East longitude

[dōng jīng]
Geographical concept
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East longitude is short for East longitude. From 0° longitude ( The prime meridian The longitude measured in the east is called East Longitude, referred to as "East longitude". Symbol "E" [1 ]
Chinese name
East longitude
Foreign name
The east longitude
Full title
East longitude
Since the 0° longitude easterly longitude
Corresponding noun
West longitude


East longitude
Longitude refers to the longitude plane through a place and Prime meridian plane resultant Dihedral Angle . in The prime meridian East longitude is called east longitude, in The prime meridian The west is called the west longitude, the east longitude is represented by "E", and the west longitude is represented by "W". The eastern and western hemispheres are composed of two longitude lines, 20 degrees west and 160 degrees east Beam winding for Parting line , divided into eastern and western hemispheres.

Calculation method

Each degree of longitude is divided into 60 degrees Minute of arc Each minute is divided into 60 seconds. A longitude therefore generally looks like this: 23°27 '30 "east. More precise longitude positions in which the second is expressed as a fractional fraction, such as 23°27.500 'E, but also use degrees and its fractional value: 23.45833° E. Sometimes the West longitude is written as a negative number: -23.45833°. Occasionally, however, people write the East longitude as a negative number, but this is quite unusual.
The longitude of a place is generally the same as its longitude Coordinated universal time There are 24 hours in a day, and a circle has 360 degrees, so the Earth rotates 15 degrees per hour. So if a person's Local time If it's three hours ahead of UTC, then it's about 45 degrees east. However, because of the political factors involved in the division of time zones, a person's time zone does not necessarily match the above calculation. But by measuring local time a man can figure out the longitude of the place where he is. To calculate this data, he needed a clock indicating coordinated universal time and needed to observe pairs Sun Go by meridian The time of day. Since the earth is in one Elliptical orbit The calculations and observations are more complicated than those described above.