Ashikaga Yoshimitsu

Muromachi shogunate's third general
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Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (あしかが よしみつ; September 25, 1358 - May 6, 1408), The Muromachi shogunate Third term General Levy Yi , juvenile name King of Spring . His father was the second general Ashikaga Yoshiaku , [10] The mother, Kirako, is Ashikaga Yoshiaku's side room.
After five years of Zhenji (21 years of Zhengping, 1366) Emperor of Light Given the name of Yi Man, he succeeded Zheng Yi General at the age of 11, [11] After taking office, he fully demonstrated his leadership and ruling ability. Vinh Hoa Four years ( Ordained by heaven Four years, 1378) emigrated Kyoto Muromachi, officially known as the Muromachi shogunate, is also known as Muromachi period The pioneer of... The Fifth Year of Yonghe (1379) Donghai region strength daimyo Toki Ryoku Mingde two years (Yuan eight years, 1391) town dress Shanyin place guardian daimyo Yamana Shi Kiyoshi To deter other guardian daimyo. [1] The Three years of Mingde (1392) ended The Northern and Southern Dynasties The split situation, the completion of national unity, became the most prosperous Muromachi shogunu founder.
In the fifth year of Mingde (1394), let the military post to his son Ashikaga Yizhi, became a monk, the legal name Luyuan yuan Tianshan Daoyi, [2] The real power of the public and the martial family remained in hand. Should Yong Yong six years (1399) subdue the last powerful guardian Daimyo Ochi Yoshihiro, making his authority infinitely greater. [1] In the economic aspect, in addition to the prosperity of the domestic commodity economy, efforts to develop Tomorrow's trade . Ying Yong eight years (1401), sent Zua and Fu Fu to Ming, in the imperial letter of the Ming Zheng New Year, tributes, to establish tomorrow's trade relations. [3] Ming Dynasty Chengzu Upon his accession, it was established Prospecting and cooperation trade Official trade relations of tomorrow. [2] This trade relationship continued for nearly a century and a half.
He died suddenly in 1408, aged 51, and was buried Xiangguo Temple The Deer Garden. Posthumously from the court." The Deer Garden is too much for the emperor ", Ashikaga Yoshiki in General Spoy The temple rejected the title, but the temple accepted it.
Note: Ashikaga Yoshimitsu portrait from Luyuan Temple collection. Chronological method (the year number of the Northern Dynasty outside the brackets, the Southern Dynasty inside)
King of Spring , Muromachindome , Morality (legal name) [11]
Muromachi period
Ethnic group
Place of Birth
Date of birth
September 25, 1358
Date of death
May 6, 1408
Major achievement
Unify the Northern and Southern Dynasties; Building the Golden Pavilion Temple; The great daimyo, such as Toki and Ochi, was the most powerful in Ashikaga's time [4]
Ashikaga Yoshimitsu
Kagaonen Taiko Emperor
Ashikaga Shogunate



Successor general

Positive thirteen years ( A surname 1358) Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was born, who happened to be his grandfather at the time A surname The hundredth day after his death. His father was a Muromachi shogunate second-generation general Ashikaga Yoshiaku His mother is Kiriako, the side room of Ashikaga Yoshiaku. Because Ashikaga Yoshimitsu moved the house to the North Lane Muromachi, so the world also called it "Muromachi Temple". When Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was young, The Muromachi shogunate with The Southern Dynasties The war continues. View disturbance (Elimination of the full family Ashikaga Naoyoshi Civil unrest) After that, the struggle for power within the Muromachi shogunate became more intense. Losing ground in the struggle for power Hosokawa Kiyoshi Such powerful generals have defected to the Southern Dynasty.
Positive 16 years ( Kangan First year, 1361), guided by Kiyoshi Hosokawa Nanmu Zhengyi Led by the Southern army captured Kyoto, the young Ashikaga Yoshimitsu to go Norisuke Akamatsu City of residence Borak country White Banner City Take refuge. The following year, the Muromachi shogunate and the Northern Army retook Kyoto, and Ashikaga Yoshimitsu passed by on his way back to Beijing Settsu State A place of Could be Nizaki ) He marveled at the local scenery and ordered his ministers to carry the scenery back to Kyoto. My courtiers were astonished. Twenty-two years ( Sadaji Six years, 1367), his father Ashikaga Meaning and interpretation The shogun was succeeded by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, who died at the age of 10.
The twenty-third year of Zhenghei (the seventh year of Sadaji, 1368) was held Beginning of assessment The fourth month of the lunar calendar Genbu , in order to Pipe collar Yoshiyuki Hosokawa for A surname . Be formally awarded General Levy Yi At the age of 11. [10] Since Yi Man was young, Hosokawa One door took over the power of the Muromachi shogunate. Hosokawa Yoshiyuki implementation Dafa should be safeguarded , strengthened the dominance of the land, and against Kyoto and Kamakura the Gozan The system was reformed and the rule over religion was strengthened. At the same time to the south circle of influence Kyushu Island dispatch Sadase Imagawa (Ji Jun), Ochi Yoshihiro This weakened Southern rule in these areas. Three years in the paper ( Ying An Seven years, 1374), Ashikaga Yoshi Mitsuying Aiko Hino For his wife.

A very important minister

In the 25th year of Shohei (1370), the shogunate, in order to strengthen the control of Kyoto, gave the imperial court to the Yamamoto Gongman (1370). Yanli Temple And the forces under their domination). In the fourth year of the Heavenly Mandate (the Fourth year of Yongwa, 1378), Ashikaga Yoshimitsu moved to Muromachi Palace of Flowers The residence is called Muromachiden. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu served in the third lunar month of the Fourth year of the Heavenly Mandate (Yonghe Fourth year, 1378) Big right guard Five months later, double Great power speaks Be affected by Guan Bai Two good foundations He took an active part in court affairs.
Palace of Flowers
It happened the next year Xingfu Temple The monks carried it Haruhi Daisha the Sacred wood Enter Beijing urge The event of... Because Haruhi Taisha is Fujiwara Home temple, in the Fujiwara minister is very afraid, dare not enter the palace to serve. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu thinks he is Genji Posterity, still as before. Thereafter Ashikaga Yoshimitsu supported the court and severely cracked down on the forces of the temple community. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu surpassed his grandfather and father, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, and was promoted successively Naiji and Left minister .
The second year of Honghe (Yongde, 1382), The Emperor Yuanrong Abdicated, pro-righteous full Emperor Komatsu Enthrone. After Yuanrong although nominally opened Insei But the real power belongs to the righteous man. The Third year of Hirowa (1383) was served by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu Genji elder , part-time Jun and the scholarship house don't play Be sealed." Three queens He became the leader of the forces of both the public and the Wujia, and there was almost no opposition to Ashikaga in the court. In the Third year of Hirowa (1383), Ashikaga Yoshimitsu established a dojo for his own meditation practice, the Kukonen Courtyard, within the Sangkokuji Temple. The Lord of the house was appointed to the Sangha of the ages, to rule over the five mountains, the ten temples and the streams, and to be in charge of personnel.
In the second year of the Yuan Dynasty (to the second year of Toku, 1385), Ashikaga Yoshimitsu visited the shrine Todaiji He Xing Fu Temple. Yuan five years (Jiaqing two years, 1388) tour Fujiyama . In the sixth year of the Middle of the Yuan Dynasty (the third year of Jiaqing, 1389) An Yi the Itsushima Shrine Etc. The series of inspections also bolstered his authority.

Break one by one

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu's second move to consolidate the shogunate regime was to eliminate the powerful daimyo Of the forces, first and foremost Tsuki . Tuqi Lai from far away Emperor Guangyan Beheaded for shooting with a bow, nephew Toki Ryoku Inherit and serve afterwards Mino Protection. "View should be disturbed", soil Qi Ryokan took the Muromachi Muromachi house head, and concurrently Ise and Owari Two guardian, became the following Yamana Shi, Toyuki Sasaki After the strength of the guardian. Ashikaga began his plan after the death of Yoshiichi Tsukii at the age of seventy. The guardian of The Three Kingdoms of Toki Ryoku was succeeded by his adopted son Toki Yasuyuki, but Ashikaga Yoshimitsu gave the post of guardian of the tail to Toki Manchu, Ryoku's son. But when full Zhen went to the end of the Zhang country to take office, was blocked by Kangxing son-in-law Quan straight, the soil Qi family began to split and produce internal strife, and this is what the full want to see.
Institutional setup of the Muromachi shogunate
Ashikaga Yoshimitsu sent an army to aid Manchu, and as a result, in the seventh year of Motoku (1390), Toki Yasuyuki was defeated, and his protection of Mino and Ise was taken away. The guardian of Mino was succeeded by the younger brother of Rykang, Tuki Rytadashi, and the guardian of Ise was appointed by Hitoki Managa. Although Toki was soon restored to the Ise guard, he lost his position as Toki's leader. After that, the end of full Zhen Zhang guardian was also recovered, appointed to Spoo's . Soil Qi fell a nest egg break the end, full of virginity is just full of split soil Qi a chess piece. Historically known as" The Toki Rebellion ".
Yamana The fall of the clan is the same as that of the Toki family. When the Yamana family submitted to the shogunate, it was named Damba, Danhou, Inwata, A surname , Mimasaka The Five Kingdoms. After Shi's death, the office of guardian was assumed by his son. Soon after, Yamana won again Danma , Izumi , Kii Izumo, Oki, Bygo Six guardian, so Yamana family occupied Japan's sixty-six guardian of eleven countries, so it is called "six points of the crowd."
As early as in the sixth year of the Yuan Dynasty (the first year of Kangying, 1389), Ashikaga Yoshii Manchu Shi Yi died, and began to divide the forces of Yamin. First order concubine system of the Qing and full lucky attack when Xi and the family. However, soon enough Ashikaga righteousness full to occupy the emperor's territory crime to expel full lucky Kyoto In favor of Shi Xi and Shi Zhi. To be full of luck feel wrong, to unite the family to fight it out with righteous full is already too late, the division of the family is irreparable. Shi Qing, full luck led the army in Kyoto infield and the shofu army launched a war, the result ended in failure. In the end, only The Three Kingdoms of Danma, Bojain, and Inwata remained under the protection of the Yamana family. This is the famous" The chaos of virtue ". [5]

Unification of the north and the south

Negotiations for the reunification of the North and South began in the autumn of the 21st year of Zhenghei (the fifth year of Zhengji, 1367), when the main character of the activities was Michiyuki Sasaki and Nanmu Zhengyi But ended in failure. In the ninth year of the Middle Yuan Dynasty (Mingde three years, 1392), The Southern Dynasties The power of the Southern and Northern Dynasties is declining, and the unification of the Northern and Southern Dynasties has become an inevitable thing. in Ochi Yoshihiro Under the intermediary, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu negotiated with the Southern Dynasty.
In October of the ninth year of the Yuan Middle School (the third year of Mingde, 1392), Adkaga Yoshimitsu, with Ochi Yoshihiro as the intermediary, promised the following three conditions for peace as the premise to achieve the unification of the North and the South, which had been divided for more than half a century. These three conditions are: first, the symbol of the royal power of the three artifacts 后龟山天皇 转交后小松天皇。第二,从今以后后龟山流与后小松流轮流继承皇位。第三,各国土地归属后龟山流所有,而拥有庄园百余所的长讲堂领地归后小松流统治。 [10] 以上三个和平条件北朝方并不知晓,很有可能是足利义满的独断。况且,从一开始义满就压根儿没想过要付诸履行。这其实是后龟山天皇屈服于势力强大的幕府之结果。 [5]
然而,在北朝 后小松天皇 得到三个神器后,宣布由自己的皇子 实仁亲王 继承皇位。被夺去了神器的南朝也只能屈服于北朝的统治。


室町幕府要确立全国性的统治地位,如何削弱或夺取北朝的权力无疑是一项重要课题。当时的北朝掌握着统辖 寺社 和公家的大权。因此,幕府通过建立自己的机构和相关法令,夺取了 京都 市内的维安权、民事裁判权以及市场课税权。对于足利义满来说也许并不满足于此,历来怀疑其有狼子野心即怀有篡夺皇位之阴谋。在此,暂且不下结论,先看一下当时义满的一些行为举止。
明德五年(应永元年,1394年)年末,升任 太政大臣 的义满要求诸位大臣对其行上皇礼。 [9] 翌年正月,当 关白 一条经嗣 去室町殿筹备太政大臣拜贺会的供品时,对义满执以“院”礼。所谓的“院”是指 上皇 法皇 或者太后居住的地方,显然这时已经出家的义满把自己摆在了法皇的座次。应永十三年(1406年)十二月二十七日,后小松天皇的母亲藤原严子(通阳门院)去世,按理后小松应该服丧一年,这在日本称为“谅闇之仪”。但是义满以一代天皇不宜两次服丧为理由,让后小松天皇认自己的妻子 日野康子 为干娘(准母),这样自己也就顺理成章地当上了天皇之父。在应永八年(1401年)向明朝派遣使节, [9] 递呈 明朝 的国书中自称“日本准三后某”即由此而来。
明德五年(应永元年,1394年),37岁的义满将将军一职让位给了成人的长子 足利义持 (1386-1428), [10] 而将本来预定出家 比睿山 延历寺 的次子 足利义嗣 还俗。义满特别钟爱精通乐理的次子足利义嗣。为了能让足利义嗣跻身 公家 的顶层社会,应永十五年(1408年)二月至四月期间,义满采取了一系列异常的大手笔。首先,二月策划“童殿上”成功。所谓的“童殿上”即让未成年的公卿子弟上朝侍奉天皇,这其中主角当然是义嗣。这种“童殿上”在日本历史上只有两次,另一次就是平安时代后期的藤原忠实。三月四日未成年的义嗣叙勋从五位下。同月的八日至二十八日,後小松天皇巡幸北山殿,义嗣独得日夜侍奉之机。期间的二十四日晋升正五位下的左马头(官营牧马场长官),回宫前的二十八日升至从四位下,二十九日委任以左近中将。四月二十五日,义嗣以亲王之礼在宫中举行了成人仪式,随后加封为从三位参议。短短的两个月不到的时间里,义嗣成功跻身公家顶尖行列。此外,据说义满打算让义嗣成为后崇光院的养子,然后再逼迫后小松天皇让位。可以说,义满为儿子篡夺皇位之梦只有一步之遥了。 [5]


南北统一六年后的应永六年(1399年),足利义满的矛头指向了尾大不掉的 大内义弘 明德之乱 后,大内氏已是周防、长门、石见、丰前、和泉、纪伊六国守护,而且还掌管贸易港口堺市,控制着 濑户内海 的东西航路。此外,大内氏主张自己是 百济 王族的后裔,并以此为理由向 朝鲜王朝 要求赐予自己朝鲜国内的土地。这一切都让足利义满甚为警戒。
让足利义满对大内义弘产生不满的最初原因,据说是大内义弘拒绝出资和出力修建义满新的政治中心即北山第。被义满削去和泉、纪伊两国守护的大内义弘,毅然举起了反旗,联络对义满怀恨在心的今川了俊、镰仓公方的足利满兼、 山名氏清 之子时清等反戈一击,结果义弘本人在堺市战死。而其弟弘茂愿意追随幕府,因而受封周防、长门两国守护。这在历史上称之为“应永之乱”。自此足利幕府的统治势力延伸至西端。 [5]


应永 十五年(1408年)5月6日,足利义满突发疾病死去, [10] 享年51岁(足49岁)。法名鹿苑院天山道义。其遗骨在 等持院 火化,葬于 相国寺 鹿苑院 。死后朝廷追赠他“鹿苑院太上法皇”的称号, 足利义持 斯波义将 的强烈反对下辞退了这个称号。但相国寺则接受了这个称号,称之为“鹿苑院太上天皇”。
足利义持与足利义满在对朝廷、对公家、对守护大名和对明朝贸易等很多方面持相反的意见。因此义满逝世后,其政策大部分被义持废除。北山第除了金阁以外的建筑也被义持拆毁。义满偏爱的次子 足利义嗣 被迫出奔,被义持以谋反罪杀害。义嗣的子孙逃往 越前 ,成为世代的 鞍谷公方
此后,第六代将军义教曾恢复其政策,但在 嘉吉之乱 中为 赤松满祐 所暗杀,改革停止。而第八代将军 义政 也曾试图恢复其政策,但因 应仁之乱 的爆发而失败。




  • 修建御所
永和四年(天授四年,1378年)三月,足利义满从三条坊门殿搬迁至在建的北小路室町,这个新官邸称之为“花亭”、“花之御所”或“室町殿”。 [9] 到永德元年(弘和元年,1381年)才完工,室町幕府的名称就是从此而来。在这里,足利义满接待了以后圆融天皇为首的公卿贵族,成功闯入尊氏、义诠没能深入的公家世界。他不仅参加朝仪节会(天皇宴会),而且还十九次担任节会负责人,花押也由武家式样改为公家式样。此外,还出任淳和院和奖学院的别当(寺务总管),完成了贵族化的蜕变。极尽奢华的义满,除了正妻之外,还拥有众多小妾和女官,此外还养了十多名男童。虽然在当时的文献中没有明确记载义满有同性恋倾向,但现代学者大多持肯定意见。
  • 巡游地方
足利义满对地方势力采取打压与怀柔同时并举的方法。自至德二年(元中三年,1385年)八月开始至明德元年(元中七年,1390年)九月的五年时间里,频繁出游全国各地,包括奈良的兴福寺、纪伊的高野山和粉河寺、骏河富士山、四国赞岐和伊予、安芸严岛神社、周防窑户关和备后、越前气比神社等地,其中巡视奈良前后达八次之多,会见了细川赖之、大内义弘、山名时熙等大名,对各地势力进行摸底和威慑或相互牵制。其实,在一般百姓之间,“巡礼富士山可以见到神佛真身”的这种山岳信仰,在室町时代已经形成一种社会思潮。所以不仅义满借故出游富士山,之后的六代将军足利义教也巡幸富士山,当然他们是打着旅游的幌子而真正的目的是要实现自己的政治企图。 [5]


1379年,反对 细川赖之 派的守护大名 斯波义将 土岐赖康 包围了义满的邸宅,要求罢免赖之。因此赖之被免去了 管领 一职,以斯波义将代之。( 康历政变 )此后幕府中的人事全被斯波一派取代,斯波义将下达了讨伐赖之的命令。但足利义满却在翌年以赖之是元老为由赦免了他,让细川和斯波两派并存互相牵制,借此增强了将军的权力。1390年土岐赖康死后, 美浓国 土岐氏 陷入了内乱,义满下令讨伐土岐氏( 土岐康行之乱 )。
1391年,足利义满又介入了 山名氏 的内部纷争。当时山名氏兼任11国守护之职,时人称为“六分一殿”。义满巧妙地让 山名氏清 起兵,同年12月派兵讨伐他,史称 明德之乱


足利义满在任期间,一直非常期望 同明朝进行贸易 。自1374年起曾数次向明朝派遣 使节 。1374年和1380年,足利义满以“日本 征夷将军 源义满”的名义向明朝 朝贡 ,要求与明朝贸易。然而明朝拒绝了室町幕府的要求,理由是明朝认为“ 大觉系 ”的“日本国王怀良”(或作 良怀 )才是日本正统君主,而“ 持明系 ”则是乱臣。足利义满是“持明系”的军官,更不应与之通交。因此在 明太祖 在位期间,明朝拒绝了同室町幕府的贸易。
1401年,足利义满又以“日本国 准三后 源道义”为名,遣 博多 的商人 肥富 、僧人 祖阿 赴明朝。当时 怀良亲王 势力衰落, 建文帝 封义满为“日本国王”,并要求足利义满取缔 倭寇 。在使者返回日本之际,明朝发生了燕王 朱棣 夺位的 靖难之变
明成祖朱棣夺取帝位后,派遣使臣分赴四方。永乐元年(1403年) 琉球 、日本、 暹罗 各国使节到中国朝贡,建立了宗藩与册封关系。1404年,足利义满又遣使赴明,贺册立皇太子。当时 对马 壹岐 一带的倭寇骚扰明朝沿岸,明成祖要求足利义满进行抓捕。义满发兵歼灭倭寇,献倭寇首领20人。足利义满频频入贡,同时受明朝封赏,与明朝正式建立了外交关系。明朝对日本颁发 勘合符 (一种类似存物牌的证明),日本以属国的名义对明朝进行 朝贡贸易 。明朝赐足利义满“ 日本国王 ”金印一枚,足利义满回书自称“日本国王,臣源义满”,日本正式承认自己为中国的藩属国,从此之后,直到明朝灭亡,中国一直是日本的名义宗主国。
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In 1397, Nishien Temple home Dedicating the "Kitasandi" of Kitasandi in Kyoto to Yoimitsu. There, Yi Man built a mountain resort, called the "North Mountain Hall", centered on the Temple of Seri. Later, the North Mountain Hall was transformed into Luyuan Temple . The culture of this era was a blend of Takeka, Koji and Zen cultures, known as Beishan culture .

Historical evaluation

  • Inoue Kiyoshi "History of Japan" : Ashikaga Yoshimitsu wished to become Emperor Taikai, or preferred the Ming emperor to call him King, probably because he felt the need to obtain authority from outside. But the Muromachi shogunate did not become stable, even though it was given more or less the authority of ancient and foreign dynasties. On the contrary, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu's attitude deepened the instability of the shogunate. [6]
  • Wu Tingchyou " History of Japan ": When the third generation general Ashikaga Yoshimitsu ruled, it was the strongest period of Ashikaga shogunate... However, its position was not stable, and even during the Yoimitsu period, the Muromachi shogunate never achieved the degree of centralization that the Kamakura shogunate did. [1]
  • "The Grand Palace: A History of the Japanese Emperor's Family" : Minjo Megeno, three generations of the Kamakura shogunate, was a very good singer, but a little inadequate as a politician... Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, three generations of the Muromachi shogunate, and Tokugawa Iemitsu, three generations of the Edo shogunate, were excellent politicians. [7]

Character dispute

Tanaka Yoshinari , Akira Imani Some scholars think Ashikaga Yoshimitsu has the intention of usurping the imperial throne; And influenced by this statement, the writer Shiogoro Kaiyinji , Motohiko Izawa Some believe that Yi Man was assassinated by the royal family to prevent his usurpation.
Japan Cong Heian period During the Muromachi era, there was a song called" Mustang Tai poem 's Prophetic poetry . Legend has it that this poem was written by China South dynasty beam The eminent monk of the period Bao Zhi Zen Master What was done later by Envoy to the Tang Dynasty The best is the best To Japan. The poem reads:
Ashikaga Yoshimitsu
Donghai Ji's country, a hundred generations of natural work. Right division for the auxiliary wing, Heng main Jianyuan work. At the beginning of the new law, the end into ancestor worship. This branch week heaven and earth, king and minister will always be. When the valley fills the fields and the sun goes away, the fish fly. Ge after fighting, neutrino Sun Chang. White dragon tour lost water, embarrassment urgent send the old city. Yellow chicken for people to eat, black rats and cattle intestines. After the Dan water, the destiny of God in the three. When the hundred Kings are exhausted, the ape dog is called a hero. The stars fly in the wild, the bells and drums in the loud country. Green hills and red earth, the vast empty.
This prophetic poem predicts the demise of the Japanese emperor when it reaches the 100th generation, and apes and dogs disrupt the world, which is the famous" Theory of hundred Kings ". The Emperor Yuanrong He was officially the 100th emperor at the time; Kanto Kamakura Public Ashikaga Mitsuru The zodiac was monkey, and Ashikaga Yoshimitsu himself was a dog, so Yoshimitsu had suspected that he and Ashikaga Yoshimitsu would replace the emperor's world, and consulted on the issue of "100 Kings" Fang Cheng Junren , Kanatsu Yoshida The answer is "hundred means many."
Although the prophetic poem is now considered a forgery, historical records suggest that Ashikaga may have intended to usurp the throne. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu gave his own sign Fall into warrior Use and public use two, its successor Yasuko Hino be Emperor Komatsu ennoble mother-to-be (a position equivalent to that of the emperor's mother), she was given the title "Hokusanwon" just like women of the imperial family. The power of worship and appointment of personnel in the imperial court was under the jurisdiction of Ashikaga Yoshimanu, and Yoshimanu used it when visiting the palace and visiting the temple emperor Equal treatment.
In 1408 ( Ying Yong 15) In March, Emperor Komatsu came to the residence of Yoshimanu Kitashanti Then Ashikaga filled the place where he sat tatami It was a 繧 misplaced green pattern that only the Emperor and Emperor could use at that time. In April, the second son of Yi Man Adopted son In palace Genbu Time enjoyed prince The treatment. Thus it can be seen that Ashikaga Yoshimitsu had the ambition to usurp the imperial throne, and accepted the "Ming Dynasty" award. Kings of Japan The title was an attempt to disguise the Ming Dynasty as foreign aid, and was also a link in the usurpation plan. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu planned to force Emperor Komatsu to take the Zen throne, so that his son Ashikaga Yoshihito would succeed him as emperor, and he would rule Japan as King of the heavens. However, at that time, the prince's diary did not find the biggest obstacle to Ashikaga Yoshimitsu's usurpation plan - the crown prince Prince Khunen The relevant records.
Since Ashikaga Yoshimitsu's power was already completely over the emperor, the emperor became a puppet; Moreover, Yi Man had the intention of usurping the throne, so the court decided to eradicate it and sent someone to poison Yi Man to death. Motohiko Izawa It is believed that the assassin is likely to be a figure close to Eui-man Seami and Two good foundations . In addition, it may have been the shogun of the time Ashikaga Yoshiki Because the righteous man loved the brother of the Righteous Ashikaga Yoshiji This makes the status of righteousness threatened and feel very uneasy.
However, there is no evidence that Eui-Man was assassinated in his diary at that time, so there is no direct evidence. And Izawa Motohiko believes that the reason why the court posthumously gave Ashikaga Yoshimitsu after his death" Taiami Emperor The title is to calm down the resentful spirit of the assassinated Righteous man. [8]

Interpersonal relationship



Father: Ashikaga Yoshiaku (2nd generation General)
Mother: Kirako (side room)


Wife: Aiko Hino ( Hino Time Mom)
Wife: Yasuko Hino ( Yoshiyasu Hino Female)
Side Room: Keiko Fujiwara (An Yi Fayan Niang)
Ashikaga Yoshiki (Four generations of generals)
Ashikaga Yoshinori (6 generations of generals)
Woman (into the river Temple Sage)
Side Room: Kaga Bureau (Chang-fast Fa-Yin Female)
Mamitsu (Tomoyama Kiyoshi)
Man (Kota Wakami)
Side Room: Haruhi Bureau (Suetsu Nobuo)
Side room: Ningfu Yuan Hall
Woman (Takakuwon Seihisa)
Side Room: Fujiwara quantum
Side Room: Fujiwara Seiko
Kaji Yoshige
Side Room: Master of Kyungyun Nunnery (daughter of Oimu Midomon)
Woman (Illuminati Yukyu)
Side Room: Takahashi Hall
Side room: Ikejiri Hall
Tiger Mountain Yonglong
(The following are children whose birth mothers are unknown)
Buddha of Renhe Temple
Daikyoji Yoshiaki
The hospital is fully guarded
Mibuchi Shikiyoshi
Woman (Fahwa Temple Zunshun)
Woman ( hexonophora Concubine)
Woman (Ingestion house owner)
Woman (Master of Baojing Temple)
Sambowon is full of benefits

Film and television image

A given year
Film and television
It's called Hong Zijie