Flag of the Argentine Republic

The symbol used in the Argentine Republic
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synonymFlag of Argentina(Flag of Argentina) Generally the flag of the Argentine Republic
The flag of the Argentine Republic is Argentine Republic The national flag of... The flag of the Argentine Republic is rectangular in shape, with a length to width ratio of about 5:3. From top to bottom, it consists of three parallel and equal horizontal rectangles of light blue, white and light blue, and in the middle of the white rectangle is a round of "May sun". [1]
The flag of the Argentine Republic is composed of Manuel Belgrano Created by the general in February 1812; In 1813, the flag was officially adopted as the national flag of the Argentine Republic. [2]
The light blue and white in the flag of the Argentine Republic, the light blue symbolizes justice, and the white symbolizes faith, purity, integrity and nobility. "May Sun" symbolizes freedom and dawn. [1] [3 ]
Chinese name
Flag of the Argentine Republic
Foreign name
Argentina national flag (in English)
La bandera de Nacional de la Aregentina (in Spanish)
Pattern composition
Horizontal, solar style
Length-width ratio
Color composition
Light blue, white, yellow
Service time
1813 -
Country of use
Argentine Republic

Generation background

The blue and white colors in the flag of the Argentine Republic are based on the blue and white ribbon symbols worn by the people of Buenos Aires during the two anti-British struggles in 1806-1807 May Revolution Designed with the same symbol worn by Chinese patriots. The yellow sun on the flag is based on the sun rising in the east on May 25, 1810, when the patriots presented to the City Council their proposals and lists for the organization of the local government. [2]

Establishment process

In 1806, Buenos Aires The colours of uniforms worn by the Civic Volunteers against the British invaders were blue and white. The victory over the British strengthened the national consciousness of the Argentine people, and blue and white became the symbol of patriots.
May 25, 1810," May Revolution After the victory, a flag was created by Belgrano, the leader of the independence movement; On 20 June of the same year, the first flag-raising ceremony was held at the artillery position along the Passach River, where Berlangno and the soldiers of the artillery position saluted the flag and took an oath.
In February 1812, the Argentine Provisional Government held a National Assembly in Tucuman and formally adopted a resolution to adopt the flag designed by Berlangno, plus the sun symbol of truth, dignity and prosperity as the national flag. As a result, General Manuel Berlangno officially created the flag.
In 1813, the blue and white flag was officially adopted as the national flag of the Argentine Republic.
On July 9, 1916, Argentina declared its independence. On September 9 of the same year, when the Argentine Republic was proclaimed, the flag was raised. Since then, the blue and white flag has been officially recognized as the national flag of Argentina.
On June 8, 1938, Congress of Argentina Pass a bill to determine the creator of the flag Manuel Belgrano The day of the general's death is National Flag Day and a legal holiday.
In 1957, the Argentine government was in the birthplace of the flag Rosario The city was built National flag monument And the National Flag Memorial. Among them, the National Flag Monument is considered one of the largest monuments in the world.
Since 2011, the National Flag Day holiday of the Argentine Republic cannot be changed in accordance with the national decree. [1-2] [3 ] [4-9]

Design element

  • Flag design
The flag of the Argentine Republic is rectangular, from top to bottom, composed of three parallel equal horizontal rectangles in light blue, white and light blue. In the middle of the white rectangle is a round of "May sun" with eight shield gold coins and eight real silver coins. The sun is golden, and 32 curved and straight light lines are distributed equidistant along the circumference of the sun. [8] [10] [14 ]
Flag of the Argentine Republic

Symbolic meaning

Blue (light blue) and white in the flag of the Argentine Republic are the symbols of the resistance of the people of Buenos Aires against the British invading army, and are one of the national symbols of Argentina, light blue symbolizes justice, and white symbolizes faith, purity, integrity and nobility. The "May Sun" pattern represents the "May Revolution" as if the clouds were lifted to the sun, starting the Argentine movement for independence, and the second represents Inca culture The Sun God also symbolizes freedom, dawn and the future. [1] [3 ] [13-14 ]

Principle of use

  • Laws and regulations
In the Argentine Republic, desecrating the national flag is punishable by one to four years in prison. According to a law of the Argentine Republic on "insulting the national flag, the national anthem and the national emblem", if a person does not stand up during the playing of the national anthem, that person is to be arrested. [11]

Cultural characteristics

  • Festival activity
The National Flag Day of the Argentine Republic is celebrated on June 20 every year in honor of the national flag of the Argentine Republic. National Flag Day is celebrated throughout Argentina on this day, when students in grade 4 of primary school swear an oath to the national flag. In addition, on this day, military and political dignitaries will participate in commemorative activities at the National Flag monument and memorial Hall, and the army will hold a flag-raising ceremony at the station and swear allegiance to the national flag. [3 ] [6] [12]