tips

● Find the perpetrators of the fire, should be timely to the forest Public safety Expert agencies report, provide relevant clues, or control and arrest suspects.
●" Regulations of Beijing Municipality on the Protection and Administration of forest resources The period from November 1 to May 31 of the following year is for the city Forest fire season From March 15 to April 15 Forest fire martial law period . During this period, it is not allowed to enter the forest area to smoke, barbecue, burn paper on graves, light bonfires, set off firecrackers, etc.

Forest fire prevention

Forest fire
To put it simply, Forest fire prevention It is to prevent the occurrence and spread of forest fires, that is, to prevent and fight forest fires. To prevent the occurrence of forest fires, it is necessary to understand the law of forest fires, take administrative, legal and economic methods, and use scientific and technological means to minimize the number of fires. To fight forest fires is to understand the law of forest fire burning and establish a strict system Emergency mechanism And a strong command system, the organization of well-trained fire fighting teams, the use of effective, scientific methods and advanced fire fighting equipment in a timely manner, to minimize Fire loss .
Forest fire to adhere to "play early, play small, play" Basic principle . Issued by The State Council on January 16, 1988 Forest fire prevention regulations "Provisions: forest fire prevention work implementation" Prevention first Actively eliminate "policy. Forest fire prevention work shall be carried out by the people's governments at various levels Administrative leader Responsibility system. All units in the forest area should implement the department and unit leadership responsibility system under the leadership of the local people's government. Preventing and fighting forest fires, Protect forest resources It is the duty of every citizen.
The Regulations on Forest Fire Prevention have been revised and adopted at the 36th Executive meeting of The State Council on November 19, 2008, and have been implemented since January 1, 2009.
There are many cases of fires caused by smoking and throwing unextinguished cigarette butts carelessly newspaper The most typical example is the Greater Khingan Mountains forest fire in May 1987. The fire caused a total loss of 6.913 billion yuan. Later, it was found that the huge forest fire, the initial five fire points, four were artificially caused, two of which were ignited by three "smokers" cigarette butts.

Fire type

Generally divided into surface fire, Crown fire and Underground fire Three kinds.
surface-fire : The fire spreads along the surface of the forest, burning ground cover, damaging young trees, shrubs, underwood, burning the base of large tree trunks and the roots of outcrops. The general temperature is about 400 ° C, and the smoke is light gray, accounting for about 94% of forest fires. According to its spreading speed and harmful nature, it is divided into two categories: rapid surface fire spreads fast, usually up to several hundred meters per hour to more than a thousand meters, the burning is uneven, often leaving unburned plots, which is less harmful. Burnt land Elongated oval shape or downwind spread triangle ; A steady fire that spreads slowly, usually only a few dozen meters per hour, consumes all ground cover, shrub Lower-level branches are also burned, burning time is long, high temperature, serious damage, the fire is oval.
Crown fire : Fireedge crown Spread, mainly caused by surface fires under the action of strong winds. It's destructive. It burns Needle leaf Branches and ground cover, the general temperature of 900-1500℃ or even higher, the smoke column can be as high as several thousand meters, often occur flying fire, smoke is dark gray, not easy to fight, accounting for about 5% of forest fires, mostly in long-term drought coniferous forest, general broadleaf forest does not occur. They are divided into two categories according to their spreading speed and degree of harm. Sharp crown fire also known as Raging Fire The spread speed is fast, the flame jumps forward, the tailwind can reach 8 to 25 kilometers per hour, the canopy fire often leaves the surface fire far behind, forming two fires up and down, and the fire is a long oval. The canopy fire is also known as the burning fire, the spread speed is slow, the tail wind is 5 to 8 kilometers per hour, the canopy fire and the surface fire, go hand in hand, most of the fuel in the forest is burned, is the most serious kind of forest fire. The burn area is oval. Due to the high temperature and smoke of the crown fire, the progressive crown fire and the steady crown fire can not be extinguished, only with the help of Natural environment Such as rivers, streams, gullies and other environment artificial opening Isolation strip To prevent the spread of fire, is also the most harmful forest fire, the most casualties of the fire. Most of the casualties of firefighters in fighting forest fires come from the crown fire. Due to the influence of terrain and wind direction, the crown fire changes from the ordinary crown fire to the steady crown fire and the sudden crown fire, and the flame of thousands of degrees is generated Heat wave Nearby can only survive 7.5S-18S, a little distance from the place is easy to be burned by the heat wave, the smoke caused by suffocation is also one of the main causes of casualties.
Underground fire Also known as peat fire or humus fire. Fire in the woodlands Humus layer or Peat bed In the burning, the surface can not see the flame, only smoke, spread slowly, only 4 to 5 meters per hour, long duration, can last for a few days, months or longer, can be burned to the mineral layer or underground water layer. Destructive, can burn all peat, humus and roots in the soil, and is not easy to extinguish. Patches of falling wood often appear after a fire. It accounts for about 1% of forest fires. The fire was circular in shape. It occurs in particularly dry areas The coniferous forest Inside.
95% of the world's forest fires are moderate and weak, easier to control and fight, about 5% of forest fires and large fires are difficult to control and fight, for all countries in the world Forest management A major issue to be solved urgently.
trunk Fire: Use the trunk separately Blackening height The fire intensity and the number of insect infestation were changed by 1 yuan Linear regression analysis The results showed that there was a correlation between them and the number of insect pests Linear relationship The linear relationship between fire intensity and the number of insect pests is more significant.

Forest fire

Forests are part of nature, and where there are forests, there is life. Among the many natural factors that affect forest, fire has the most serious impact and destruction on forest. Studies have shown that much of forest ecology depends on fire, and that fire has had a much longer history of impact on forests than people have had on forests. From the energy point of view, forest growth is Solar energy conversion One of the ways energy accumulates, energy accumulates to a certain extent will be released.
Fire is as much a factor in forest ecosystems as water, soil, trees, and animals. Use of plants in the forest photosynthesis Convert solar energy into Chemical energy Fire, on the other hand, is the rapid release of a large amount of energy in the forest ecosystem Material sum Energy cycle Part of it. The effects and effects of fire on forests and forest environments are multifaceted, sometimes transient and sometimes long-term. After the fire the forest environment and microclimate Changes have taken place because the woodland is bare, sunlight Shoot straight, Soil surface temperature As you increase, the humidity decreases. Forest fire Not only change Forest structure And will cause other Ecological factor The reallocation of the impact Forest plant community The change.
Forest fire
Studies at home and abroad have shown that the effects of fire on forests are summarized as Harmful effect And beneficial effects, fire has two properties. The harmful effect generally refers to the harm of forest fires to the ecosystem, and forest fires destroy forest ecology Ecosystem balance It is difficult for forest ecosystems to recover after fires, such as high-intensity and large-area forest fires Forest resources And the entire forest ecosystem can cause devastating losses, even worse to residents' property, transportation, Atmospheric environment And have an impact on People's Daily life, therefore, forest fires not only ruthlessly destroy all kinds of creatures in the forest, destroy Terrestrial ecosystem And the huge smoke produced by it will seriously pollute the atmospheric environment and directly threaten human beings Living condition Moreover, it takes a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to fight forest fires, which brings huge losses to the lives and property of the country and people, disrupts the economic and social development of the region and the order of people's production and life, and directly affects social stability. Nowadays, all countries in the world take large-scale forest fires as major natural disasters to prevent and control. From the perspective of disaster, forest fire is a kind of natural disaster caused by man-made and natural factors out of control. Beneficial fires can promote the healthy development of forest ecosystems, such as low-intensity fires and fires Campfire Let's wait. Beneficial burning can release the energy of forest ecosystem slowly and promote forest ecosystem nutrient Conversion and species renewal are beneficial to the health of forest ecosystems, and forests are easy to recover after fire. People often use the beneficial effect of fire to carry out planned and purposeful fire, fire has become a tool for human management of forests. For example, use Planned burning Forest fuel reduction and pest control Damage caused by rats Promote forests Natural regeneration ; proceed Make mountains for afforestation Or by fire Forest tending Fire can also be used to promote shrub growth and improve Wild animal The habitat. The dual properties of fire are still in the research stage, and there are still many debates at home and abroad. It is worth mentioning that the fire is caused by small fire, so all countries in the world put the initial small fire as the key to forest fire prevention, for the beneficial aspects of fire conclusions and views are mostly limited to the fire after the fire Investigation and research .

Historical disaster

Since 1950, there have been 13,067 forest fires in China every year, affecting 653,019 hectares of forest land and causing 580 casualties. Before 1988, 15,932 forest fires occurred in China every year, affecting 947,238 hectares of forest land and causing 788 casualties (including 678 injured and 110 killed). Since 1988, an average of 7,623 forest fires have occurred nationwide, affecting 94,002 hectares of forest land and causing 196 casualties (142 injured and 54 dead), down 52.2 percent, 90.1 percent and 75.3 percent, respectively.
Inner Mongolia During the 11th Five-Year Plan period, 589 forest fires occurred in the region, affecting 78,000 hectares of forest land. In 2010, there were 88 forest fires in the region, affecting 8559.1 hectares of forest land. It occurs all over the region Prairie fire 77 cases, affecting 56,000 hectares of grassland. In 2010, 13 grassland fires occurred in the region, affecting 407.7 hectares of grassland
2021, China annual A total of 616 forest fires occurred, causing casualties Forest area About 4,000 hectares.
In 2023, a total of 328 forest fires occurred in China, mainly in Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Guangxi and Yunnan provinces (autonomous regions), resulting in two deaths. A total of 15 grassland fires, mainly in Inner Mongolia, killed one person. The number of forest and grassland fires was at a historic low, and the number of forest fires and grassland fires decreased by 77.5% and 46.8%, respectively, compared with the average of the past five years.

Fires in Europe

The year 2005
On August 4th, Portugal A serious forest fire broke out in 31 places and spread to 11 administrative regions. The fires have burned more than 130,000 hectares of forest land.
August 7th, southern Spain Jaen Casorla National forest park Fires broke out and more than 5,100 hectares of trees were burned.
The year 2006
On August 4th, in northwestern Spain Galicia A serious forest fire broke out in the autonomous region. The fire lasted 12 days and destroyed about 65,000 hectares of forest.
The year 2007
In July, continuous high temperatures caused extensive forest fires in southeastern and southern Bulgaria. The ongoing fires have destroyed 636.2 hectares of forest.
On July 27th, Spain Canary Islands Two wildfires have destroyed at least 24,000 hectares of forest and forced more than 10,000 people to evacuate their homes.
August 20, southern Ukraine Kherson Oblast A fire broke out in the Kardash forest area and lasted several days, destroying more than 3,600 hectares of forest. On August 24th, Greece The Peloponnese A massive forest fire has raged for 10 days, burning thousands of hectares of forest and killing at least 64 people.
The year 2008
On June 9, a severe forest fire broke out in southern Norway, burning for several days and destroying more than 4,000 hectares of forest.
The year 2009
July 31, Spanish resort The island of La Palma At least 2,000 hectares of forest have been burned and about 4,000 people have been evacuated.
August 21, in the Greek capital Athens A huge forest fire broke out in the northern mountains. The fire has burned more than 48,600 hectares.

Chinese case

1. At around 12:30 on February 12, 2009, Fujian (Province) province Three kinds of brightness The city Sha County Takasa Tangye Sudden forest fires, which spread rapidly due to high winds, Mountain fire It has spread to seven villages and burned more than 2,000 acres of forest. Fujian Province All kinds of professional forces are being organized to fight and rescue the fire, and more than 800 people have been transferred, and relevant departments have not received reports of casualties.
2. 16 o 'clock, February 11, 2009, Hunan Jinjing town, Changsha County Xinsha Village New estate The forest fire caused by the villagers burning the field ridge, by more than 500 local cadres and people, by 5 o 'clock on the 12th, the fire was fully controlled, and the fire area was about 12 hectares. Kaneji Tang Yang, deputy director of the government comprehensive management Office, organized Other personnel He died in the line of duty when he was surrounded by fire.
3, February 12, 2009, 11 noon, Hubei Xianning A forest fire broke out in Qianshan Forest Farm, and by 1:30 PM, the fire area had exceeded 500 mu. Because Xianning city public security, fire, forestry, electric power and other departments and nearby hundreds of villagers timely rescue, quickly put out the fire, no casualties. According to the police, the fire was caused by villagers cutting down the road below the mountain weed After the burning, the villager has been detained by the police, and the total area of the fire in the Qianshan forest farm is still under investigation.
4. Around 14:00 on February 12, 2009, Sichuan Province Luzhou The city Xuyong county Baila Township, Chishui Town , Houshan Town , Guanxing township , Majungcheng , Shuiliao township and Gulin county Deyao Town , Masheng Township Forest fires broke out successively in nine townships of Jianzhu Township. At about 4:30 on the 13th, the fire was completely extinguished, and there were no casualties among the people near the fire and the people fighting the fire. Luzhou City Emergency office Said that the forest fire Xuyong County fire area of 1150 acres, Gulin county fire area is still under verification. Preliminary analysis shows that the forest fire was caused by farmers using fire in the field. Xuyong County two production with fire (burn Plant ash The suspect has been Public security organ Control. Local organizations are cleaning up open fires to prevent them from reigniting. The area and cause of the fire are under investigation.
5, February 12, 2009 at around 4 PM, Guizhou Bijie The city Haizi Street Town Pengjiazhai village and Xuantai town Fujiagou Village Forest fires have occurred in the territory, and the forest fires have caused two deaths and two injuries among local villagers. As of 23:20 on the 12th, the forest fire in Pengjiazhai Village has been put out, and local firefighters are still fighting the forest fire in Fujiagou village.
6, February 12, 2009 afternoon, Yunnan Zhaotong The city Yiliang , Zhenxiong , the mark, Yanjin County Forest fires or forest fires occurred in more than a dozen townships in 5 counties. Because the local wind is very strong, reaching seven, and the mountain is high and steep, rescue personnel can not get close to the fire is difficult to control, coupled with the fire occurred in the forest area or local traffic communication is extremely inconvenient, and even no road or road Communication dead zone Therefore, the rescue is extremely difficult. As soon as the fire broke out, the area was activated Emergency plan Organized more than 300 people to Luokan Township, more than 1,000 people to dike The forest farm carried out the rescue. As of about 9:30 on the 13th, the incident occurred in Yiliang county Small Caoba Township and Zhenxiong county The forest fire in Luokan Township was basically extinguished. At 9:50 a.m., local rescue crews are at Clean up a fire Until the fire is completely extinguished. National Forest Fire Prevention Headquarters Office Deputy Director, State Forestry Administration Forest Public Security Bureau Affected by persistent drought in some places and freezing rain and snow in the south, most parts of China suffered in the spring of 2009, said Du Yongsheng, head of the bureau Forest fire danger level Continued to rise, some areas appeared the highest in history Forest fire insurance Has already happened Extraordinary forest fire The material and weather conditions, fire prevention situation is extremely severe.
7, March 30, 2019 at 5:00 PM, Sichuan province Liangshan Prefecture Muli county Yalong River Town Forest fire broke out in the village of Lier. 31 afternoon, fire action, sudden The forest fire exploded Thirty people fighting the fire are missing. On April 1, the bodies of all 30 missing personnel were found, including 27 forest firefighters and 3 local fire fighting personnel. [2]
8. 15:51, March 30, 2020, Sichuan Province Xichang City Forest fire in direction of Ma On Shan. As of 16:00 on the 31st, the fire has burned more than 1,000 hectares and destroyed more than 80 hectares. At 1:20 am on the 31st, a sudden change in the wind direction caused the death of 18 firefighters and a guide, 3 firefighters were injured, and 19 martyrs have been declared martyrs [3-4] .
  • Disaster statistics
According to preliminary statistics, 527 forest fires occurred in the first three quarters of 2021, affecting 2,628 hectares of forest and killing 15 people, according to the Ministry of Emergency Management. The temporal and spatial distribution of forest fires is concentrated. From the time point of view, the forest fires mainly occurred from January to April; From the regional point of view, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangxi, Hubei 7 provinces (districts) are forest fire prone areas. [6]
In 2023, a total of 328 forest fires occurred in China, mainly in Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Guangxi and Yunnan provinces (autonomous regions), resulting in two deaths. A total of 15 grassland fires, mainly in Inner Mongolia, killed one person. The number of forest and grassland fires was at a historic low, and the number of forest fires and grassland fires decreased by 77.5% and 46.8%, respectively, compared with the average of the past five years.

Laws and regulations

On October 26, 2020, The General Office of the State Council Notice of The General Office of the State Council on printing and distributing the National Forest and Grassland Fire Emergency Plan Published and implemented. This plan applies to events occurring within the territory of China Forest grassland fire Coping with work. According to victimization Forest steppe Area, casualties and direct economic losses, forest grassland fire is divided into general forest grassland fire, large forest grassland fire, major forest grassland fire and especially major forest grassland fire four grades, the specific classification standards according to the relevant Laws and regulations Execute. This plan consists of National forest grassland fire prevention headquarters The office is responsible for the explanation. [1]

World record

Largest forest fires (single point fires) : Historical fires are also difficult to compare with each other, but two stand out as the biggest forest fires:
  1. 1.
    On June 1, 1950, scrap timber in British Columbia, Canada, started the Chinchaga Fire, which quickly escalated. On October 31, it spread into Alberta, where rain and cooler weather put it out. About 1.2 million hectares of forest have been lost.
  2. 2.
    The Greater Khingan Mountains forest Fire of 1987 destroyed pine forests similar in size to the Chinchaga fire. Between May 6 and June 2, 1987, fires raged in the Greater Khingan Mountains in northeast China, crossing the border into the Siberian region of the Soviet Union (now Russia). (Guinness World Records) [5]